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Casey Hawley Us Ob2

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Developed Utilizing CEP Teacher Candidate Quality Standards Rubric

Descriptions include criteria up to proficient for an in-service teacher

Teacher Candidate's Name Casey Hawley Observer Judy Oakleaf

Date 10-25-17 Observation # 2

What is/are the learning target(s) for the day?

I can explain why Rome fell and relate that to my civilization.
I can read successfully with a partner.
I can see the connections Latin and Greek roots have to comprehension.

Areas highlighted in green are areas of strength. Highlights in yellow are areas to think about.

Not Observed


1. Demonstration of Mastery of FEEDBACK
Pedagogical Expertise in the

a. (E) Lesson plan is available and reflects appropriate X Your lesson plan was very thorough and
objectives, Colorado Academic Standards, and
connected to objectives.
assessment results.
(D) Implements lessons that connect specific
learning objectives to curriculum and align to
districts plan.
(P) Demonstrates knowledge of vertical and
horizontal alignments of the grade or subject area.
b. (E) Scaffolds questions, concepts, and skills based X You did a nice job of scaffolding the lesson
on a sequence of learning, uses instructional and connecting information to prior learning.
materials that are accurate and appropriate for the
lesson being taught, encourages and provides
opportunities for students to make connections to
prior learning.
(D) Implements content-based instructional
strategies that align to learning objective, uses
multiple models and delivery methods to explain
concepts, and applies questioning techniques to
support inquiry.
(P) Anticipates misconceptions and addresses those The glow and grow partner work was
during instruction, facilitates exploration of ideas that great. Reflecting on their test from the
allow students to ask questions and construct new
meaning. previous class is an excellent strategy.
c. (E) Connects lessons to key concepts and themes X
within other content areas, has knowledge of how to You always do a nice job anticipating and
support literacy and numeracy practices in content
area. accommodating questions and confusions.
(D) Employs instructional strategies that include Links to other disciplines are apparent.
literacy, numeracy, and language development
across content areas, makes reading and content-
specific language accessible to students.
Good job with CFU and Gardners MI!
(P) Makes interdisciplinary connections explicit,
integrates literacy skills across content areas, and
integrates mathematical practices across content

Areas of Celebration:

Growth Areas/Next Steps:

Revised 8.6.17
2. Safe, Inclusive and Respectful FEEDBACK
Learning Environment N/O E D P A

a. (E) Maintains safety of students and X This is a true strength of yours. Students
environment, a nurturing and caring know your expectations and you manage
relationship with each student, clear your class beautifully!
expectations for student behavior, and
procedures and routines to guide instruction
and transitions.
(D) Facilitates accountability to school and
class procedures and routines, consistently
reinforces expectations.
(P) Makes maximum use of time by
overlooking inconsequential behavior,
reinforcing positive behavior, and Nice job making adjustments to the lesson
implementing purposeful pacing and efficient due to time. Do you have a plan to teach
transitions. the Greek roots in another lesson?
b. (E) Acknowledges the influence of race, X
ethnicity, gender, religion, socioeconomics and
other aspects of culture on student Partner reading helped make a long reading
perspectives, creates an environment where assignment more purposeful and efficient.
diversity is used to further student learning.
(D) Establishes processes resulting in a sense
of community among students, effective
Great acknowledgement of the student from
interactions among students, and incorporates
instruction that reflects diverse backgrounds, Istanbul (Constantinople) and the
experiences, and different points of view. connection to the area you were studying.
(P) Delivers lessons to ensure students
backgrounds and knowledge are considered,
capitalizes on diversity as an asset in the
classroom, uses materials and lessons that
counteract stereotypes and acknowledges the
contributions of all cultures.
c. (E) Recognizes that students have a variety of X
learning needs and interests, addresses Your instruction is very strong! You read
individual student needs by adapting the
your classroom well and anticipate and
environment, and collaborates with specialists
who can support the learning needs of adapt accordingly.
(D) Implements a variety of inclusion,
intervention, or enrichment practices to
address unique learning needs and interests,
implements recommendations of specialists I know you do this, but I havent seen
and colleagues to address student needs, and specifics. I think the class period following
encourages the values and contributions of the one I observed has more students with
students regardless of backgrounds or specific needs. If Im not observing this
abilities. class, would you include these strategies in
(P) Initiates collaboration with colleagues to your lesson so I can see how you handle
understand and respond to student learning various learning needs?
needs, provides challenging opportunities and
support for students to self-select tasks that
accelerate their learning, and integrates self-
advocacy skills into instruction.
d. (E) Establishes an environment that is inviting X
to families and/or significant adults and
respectful relationships with students, their
families, and/or significant adults. Steven indicated more parent contact is
(D) Uses a variety of methods to initiate something you are working on. Let me
communication with families and/or significant know how it is going.
adults in the school and community.
(P) Coordinates communication between
families and/or colleagues who provide student
services, recognizes obstacles to family and
community participation and seeks solutions to
overcome them.

Revised 8.6.17
Areas of Celebration:

Growth Areas/Next Steps:

3. Plan and Deliver Effective FEEDBACK

Instruction N/O E D P A

a. (E) Demonstrates knowledge of the X X You are showing great development in this
interrelatedness of students intellectual, social, area. Continue to work closely with your co-
and emotional development teachers and take advantage of their
(D) Engages students in developmentally expertise.
appropriate learning.
(P) Implements knowledge gained from
colleagues with expertise in child and
adolescent development to improve the quality
of instruction.
b. (E) Determines students current skill levels X Your communication skills are excellent.
and uses that information to plan instruction, The kids know what you expect and
selects assessment strategies aligned to the
learning objectives, monitors student learning
understand the purpose.
in relation to the objectives, shares feedback
on student progress with families and/or Dont forget to include the Learning Target
significant adults throughout the lesson.
(D) Uses assessment results to guide real-time
adjustments to instruction, evaluates and
documents student performance based on Great job with CFU.
multiple measures, provides timely feedback to
students that is academically focused, I love the glow and grow!
frequent, and high quality
(P) Provides opportunities that encourage
students to take academic risks based on
assessment results, teaches students to use
feedback to improve learning. Nice job modeling Blooms Rally Coach
c. (E) Employs strategies and procedures to X activity. You were so brave to try it!
ensure students have equitable access to
Gardners MI Excellent implementation of
available technology, assesses available
technology to use with instruction. many different intelligences!
(D) Uses available technology to facilitate
classroom instruction, develop students
knowledge and skills, models responsible and
ethical use of technology and applications.
Their website for their civilization project is
(P) Integrates available technology to enhance
creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, use
of information, communication, and

Revised 8.6.17
d. (E) Sets and communicates student X
expectations at a level that challenges
students, understands the importance of
developing critical thinking and problem- The Blooms Rally coach activity is a perfect
solving skills. vehicle for this! Well done!
(D) Demonstrates knowledge of processes
needed to support student in acquiring critical
thinking skills and problem-solving skills, uses
wait time equitably to initiate student
(P) Teaches students critical thinking and
problem-solving skills that are discipline-
e. (E) Has a clear purpose for student X
collaboration. Kids were focused and on task. The glows
(D) Provides opportunities for students to
and grows and their worksheet help to
participate using various roles and modes of support this!
communication, adjusts team composition
based on learning objectives and student Blooms Rally Coach
(P) Holds students accountable for work
product and collaboration processes, promotes
student leadership and teamwork skills.
f. (E) Provides clear directions to guide student X
learning and behavior, actively listens to
Great cues!
(D) Models a variety of methods for
communication with all students, establishes
classroom practices to support effective Nice job clarifying the rally coach process
communication. and implementing necessary changes.
(P) Teaches students to articulate thoughts
and ideas clearly and effectively.

Areas of Celebration:

Growth Areas/Next Steps:

Revised 8.6.17
4. Reflection of Practice FEEDBACK
a. (E) Implements performance feedback X
from supervisor and/or colleagues to Steven tells me you are doing amazing work
improve practice, actively engages in with your PLC and with him. He is very
professional learning focused on meeting pleased with your professional
professional goals. development!
(D) Engages in professional learning
based on alignment with Colorado I am so pleased to see you implement the
Academic Standards, school and district many strategies and ideas we give you in
initiatives, current research, and student Seminar! Thank you for being brave and for
needs. validating what Vicky and I are teaching!
(P) Applies knowledge and skills learned
through professional learning to improve
student outcomes, develops and follows a
professional learning plan aligned to
b. (E) Has a positive attitude toward change. X
(D) Adapts to the changing demands of
the classroom environment, maintains a
positive, productive, and respectful
relationship with colleagues.
(P) Initiates collaborative activities with
colleagues to navigate change while
maintaining a focus on student learning,
contribute to school and district
improvement planning.

Areas of Celebration:

Growth Areas/Next Steps:

5. Demonstration of Leadership FEEDBACK

a. (E) Participates in school activities expected of X X
all teachers, supports school goals and
(D) Contributes to school committees and
(P) Seeks opportunities to lead professional
learning activities, actively participates in
school decision-making processes.

Revised 8.6.17
b. (E) Maintains confidentiality of student records X
as required by law, confidentiality of student,
family, and fellow teacher interactions, and
confidentiality of student data; demonstrates
reliable and responsible behavior.
(D) Models ethical behavior, including honesty,
integrity, and fair treatment and respect for
(P) Helps students understand the importance
of ethical behavior as an individual and
member of society.

Areas of Celebration:

Great job Casey! You continue to impress me!

Growth Areas/Next Steps:

What evidence of learning do you see and hear?

Are students meeting the target today? ________At what level?

How do you know?

Casey Hawley 10-31-17

Judy Oakleaf 10-31-17
Teacher Candidate Date Observer Date

Revised 8.6.17

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