Chitosan Nanoparticles For Loading of Toothpaste Actives and Adhesion On Tooth Analogs
Chitosan Nanoparticles For Loading of Toothpaste Actives and Adhesion On Tooth Analogs
Chitosan Nanoparticles For Loading of Toothpaste Actives and Adhesion On Tooth Analogs
ABSTRACT: Delivery and sustained release of tooth- ticles showed good stability in toothpaste lixivium after
paste actives is an important but unexplored area. In this incubated at 608C for 30 days too. By contrast, the chito-
work, chitosan nanoparticles were prepared by a water-in- san/cetylpyridiniumchloride nanoparticles were easy to
oil emulsion/glutaraldehyde crosslinking method. The form occules in the toothpaste lixivium. The loaded
typical number average diameter of chitosan and tooth- toothpaste actives showed a sustained released behavior
paste active (cetylpyridiniumchloride and NaF) nanopar- for at least 10 h. All the particles could adhere onto the
ticles was within the range of 100500 nm. The particles tooth analogs such as hydroxyapatite discs and glass slides
increased their size at higher pH value. The morphology, in a simulated brushing and rinsing process. In vitro cell
adherence, and stability of these nanoparticles were inves- culture did not nd any cytotoxicity of the as-prepared
tigated by scanning electron microscopy, transmission elec- chitosan nanoparticles. 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl
tron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Polym Sci 106: 42484256, 2007
The size of the chitosan/NaF nanoparticles was doubled
after they were stored at 48C for 20 days, and then kept Key words: adhesion; chitosan nanoparticles; emulsion
constant till 251 days, the examined time so far. These par- crosslinking; toothpaste actives
is one of the best candidate materials as delivery ve- for the toothpaste actives, exemplied here with NaF
hicle for toothpaste actives. and CPC. Different from the reported methods for
Nowadays, chitosan and their derivative materials, the chitosan nanoparticle fabrication, we adopt here
in particular with a format of particles, have been a water-in-oil emulsion dispersion technique, which
diversely employed in the eld of drug delivery. produces more stable chitosan nanoparticles against
Various methods such as emulsion crosslinking,6,7 agglomeration. The adhesion, drug loading, and
ionotropic gelation,810 emulsication/solvent evapo- release of the chitosan nanoparticles shall also be
ration,11 spray drying,12 and coacervation/precipita- presented.
tion13,14 have been developed to prepare the chitosan
microparticles. For example, Thanoo et al. prepared
chitosan microspheres (425600 lm) by glutaralde- MATERIALS AND METHODS
hyde crosslinking of an aqueous acetic acid disper- Materials
sion of chitosan in parafn oil.6 The highly cross-
linked microspheres showed a slower release rate Chitosan (Mn 5 620 kDa, degree of deacetylation
whereas the less crosslinked ones showed a faster 5 90%, viscosity 5 115 cps) was a commercial prod-
rate observed in simulated gastric and intestinal u- uct of Haidebei Halobios. (Jinan, China). Cetylpyri-
ids. He et al. prepared both uncrosslinked and cross- diniumchloride (CPC), NaF, and Crest toothpaste
linked chitosan microparticles (210 lm) by a spray (containing NaF and SiO2 particles besides toothpaste
drying method for H2-receptor antagonists.12 The basic components) were kindly provided by P&G.
positively charged microspheres are benecial of (Guangzhou, China). Glutaraldehyde (25% solution)
enhancing the mucoadhesion, enabling them suitable and lysozyme were of biological grade. HA discs
for delivery of drugs via the gastrointestinal or nasal were from Hitemco Medical Application, USA. Bo-
routes of delivery. The mucoadhesive properties of vine serum albumin (BSA) and fetal calf serum (FCS)
the microspheres can be mediated by the prepara- were purchased from Sijiqing Biotech (Hangzhou,
tion parameters. For example, at a lower crosslinking China). Dulbeccos minimum essential medium
degree, both the particle size and the mucoadhesive (DMEM) was purchased from GibcoBRL. All other
properties were improved. Chitosan microparticles chemicals were of analytical grade and used as
(2030 lm) have also been prepared by a water-in- received. The water used in all experiments was tri-
vegetable oil emulsion coalescence technique, using ple distilled.
metal ions as the chelating reagents.15
Because of the special smooth characteristic of
Preparation of the chitosan nanoparticles
tooth surface, the microparticles show very poor ad-
hesion property. More recently, nanoparticles have The chitosan nanoparticles, either loaded with drugs
brought much attention in virtue of their large drug or not, were prepared by an emulsion dispersion
loading capacity, good adsorption performance, and technique. In a typical experiment, in a 250 mL
long shelf life. Several techniques have been devel- round-bottom ask 100 mL olive oil was mixed with
oped to prepare chitosan nanoparticles. On the basis 1 mL Span 80 and 0.25 g magnesium stearate at
of the ionic gelation of chitosan with tripolyphos- room temperature. Four milliliter of 1% chitosan
phate anions, the chitosan nanoparticles and copper- solution in 3 vol % acetic acid was diluted to 20 mL
loaded nanoparticles were prepared.16 Antibacterial with water (nal concentration 2 mg/mL), which
studies showed that the nanoparticles could in- was then poured into a ask. The mixture was
hibit the growth of various bacteria, most probably stirred at 450 rpm for 1 h with a mechanical stirrer
following a mechanism of membrane disruption to form a water-in-oil emulsion. 0.5 mL of 3.1% glu-
and leakage of the cellular proteins. Ultrane chito- taraldehyde solution was injected into the mixture to
san nanoparticles were also prepared in an AOT crosslink the chitosan molecules and stabilize the
(sodium bis(ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate)/n-hexane chitosan nanoparticles. Two hours later, the tempera-
reverse micellar system and crosslinked by glutaral- ture was improved to 408C by a water bath. Under
dehyde.17 After intravenous injection the nanopar- agitation at 400 rpm the reaction was continued for
ticles could circulate in blood and distribute in the 6 h. After the oil layer was separated, the pH value
bone marrow. of the water phase was adjusted to 8 by 0.1M
Up to present, however, the chitosan nanoparticles NaOH under vigorous agitation. The water phase
are scarcely applied as delivery vehicle for tooth- was then centrifugated at 3000 rpm to remove the
paste actives. Besides the physical adsorption of the unreacted chitosan and bigger particles. Finally, the
chitosan molecules on the tooth surface, the very supernatant was adjusted to neutral pH and stored
small size of the chitosan nanoparticles benets the at 48C. The drug-loaded nanoparticles were similarly
adhesion too. Therefore, in this study, we make use prepared by using a chitosan solution containing the
of the chitosan nanoparticles as the delivery vehicle drugs.
Figure 1 (a) SEM, (b) TEM, and (c) SFM images of chitosan nanoparticles. (d) Line prole recorded at the place shown
in (c).
The morphology of the nal products was observed cultured with the nanoparticles for 48 h. After
under SEM. washed with PBS to remove the remaining glutaral-
dehyde, the samples were dehydrated with a graded
series of ethanol. Then the samples were further
Biocompatibility of the chitosan nanoparticles dehydrated with acetone and treated with isoamyl ac-
In vitro cell culture was used to determine the bio- etate. After dried by the critical point dry method, the
compatibility of the as prepared chitosan nanopar- samples were coated with ultrathin gold layers and
ticles. Pure chitosan nanoparticles were sterilized by observed under SEM (Cambridge stereoscan 260).
UV irritation before cell culture. Human dermal
broblasts were isolated from foreskins and rou-
tinely expanded.18 The broblasts were incubated in RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
a culture medium consisting of 10% (v/v) FCS and
Morphology of the chitosan nanoparticles
90% (v/v) DMEM, supplemented with 100 U/mL of
penicillin and 100 cg/mL of streptomycin in humidi- Because of the highly sticky property of chitosan
ed air containing 5% CO2 at 378C. About 200 lL molecules, the chitosan particles, in particular in a
human dermal broblast suspension was seeded in a nanometer range, are rather easy to combine with
96-well polystyrene plate, with a nal cell number of each other. For example, the as-prepared chitosan
7.5 3 104 per well. After 24 h, 20 lL nanoparticle nanoparticles without the presence of magnesium
solution was added into each well. The nal nano- stearate formed larger particle clusters. By contrast,
particle concentration was high enough for close addition of the magnesium stearate can largely alle-
contact between the cells and the nanoparticles. The viate the agglomeration of the particles,20 resulting
culture medium was changed every 2 days. The cell in well dispersed chitosan nanoparticles [Fig. 1(a)].
proliferation was measured using methylthiazolete- The nanoparticles show more condense structure
trazolium (MTT) method.19 The absorbance was with smoother surface morphology too. Here the
recorded at a wavelength of 570 nm by a microplate nonionic emulsier, i.e. Span 80, also takes an im-
reader (Bio-Rad model 550). Three parallel experi- portant role for the particle dispersion during the
ments were conducted and data were expressed as fabrication process. On the water/oil interface, the
mean 6 standard deviation. nonpolar groups of span-80 and the lipophilic group
To observe the cell morphology under SEM, (stearyl) of magnesium stearate dip into the oil
the cells were washed with PBS and xed with 2.5% phase, while the three hydroxyls of span-80 and
glutaraldehyde in PBS at 48C for 48 h after co- COO2 of magnesium stearate insert into the aque-
Figure 2 (a) SEM and (c) TEM images of chitosan/NaF nanoparticles. (b) is higher magnication of (a).
ous phase, stabilizing the droplets. Meanwhile, the 100200 nm. Normally, chitosan nanoparticles with
charged interface can also stabilize the droplets this size tend to aggregate, leading to formation of
because of the repulsion of the same charge.21 After larger aggregates because of strong interparticle
crosslinking by glutaraldehyde, the shape and size interaction. However, as shown in Figures 1 and 2,
of the chitosan droplets are xed. Therefore, by this the chitosan nanoparticles prepared by the present
process the chitosan nanoparticles with good disper- process have rather good dispersivity, which is cru-
sivity are successfully obtained. In the following cial for delivery of drug by a mucoadhesive manner.
experiments, all the chitosan particles were fabri-
cated under the existence of magnesium stearate.
The chitosan nanoparticles were further subjected Size variation of the chitosan/toothpaste active
to TEM and SFM characterizations [Fig. 1(b,c)]. Again
spherical and well dispersed chitosan nanoparticles Measured by DLS, all the chitosan nanoparticles
can be observed, whose size is consistent with the present double peak distribution regardless of the
SEM observation (100500 nm). No severe agglomera- existence of drugs. For example, at pH 8 DLS meas-
tion of the particles was found. The line prole in ured two peaks centered at 140 and 484 nm, while
Figure 1(d) shows that the particles in dry state were the sizes increased slightly after toothpaste active
collapsed severely, leading to smaller value in height loading. Because of this nature, in the next discus-
( 40 nm) than that in width. This phenomenon is sion, we shall use only the number average diameter
very common for many soft polymeric particles, to represent the whole samples.
conveying a hint that the chitosan nanoparticles Since the charge density of the chitosan molecules
should have a rather loose inner structure. This is rea- is highly inuenced by environmental pH, the parti-
sonable since the theoretical volume in the particles cle size may also be varied accordingly. In the pres-
reaches >99% if no condensation occurs during the ent case, when the pH value was increased from pH
particle preparation. 7.18.3, the average diameter was sharply increased
The drugs loaded chitosan nanoparticles can be from 29 to 237 nm. This phenomenon is understood
similarly prepared, as shown in Figure 2. Here SEM as a result of particle coagulation because at high
[Fig. 2(a,b)] and TEM [Fig. 2(c)] images of freeze- pH the charge degree of the chitosan molecules is
dried chitosan/NaF nanoparticles are present as a reduced. The diminishing charge repulsion between
typical example. Most of the chitosan/NaF nanopar- particles will then result in particle aggregation to
ticles are separated from each other, with a size of decrease the surface free energy. Detail study of the
Figure 5 SEM images of chitosan nanoparticles with different actives adhered on HA discs (upper row) or glass slides
(lower row). (a,b) HA disc surface, (c) chitosan nanoparticles on HA disc, and (d) chitosan/CPC nanoparticles on HA
disc; (e) glass slide surface, (f) chitosan nanoparticles, (g) chitosan/CPC nanoparticles, and (h) chitosan/NaF nanoparticles
on the glass slides. Arrows indicate the particles. (i) XPS spectrum to show Cd3d5 and N1s scan of HA surface adhered
with CdCl2 stained chitosan nanoparticles.
Adhesion property of the chitosan nanoparticles of the glass slide is very smooth [Fig. 5(e)]. As
shown in Figure 5(fh), a large number of nanopar-
As a drug delivery vehicle for toothpaste actives, the
ticles can be observed on the glass slides, regardless
adhesion property of the drug-loaded particles on
of loading of the drugs.
the tooth surface is of great importance. In situ drug
To unambiguously demonstrate the adhesion of
release can be achieved only when the particles are
the chitosan nanoparticles on the tooth analogs, the
stably adhered. Here we used tooth analogs as the
surface chemistry was analyzed by XPS. The survey
substrates to qualitatively check the adhesion of the
scan spectrum of the HA disc presents the P, Ca,
chitosan nanoparticles. As shown in Figure 5(a,b),
and O. After brushing with the CdCl2 stained chito-
the surface texture of the HA disc is very inhomoge-
san nanoparticles, extra Cd and N elements can be
neous, with rough morphology and micron-sized
observed as highlighted in Figure 5(i). Their atomic
particulates. After brushing the nanoparticle/tooth-
ratios are between 1.24 and 2.31%, respectively.
paste mixture and sufcient rinsing, tiny chitosan
These results demonstrate the chitosan particles are
and chitosan/CPC nanoparticles can be identied as
denitely adhered onto the HA disc surface.
pointed by the arrows [Fig. 5(c,d)]. To further con-
rm this adhesion and avoid the interference of the
rough surface of the HA disc, planar glass slide was Stability of the chitosan nanoparticles in
toothpaste lixivium
used as a model substrate, since both kinds of mate-
rials have plenty of OH groups and electronega- The stability in the toothpaste lixivium and adhesion
tive charge. Compared with the HA disc, the surface ability after storage in the toothpaste lixivium was
Figure 6 SEM images to show the morphology change. (a) The toothpaste lixivium and (b) its adherence on glass slide;
(c) chitosan nanoparticles and (d) their adherence on glass slide after mixed with lixivium and stored at 608C for 30 days;
chitosan/CPC nanoparticles after mixed with the toothpaste lixivium for (e) 10 min and for (f) 30 days (608C); (g) chito-
san/NaF nanoparticles and (h) their adherence after mixed with the toothpaste lixivium and stored at 608C for 30 days.
qualitatively studied by SEM. As shown in Figure at 608C for 30 days [Fig. 6(f)]. These results demon-
6(a), submicron particles can be found after the lixi- strate that unlike the pure chitosan nanoparticles,
vium was dried on glass slide, which may result the chitosan/CPC nanoparticles in toothpaste lixi-
from the added salt, tiny CaCO3 particles, and other vium are unstable. CPC is a quaternary ammonium
unidentied substances. After rinsing with water, no salt having positive charge. It can chelate with sac-
particulate materials can be found [Fig. 6(b)], indicat- charides and electronegative surfactants, which are
ing that the lixivium itself cannot adhere on the exclusively included in the toothpaste. The chelation
glass slide in a particulate format. When the chitosan will then cause formation of the occules, and nally
particles were suspended in the lixivium at 608C, no precipitation of the chitosan/CPC/lixivium mixture.
precipitation was observed until 30 days. SEM also This was further conrmed by directly mixing CPC
shows no occules in the chitosan particles/lixivium and the lixivium, where precipitation occurred im-
solution [Fig. 6(c)]. After brushing and rinsing, mediately. In contrast to the chitosan/CPC nanopar-
tightly adhered particles can be still found [Fig. ticles, the chitosan/NaF nanoparticles were very
6(d)]. When the chitosan/CPC nanoparticles were stable. No detectable occules or precipitates were
mixed with the lixivium, however, occules were observed macroscopically and microscopically [Fig.
observed within 10 min, as shown in Figure 6(e). 6(g)]. Similar to the chitosan nanoparticles, the chito-
The agglomeration became even severe after storage san/NaF nanoparticles could adhere on the glass
Figure 7 (a) Cytoviability of broblasts measured by MTT assay as a function of culture time. Blank control was made
by culture medium. And TEM images of broblasts cultivated for 24 h without (b) and with (c) the chitosan nanoparticles.
slide rmly too after brushing and rinsing [Fig. respect to long term storage in both pure water and
6(h)]. Together with the loading and release prop- toothpaste lixivium. Therefore, one can predict that
erty, one can conclude that the chitosan/NaF nano- the chitosan nanoparticles have great potentials to be
particle delivery system possesses a good potential used for delivery of toothpaste actives and for in situ
for application in toothpaste. release of the actives in a sustained manner.