Resources On The Learning and Teaching Centre Website Developing Your Unit - Clear Goals and Standards
Resources On The Learning and Teaching Centre Website Developing Your Unit - Clear Goals and Standards
Resources On The Learning and Teaching Centre Website Developing Your Unit - Clear Goals and Standards
An effective assessment task is one which assesses students' attainment
of the learning outcomes. Unit learning outcomes are what students are
expected to know, understand or be able to do in order to be successful in
a unit. They begin with an action verb and describe something observable
and measurable. You can find out more about learning outcomes in
other resources on the Learning and Teaching Centre website, and in the
Evaluation Resource: Developing Your Unit - Clear Goals and Standards.
How do you currently assess your students? List the methods you use.
Is each assessment worth doing and can/do you explain to your students
Can you explain how the assessment methods you currently use are
matched to the expected learning outcomes?
What skills and capabilities do you want your students to leave your
unit/course with?
Approximately how much does each assessment process cost students
and staff in terms of time taken and resources used?
Do you feel you might be over assessing? How do you know?
What criteria do you use? Are they yours, or can you involve students
themselves in formulating them?
Do the students know the criteria? Do they really understand them?
Is the feedback you give your students clearly related to your assessment
How well does the feedback students receive on assessed work help them
to know how they are doing?
How much practice and guidance do students get in the chosen
assessment methods?
What assessments do students enjoy and why?
How do you know that the students find your assessments useful?
In what ways do the assessments help your student learn?
Review your assessment strategy regularly. It can be even more productive
when done in partnership with your students and colleagues.
For example:
Measures wide sample of content Difficult to set items which assess more
The stem should consist of a single, clear idea. It should make sense
independent of the rest of the question.
Avoid stems stated in negative terms as these are more difficult to
understand and may cause confusion.
Make sure that all the alternatives are grammatically consistent with the
stem and similar in form and length to one another.
Make the distracters plausible by using common misconceptions and
typical student errors.
If you use the alternatives 'none of the above' and 'all of the above' include
them as the incorrect answer about 75% of the time.
The correct answer should appear without pattern and equally often in each
of the alternative positions.
An Essay on Evaluation
and Education
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Education and evaluation are inter-related
processes. Evaluation is as old as the process of
education itself. Education in its wider sense
implies not only acquisition of knowledge, but
also development of abilities, skills, personality
qualities which are important in individuals
personal and social life. The function of evaluation
in education is to provide a systematic assessment
of the development of these qualities as an
outcome of educational endeavour. Since
population education is also an educational
process aiming at inculcating rational attitude and
responsible behaviour among the learners
towards population and development issues and
helping them to take informed decisions, role of
evaluation is of utmost importance. Without the
benefit of evaluation, one is unable to determine
how well the programme has achieved its goal.
Evaluation also serves as the basis for the
improvement of the way activities are carried out.
Evaluation is also an effort at discovering whether
certain activities have led to desired effects or
Evaluation in education means describing
something, in terms of selected attributes and
judging the degree of acceptability or suitability of
that which has been described. The something
which is described can be any aspect of the
educational scene. In broadest sense, the term
evaluation is defined as a systematic assessment
of the value or worth of something. This
something could be a programme or a segment of
a programme, a technique or strategy used,
educational materials or a situation prevalent in a
particular community. It is also defined as the
collection and use of information to make
decisions about an educational programme like
population education programme. Principles of
evaluation in population education are essentially
principles of evaluation in education. It is true
that evaluation in population education is difficult
because population education aims at effecting
behavioural changes in the affective domain to a
greater degree. It has cognitive component only to
the extent that is needed to bring attitudinal
changes. Effort, effect, adequacy, efficiency and
process are the five major aspects that must be
assessed in order to ascertain success or failure f
population education programme. When
programme implementers evaluate effort, they try
to measure the quantity as well as the quality of
available resources. This type of evaluation is
called input evaluation. It involves taking of all
available resources, both human and material
(personnel, money, educational tools, methods or
techniques), and of the activities generated by
these resources. The number of qualified
personnel, logistics required for programme
operation, the number of educational materials
distributed to the target audience the kind of and
number of activities conducted, etc. are some of
the features considered in input evaluation. In
evaluating effect, the main concern is to measure
the results or the outcomes of the efforts made in
terms of intended objectives. In other words,
programme evaluators want to know the extent of
which their objectives have been achieved. This
type of evaluation is referred to as impact or
outcome evaluation.
In evaluating adequacy, the effectiveness of the
programme in relation to the population, it is
intended to serve, is determined. This type of
evaluation is otherwise known as potency
effectiveness. An index of adequacy can be
computed by multiplying the rate of effectiveness
of the number of people exposed to the
programme. The rate of effectiveness is defined as
the proportion of the target population that has
been reached by the programme. For example, if a
population education programme operating in a
particular school reaches 100 out of a total of
1000 school children, the rate of effectiveness of
the programme is 10 per cent. In as much as only
100 students were covered, the programme effect
or impact will actually be felt by only 10 per cent.
To make the index meaningful, it should be
compared with a pre-determined level of
In evaluating efficiency, programme
administrators make a cost benefit or cost
effectiveness analysis whenever possible. They
study the benefits derived from the educational
activity in relation to the costing of all programme
activities. It is called realized effectiveness. In
process evaluation, the evaluator is interested to
know how and why a programme works or does
not work, or how the different programme inputs
can be used to arrive at desired results. The
problem focused and future oriented nature of
population education programme makes it
necessary to focus its evaluation on higher level
cognitive in additional to the simple recall an
interpretation of population concepts and