DiTech Orbitial System Erläuterung
DiTech Orbitial System Erläuterung
DiTech Orbitial System Erläuterung
This paper describes two advanced electronic fuel During the last 30 years or so, reductions in
injection systems for small vehicles which have recently tailpipe exhaust emissions of more than 90% have been
become commercially available. Both systems have been demanded of, and achieved by the automobile industry
designed and developed by the authors organisation. [1], with one of the most important enabling technologies
being low-cost, series-production EFI (Electronic Fuel
One of the two systems (aSDI) has been Injection).
designed and developed for 2-stroke engines and the other
(SePI) for 4-stroke engines. Both systems are intended Relative to carburetted fuel systems, the main
for application on small vehicles fitted with small 1 2 mechanisms by which EFI has helped to reduce exhaust
cylinder gasoline engines of displacement 50 250 cm3 emissions are as follows:
per cylinder. Typical examples of such small vehicles
are: ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles), auto-rickshaws, 1) Reduced wall wetting.
motorcycles, motorscooters and mopeds 1.
2) Improved fuel atomisation.
Fuel consumption and emissions results from
both systems are presented, and in both cases it is 3) Greater flexibility in A/F (Air/Fuel ratio) control, which
shown that engine-out exhaust emissions meet current in turn has facilitated:
and future limits in Europe, India and Taiwan, without the
need for exhaust after-treatment. It is also shown that Improved warm - and cold-start emissions.
both systems offer significant fuel savings relative to
Reduced transient emissions.
otherwise-equivalent, carburetted baseline vehicles.
Increased lean A/F operation.
Other important benefits of these systems which
High conversion-efficiency exhaust after-
are discussed in this paper are improved cold start and
improved driveability.
The paper also includes a short overview of the 4) Improved unit-to-unit repeatability.
performance and cost implications of both systems
relative to alternative emissions control methods. In addition to reduced exhaust emissions, EFI
has also introduced other benefits such as reduced brake-
specific fuel consumption, increased full-load output and
improved driveability [2].
In some large Asian cities, the situation is Real world fuel consumption benefit of 40%.
already more serious; the high popularity of motorcycles
Negligible exhaust smoke emissions.
in Taiwan for example, means that they are currently
believed to be responsible for approximately 30% of overall Improved cold-start.
HC and 40% of overall CO emissions [4].
Improved driveability.
Increased attention is therefore now being paid to Oil consumption reduced by more than 50%.
reducing exhaust emissions from small vehicles, and one
Oil top-up service interval increased to 4,000 km.
obvious means of achieving such a reduction is to apply
EFI technology from the automotive sector.
Figure 1 - Aprilia DITECH SR50 motorscooter
When considering the small vehicle market
relative to the automobile market however, one key
difference immediately becomes apparent; namely: cost.
This cost issue manifests itself in two very important
ways as follows:
CO emissions
* relative
Cold start
System Key
2-stroke carburettor (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) 0.0 0.0 66 Much worse
Oxidation catalyst: = 3 3 6 6 = = = 0.3 0.5 6 Worse
* Indicative cost increment only for 10,000 units per annum actual costs vary significantly from market to market
Data sources: [3], [5], [6] & [7] plus internal cost estimates
Table 2 - Comparison of different emissions control systems for small vehicle 4-stroke engines Incremental investment cost
(SAI valve inspect/clean)
Emissions durability
Fuel consumption
& CO2 emissions
CO emissions
* relative
Cold start
System Key
4-stroke carburettor (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) 0.0 0.0 66 Much worse
SAI (Secondary Air = 3 3 6 = = = 6 0.5 1.0 6 Worse
SAI + oxidation = 33 33 6 = = = 6 0.8 1.5 = Equal
4-stroke electronic 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 = 1.0 1.0 3 Better
injection (SePI):
SePI + Three-Way 3 33 33 3 3 3 3 = 1.3 1.5 33 Much better
Catalyst (TWC):
* Indicative cost increment only for 10,000 units per annum actual costs vary significantly from market to market
Data sources: [3] & [6] plus internal cost estimates
The 2-stroke and 4-stroke electronic injection * This function can be carried out by means of a
systems presented in this paper are similar in many diagnostic / service tool if required.
respects. Both are intended for fitment to 1 2 cylinder (Refer section: Diagnostics and Servicing below).
gasoline engines of 50 250 cm3 swept volume, and
consequently share many of the same components.
However, the two systems also differ in a number of
important respects, the most significant difference being Table 4 - Fuel sub-system - key components
that the 2-stroke system is a DI (Direct Injection) system,
Component aSDI SePI
whereas the 4-stroke system is a PI (Port Injection)
2-stroke 4-stroke
system system
Fuel injector 3 3
Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 list the key
components of both systems and schematic diagrams of Fuel pump 3 3
both systems are shown on Figure 2 and Figure 3. Fuel regulator 3 3
Fuel filter 3 3
Of course, DI can be applied to gasoline 4-stroke 3
Air injector
engines also; since 1996 four major auto manufacturers
Air compressor 3
have released engines of this type to the market, and
many others have indicated that they are developing Air/fuel rail 3
engines of this type for near-term market release [10]. CVP valve Optional Optional
The main driver for this change is the reduced fuel
consumption available (typically 10 20% better than an
otherwise-equivalent PI 4-stroke engine), in conjunction
with low engine-out NOx [11] [12] . In light of this Table 5 - Combustion sub-system - key components
development, a logical question is: Why not apply DI to
Component aSDI SePI
small vehicle 4-stroke engines also ?
2-stroke 4-stroke
system system
Modified cylinder head 3
Long-projection spark 3
Modified piston Optional
In the case of SePI, the fuel injector is mounted The fuel pump requirements of both systems differ
to the inlet manifold, and is aimed at the back of the inlet mainly in the pressure required for injection (refer Table 8
valve(s) in accordance normal PI design practice refer below). This difference arises from the fact that on aSDI,
Figure 8. metered fuel is delivered into the back of the air injector,
which contains compressed air held at a nominal pressure
Figure 7 Mounting of 'aSDI' fuel injector and fuel of 5.0 Bar (gauge); in the case of SePI the pressure
regulator to air/fuel rail (which also holds air injector downstream of the fuel injector is inlet manifold pressure
to cylinder head) (i.e. typically 0.7 to 0.0 Bar (gauge)).
Attribute Requirement
2-stroke 4-stroke
system system
Delivery pressure 7.5 2.5
gauge (Bar)
Delivered < 7.5 kW 7
fuelflow engines
(l/h) 7.5 15 kW 15
Voltage nominal (V) 14
Voltage range (V) 8 18 Depending upon customer preference, a cheaper,
Maximum < 7.5 kW 0.7 in-tank, turbine-style pump can be used to supply fuel to
current engines high-output (> 7.5 kW) SePI engines. However turbine-
draw (A) 7.5 15 kW 2.0 style pumps are not recommended for small / low-output
engines SePI engines, due to the relatively high current draw /
low energy efficiency associated with this style of pump.
Mounting position In-line
Table 9 below summarises the suitability of piston-style
versus turbine-style fuel pumps for various aSDI and
SePI applications.
2) Turbine-style pumps were found to be capable of Table 9 Comparison Piston-style versus turbine -
meeting the 2.5 Bar SePI fuel pressure requirement, style fuel pumps
but were unable to meet the 7.5 Bar aSDI fuel Attribute Piston-style Turbine-
pressure requirement.
pump style pump
Lower cost 3
3) A piston-style pump offers the best energy efficiency
and is the preferred way of meeting the aSDI 7.5 Bar Lower current draw 3
fuel pressure requirement as well as the 2.5 Bar fuel Suitability < 7.5 kW 3 6*
pressure requirement on small / low-output (< 7.5 aSDI engines
kW) engines. (2-stroke) 7.5 15 kW 3 6*
4) Other pump styles such as roller cell or gerotor were 3
Suitability < 7.5 kW **
found to be too expensive and/or susceptible to SePI engines
manufacturing tolerance variations.
(4-stroke) 7.5 15 kW 3 3
Figure 9 shows the external appearance of the in-line engines
version of the piston-style pump designed and developed Mounting In-line 3 Not available
by Synerject in response to the results of this study (an In-tank 3 3
in-tank version has also been designed).
* Turbine pump unable to supply fuel at 7.5 Bar.
This pump is a fully-sealed, self-priming
** Current draw > 1.0 A
electrically-driven piston-pump. The electric motor
operates fully flooded but is subjected to only tank (i.e.
atmospheric) pressure. The pumping chamber and outlet
Disc valve
Roller follower
* Re-calibrated for improved compliance with Euro I 0.1 g/km NOx limit for 2-stroke vehicles.
** Cold-start emissions limits cannot be directly compared to hot -start results presented.
*** Expected limits only refer [3].
All tests were carried out at stabilised low mileage 3) The Development version of the Small 2S engine
(typically around 500 km). was able to meet future European emissions
standards without requiring exhaust after-treatment.
Engine-out emissions are quoted in all cases (i.e. no
exhaust after-treatment catalysts were fitted).
4) Relative to the baseline carburetted 2-stroke engines,
Each result quoted has been averaged from 2- or 3-off the aSDI engines demonstrated a fuel consumption
repeat tests. saving of up to 50%.
* Baseline carburettor vehicle not tested over IDC (anticipated fuel consumption benefit 40%).
** [COPA] = Conformity of Production Allowance (relative to Type Approval emissions limit); no COPA after 2003.
*** Expected limits only Future Indian emissions limits have not yet been finalised.
HC + NOx (g/km)
2) New / more stringent emissions durability 2.0
requirements: 1.5
In Taiwan and Thailand, it is already the case that 0.5
small vehicles must meet specified emissions limits 0.0
at 15,000 and 12,000 km respectively; it is anticipated 0 15,000
that similar requirements will soon be introduced into
Distance travelled (km)
Europe, India and China.
2) Reduced unit-to-unit performance variation. A CVP (Canister Vapour Purge) valve has been
allowed for in the ECU design. Currently, a simple
Although unit-to-unit exhaust emissions scatter is and cheap On/Off driver is considered sufficient for
affected by many factors other than the fuel system this purpose; this can be upgraded to a PWM (Pulse
(e.g: engine compression ratio; squish; inlet / exhaust Width Modulated) driver if more stringent requirements
timing; etc.), based on accumulated experience in the in this area are introduced.
automobile industry, it is well known that fuel-injected
vehicles typically exhibit less unit-to-unit emissions 5) (Optional) catalyst fitment:
variation than carburetted vehicles, particularly when
an oxidising catalyst is used to control exhaust Both aSDI and SePI systems can be combined with
emissions [19]. an exhaust after-treatment catalyst if required,
thereby further reducing tailpipe HC and CO by 50%
3) Proven emissions durability. or more.
Table 18 - Vehicle driveability test results 1) Small, hand-held, low-cost electronic display.
Large 4S (150 200 cm3 4-stroke vehicle)
2) Easy-to-understand, graphic display format.
Test Carburetted SePI
vehicle vehicle
3) Display text available in various languages to suit
Cold start: 5.5 7.0 different geographical markets.
Hot start: 7.0 7.5
Warm -up: 6.5 7.5 4) Ability to display various operating parameters such
Idle: 7.0 7.5 as engine RPM, ignition angle, injection angle, etc. for
servicing purposes.
Roll-on throttle response: 7.5 7.0
Low-speed cruise: 7.0 8.0 5) Ability to undertake tests commonly required for
(10 km/h) diagnostic purposes; e.g. operate temperature gauge
High-speed cruise: 7.5 7.5 or MIL (Malfunction Indication Lamp); generate spark
(60 km/h) at spark plug; etc.
Maximum acceleration: 7.5 7.5
Overrun: 7.0 8.0 6) Ability to display any faults which are stored within
the ECU.
Average rating: 6.95 7.50
7) Ability to adjust a limited number of factory presets
(e.g. SePI idle A/F) within a safe range for the
10. DIAGNOSTICS AND SERVICING purpose of continued vehicle compliance with local
emissions standards. (This feature eliminates the
To make the servicing of aSDI and SePI need to fit a CO potentiometer to the vehicle).
vehicles as fast and simple as possible, all ECUs come
complete with a comprehensive, on-board, diagnostic 8) Ability to download software upgrades (if required).
software package. The aims of this software package are
Provide service personnel with easy access to The main aim of this paper so far has been to
necessary information. describe the current status of Synerjects aSDI 2-stroke
Provide service personnel with a simple means of and SePI 4-stroke small vehicle systems. Looking
carrying out common tests as required for the forward, planned future developments are as follows:
purpose of problem diagnosis and/or regular servicing.
1) On-going work to ensure compliance with future
Help make the transition from carburetted to aSDI- emissions standards.
and/or SePI-equipped vehicles as smooth and easy
3) Piece cost reductions through localisation. 7) Through careful analysis and understanding of future
trends in small vehicle markets world-wide (in
4) System cost reductions through improved integration particular: trends in international exhaust emissions
of the aSDI and SePI systems into the base engine standards), both aSDI and SePI have been
design. designed and developed to be future proof.
Under category 2), our intent is to broaden the By combining low cost and high performance in
range of application of aSDI and SePI to include not just this way, we at Synerject believe that our aSDI and
gasoline-powered small vehicles, but also: SePI systems truly offer an optimum emissions solution
for small, gasoline-fuelled vehicles world-wide, irrespective
Other small engines such as small outboard engines of whether a 2-stroke or 4-stroke base engine is preferred.
and those used on electrical generators and heavy-
Alternative fuels such as CNG (Compressed Natural
Below is a short description of acronyms, abbreviations
Gas) and LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas).
and other words with special definitions which have been
used in this paper.
Word / Abbreviation Meaning
The main conclusions arising from the information
A/F Air / Fuel Ratio
presented in this paper are as follows:
aSDI air-assisted Synerject
1) Significant reductions in small vehicle fuel Direct Injection
consumption and emissions are available, through Bagged (phase of Phase of drivecycle during
application of the recently introduced DI aSDI drivecycle) which exhaust emissions
system to 2-stroke engines, and PI SePI system to sampling is carried out.
4-stroke engines. CNS Chinese National Standard
CO Carbon monOxide
2) By applying these systems to contemporary-market Cold start (emissions test) Vehicle emissions test
2- and 4-stroke vehicles, current emissions limits which requires that vehicle
were met in Europe, India and Taiwan, without is started cold and that
requiring exhaust after-treatment. In most cases, exhaust emissions
future emissions limits were also met, again without sampling commences
requiring exhaust after-treatment. simultaneously with engine
3) Relative to otherwise-equivalent carburetted 2-stroke
COP(A) Conformity of Production
engines, aSDI demonstrated a fuel consumption
saving of around 40% while simultaneously meeting (Allowance)
current emissions limits. CO Potentiometer A potentiometer which can
be used by service
4) Relative to otherwise-equivalent carburetted 4-stroke personnel to adjust idle A/F
engines, SePI demonstrated a fuel consumption for the purpose of ensuring
saving of around 20% while simultaneously meeting continued compliance with
current emissions limits. legislated CO limits.
CVP Canister Vapour Purge
5) Relative to otherwise-equivalent carburetted vehicles, CVT Continuously Variable
aSDI- and SePI -equipped vehicles exhibit Transmission
significantly improved driveability. Development / Devel. Development phase
(system) (system)
6) While high-volume, low-cost automotive components
DI Direct Injection
are used wherever possible, aSDI and SePI are
more than simple adaptations of passenger-car fuel ECU Engine Control Unit
systems. Rather, both systems have been carefully EFI Electronic Fuel Injection
designed from the ground up and developed to meet EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
the cost and performance requirements of small ETB Electronic Throttle Body
vehicles world-wide. In some cases (e.g. ECU and
HC unburnt HydroCarbons
Greg Bell
Synerject Systems Integration
1 Whipple Street
Balcatta, 6021