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Entropy: High-Speed Spindle Fault Diagnosis With The Empirical Mode Decomposition and Multiscale Entropy Method

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Entropy 2015, 17, 2170-2183; doi:10.


ISSN 1099-4300

High-Speed Spindle Fault Diagnosis with the Empirical Mode

Decomposition and Multiscale Entropy Method
Nan-Kai Hsieh *,, Wei-Yen Lin and Hong-Tsu Young

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan;

E-Mails: d93522009@ntu.edu.tw (W.-Y.L.); hyoung@ntu.edu.tw (H.-T.Y.)

These authors contributed equally to this work.

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: d98522020@ntu.edu.tw;

Tel.: +886-2-3366-4486.

Academic Editor: Kevin H. Knuth

Received: 27 January 2015 / Accepted: 2 April 2015 / Published: 13 April 2015

Abstract: The root mean square (RMS) value of a vibration signal is an important
indicator used to represent the amplitude of vibrations in evaluating the quality of high-
speed spindles. However, RMS is unable to detect a number of common fault
characteristics that occur prior to bearing failure. Extending the operational life and quality
of spindles requires reliable fault diagnosis techniques for the analysis of vibration signals
from three axes. This study used empirical mode decomposition to decompose signals into
intrinsic mode functions containing a zero-crossing rate and energy to represent the
characteristics of rotating elements. The MSE curve was then used to identify a number of
characteristic defects. The purpose of this research was to obtain vibration signals along
three axes with the aim of extending the operational life of devices included in the product
line of an actual spindle manufacturing company.

Keywords: machine tool spindle; empirical mode decomposition (EMD); multiscale

entropy (MSE); ball bearing; fault diagnosis
Entropy 2015, 17 2171

1. Introduction

Spindle manufacturers use a variety of fault diagnosis techniques based on temperature, vibration
and acoustics, to enhance the reliability, stability and lifespan of their devices [13]. Root mean square
(RMS) values and temperature monitoring systems are used to examine the quality of the spindle
before leaving the factory. Unfortunately, the RMS value reveals only the amplitude of vibration,
giving no indication of fault characteristics.
Some vibration analysis methods have been proposed [4,5] for the diagnosis of fault characteristics
in rotational machinery. Fourier transform and time-domain statistical analysis methods [6] are widely
used to analyze the non-stationary characteristics of vibration signals in rotating machinery.
Unfortunately, Fourier analysis can only be used in linear system and stationary data. It is very
difficult to extract fault characteristics directly from original measurement data in a complex vibration
signal due to the wide frequency spectrum and spurious harmonics. Furthermore, Fourier analysis is
unable to separate useful signals from noise and external disturbances [7]. A number of advanced
signal processing algorithms, such as empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and multiscale entropy
(MSE), have been developed to remedy this problem.
Huang [8] developed an adaptive time-frequency data analysis method called empirical mode
decomposition, which can decompose complex non-linear and non-stationary signals into to a number
of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) with specific physical representation. Peng [9] proposed two
methods to detect tool breakage: (1) using the Hilbert spectrum; and (2) using the energies of
characteristic IMFs during the milling process. Analysis of individual IMF components enables the
extraction of specific fault characteristics from the original signal. For this reason, EMD has been
successfully employed to rotating machinery fault diagnosis and tool health condition monitoring, such as
misalignment diagnosis [10], rolling bearing defect diagnosis and tool breakage detection. Yu et al. [11]
used the HilbertHuang transform (HHT) to diagnose faults in roller bearings. Cheng et al. [12]
proposed a method for the extraction of fault characteristics of roller bearings using an autoregressive
(AR) model based on the EMD method. Since that time, EMD has been applied in the analysis of
vibration signals in diagnosing bearing faults [13], monitoring the condition of machine tools [14] and
diagnosing faults in built-in motors [15].
Multiscale entropy (MSE) is a new approach measuring the complexity of systems in order to
quantify irregularities in a time series. Pincus [16] introduced approximate entropy (ApEn), which is a
statistical measure used to quantify the regularity or predictability of a time series. ApEn has been
successfully applied in the analysis of vibration signals [17] and biomedical signals [18]. However,
ApEn has two fundamental drawbacks: a heavy dependence on the length of records and an estimated
value consistently below that expected of short records. Second, it lacks relative consistency. To
overcome these shortcomings, Richman et al. [19] proposed sample entropy (SampEn), which requires
a much shorter record length than does ApEn. Costa et al. [20] proposed the use of multiscale entropy
(MSE) to differentiate individual signals associated with the human heartbeat. Zhang et al. [21] used
MSE and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference to detect faults in bearings and to determine their severity.
Lin et al. [22] utilized MSE to reveal features capable of differentiating vibration signals in shafts
under normal and misalignment conditions.
Entropy 2015, 17 2172

Measurements of radial vibration and position [23] are fundamental to collect vibration signals.
However, a range of factors can affect the behavior and position of the shaft in the axial direction
(e.g., excessive axial load, bearing lubrication failure). An accelerometer can be mounted above the
bearing on the housing to collect signals related to vibration in three directions in order to identify the
fault characteristics of the spindle.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the experiment setup.
Section 3 presents a flow chart of signal analysis, EMD and MSE approaches. Section 4 discusses the
creation of artificial defects. Section 5 presents experiment and analysis results. Conclusions are drawn
in Section 6.

2. Experiment Setup and Measurement System

Investigating defects in spindles requires health monitoring and fault diagnosis. The experiment
configuration comprises a shaft, constant pressure device and two bearing sets (SKF 71908CD and
7010CE). Spindle rotation speed was controlled using an AC inverter capable of operating at up to
24,000 rpm. Constant pressure devices can be used over a wide range of loads in the axial direction.
Three 352C65 ICP accelerometers (sensitivity: 100 mV/g) were mounted on the front-side bearing of
the spindle to collect vibration signals in the radial and axial directions as shown in Figure 1 (sampling
frequency = 51,200 Hz). Vibration signals of the spindle were collected by the data acquisition device
(NI-9234). The validity and effectiveness of the experiment configuration is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Experiment setup.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the PC-based measurement system.

The experiment parameters were as follows [15]:

(a) the data sampling rate was set to 51,200 Hz (maximum achievable) for the acquisition system
for the extraction of vibration signals;
Entropy 2015, 17 2173

(b) a maximum rotational speed of 24,000 RPM (400 Hz);

(c) three accelerometers mounted using magnets on the front-side bearings of the spindle;
(d) total measurement time of 10 s.
Figure 3 presents an actual example of the signal measured from a mass-unbalanced shaft. The
Fourier spectrum corresponding to the measured vibration signal is presented in Figure 4, showing that
the first-order frequency (rotation speed of 400 Hz) is the dominant constituent in the spectrum.
Despite the fact that the spectrum extended to 25,600 Hz (one half of the sampling rate), the usable
range was only from 0 to 5,000 Hz [24,25], after taking into account the mounting method and its
associated natural frequency.

Figure 3. Vibration signals of the mass-unbalanced shaft.

Figure 4. Fourier spectrum of the mass-unbalanced shaft.

3. Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Method

Vibration signals were collected along three axes and then analyzed using EMD and MSE for the
detection and diagnosis of faults. The process used for the analysis of vibration signals is illustrated in
Figure 5.

Figure 5. Process used in the analysis of vibration signals.

Entropy 2015, 17 2174

Signal analysis involves the extraction of the vibration signal in order to calculate the zero-crossing
rate and energy percentage of each IMF according to EMD. The second step is to judge the horizontal
and axial signal existence vibration amplitude at a 1 or 2 running frequency. Mass unbalance exists
at 1 running frequency and misalignment exists at 2 running frequency. The third step is to
determine whether the end scale is higher than 400 from the axial signal, which would verify the
existence error in the parallel alignment of the bearing spacer ring. The fourth step involves calculating
the total area under the MSE curve with the end scale below 400 in order to estimate the amount of
grease. The fifth step involves calculating the end scale and total area under the MSE curve in order to
deduce the preload value from the vertical signal.

3.1. Brief Outline of the EMD Method

HHT was used as a feature extraction method to detect specific physical meanings [26]. The HHT
consists of two main parts: EMD and Hilbert transform. The EMD method can decompose any
multicomponent signal into a set of monocomponent signals, which are referred to as intrinsic mode
functions (IMFs) [27]. Each IMF is unique and satisfies the following two conditions [8]: (1) within
the entire dataset, the number of extrema and the number of zero-crossings must either equal or differ
at most by one; and (2) at any point, the mean value of the envelope defined by the local maxima and
the envelope defined by the local minima is zero.

Figure 6. Methodology used for the identification of fault conditions in specimens [15].

3.1.1. Characteristics of the Intrinsic Mode Function

The decomposition of the time series by EMD into a number of IMFs with physical meanings has
been demonstrated [28]. An IMF represents a simple oscillatory mode embedded in the signal [4]. To
gain insight into the characteristics of IMFs, the zero-crossing rate Zri (Equation (1)) and average
energy Ei (Equation (2)) associated with the i-th IMF are calculated as follows:
Entropy 2015, 17 2175

ith Number of ZeroCross Sampling Rate

Zri = (1)
N 2
1 n
Ei = (Ci [k ])
n k =1
where N represents the length of the signal and Ci[k] represents the k-th element of the i-th IMF.

3.1.2. Order-Energy Plot

Peng [9] and Junsheng [12] revealed that the energy distribution of IMFs is closely related to the
conditions found in machine tool systems. Lin et al. [15] proposed the order-energy plot to represent
this energy distribution as shown in Figure 6. The order-energy plot of the shaft with the target IMFs is
presented in Figure 7, in which the X-axis presents the order (equal to the zero-crossing rate divided by
the working speed) and the Y-axis is the average energy percentage of each IMF component.

Energy Percentage





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Figure 7. Order-energy plot of the shaft [15].

3.2. MSE Approach

In MSE analysis, we consider a one-dimensional discrete time series of length N: X = {x1...x2 ...xn }.
We then construct a consecutive coarse-grained time series, X = y ( ) , which is divided by the scale { }
factor , and the data points inside each window are averaged. Each element j of a coarse-grained
time series yj is then calculated according to the following equation [29]:
yj =

x i
i = ( j 1) +1
, 1 j N / , N > (3)

When the scale factor equals one, the coarse-grained time series y (1) is simply the original time { }
series. The length of the original time series is equal to the length of the coarse-grained one divided by
the scale factor .
The sample entropy S E ( , m, r , N ) [19] is computed using Equation (4) for each scale factor . The
nim is the number of similar patterns for data point i .
N m

n m
S E ( m, r, N ) = ln( N i =m1 ) (4)
ni m +1

i =1
Entropy 2015, 17 2176

This is then used to calculate the sample entropy SE for each coarse-grained time series, which is
plotted as a function of the scale factor .

4. Types of Artificial Defect

Using statistics compiled by one manufacturer of spindles, this study assembled seven models to
represent the following fault categories: mass unbalance, shaft misalignment, inappropriate grease
content [30], inappropriate preload [31] and errors in the parallel alignment of the bearing spacer ring.

4.1. Unbalanced

Mass unbalance is a common problem, defined as an uneven distribution in the mass of the rotor,
which can cause severe problems, particularly at high operating speeds. Optimizing shaft alignment is
meant to extend the life of the device; however, process variation in manufacturing makes it difficult to
ensure the balance of a rotor [32].

4.2. Misalignment

Shaft misalignment is the most common fault encountered in rotating machinery. Geometric and
assembly-related tolerances are extremely difficult to control, which makes it hard to ensure perfect
alignment between the shaft and housing. Therefore, this study applied a gauge to measure the
concentricity of the rotating machinery in order to ensure shaft misalignment.

4.3. Lubricant

A dearth or excess of lubricant can lead to bearing failure. The correct amount of lubricant in
bearings can be determined based on vibration signals. This study followed guidelines in the SKF
manual [33] in which 50% of the recommended value was considered insufficient grease content and
double the recommended value was considered excessive grease content as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Grease charges.

Grease Charge for Bearings
Bearing Specification
Less Grease Recommended Amount Over-Grease
7010CE 0.8 cc 1.2 cc 1.6 cc
71908CD 0.4 cc 0.48 cc 0.8 cc

4.4. Preload

The initial preload enhances accuracy in rotation, determines the stiffness and lifespan of the
spindle and helps to decrease noise and vibration. Two methods have been developed for the
adjustment of bearing preload: (1) constant position preload; and (2) constant force preload (spring
preload). Constant position preload is applied using a constant relative displacement between the inner
and outer spacer rings. Unfortunately, thermal deformation within the spindle system can affect the
preload of bearings [34] by altering the relative position of inner and outer spacer rings. As mentioned
Entropy 2015, 17 2177

previously, this research developed a spring-force mechanism, which allows the user to control the
preload value.

4.5. Error in Parallel Positioning of Bearing Spacer Ring

The bearing spacer ring plays an important role in system rigidity and the lifespan of bearings by
allowing grease to escape from the bearing to reduce running temperature. The spacer must be sufficiently
hard to resist deformation during bearing rotation. However, it is difficult to ensure the parallel
alignment of the spacer (within 12 m), as shown in Figure 8 [33], particularly in mass
manufacturing. Most cases of bearing failure without warning can be attributed to variations in this

Figure 8. Geometric tolerance in the placement of the spacer.

5. Result

This research proposes EMD and MSE algorithms to extract common fault types signals, such as
mass unbalance, misalignment, less and over-grease, light and heavy preload and the parallelism error
of the spacer.

5.1. Unbalance

In this study, the rotor was subject to the effects of gravity, because the high-speed motor was
placed in a vertical place (Figure 1). This study used EMD to detect mass-unbalance faults. Previous
researchers have indicated [35] that 1 (rotation speed) energy represents mass unbalance. As shown
in Figure 9, the 1 energy is largest in the horizontal vibration signal. The EMD was able to diagnose
an unbalanced shaft from the vibration signal.


Unbalance Shaft (UN1)

0.6 Unbalance Shaft (UN2)
Unbalance Shaft (UN3)

Energy Percentage





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Figure 9. EMD profile (mass unbalance).

Entropy 2015, 17 2178

5.2. Misalignment

Geometric and dimensional errors are difficult to control due to process variations inherent in mass
production methods. Accumulated tolerance was defined as the sum of geometrical tolerance and
dimension tolerance. As mentioned above, shaft alignment is difficult to achieve. A number of
researchers [35] have reported that 2 (rotation speed) energy is an indication of shaft misalignment.
As shown in Figure 10, the 2 (rotation speed) energy is largest in the axial vibration signals.
However, the zero-crossing rate of IMF4 is 797, and the energy percentage is 53.12 percent, as shown
in Figure 10. Thus, EMD was able to diagnose shaft misalignment based on the axial vibration signal.

Misalignment Shaft (MA1)

0.6 Misalignment Shaft (MA2)
Misalignment Shaft (MA3)
Energy Percentage






0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Figure 10. EMD profile (misalignment).

5.3. Less and Over-Grease

This study used the end scale and total area under the MSE curve to analyze the vibration signals in
order to calculate the amount of grease in the bearings, as shown in Figure 11 and Table. 2. The
bearing preload is set to a constant value to ensure the reliability of this experiment. The axial
vibration signal was used to quantify the amount of grease filling, as shown in Figure 11a. The radial
vibration signal represents the MSE curve coincidence in Figure 11b, which makes it difficult to identify
the amount of grease in the bearing. The MSE curve in Figure 11c and Table 2 clearly indicates the fault
feature of insufficient grease.

Table 2. The total area under the MSE curve and the end scale associated with the lubricant.
Less Grease Recommended Amount Over-Grease
End Scale 164 222 230
Total Area 31 55 60
Entropy 2015, 17 2179

2.5 2.5

Over Grease Shaft (OG1) Over Grease Shaft (OG1)

Less Grease Shaft (LG1) Less Grease Shaft (LG1)
2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5


1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

0 50 100 150 200

(a) (b)

Over Grease
Manual Guide
2.0 Less Grease





0 50 100 150 200 250 300



Figure 11. MSE profile (less and over-grease). (a) Axial vibration signal; (b) radial
vibration signal; (c) MSE curve from the axial vibration signal.

5.4. Light and Heavy Preload

Identifying the appropriate preload can affect rotation accuracy and operating temperature. This
study developed a means to monitor the effects of preload using a constant pressure device to absorb
changes associated with thermal expansion [34]. The vibration signal under various preload conditions
was analyzed using MSE, as shown in Figure 12 and Table 3. The difference between the end scale
and the total area under the MSE curve in Figure 12a represents high and low preload. The MSE curve
in Figure 12c and Table 3 clearly indicates the fault features associated with heavy preload.

Table 3. Total area and end scale of the preload MSE curve.
Heavy Preload Medium Light Preload
End Scale 234 485 493
Total Area 69 99 132
Entropy 2015, 17 2180

2.5 2.5

Light Preload Shaft (LP1) Light Preload Shaft (LP1)

Heavy Preload Shaft (HP1) Heavy Preload Shaft (HP1)
2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5


1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 50 100 150 200

Scale Scale

(a) (b)

Light Preload
2.5 Medium
Heavy Preload






0 100 200 300 400 500



Figure 12. MSE profile (light and heavy preload). (a) Radial vibration signal; (b) axial
vibration signal; (c) MSE curve from the radial vibration signal.

5.5. Parallelism Error of Spacer

Non-uniform compression force and unequal force distribution across the bearing can lead to
damage without warning. Ensuring surface flatness in the spacer is crucial to optimizing the
performance of bearings. This research simulated the parallelism error of a spacer in order to extract
vibration signals related to this defect. As shown in Figure 13a, the end scale of the parallelism error of
the spacer is 596, which exceeds the end scale of the excessive grease MSE curve (230) in Figure 11c.
The end scale of the lubrication MSE curve of the axial vibration signal is less than 400. Thus, this
study used the axial vibration signal to characterize the parallelism error associated with the spacer.
Entropy 2015, 17 2181

2.5 2.5

Parallelism Error of Spacer (PE1) Parallelism Error of Spacer (PE1)

Parallelism Error of Spacer (PE2) Parallelism Error of Spacer (PE2)
2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5


1.0 1.0



0 100 200 300 400 500 600

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Figure 13. MSE profile (errors in the parallel alignment of the spacer). (a) Axial vibration
signal; (b) radial vibration signal.

6. Conclusions

The objective of this study was to collect information related to common fault vibration signals
using three accelerometers in the three directions for the diagnosis of faults. This research adopted
EMD and MSE methods to identify faults according to their characteristics. The EMD method draws
an order-energy plot to identify mass unbalance and shaft misalignment from horizontal and axial
vibration signals. The axial vibration signal can also be used to derive information for use in
determining the amount of lubrication and error in the parallel alignment of the spacer according to the
end scale and total area under the MSE curve. This study then used the MSE method to diagnose the
preload value according to the MSE curve from the vertical vibration signal. In this research, the end
scale and total area of each artificial defect type are obtained by statistical analysis of the data. Hence,
the MSE curve is able to accurately diagnose the fault type of less grease, heavy preload and the
parallelism of the spacer.
Finally, this experiment collected signals from spindles that included noise commonly encountered
in actual operating environments. This breakthrough technology is able to identify the essential
operating characteristics of a spindle and, thereby, to prevent sudden breakdowns. This approach was
then evaluated for its ability to enhance the reliability and quality control of spindles in an existing
product line.


This work is support by the Anderson group.

Author Contributions

Nan-Kai Hsieh is in charge of collecting and doing statistics of the conditions of the high-speed
spindle damage. Also, he collects the vibration signals from a variety of self-made spindles.
Wei-Yen Lin is responsible for developing programs and collecting all kinds of characteristics that
lead to damage. Hong-Tsu Young integrates and executes the task in progress. All authors have read
and approved the final manuscript.
Entropy 2015, 17 2182

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license

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