Citologia Veterinaria
Citologia Veterinaria
Citologia Veterinaria
i n Vet e r i n a r y
Medicine: A
Comparative and
A p p ro a c h
a, b
Leslie C. Sharkey, DVM, PhD *, Maxey L. Wellman, DVM, MS, PhD
Cytology Neoplasia Infectious disease Evidence-based
challenges for veterinary cytopathologists. In this review, the authors share some of
these diagnostic challenges by focusing on selected neoplasms and infectious
diseases that are unique to animals and/or that provide important examples of
comparative disease relevant to humans. The authors hope to emphasize both the
important contributions of medical pathology to veterinary pathology and the impor-
tant role and knowledge base of veterinary clinical pathologists in making cytologic
diagnoses in animals. Where possible, the evidence available for the diagnosis and
classification of these disorders is presented, and areas are identified where additional
research is needed.
Transmissible Tumors
Only two known naturally occurring malignancies can be transmitted by direct engraft-
ment of neoplastic cells between tumor-bearing individuals, and both affect animals:
canine transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) and Tasmanian Devil facial disease (TDFD).
Canine TVT is commonly observed on the face and external genitalia of dogs in
populations where there are large numbers of sexually intact, free-roaming animals.
Diagnostic Cytology in Veterinary Medicine 5
Fig. 1. Transmissible venereal tumor from the prepuce of a dog. Note the round-cell
morphology, clear cytoplasmic vacuoles, and moderate anisokaryosis. The cell of origin of
this sexually transmitted neoplasm unique to dogs remains uncertain (Wright Giemsa stain
100 oil immersion).
6 Sharkey & Wellman
The cell of origin has recently been reported to be a Schwann cell.40 The cells are
biologically aggressive in this rapidly progressive and fatal disease, which may be
transmitted by bite wounds. In contrast to TVT, in which more severe disease is
observed in immunocompromised individuals, Tasmanian Devils that succumb to
TDFD are generally immunocompetent. The precise reasons for the difference in
biologic behavior of the two tumors have not been completely elucidated; however,
MHC complexes have low levels of sequence divergence in Tasmanian Devils, which
may allow allograft transmission.
Fig. 2. Canine cutaneous histiocytoma from the forelimb of a dog. These benign neoplasms
usually regress spontaneously, and sometimes are associated with a lymphocytic infiltrate
(Wright Giemsa stain, 50 oil immersion objective).
Diagnostic Cytology in Veterinary Medicine 7
Fig. 3. Histiocytic sarcoma in a dog. (A) Cytophagic cell in the spleen and (B) cellular pleo-
morphism in the bone marrow (Wright Giemsa stain, 100 oil immersion objective).
Fig. 4. Metastatic melanoma in fine-needle aspirate specimens of canine lymph nodes. (A)
Highly pigmented melanoma cells and abundant background pigment granules are
admixed with small lymphocytes (Wright Giemsa stain, 50 objective). (B) An amelanotic
melanoma with marked cellular pleomorphism and no apparent melanin pigment. Cell
origin was verified by immunohistochemical staining for S-100 and Melan A (Wright Giemsa
stain, 100 oil immersion objective).
organs. In contrast, horses with nondilute coat color can have benign or malignant
melanomas that are randomly distributed. Recently, a rare equine melanocytic tumor
resembling human intradermal common melanocytic nevi, cellular blue nevi, and
combined cellular blue nevus has been described.45
Certain breeds of dogs have higher (eg, Vizsla, Schnauzer, Chesapeake Bay
retriever) or lower (eg, Siberian husky, Old English Sheepdog, Bichon Frise) statistical
risk of developing melanocytic tumors. In all dogs, benign lesions tend to occur in the
skin and are often black, whereas malignant lesions tend to occur in the oral cavity and
nail bed and have variable pigmentation. Prognosis depends on both the anatomic
location of the lesion and the degree of differentiation.46 Cytologically, well-differenti-
ated melanomas consist of numerous round to polyhedral cells with abundant melanin
pigment and small condensed and uniform nuclei. The less differentiated and more
malignant forms are highly variable cytologically. Malignant melanocytes generally
have marked cellular pleomorphism and can resemble round cells, epithelial cells,
or spindle cells. Pigmentation ranges from heavy to a barely perceptible light-gray
dusting in isolated cells. Nuclei are often large, with marked anisokaryosis, variable
nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios, and large prominent nucleoli (Fig. 4). As in humans,
balloon cell variants of melanoma are rare but have been described in dogs and
cats. These variants are difficult to distinguish cytologically from other cell types
with abundant clear cytoplasm, such as sebaceous cell carcinoma and liposarcoma,
and special stains or ultrastructural studies may be needed for definitive diagnosis.47
Fig. 5. Squamous cell carcinoma of the pharynx of a dog (Wright Giemsa stain, 50 oil
immersion objective). Cohesive clusters of polygonal to angular cells are visible, some of
which appear to be keratinizing.
Mycobacteria include several groups and individual species of organisms that vary
markedly in host affinity and pathogenicity. In cytologic specimens, these organisms
appear as negatively stained intra- and extracellular rods with Romanowsky stains,
10 Sharkey & Wellman
but are red to magenta when stained with acid-fast stains (Fig. 6). Acid-fast staining of
cytologic specimens from infected tissues can be helpful in making a rapid presump-
tive diagnosis of mycobacteriosis. Mycoplasma infections in animals cause broncho-
pneumonia, pulmonary nodules, and hilar lymphadenopathy, although granulomas in
other tissues and disseminated disease also can occur. Several mycobacteria have
zoonotic potential, and recognition of infection is important for prognosis, treatment,
and prevention (see the article by Carolyn Cray elsewhere in this issue for further
exploration of this topic).
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a highly pathogenic organism for which human
beings are the only reservoir host.50 Infections in dogs and cats are examples of
anthroponoses because the source, replication, and primary means of transmission
occur in humans; spread of this organism from dogs or cats back to people has not
been reported. Although the prevalence of human and animal infections with M tuber-
culosis has been decreasing in many developed countries, prevalence has been
increasing in underdeveloped countries, and in some countries wildlife has become
endemically infected from close contact with human habitats, serving as reservoirs
for further human infection.50 The majority of reported canine cases of tuberculosis
are caused by M tuberculosis, likely acquired from inhalation of microorganisms in
households shared with tubercular people. The cytology of lesions involving the lungs,
tracheobronchial lymph nodes, and pleura is characterized by a mixed population of
inflammatory cells that includes vacuolated histiocytic cells containing acid-fast
bacilli. The characteristic multinucleated Langerhans cells seen in tubercular lesions
in people are seen less commonly in dogs.51
Infection in people and domestic animals with Mycobacterium bovis is rare, due to
successful eradication programs in ruminants; however, wildlife hosts have become
a reservoir of infection in some areas. Tuberculosis from M bovis is endemic in
white-tailed deer in the northeastern portion of the lower peninsula in Michigan, and
domestic cats have been infected with this organism by ingestion of tissues from
infected deer.52 Calcospherites and granular caseous debris have been described
in a dog with M bovis infection, similar to what has been described in people with
M tuberculosis infection, but have not been described in other types of mycobacterial
infection in dogs and cats.53
Other mycobacterial species often are referred to as atypical mycobacteria. Most of
these organisms are ubiquitous and potentially pathogenic. Mycobacterium avium
infections are common in wild, domestic, and captive birds, but are rare in mammals.
Siamese and Abyssinian cats, Basset Hounds, and Miniature Schnauzers may be pre-
disposed to infection with an opportunistic group of mycobacteria called M avium-
Mycobacterium intracellulare.5355 In humans, these mycobacteria usually infect
only immunocompromised individuals. There is no other evidence of spread of these
particular mycobacteria from people to animals or animals to people.50 Cutaneous
lesions characterized by neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells
caused by rapidly growing mycobacteria species such as Mycobacterium fortuitum,
Mycobacterium chelonei, and Mycobacterium smegmatis have been described in
dogs and cats,22 and infection with M fortuitum transmitted by bites from domestic
animals has been reported in people.56 M avium subsp paratuberculosis causes
a chronic inflammatory intestinal disease in cattle called Johnes disease, and has
been implicated as a cause of Crohn disease in people.57
Mycobacteria that infect animals but not people include Mycobacterium lepramae-
murium, which causes murine leprosy, and an unnamed mycobacterium that causes
canine leproid granuloma.58 Feline leprosy syndrome can be caused by several
species of mycobacteria, including M lepramaemurium in cats that become infected
after being bitten by an infected rodent.50 Lymphadenitis and peritonitis caused by
Mycobacterium xenopi infection have been reported in a cat,59 and systemic myco-
bacteriosis due to Mycobacterium marinum complex has been reported in Xenopus
frogs.60 Rapid identification of mycobacteria using cytology is integral to minimizing
zoonotic risk and further spread of disease. In addition to acid-fast stains, other stains
such as auramine O/acridine orange fluorescent staining have been used to detect
mycobacteria. However, none of these stains is as sensitive as immunohistochemical
or PCR analysis in detecting infection.61
Cryptococcus is a dimorphic fungus that exists in the yeast phase in tissues. The
wide capsule is a critical virulence factor but also is important in recognition of the
organism in cytologic specimens.68 The yeast is round and 4 to 40 mm in diameter,
depending on the width of the capsule, which appears clear with routine Romanowsky
stains. Narrow-based budding of the organism may be apparent and is important for
differentiating Cryptococcus from Blastomyces sp in cytologic specimens (Fig. 7).69
New methylene blue and India ink may be used to enhance visibility of the capsule,22
which may be distorted with routine Romanowsky stains. Poorly encapsulated Cryp-
tococcus strains are more difficult to recognize in cytologic specimens, and may
resemble Sporothrix schenckii or Histoplasma capsulatum. Infection may be associ-
ated with granulomatous or pyogranulomatous inflammation, although there may be
minimal inflammation in some animals. Eosinophilic pleocytosis has been described
with meningoencephalitis caused by C neoformans infection.70 A negative cytologic
examination does not exclude a diagnosis of cryptococcosis. A sensitive and specific
latex agglutination test to detect the capsular antigen in serum is commercially avail-
able, and has been used to monitor response to treatment.70
Sporotrichosis occurs most commonly in dogs and cats, and can be transmitted to
immunocompromised human hosts. Infection is caused by S schenckii, a dimorphic
fungus that occurs as a yeast form in tissues and a telomorph form in soil and on
bushes and trees.71 Infection of both animals and people most often is caused by
skin wounds infected with contaminated soil or plant material, resulting in cutaneous
lesions that can progress to lymphadenitis or occasionally systemic infection. Cats
with sporotrichosis often have multiple draining lesions that typically contain
numerous organisms; these facilitate cytologic diagnosis but can be an important
source of zoonotic infection for people, even in the absence of a skin-penetrating
lesion.71 Transmission from dogs to people is less likely because dogs have fewer
lesions with fewer organisms. Cytologic preparations of lesions caused by S schenckii
are characterized by a mixed cell population of neutrophils, macrophages, lympho-
cytes, and eosinophils, and may contain numerous (cats) or rare (dogs) intra- and
extracellular and intracellular yeasts. The organisms can occur extracellularly or within
neutrophils and macrophages.71,72 With Romanowsky stains, the yeast organisms are
round, oval, or cigar-shaped, 3 to 5 mm wide and 5 to 9 mm long (Fig. 8).69 The
Fig. 7. Cerebrospinal fluid from a cat. A single Cryptococcus neoformans organism with
a wide, nonstaining capsule is surrounded by neutrophils, large mononuclear cells, and
lymphocytes (Wright Giemsa stain, 100 objective).
Diagnostic Cytology in Veterinary Medicine 13
Fig. 8. Impression smears from an ulcerated lesion on the nose of a domestic shorthair
kitten. Numerous cigar-shaped Sporothrix schenckii organisms can be seen within macro-
phages. Several neutrophils also are present, consistent with pyogranulomatous inflamma-
tion (Wright Giemsa stain, 100 objective).
Fig. 9. Impression smear of lung parenchyma from a cat with Toxoplasma gondii infection.
Several crescent-shaped tachyzoites can be seen inside a macrophage (long arrow) and
several extracellular tachyzoites are also present (short arrows) (Wright Giemsa stain,
100 objective).
disease in animals and people. Ehrlichia chaffeensis can infect multiple species79,80
and is considered an emerging infection in people.81 Ehrlichia canis and Ehrlichia
ewengii can infect dogs and people. The small coccoid bacteria occur intracellularly,
in clusters called morulae, which sometimes can be detected in peripheral blood
leukocytes or cells in aspirates of infected tissues. In dogs with E canis, infection
morulae are detected in lymphocytes and monocytes in peripheral blood and lymph
node aspirates from the majority of dogs evaluated.82 In dogs with E ewengii infection,
morulae have been identified in neutrophils, peripheral blood, and synovial fluid.80
With routine stains, morulae are tightly to loosely packed round, purple, mulberry-
like granular structures, one to several micrometers in diameter, within a vacuole
(Fig. 10).7982 Although the cytology of the morulae is characteristic and offers a rapid
Fig. 10. Synovial fluid from a mixed-breed puppy with Ehrlichia ewingii infection. The
neutrophil contains an intracellular morula (Wright Giemsa stain, 100 objective).
Diagnostic Cytology in Veterinary Medicine 15
In this article the authors provide a historical perspective on the development of veter-
inary cytology and brief context in comparison with human cytopathology. Veterinary
cytopathologists must consider several unique entities such as directly transmissible
tumors, as well as extensive species and breed differences in prevalence and diag-
nostic factors, for a variety of neoplastic and infectious diseases common to animals
and humans. Similar to human cytopathology, advances in molecular diagnostics
contribute to increasing the utility of cytology as a sole diagnostic modality. As both
human and veterinary cytopathology evolve, clinicians continue to strive for a rigorous
evidence-based approach to best serve their patients.
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