Learning Area Covered
Learning Area Covered
Learning Area Covered
2.6 Evaluating the role Carry out a brainstorming session to A student is able to:
of man in maintaining discuss the environmental issues explain the effects of human
the balance in nature. affecting the balance in nature and how activities on the balance in
to solve it. Carry out a discussion to nature,
justify that man needs stable and describe how man solves
productive ecosystem to ascertain a problems related to
harmonious life environment,
Examples of environmental issues: justify that human need a
Global climate change, habitat stable, productive and
destruction, species extinction, air, soil balanced ecosystem.
and water pollution, loss of wetlands,
solid waste management, deforestation
1.5 Analysing acid and Carry out activities to study: A student is able to:
alkali. the properties of acid in terms of identify the properties of
pH value, taste, corrosive acid, identify the properties
nature, effect on litmus paper, of alkali,
reaction with metals such as state that acid and alkali only
magnesium and zinc, show their properties in the
the characteristics of alkali in presence of water,
terms of pH value, taste, explain through examples
corrosive nature, effect on the definition of acid and
litmus paper, alkali,
carry out a discussion to define identify the substances
acid and alkali operationally. which are acidic or alkaline
Carry out activities to in everyday life,
determine the acidic and state the uses of acid and
alkaline substances in daily life. alkali in daily life,
explain the meaning of
write an equation in words to
describe the neutralisation
explain through examples the
uses of neutralisation in daily