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Critical Perspectives On Accounting

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Critical Perspectives on Accounting xxx (2015) xxxxxx

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Critical Perspectives on Accounting

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/cpa

2 The [1_TD$IF]supply-side of corruption and limits to preventing

3 corruption within government procurement [2_TD$IF]and
4 constructing ethical subjects
6 a
Centre for Global Accountability, University of Essex, [3_TD$IF]UK
7 b
Division of Business[5_TD$IF], University of South Australia, Australia


Article history: Corruption in government procurement [8_TD$IF]programs is a perennial problem. The paper by
Received 25 June 2014 Dean Neu, Jeff Everett and Abu Shiraz Rahaman emphasises the value of internal controls
Accepted 1 December 2014 in government departments in constraining individuals and promoting ethical conduct. In
Available online xxx
response, this paper argues that good internal controls in government departments,
though highly desirable, are unlikely to make a signicant dent in corrupt practices to
secure government contracts. A major reason for this is the supply of corruption by
corporations keen to secure lucrative contracts. Within the spirit of contemporary
[9_TD$IF]Government procurement
Internal controls capitalism, they have an insatiable appetite for prots and have shown willingness to
engage in corrupt practices to secure government departments. The issues are illustrated
with the aid of two case studies. It is argued that the supply-side of corruption severely
limits the possibilities of preventing corruption in government procurement.
2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

9 1. Introduction

10 Q2 In a world of secrecy and easy mobility of money, elites seek personal riches, power, status and competitive advantage by
11 renting inuence through illicit means. The volume and extent of corrupt activities is hard to know (Serra & Wantchekon,
12 2012), but is estimated to be running at around $2.6 trillion a year (European Commission, 2011). These amounts are large
13 enough to make a signicant difference to economic, social and political policymaking, and the quality of life of citizens. As
14 governments are one of the biggest spenders in any economy, considerable institutional attention is focused on controlling
15 corrupt practices by government ofcials in granting public contracts (for example, see Organisation for Economic
16 Cooperation and Development, 2005, 2010; United Nations Ofce on Drugs and Crime, 2003). A common recommendation
17 for reform is enhanced surveillance which strengthens accountability so that government ofcials can be held responsible
18 for the proper implementation of public procurement rules and regulations and the decisions they make in actual
19 procurement cases. Such accountability requires a credible sanctioning system for violations of rules with adequate internal
20 controls and audit procedures; a complaints system for bidders as well as appropriate administrative; and judicial review
21 bodies attributed with the authority to impose corrective measures (European Commission, 2013: 260).

We are grateful to John Roberts for his insightful comments.
* Corresponding author [6_TD$IF]at: Centre for Global Accountability, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex CO4 3SQ, [7_TD$IF]UK.
E-mail address: prems@essex.ac.uk (P. Sikka).

1045-2354/ 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Sikka, P., & Lehman, G. The [1_TD$IF]supply-side of corruption and limits to preventing
corruption within government procurement [2_TD$IF]and constructing ethical subjects. Crit Perspect Account (2015), http://
G Model
YCPAC 1886 19

2 P. Sikka, G. Lehman / Critical Perspectives on Accounting xxx (2015) xxxxxx

22 The above themes are present in the paper by [10_TD$IF]Neu, Everett and Rahaman [1_TD$IF](2015) which shines a light on the possibility of
23 discouraging and combating corrupt practices within the government procurement process. In Foucaldian traditions, the
24 hope is that ethical subjects/individuals can be produced through suitably designed internal controls and surveillance
25 systems which give visibility to departures from the established norms. Towards this end, government departments are
26 urged to implement and enforce a variety of managerialist techniques and performance indicators, including procedures for
27 risk assessment, training, sanctions, self-reviews and reports by internal and external auditors. The Big Brother approach
28 implicit in the paper presupposes that individuals can be coerced to internalize some value systems and, in the process,
29 somehow become ethical citizens. The surveillance systems advocated by Neu, Everett and Rahaman [12_TD$IF](2015) portrayed as are
30 universal and are thought to be applicable across almost all cultures regardless of social tensions, legitimacy of the state and
31 networks of power. Internal controls seek to produce a kind of stability and certainty by binding individuals within a system
32 of governance, but they can always be resisted by those able to game or subvert them for personal gain. Some might even
33 comply merely to gain advantage from compliance rather than necessarily embrace the ethical positions envisaged by the
34 paper. The papers recommendations might constrain some corrupt practices, but the gains are likely to be modest because
35 internal controls aimed at individuals cannot stie systemic pressures for prots and personal riches.
36 This paper seeks to extend the debate by Neu, Everett and Rahaman by arguing that public procurement controls, no
37 matter how well designed, are unlikely to signicantly reduce corruption in the present social environment. The Neu, Everett
38 and Rahaman paper assumes that government ofcials indulge in illicit activity and primarily focuses on the demand-side of
39 corruption. However, government ofcials cannot be corrupt on their own. There is a supply-side and another party has to
40 collude and be willing and able to supply bribes under a cloak of secrecy to secure government contracts (UK Africa All Party
41 Parliamentary Group, 2006). The supply-side primarily resides in large western corporations. George Soros, an international
42 nancier adds that international business is generally the main source of corruption1 and Transparency International adds
43 that bribe money often stems from multinationals based in the worlds richest countries (Transparency International,
44 2007: 2). In many cases, the corporations have revenues bigger than the gross domestic product of nation-states, and have
45 access to a vast network of subsidiaries, afliates and advisers to camouage their activities. In pursuit of competitive
46 advantage, some corporations and their executives have shown a willingness to subvert laws, international treaties and well
47 designed internal controls instituted in government procurement programs (Boulton, 1979; Chatterjee, 2009). Thus,
48 corruption in government procurement cannot easily be checked without constraints on the supply-side of corruption.
49 To advance its arguments, this paper is divided into three further sections. The rst section explains the supply-side of
50 corruption and pressures that persuade corporations and their executives to engage in corrupt practices. The second section
51 provides two case studies relating to the supply-side of corruption and the tactics used by global corporations to secure
52 government contracts. The rst case relates to Hewlett-Packard (HP), a US-based company, selling computer hardware and
53 software to individuals, corporations and government departments. It operates in a market where it is possible to nd a
54 market price for a comparable item ([13_TD$IF]Neu, Everett, & Rahaman, 2015: 22) and thus, has benchmarks for checking illicit
55 practices. The second case study relates to BAE Systems plc, a UK-based company, operating in the arms industry, and for
56 more than a century across the entire globe, the weapons business has been a dirty business (Naylor, 1998: 35; also see
57 Gilby, 2014). BAE sells high-priced products, often [14_TD$IF]specialized products, where it may be difcult to determine a market
58 price with the end result that a space is created for corruption to occur ([15_TD$IF]Neu, Everett, & Rahaman, 2015: 6). Both companies
59 are headquartered in countries classied as comparatively less corrupt in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2013 published
60 by Transparency International[16_TD$IF].2 The third section concludes the paper with some reections and suggestions for disrupting
61 the supply of corruption.

62 2. Understanding [19_TD$IF]supply-side corruption

63 Almost every state prohibits the use of corrupt practices to secure government contracts and considerable efforts have
64 been made to regulate the conduct of government ofcials associated with the procurement process (Organisation for
65 Economic Cooperation and Development, 2005, 2010; United Nations Ofce for Drugs and Crime, 2003). Much of the
66 regulatory architecture is devoted to the design of internal controls and surveillance techniques to constrain government
67 ofcials who are often conceptualized as deviant, greedy, opportunistic and lacking in self-control. The constraints on
68 individuals may curb some who nd illicit practices attractive, but also obscure the extent to which institutional structures
69 and norms provide opportunities and motives for corruption. A focus upon government ofcials obscures the supply-side of
70 corruption which primarily resides in corporations providing goods and services to government departments. Internal
71 controls applicable to government departments can be checked and enforced by state auditors and scrutinized by
72 parliamentary committees. However, the state is largely excluded from directing the inner workings of corporations
73 (Habermas, 1976) and has little power to directly enforce or scrutinize internal controls operating within corporations. The
74 design and implementation of internal controls within corporations is considered to be a private matter for their executives,
75 though the state can exert pressures for higher quality internal controls through laws, threats of nes and punishment for

Financial Times, Fund Management Guru Reveals Doubts, 8 December 1998.
Corruption Perceptions Index 2013 [17_TD$IF]Available at http://cpi.transparency.org/cpi2013/results/[18_TD$IF] Accessed 09.06.14.

Please cite this article in press as: Sikka, P., & Lehman, G. The [1_TD$IF]supply-side of corruption and limits to preventing
corruption within government procurement [2_TD$IF]and constructing ethical subjects. Crit Perspect Account (2015), http://
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P. Sikka, G. Lehman / Critical Perspectives on Accounting xxx (2015) xxxxxx 3

76 transgressors, and the debarring of some companies from securing government contracts. Such pressures cannot easily be
77 applied when corporations reside in another country or wield considerable nancial and political resources.
78 Corporations operate according to the logics of competition and private prot. Periodic nes and punishments do not
79 appear to have dulled the appetite for using corrupt practices to secure government contracts (Boulton, 1979; [20_TD$IF]Chatterjee,
80 2009; Cragg & Woof, 2002; European Commission, [21_TD$IF]2013; Passas, 2007; Robins, 2012). Corporations engage in corrupt
81 practices for three major reasons: to maintain higher prices, to maintain a market for outdated products, and to remain in the
82 eld of competition, especially if further sales can be secured at a later date (Moody-Stuart, 1997). Corrupt practices may
83 enable corporations to mediate incessant pressures from markets for higher sales, prots and market shares. However,
84 manner of mediation depends on contemporary institutional structures and value systems. Arguably, neoliberalism has been
85 in ascendancy since the second half of twentieth century (Harvey, 2005). It has reconstructed nation states, corporations,
86 communities and individuals as competitive beings engaged in the endless pursuit of private wealth and consumption which
87 would somehow lead to vast increases in efciency, afuence and happiness. The spirit of neoliberalism is inculcated into
88 every [2_TD$IF]organization and individual through a relentless focus on output measurements of performance, which subjects
89 individuals to a disciplinary regime of surveillance techniques, performance targets, evaluations, appraisals and rewards
90 (Boltanski & Chiapello, 2005). Such practices [23_TD$IF]normalize the logic of competition and private gain, and performance-related
91 pay has become the norm for business executives. As the typical tenure of a chief executive at a major company is about
92 4.8 years[24_TD$IF],3 there is a temptation to collect as much reward as quickly as possible. The shortness of the tenure in ofce means
93 that executives rarely have to face the consequences of any illicit practices, assuming that they are discovered. In any case,
94 the nes, if any, are generally levied on corporations rather than individuals. In this environment, bending the rules for
95 personal gain is increasingly seen as a sign of business acumen. Stealing a march on competitors, at almost any price, is
96 lauded as an entrepreneurial skill, especially where competitive pressures link prots, promotion, niches and salaries with
97 meeting business targets (Sikka, 2008). In the absence of effective moral constraints, any deal is considered to be acceptable
98 as long as it is protable and shame resides in being caught rather than engaging in corrupt activity. The consequences of
99 such an entrepreneurial culture are noted in a UK government report which states that at some major corporations, directors
100 have a [27_TD$IF]. . . cynical disregard of laws and regulations [28_TD$IF]. . . cavalier misuse of company monies [29_TD$IF]. . . a contempt for truth and
101 common honesty (UK Department of Trade and Industry, [30_TD$IF]1997: 309). The above provides the context for understanding the
102 two case studies and reections on whether internal controls can constrain corporations from using corrupt practices to
103 secure government contracts.

104 3. [31_TD$IF]Two case studies

105 This section provides brief details of two case studies which show that the lure of private prots and personal gains is not
106 constrained by internal controls. The transactions in the case studies have taken place at a time when there is an extensive
107 regulatory architecture requiring companies to implement effective internal controls and discourage corrupt practices. This
108 includes a variety of laws such as the UKs Fraud Act 2006, Companies Act 2006 and the Bribery Act 2010. The US has the
109 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977 and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002. These laws reect and have also inuenced the
110 1997 OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Ofcials[32_TD$IF].4 In addition, auditing standards in most countries
111 require auditors to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of internal controls (for example, Financial Reporting Council,
112 1995). These requirements should focus executive attention on the need for legal and ethical conduct, but too many
113 corporations have been cited for their participation in corrupt practices (Cragg & Woof, 2002).

114 3.1. Hewlett-Packard

115 HP operates from 770 sites in 95 countries[34_TD$IF].5 In April 2014, the company paid a ne of $108 million for violation of the US
116 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act[36_TD$IF].6 The charges related to the payment of bribes to secure government contracts in Russia, Poland
117 and Mexico[39_TD$IF].7 The court judgment provides some details of the practices and encourages reections on the extent of
118 corporate practices used to pursue prots (US Securities and Exchange Commission, 2014).
119 During the period [41_TD$IF]20002007, the Russian subsidiary of HP (hereafter HP Russia) paid bribes through agents and
120 consultants to government ofcials in Russia to secure contracts for computer hardware and software worth an estimated
121 s35 million ($42 million). HP Russia was keen to secure this contract with the Ofce of the Prosecutor of General of Russia
122 because it was seen as a golden key for unlocking further contracts of around $100 million ([42_TD$IF]US Securities and Exchange

The Daily Telegraph, CEOs must keep learning to avoid the ve-year axe, [25_TD$IF]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/nance/businessclub/management-advice/
10064862/CEOs-must-keep-learning-to-avoid-the-ve-year-axe.html[26_TD$IF] Accessed 03.06.14.
For some details see [2 5_ T D$ I F ] h ttp://www.business-anti-corruption.com/about/about-corruption/the-oecd-convention-on-combating-bribery-of-
As per http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/globalcitizenship/media/les/hp_fy11_gcr_hp_operations.pdf[35_TD$IF] Accessed 18.05.14.
US Securities and Exchange Commission press release, SEC Charges Hewlett-Packard With FCPA Violations, 9 April 2014 ([37_TD$IF]http://www.sec.gov/News/
PressRelease/Detail/PressRelease/1370541453075#[38_TD$IF] U6GC6FRwaic Accessed 18.05.14).
US Justice Department press release, Hewlett-Packard Russia Agrees to Plead Guilty to Foreign Bribery, 9 April 2014 (http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/
2014/April/14-crm-358.html [40_TD$IF]Accessed 17.05.14).

Please cite this article in press as: Sikka, P., & Lehman, G. The [1_TD$IF]supply-side of corruption and limits to preventing
corruption within government procurement [2_TD$IF]and constructing ethical subjects. Crit Perspect Account (2015), http://
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4 P. Sikka, G. Lehman / Critical Perspectives on Accounting xxx (2015) xxxxxx

123 Commission, 2014: 3[43_TD$IF]). To secure the contract, HP Russia created a secret slush fund to facilitate bribes to government ofcials
124 directly, as well as through agents and intermediaries. HP Russia created excess prot margins for the slush fund through an
125 elaborate buy-back deal structure (US Department of Justice, 2014), whereby (1) HP sold the computer hardware and other
126 technology products called for under the contract to a Russian channel partner, (2) HP bought the same products back from
127 an intermediary company at a nearly s8 million mark-up and paid the intermediary an additional s4.2 million for purported
128 services, and (3) HP sold the same products to the Russian government at the increased price. The payments to the
129 intermediary were made through a series of shell companies, some of which were directly associated with government
130 ofcials, registered in the US, the UK, the British Virgin Islands and Belize. Some monies were laundered through offshore
131 bank accounts in Switzerland, Lithuania, Latvia and Austria. Portions of the funds were spent on travel, cars, jewelry,
132 clothing, expensive watches, swimming pool technology, furniture, household appliances and other luxury goods for
133 government ofcials. To conceal the corrupt payment, HP Russia employees kept two sets of books (US Securities and
134 Exchange Commission, [4_TD$IF]2014: 5): (i) an internal set of documents that identied the recipients of the payments, and (ii) a
135 sanitized version of the same documents that were provided to management in the credit, nance, and legal ofces outside
136 of HP Russia. There were also off-the-books side agreements. As one example, an HP Russia executive executed a letter
137 agreement to pay s2.8 million in purported commission fees to a UK-registered shell company which was linked to a
138 director of the Russian government agency responsible for managing the project. HP Russia did not disclose the existence of
139 the agreement to internal or external auditors or management outside of HP Russia. At one stage, HP Russias country
140 manager signed a contract which was being handled by an HP subsidiary in Germany even though he had no authority, or
141 power of attorney, to act on behalf of the German subsidiary. When, three months later, the German subsidiary learnt of this,
142 it ratied the contract through a retroactive power of attorney. HP Russia made about $10.4 million in illicit prots from its
143 Russian contract (US Securities and Exchange Commission, [45_TD$IF]2014: 5).
144 The tactic of bribing government ofcials to secure contracts was also used in Poland (US Securities and Exchange
145 Commission, 2014). US court documents show that between 2006 and 2010, HP Poland made improper payments to one or
146 more government ofcials to secure and maintain lucrative government contracts with the Polish national police agency. HP
147 Polands employees, including senior ofcials, circumvented internal controls to provide free laptop and desktop computers,
148 iPods, at screen televisions, cameras, home theater systems, dinners, ights and sightseeing tours to government ofcials.
149 Many of these were paid in cash, without authorization, and were not properly recorded in HPs books and accounts. After
150 some initial lucrative contracts, HP Poland employees and agents expanded the bribes to include large cash payments from
151 off-book accounts and the government ofcials were promised 1.2% of net revenue from the relevant contracts. When, in
152 March 2007, a Polish ofcial signed a contract valued at $15.8 million, a bag containing $150,000 in cash was left at his home.
153 A further $100,000 in cash was handed over in a Warsaw parking lot, followed by further cash payments of $360,000. The
154 relationship was also cultivated through covert means. In one method, a HP Poland executive established multiple
155 anonymous e-mail accounts and shared the passwords with the Polish IT Ofcial so that he could write and save messages as
156 drafts within the account. The HP Poland executive also provided the Polish government ofcial with prepaid mobile
157 telephones. The HP Poland executive and the government ofcial also met in remote locations where they would
158 communicate silently by typing information on a laptop computer about upcoming tenders and bribes. Through corrupt
159 means, HP Poland secured contracts worth approximately $60 million and generated prots of about $16.1 million.
160 The tendency to secure government contracts through illicit payments is also encountered in Mexico (US Securities and
161 Exchange Commission, 2014). Here hardware, software and licensing contracts worth $6 million were sought with Mexicos
162 state-owned petroleum company, Petroleos Mexico. Once again, agents were cultivated and paid secret fees, this time called
163 inuencer fee. This was equivalent to 25% of the licensing and support components of the deal. There was no written
164 agreement with the agent selected and the amounts were passed through shell companies and records were falsied. HP
165 Mexico made $2.5 million prot from the deals.
166 Commenting on the $108 million ne for HP, a spokesperson for the Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement
167 division said that Hewlett-Packard lacked the internal controls to stop a pattern of illegal payments to win business in
168 Mexico and Eastern Europe. The companys books and records reected the payments as legitimate commissions and
169 expenses. Companies have a fundamental obligation to ensure that their internal controls are both reasonably designed and
170 appropriately implemented across their entire business operations, and they should take a hard look at the agents
171 conducting business on their behalf[46_TD$IF].8 Ernst & Young were the global auditors of HP throughout the period during which
172 corrupt payments were made. The company always received unqualied audit opinion.

173 3.2. BAE Systems plc

174 BAE Systems plc9 (BAES) is the worlds second largest defence contractor. It exports a wide range of products and services
175 for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, security, information technology and support services. It has
176 customers in over 100 countries, though most of its business is based around four key markets [49_TD$IF] the US, the UK, the Kingdom

The Guardian, Hewlett-Packard to pay $108 [47_TD$IF]m to settle scandal over bribery of public ofcials, 9 April 2014 ([37_TD$IF]http://www.theguardian.com/business/
2014/apr/09/hewlett-packard-108m-corruption-government-it-us-bribery[48_TD$IF] Accessed 15.06.14).
It is the successor company formed in 1999 after the merger of British Aerospace and Marconi Electronic System.

Please cite this article in press as: Sikka, P., & Lehman, G. The [1_TD$IF]supply-side of corruption and limits to preventing
corruption within government procurement [2_TD$IF]and constructing ethical subjects. Crit Perspect Account (2015), http://
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P. Sikka, G. Lehman / Critical Perspectives on Accounting xxx (2015) xxxxxx 5

177 of Saudi Arabia and Australia[50_TD$IF].10 The companys sales have been the subject of critical media scrutiny for some time. For
178 example, The Guardian newspaper has claimed that Three huge BAE deals with the Saudi royal family kept Britains sole
179 warplane manufacturer in protable existence in the 1960s and 70s. All were corrupt [52_TD$IF]. . . successive UK governments,
180 desperate for foreign exchange, took no notice[53_TD$IF].11 In 1985, the UK and Saudi governments signed a government-to-
181 government contract12 known as the Al Yamamah contract. The 43 billion contract was Britains biggest ever arms export
182 deal and BAE Systems would provide Tornado and Hawk jets and other military equipment. It was soon alleged that the
183 Prime Ministers son, Mark Thatcher, received kickbacks for the contract[5_TD$IF].13 In 1989, amidst allegations of the payment of
184 secret commissions to a number of agents and Saudi royals, the National Audit Ofce14 (NAO) began an investigation[59_TD$IF].15 In
185 1992, the investigation was abruptly discontinued and the report remains unpublished amidst fears that its publication
186 would offend the notoriously sensitive Saudis, [61_TD$IF]jeopardizing continuing trade relations[62_TD$IF].16 In 2004, it was reported that BAEs
187 chief operating ofcer operated a slush fund which made corrupt payments of 60 million to Saudi ofcials, including
188 providing prostitutes, Rolls-Royces and Californian holidays[64_TD$IF].17 The company allegedly used an elaborate process of false
189 accounting to make and conceal payments through shell companies. Some of the entries were in code in order to conceal the
190 identity of the recipients. BAEs response to allegations was a response that it can state categorically that there is not now
191 and there has never been in existence what the media refers to as a slush fund. Neither has BAE Systems or any of its ofcers
192 or employees been involved in false accounting[6_TD$IF].18
193 The media revelations, accompanied by documentary evidence, persuaded the Serious Fraud Ofce19 (SFO) to launch an
194 investigation. On 1st December 2006, it was reported that Saudi Arabia has given Britain 10 days to halt a fraud
195 investigation into the countrys arms trade [52_TD$IF]. . . The countrys advisers have made clear through diplomatic channels that
196 unless the inquiry is closed, the kingdoms arms business will be taken elsewhere[68_TD$IF].20 In 14 December 2006, the Attorney
197 General told parliament that the investigation had been abandoned because of the need to safeguard national and
198 international security. It has been necessary to balance the need to maintain the rule of law against the wider public
199 interest[70_TD$IF].21 Prime Minister Tony Blair defended the action by saying that the result would have been devastating for our
200 relationship with an important country[72_TD$IF].22 The US authorities,23 which had launched an investigation in 2005, were not
201 pleased24 and made a formal protest to the UK government.
202 Attention was now focused on the US investigation into BAE Systems Inc., the US subsidiary of BAE System plc, for its role
203 in the Saudi arms deal, as well as contracts for supplies to South Africa, Chile, the Czech Republic, Romania, Tanzania and
204 Qatar. On 1st March 2010, the US Department of Justice announced that BAE Systems plc had pleaded guilty to conspiring to
205 defraud the United States by impairing and impeding its lawful functions and making false statements about its Foreign
206 Corrupt Practices Act compliance program, and violating the Arms Export Control Act and International Trafc in Arms
207 Regulations. BAE was ordered to pay a $400 million criminal ne[76_TD$IF].25 The court order (United States District Court for the
208 District of Columbia, 2010) relating to sales in Saudi Arabia, Hungary and the Czech Republic stated that BAES knowingly
209 and willfully failed to identify commissions paid to third parties for assistance in the solicitation or promotion or otherwise
210 to secure the conclusion of the sale of defense articles [78_TD$IF]. . . (p. 6). In the companys records, the middlemen were described as
211 marketing advisers and BAES took active steps to conceal its relationships with them. BAES used onshore and offshore

As per http://bae-systems-investor-relations-v2.production.investis.com/bae-systems-at-glance.aspx[51_TD$IF] Accessed 19.05.14.
As per http://www.theguardian.com/baeles/page/0,,2095814,00.html[54_TD$IF] Accessed 21.05.14.
In legal terms, this means that BAE sold equipment to the UK government, which then sold it to the government of Saudi Arabia. As the sale is technically
by the government, this entitles UK government auditors (e.g. the National Audit Ofce) to scrutinize the process.
The Independent, Mark Thatcher accused: Sources say he got 12 [56_TD$IF]m pounds from arms deal signed by his mother, 9 October 1004 ([37_TD$IF]http://www.
independent.co.uk/news/mark-thatcher-accused-sources-say-he-got-12m-pounds-from-arms-deal-signed-by-his-mother-1441851.html[57_TD$IF] Accessed
It is a Parliamentary body independent of any UK government departments which [58_TD$IF]scrutinizes public spending by government departments,
government agencies and non-government pubic bodies.
The Daily Telegraph, BAEs arms deals with Saudi Arabia: Timeline, 30 July 2008 ([37_TD$IF]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/
saudiarabia/2473238/BAEs-arms-deals-with-Saudi-Arabia-Timeline.html[60_TD$IF] Accessed 25.05.14).
The Daily Telegraph, SFO illegally dropped Saudi arms inquiry, judge rules, 10 April 2008 ([37_TD$IF]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1584595/
SFO-illegally-dropped-Saudi-arms-inquiry-judge-rules.html[63_TD$IF] Accessed 23.05.14).
The Guardian, BAE chief linked to slush fund, 5 October 2004 (http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2004/oct/05/saudiarabia.armstrade [65_TD$IF]Accessed
BBC News, BBC lifts the lid on secret BAE slush fund, 5 October 2004 ([37_TD$IF]http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3712770.stm[67_TD$IF] Accessed 19.11.14).
SFO is a government department charged with investigation and prosecution of serious or complex fraud, and corruption.
The Daily Telegraph, Halt inquiry or we cancel Euroghters, 1 December 2006 ([37_TD$ IF ]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1535683/
Halt-inquiry-or-we-cancel-Euroghters.html[69_TD$IF] Accessed 20.05.14).
Hansard, House of Lords Debates, 14 December 2006, col. 1712 ([37_TD$IF]http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200607/ldhansrd/text/61214-0014.htm[71_TD$IF]
Accessed 01.06.14).
The Guardian, Dropping BAE inquiry vital to national interest, says Blair, 16 January 2007 ([37_TD$IF]http://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/jan/16/bae.
immigrationpolicy[73_TD$IF] Accessed 01.06.14).
Financial Times, US issued protest on axing of BAE probe, 27 April 2007 ([37_TD$IF]http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/b008fd02-f45c-11db-88aa-000b5df10621.
html#axzz355ZUUp36[74_TD$IF] Accessed 01.06.14).
UK NGOs made attempts to force the government to continue with its investigations, but were ultimately unsuccessful (The Guardian, Lords rule SFO
was lawful in halting BAE arms corruption inquiry, 30 July 2008; [25_TD$IF]http://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/jul/30/bae.armstrade[75_TD$IF] Accessed 30.05.14).
US Department of Justice press release, BAE Systems PLC Pleads Guilty and Ordered to Pay $400 Million Criminal Fine, 1 March 2010 ([37_TD$IF]http://www.
justice.gov/opa/pr/2010/March/10-crm-209.html[7_TD$IF] Accessed 03.06.14).

Please cite this article in press as: Sikka, P., & Lehman, G. The [1_TD$IF]supply-side of corruption and limits to preventing
corruption within government procurement [2_TD$IF]and constructing ethical subjects. Crit Perspect Account (2015), http://
G Model
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6 P. Sikka, G. Lehman / Critical Perspectives on Accounting xxx (2015) xxxxxx

212 shell companies to disguise the origins of secret commissions and also advised recipients to use offshore shell companies.
213 There was little internal scrutiny of the payments. The court order noted that BAES established one entity in the British
214 Virgin Islands to conceal BAESs marketing advisor relationships, including who the agent was and how much it was paid; to
215 create obstacles for investigating authorities to penetrate the arrangements; to circumvent laws in countries that did not
216 allow agency relationships; and to assist advisors in avoiding tax liability for payments from BAES (p. 8). BAESs ofcial
217 records maintained inadequate information about the identity of the advisors and the nature of their work and, frequently
218 the communication was not in writing. Between May and November 2001 alone, BAES made payments of over
219 135,000,000 (about $216 million) and over $14,000,000 to certain of its marketing advisors and agents through offshore
220 entities. (p. 9). There is little persuasive evidence to show that the advisers performed legitimate activities to justify the
221 receipt of substantial payments. Amongst other things, the court order noted that for the Saudi contract, BAES provided
222 substantial benets to one public ofcial and his associates (p. 12). These included sums totaling more than 10,000,000
223 and more than $9,000,000 to a bank account in Switzerland controlled by an intermediary (p. 13). For the contract to
224 supply Grippen ghter planes to the Czech Republic and Hungary, BAES made payments of more than 19,000,000 to
225 entities associated with an unnamed agent. BAES made these payments even though there was a high probability that part
226 of the payments would be used in the tender process to favor BAES (p. [79_TD$IF]910). In May 2011, the US government levied
227 another ne of $79 million on BAE for violation of defense export controls26 for the period [82_TD$IF]19972010 (United States
228 Department of State, 2011).
229 In December 2010, the UK authorities announced that BAE had agreed to make an ex-gratia payment of 29.5 million to
230 the Tanzanian government, which the companys 2011 annual report referred to as a charitable contribution27 to be used
231 for educating children in Tanzania[84_TD$IF].28 A ne of 500,000 was negotiated by the UK authorities for failing to keep adequate
232 accounting records29 in relation to a defence contract for the supply of an air trafc control system to the Government of
233 Tanzania[87_TD$IF].30 The background is that, in 1999, BAE, with the support of the UK government, entered into an agreement with
234 the Tanzanian government to supply an air trafc control system at the price of about $40 million (28 million). The UK
235 government helped to secure the nance from Barclays Bank[89_TD$IF].31 The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
236 opposed the deal by arguing that an effective radar system should only cost about $10 million32 (7 million). The UK court
237 order33 for the ne provides some details of the discrepancies. Some $12.4 million (30% of the contract value) ended up in
238 two offshore companies operated by an agent. The payments were recorded in accounting records by BAE as payments for
239 the provision of technical services by the agent. The court documentation noted that there was a high probability that part
240 of the $12.4 million would be used in the negotiation process to [93_TD$IF]favor British Aerospace Defence Systems Ltd. The payments
241 were not subjected to proper or adequate scrutiny or review (para 4.5). The failure to record the information accurately
242 was the result of a deliberate decision by ofcials. Despite the admission that the company had failed to keep adequate
243 accounting records, its annual nancial statements continued to receive unqualied audit opinions. The judge expressed
244 his surprise that the UKs law enforcement ofcers had given BAE ofcials blanket immunities from any future
245 prosecutions.
246 In October 2010, the UKs accounting regulator, the Financial Reporting Council, announced that it would investigate
247 audits and professional services advice provided by KPMG to BAE in the period [94_TD$IF]19972007, but in 2013, the investigation
248 was abruptly abandoned because proper assessment of KPMGs conduct would require consideration of work undertaken in
249 earlier years. Because there is no realistic prospect that a Tribunal will make an adverse nding in respect of a complaint
250 relating to work done so long ago it has been concluded that it is not in the public interest to extend the investigation to the
251 years preceding [95_TD$IF]1997.34

252 4. Summary and discussion

253 It may be possible to design internal controls systems that enhance possibilities of combating corrupt practices within the
254 government procurement process. However, government departments transact with private sector corporations who
255 compete to secure government contracts. Corporations are under incessant pressure from markets and shareholders for

Also see Wall Street Journal, BAE Pays $79 Million To Settle Case With State Department, 17 May 2011([80_TD$IF]http://blogs.wsj.com/corruption-currents/2011/
05/17/bae-pays-79-million-to-settle-case-with-state-department/[81_TD$IF] Accessed 22.06.14).
Page 49 of the 2011 annual report, [ 1 7 _ T D $ I F ] A vailable at http://bae-systems-investor-relations-v2.production.investis.com//media/Files/B/
BAE-Systems-Investor-Relations-V2/PDFs/results-and-reports/reports/2012a/ar-2011.pdf[83_TD$IF] Accessed 20.06.14.
Serious Fraud Ofce press release, BAE Systems will pay toward [85_TD$IF]educating children in Tanzania after signing an agreement brokered by the Serious
Fraud Ofce, 15 March 2012 ([ 37 _T D$ I F ]h ttp://www.sfo.gov.uk/press-room/latest-press-releases/press-releases-2012/bae-systems-will-pay-towards-
educating-children-in-tanzania-after-signing-an-agreement-brokered-by-the-serious-fraud-ofce.aspx[86_TD$IF] Accessed 17.06.14).
This was a statutory requirement under Section 221 of the Companies Act 1985.
Serious Fraud Ofce press release, BAE ned in Tanzania defence contract case, 21 December 2010 ([37_TD$IF]http://www.sfo.gov.uk/press-room/
press-release-archive/press-releases-2010/bae-ned-in-tanzania-defence-contract-case.aspx[8_TD$IF] Accessed 02.06.14).
Hansard, House of Commons Debates, 25 June 2002, cols. [90_TD$IF]228236.
BBC News, World Bank hits out at Tanzania deal, 22 December 2001 ([37_TD$IF]http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/1723296.stm[91_TD$IF] Accessed 23.05.14).
R and BAE Systems PLC [2010] EW Misc 16 (CC) (21 December 2010) [17_TD$IF]Available at http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/Misc/2010/16.pdf[92_TD$IF] Accessed 03.06.14.
Financial Reporting Council press release, Closure of investigation into the conduct of: KPMG Audit plc, Member Firm of the ICAEW, 1 August 2013;
[96_TD$IF]https://www.frc.org.uk/News-and-Events/FRC-Press/Press/2013/August/Closure-of-investigation-into-the-conduct-of-KPMG.aspx[97_TD$IF] Accessed 31.05.14).

Please cite this article in press as: Sikka, P., & Lehman, G. The [1_TD$IF]supply-side of corruption and limits to preventing
corruption within government procurement [2_TD$IF]and constructing ethical subjects. Crit Perspect Account (2015), http://
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P. Sikka, G. Lehman / Critical Perspectives on Accounting xxx (2015) xxxxxx 7

256 higher prots and have to distinguish themselves from their competitors. One way of stealing a march on competitors is by
257 using illicit means to secure sales to government departments. Following the 1997 OECD Convention on Combating Bribery
258 of Foreign Public Ofcials and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977, corporate executives should be aware of their
259 obligations and possible retribution for bribing government ofcials to secure contracts, but they still indulge in corrupt
260 practices. The two case studies presented in this paper show that corporations went to enormous lengths to bribe individuals
261 to secure contracts. Some employees may have resisted illicit practices, but corporate ofcials used clandestine meetings,
262 bags full of cash, agents, shell companies and false accounting to pursue corporate interests. These were not the actions of
263 some isolated individuals, but seem to be deliberate policies crafted at senior levels. No executive has been ned,
264 imprisoned, or forced to return the personal gains made from corrupt practices. The supply of corruption is so deeply
265 ingrained into corporate governance structures that some companies even employ private detectives to recover bribes if the
266 recipients fail to deliver the promised benets (Hawley, 2000).
267 Following [10_TD$IF]Neu, Everett and Rahaman [98_TD$IF](2015) arguments, it may be possible to use market prices as benchmarks to
268 detect articial and inated prices, but the case studies suggest that this process may not work smoothly. Major
269 corporations dominate markets, and have considerable discretion in setting prices, especially if markets are fragmented,
270 or compartmentalized into geographical jurisdictions (Sikka & Willmott, 2010). HP deployed an elaborate scheme to
271 inate market prices for computer hardware and software. The creation of articial prices requires collusion between the
272 buyer and the seller. The buyer was subject to internal controls instituted by government departments, whilst the seller
273 was driven by the logic of private prots. HPs books and internal controls could not be inspected by the governments of
274 Russia, Poland and Mexico. In any case, the accounting records could not easily distinguish between the normal and illicit
275 practices. In the case of the Tanzanian contract, BAE priced its radar system at $40 million against an expected price of
276 around $10 million. Despite this discrepancy, the sale went ahead with the full support of the UK government, and corrupt
277 practices were not checked.
278 None of the corrupt practices highlighted in this paper were brought to the attention of the public or regulators by
279 internal or external auditors of the companies even though they are central to debates about controlling corruption in
280 government procurement. Both HP and BAE bolstered internal checks and balances with audit committees and non-
281 executive directors, but they do not appear to have been effective in curtailing or exposing corrupt practices. Even if
282 suitable internal controls could be devised to combat both the demand and supply of corruption, they are most likely to
283 constrain selected individuals. They cannot easily make a serious dent in the systemic origins of corrupt practices which
284 are embedded in the spirit of contemporary capitalism that celebrates competition, individualization and quest for
285 personal riches.
286 Government auditors and law enforcement agencies may have the capacity to check corrupt practices, but the reality is
287 murkier. In the case of BAE, the UK state went to considerable length to thwart investigations. The NAO, the government
288 auditor, was prevented from investigating the frauds. In pursuit of what the government called national interests, the SFO,
289 a law enforcement agency, was neutered. The UK government granted immunities to BAE ofcials from future investigations
290 and prosecutions. Seemingly, the commercial interests of BAE and its capacity to export arms took priority over attempts to
291 combat corruption. There is something very troubling for democratic sensibilities in that the UK governments interventions
292 to prevent investigations of corrupt practices were accompanied by the claims that the rule of law is not compatible with
293 pursuit of the public interest and exposure of corrupt practices. Such worldviews pose serious questions about the
294 willingness of western states to eradicate the supply of corruption.
295 There is mounting evidence that internal controls are probably not constraining corporate participation in predatory
296 practices (for example, see Hadden et al., 2014; Mitchell & Sikka, 2011). Interestingly, the controls and disciplinary practices
297 are mobilized to enact a [9_TD$IF]theater of legality and probity. In the case of HP, its 2013 nancial statements identied some of the
298 on-going litigation and investigations under the heading of litigation and contingencies, but with minimal detail. The word
299 bribery appeared only three times in a 180 page document. The companys 2013 Living Progress Report (its corporate
300 social responsibility report) stated that HP does not tolerate corrupt behavior and prohibits bribery or kickbacks in any
301 circumstance. Corrupt behavior is an impediment to social and economic development. It undermines the values on which
302 HP is built, the principles of fair competition, and the rule of law[10_TD$IF].35 BAE response was interesting. In 2007, it appointed a
303 committee of grandees, chaired by Lord Woolf of Barnes, former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. The eventual report
304 (Woolf Committee, 2008) provided a brief glimpse of the already publicly known allegations, but was accompanied by
305 denial. The report said that the Company has always maintained that it does not believe that it has done anything that
306 would constitute a criminal [102_TD$IF]offense . . . [and that the payments] were lawful commissions and not secret payments (Woolf
307 Committee, [103_TD$IF]2008: 8). The report made 23 recommendations for the company to improve ethical practices, something that
308 has become a resource for the company in reassuring its critics[104_TD$IF],36 especially after the nes imposed by the US government.
309 The recommendations, such as those relating to staff training, adherence to ethical codes, a new code of government
310 lobbying, enhanced role for internal audit, a register for gifts and hospitality and linking of executive remuneration to ethical
311 practices etc., reinforce disciplinary technologies and also create possibilities for nding scapegoats in future episodes. This

HP2013Living Progress Report, p. 22 ([37_TD$IF]http://h20195.www2.hp.com/V2/GetPDF.aspx/c04152740.pdf[10_TD$IF] Accessed 15.06.14).
For example, see Governance Summary in the BAEs 2013 annual report on page 64 ([37_TD$IF]http://bae-systems-investor-relations-v2.production.investis.
com//media/Files/B/BAE-Systems-Investor-Relations-V2/Annual%20Reports/BAE-annual-report-2013.pdf[105_TD$IF] Accessed 20.11.14).

Please cite this article in press as: Sikka, P., & Lehman, G. The [1_TD$IF]supply-side of corruption and limits to preventing
corruption within government procurement [2_TD$IF]and constructing ethical subjects. Crit Perspect Account (2015), http://
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8 P. Sikka, G. Lehman / Critical Perspectives on Accounting xxx (2015) xxxxxx

312 disciplinary apparatus may facilitate the production of ethical individuals envisaged by Neu, Everett and Rahaman, but
313 cannot easily check the supply-side of corruption.
314 The central message of this paper is that there are limits to the effectiveness of internal controls in government
315 procurement programs. The controls can be undermined not only by strategically placed ofcials from within, but by the
316 constant attacks from private sector corporations transacting with the government departments. So what can be done to
317 control the supply-side corruption? Perhaps the offending companies, in this case HP and BAE could be debarred for a long
318 period from securing any government contracts, but in the face of strong corporate lobbying, such laws are unlikely to
319 emerge. Their executives could be personally ned and extradited to the countries suffering from corrupt practices, but such
320 international laws and treaties either do not exist or are weak. To prevent a country like the UK from delaying, obfuscating
321 and abandoning investigations, there should be joint investigations involving the supply-side and demand-side countries.
322 Following the examples in case studies this could have been a joint investigation involving the US, Russia Poland and Mexico,
323 or the UK, Saudi Arabia and Tanzania. However, even that runs into difculties, as some countries (Saudi Arabia) were not
324 keen on any investigation. Some of the proceeds of corruption pass through offshore places facilitating secrecy and they are
325 unlikely to cooperate fully. In any case, various states would probably bring their national interests to bear on any
326 investigation, with the ght against corruption taking a back seat. Evidently, much needs to be done to control supply-side
327 corruption.
328 The persistence of corruption highlights a failure of education at home, work, school, university and society. There is an
329 urgent need for a program of deschooling (Illich, 1974) so that corporate executives can recognize their contribution to social
330 problems. Corporations need to accept that they were created to serve society and must have legal responsibilities wider
331 than the simple pursuit of private prots. Their records need to be publicly accessible so that all citizens can evaluate their
332 activities and call them to account. Individuals need to be detoxied from the neoliberal obsession with accumulation of
333 wealth, power and status. Without this, [8_TD$IF]programs of surveillance and internal controls may achieve marginal success, but are
334 unlikely to make a signicant dent in curbing corrupt practices.
335 There is also an urgent need for further research into socialization of individuals into corporate culture which incubates
336 corrupt practices. The accounts of insiders (Perkins, 2004) can do much to illuminate contradictions of organizational
337 practices which are frequently designed to present a legitimate face to the outside world whilst internal dynamics are
338 engaged in headlong rush for private prots, at almost any cost.

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corruption within government procurement [2_TD$IF]and constructing ethical subjects. Crit Perspect Account (2015), http://
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388 WindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#!%40%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D548851468488000%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.
389 ctrl-state%3Ddzp8pwufr_71).

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corruption within government procurement [2_TD$IF]and constructing ethical subjects. Crit Perspect Account (2015), http://

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