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12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference Computing Technologies(4)

Engineering Analysis with Finite Elements

LS-DYNA for Undergraduate Students
John D. Reid
Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
W342 NH (0526), Lincoln, NE 68588 USA

A typical college course in finite elements consists of learning the method in continuum
mechanics (transient heat conduction and elastic stress analysis), from formulation of the
governing equations to implementation in some software (such as Fortran or Matlab). This
class is not such a course. Instead, this class concentrates on analyzing engineering systems; a
challenging task regularly done by design engineers. Finite elements is the tool of choice for
performing such analysis for many, many applications and corporations. Structural stress, heat
transfer, fluid flow, and modal analysis are quite distinct from each other but can all be treated
successfully with finite elements. Of course, some basic principles of the finite element method is
required, as well as understanding of behavior, sensitivity and robustness relative to mesh
density, boundary conditions, material properties and other influential parameters. But the
emphasis is on the engineering analysis itself, not the tool. LS-DYNA is well suited for this
endeavor because of its multi-physics capabilities.

Is it live or is it Memorix? It is not the goal of Universities to teach engineering students how
to run software. However, shortly after receiving a B.S. degree many engineers have jobs that
require using highly sophisticated finite element analysis (FEA) software on a regular basis. If
the engineer is not properly prepared they will not be able to answer the question: Is it physics
or is it a cartoon? This can lead to catastrophic results, both financially and personal safety.

Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering majors at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL),

and other Universities, based on multiple visits to bookstores at other Universities and on-line
searches, take a considerable amount of fundamental courses that have little or no mention of
FEA. As examples, books for system dynamics [1], fluid mechanics [2] and heat transfer [3] at
UNL are well-known and have a long history, but have minimal discussion on FEA.

On the other-side, finite element courses tend to be dominantly a learning experience in the
mathematics behind FEA and how to write FEA code using Fortran or Matlab. As an example,
the Intro to FE course at UNL uses the wonderful book by Fish and Belytschko [4]. This book
does include some usage of Abaqus but not in any significant way for the practicing engineering.
It is well suited for learning fundamentals and for someone interested in pursuing a career in
FEA software development.

Computing Technologies(4) 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference

It is the belief of this author that many mechanical engineering students would greatly benefit
from a course that bridges the gap between fundamental engineering courses and finite element
courses. Such a course has been developed at UNL and has now been offered twice within the
past three years. The title of the course conveys the objective of the course, that being
Engineering Analysis with Finite Elements.

After reviewing dozens of textbooks, the author found one textbook that seems to embrace this
concept [5] and one that has the general idea but is limited to stress analysis [6]. The former
book was used as reference material for this class, but not as a required book.

LS-DYNA was the code chosen for this course because of its multi-physics capabilities in a
single code. This makes transitioning from one domain to another domain for solving various
engineering analysis problems relatively straight forward. The pre- and post-processor LS-
PrePost was used by the students. A huge advantage of using LS-PrePost is its ability to run on
almost all computers the students had access to (including their own), and its non-license fee

Engineering Analysis The Process

Throughout the semester, an engineering analysis process was frequently discussed and
expanded upon. The philosophy of start simple, add complexity was followed as much as
possible and to most of the topics covered in the course. As an example, the initial engineering
analysis process was rather simple with just a few details discussed, as shown in Table 1. As
various topics were detailed, the analysis process table was expanded so that students could see
how new material fit in the overall complex process. An example of the process later in the
semester is shown in Table 2.

Table 1. An Engineering Analysis Process - Initial

1. Understanding the engineering problem.
2. Understanding the solution technique.
3. Understand the results.
4. What to do with that understanding.
Although each topic listed in Table 2 was covered more than once, particular details were
presented at the appropriate time and distributed amongst the four domains covered (structural
analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, and modal analysis). That statement is explained by way of
the following subsections.

Week 2 Structural Analysis 2.a. The Finite Element Method

After reviewing the governing differential equations for plane stress (review from elastic bodies
course), the finite element method is detailed and applied for a constant strain/stress triangular
element. This results in the expansion of item 2.a. in Table 2 as listed in Table 3.

12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference Computing Technologies(4)

Table 2. An Engineering Analysis Process Details Emerging

1. Understanding the engineering problem.
a. The physical problem
b. Ideas of expected behavior (cartoon physics)
c. Governing differential equations
2. Understanding the solution technique.
a. The finite element method
b. The finite element model
c. Numerical integration
3. Understand the results.
a. Post-processing
4. What to do with that understanding.
a. Influence the design
b. Communicate papers, reports, presentations

Table 3. An Engineering Analysis Process The Finite Element Method

2.a. The finite element method
i. Discretize and select element type
ii. Select a displacement function
iii. Define strain-displacement relationship and stress-
strain relationship
iv. Derive the (finite) element equations
1. Direct equilibrium method
2. Work/energy methods
a. Principal of virtual work
b. Principal of minimum potential energy
c. Castiglianos theorem
3. Weighted residuals methods (e.g., Galerkins)
v. Assemble the global equations and introduce
loads/boundary conditions
vi. Solve for the unknown displacements
vii. Solve for stresses and strains

Computing Technologies(4) 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference

Week 6 Heat Transfer 2.c. Numerical Integration

By this time in the class the students have already simulated several models, but certain critical
items were handled for them using templates or pre-defined models. One such item is numerical

Twenty years ago most mechanical engineering students had a course in numerical techniques,
today such courses are rare and often exist as senior elective courses only.

In LS-Dyna the default numerical integration scheme for structural analysis is explicit
integration, while heat transfer analysis uses an implicit method. Integration schemes, and most
importantly, the appropriate time step, must be understood (as well as used correctly, if one
wants to get an accurate solution). Thus, considerable time is spent on numerical integration at
this point in the class. This proves to be very useful when students begin simulating structural-
thermal problems where two different time steps within the simulation are being considered. An
explicit time step for the structural analysis and an implicit time step for the thermal analysis.
The thermal time step is often an order of magnitude larger than the structural time step.

Week 11 Fluid Flow 1.c. Governing Differential Equations

Although the basic governing differential equations for plane stress had already been reviewed, it
seemed appropriate to dive into equations further during the fluid analysis section. Specifically,
the ever intimidating conservation of mass, momentum and energy equations, along with the
material constitutive equations. Another example of start simple, add complexity. Of course, the
semester is too far along for the students to drop the course at this point, so we have them were
we want them for making things as difficult as possible.

The remainder of this paper provides examples of engineering analysis covered in the course.

12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference Computing Technologies(4)

Structural Stress Analysis

Hook bolts are used in many applications, such as hanging plants from ceilings, bicycles in
garages, and pull-up bars in basements. They can be analyzed in 2-D and provide a chance to
verify accuracy with free body diagrams at various locations calculating forces and moments.
Those calculations can be compared to cross section analysis in LS-Dyna. Such a model is good
for simple mesh sensitivity studies and experiencing loading difficulties in FEA (i.e., point
loading versus distributed loading). Determining loads that cause plastic deformations can also
be studied quite effectively. The idea for this example came from reference [5].

Bolted joints, although not all that glamorous, are extremely common and require due diligence
for a proper connection. Preloading (i.e., pre-stressing) a bolted joint is a critical factor in the
effectiveness of a joint under loading conditions, particularly those with cyclical and/or dynamic

Since this topic is covered early in the class, models are provided for the students and their
concentrated efforts are on performing parameters studies, learning a multitude of post-
processing techniques, performing hand calculations, and comparing theory versus simulation.
Results of two of the studies are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

In regards to post-process, the amount of information available from FEA is often quite amazing
to students, instead of the typical 1 or 2 calculated values, they get dozens of different types of
output to examine. This greatly enhances their analysis capabilities.

Figure 1. Hook Bolt Stress Figure 2. Pre-stressed Bolted Joint

Computing Technologies(4) 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference

Heat Transfer
Heat transfer was presented primarily using a reduced and modified version of Art Shapiros
(LSTC) wonderful course notes LS-DYNA for Heat Transfer & Coupled Thermal-Stress
Problems. Staring with simple one element models for adiabatic heating and thermal expansion
of an aluminum block and increasing complexity until a coupled thermal-stress-fluids multi-
physics simulation of an injection molding process is investigated.

A coffee mug thermal analysis project was undertaken by the class.

Project Description
Investigate a finite element model of a cup filled
with coffee, shown in Figure 3. Examples of physical
things to investigate: Determine how long it takes for
the coffee to cool down. Does the cup or handle get
dangerously hot for someone holding it? Parameter
study: Change the cups material properties from
ceramic to something else (e.g. glass, plastic, stainless
To get a grade higher than a B you must
investigate one or more different shapes for the cup and
compare to the baseline cylindrical shape.

Figure 3. Coffeee Cup

Results from Matt Camacho-Cook and Luke Oswald are presented here. The model is 3D but
the favorite temperature fringe plots were side views with half the model blanked in order to
visualize the coffee and mug temperature distribution, as shown in Figures 4 and 5.

This problem included conduction, convection and thermal-contacts. While working the project,
students asked many insightful questions, most of which can be summarized with the following
two: (1) The convection boundary condition in the model seems insufficient to capture the
cooling process. How do you model the evaporation and steam? (2) The internal coffee cooling
seems more complicated than simple conduction. How do you add the "swirling" effect (not sure
what to call it) - hot portion rises, cold portion falls?

Upon relating this to Art, he responded with:

WOW! My coffee cup may turn into a multi-disciplinary problem. Heat transfer (conduction,
convection, radiation) + mass transfer (evaporation) + momentum transfer (hot fluid rising).

Such questions indicate the students interest in the course, and their ability to analyze the
situation and begin the process of distinguishing cartoons from physics.

12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference Computing Technologies(4)

Figure 4. Temperature Profiles at 900 Seconds: Different Cup Materials

Table 4. Material Thermal Properties

Material Thermal Heat Thermal
Density Capacity Conductivity
[kg/m^3] [J/kgC] [W/mC]
Ceramic 2220 728 4
AISI 304 SS 7900 515 16.6
Pyrex 2225 835 1.4

Figure 5. Temperature Profiles at 900 Seconds: Original and Redesigned Mug

Computing Technologies(4) 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference

Fluid Flow
With help from MHamed Souli (LSTC consultant, former employee), course notes were
developed for this portion of the class as a compilation, reduction and modification of many
fluids notes used in various LSTC classes on fluid analysis. Time is spent discussing high
deformations, and the capabilities and limits of Lagrangian, Eulerian and Arbitrary-Lagrangian-
Eulerian (ALE) methods for fluid analysis.

The fluid portion starts simple with fluid flow through a straight channel. After learning
(actually re-learning from their Fluids Mechanics class) about that phenomena, the students are
given an assignment to analyze a more complicated channel of their own choosing. The
beginning of the analysis starts with developing a baseline model. As an example, the
description of the baseline model from Ray Julin and Jeff Middays report starts as follows.

A model of fluid flow through a channel of arbitrary geometry is analyzed. A square corner, U-
shape channel will be examined. This shape was selected so an interesting, non-uniform flow
pattern can be seen. The inlet velocity profile, equal to that of the in-class example, and the
steady-state velocity profile throughout the channel can be seen in Figure 1. The steady-state
plot shows a higher velocity in the narrow section of the channel, and a very low velocity in the
sharp, outside corners. These results are expected, and validate the model is working correctly.

Figure 6. Baseline Model: Velocity Vectors Initially (left) and at Steady-state (right)

The model by Julin/Midday is nice for some practical applications and developing better
understanding of the fluid flow in channels. Some students were a little more creative in their
models, as shown in Figure 7 (model developed by Ryan Moore and Kyle Phillips). The in-flow
channels might appear a little strange, they are added and defined as ambient (reservoir) in order
to make the in-flow smoother (essentially).

12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference Computing Technologies(4)




Figure 7. Velocity Vectors for Baseline Fluid Flow

As the investigation into fluid analysis increased in complexity, a model of a projectile

(Langrangian) moving through water (Eulerian) subjected to an explosion occurring in the water
was studied. The concept is to protect something underwater by exploding anything that
attempts to come near it. Of course, it is not good if the explosive protection device also
destroys the structure being protected. Although the model itself is rather crude, many students
like the idea of exploding stuff and thus, there is high interest.

Computing Technologies(4) 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference

Modal Analysis
As the semester begins to wind down, we switch to a drastically different topic, that being,
modal analysis. Since Mechanical Engineers are often not required to take a course in
vibrations, their knowledge of modal analysis is very limited. As in, they know what natural
frequencies are and if pressed could determine them for some simple mass-spring systems.
Thus, a little education on eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and of course mode shapes is in order.

This turns out to be fairly light and easy for the students but very intriguing as we quickly
demonstrate the first 40 to 80 mode shapes of a complete vehicle. More practical applications
are also discussed. Like the mode shapes of a body-in-white from a passenger car or of a frame
from a truck, discussing how the torsional stiffness of a vehicle is analyzed by such methods.

Obtaining eigenvalues and such out of LS-Dyna is quick and easy. LS-PrePost can animate the
mode shapes with very little effort. The time consuming part is in generating a finite element
model of the system you want to analyze. The hard part is that double-precision implicit LS-
Dyna should be used. Not that that is terribly difficult in itself, it just adds more complexity and
details required for the students who, at this point, find themselves with zillions of little details to
keep track of if they hope to apply FEA successfully in any domain, let alone multi-domain
physics. Engineering analysis with finite elements is not for the uneducated.

The following items gum up the whole process.

Computer & Environment

mpp & smp
running, controlling jobs (sge, maui)
unix & windows
communications (telnet, ftp)
time step
explicit & implicit
single-precision & double-precision
Model Generation
pre-processing software
Shotgun or Ordered Chaos
demos, derivations, powerpoint, theory, examples, multi-media
homework, in-class labs, projects, tests, quizzes, literature reviews
individual assignments, with partners

12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference Computing Technologies(4)

The author greatly appreciates all the help from many LSTC employees, particularly John
Hallquist, Morten Jensen, Art Shapiro, MHamed Souli, Philip Ho and Jacob Krebs who all
aided in this course development. The author also acknowledges the staff and students of the
Midwest Roadside Safety Facility for their support. And, of course, the students taking the class.
The simulation work performed for this course was completed utilizing the Holland Computing
Center of the University of NebraskaLincoln.

1. Close, Frederick and Newell, Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2002.
2. White, Fluid Mechanics, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2011.
3. Bergman, Lavine, Incropera and Dewitt, Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th Edition, Wiley, 2011.
4. Fish and Belytschko, A First Course in Finite Elements, Wiley, 2007.
5. Dechaumphai and Phongthanapanich, Easy Finite Element Method, Alpha Science, 2009.
6. MacDonald, Practical Stress Analysis with Finite Elements, Glasnevin Publishing, 2007.

Computing Technologies(4) 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference


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