Biodegradable Films: Based On Partially Hydrolyzed Corn Starch or Potato Starch
Biodegradable Films: Based On Partially Hydrolyzed Corn Starch or Potato Starch
Biodegradable Films: Based On Partially Hydrolyzed Corn Starch or Potato Starch
Renewable raw materials are gaining increasing import- gen bonds between the long-chain, unbranched amylose
ance as starting materials for chemical syntheses (13). molecules. The more-globular amylopectin, which disturbs
Applications that lead to ecologically compatible products the crystalline order, improves the strength. However, the
are becoming especially interesting. high brittleness due to amylopectin binders the commer-
cial application of simple starch films.
The Need for Biodegradable Films Nevertheless, the chemical derivation of native starch
An important renewable raw material is biopolymer and the addition of nontoxic plasticizers can both be used
starch. One of the basic properties of starch is its film- to manufacture films that show satisfactory tensile
forming ability. In developing chemical modifications that strength, flexibility,and transparency for multipie applica-
improve upon this natural ability for industrial and house- tions (e.g., as packaging materials). Small molecules that
hold applications, attention should be paid to whether the form hvdroeen bonds with starch. such as water or alco-
products retain the original biodegradability (4,5).Thus, it hob, afread; exhibit plasticizer effects. However, water or
is advantageous to preserve the native molecular structure simple alcohols can not be used satisfactorilv in this a o ~ l i -
of the starch molecule as much as possible so that decom- cat& due to their high volatility. A better cioice is a 'defi-
position by enzymes can still occur. nite polyol (e.g., glycerol).
Conventionalpolyolefm films constitute about 2% of nor- Since they have a high content of hydrophilic alcoholic
mal household waste, and thus create a disposal problem hyclroxyl gmups, starch films (in contrast to hydrophobic
if they are not recycled or incinerated (6).Several unsuc- polyolefin films) may be colored with water-soluble food
cessful attempts have been made to improve the photooxi- colors without exceeding the limiting values for food addi-
dative decomposition of polyolefin films that do not un- tives established by WHO (9).Films consisting of starch,
dergo biological degradation. The development of glycerol, and food colors are completely nontoxic.
biodegradable films has made a considerable contribution
to the protection of the environment. Thus, the prepara- The aualitv of starch films is hiehlv dependent on the
tion of starch-based films is a very promising field of re- ratio ofamyiose to amylopectin a n i o n th/average molec-
search (7). ular weight of the starch. A large percentage of
Demonstration of the promising developments in starch amylopedin (M, = lo6 to 2 x lo7)is as &advantageous as
chemistry can be done with short and relevant classroom a high content of amylose (M, = 4 x lo4 to 2 x lo5). The
experiments. Such experiments are useful in encouraging acid-catalyzed partial hydrolyzation of native starch can
not only the students' interest in chemistry, but also their achieve two mals: decrease the amvlopedin content and
participation in interdisciplinary discussions of related bi- decrease of the average molecular weiiht. The hydrolysis
ological, toxicological, ecological, and economical prob- of the helical amylose molecules is slow compared to the
lems. hydrolysis of amilopectin.
Tensile streneth can be imoroved bv addim comwnents
Improving the Quality of the Films that cause furtger cross-liAng. An ekample?s diaidehyde
Most corn, potato, and wheat starches comprise starch. which is obtained bv oxidizing starch with sodium
amylopedin at 7045% and amylose at 15-30% (8).The rneta-periodate (10). Films that contgn dialdehyde starch
film-forming ability of starch is principally due to hydro- are still biodegradable. (Continued on page A152)
ion, 1976.
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9. Bader, H. J.; Some.rfeld. H. Pror Notunuisa. (Chamlsj 1988,3,1&20.
10. Mdhods in Corbohydmte chemistrv: Whistler, R. L., Ed.:Academic Preaa: New