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Paths of The Damned 2 - Spires of Altdorf

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BUI OLepLa SPIRES OF AIM Writing and Design: David Chart Additional Material: Kate Flack, Chris Pramas, and Gav Thorpe Development: Chris Pramas Editing: Kara Hamilton Graphic Design and Art Direction: Hal Mangold Cover Art: Christer Sveen Interior Art: Tony Parker, Christer Suen Cartography: Shawn Brown WERP Development Manager: Kate Flack — Project Manager: Ewan Lamont Head of Black Industries: Simon Butler A Black Industries Publication Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay logo, Black Industries the . Black industries logo, BL Publishing, The BL Publishing First published in 2005 by Black Industries, an lage and all asoclated races and race insignia, mark, depdiet oo a nee, ‘names, characters, illustrations, and images from BL Publishing the Warhammer univer are cither®, ™, Games Workshop. Led andior © Games Workshop Lid 2000- Willow Road 2005, variably registered in the UK and Nottingham other countries around the world. All rights NG7 2s reserved. Mls IGiiet Reni ated che Green Racin lage aie No part ofthis publication may be Trademarks of Gren Ronin Publishing, LLC. reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or il ae ased ith perilsion transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, preluce Code 60040283009 mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise oe bree orlee paella ae tie publiabes ISBN 13: 978-1-84416-224-6 Remon given copy the elionsip mp on ISBN 0: 44162249 ze51 and the handouts on page 93 for personal u ee a Black Industries World Wide Web site: ‘www-blackindustries.com © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2005. All f i F Rights Reserued. Games Workshop, the Games Workshop (Green Reva eee le Wena logo, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the ‘www:greenronin.com Getting Started. Plague and Punishment Characters. The Time of the Burgomeisters A Tempting Offer Siege and Reconstruction nn Getting the Artefact . Wizardry and Statesmanship. The Easy Way. The Present Day. The Hard Way. Altdorf Guilds .. core ee Artefact, Altdorf Citizenship... *ransfiguration Places Ate é of Resplendent Glory Cleansing of the cert Vode The Fleshless Made Fleshnnnnnninn Cuarrer IV: THE SHADOW OF FIRE ‘The Burglary. Chance Meetings... Cuarrer I: THE SECOND SHARD .. Proper Preperation renun The Dagger of Yul K’chaum Experience Point Awards snaassmmnn Player Handouts. Ring == is of Aledorfis the second part of Paths ofthe Damned, Jan epic campaign series for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Iefollows on from Ashes of Middenbeim and is intended for characters who are neatly finished with thei fist careers or already into their second careers. In this advencure, the Player Characters (PCs) head to Altdorf to find and destroy the Dagger of Yul K’chaum, the second artefact that contains the imprisoned essence of the Daemon Xathrodox. Once inside the great city, they get caught up in intrigue amongst the Colleges of Magic in their attempts acquire both the dagger and a method to destroy it AzsouT Tuis Book Paths of the Damned: Spires of Altdorf consists of the following sections: Heart of the Empire: Altdorf “This section provides an overview of the capital of the Empire. Ieineludes a history ofthe city, descriptions of both generic and specific locations, adventure hooks, and advice on evoking the proper atmosphere for Altdorf. While chis material is focused on providing you what you need to run this adventure, icalo gives you plenty of information you ean use to run further Altdorf scenarios Chapter 1: The Second Shard “This chapter is an overview of the adventure in full. It provides details on the three main plots, statistics forthe two primany antagonists, and general advice on how to run the web of inerigue at the heart of Spires of Alidorf ‘Chapter I]; Farewell, Middenheim The adventure proper begins here, in Middenheim. The PCs benefit from research inthe Collegium Theologica, which puts them on the path of the dagger and on the way to Altdorf Italso details thet journey on the road to Altdort, and the perils that bevil them. JbRRODUGTION Chapter III: The Artefact “This chapter provides information and encounters for the main pilot: locating and destroying che Dagger of Yul K’chaum. Since tis section is intrigue-based, it includes details on many NPCs, what they know, and how they fit into che plo. ‘Chapter IV: The Shadow of Fire “This section details che machinations of a Bright Wizard who has sinister designs on the Dagger of Yul K’chaum. Ifhis plans come to fruition, a new chaos threat is let loose in the Empire. Chapter V: Bad Blood “This final chapter provides information and encounters for the final plot, that of Crimson Shull eutisterying to gee revenge ‘on the PCs for their actions in Ashes of Middenheim. The ‘Aftermath section of this chaptet wraps up the adventure and details experience poine awards How To Use Tus Boox In order to use Spires of Aldorf, you will need the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay rulebook, plu paper, pencils and dice. Although you can run this advencure on its ov, it works ‘much better asthe mide section of the entte Paths of the Damned campaign. Ifyou are sarting with this adventure, four pre-generated characters have been provided atthe back of the book. They are kitted out and ready to go. Spires of Alderfis not an ideal adventure for the novice GM. It ‘contains three major storylines that require constant juggling by the Game Master. You really need to be comfortable in the GM's seat before attempting to run an adventure like dis one. Unlike Ashes of Middenbeim, the ation isnot presented sequentially Instead, the adventure requires you to assess what your players hhave done and advance the plot as appropriate This requires good timing and a large dose of common sense. You also need vo be intimarely familiar with the material, so itis recommended you read over the material a least twice before running the adventure JEtzara Or TE JERR, Ate fas bate tan apical of de asp thon se Od World in grems clay, Surmdling tive Rak and linking she banker ind dozens of small islands with hundreds of bridges, it draws much of the wade of the Empite through its markers. The Storm of Chaos left it largely untouched, so its splendours still awe those coming from the country, particularly from regions left devastated. Natives will happily tell outsiders of their city’s glories and complain bitterly amongst themselves about its ‘The Imperial Palace, the Temple of Sigma, and the Colleges of Magic are only the most important institutions found in Altdort. Opera, theatre, soirees, markets, shops, taverns, pit fight, street brawls—Altdorf has entertainment suited to all tastes an all pockets. As the late Siegfried Johanson, noted rake-about-town, said "When one is tired of Altdorf, one is tired of lif.” This book includes an overview map of the city bu nota street-level maps the city is far too large, and in a few places the magic of the Colleges makes any map unreliable. Instead, chs section provides material you can use ro make the players feel as though they are in Altdorf along with their characters — Tue History oF ALTDORF — Aieite its life as a small Unberogen settlement on an let in the river Reik. Known as Reikdor (the city of the river, i offered good fishing, fertile farmland, and an excellent defensive position. Over time, this tribal capitol began to grow. spilling our of its islet home to cover the nearby western shore and many other small islands in the Rei. By the time Sigmar journeyed into the east, Reikdorf claimed to be the largest settlement in all che ands of men. Bridges were built, and the basic structure of the city formed ‘As Sigmar’s Empire spread, trade began to blossom. Farmland was claimed from the woods and the Goblin tribes. Many small settlements appeared across the Reikland, and the prosperity ofthe area began to grow. Most ofthe spare food from these farms found its way to Reikdort, where i was shipped upriver for fine profits. Reikland wool, leather, and timber also moved across tribal boarders. As this trade matured, attracting money and craftsmen to the settlement, Reikdorf began to specialise in forging, cloth, and fine ales. Wak AND FORTIFICATION From 300 IC onwards, the character of Reikdorf changed, as the prosperity of the surrounding lands began to wane. Long years of Goblin wars, internal strife, poor harvest, and social decline took their toll on the rich town, ‘Ihe sturdy stone temple of Sigmar was soon joined by defensive walls, as Reikdorfleamed to fend off hard times. “The strong wals attracted many folk to the town, and by 500 IC Reikdorf had more than quadrupled in size. The ruling, powers attempted to persuade the people to build in stone, rather than flammable wood, but chs directive was cheerfully ignored. Despite all his efforts, Emperor Sigismund “The Conqueror” could not break the Reikdorf instinct to do things on the cheap. The Warrior Emperor formally named the place Altdorf (the old city) and ordered the place fortified in stone to better defend against the local warlords and bandic tribes. He died before his vision could be completed, and in 557 IC his son, Sieftied “The Lawgiver”, moved to Nui disgust. The young Emperor declared, “The reeking streets of Altdorf can go to Mort!” Hereafier, the city was known as, The Great Reek. From 600 IC onwards, the Cult of Sigmar began to root itself deeply inthe bedrock of Altdort society. The constant strife and batling of local warlords aided the growth ofthe cult, whist growth of commerce repaired Altdorfs fortunes. Money flowed into the cul’ coffers, and by 990 IC, the ‘Theoginist convinced Emperor Ludwig the Fat to grant the Sigmarites an electoral vote. Not content with this, che cule threw a lavish series of hanquets and succesfully lured the rulers coure to an Altdorf palace. Ten years later, the Cathedral ‘of Sigmar was completed, exactly 1000 years ater the Battle of Black Fire Pass. The Dwarf stonemasons who laboured on the buildings were granted freedom of the city and setled down to

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