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Stored Procedures

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Symbolic Execution of Stored Procedures

in Database Management Systems

Muhammad Suleman Mahmood Maryam Abdul Ghafoor Junaid Haroon Siddiqui

Department of Computer Science
LUMS School of Science and Engineering
Lahore, Pakistan
{13030004, 15030036, junaid.siddiqui}@lums.edu.pk

ABSTRACT A key idea in symbolic execution is to build path conditions

Stored procedures in database management systems are often given a path, a path condition represents a constraint on
used to implement complex business logic. Correctness of the input variables, which is a conjunction of the branching
these procedures is critical for correct working of the system. conditions on the path. Thus, a solution to a (feasible) path
However, testing them remains difficult due to many possible condition is an input that executes the corresponding path.
states of data and database constraints. This leads to mostly A common application of symbolic execution is indeed to gen-
manual testing. Newer tools offer automated execution for erate test inputs, say to increase code coverage. Automation
unit testing of stored procedures but the test cases are still of symbolic execution requires constraint solvers or decision
written manually. procedures [1, 10] that can handle the classes of constraints
In this paper, we propose a novel approach of using dy- in the ensuing path conditions.
namic symbolic execution to automatically generate test A lot of progress has been made during the last decade
cases and corresponding database states for stored proce- in constraint solving technology, in particular SAT [31] and
dures. We treat values in database tables as symbolic, model SMT [1, 10] solving. These technological advances have
the constraints on data imposed by the schema and by the fuelled the research interest in symbolic execution, which
SQL statements executed by the stored procedure. We use an today not only handles constructs of modern programming
SMT solver to find values that will drive the stored procedure languages and enables traditional analyses, such as test input
on a particular execution path. generation [18, 15, 26, 4], but also has non-conventional ap-
We instrument the internal execution plans generated by plications, for example in checking program equivalence [25],
PostgreSQL database management system to extract con- in repairing data structures for error recovery [12], and in
straints and use the Z3 SMT solver to generate test cases estimating power consumption [27].
consisting of table data and procedure inputs. Our evaluation Despite the progress, applying symbolic execution in new
using stored procedures from a large business application domains remains a challenging problem. One such domain
shows that this technique can uncover bugs that lead to is stored procedures in Relational Database Management
schema constraint violations and user defined exceptions. Systems. Relational databases are widely used for storing
and managing data for applications. Many applications
using databases interact with multiple users simultaneously.
CCS Concepts In order to process user requests, the applications mostly
Software and its engineering Software verifica- need information from database tables (relations), often
tion and validation; Software testing and debugging; requiring access to multiple database tables and sometimes
involving decisions in the form of conditional statements as
Keywords well. If database server and application server are on separate
machines then the network overhead can be significant due
Symbolic Execution, Stored Procedures, SQL to multiple requests to the database server. In order to
avoid this overhead and to place business logic close to data
1. INTRODUCTION for integrity purpose, application programmers often move
Symbolic execution is a powerful program analysis tech- business logic for common tasks from the application server
nique based on systematic exploration of (bounded) program to the database server in stored procedures.
paths, which was developed over three decades ago [7, 19]. Correctness of stored procedures is crucial for correct work-
ing of the application as well as for maintaining data integrity.
However testing them is a difficult task. Any test case written
for stored procedures needs to provide data for database ta-
bles in addition to the usual program inputs in order to have
reproducible results. Symbolic execution has been used with
database driven applications [13, 20, 23, 21, 16, 22]. However,
the techniques for testing applications are not directly appli-
cable to testing stored procedures because they run inside a
database server. Furthermore, the techniques are limited in
nature due to the challenges posed by multi-lingual nature of Implementation: We implemented symbolic execu-
these application (SQL and some imperative language) and tion of stored procedures on PostgreSQLan open-
because of considering the database as an external system. source database with support for stored procedures
Often, a very limited SQL grammar has been supported for and using the Z3 SMT solver [10]. The algorithms
these applications for automated test generation. are adaptable to other database systems but the im-
This paper presents a novel technique to adapt symbolic plementation is specific for the query node types and
execution for automated testing of stored procedures. Our processing in PostgreSQL.
key insight is that instrumenting the internal query nodes of
the database query processing engine enables us to gather
internal database constraints while being more precise and Evaluation: We evaluated our technique on 150 pro-
efficient in producing non-redundant test cases. We adapted cedures that are part of an open source Accounting
symbolic execution technique for stored procedures written and CRM ERP, PostBooks2 . Our symbolic executor
in the PL/pgSQL language for PostgreSQL1 . PL/pgSQL has generated around 90 cases that trigger constraint
runs directly on the database so it is not an external system. violations or hit user defined exceptions showing the
A major advantage of our technique of instrumenting query effectiveness of our technique and the limitations of
nodes for PL/pgSQL is that it has the same type system as writing manual test cases for stored procedures.
the database tables. This makes it simpler to establish a
relation between program variables and data stored in the
database. This is a simplification that is not available to logic 2. BACKGROUND
written in other languages. Because of these simplification Symbolic execution is a technique for executing a pro-
we are able to support a larger subset of the SQL grammar. gram on symbolic values [8, 19]. There are two fundamental
In contrast to dynamic symbolic execution of simple pro- aspects of symbolic execution: (1) defining semantics of oper-
grams where program conditions are the only source of con- ations that are originally defined for concrete values and (2)
straints, we identified three sources of constraints in symbolic maintaining a path condition for the current program path
execution of stored procedures. These constraints imposed on being executed a path condition specifies necessary con-
program variables are gathered during execution of the pro- straints on input variables that must be satisfied to execute
gram through instrumentation of PostgreSQL. These sources the corresponding path.
of constraints include As an example, consider the following program that returns
(i)Language constructs, e.g. IF statement, are first the absolute value of its input:
source of constraints imposed on program variable.
(ii)SQL constructs are the second source of constraints
that are indirectly imposed by SQL statements. Based on a 1 static int abs(int x) {
key insight, we used the query plans generated for execution 2 int result;
of the SQL statements to extract such constraints. The 3 if (x < 0)
4 result = 0 - x ;
important difference between language and SQL construct is,
5 else
that the number of paths (choices) depends on the number of 6 result = x;
rows being processed at the SQL node, e.g. a sequential scan 7 return result;
plan node has four choices when the table being scanned has 8 }
two rows and eight choices with three rows in a table and
(iii) Database integrity constraints are imposed on the
database tables to ensure that the data always satisfies certain To symbolically execute this program, we consider its be-
properties.These constraints may be violated in some cases havior on integer inputs, say x. We make no assumptions
during the execution of the application, causing exceptions about the value of x (except what can be deduced from
in the procedures. A typical example would be a primary the type declaration). So, when we encounter a conditional
key constraint violation that occurs when the user requests statement, we consider both possible outcomes of the con-
insertion of a record which already exists in the system. dition. To perform operations on symbols, we treat them
We make the following contributions: simply as variables, e.g., the statement on L4 updates the
value of result to be 0 - x. Of course, a tool for symbolic
Symbolic execution of stored procedures: We execution needs to modify the type of result to note updates
demonstrate an end-to-end technique for symbolic exe- involving symbols and to provide support for manipulating
cution of stored procedures in PostgreSQL. expressions, such as 0 - x. We perform operations on symbols
Instrumentation at query node level: Our instru-
Symbolic execution of the program abs explores two paths:
mentation at the level of query nodes allows more
precision and efficiency than was possible using any
path 1: [X < 0] L2 -> L3 -> L4 -> L7
technique at the abstraction of a high-level query lan-
path 2: [X > 0] L2 -> L3 -> L6 -> L7
guage like SQL.
Constraint collection from query nodes: We iden- Note that for each path that is explored, there is a corre-
tified and collected constraints from three sources using sponding path condition (shown in square brackets). While
query node instrumentation i.e. conditions on program execution on a concrete input would have followed exactly
variables, indirect constraints due to SQL statements, one of these two paths, symbolic execution explores both.
and database integrity constraints.
1 2
http://www.postgresql.org http://www.xtuple.com/postbooks
1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION updateEmpSalary(id 1 T_Result TargetList TARGET_ENTRY FunctionCall
integer) 7129501 ARGUMENT_START 23 1 ARGUMENT_END AS
2 RETURNS integer AS updateempsalary
5 sal integer; 4 T_SeqScan 7129489 TargetList TARGET_ENTRY Col 23
6 experience integer; salary AS salary TARGET_ENTRY Col 23
7 BEGIN experience AS experience Conditions 65 Col 23
8 SELECT A.salary, A.experience INTO sal, empno Param 23 $1
experience from emp A WHERE empno = id; 5 Into 23 sal 23 experience
10 RETURN -1; 7 PLPGSQL_STMT_IF Not Param 0 found
12 IF experience >= 5 THEN 9 PLPGSQL_STMT_IF 150 Param 0 experience 23 5
13 sal := sal + 500; 10 ...
15 sal := sal + 200; Figure 3: Trace Log for Example Code
17 UPDATE emp SET salary = sal WHERE empno = id;
18 RETURN 1; Table 1: EMP Table Structure
19 END; No Attributes Constraints Type
20 $BODY$ 1 empno Primary Key integer
2 name - string
Figure 1: Example code of stored procedure for test 3 salary Not Null integer
case generation through symbolic execution. 4 experiance - integer

Random Input the procedure, i.e. number of input parameters along with
their data types. We generate first test case with random
(a) value e.g., id = 1. Symbolic execution with concrete input is
Stored Proce- New Test Case also called Concolic Execution. Flow of execution of stored
(d) dure Execution procedure is given in Figure 2.

(a) Stored Procedure Execution We execute stored pro-

Model Table (b) (g) cedure with first test case. As procedure runs on the
Trace Update database, we record its execution through instrumenta-
Analysis Table
tion of query nodes in PostgreSQL in Trace Log, which
yes includes every step that database performs as shown in
Table Data Figure 3. It also lists conditions enforced at a particular
point during execution of the procedure.
(c) Generate (b) Trace Analysis We analyze collected trace line by line
Analyze Test case to extract conditions imposed on variables and tables
New Table? Construct and Table and to store information in a corresponding state. For
SQL Data
example in case of a variable declaration in a procedure
we create symbolic object and add constraints to it. For
Language construct language constructs, e.g., IF statement, we add constraint
to the respective symbolic objects. For SQL constructs,
we model tables. Here in this example, line 1 in Trace
(e) Log corresponds to procedure call. Line 4 corresponds
no and Solve to sequential scan due to occurrence of SQL construct in
Constraints ChoiceSet stored procedure on line 8 of Figure 1.
(c) Analyse Constructs In this step, we check if we already
Figure 2: Flow of Symbolic Execution of Stored Pro- have model for the table we move directly to step (e),
cedure otherwise we identify new table and prepare model for it
in step (d). Line 4 in Trace Log tells that sequential scan
is done on the table emp where output of scan is given as
3. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE TargetList which comprises of salary and experience.
In order to explain symbolic execution of stored procedure, Condition specifies constraint in SQL construct and is
consider procedure updateEmpSalary given in Figure 1. Our given in preorder notation, i.e, operatorId firstOperand
database schema for this example is a single table emp with secondOperand. Here condition is emp id = P aram$1,
table structure given in Table 1, which contains records of the where Param$1 is first input argument of the procedure.
employees of the company. We have primary key and not null For language constructs, as given on line 12 of example
constraints on the empno and salary columns respectively. code given in Figure 1, line 9 in Trace Log given in
Before initiation of symbolic execution of updateEmpSalary, Figure 3 is recorded. It tells us about IF condition.On
our program connects to the database to extract signature of encountering such constructs, we move to step (e).
Table 2: Symbolic Rows for Table EMP
1 ChoiceSet
empno name salary experience 2 {
r11 r12 r13 r14 3 {Condition 1: Not(r_{11}==param1),
r21 r22 r23 r24 Not(r_{21}==param1) Result: [ ]}
4 {Condition 2: (r_{11}==param1),
Not(r_{21}==param1) Result: [r11 ]}
empid = param1 5 {Condition 3: Not (r_{11}==param1),
(r_{21}==param1) Result: [r12 ]}
6 {Condition 4: (r_{11}==param1), (r_{21}==param1)
Result: [r11, r12 ]}
r11!=param1 r11=param1 r11!=param1 r11=param1 7 }
r21!=param1 r21!=param1 r21=param1 r21=param1
Figure 5: ChoiceSet for Sequnential Scan
Figure 4: Possible Cases for Sequential Scan
Table 4: Data Set Against Condition for Case2
Table 3: Data Set Against Condition for Case1 Input Value for Procedure: id = 1
Input Value for Procedure: id = 1 empno name salary experience
empno name salary experience 1 Ali 3500 7
2 Ali 3500 7 3 Amna 3000 4
3 Amna 3000 4

constraints of language construct to lead the execution

(d) Model Table We model table based on SQL constructs of store procedure to within IF statement.
analyzed above. We query database to extract struc-
ture and integrity constraints on the table. We add two (g) Update Table We setup our tables with data generated
symbolic rows to our table emp as shown in Table 2. in previous step and re-execute stored procedure with
new set of inputs generated as test cases in previous step.
(e) Gather Constraints For SQL constructs, we define and For above example, we populate emp table and move to
gather already defined constraints imposed on a table. step (a) for the execution of stored procedure with new
Adding integrity constraints ensures that data generated test case.
for tables will not violate constraints imposed on the
structure of the table. We consider three cases for pro- We explore remaining choices in depth first search manner
cessing of sequential scan. (i) None of the rows match, by repeating steps described above until test cases for testing
(ii) Only one row matches and (iii) All rows match scan complete procedure are generated.
condition. Case (i) and (iii) corresponds to one condi-
tion whereas case (ii) corresponds to two conditions. All
four conditions in Figure 4 are constructed and added to
structure ChoiceSet as choices, shown in Figure 5. In Our technique for modeling of database tables is described
addition to the conditions, we also generate and store cor- in Section 4.1, instrumentation and processing of query plan
responding result which satisfy conditions. This result set nodes is in Section 4.2, and symbolic execution of the col-
is a representation of output of SQL statement, e.g., for lected trace is in Section 4.3. Handling of data types and
Case 1 it is empty and for Case 4 it returns both rows of query nodes is discussed in Section 5 in detail.
table emp as shown in Figure 5. For language constructs,
we add constraints imposed by these constructs to Choic-
4.1 Modeling of Database Tables
eSet. ChoiceSets are generated lazily, i.e. choices are Tables in database are two dimensional objects. Each
only available for the path under exploration at any point table can have multiple columns with different data types.
in time. In our example, when we reach line 3 of Trace However, the number of columns in a table is fixed whereas
Log, we define symbolic variable for experience and add the number of rows is varied which makes it difficult to
to the ChoiceSet. properly initialize the table model. Our model for the tables
is a 2-D array of symbolic variables with number of rows as
(f) Generate Test Case and Table Data In order to a configurable constant in initial model. Due to exponential
generate test data for table emp, our symbolic executor increase in number of cases with increase in rows of the
does not know which of the possible four paths shown in table, we setup initial table with two rows only. This, in
Figure 4 is taken by the procedure during execution. But our experience, covers most of the cases that can arise in
we now know that value of input argument id can satisfy execution of stored procedures. Insertions and deletions in
or dissatisfy the condition in where clause. We append the tables are modeled and they can change the number of
this constraint to each of the choices in our ChoiceSet. symbolic rows in the table as procedure executes.
We pick each choice, one by one, from ChoiceSet and When a table is modeled, we also have to consider the
append integrity constraints of the table as well. We use constraints imposed on table by the schema. The constraints
Z3 to solve these constraints to generate value of id and can be primary key, foreign key, unique and check constraints.
four different datasets for table emp where each dataset The primary key constraint can be decomposed into a unique
corresponds to one choice. In our example, dataset for and a set of not null check constraints. We have basic under-
Case 1 and Case 2 are given in Table 3 and Table 4 lying models for unique, foreign key and check constraints in
respectively. While executing line 3 of Trace Log, for the system. The modeling of a foreign key constraint requires
each of the path generated by SQL construct, we append addition of another table model. The foreign key constraint
SQL Plan Nodes PL/pgSQL
Language Nodes

Expression Evaluation

Figure 6: Structure of PostgreSQL

can be recursive, for such cases we model chains of foreign Figure 7: Plan for Join Query
key relations. We disable foreign key relations only if we
detect a cyclic relation during the processing of foreign key
constraints. We generate data by solving these constraints
applied to all rows in a table model using Z3 SMT solver choice corresponding to condition is not possible. This is a
and populate tables during setup for procedure execution. possible limitation but in our evaluation we did not encounter
any case where solver timed out. If solver times out, we
4.2 Processing of SQL consider path to be unreachable. When we reach a node
Execution of PL/pgSQL procedure can be divided into which needs the results of the earlier node, we can easily
execution of 1) PL/pgSQL Language constructs and 2) SQL provide symbolic models of the results processed earlier. In
statements. Because of same type system, both rely on the example above, second NestedLoop requires results from the
same expression processing subsystem as shown in Figure 6 first NestedLoop and a Sequential Scan. Since output model
to process conditions and expressions. Expressions can also of first NestedLoop is compatible with general result model,
contain function calls allowing recursive procedure calls. plan can be symbolically modeled. This means our grammar
Everytime PL/pgSQL encounters an SQL statement it calls coverage of SQL is not based on syntax, rather it is based
the SQL processing system to get the results. PostgreSQL on the underlying execution plan of SQL.
prepares multiple possible execution plans with estimate of
cost of executing each plan. An optimal plan represented as 4.3 Symbolic Execution
tree is selected for execution. We have instrumented PostgreSQL to record execution of
For example, Select * from table1 t1, table2 t2, table3 t3 PL/pgSQL, SQL and Expression Processing in a file Trace
where t1.col1 = t3.col1 and t1.col2 = t2.num1 and t2.num2 > Log. In our symbolic executor, State object is used to keep
2 joins three tables and places extra conditions on column of track of the explored and unexplored paths and it tells us
table2. The plan for this query is shown in Figure 7. During about execution of the program. The algorithm for gener-
execution, system scans table1 and table3 discarding the ating test cases is outlined in Algorithm 1. This algorithm
rows that dont meet condition. Results of the two scans are explores states in a depth first search manner. The Trace
joined using a nested loop based join. Latter these results Log is processed line by line. Information extracted from
are joined with output of scan of table2. each trace line from Trace Log is stored in our data structure,
We treat the nodes in the plan tree as basic building blocks called StackFrame. Each state maintains its StackFrame,
of the program and modeled their execution in our symbolic which allows processing of nested queries/functions. When
executor. When a sequential scan executes, we extract the a trace line comes in for processing, the State object can
table identifier, the columns that appear in the output and tell if it has already processed that line before. If the trace
condition(s). Extracted conditions decide the results of the line is not processed, then a new stack frame is prepared in
scan. In the absence of condition, all rows are selected as State to store information about the current trace line. The
result. Whereas, in presence of WHERE clause, we impose function ProcessTraceLine models all kinds of operations
the conditions on the table model such that each row in a and generate ChoiceSets and add them in State. If trace
table can either satisfy or dissatisfy the scan condition. line generates only one choice which means only one path
Here we draw inspiration from numerous works on symbolic out of state, then we are certain about program flow. At
execution that treat a simple IF condition as a choice point this point we simply add condition to the solver and get new
where system can take any of the two paths depending on traceline for processing. If the ChoiceSet of State has more
whether the condition or its negation is true. Here we have a than one condition then we are not certain about the path
larger number of conditions that are not related to each other taken by the current trace, so we stop analyzing trace and
by a simple negation. Each of the conditions, if true, has solve constraints to generate test cases.
a corresponding result model containing the rows selected On line 20, a new condition is fetched from the State. This
by that condition. Therefore, we define choice as a set tells us if the State has advanced (moved to next state) since
of conditions with corresponding result model. ChoiceSet the last call to NextChoice. If StateAdvanced is True, then
is the set of all choices at the node. During exploration we have a new stack frame in State and condition should be
of paths, at each node, we select a choice from ChoiceSet added to solver stack. Otherwise, we will pick next condition
one by one, append table integrity constraints as well as from stack frame. We explore all conditions in the stack
conditions from already processed nodes along this path. frame before advancing to next state. This happens when
We then solve it to generate corresponding result. However, Solver says that the condition is not satisfiable. We check if
if solver gives no solution for the condition, it means that we are still on same trace line then it means that State has
Table 5: Data Type Models
1 Solver = Create new solver object
2 // Contains the path condition stack Data Type Model Summary
3 State = Create new state object Type
4 // Keeps a stack of ChoiceSets for trace Integer Integer Direct Mapping
5 T = Create a test case with random values Numeric Real Direct Mapping
6 // Main Symbolic Execution Code Boolean Boolean Direct Mapping
7 while (T is not NULL)
Execute test case T on database Integer represents ASCII value
8 Character Integer
9 For Line in ExecutionTrace: Restricted to A-Z, a-z, 0-9
10 if (Line is already processed) Integer is dictionary lookup
Text Integer
11 continue with next loop iteration value
12 State.Advance() // prepare new stack frame Date Integer Integer is offset from base date
13 ChoiceSet = ProcessTraceLine(Line)
14 State.AddChoiceSet(ChoiceSet)
15 if (ChoiceSet.size == 1)
16 Add the condition from the only choice in with MergeJoin algorithm in the next execution. We refer to
Solver this problem as plan instability for SQL statements. Both
17 continue with next loop iteration the plans would give the same final output but it will throw
18 break off our symbolic executor which was expecting the exact
19 while true
20 Condition, StateAdvanced = State.NextChoice()
same trace till the last processed trace line. We addressed
21 if Condition == NULL this issue by turning off the use of many algorithms that
22 Terminate = Backtrack() planner can use to optimize the queries, such as BitmapScan,
23 if Terminate HashAgg, HashJoin, IndexScan, IndexonlyScan and Merge-
24 T = NULL Join. This just deactivates possible planner optimizations
25 break without restricting language grammar in any case.
26 else
27 continue with next iteration
28 else if StateAdvanced 5. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS
29 Add condition in Solver Stack
30 5.1 Data Type Models
31 else
32 Replace condition at Solver Top of Stack Data elements in the tables and variables have specific
33 Solve the path condition stack in solver data types. We represented these data elements as symbolic
34 if (path condition is satisfied) variables. Most data types dont translate directly to Z3
35 T = Make test case from solver result solver data types. Only three database types integer, numeric
36 break and Boolean map directly to corresponding solver types. We
Algorithm 1: Test Case Generation Algorithm provided added support for character, text and date types
by modeling them as integers because these are some of the
most common data types in databases.
Characters naturally translate to integers through their
ASCII values. In order to ensure that the solver does not
not advanced.In such case NextChoice function will return assign invalid values to integers representing characters, a
the second condition from the same ChoiceSet. As the new constraint is added to restrict the value of the such integers
condition comes from the same ChoiceSet we need to replace between a and z orA and Z or 0 and 9. This restricts
the condition in the Solver stack instead of adding a new special characters but using special characters in character
frame. The NextChoice function returns a NULL, if all type columns is not a common practice. Strings are mapped
choices are explored. This means that end of path is reached to integers. This allows for exact string matches but does
and we need to move back. Function BackTrack removes not support partial matches with LIKE operation in SQL.
the StackFrame from top of stack for both State and Solver In order to model date as an integer, we have maintained a
objects and continues with next loop iteration. The next reference date in the symbolic executor. The integer mod-
iteration then gets a choice from the new stack top, leading eling of the date is an offset from this reference date. The
to exploration of another path. Whenever backtracking ends timestamp data types are compatible with date type and
up emptying the State stack, then we know that the complete we use the same model for them. Any data element in the
tree has been explored. Backtrack function returns true for database can be initialized to NULL. So NULL is modeled as
terminating the search. a special integer with value -101 as it is not a common hard
From the algorithm, it is clear that we are progressing coded value. Data type models are summarized in Table 5.
towards a full path condition by generating many cases that
are based on incomplete paths through the program. We 5.2 Expression Processing Models
skip the processing of the trace lines already processed based While processing constraints we come across a variety of
on the assumption that the execution of those statements expressions. The expressions that we have modeled include
will be exactly the same. This is a reasonable assumption binary operators, Boolean operators, testing for NULL values,
for PL/pgSQL language nodes but it is not completely true Coalesce expressions and Functions calls. The arguments for
for SQL. SQL, being a declarative language, leaves it for the these operators can be table columns, variables, constants
database to decide how to execute the statement through a or expressions. PostgreSQL represents expressions as a tree
planner instead of simply executing programmer instructions. before processing it which is printed out as a pre-order traver-
Hence it is possible for the SQL statement to join two tables sal in Trace Log. The results of processing each type of
using NestedLoop algorithm in one execution and use sorting expression is shown in the Table 6. For many cases in the
Table 6: Expressions and Table Constraint Models
Expression Type Expression Model
Boolean Operator And Result: And (Arg1 , Arg2)
Boolean Operator Or Result: Or (Arg1 , Arg2)
Boolean Operator Not Result: Not(Arg)
NULLTEST Result: Arg == NULL OR Arg != NULL
Result: (Arg1 op Arg2)
Conditional Binary Operator op
Condition: And(Arg1 != NULL, Arg2 != NULL)
Result: ExprResult
Arithmetic Binary Operator op Condition:Or(And(Arg1 != NULL, Arg2 != NULL, ExprResult == Arg1 op Arg2)
, And( Or(Arg1 == NULL, Arg2 == NULL) , ExprResult == NULL))
Result: ExprResult
Condition: Or And(Arg1 != NULL, ExprResult == Arg1),
Coalesce Expression
And(Arg1 == NULL, Arg2 != NULL, ExprResult == Arg2) , ... ,
And(All Args == NULL, ExprResult == NULL)
Result: FunctionResult
PL/pgSQL Function Call Condition on Function Start: And(Param1 == Arg1, Param2 == Arg2, ...)
Condition on Function End: FunctionResult == ActualReturnExpresion
Non PL/pgSQL Function Call Result: FunctionResultFromModel ( FunctionID, ArgumentList )
Constraint Type Constraint Model
Unique Constraint Condition: And( Not( And( row1.col1 == row2.col1, row1.col2 == row2.col2 ) ) ,
(Assuming 3 rows in table Not( And( row1.col1 == row3.col1, row1.col2 == row3.col2 ) ) ,
Composite constraint [col1, col2]) Not( And( row2.col1 == row3.col1, row2.col2 == row3.col2 ) ) )
Foreign Key Constraint
Condition: Or( table1.row1.col2 == table2.row1.col1 ,
(Assuming table1 = 1 row,
table1.row1.col2 == table2.row2.col1 ,
table2 = 2 rows,
table1.row1.col2 == NULL )
table1.col2 referencing table2.col1)

table, we have specified processing result expression with a sion takes multiple inputs and returns its first NOT NULL
condition. Result is the expression that is sent back to the result. Like arithmetic operators the result is a new symbolic
main trace processor. Main trace processor use the result variable whose value comes from a set of mutually exclusive
according to its needs, e.g, IF condition trace line process- constraints.
ing would use it as the decision condition and generate two
choices from it; the condition itself and its negation. Whereas 5.2.2 Function Calls
an assignment operation trace line processing will use it to We classify the function calls according to the function
assert that the target variable is equal to this expression language. Execution of functions written in PL/pgSQL is
value. The condition expression represents the conditions printed in our trace and we can follow the path through these
that are automatically added with every choice by the trace functions. For function calls appearing in an expression we
processor using the result expression. simply return a new symbolic variable representing its result
value with no condition imposed on it. We also generate
a condition that assigns the values to the function input
5.2.1 Boolean Operators, Binary Operations and Co- variables. We call this condition Call Condition for the
alesce Expression function and it links the variables in the current function
All three Boolean operations and binary conditional oper- with the variables in the new context. Reaching trace line
ators map directly to the Z3 solver API. We have two types of the expression containing function calls, we get the trace
of NULLTESTs. ISNULL and ISNOTNULL test. Both lines for execution of the functions listed in that expression.
return true when the value is null and not NULL respec- Call condition is loaded into solver when we get trace for the
tively. Result expressions for ISNULL and ISNOTNULL as start of the function. At the end of the function, the value
in Table 6 are returned. In binary arithmetic operators, for returned by the function is stored in result variable created
NULL arguments, result of the expression is also NULL. For earlier. Implementing this functionality requires tracking the
the arithmetic operation, a new symbolic variable is created call stack in the symbolic executor. The maximum depth
and returned as a result. Conditions are imposed on the of the call stack for the symbolic executor is a configurable
new symbolic variable. We have two conditions inside the constant.
OR function. Both the conditions are mutually exclusive
because of the NULL checks in each condition i.e. if both 5.2.3 Special Functions and Sequences
arguments are not NULL then the OR condition inside the Functions not written in PL/pgSQL dont show execution
second AND can never be true. Therefore the solver has details in the trace. These functions includes SQL built-in
to impose ExprResult == Arg1 op Arg2 in order to get a functions like the nextval for sequences, date and time and
satisfying assignment. Similarly, if any of the arguments is type conversion. Model for the nextval function relies on
NULL then the OR condition will be true but the first AND our model for sequences to output a symbolic expression.
can never be true so in order to get a satisfying assignment We model the sequence object as symbolic variable of type
ExprResult == NULL must be imposed. A coalesce expres- integer with starting value as 0. We return the expression
start value + integer, whenever nextval function is called for Table 7: Exception Cases
this object. The model for current date and time function Total Exception Cases 93
simply returns 0. That means we are treating the base date No data found in SELECT Over 50
of our symbolic executor as current date. Another function Exceptions due to sequence reset 23
that we have modeled takes in the sequence name and returns Constraint violation due to unchecked inputs 10
the sequence id in database. To model this function we query User defined exceptions on input validation 4
database for the relevant information and return it as model
condition for the choice can be obtained from the expression
5.3 Constraint Models processor where as in later case, the result comes from the
We model check, unique, foreign key and primary key(NOT SQL processing. Consequently, generating cases for the SQL
NULL check and unique) constraints. Check constraints is the way to explore the possible directions the code can
are translated into pre-order traversed tree expressions and take from the IF condition.
processed in same way to get conditions. The conditions are Assignment statements usually generate only one choice i.e
added to the solver for each row in the table(s). The models target variable == expression result. Another kind of assign-
for foreign key constraints and unique constraints are shown ment occurs with the result of the SQL queries. The keyword
in Table 6. into allows the SQL statements in PL/pgSQL procedures
For unique constraint in Table 6, the condition is generated to directly assign their result values to variables. This is
for a composite constraint on col1 and col2. Composite handled similarly except for the fact that multiple variables
constraint means that value of both columns taken together can be simultaneously assigned new values. In both cases
must be unique. In general the condition needs to be asserted these nodes have ChoiceSets of size 1.
for all row combinations. Table 6 also shows foreign key Function start and function return statements are part of
constraint model. Column value has to be one of the values the support for the PL/pgSQL function calls. The Choice-
in the referenced column or it needs to be NULL. Sets for these are described in Table 6. We have also added
support for FOR loop over SELECT statements. The state-
5.4 SQL Plan Node Processing ment at the start of the FOR loop acts like an assignment
We support SequentialScan, NestedLoop, ResultNode and statement and assigns a row from the FOR loop SELECT
ModifyTable nodes. In previous section we discussed first query results to the variables on which the loop runs. FOR
two types of nodes. ResultNode is used to generate a single loop works with currently modeled data types.
row of results. The values in the row being generated can be
variables, constants or any expression containing variables 6. EVALUATION
and constants.We treat results of the expressions as symbolic We evaluated our technique on an open source Accounting
element in a new symbolic row that ResultNode is supposed and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, PostBooks
to produce. The conditions from processing of multiple which has a significant amount of its business logic written in
expressions are appended to generate a single condition. The functions in the database. It has a schema consisting of 251
row produced by the expression results by solving conditions tables. Functionality of 151 procedures is fully supported by
is the result for this node. our models. Manual inspection of some of these procedures
ModifyTable is top plan node and supports inserts, updates indicated that 100% branch coverage was achieved. The
and deletes. Thus it relies on its child node to provide the symbolic execution was configured with the stack depth of 5,
data it needs to perform its job. For DELETE operation, result size of 2 excluding unconditional scans and cross joins,
this node needs a list of row identifiers of the rows that need and an initial table size of 2 rows each.
to be deleted. For UPDATE operation it need the new rows All experiments were performed on a 1.9Ghz Dell i7 ma-
along with the row identifiers of the rows which the new rows chine. Many of the procedures in PostBooks have user defined
are supposed to replace. For INSERT operations, the new exceptions to give a user friendly response to the client. Dur-
row must be the output of the child plan. The simple case, ing exploration of the procedures, we automatically generate
where we specify the list of values to be inserted, is covered cases that drive the procedure execution towards such ex-
by the ResultNode, which makes the row out of the values. ceptions, e.g. schema constraint violations. We found 93
In more complicated cases, where we are inserting the result test cases that trigger user defined exceptions or constraints
of a query into a table, we simply have the whole query plan violations.
as the child plan for ModifyTable. In all three cases, we The scalability of our technique is shown by the number of
check that the table modifications do not violate the table modeled tables for many stored procedures. PostBooks uses
constraints by creating constraint conditions on the modeled a very large number of constraints to ensure data integrity. In
table and adding the result as a choice. We get our second particular, the schema has over 400 foreign key constraints.
choice as negation of the first choice which is responsible for This means that long chains of tables related by foreign
generating cases which violate constraints. keys are common. Even if a procedure directly uses a few
tables, we had to model the tables it references to be able to
5.5 PL/pgSQL Construct Processing set up data properly for execution of the procedure. In 71
The PL/pgSQL language constructs such as IF condition, procedures our symbolic executor ended up modeling over 30
FOR loops over SQL query results, assignment statement, tables and the constraints associated with them. Usually time
variable initialization from SQL results, function start, func- taken for symbolic execution of stored procedure depends on
tion return statement are supported. IF statement can be a number of tables being modeled.
simple expression or it can have a complicated condition with Now we will analyze the nature of the exception cases
an SQL statement embedded in it. For the simple case, the found. Breakup of 93 exception cases found in the fully
1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION attachcontact(integer, 1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createcrmacct(integer,
integer) integer,...)
3 pcntctId ALIAS FOR $1; 3 _crmacctid ALIAS FOR $1;
4 pcrmacctId ALIAS FOR $2; 4 _custid ALIAS FOR $2;
5 BEGIN 5 ...
6 UPDATE cntct SET cntct_crmacct_id = pcrmacctId 6 BEGIN
7 WHERE cntct_id = pcntctId; 7 INSERT INTO crmacct (crmacct_id,...,
8 ... crmacct_cust_id,..., crmacct_prospect_id,
9 END; crmacct_taxauth_id,...)
8 VALUES (_crmacctid,..., _custid,...,_prospectid,
Figure 8: Code for NOT NULL Constraint Violation _taxauthid,...);
9 ...
with Test Case attachcontact(2, NULL)
Figure 9: Code for Foreign Key Constraint Violation
with Test Case createcrmacct(2,...4,...,8,6,...)
explored procedures is listed in Table 7. Of these 93 cases,
over 50 are user defined exceptions. Manual inspection of
many procedures and cases involved in these exceptions stored procedure createcrmacct in Figure 9 value of crma-
indicates that majority of them correspond to no data found cct cust id is a reference field, i.e., foreign key from customer
cases for SELECT statements. The typical scenario for these table. Test case createcrmacct(2,...4,...,8,6,...) gen-
exceptions is the case where a select statement tries to fetch erated by our symbolic executor will throw an exception for
configuration data. For these cases, we observed that the violation of foreign key constraint.
programmer has raised exceptions in the code to give the
client a meaningful message about the missing data. Another
class of user defined exceptions is based on validation of input 7. RELATED WORK
values. Exceptions are raised to notify the user exactly which Symbolic Execution. Clarke [8] and King [19] pioneered
input is incorrect. traditional symbolic execution for imperative programs with
We have 23 cases of primary key constraint violations. This primitive types. Much progress has been made on symbolic
is because most of the tables in PostgreSQL have sequences execution during the last decade. PREfix [3] is among the
linked to the primary key columns as default values. In this first systems to show the bug finding ability of symbolic
situation, the only way a primary key violation can occur is execution on real code. Generalized symbolic execution [18]
when the programmer specifies the value of the primary key defines symbolic execution for object-oriented code and uses
column himself or when the sequence is reset. From manual lazy initialization to handle pointer aliasing.
inspection of the procedure source we know that there is no DART [15] combines concrete and symbolic execution
mention of any value overriding the primary key columns to collect the branch conditions along the execution path.
default value in the procedure source. So the constraint DART negates the last branch condition to construct a new
violation is triggered by resetting of the sequence. This is path condition that can drive the function to execute on
something that we have allowed in our sequence model be- another path. DART focuses only on path conditions in-
cause accidental sequence reset is a common problem during volving integers. To overcome the path explosion in large
an implementation phase of ERP systems in our experience programs, SMART [14] introduced inter-procedural static
resulting in a buggy behavior. In 10 other cases, the symbolic analysis techniques to compute procedure summaries and re-
executor found cases that violate NOT NULL constraint dur- duce the paths to be explored by DART. CUTE [26] extends
ing UPDATE statements. Inspection of the code indicated DART to handle constraints on references.
that the UPDATE statements in these functions are directly EGT [5] and EXE [6] also use the negation of branch pred-
using some of the input values of the procedure allowing the icates and symbolic execution to generate test cases. They
SMT solver to set them to any value to trigger a constraint increase the precision of symbolic pointer analysis to handle
violation. pointer arithmetic and bit-level memory locations. KLEE [4]
Just like assertions provide an Oracle for test generation is the most recent tool from the EGT/EXE family. KLEE
of normal programs, user defined exceptions and constraint has been shown to work for many off the shelf programs
violations provide an oracle against which our technique can written in C/C++. Many recent research projects have pro-
be used to automatically generate valid test cases. Our tech- posed techniques for scaling symbolic execution by parallel
nique will also generate other valid and important test cases and incremental execution [28, 32, 30, 29, 24, 36].
whose results should be verified by the application program- Testing Database Applications. The testing of stored
mer to find if they are correct or they identify a mistake procedures is closely related to the testing of database driven
or missing exception handling in the stored procedure itself. applications written in imperative languages. While we
Our test cases are useful as they all cover unique scenarios have not found any previous work on automated test case
in stored procedure execution using symbolic execution. generation for stored procedures, the testing of database
In order to evaluate effectiveness of constraint models, we driven applications has received significant attention in the
injects faults in code and execute our symbolic executor. past decade.
Sample code for attachcontact is given in Figure 8 . There Binnig et al. [2] introduced reverse relational algebra for
is NOT NULL check constraint on field cntct crmacct id generating a test case given an SQL SELECT statement and
of table cntct. Our symbolic executor generates a test case a desired output. In general, test oracles like this are not
attachcontact(2, NULL) for check constraint violation. On available. Further, a given output exercises one particular
reaching line 6 of the code, we will get exception. In other behavior of an SQL statement whereas our work is concerned
with exhausting many possible behaviors under some bounds. Khalek and Khurshid [17] presented a framework that uses
Veanes et al. [34] modeled SQL queries as constraints and Alloy [16] to model a subset of SQL queries by automatically
used SMT solvers to generate database table data. They also generating SQL queries, database state and expected results
need some specifications of the required output like the result of queries when executed on a database management system.
should be empty or result should have a specified number of They have modeled SQL queries and database schema using
rows. While using SMT solvers to improve the analysis, they Alloy which used SAT solver to populate tables. The focus of
are also concerned with finding one particular database state their work is testing the correctness of database management
for one particular query. Tuya et al. [33] introduced a new system itself and not of the applications using them.
coverage criterion for testing of SQL statements considering A common approach in many of the above techniques
semantics of multiple SQL constructs. They later [9] worked is using declarative specifications in Alloy [16] and using
on a constraint based approach to generate test cases for SQL the Alloy Analyzer to solve them. The solutions are often
queries that satisfy their proposed criteria. The criteria was converted back automatically to INSERT queries that can
written in Alloy [16] i.e. required additional specifications populate a database. While Alloy is a powerful language,
and was focused on single SQL statements. In contrast to converting imperative constraints like those which are mixed
the above approaches, our approach is focused on complete with queries in a stored procedure are difficult to model,
stored procedures analysis and does not need any additional resulting in a substantially reduced SQL subset being mod-
specifications. eled. In contrast, our technique of instrumenting the query
One of the first tools for automated test case generation of nodes in the database query execution engine results in both
database driven application was AGENDA [11]. AGENDA declarative queries and imperative constraints converted into
generates test cases for transactions in applications by con- a series of imperative sequential tasks on which standard
sidering the database schema constraints. To model the symbolic execution techniques can be applied. While we do
conditions imposed by the transaction logic, it relies on user not support the entire SQL grammar, our limitations are
supplied constraints and is focused on specific kinds of tests. not fundamental in nature and the technique can be easily
As far as we know, Emmi et al. [13] were the first ones extended to other SQL statements.
to apply the idea of symbolic execution to database driven Commercial IDEs like Visual Studio3 have support for unit
applications. They used concolic execution and used two testing stored procedures. However, this support is limited
constraint solvers to obtain the test cases. First constraint to automatically filling databases, executing the procedure,
solver was used to solve arithmetic constraints while other and comparing output. The database values and procedure
was specialized to solve string constraints. They were able inputs are not automatically generated. There is also work
to support partial string matches that are expressed in SQL on preventing SQL injection attacks in stored procedures [35].
with LIKE keyword. Although they supported a wide variety They combine static analysis to instrument SQL statements
of constraints that appear in the WHERE clause, their sup- in stored procedures and a dynamic part to compare the
ported SQL grammar was limited to queries using a single statements to what was observed statically. However, this
table unlike our work which supports joins with any number technique is specific to SQL injection and cannot be extended
of tables. Emmi et al. designed their symbolic executor to to generic test case generation.
maximize branch coverage in the code. Li et al. [20] and
Pan et al. [23] extended their approach for different coverage
criterion. Our work is different from the above symbolic
approaches as it is hosted inside the database and is able to We presented a novel approach of applying symbolic exe-
apply symbolic analysis at a finer granularity and is therefore cution to automatically generate test cases for stored proce-
able to generate test cases for complete stored procedures. dures. We instrumented the internal execution plans gener-
Marcozzi et al. [21] proposed an algorithm for testing con- ated by PostgreSQL database management system to extract
trol flow graph of Java code interacting with the database. constraints and used the Z3 SAT solver to generate test
It generates Alloy [16] relational model constraints for a cases consisting of table data and procedure inputs. We
given database schema, a finite set of paths from the control treated values in database tables as symbolic, modeled the
flow graph, and variables along those paths (both method constraints on data imposed by the schema and by the SQL
variables and those used in SQL queries). It generates a statements executed by the stored procedure, and used a
symbolic variable for each value taken by the method vari- SMT solver to find values that will drive the stored procedure
ables or database tables during path exploration. The Alloy on a particular execution path.
model generated ensures the execution of the path that in- We showed in our evaluation on more than a hundred
volves these symbolic variables. Alloy Analyzer solves these stored procedures from a large business application that
constrains to generate test cases. In later work [22], they this technique can generate many useful test cases and also
described how an SMT solver can be potentially used to uncover bugs that lead to schema constraint violations or
model the constraints and generate test cases. This would user defined exceptions.
make analyzing larger applications possible. However, this is In future, we plan to extend our technique to handle the
an idea paper and they have not implemented or evaluated remaining query node types and release our tool for end-
it. Potentially such a technique would face the same hurdles to-end automated testing of PostgreSQL procedures. In
as other approaches implemented outside the database man- addition, we intend to make seamless symbolic execution
agement system. In our work, because of implementing it at from Java applications to PostgreSQL stored procedures
the query engine level, we are able to implement and eval- that can share a symbolic map. We are also working on a
uate complex queries like multi-table joins which previous technique to automatically generate larger tables if it enables
techniques are unable to handle. a particular path exploration in code to be executed.
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