A List of Omissions and Changes: G.W. and D.E. Anderson
A List of Omissions and Changes: G.W. and D.E. Anderson
A List of Omissions and Changes: G.W. and D.E. Anderson
n recent years, much has been The comparison of these modern
said and written regarding the versions needs to be made by using a
excellence, accuracy and readability copy of the Authorised Version. While
of the modern versions of the New perfection is not claimed for the
Testament. It is often stated that these Authorised Version or for any other ver-
versions are more accurate than the sion, it is an accurate and excellent
Authorised (King James) Version translation which follows the
because the newer translations are Traditional or Received Text of the New
based upon older and better manu- Testament and was not affected by the
scripts than those upon which the current rage of paraphrasing. Some
Authorised Version is based. There are versions will be difficult to compare
many today, however, who would not because of the modern tendency among
agree with this assessment. It is their translators to use dynamic equivalence
contention that the manuscripts of methods of translation (see the New
the New Testament used in the International Version: What todays
modern versions are corrupted and, in Christian needs to know about the NIV,
effect, detract from essential doctrines published by the Society).
of the Bible. The Trinitarian Bible
Society has provided the list below as a This list of variant readings is not
useful guide in opposing the use of complete. It is designed to show the
these manuscripts and modern transla- many and most serious omissions in the
tions. modern editions of the New Testament.
In addition to omissions, a few
The list below is a compilation of instances of change and additions are
verses in which the modern versions included. Unless otherwise stated, each
have followed corrupted manuscripts variant listed represents an omission.
and made drastic alterations to the tra-
ditionally accepted text of the New It is hoped that many will see the
Testament. The central purpose of this problems with the modern texts and
list is to aid the Bible student in discern- versions and will change back to a com-
ing and evaluating whether his transla- plete edition of the New Testament. It
tion is founded upon these few older is the prayer of the Trinitarian Bible
manuscripts, and how far astray his Society that God will be pleased to use
translation goes. A simple comparison this textual variant list to call His people
of the verses below with any modern back to a day of purer translations and
translation will show the extent of cor- sounder principles of translation and
ruption in our modern versions. textual criticism.
A Textual Key to the New Testament
changed to through God
the [the two covenants]
5.19 Adultery *1.2 and the Lord Jesus Christ
5.21 murders *1.14 through his blood
*6.15 in Christ Jesus *1.28 Jesus
*6.17 the Lord 2.2 and of the Father, and of
2.7 therein
2.11 of the sins of
EPHESIANS *2.18 not [hath not seen is
changed to has seen]
1.10 both 2.20 Wherefore
1.18 understanding is changed to *3.6 on the children of
heart disobedience
*3.9 by Jesus Christ *3.13 Christ is changed to the
*3.14 of our Lord Jesus Christ Lord
4.6 you [in you all] *3.15 God is changed to Christ
*3.22 God is changed to the Lord
4.9 first [he also descended
3.24 for is omitted, changing the
conclusion of the Apostles
4.17 other [other Gentiles] is
statement to a separate
changed to the statement
*5.9 fruit of the Spirit is changed
to fruit of the light
5.21 fear of God is changed to 1 THESSALONIANS
fear of Christ
5.30 of his flesh, and of his *1.1 from God our Father, and
bones the Lord Jesus Christ
6.10 my brethren 2.2 even [But even after]
Galatians - Hebrews
*2.19 Christ 1.11 of the Gentiles
3.2 minister *2.19 name of Christ is changed to
*3.11 Christ [AVour Lord Jesus name of the Lord
Christ; NAS Jesus our Lord] 4.1 therefore
*3.13 Christ *4.1 Lord
5.27 holy [holy brethren] *4.22 Jesus Christ
*1.8 Christ 1.4 mercy
*1.12 Christ [first instance] *1.4 Lord is omitted, and Jesus
*2.2 day of Christ is changed to Christ is reversed
day of the Lord 2.7 sincerity
*2.4 as God [AVhe as God
sitteth; NAS he takes his seat]
1 TIMOTHY *6 Jesus
* 12 Whom I have sent again:
1.1 Lord thou therefore receive him,
*1.17 wise [only wise God] that is, mine own bowels is
*2.7 in Christ [I speak the truth changed to And I have sent
in Christ] him back to you in person,
3.3 not greedy of filthy lucre that is, sending my very heart
*3.16 God is replaced with he, he
who, or what (see the
Societys Article no. 103, God HEBREWS
was Manifest in the Flesh,
regarding this passage) *1.3 by himself
4.12 in spirit *1.3 our [purged our sins]
5.4 good and *2.7 and didst set him over the
5.16 man or [Greek: believing works of thy hands is
man or believing woman] omitted in many versions
*6.5 from such withdraw thyself *3.1 Christ
6.7 and it is certain 3.6 firm unto the end is
omitted in many versions
6.10 labour of
2 TIMOTHY *7.21 after the order of Melchisedec
8.12 and their iniquities
1.1 an apostle of Jesus Christ is *10.9 O God is omitted in many
changed to an apostle of versions
Christ Jesus *10.30 saith the Lord
A Textual Key to the New Testament
10.34 my [my bonds] *1.22 through the Spirit
10.34 in heaven 1.23 for ever
*11.11 was delivered of a child. *3.15 God is changed to Christ
Some modern versions add, *4.1 for us [Christ hath suffered
with no Greek manuscript for us]
support, an entire section 4.14 on their part he is evil spoken
about Abraham being of, but on your part he is
enabled to beget children. glorified
*11.13 were persuaded of them 5.8 because
*11.37 were tempted is omitted *5.10 Jesus
from most versions 5.11 glory and
12.20 or thrust through with a dart *5.14 Jesus. Amen.
1.19 Wherefore is changed to *1.21 holy [holy men of God]
this you know and but is 2.17 for ever
added [But let every one] 3.9 us is changed to you
1.26 among you 3.10 in the night
2.18 thy [AVwithout thy works; *3.10 shall be burned up is
NASwithout the works] changed to discovered; some
2.18 my is omitted from most versions have this change as a
versions footnote only
*2.20 faith without works is dead
is changed to faith without
works is useless 1 JOHN
4.2 yet [in addition to this
omission, the NAS adds so, *1.7 Christ
giving the impression of 2.7 brethren is changed to
causal relationship] beloved
*4.4 adulterers and 2.7 from the beginning [second
5.5 as [as in a day of slaughter] instance]
5.16 faults is changed to sins *2.20 ye know all things is changed
[different Greek words] to you all know
*5.20 a soul is changed to his soul 3.1 and we are is added after
sons of God
3.14 his brother [loveth not his
1 PETER brother]
*3.19 we know is changed to we
1.16 Be ye holy [a command] is shall know (but note the
changed to you shall be holy context)
[future tense] *4.3 Christ is come in the flesh
James - Revelation
*4.19 we love him is changed to 1.8 the beginning and the ending
we love *1.9 Christ is omitted twice
*5.7-8 in heaven; the Father, the *1.11 I am the Alpha and Omega,
Word, and the Holy Ghost: the first and the last and
and these three are one. And 1.11 which are in Asia
there are three that bear 1.17 unto me
witness in earth, (See the 1.20 which thou sawest [second
Societys Article no. 102, Why instance]
1 John 5.7-8 is in the Bible.) 2.9 works
*5.13 and that ye may believe on 2.13 thy works, and
the name of the Son of God 2.15 which thing I hate
3.4 even [even in Sardis]
3.11 Behold
2 JOHN 5.4 and to read
5.5 to loose
3 the Lord 5.6 and, lo,
9 of Christ [second instance] 5.14 four and twenty
*5.14 him that liveth for ever and
3 JOHN *6.1,3,5,7 and see [Come and see]
6.12 lo
11 but [but he that doeth evil] *7.5b-8b were sealed is omitted in ten
of the twelve instances
*8.13 I heard an angel is changed
JUDE to I heard an eagle
10.4 unto me
*1 sanctified is changed to *11.1 AVand the angel stood,
beloved saying; NASand someone
*4 God said (RSV and I was told)
23 AVAnd others save with 11.4 the God is changed to the
fear, NASsave others,and Lord
on some have mercy with *11.17 and art to come
fear 12.12 the inhabiters
* 25 wise [only wise God] *12.17 Christ
25 some versions add before all *14.5 before the throne of God
time and 14.8 city
14.12 here are they
14.13 unto me
REVELATION 14.15 for thee
15.2 over his mark
*1.5 loved us, and washed us is 15.3 the saints is changed to the
changed to loves us and nations
released us 15.5 behold
A Textual Key to the New Testament
*16.5 O Lord before the throne
16.7 another out of [without 21.2 John
this, an inanimate object, the 21.5 unto me
altar, is speaking] 21.9 unto me
16.14 of the earth and 21.10 AVthat great city, the holy
16.17 of heaven Jerusalem; NASthe holy
17.1 unto me city, Jerusalem
18.2 AVcried mightily with a 21.24 of them which are saved
strong voice; NAScried out 22.1 pure
with a mighty voice *22.14 do his commandments is
18.6 you [rewarded you] changed to wash their robes
*19.1 the Lord *22.19 book of life is changed to
*20.9 God out of tree of life
*20.12 before God is changed to *22.21 Christ
Gospels 335
Acts 59
Pauline Epis. 142
Hebrews 16
General Epis. 44
Revelation 54
Total 650
The aims of the Society
G To publish and distribute the Holy Scriptures
throughout the world in many languages.
G To promote Bible translations which are
accurate and trustworthy.
G To be instrumental in bringing light and life,
through the Gospel of Christ, to those who are
lost in sin and in the darkness of false religion
and unbelief.
G To uphold the doctrines of reformed
Christianity, bearing witness to the equal and
eternal deity of God the Father, God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit, One God in three
GTo uphold the Bible as the inspired, inerrant
Word of God
G For the Glory of God and the increase of
His Kingdom through the circulation of
Protestant or uncorrupted versions of the
Word of God.
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