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Activity 7

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Student Name: Jill Elliott Date: November 9th, 2017 Age Group: 4 to 6

Purpose: Purpose:

Reason for The purpose of this weeks activity is to ensure that I have mastered
developing learning program planning according to the OEYC guidelines. Rather than
experience. This planning an activity that will challenge the children cognitively, I have
placed my focus on maintaining a relatively simple activity while
could be in response
keeping in mind that the objectives must be developmentally
to an observation,
appropriate and the story engaging. As I was looking back on my
discussion with the
previous program plans, I realized that I have made much
site supervisor,
improvement. I have taken on planning the activities to the fullest
Ontario Curriculum rather than one aspect of each and I am gradually becoming more
Objective, etc. comfortable with the parents and families. Therefore, as this placement
is near its end I want to leave knowing that I have not only learned
from my experience at the OEYC but that I am able to apply that
- Document what knowledge to the best of my abilities.
you saw and
- Document non-
(i.e., body
language, facial
expressions and
voice tone)
- Document in
detail: who, what,
where, and when
- Documentation
should be written
in past tense,
objective, and in
anecdotal format

Document the
discussion between
you and your site
supervisor that led
to the planning



Describe the
curriculum objective
youre aiming to
through this

Learning Experience Learning Experience:

What are you Creating magic wands.

planning in response
to your purpose?
1. The activity is developmentally appropriate.
- Label your 2. The story is engaging.
experience (e.g.
3. Children build on imagination and creativity using the wands
Painting with
for pretend play.
- What are your 3 E.L.E.C.T:
objectives for this
experience? (i.e. 1. Ensuring that the activity is developmentally appropriate
What interests requires the use of the E.L.E.C.T document as a whole with
are you reference to the preschool level skills. However, one
extending? What developmental skill that will be evident in this activity is the
strengths and use of 4.5 Observing as the children must first witness how to
opportunities for
conduct the activity before attempting it. This is supported by:
growth are you
visually attending to things in their environment,
ting?) using all senses to gather information while observing,
Please Note: You focusing their observation on details,
should refer to increasing the time they spend observing,
appropriate naming and describing the things that they have observed,
pedagogy to using specialized sources and books as a means of extending
support your their observation (2014).
discussion around 2. This is supported by 3.7 of the E.L.E.C.T document Enjoying
strengths and Literature by:
opportunities for choosing to spend time with books,
discussing and making connections between books and stories
growth (e.g. ELECT,
in their play,
How Does Learning
showing pleasure and enjoyment during activities with
Happen, Ontario
language, music and print materials (2014).
FDK Curriculum,
3. This is supported by 4.3 of the E.L.E.C.T document
etc). Representation by:
pretending to be someone else,
dramatic playing with a plot and imaginative features,
Describe the drawing and constructing 2D and 3D models,
experience: beginning to use art media and tools to express their ideas,
feelings and experiences,
- Who will be using a variety of materials to build with and express their
involved in the ideas,
experience? generating alternative ideas,
- Where will the
recognizing their own work and the work of others,
experience take
beginning to use art media and tools to express ideas, feelings
place? (e.g.
Indoors or and experiences,
outdoors? In the talking about the story or meaning of artwork,
dramatic centre, connecting artwork to their past experiences or to emotions,
the creative table, feelings and thoughts,
etc). taking a role in socio-dramatic play; co-operating and
- List the materials negotiating roles with others,
and resources you sustaining and extending their socio-dramatic play with
will use language, additional ideas and props (2014).
- Describe the
implementation Describe the Experience:
of the experience,
with a step by I will be directly involved in conducting this activity as it is part of the
step description purpose of this activity to practice explaining concepts to parents and
- List and describe families.
2 teaching
strategies. How The experience will take place at the Toronto Public Library in the
will you use Childrens Centre.
them? Why have
The materials needed for this activity are:
you chosen these
Yellow construction paper.
Popsicle sticks.


1. Precut the yellow construction paper into stars.

2. Decorate the star with glitter.
3. Glue the star to the popsicle stick to create a wand.

Teaching Strategies:

The first teaching strategy used will be Scaffolding. Part of this activity
is for children to build on the skills that they have already developed.
This was another reason for maintaining the simplicity of the activity.
Therefore, there should be little parent/educator direction allowing the
children to feel successful as well as allow the parents to focus more on
spending time and enjoying that time with their children. This would
be done mainly through verbal cues as I would first explain the activity
in full then become less of a presence.

The second teaching strategy is Invitations. Due to the lack of educator

involvement this teaching strategy is key in getting the children excited
and participating in the activity. As this activity is intended to motivate
the children to attempt the activity, I can use this strategy to also
motivate the children to attempt it independently.


- What went well?

Provide examples
for how you know
it went well.
- What didnt go
well? Provide
examples for how
you know it didnt
go well.
- What did you
- What might you
do differently
next time you
implement this
same experience
and why?
- Did you have to
make any
adaptations or
modifications? If
so, what were
- What type of
experience might
you plan to
extend on this
Field Supervisor Feedback:

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