Serv d15
Serv d15
Serv d15
We are publishing here a lecture delivered by David North on A review of the biography written by the right-wing British historian
December 13 at the Friends Meeting House in London. North is the Norman Stone, an admirer of Margaret Thatcher and Augusto Pinochet, is
chairman of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web entitled The Ice Pick Cometh. Another glowing review, written by the
Site and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US). The writer Robert Harris and published in the London Sunday Times,
lecture develops Norths critique of Services falsifications, initially congratulates Service for having effectively, assassinated Trotsky all
discussed in the review, In the Service of Historical Falsification: A over again.
Review of Robert Services Trotsky: A Biography. This is the language of people who are very troubledboth personally
It has been reported in the Evening Standard that at the public launching and politically. Seventy years after Trotskys death, they are still terrified
of his new biography of Leon Trotsky at Daunt Books in Londons by the spectre of the great revolutionary. The very thought of the man
Holland Park, on October 22, Professor Robert Service declared: evokes homicidal images. But do they really believe that Mr. Services
Theres life in the old boy Trotsky yetbut if the ice pick didnt quite do book can accomplish what was beyond the power of Stalins totalitarian
its job killing him off, I hope Ive managed it. police state? That Mr. Service and his admirers can even entertain such a
One might reasonably wonder what type of historianindeed, what type thought exposes how little they understand of Trotsky and the ideas to
of manwould describe his own work, and with evident satisfaction, in which he devoted his life.
such a manner. Is it really the aim of a serious biographer to carry out the Leon Trotskythe co-leader of the October Revolution, opponent of
literary equivalent of an assassination? Every possible interpretation of Stalinism, and founder of the Fourth Internationalwas assassinated by an
this statement speaks against Mr. Service. Leon Trotsky was murdered, agent of the Soviet secret police, the GPU, in August 1940. The last 11
and in a particularly gruesome and horrible manner. The blunt side of an years of his life had been spent in exile. Living on what he called a
alpenstock was driven by the assassin into Trotskys cranium. His wife, planet without a visa, Trotsky moved from Turkey, to France, to Norway
Natalia, was nearby when it happened. She heard the scream of her and finally, in 1937, to Mexico. The years between his expulsion from the
companion of 38 years and, when she ran into his study, saw blood USSR and his arrival in Mexico had witnessed a ferocious growth of
streaming down over his forehead and eyes. Look what they have done international political reaction: the coming to power of Hitler in Germany,
to me, Trotsky cried out to Natalia. the strangulation of the revolutionary movements of the working class in
The death of Trotsky was felt by many as an almost unendurable loss. In France and Spain by the Stalinist and social-democratic bureaucracies
Mexico City, 300,000 people paid tribute to him as his funeral cortge under the banner of the Popular Front, and the orchestration of the
made its way through the streets of the capital. A private letter written by Moscow Trials and ensuing Great Terror that physically exterminated
the American novelist, James T. Farrell, provides a sense of the traumatic virtually all the representatives of Marxist politics and socialist culture in
impact of Trotskys assassination. The crime is unspeakable. There are the USSR.
no words to describe it. I feel stunned, hurt, bitter, impotently in a rage. The first of the Moscow Trials, whose 16 defendants included historic
He was the greatest living man, and they murdered him, and the leaders of the Bolshevik Party such as Grigory Zinoviev and Lev
government of the United States is even afraid of his ashes. God! [1] Kamenev, was held in August 1936. The defendants were accused of
A serious biographer of Trotsky would not joke about the ice pick. It plotting assassinations and various acts of terrorism. Not a single piece of
is a despicable icon of political reaction. Mr. Service would, perhaps, evidence was produced at the trial, other than the confessions of the
protest that his biography has assassinated Trotsky only in the sense of accused. All were sentenced to death by the tribunal. The defendants
bringing an end to all interest in and discussion of this particular appeals were denied within a few hours of the trials conclusion, and they
individual. But is this a legitimate ambition? A genuine scholar hopes that were executed on August 25, 1936. Though not present, the chief accused
his work contributes to, rather than stifles, the development of the were Leon Trotsky and his son, Leon Sedov. From his exile in Norway,
historical discussion. But this was clearly not the intention of Mr. Service. Trotsky vehemently denounced the trial as one of the biggest, clumsiest
As he told the Evening Standard, he hopes that he will achieve with his and most criminal plots of the secret police against world opinion. [2]
biography what Stalin failed to accomplish through murderthat is, to Under pressure from the Soviet regime, the social-democratic
kill off Trotsky as a significant historical figure. With this aim in mind, government of Norway interned Trotsky in order to prevent him from
one can only imagine how Service approached the writing of this continuing his public exposure of Stalins murderous frame-up of the
biography. Bolshevik leaders. For nearly four months he was held incommunicado,
Services remark at his book launch seems to reflect a state of mind that virtually cut off from any contact with the outside world, while the
is fairly widespread in the reactionary milieu within which he circulates. Stalinist regime broadcast its lying denunciations of him. The Norwegian