Science Essay March 10
Science Essay March 10
Science Essay March 10
There are a number of scientific discoveries that may have dangerous consequences.
The atomic bomb is a perfect example to illustrate that point. It can cause instant mass
destruction of life on earth. Moreover, it emits dangerous radiations that can cause
cancers. History has shown us how horrible and devastating the atomic bomb is.
During the final stages of the World War II, the United States of America dropped two
atomic bombs on two cities in Japan namely, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thousands of
people died instantly and the survivors had to suffer for many years from the dangerous
effects of nuclear radiation. Despite the horrible impacts of the atomic bomb, more
countries are trying to acquire it. The number of countries that have built the bombs is
on the rise, with India and Pakistan as the recent members of the nuclear ‘club’. Apart
from nuclear bombs, there are many countries which possess chemical and biological
weapons. These are weapons of mass destruction too. What would happen if there is
another world war? No doubt it will be doomsday- the end of the world.
Another biggest threat facing mankind today is global warming. Scientists are
convinced that the average earth temperatures are rising due to the release of
tremendous amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere through man’s activities on
earth. Scientific progress has allowed man to produce more energy, improve
transportation and mechanize production in industries to meet the demand of modern
people. We are living in a consumer society where we want more and more
automobiles, televisions, refrigerators, air conditioner machines and so on. However,
the use of fossil energy in the production of electricity, in transportation and industries,
amongst others, is responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. Apart from polluting the blue planet, they are causing global warming with
possible disastrous consequences. Climate change is another threat facing humanity
due to global warming. With the melting of the polar ice-caps and consequent rising of
the sea level, many lowland countries will simply disappear under water. Small
developing islands are at greatest risk. Maldives Island will be among the first to pay the
price of global warming. Unfortunately the least developing countries, which hardly
contribute to global warming, will be the first to suffer. Climate change will result in
extreme weather conditions such as more violent cyclones and drought. This will
impact negatively on agriculture, biodiversity and health. Food production will be at
risks and the soaring of food prices in 2008 is a clear warning.
Scientific innovations in the field of medicine have led to a longer lifespan of man.
Recently, in 2009, three American scientists have solved a major problem in biology;
they have discovered how chromosomes are protected against degradation- a field
which can shed light on human aging and diseases such as cancer. It is good that
science increases the lifespan of human beings but imagine that science can make man
live up to two hundred years or more. What would be the consequences? The world is
already overpopulated with a prediction of 9 billion people by 2050. The pressure on
natural resources to meet the demand of the population is already high. There is
already scarcity of food and other necessities of life to satisfy the present population.
Millions of people in poor countries already suffer from famine and are underfed. No
doubt that all these problems will result in a dreadful disaster if man’s lifespan is
increased that much. Moreover, the amount of pollution that will be caused to produce
energy for development will be unthinkable. Thus, a vicious circle is established,
leading to more global warming. Another drawback of science in the medical sector is
organ transportation. In this connection, science is viewed as a challenge to basic
human values. Poor people are tempted to sell their organs to earn money. There are
even cases where people are kidnapped and their organs are stolen with the help of
unscrupulous doctors. For example, in India the selling of human organ has become a
business and the victims are usually poor children.
Genetic engineering is a new branch of science which holds a lot of promise especially
in the field of agriculture. It involves altering, replacing or transferring genes from an
organism to another. It can change the nature of a plant. For example, more disease-
resistant and drought-resistant species can be produced to adapt to climate change.
However, genetic engineering has been proven to be harmful for the natural plants.
Undesirable genetic mutations can lead to allergies in crops. Critics believe that genetic
engineering in foodstuffs can rather affect their nutritional value while enhancing their
taste and appearance. Furthermore, this process can lead to the cloning of human
beings. Wouldn’t it devalue mankind? By the process of cloning, a number of human
beings who are similar in all aspects can be created in the laboratory. It would be a
total disrespect for human values to even think about such possibility. Just like science
explains the creation of the universe by the big bang theory contrary to the belief of
billions of people on earth who believe in God, the cloning of man is immoral and
unacceptable to the majority of people on earth.
Last but not the least, science has destroyed the traditional, simple and healthy life style
of man, especially that of youngsters. In the past, children used to spend most of their
leisure time playing outdoor games such as football and badminton. Today most of the
children watch television for hours, surf on the internet or spend their free time listening
to music on their brand new iPods. Not only they neglect their studies but they are also
becoming obese as they are leading a sedentary lifestyle. They are increasing the risks
to catch heart diseases, hypertension and diabetes. This is a big problem in affluent
countries such as America.
There is no doubt that scientific discoveries and inventions bring a lot of benefits to
society. However, in the light of the above arguments, science can also be detrimental
and create more troubles. In fact, it is the misuse of science which causes problems.
Therefore, science should be used in an intelligent and careful way such that it is in
harmony with the environment and human values for the advancement of society.
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