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Advanced Electronic Fuel Injection Systems

An Emissions Solution for both 2- and 4-stroke
Small Vehicle Engines
Mark Archer, Greg Bell
Synerject Systems Integration, Balcatta, Australia


This paper describes two advanced electronic fuel During the last 30 years or so, reductions in
injection systems for small vehicles which have recently tailpipe exhaust emissions of more than 90% have been
become commercially available. Both systems have been demanded of, and achieved by the automobile industry
designed and developed by the authors organisation. [1], with one of the most important enabling technologies
being low-cost, series-production EFI (Electronic Fuel
One of the two systems (aSDI) has been Injection).
designed and developed for 2-stroke engines and the other
(SePI) for 4-stroke engines. Both systems are intended Relative to carburetted fuel systems, the main
for application on small vehicles fitted with small 1 2 mechanisms by which EFI has helped to reduce exhaust
cylinder gasoline engines of displacement 50 250 cm3 emissions are as follows:
per cylinder. Typical examples of such small vehicles
are: ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles), auto-rickshaws, 1) Reduced wall wetting.
motorcycles, motorscooters and mopeds 1.
2) Improved fuel atomisation.
Fuel consumption and emissions results from
both systems are presented, and in both cases it is 3) Greater flexibility in A/F (Air/Fuel ratio) control, which
shown that engine-out exhaust emissions meet current in turn has facilitated:
and future limits in Europe, India and Taiwan, without the
need for exhaust after-treatment. It is also shown that Improved warm - and cold-start emissions.
both systems offer significant fuel savings relative to
Reduced transient emissions.
otherwise-equivalent, carburetted baseline vehicles.
Increased lean A/F operation.
Other important benefits of these systems which
High conversion-efficiency exhaust after-
are discussed in this paper are improved cold start and
improved driveability.

The paper also includes a short overview of the 4) Improved unit-to-unit repeatability.
performance and cost implications of both systems
relative to alternative emissions control methods. In addition to reduced exhaust emissions, EFI
has also introduced other benefits such as reduced brake-
specific fuel consumption, increased full-load output and
improved driveability [2].

As a result of this reduction in automobile

exhaust emissions, it is now often smaller vehicles such
as auto-rickshaws, motorcycles, motorscooters and
mopeds which are becoming responsible for an
For reasons of convenience, these types of vehicles will increasingly significant proportion of the HC (unburnt
be referred to collectively as small vehicles in this paper. hydrocarbons) and CO (carbon monoxide) exhaust
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emissions burden in some urban environments. In the EU 1) and will soon appear on a number of other small vehicle
for example, two- and three-wheeled motor vehicles are models produced by a variety of manufacturers worldwide.
currently believed to be responsible for around 5 10% of
overall HC and CO emissions, and it is anticipated that Public response to the Aprilia DITECH SR50
this proportion will increase to 15 20% by the year 2020 motorscooter has been very positive with most significant
[3]. operating benefits being [5]:

In some large Asian cities, the situation is Real world fuel consumption benefit of 40%.
already more serious; the high popularity of motorcycles
Negligible exhaust smoke emissions.
in Taiwan for example, means that they are currently
believed to be responsible for approximately 30% of overall Improved cold-start.
HC and 40% of overall CO emissions [4].
Improved driveability.
Increased attention is therefore now being paid to Oil consumption reduced by more than 50%.
reducing exhaust emissions from small vehicles, and one
Oil top-up service interval increased to 4,000 km.
obvious means of achieving such a reduction is to apply
EFI technology from the automotive sector.
Figure 1 - Aprilia DITECH SR50 motorscooter
When considering the small vehicle market
relative to the automobile market however, one key
difference immediately becomes apparent; namely: cost.
This cost issue manifests itself in two very important
ways as follows:

1) In the small vehicle market, the maximum allowable

piece cost of an emissions reduction system, is
smaller than in the automobile market (by
approximately one order of magnitude).

2) The incremental investment cost of a new technology

which will be tolerated by the small vehicle industry is
also much smaller than in the automobile industry.

The need for cost-effective emissions solutions in

the small vehicle industry is therefore widely recognised, The 4-stroke system described in this paper is
and, as outlined in the following section, a number of due to be released to the public in 2001.
alternative low-cost strategies are currently being pursued.
The strategy detailed in this paper involves the METHODS FOR SMALL VEHICLES
application of advanced electronic injection systems:
Direct-Injected (DI) in the case of 2-stroke engines and This section includes a brief description of the
Port-Injected (PI) in the case of 4-stroke engines. main emissions reduction methods currently being used
Although higher in piece cost than some alternative and/or considered for use by the small vehicle industry.
systems, we believe that such systems offer a better The advantages and disadvantages associated with these
overall cost / benefit balance (i.e. when piece cost, various emissions reduction methods are summarised in
production cost, operational, reliability, environmental, and Table 1 and Table 2. These methods are as follows:
other issues are all taken into account).

The aims of this paper are therefore:

1) To provide a brief description of the Synerject 2-stroke

and 4-stroke fuel injection systems.

2) To present test results and other information which

help give a better understanding of the overall cost /
benefit balance offered by both systems.

The 2-stroke system described in this paper

became available to the public for the first time in June
2000 on the Aprilia DITECH SR 50 motorscooter (Figure
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Table 1 Comparison of different emissions control systems for small vehicle 2-stroke engines

Incremental investment cost

Incremental piece cost *
Specific torque & power
(catalyst aging / misfire)

(Oil / oil filter servicing)

Emissions durability
HC + NOx emissions
Fuel consumption
& CO2 emissions

CO emissions



* relative
Cold start

System Key

2-stroke carburettor (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) 0.0 0.0 66 Much worse
Oxidation catalyst: = 3 3 6 6 = = = 0.3 0.5 6 Worse

Replace with 3 6 3 3 66 = 3 6 1.0 2.0 = Equal

2-stroke electronic 33 3 3 3 = 3 33 3 1.0 1.0 3 Better
injection (aSDI):
aSDI + oxidation 33 33 33 3 = 3 33 3 1.3 1.5 33 Much better

* Indicative cost increment only for 10,000 units per annum actual costs vary significantly from market to market
Data sources: [3], [5], [6] & [7] plus internal cost estimates

Table 2 - Comparison of different emissions control systems for small vehicle 4-stroke engines Incremental investment cost
(SAI valve inspect/clean)

Incremental piece cost *

Specific torque & power
(cat. aging / tampering)
HC + NOx emissions

Emissions durability
Fuel consumption
& CO2 emissions

CO emissions



* relative
Cold start


System Key

4-stroke carburettor (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) 0.0 0.0 66 Much worse
SAI (Secondary Air = 3 3 6 = = = 6 0.5 1.0 6 Worse
SAI + oxidation = 33 33 6 = = = 6 0.8 1.5 = Equal
4-stroke electronic 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 = 1.0 1.0 3 Better
injection (SePI):
SePI + Three-Way 3 33 33 3 3 3 3 = 1.3 1.5 33 Much better
Catalyst (TWC):

* Indicative cost increment only for 10,000 units per annum actual costs vary significantly from market to market
Data sources: [3] & [6] plus internal cost estimates

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2.1 SUBSTITUTE CARBURETTED 4-STROKE The anticipated, widespread introduction of
ENGINES FOR CARBURETTED 2-STROKE emissions durability requirements and/or cold-start
ENGINES. emissions testing will make small vehicle catalyst
durability and light-off more important issues than is
Relative to carburetted 2-stroke engines, the main benefits currently the case.
offered by carburetted 4-stroke engines are:
Misfire-free operation.
This technique is now being increasingly applied
Reduced fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
to small vehicle 4-stroke engines as a means to reduce
Reduced HC emissions. CO, and to a lesser extent, HC. Usually a passive reed
valve system is used; i.e. negative pressure pulses in the
Improved driveability
exhaust system are used to draw fresh, filtered air into the
exhaust stream, immediately downstream of the exhaust
However, this is a relatively high piece and valve. The main advantage of this strategy, is that it is
investment cost strategy, which is sometimes driven more one of the cheaper ways of achieving compliance with
by the clean image of 4-strokes relative to 2-strokes, current emissions legislation if the base engine is a
rather than an objective consideration of state-of-the-art 2- carburetted 4-stroke [3] [6].
stroke and 4-stroke engine performance per se.
Potential problems with such systems include
While this substitution strategy successfully backfiring [6] and carboning of the reed valve. To ensure
eliminates the high levels of HC, smoke and odour continued system function, periodic inspection and/or
emissions typically associated with carburetted 2-stroke cleaning of the reed valve(s) is usually recommended (for
engines, the engine-out CO and NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) motorcycles: typically every 5,000 6,000 km).
emissions are usually higher, and because of the
difference in specific output between 2-stroke and 4-stroke Passive SAI is not well suited to carburetted 2-
engines, a larger, heavier and more expensive substitute stroke engine applications, due to the following reasons:
4-stroke engine is normally required to maintain an
equivalent level of performance. 2-stroke engines rely on negative exhaust pressure
pulsations to help scavenge the combustion chamber.
2.2 FIT EXHAUST AFTER-TREATMENT If these pulsations are instead used to draw fresh air
CATALYSTS. into the exhaust stream, cylinder scavenging (and
thus engine performance) can be compromised.
Because small vehicles are only responsible for a
On a carburetted 2-stroke engine, unburnt HC are
relatively low proportion of overall NOx emissions
generated mostly as a result of the intake charge
(estimated to be less than 3% [3] [4]), oxidation-only
short-circuiting to the exhaust port during
catalysts are usually fitted to small vehicle engines. In
scavenging. By definition however, this short -
the case of 4-stroke engines, these catalysts are used
circuited charge will contain both unburnt HC and
principally to control CO emissions, while in the case of 2-
unburnt air. As a result, adding extra air to such a
stroke engines they are used to treat both HC and CO
mixture achieves little in its own right.
emissions. The main advantage of this strategy, is that it
is one of the cheaper means of achieving compliance with In the case of combined SAI / oxidation catalyst
current emissions legislation, if the base engine is a systems, passive SAI can result in excessive catalyst
carburetted 2-stroke [3] [6]. temperature with reduced catalyst and muffler
durability as a result [9] .
Although attractive from the perspective of low
piece and investment cost therefore, catalysts offer no
reduction in fuel consumption or CO2 emissions, and are
susceptible to deterioration, particularly on carburetted 2-
strokes due to the large quantity of unburnt fuel and oil in
This is the strategy advocated by Synerject for
the exhaust [8].
both 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines, and the one which will
be detailed in the remainder of this paper. Although
Catalyst fitment also increases exhaust
higher in piece cost than either oxidation catalysts or SAI
temperature and back-pressure, and, particularly in the
systems (refer Table 1 and Table 2), by offering
case of 2-stroke engines, peak power output can be
significantly reduced fuel consumption and increased
significantly reduced as a result. In the absence of
riding pleasure in addition to very low engine-out exhaust
periodic emissions testing, the effectiveness of this
emissions, we believe that such systems offer the best of
strategy can also be reduced by tampering (e.g.
all worlds to both manufacturer and end user on an overall
intentional modification and/or removal).
cost / benefit basis.

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Of course, certain combinations of the various Table 3 - Engine management sub-system - key
methods described above can also be implemented. For components
example, both 2-stroke and 4-stroke electronic injection
systems have been successfully combined with exhaust Component aSDI SePI
catalysts, and in the medium term it is anticipated that 2-stroke 4-stroke
such systems will become standard as emissions system system
requirements become more stringent [7]. Combined fuel ECU 3 3
injection / catalyst and SAI / catalyst systems have Integrated throttle body / 3 3
therefore also been included in Table 1 and Table 2, for Throttle Position Sensor
comparison purposes. (TPS)
IAV (Idle Air Valve) 3
Note that catalyst fitment has much less effect on 3 3
the performance of a DI 2-stroke engine relative to a Electronic Ignition High
Energy Inductive (HEI)
carburetted 2-stroke engine; because DI produces far less
engine-out HC and CO emissions, and catalyst coil
Engine crank sensor 3 3
temperature / back-pressure are considerably reduced as
a result. Engine temperature 3 3
On small vehicle 4-stroke engines, electronic Vehicle speed sensor Optional Optional
injection systems can be combined with an Exhaust Gas Ambient air pressure Optional Optional
Oxygen (EGO) sensor and Three-Way Catalyst (TWC) to sensor
facilitate simultaneous treatment of HC, CO and NOx
Immobiliser Optional Optional
emissions as is currently done in the automobile industry.
Electronic oil pump Optional
3. OVERVIEW 2-STROKE VS. 4-STROKE SYSTEMS CO potentiometer * Optional Optional

The 2-stroke and 4-stroke electronic injection * This function can be carried out by means of a
systems presented in this paper are similar in many diagnostic / service tool if required.
respects. Both are intended for fitment to 1 2 cylinder (Refer section: Diagnostics and Servicing below).
gasoline engines of 50 250 cm3 swept volume, and
consequently share many of the same components.
However, the two systems also differ in a number of
important respects, the most significant difference being Table 4 - Fuel sub-system - key components
that the 2-stroke system is a DI (Direct Injection) system,
Component aSDI SePI
whereas the 4-stroke system is a PI (Port Injection)
2-stroke 4-stroke
system system
Fuel injector 3 3
Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 list the key
components of both systems and schematic diagrams of Fuel pump 3 3
both systems are shown on Figure 2 and Figure 3. Fuel regulator 3 3
Fuel filter 3 3
Of course, DI can be applied to gasoline 4-stroke 3
Air injector
engines also; since 1996 four major auto manufacturers
Air compressor 3
have released engines of this type to the market, and
many others have indicated that they are developing Air/fuel rail 3
engines of this type for near-term market release [10]. CVP valve Optional Optional
The main driver for this change is the reduced fuel
consumption available (typically 10 20% better than an
otherwise-equivalent PI 4-stroke engine), in conjunction
with low engine-out NOx [11] [12] . In light of this Table 5 - Combustion sub-system - key components
development, a logical question is: Why not apply DI to
Component aSDI SePI
small vehicle 4-stroke engines also ?
2-stroke 4-stroke
system system
Modified cylinder head 3
Long-projection spark 3
Modified piston Optional

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Figure 2 - System schematic - 'aSDI' 2-stroke electronic injection

Figure 3 - System schematic - 'SePI' 4-stroke electronic injection

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In fact, a development of this type does seem their 4-stroke counterparts. As demonstrated by the test
likely in the medium term, as small vehicle fuel results presented in this paper for example, large
consumption and exhaust emissions continue to assume improvements in fuel consumption, HC and CO can be
still greater importance. In the current small vehicle achieved without electronic gasflow control components
market environment however, demand for DI 4-stroke (such as ETBs and/or EGR).
engines is tempered relative to the automobile market by
the following factors: The main benefits offered by PI on a 2-stroke
engine are: reduced fuel consumption (typically by around
1) Increased emphasis on system low cost. 10%), improved cold start and improved warm -up;
however, these benefits are available with DI to an even
As discussed in the Introduction section above. greater extent.

2) Component availability. Because of improved combustion stability, DI 2-

stroke NOx emissions are often higher than those from an
To fully exploit the combined emissions / fuel otherwise equivalent carburetted (or PI) engine, however,
consumption benefits offered by DI relative to PI on a the NOx emissions from 2-stroke engine are low in any
4-stroke engine, the in-cylinder gas/fuel ratio should case, and even on a DI 2-stroke engine, engine-out NOx
be lean, but not unthrottled. On a passenger car emissions are typically:
engine, this controlled enleanment is readily
achieved by means of an ETB (Electronic Throttle Less than the NOx emissions produced by a
Body) and/or EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation). carburetted 4-stroke engine of similar displacement.
Although not yet widely available in the small vehicle
Up to an order of magnitude smaller than HC
industry, such components are standard fitment on
emissions in massflow terms.
many modern automobiles, and in relative terms, DI 4-
stroke application is cheaper and easier as a result. Well within current and expected legislated limits (see
3) Low demand for reduced engine-out NOx.
Small vehicle emissions legislation in many countries
has been written with the aim of encouraging more
widespread use of 4-stroke engines at the expense of
A schematic diagram of the DI 2-stroke system,
(carburetted) 2-stroke engines. Because 4-stroke
known as aSDI (air-assisted Synerject Direct Injection),
engines generally produce more NOx than 2-stroke
is shown on Figure 2 above. This system is based on the
engines, the emissions legislation push towards low
well-known, air-assisted, direct-injection Orbital
NOx in the small vehicle market is currently weaker
Combustion Process (OCP), which was first released to
than in the passenger car market, and so there is
the general public in 1996 [13] [14], and has since been
little demand to exploit the reduced engine-out NOx
applied to a number of engines in a variety of markets
emissions available with DI 4-stroke engines as a
Key features of OCP are:
The above arguments explain why PI is currently
preferred to DI for small vehicle 4-stroke engines; so why
The use of low-pressure compressed air (as opposed
not use the same system on small vehicle 2-stroke
to high fuel pressure) to achieve fuel atomisation.
engines also?
The ability to generate an in-cylinder air/fuel cloud
The short answer to this question is: cost / consisting of very fine droplets.
benefit; on a 2-stroke engine, the cost / benefit offered by
High tolerance to in-cylinder residuals (i.e. retained
DI is much more favourable than that offered by PI as a
exhaust gas), by virtue of the injected air.
result of the much larger fuel consumption and emissions
benefits available. The main reason for this difference is Separation of fuel metering and in-cylinder injection
that, relative to a carburettor, DI is able to drastically functions; these are performed by the fuel injector and
reduce 2-stroke charge losses during scavenging (to the air injector respectively (refer Figure 4). This division
point where engine-out HC emissions are on-par with a 4- of responsibilities facilitates a number of important
stroke engine of similar displacement), whereas PI can performance benefits including: increased fuel cloud
only offer a limited improvement (relative to a carburettor) shaping flexibility, greater deposit immunity and
in this respect. reduced system cost.

Because of the fundamentally different cylinder

charge processes of 2-stroke versus 4-stroke engines, DI-
2-stroke fuel systems are also simpler and cheaper than
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Figure 4 - OCP fuel and air injectors typical 3) Key system-specific components such as the ECU
arrangement and fuel pump have been re-designed and developed
to suit the reduced size, cost and complexity
requirements of the small vehicle market.

Fuel 4) The complete aSDI system has been designed to

injector minimise electric current consumption,
commensurate with the limited electrical power
Air/fuel rail
generation capacity available on most small vehicles.
Note that aSDI also differs in a number of
important respects from the OCP-based motorscooter
Compressed air system previously presented in [15]. Whereas the earlier
system used a FMP (Fuel Metering Pump) for fuel delivery
and metering, aSDI now uses a more conventional
automotive fuel delivery system with electric fuel pump,
Air (re-calibrated) automotive fuel regulator and (re-calibrated)
injector automotive fuel injector. This change was implemented
due to the following reasons:
pre-mixed charge Improved response to step changes in driver demand.
Reduced development and investment costs.
Increased customer confidence.
Reduced commercial risk.
In order to further reduce system cost however,
the aSDI system has been significantly simplified relative
to the OCP systems currently used on other series - Two key components which were required to
production 2-stroke applications [13]. Key changes in enable this change were:
this respect are:
1) The fuel injector.
1) The aSDI air compressor is run directly off an
eccentric on the crankshaft (Figure 5); other 2) The fuel pump.
applications on larger engines typically use a belt- or
gear-driven compressor. These components, along with some of the other
system -specific components used by aSDI are described
in greater detail below.
Figure 5 Direct acting compressor drive
Air compressor (SePI)
eccentric A schematic diagram of the SePI (Synerject
electronic Port Injection) PI 4-stroke system is shown on
Figure 3.

Crankshaft Relative to contemporary automobile PI systems,

the SePI system offers both reduced cost and reduced
Piston functionality, in accordance with the demands of the small
vehicle market.

Key differences between SePI and a

contemporary automotive PI system are as follows:
Crank web
SePI has been designed and developed specifically
for application to small vehicle 1 2 cylinder gasoline
engines. Unnecessary automotive functionality (e.g.
extra inputs and drivers such as those required for
2) The aSDI compressed air system does not include additional cylinders, EGR, electronic throttle control
an air pressure regulator. and/or transmission control) have not been included.

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The same, low-cost ECU is used as is used for 7. KEY SYSTEM -SPECIFIC COMPONENTS
Like aSDI, SePI also uses a low-cost, low-flow,
high-efficiency electrical fuel pump.
Figure 6 - ECU external appearance
Like aSDI, care has been taken to minimise
electrical current consumption of the overall SePI
The result is a 4-stroke PI system that can be
implemented with reduced investment cost, but still offers
the performance necessary to meet current and future
customer and legislative demands in the small vehicle


With both aSDI and SePI systems, piece and

investment costs have been minimised by means of the
following strategies:

The functionality of both systems has been reduced

to meet only the requirements of the small vehicle
target market.
Modifications to the base vehicle have been Both aSDI 2-stroke and SePI 4-stroke systems
minimised. are controlled by an ECU developed specifically for small
vehicle applications. Relative to a depopulated automotive
Unnecessary differences between applications have ECU, this unit offers reduced size, cost and electrical
been eliminated wherever possible (e.g. aSDI and power consumption. Key ECU requirements are
SePI share many common components and control summarised in Table 6.
High-volume, off-the-shelf components have been Table 6 ECU size, weight & performance
used where possible (e.g. temperature, pressure,
crankangle and throttle position sensors; aSDI oil Attribute Requirement
pump). CPU 8 bit / 8 MHz
Re-calibrated automotive components have been used Mask ROM (kB) 32
in preference to clean sheet designs where RAM (kB) 1.0
practicable (e.g. IAV, fuel injectors and regulators). EEPROM (kB) 2.5
Where necessary (e.g. ECU and fuel pump), the most Connector 22 pin
cost-effective solution has been to design a new Size (mm) Length 150
system-specific component, tailored to suit the Width 100
requirements of the small vehicle market, rather than
Height 20
attempting to modify existing automotive components.
Mass (g) ~ 300
All necessary system components (both system-
specific and non-system -specific) are sourced and/or
manufactured in high volume by Synerject, an Orbital
Engine Corporation / Siemens Automotive joint
venture company, established for this purpose in
Both aSDI and SePI systems use re-calibrated
1997. Siemens automotive fuel injectors (refer Table 7 for a list
of key requirements).

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Table 7 Fuel injector requirements Figure 8 - Mounting of 'SePI' fuel injector to inlet
Attribute Requirement
2-stroke 4-stroke Fuel
system system injector
Normal differential 2.5
pressure (Bar)
Typical < 7.5 kW 0.7
flow rate engines Inlet Fuel
(g/sec) manifold injector
7.5 15 kW 1.5
Voltage nominal (V) 14
Voltage range (V) 8 18
Injector type Side-feed Top-feed
(Siemens (Siemens
Deka 2) Deka 1D)
Mounting position Air/fuel rail Inlet
In the case of aSDI, both the fuel injector and Although the fuel pump requirements of the 2-
fuel regulator are mounted on the air/fuel rail, which also stroke and 4-stroke systems are not identical, a low-cost,
holds the air injector (see below) to the cylinder head high energy -efficiency fuel pump is critical for both
refer Figure 7. systems.

In the case of SePI, the fuel injector is mounted The fuel pump requirements of both systems differ
to the inlet manifold, and is aimed at the back of the inlet mainly in the pressure required for injection (refer Table 8
valve(s) in accordance normal PI design practice refer below). This difference arises from the fact that on aSDI,
Figure 8. metered fuel is delivered into the back of the air injector,
which contains compressed air held at a nominal pressure
Figure 7 Mounting of 'aSDI' fuel injector and fuel of 5.0 Bar (gauge); in the case of SePI the pressure
regulator to air/fuel rail (which also holds air injector downstream of the fuel injector is inlet manifold pressure
to cylinder head) (i.e. typically 0.7 to 0.0 Bar (gauge)).

Prior to designing the fuel pump described below,

Fuel injector
a thorough analysis was undertaken to determine:

Air/fuel What type of pump(s) best suited the above

rail requirements.
What off-the-shelf fuel pump(s) were best able to meet
the above requirements.

Spark Air The main conclusions of this study were as

plug injector
1) The pump should be electrically rather than
mechanically driven.

Two key disadvantages of mechanically-driven pumps

Cylinder head are:

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A mechanical pump has an additional sealing housing are the only parts of this pump that see full
requirement at the engine / fuel pump drive delivery pressure.
interface. Because leaking fuel is hazardous,
both from the perspectives of flammability and
Figure 9 - External appearance of 'Synerject' piston-
load control, this seal is a critical design
style fuel pump for 'aSDI and 'SePI'
element .
Prime and hence start times are longer with a
mechanical pump.

Table 8 Required fuel pump performance

Attribute Requirement
2-stroke 4-stroke
system system
Delivery pressure 7.5 2.5
gauge (Bar)
Delivered < 7.5 kW 7
fuelflow engines
(l/h) 7.5 15 kW 15
Voltage nominal (V) 14
Voltage range (V) 8 18 Depending upon customer preference, a cheaper,
Maximum < 7.5 kW 0.7 in-tank, turbine-style pump can be used to supply fuel to
current engines high-output (> 7.5 kW) SePI engines. However turbine-
draw (A) 7.5 15 kW 2.0 style pumps are not recommended for small / low-output
engines SePI engines, due to the relatively high current draw /
low energy efficiency associated with this style of pump.
Mounting position In-line
Table 9 below summarises the suitability of piston-style
versus turbine-style fuel pumps for various aSDI and
SePI applications.

2) Turbine-style pumps were found to be capable of Table 9 Comparison Piston-style versus turbine -
meeting the 2.5 Bar SePI fuel pressure requirement, style fuel pumps
but were unable to meet the 7.5 Bar aSDI fuel Attribute Piston-style Turbine-
pressure requirement.
pump style pump
Lower cost 3
3) A piston-style pump offers the best energy efficiency
and is the preferred way of meeting the aSDI 7.5 Bar Lower current draw 3
fuel pressure requirement as well as the 2.5 Bar fuel Suitability < 7.5 kW 3 6*
pressure requirement on small / low-output (< 7.5 aSDI engines
kW) engines. (2-stroke) 7.5 15 kW 3 6*
4) Other pump styles such as roller cell or gerotor were 3
Suitability < 7.5 kW **
found to be too expensive and/or susceptible to SePI engines
manufacturing tolerance variations.
(4-stroke) 7.5 15 kW 3 3
Figure 9 shows the external appearance of the in-line engines
version of the piston-style pump designed and developed Mounting In-line 3 Not available
by Synerject in response to the results of this study (an In-tank 3 3
in-tank version has also been designed).
* Turbine pump unable to supply fuel at 7.5 Bar.
This pump is a fully-sealed, self-priming
** Current draw > 1.0 A
electrically-driven piston-pump. The electric motor
operates fully flooded but is subjected to only tank (i.e.
atmospheric) pressure. The pumping chamber and outlet

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7.4 FUEL REGULATOR The external appearance of a typical air injector is
as shown in Figure 10, and some key requirements of the
The fuel regulator used for both aSDI and SePI air injector are listed in Table 10 above.
systems is a high-volume Siemens Euro automotive
regulator recalibrated so as to maintain a differential 7.6 AIR COMPRESSOR (aSDI SYSTEM ONLY)
pressure of 2.5 Bar under reduced (small engine) fuel flow
conditions. Compressed air for the aSDI system is supplied
by a small, 3 cm3 swept-volume, piston-compressor which
7.5 AIR INJECTOR (aSDI SYSTEM ONLY) is mounted to the crankcase and driven off an eccentric
machined into one of the crankshaft webs (Figure 5). A
The air injector is a solenoid-actuated, outwardly- cross-section of the compressor is shown on Figure 11.
opening poppet valve, designed and developed specifically
for the purpose of injecting precise quantities of fuel and Fresh, filtered air from the engine crankcase is
air directly into the cylinder in the form of a finely drawn into the compressor via ports in the compressor
atomised air / fuel cloud. The air injector is often cylinder wall. This air is then compressed and delivered
considered to be the heart of the aSDI system to the air/fuel rail via a disc valve in the head of the
controlling, as it does, both the shape and timing of this compressor. Unlike a conventional piston compressor,
cloud. As mentioned previously, the fuel that passes this design requires no belt, pulley, compressor con-rod /
through the air injector is both metered and delivered into crankshaft, inlet valve, inlet hose and/or inlet air filter. By
the top of the air injector by a separate, PI-type eliminating unnecessary components in this way, this
automotive fuel injector. design offers an exceptionally simple, elegant and low-
cost means of supplying compressed air to the air/fuel
Figure 10 - External appearance of air injector

Figure 11 - 'aSDI' air compressor

Disc valve

Leg Piston Compressed

air out

Roller follower

Table 10 - Key 'air injector' requirements


Differential pressure -50 to +5.0
(Bar) Before considering actual vehicle test data, a brief
Operating engine speed 0 12,000 review of international small vehicle emissions legislation
range (RPM) may help to put the test results subsequently presented
Voltage nominal (V) 14 in better context.
Voltage range (V) 8 18
Size (mm) Solenoid 20 FAMILIES (DRIVECYCLES)
Leg 10 Although there are more than 15 small vehicle
diameter emissions standards currently in use world-wide [1], the
Overall 50 (typical) * three most widely-applied emissions legislation families
Height are those based on the ECE 40, ECE 47 and IDC
Mass (g) ~ 100 drivecycles, because they apply to the largest number of
small vehicles produced annually refer Table 11. This
table shows that 18.1 million motorcycles and
* Leg length can be altered to suit application motorscooters (approximately 90% of the total number
produced annually), must be designed to pass an
emissions test carried out over one of these three

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drivecycles, and it is therefore results from these top roadspeed. In each case, the CVT used on the
three drivecycles which are presented in this paper. aSDI- or SePI-equipped vehicle was unaltered from
that fitted to the baseline carburetted vehicle.
Table 11 Motorcycle / motorscooter emissions
Table 12 Vehicle test results presented - overview
legislation families (drivecycles)
Vehicle Drivecycle
Country / Market Drivecycle / family
region volume Model Fuel system ECE 40 ECE 47 IDC
(x10 6)* Small 2S Carburettor 3
ECE ECE IDC Others ( 50 cm3 (baseline)
40 47 2-stroke) aSDI 3
China: 11.0 3** (Euro I)
3 aSDI 3
India: 3.6
3 (Devel.)
Europe: 1.5
Large 2S Carburettor 3
(> 50 cm 3
engines) (150-200 (baseline)
3 cm 3 aSDI 3 3
Europe: 1.2
2-stroke) (Euro I)
(50 cm 3
engines) aSDI
Japan: 0.9 3 (Devel.)
Taiwan: 0.8 3*** Large 4S Carburettor 3 3
3 (150-200 (baseline)
South 0.7
America: cm 3 SePI
4-stroke) (Euro I)
USA: 0.4 3
SePI 3 3
* Based on sales of motorcycles and motorscooters
worldwide in 1999; source: Chambre Syndicale Nationale
du Motocycle (CSNM).
Differences between the Euro I- and
** Chinese standards are still being defined, but are Development-specification Small 2S aSDI systems
expected to be similar to the European ECE 40 tested (refer Table 12) were as follows:
*** Although the warm-up phase of the Taiwanese CNS The development system used a direct-injector with
11386 drivecycle is different to that of the ECE 40 modified nozzle geometry.
drivecycle, the bagged portion of both drivecycles is
identical, and the two tests will be treated as being The geometry of the piston crown was modified on the
equivalent for the purposes of this paper. development engine for improved spray containment.
Port timing was revised on the development engine
to improve scavenging.
The development ECU calibration was re-optimised
So as to provide a broad overview of the fuel to suit these hardware changes.
consumption and emissions performance which can be
achieved with both the aSDI 2-stroke and SePI 4-stroke The fuel consumption and emissions results from
fuel systems, results from 10 test combinations involving all tests, along with relevant current and future emissions
three different vehicle models tested over the top three limits, are presented on a drivecycle basis in Table 13 to
small vehicle drivecycles will be presented as outlined in Table 15 below. In each case:
Table 12 below.

All three vehicle models tested (i.e. Small 2S,

Large 2S and Large 4S) were contemporary-model,
high-performance, sports motorscooters fitted with:

1-cylinder gasoline engines of specific output > 50

CVTs (Continuously Variable Transmissions) which
automatically adjust engine speed relative to

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Table 13 Tailpipe emissions (uncatalysed) and fuel consumption ECE 40 drivecycle

Vehicle Tailpipe emissions measured Fuel consumption measured

Model Fuel system HC CO NOx HC+NOx (g/km) (l/100km) (km/l)
(g/km) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) Absolute Relative
Large 2S Carburettor 8.5 10.9 0.04 8.5 33.4 - 4.43 22.6
(150-200 (baseline):
cm 3 aSDI 1.06 1.47 0.09 1.16 19.6 -41% 2.58 38.7
2-stroke) (Euro I 1.76 * 1.82 * 0.06 * 1.82 * 20.4 * -39% * 2.70 * 37.0 *
Large 4S Carburettor 0.85 11.1 0.17 1.02 24.6 - 3.33 30.0
(150-200 (baseline):
cm 3 SePI 0.50 1.34 0.25 0.72 20.5 -17% 2.79 35.9
4-stroke) (Devel.

Vehicle type approval Tailpipe emissions limits

Category Year HC CO NOx HC+NOx
(Region) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km)
Motor- 1998: - < 3.5 - < 2.0
cycle 2003**: 2S - < 7.0 ** - < 1.0 **
(Taiwan) 4S - < 7.0 ** - < 2.0 **
> 50 cm 3
1999: 2S < 4.0 < 8.0 < 0.1 ( < 4.1 )
2-wheeler (Euro I) 4S < 3.0 < 13.0 < 0.3 ( < 3.3 )
2003: < 1.2 *** < 5.5 *** < 0.3 *** ( < 1.5 )
(Euro II) *** ***

* Re-calibrated for improved compliance with Euro I 0.1 g/km NOx limit for 2-stroke vehicles.
** Cold-start emissions limits cannot be directly compared to hot -start results presented.
*** Expected limits only refer [3].

All tests were carried out at stabilised low mileage 3) The Development version of the Small 2S engine
(typically around 500 km). was able to meet future European emissions
standards without requiring exhaust after-treatment.
Engine-out emissions are quoted in all cases (i.e. no
exhaust after-treatment catalysts were fitted).
4) Relative to the baseline carburetted 2-stroke engines,
Each result quoted has been averaged from 2- or 3-off the aSDI engines demonstrated a fuel consumption
repeat tests. saving of up to 50%.

5) Relative to the baseline carburetted 4-stroke engine,

Important conclusions, drawn from the data
the SePI engine demonstrated a fuel consumption
presented in Table 13 to Table 15, are as follows:
saving of up to 20%.
1) For each vehicle/drivecycle combination tested, it was
possible to meet current emissions limits in Europe,
India and Taiwan, without requiring exhaust after-
Aside from on-going reductions in drivecycle
emissions limits (as reflected by the current and expected
2) The Large 2S and Large 4S engines were also able
emissions limits presented in Table 13 to Table 15), other
to meet future emissions standards in Europe and
anticipated trends in international small vehicle emissions
India without requiring exhaust after-treatment.
legislation are as follows:

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Table 14 Tailpipe emissions (uncatalysed) and fuel consumption ECE 47 drivecycle

Vehicle Tailpipe emissions measured Fuel consumption measured

Model Fuel system HC CO NOx HC+NOx (g/km) (l/100km) (km/l)
(g/km) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) Absolute Relative
Small 2S Carburettor 7.2 19.1 0.1 7.3 25.8 - 3.46 28.9
( 50 cm3 (baseline):
2-stroke) aSDI 1.80 2.47 0.25 2.06 14.9 -42% 1.97 50.8
(Euro I
aSDI 0.48 0.75 0.45 0.92 11.8 -54% 1.55 64.7

Vehicle type approval Tailpipe emissions limits

Category Year HC CO NOx HC+NOx
(Region) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km)
50 cm 3 1999: - < 6.0 - < 3.0
2-wheeler (Euro I)
(Europe) 2002: - < 1.0 - < 1.2
(Euro II)

Table 15 Tailpipe emissions (uncatalysed) and fuel consumption IDC drivecycle

Vehicle Tailpipe emissions measured Fuel consumption measured

Model Fuel system HC CO NOx HC+NOx (g/km) (l/100km) (km/l)
(g/km) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) Absolute Relative
Large 2S aSDI 1.09 1.22 0.08 1.17 17.9 ( N/A ) * 2.37 42.2
(150-200 (Euro I
cm 3 system):
Large 4S Carburettor 0.90 9.59 0.10 1.00 22.9 - 3.13 32.0
(150-200 (baseline):
cm 3 SePI 0.56 1.21 0.22 0.78 18.3 -20% 2.50 40.0
4-stroke) (Devel.

Vehicle type approval Tailpipe emissions limits

Category Year HC CO NOx HC+NOx
(Region) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km)
2-wheeler 2000: - < 2.0 - < 2.0
(India) [COPA] ** [+20%] ** [+20%] **
2003 ***: - < 1.5 *** - < 1.5 ***
2005 ***: - < 1.0 *** - < 1.0 ***

* Baseline carburettor vehicle not tested over IDC (anticipated fuel consumption benefit 40%).
** [COPA] = Conformity of Production Allowance (relative to Type Approval emissions limit); no COPA after 2003.
*** Expected limits only Future Indian emissions limits have not yet been finalised.

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1) Increased specification of cold-start emissions aSDI-equipped, Euro I vehicle. As can be seen from
testing: these figures, the emissions performance remained
stable. This correlates well with the high level of
In the USA, motorcycles are currently tested using emissions durability previously demonstrated on other
the same (FTP 75) cold-start drivecycle as versions of the OCP air-assisted DI system [14] [20] .
passenger cars [1] , and Taiwan plans to introduce a
cold-start version of the (ECE 40-based) CNS 11386
Figure 12 HC+NOx emissions durability
drivecycle in 2003 [16]. In Europe, research is
'Small 2S' Euro I vehicle
currently underway aimed at developing a new, more
representative, small vehicle emissions test drivecycle aSDI Euro I limit
by 2002 which may also be of the cold-start type and
which will be used for certification from 2006 onwards

HC + NOx (g/km)
2) New / more stringent emissions durability 2.0
requirements: 1.5
In Taiwan and Thailand, it is already the case that 0.5
small vehicles must meet specified emissions limits 0.0
at 15,000 and 12,000 km respectively; it is anticipated 0 15,000
that similar requirements will soon be introduced into
Distance travelled (km)
Europe, India and China.

3) Increased implementation of evaporative emissions

Figure 13 CO emissions durability
'Small 2S' Euro I vehicle
California has had an evaporative emissions
requirement for motorcycles since 1978 [17], and aSDI Euro I limit
Taiwan since 1988 [4]; motorcycles of greater than
150 cm3 swept volume which are sold into the Thai
market must also meet an evaporative emissions
requirement from 2001 onwards [18], and similar 5.0
CO (g/km)

legislation in other countries / regions may be 4.0

introduced in the near-to-medium term. 3.0
Synerjects aSDI and SePI small vehicle fuel 1.0
injection systems are well placed to meet these 0.0
anticipated developments by virtue of the following 0 15,000
Distance travelled (km)

1) Large reductions in engine-out emissions .

(As demonstrated by Table 13 to Table 15). 4) (Optional) electronically-controlled CVP valve:

2) Reduced unit-to-unit performance variation. A CVP (Canister Vapour Purge) valve has been
allowed for in the ECU design. Currently, a simple
Although unit-to-unit exhaust emissions scatter is and cheap On/Off driver is considered sufficient for
affected by many factors other than the fuel system this purpose; this can be upgraded to a PWM (Pulse
(e.g: engine compression ratio; squish; inlet / exhaust Width Modulated) driver if more stringent requirements
timing; etc.), based on accumulated experience in the in this area are introduced.
automobile industry, it is well known that fuel-injected
vehicles typically exhibit less unit-to-unit emissions 5) (Optional) catalyst fitment:
variation than carburetted vehicles, particularly when
an oxidising catalyst is used to control exhaust Both aSDI and SePI systems can be combined with
emissions [19]. an exhaust after-treatment catalyst if required,
thereby further reducing tailpipe HC and CO by 50%
3) Proven emissions durability. or more.

Figure 12 and Figure 13 show the results from a

15,000 km emissions durability test on a Small 2S,
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9. VEHICLE DRIVEABILITY Table 16 - Vehicle driveability rating system

Relative to carburetted fuel systems, both aSDI Rating * Description

and SePI systems offer significantly improved vehicle 10 Exceptional
driveability as a result of the following engine performance (No undesirable elements)
benefits: 9 No deficiencies
(Traces of undesirable elements)
1) Better combustion stability and better vehicle-to-
vehicle performance repeatability, due to precise 8 No significant deficiencies
control of A/F, ignition and injection timing. (Deficiencies only under special operating
2) Fast, reliable cold start. Both systems are capable of 7 Minor deficiencies
good, repeatable starts at all ambient temperatures in (One or more hard-to-detect deficiencies)
the range: -10C to 40C. Otherwise-equivalent 6 Obvious, but not objectionable, problems
carburetted vehicles have longer and/or less (One or more noticeable deficiencies)
repeatable crank-to-run times (particularly when the
5 Marginal
ambient temperature is below 10C), and may
subsequently stall or race. (One or more obvious deficiencies
customer complaint likely)
3) Automatic optimisation of all parameters as engine 4 Disturbing
warms up. The ECU compensates for engine (One or more obvious deficiencies
temperature differences autom atically, and engine customer seeks corrective action)
response is not affected. Manual choke actuation is 3 Lack of confidence
not required. (One or more obvious deficiencies
customer looses confidence in the ability
4) Automatic compensation for changes in air inlet of the vehicle to perform reliably)
pressure due to altitude and/or partial inlet air filter
2 Unreliable
blockage (with optional ambient air pressure sensor).
(Vehicle function is unreliable)
Because of its good combustion stability and 1 Unpredictable
(optional) electronic oiling system, aSDI also reduces the (Vehicle function is unpredictable)
amount of visible smoke and odour emitted by 2-stroke
engines down to near-imperceptible levels. * A driveability rating difference of more than 0.5
represents a significant difference, as perceived by the
As a result of the above benefits, significantly average operator
improved ve hicle driving behaviour is perceived by the
average operator.
Note that the only area in which the aSDI and
Using the driveability rating system specified in
SePI vehicles were not judged to be superior than the
Table 16 for example, the results from back-to-back
baseline carburetted vehicles was in terms of roll-on
driveability tests carried out with carburetted and fuel-
throttle response (refer Table 17 and Table 18). In this
injected Small 2S and Large 4S vehicles are as shown
category, the good response of the baseline carburetted
in Table 17 and Table 18 below.
vehicles is a reflection of rich jetting, commonly used on
small vehicles to avoid hesitation during transient throttle
Based on these results, it can be seen that the
operation. The aSDI and SePI vehicles were also
average operator is likely to perceive a clear driveability
calibrated to accelerate without hesitation, however unlike
benefit when SePI is fitted (i.e. relative to an otherwise-
the baseline carburetted vehicles, excess fuel has also
equivalent baseline carburetted engine), and that this
been eliminated wherever possible in the interests of
driveability difference is even greater in the case of aSDI.
optimum fuel consumption and reduced engine-out
exhaust emissions. This driveability difference therefore
reflects the greater flexibility available when trading off
exhaust emissions against throttle response with aSDI
and/or SePI, rather than a response limitation of the
aSDI and/or SePI systems per se.

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Table 17 - Vehicle driveability test results as possible.
Small 2S ( 50 cm3 2-stroke vehicle)

Test Carburetted aSDI Depending on customer preference, two different

vehicle vehicle means are available for accessing this information as
Cold start: 5.0 7.0
Hot start: 7.0 7.0 1) Diagnostic/service information can be displayed via
Warm -up: 6.5 7.5 MIL (Malfunction Indication Lamp) flashing codes.
Idle: 5.5 7.0
Roll-on throttle response: 7.5 7.0 2) Diagnostic/service information can be displayed by
Low-speed cruise: 5.5 8.0 means of a suitable tool which communicates with
(10 km/h) the ECU using the Keyword 2000 communications
High-speed cruise: 7.5 7.5
(40 km/h)
To facilitate option 2) above in cases where the
Maximum acceleration: 7.5 7.5 customer does not have an existing tool, Orbital Engine
Overrun: 5.0 8.0 Co. has developed a low-cost, hand-held
Average rating: 6.33 7.39 diagnostic/service tool known as Pocket Dash.

Key features of Pocket Dash are as follows:

Table 18 - Vehicle driveability test results 1) Small, hand-held, low-cost electronic display.
Large 4S (150 200 cm3 4-stroke vehicle)
2) Easy-to-understand, graphic display format.
Test Carburetted SePI
vehicle vehicle
3) Display text available in various languages to suit
Cold start: 5.5 7.0 different geographical markets.
Hot start: 7.0 7.5
Warm -up: 6.5 7.5 4) Ability to display various operating parameters such
Idle: 7.0 7.5 as engine RPM, ignition angle, injection angle, etc. for
servicing purposes.
Roll-on throttle response: 7.5 7.0
Low-speed cruise: 7.0 8.0 5) Ability to undertake tests commonly required for
(10 km/h) diagnostic purposes; e.g. operate temperature gauge
High-speed cruise: 7.5 7.5 or MIL (Malfunction Indication Lamp); generate spark
(60 km/h) at spark plug; etc.
Maximum acceleration: 7.5 7.5
Overrun: 7.0 8.0 6) Ability to display any faults which are stored within
the ECU.
Average rating: 6.95 7.50
7) Ability to adjust a limited number of factory presets
(e.g. SePI idle A/F) within a safe range for the
10. DIAGNOSTICS AND SERVICING purpose of continued vehicle compliance with local
emissions standards. (This feature eliminates the
To make the servicing of aSDI and SePI need to fit a CO potentiometer to the vehicle).
vehicles as fast and simple as possible, all ECUs come
complete with a comprehensive, on-board, diagnostic 8) Ability to download software upgrades (if required).
software package. The aims of this software package are

Provide service personnel with easy access to The main aim of this paper so far has been to
necessary information. describe the current status of Synerjects aSDI 2-stroke
Provide service personnel with a simple means of and SePI 4-stroke small vehicle systems. Looking
carrying out common tests as required for the forward, planned future developments are as follows:
purpose of problem diagnosis and/or regular servicing.
1) On-going work to ensure compliance with future
Help make the transition from carburetted to aSDI- emissions standards.
and/or SePI-equipped vehicles as smooth and easy

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2) Piece cost reductions through improved economies of fuel pump), new system-specific components have
scale. been developed for this purpose.

3) Piece cost reductions through localisation. 7) Through careful analysis and understanding of future
trends in small vehicle markets world-wide (in
4) System cost reductions through improved integration particular: trends in international exhaust emissions
of the aSDI and SePI systems into the base engine standards), both aSDI and SePI have been
design. designed and developed to be future proof.

Under category 2), our intent is to broaden the By combining low cost and high performance in
range of application of aSDI and SePI to include not just this way, we at Synerject believe that our aSDI and
gasoline-powered small vehicles, but also: SePI systems truly offer an optimum emissions solution
for small, gasoline-fuelled vehicles world-wide, irrespective
Other small engines such as small outboard engines of whether a 2-stroke or 4-stroke base engine is preferred.
and those used on electrical generators and heavy-
Alternative fuels such as CNG (Compressed Natural
Below is a short description of acronyms, abbreviations
Gas) and LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas).
and other words with special definitions which have been
used in this paper.
Word / Abbreviation Meaning
The main conclusions arising from the information
A/F Air / Fuel Ratio
presented in this paper are as follows:
aSDI air-assisted Synerject
1) Significant reductions in small vehicle fuel Direct Injection
consumption and emissions are available, through Bagged (phase of Phase of drivecycle during
application of the recently introduced DI aSDI drivecycle) which exhaust emissions
system to 2-stroke engines, and PI SePI system to sampling is carried out.
4-stroke engines. CNS Chinese National Standard
CO Carbon monOxide
2) By applying these systems to contemporary-market Cold start (emissions test) Vehicle emissions test
2- and 4-stroke vehicles, current emissions limits which requires that vehicle
were met in Europe, India and Taiwan, without is started cold and that
requiring exhaust after-treatment. In most cases, exhaust emissions
future emissions limits were also met, again without sampling commences
requiring exhaust after-treatment. simultaneously with engine
3) Relative to otherwise-equivalent carburetted 2-stroke
COP(A) Conformity of Production
engines, aSDI demonstrated a fuel consumption
saving of around 40% while simultaneously meeting (Allowance)
current emissions limits. CO Potentiometer A potentiometer which can
be used by service
4) Relative to otherwise-equivalent carburetted 4-stroke personnel to adjust idle A/F
engines, SePI demonstrated a fuel consumption for the purpose of ensuring
saving of around 20% while simultaneously meeting continued compliance with
current emissions limits. legislated CO limits.
CVP Canister Vapour Purge
5) Relative to otherwise-equivalent carburetted vehicles, CVT Continuously Variable
aSDI- and SePI -equipped vehicles exhibit Transmission
significantly improved driveability. Development / Devel. Development phase
(system) (system)
6) While high-volume, low-cost automotive components
DI Direct Injection
are used wherever possible, aSDI and SePI are
more than simple adaptations of passenger-car fuel ECU Engine Control Unit
systems. Rather, both systems have been carefully EFI Electronic Fuel Injection
designed from the ground up and developed to meet EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
the cost and performance requirements of small ETB Electronic Throttle Body
vehicles world-wide. In some cases (e.g. ECU and
HC unburnt HydroCarbons

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OCP Orbital Combustion
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TA Type Approval
Emissions Characteristics of Orbitals
T-AP (sensor) Temperature - Absolute Combustion Process Applied to Multi-Cylinder
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TPS Throttle Position Sensor SAE paper 980153.
TWC Three-Way Catalyst
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reduces NOx Ottomotoren mit Direkteinspritzung (Potential and
simultaneously) Risks of Gasoline Direct Injection Engines for
Warm -up (drivecycle Phase of drivecycle which Future Passenger Car Drivelines), MTZ 61, No. 3,
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[1] CONCAWE, Motor Vehicle Emission
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Regulations and Fuel Specifications Part 2
Detailed Information and Historic Review (1970
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[2] Norbye J., Automotive Fuel Injection Systems
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[16] Communication with Environmental Protection
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[3] Commission of the European Communities,
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Proposal for a Directive of the European
Parliament and of the Council Amending Directive
[17] State of California Air Resources Board (CARB),
97/24/EC on Certain Components and
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[4] Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of
[18] Walsh M., Motor Vehicle Standards and
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Greg Bell
Synerject Systems Integration
1 Whipple Street
Balcatta, 6021

Telephone: + 61 (0)8 9441 2311

Facsimile: + 61 (0)8 9441 2309
Email: gbell@orbeng.com.au

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