Snakes and Ladders in Chemistry (Eamcet Special)
Snakes and Ladders in Chemistry (Eamcet Special)
Snakes and Ladders in Chemistry (Eamcet Special)
1. I.P of Si>I.P of Mg
2. In e given period a) II A group element(ns) has
greater I.P then IIIA group element b)VA group
element (nsnp) has greater I.P then corresponding
VI A group element
Order of I.P: He>Ne>F>Ar>N>O>H;
Order of I.P:Al+3>Mg+2>Na+
. 1/]
Rate of a reaction
1. Can be expreseed interms of reactants or products
2. Is equal either w.r.t to any reactant or product at a
given instant
3. Decreases exponentially with time
4. Depends on nature of reactants, concentration,
temperature and catlyst.
Order of a reaction
1. Can be whole number or fraction
2. Can be deduced from rate equation (experimental
3. Can be changed by changing experimental
4. Can not be deduced from stichiometric equation.
In a reaction if a ractnt is taken in large excess, then
order with respect to that reactant becomes zero
Can be 910 1,2,3 and it cannot be zero or fraction
(2) deduced from reaction mechanism (3) need not
be equal to order
Heat change (H) of forward reaction = - ,
and are the activationenergies of forward and
backward rections respectively.
Units of rates constant for order raction
(Mol)1-n(lit)n-1 sec-1
Units of reaction rate does not chenge with order of
The units of reaction rate and rate constant are
same for zero order reactions i.e mol.lit-1. Time -1