5.a Cons RFP Icb Section 6 - Tor
5.a Cons RFP Icb Section 6 - Tor
5.a Cons RFP Icb Section 6 - Tor
Addis Ababa,
Management contract for railway operations and maintenance (O&M), for Ethiopian
railways corporation, operations and services
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 ERC ORGANIZATION, MANAGEMENT AND SCOPE .......................................................................... 2
1.2.1 The Company .................................................................................................................. 2
3.2 To develop a work plan and the calculation of required personnel for each organizational function
identified. ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 To assist ERC in the testing and start up phases of the operations. ................................................ 9
3.5 To develop a 5 years strategic business plan for the AA LRT Line. .............................................. 10
3.6 To develop an operation and maintenance plan for both Rolling Stocks and Infrastructure assets. ...... 11
3.7 To operate the North South and the East West Lines of the AA LRT. ....................................... 11
3.8 To execute the maintenance plans for both Rolling stock and Infrastructure assets. ......................... 12
3.9 To manage the spare parts inventory and its supply chain together with the supporting IT. ................ 12
3.11 To manage the Train Control and Total Safety of the Rail System. ............................................. 14
3.15 To organize and operate a Know How transfer and Training. .................................................... 16
3. 17 To remain available for further technical assistance within a framework agreement. ...................... 17
1.1 Background
The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) has committed itself towards realizing the
national vision of achieving the Millennium development Goal (MDG) and positioning Ethiopia among one of medium
income countries in the world by the year 2020. As infrastructure development is one of key elements of economic
development of nations following the economic liberalization policy, the government has earmarked a huge proportion of
the national budget towards improving the infrastructure network of the country in order to achieve the vision.
With respect to this and to satisfy the demand of the economy for bulk cargo transport services and the public mass
transport at large as well, at affordable fare and to be competitive in the international market, the government has
established Ethiopian Railways Corporation (ERC) by Regulation Number 141/2007 of the council of ministers of FDRE.
The oversight of the corporation is done by the Ministry of Transport (MOT) of FDRE as a regulatory body. At the
strategic apex of the corporation seats the Board of Directors (BOD) as a governing body and sets the strategic direction
of the corporation. Hence the government has given due attention for the expansion and provision of a reliable, affordable
and environment friendly railway transport system in the country.
In compliance with this objective, ERC has identified ten railway corridors for study, design and subsequent
implementation, the total length of which is about 5060km. These railway corridors form the National Railway Network
(NRNE) of Ethiopia.
The increase of the economic activity in Ethiopia, especially in the main urban areas of the country, give raise to an
increasing demand of urban trips and calls to a fast development of mass transportation systems. Accordingly, the FDRE
government has planned a Light Rail Transit Project for the Addis Ababa city, Capital of Ethiopia and the African Union
(AU) as well, with two eet corridors namely the N-S LRT line and E-W LRT line. The construction of the LRT system is
actually ongoing and consignment to operation is scheduled for January 2015. The system will have two main lines and
will cover, in the first phase of the overall Project a total length of more than 31 km.
The development of the LRT embraces not only the operation of transport services but also the design and the
development of areas around the most important stations intended to be conceived as hot business corridors. An
approach based on a mixed development concept has been adopted with the objective to generate additional income to
support the LRT Project.
The government of Ethiopia has established Ethiopian Railways Corporation (ERC) by Regulation Number 141/2007 of
the council of ministers of FDRE. The corporation is accountable to the Board of Directors which in turn is accountable to
the Ministry of Transport (MOT) of FDRE which is a regulatory body.
The details of functional departments with initial stage job listings can be availed upon request from the ERC
Administration Support service. The following schematic diagram just shows the macro organization at the Head office
level only. The regional and corridor based structure has not yet been developed.
The ERC Key mission is to support the fast growing economy of the FDRE through the construction of modern railway
infrastructure and to expand freight and passenger railway transport services and enhance public mobility.
ERC main objectives are focused on the developing of an integrated and efficient railway transport system in order to
ensure competitive, safe and reliable rail transport for freight and passengers in the FDRE with an affordable tariff
structure. ERC has been expanding its project management organizational structure which permits it to fully manage the
development of the planned National Rail Network from concept to implementation.
As far as the Addis Ababa LRT Project is concerned, ERC is responsible for the construction, Commissioning and
Operation of the transport system. Within this range of responsibility ERC has decided to commit a first phase of the LRT
operation to a qualified subject, in order to manage an appropriate startup period and to establish a lean, efficient and
skilled organizational structure.
The Operations Division of ERC is in charge for all railway operation and support service activities and functions. The
Division operates Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (AALRT), Inter-City passenger and freight trains on the rail
infrastructure. It owns and maintains commercial rolling stocks. Based on this mandate, the division made a study of
initial structure for the Addis Ababa LRT which has subsequently been endorsed both by management and the Board of
Currently more than 200 Rail Operators (train masters, Dispatchers, Conductors, Controllers, Signaling and
Communication Technicians, Rolling Stock Maintenance technicians, Rail Electrification Technicians and Track
maintenance workers) have been recruited. An educational contract has been signed with one of world class Railway
technical college overseas to provide the necessary skills and handson practice for the above recruits and a would be
founder staff members of the Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit.
The Phase 1 of the Project is presently ongoing. The lines in the E-W & N-S Project currently executed approximate 31
Along E-W corridor in Addis Ababa, East - West Light Rail line Project (Phase I) is from Ayat in the east to Torhailoch in
the west, with the length of 17 km. 22 stations are arranged, including 6 elevated stations and 16 at grade stations, and
the rolling stock depot is located in the east of the Project.
Along N-S corridor in Addis Ababa, the North - South Light Rail line Project (Phase I) starts from the eastern side of St.
George's Church in the North to Kaliti in the south, with a total length of 16.6 km. 22 stations are arranged, including 1
underground station, 7 elevated stations (with 5 stations sharing tracks with those on the E-W line) and 14 at grade
stations. The project is arranged with one rolling stock depot, in which control centre (sharing tracks of E-W and N-S line)
is temporarily arranged.
Further details of the mainline and stations are available in Annex, Section 1.
The LRV vehicles are the core of Addis Ababa LRT system. The fleet operates on a standard railroad track gauge of
1435 millimeter. They are powered from an overhead wire by direct current (750V DC) and capable of speed up to 70
km/h. A fare system with a combination of automatic and manual ticket checking has been adopted.
Further details of LRV Fleet and operations are available in Annex, Sections 2 and 3.
Proper communication and signal systems have been adopted in the Project based on the inherent characteristics of LRT
in Addis Ababa.
LRVs are operated manually. Automatic block wayside signals, traffic signals, radio communication, operational
procedures and train orders govern operators regarding all movements of the vehicles. Appropriate street traffic signals,
speed limit signage and wayside signals assist the operator in selecting proper movement sequence and speeds.
Powered switches are operated by operators via car-borne equipment. All city street operations are by line of sight. City
street crossings coordinate adjacent street intersection traffic signals. High speed crossings are protected using gate
crossings with flashers and warning bells. Medians have also been installed at crossings to prevent traffic from driving
around active gates. Gated crossings shall be monitored and recorded by video equipment.
The communication system consists of data transmission network, telephone, CCTV, wireless communication and
corresponding supporting facilities.
The external power supply mode shall be of distributed power supply with the supply voltage class being 15kV.
The traction power system uses overhead catenary at 750 volts direct current (VDC).
All sub-stations are remotely monitored and controlled by a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system.
Further details of the power supply system are available in Annex, Section 5.
The LRT Project represents an important milestone for the development of the capital city of the FDRE. A specific study
carried out in Addis Ababa shows that 45% of Ethiopian people move by walking, 46% use public transport and 9% own a
private car.
In order to evaluate the future demand flows an appropriate study, covering both the East-West and the North-South
Line, has been carried out, through a specific questionnaire and by the extrapolation of Addis Ababas demographic
The general results of the passenger flow forecast on the E-W and N-S Line of light rail are shown in Annex, Section 6.
The system will be operated as part of a fully integrated mass transit system which includes local bus routes, express bus
routes and regional routes. The planning of the urban transport system as a whole is under the responsibility of the
Municipality of Addis Ababa, while the operation of the road transport services is assigned to the Bus Company of the city
(totally owned by the Municipality).
The general objective of the Management Contract is to test, take over and operate the Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit
construction Project upon completion and Commissioning under the oversight of the ERC for limited period of Contract.
Aware of the impact that the growth of its business and asset base will have in the level of complexity of its operations,
ERC has decided to seek for an international, best-in-class railway operator in order to manage the business in the short
term to assure the provision of safe and high quality service in an efficient way as well as to broaden and enhance the
capabilities of its organization.
The Contractor will focus on the Addis Ababa City Light Rail Transit System, which is currently in an advanced phase of
construction and consignment to operation is scheduled for January 2015.
1. To define / identify an organizational structure for the AA LRT Line and the managerial resources for each
2. For each process identified, develop a workplan and the Definition of the required personnel.
5. To develop a 5 years strategic business plan for the newly built and commissioned AA LRT.
6. To develop a maintenance plan for both Rolling Stocks and Infrastructure assets.
7. To operate the North South and the East West Lines of the AA LRT.
8. To execute the maintenance plans for both Rolling stock and Infrastructure assets.
9. To manage the spare parts inventory and its supply chain together with the supporting IT.
11. To manage the Train Control and Total Safety of the Rail System.
17. To remain available for further technical assistance within a framework agreement.
The Contractor has to define the organizational structure of the AA LRT Line and to identify the number of key managers
Through his professional experience and skill the Contractor will submit to ERC the best suitable organizational model for
the AA LRT in order to provide an efficient and lean organization. A first proposal will be part of the Contractors offer and
will be discussed in the phase of contract formalization.
The organizational structure must have at least the following professional functions:
Administration Manager
Institutional Manager
HR Manager
Security Manager
Director of operations
Other equipment Maintenance Manager (elevators, escalators, ticketing machines, information devices for the
public, lighting systems)
ICT Manager
Marketing Manager
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Management contract for railway operations and maintenance (O&M), for Ethiopian railways
corporation, operations and services
Experts to be charged as key managers shall have appropriate CVs (to be annexed to technical offer) and fluent English
to perform requested tasks. Key managers are required to remain on site for the whole duration of the contract (except for
ordinary holidays).
Each position will be flanked by one or more young ERC manager in position of assistant in order to perform a training on
the job (see also Point 3.15).
Operation and Services Division of ERC is the central sponsor of all railway operation and it will manage the contract and
supervise the activities on behalf of ERC.
The contractor shall respect and/or observe Laws, Culture and Social Norms of the FDRE.
3.2 To develop a work plan and the calculation of required personnel for each organizational
function identified.
According with the organizational proposal submitted, the Contractor will develop a workplan for each function proposed
which must lead to a calculation of the workforce required for the scope of the contract.
The Contractor:
will take charge of the personnel hired and trained by ERC to be detached to the Management Contract Unit.
3.3 To assist ERC in the testing and start up phases of the operations.
In the testing phase of the AA LRT, when ERC will exert the control of the coherence of the assets and equipments to be
consigned with the contract signed between ERC and the supplier(s), the Contractor will be present in all the working
sessions, in order to investigate and check all the assets and the facilities of the LRT (technical features, quantity, quality
of the components).
In the start up phase the Contractor will assist ERC in all the activities needed before the start of the pre-operational
phase, providing all the professional resources / skills needed to reach the objective. The contractor will prepare a
general flowchart of all the activities to be carried out in the different phases of the Management Contract duration and
will submit it to ERC for approval. ERC will use the flowchart to monitor the project. At the end of the start up phase there
will be the handover of the line and the Contractor will become consignee of all the assets constituting the AA LRT.
The Contractor will manage the pre operational phase accordingly to the best international experience of mass transit
system, in order to assure a safe and effective service and the opening of the service within the scheduled time.
In order to undertake an effective pre operational phase, main prior conditions are:
the availability of the key personnel in charge of specific operational and safety responsibility,
It is important to note that at the end of the pre operational phase a first revision of KPI will be possible in order to make a
first tuning of the performance indicators proposed by the Contractor.
In the same way, such a phase will give useful operational and costing suggestion about the business plan to be carried
out by the Contractor
3.5 To develop a 5 years strategic business plan for the AA LRT Line.
In order to provide a relevant framework for the management of the Line operations and maintenance, the Contractor will
develop a strategic business plan for a period of five years. Such a plan will take into account the operational and
demand figures of the LRT Project (see Annex, Sections 3 and 6)and should include the following matters:
The plan will be revised each year in line with the effective costs and revenues.
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Management contract for railway operations and maintenance (O&M), for Ethiopian railways
corporation, operations and services
Besides the available information about demand flows and the scheduled daily program, the Contractor will take into
account the results of the pre-operational phase, in order to review and adjust the planned operating scheme and the
forecast of cost and revenues.
Furthermore, the Contractor, in strict collaboration with ERC, will retrieve all the needed information about the fare policy
from the competent authorities, including the mandatory directive / instructions.
The same activity needs to be done for the areas of potential carbon credits revenues and real estate development
3.6 To develop an operation and maintenance plan for both Rolling Stocks and Infrastructure
According with the business plan described above, the Contractor will develop operational plans for Train planning and
Operation, and Maintenance of Rolling Stock and Infrastructure. For each component of the LRT System the Contractor
will determine the specific maintenance plan.
The Contractor will assess the interim timetable and propose changes, if needed. The definitive and official timetable to
be provided by the Contractor will take into account the interim timetables assessment, the results of the pre operational
phase and the findings of detailed simulations of the exercise programs.
The preparation of maintenance plans must be made according to the available maintenance manuals for the various
components of the rail system and on the basis of the equipment and tools that will be available or under procurement.
Proposals of improving the maintenance machinery kits can advanced and put at the attention of ERC within the
maintenance plan.
3.7 To operate the North South and the East West Lines of the AA LRT.
The Contractor will operate both the N S and the E W Line on a daily base, according to the official timetable provided
and with the defined KPI.
The Contractor will operate the LRT also in a perturbed situation such as:
For data related to the infrastructure and rolling stock, refer to Annex, Sections 1 and 2.
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Management contract for railway operations and maintenance (O&M), for Ethiopian railways
corporation, operations and services
3.8 To execute the maintenance plans for both Rolling stock and Infrastructure assets.
For data related to the infrastructure and rolling stock, refer to Annex, Sections 1 and 2.
The carrying out of the maintenance will be done on the basis of the plans defined both for infrastructure and rolling
stock, considering equipments and tools defined with ERC.
The maintenance recorded in Data system must be periodically compared with the maintenance plan in order to show the
gaps and analyze the causes of them.
3.9 To manage the spare parts inventory and its supply chain together with the supporting IT.
In order to maintain an adequate level of service and to reach the KPI defined for the maintenance process, the
Contractor will:
take in charge of the spare parts stock included in the turnkey contract,
design and realize the IT System for the management of the supply chain,
enter into business relations with the spare parts suppliers, in compliance with the National rules and under the
oversight of ERC,
define the specifics spare parts order according to the appropriate timing. Each order must be approved by ERC,
control the shipping, the delivery and the payments of each orders. Payments will be made by ERC that will be the
owner of the purchased parts.
The turnkey contract for the construction of the AA LRT includes an initial endowment of spare parts, that will be
consigned to ERC in the testing phase. The depot facilities include a warehouse to stock the spare parts. Most of the
spare parts are manufactured in PR of China, particularly for the infrastructure and networks equipments, while for rolling
stock the Chinese manufactures often uses European suppliers,. It will be important for the Contractor to enter in
preliminary contact with the manufacturers. The possibility for ERC to adopt a framework contract with them is under
scrutiny. The procurement of the parts will have to be done by the contractor in the name and on behalf of ERC.
The Contractor will manage Marketing and Sales Operations, described as follows:
Creation and management of an indirect distribution channel for tickets outside the stations,
Cash management,
Management of possible fare changes decided by ERC and the other public bodies,
Development and management of the advertising potentials exploitation in the stations and onboard.
Coordination with the activities of real estate development program run by ERC in the logic of Transit Oriented
Development (TOD) in ten stations areas
It will be based on a double regime: paper printed tickets and electronic cards. The ticket counters and the distribution
machines will be placed in the stations. An indirect distribution channel will have to be established for both paper and
electronic tickets, in order to serve wide areas of the town. The set up and the management of it will be a component of
this task.
The cash management will have to be arranged in full security, according to the directives of the owner.
The fare tariff will be established by the competent authority and it is expected to be structured per distance belts. In case
of changes of the fare, the contractor will have to follow-up operationally.
The bus service is operated by Ambesa Auto Bus, while a diffused private mini-bus system satisfies part of the
unmatched demand.
The coordination with the company will have to reach two relevant targets:
- to harmonize the line planning of the buses to be in synergy and not in competition with the directives served by AA LRT
- to negotiate and create the ticketing integration between light rail and buses, in order to avoid to the customer the
purchase of a double ticket.
The rights of exploitation of the advertising spaces in the stations, onboard and along the line are of ERC. The contractor
is requested to present to ERC for approval a plan for this exploitation that shows the business model, the expected
revenues, the required investments, their financing, and their return. In case of approval, ERC will invest and the
contractor will manage.
3.11 To manage the Train Control and Total Safety of the Rail System.
The Contractor will manage the Train Control and Total Safety of the Rail System according to the task described as
Define and implement a Safety Management System (SMS) in accordance with the ERC safety processes. SMS will
include systems and procedures to evaluate according with applicable railway safety regulations and standards -
the compliance with:
Implement the Safety Rules and Procedures in traceable and auditable manner,
Manage operations and maintenance in safety, with full accountability and clear definition of responsibilities.
Define procedures of fire fighting in accordance with the national law and execute them,
Design, implement and operate a data base for incidents and accidents events recording,
For the proper performing of this task the Contractor will consider the railway legal framework where safety rules are
currently in phase of definition.
Procedures will have to be developed by the contractor, in accordance with the safety rules, also taking in account
available user manuals provided by suppliers of concerned equipments.
Emergency plans have to be developed to face major emergencies at different levels of severity.
In managing the Finance and Accounts matters, the Contractor will be particularly focused on the following issues:
Manage the accounting and finance for the resources and the goods paid by the management contract and for the
resources and the goods paid by ERC and seconded to the management contract structure,
Assist ERC in managing the process of the debt service, after the period of grace.
It will be required to the contractor the exact recording of the costs and revenues of the service, in the double section of
what is paid by the contract and what is paid directly by ERC (who will provide anyway autonomously to the accounting
recording for the latter category). The periodic management control and the updating of the strategic plan will be carried
out by the Contractor on the basis of these recording. A periodic reporting to ERC will be activated.
The construction of the line has been financed partly with a bank loan, to be repaid in ten years after the grace period
(the period of construction). The service debt will be managed by the Contractor, according to what is stated in the
The Contractor will focus to the best international experiences to assure the built up and the maintain of the HR Sector of
the AA LRT. He will manage the human resources paid by the management contract as well as the human resources
paid by ERC and seconded to the management contract structure.
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Management contract for railway operations and maintenance (O&M), for Ethiopian railways
corporation, operations and services
The contractor shall manage workers according to pertinent law of the Country including health and safety regulations.
The contractor will plan and execute the maintenance of skills of human resources according to related rules.
The contractor will set up and adopt a system for the evaluation of performances of human resources.
3. 14 To manage Security.
manage the security process, in order to protect the personnel, and the AALRT passengers from criminal events and
to protect the AALRT assets and goods from robbery and vandalisms,
manage the relationship with the local and national Police Departments.
The contractor shall ensure that the management of security will be effective also during not operating hours of lines and
assets of the systems.
In case of proposals related to implementation of permanent system devoted to security having investment costs, the
contractor will submit these proposals to ERC for the evaluation and assessment.
The Management Contractor, in its technical offer, is expected to show in detail the following Knowledge transfer
requirements to Employers AALRT Staff members.
Training program required and the schedule of conducting the training during the tenure of the Management
Training on the job of the young ERC managers in position of assistants of the key managers and their
assessment at the end of the contract,
ERC will communicate the list of its own young managers during the testing phase, in order to allow to the key personnel
of the Contractor to be assisted in the pre-operational phase.
The Contractor will manage the last phase of the management contract (the termination phase) according to the following
recommit the assets of AA LRT to ERC and undersign the relevant minutes,
consign all the relevant documents for the handover (plans, software, systems, manuals) specifying the experts
in charge of the consignment,
elaborate a final report on the management contract performed, with a special attention to the lesson learned
and to the most critical points for the sustainability of the management activity.
The management of the handover shall allow a seamless continuation of operations. At this scope a timely handover plan
will be produced and approved by ERC.
The contractor, after the termination of the management period, according with the modalities defined in the framework
agreement that will be included in the management contract, will remain available to give technical assistance for the
AALRT operation and maintenance.
The technical assistance is activated on call of ERC and the active experts will be the ones that will have been seconded
to the management of AALRT during the management period or, in case of unavailability of them, expert with at least the
same level of experience and seniority.
The binding period for the technical assistance is of two years. Renewal option for ERC for another two year period to be
discussed with the awarded bidder.
The technical offer will have to specify the unit costs offered for the activation of the resources in the framework
agreement. A distance help desk can be also proposed on top.
The Management Contractor is expected to propose the generic performance targets that are pertinent and standard for
a light Rail system Operations. The targets proposed must contain at least the KPI listed in the table below that can be
completed by the Consultant with others that it considers appropriate.
The Contractor shall indicate for each KPI the target value for each period. ERC reserves the right to set its own version
of performance Targets and measurements System.
The Contractor will establish a dedicated IT system to check both the Operating and Business Plan Indicators. The
monitoring of the Operating KPI will be operated on a daily base by the Contractor and communicated monthly with
specific monitoring reports to ERC.
The first proposal of KPI will be revised after the pre-operational phases. A second review can be authorized by ERC
after the first year of operations. Starting from the second year of operations the monitoring of the gaps between the
Indicators and the effective values will be operated at least on a quarterly base.
The Technical Offer to be submitted by each potential bidder shall include the following items:
Description and explanation of the methodological approach of project planning that the bidder will follow to achieve the
desired outcomes and description of all task deliverables.
b) Proposed organization:
Description of the organizational structure, specific activities that will be undertaken and responsibilities, taking into
account that to the potential bidder is requested to provide a technical offer in accordance with:
- Infrastructure management
This part of the project scope refers to rail infrastructure management and infrastructure maintenance management.
This part of the project scope refers to passenger operations and rolling stock maintenance management.
c) Curriculum vitae of key managerial positions:
Statement of team members and job organization description with allocation of tasks and responsibilities as well as
detailed curricula vitae of the proposed team members
Brief company profile and description of its organization, Description of professional experience and skills in railway
and/or mass transit systems.
The Tenure of the Management Contract will be three (3) calendar Years.
An option of renewal of the contract for a further three years period will be discussed with the awarded bidder in
negotiation phase.
The Contractor will provide key personnel to manage the execution of the management contract. The CVs of the key
personnel will be attached to technical offer. The CV evaluation will take place without any gender discrimination.
Each professional will be supported by young ERC assistant managers in order to assure an on job training activity.
Team leader. Responsible of the planning and budget development to perform the management contract. Directs
company operations to execute the management contract, the budget and the operational plans approved by ERC.
Responsible of the interaction with ERC.
Administration Manager
Responsible of the designing, planning, organizing, and implementing of the administrative and finance controlling
Institutional Manager
Responsible of the institutional relationship with any Ethiopian or international institution. Manages relationships with the
competent authorities in charge of the fare policy, the Municipality of Addis Ababa and the Transport Company of the
Addis Ababa Municipality.
Responsible of the establishment of the performance management system; of the organization development, of the
training; policy and of the compliance to regulatory matters regarding employees.
Security Manager
Responsible of the security of the asset consigned to the Contractor. Maintain a safe and secure environment for
customers and employees by establishing and enforcing security policies and procedures. Assure the relationship with
the local and national Police Departments.
Director operation
Assure the execution of the day by day operational activities, by adopting the appropriate decision to reach the
performance targets fixed in the budget and in the operational plans. Assure the execution of the rescue activities in case
of default of vehicles, energy supply system, or lines.
Define and implement the Safety Management System and reports to Chief Operation Officer with full accountability.
Manage the personnel in charge of the drive of the trains by assuring the personnel rotations and the rescue crew.
Manage the personnel in charge of the conduct and of the station assistance by assuring the personnel rotation and the
rescue crew.
Responsible for managing the Control Room team by assuring the control of the execution of the daily transport program
and of the monitoring of the defaults/accidents events. Assure the effective communication with the operational
Assure the execution of maintenance and cleaning plans for rolling stock and infrastructure assets, including stations,
depots, and workshops, according with the performance target adopted. Assure the spare parts inventory and its supply
chain, including the relationship with the suppliers and the design and the implementation of a dedicated IT system.
Assure the execution of the maintenance of the Permanent Way. Responsible of the specific maintenance team.
Assure the execution of the maintenance of the Signaling System. Responsible of the specific maintenance team.
Assure the execution of the maintenance of the OCL and Energy System. Responsible of the specific maintenance team.
Assure the execution of the maintenance of the Light Rail Vehicles. Responsible of the specific maintenance team.
Assure the execution of the cleaning activities, according with the target adopted.
Assure the maintenance of the other equipments consigned to the Contractor: elevators, escalators, ticketing machine,
information device for the public, lighting systems.
Manages the handover of the spare parts stock included in the turnkey contract. Responsible of the design and
realization of the IT System for the management of the supply chain, of the relationship with the spare parts suppliers (in
compliance with the National rules and under the oversight of ERC), and of the definitions of the spare parts order.
ICT Manager
Responsible of the design, coordination and implementation of the IT Systems for the execution of the management
Assure the execution of the fare policy, according with the budget approved or with other directives ruled by ERC or
public authorities, the dialogue with competent authorities and the Municipality for the ticket integration, and the
coordination with the Municipal Bus Company of Addis Ababa. Assure the direct and indirect Ticket Sale, the fight against
fare evasion and the Cash management. Assure the information to the customers. Develop all the potential exploitation of
advertising in the stations and onboard.
Marketing Manager
Manage the implementation of the fare policy and the planning coordination with the Municipal Bus Company. Manage
the implementation of the ticketing integration.
Manage the Ticket production, Sales and distribution. Responsible of the cash management and of the fare evasion
Manage the exploitation of the advertising spaces onboard and in the stations.
Responsible of complaints management, Passenger Information System Monitoring, Customer relationship and of the
customers service desk.
Responsible for the coordination with the activities of real estate development program run by ERC in the logic of Transit
Oriented Development (TOD) in ten stations areas.
Manages the implementation activities of the program in harmony with the best transit performance of the line.
The establishment and the cost of headquarter offices in Addis Ababa are at the expense of the Contractor.
ERC will provide for supplying of offices for operational and maintenance activities.
ERC will furnish transports relative to maintenance and rescue staff which will be defined in the maintenance plans.
The following documents provided by the Contractor will be officially approved by ERC:
In case of critical events and / or prolonged service fails the Contractor must promptly inform ERC.
In order to guarantee an adequate and systematic flows of information, coordination meetings between ERC and the
Contractor will take place on regular basis.
At the termination of the management period will be prospected two different possibilities/options.
During this phase the assets of AA LRT and all the relevant documents for the handover will be returned to ERC and it
will undersigned the relevant minutes.
Besides, the Contractor will contribute to the due diligence undertaken by ERC and will elaborate a final report on the
management contract performed. At that point the technical assistance phase will start.
- The undersigning of a renewal contract for a further three years period according to what will have been agreed
in negotiation phase. In this case the termination of the management contract will take place at the end of the
renewal period.
Section 1
This line uses tram vehicles and receiving mode of flexible overhead contact lines for power supply; the structure modes
comprise ground line, underground line and elevated line.
10Height from floor surface to rail top: low-floor area: 365 mm, high-floor area: 900 mm
Wheel base: motor bogie: 1900 mm; driven bogie: 1600 mm;
Each Line has one depot. One parking lot is reserved near the starting point of East-West Line, and Ayat depot near the
ending point; one parking lot is reserved near the starting point of North-South Line and Kality depot near the ending
point. The occupied area is 2.5 hectares inside the fence for the depot of East-West Line and the overall floorage of new
buildings is 5947m2. The occupied area is 5 hectares inside the fence for the depot of North-South Line and the overall
floorage of new buildings is 18620 m2.
1) Ground station
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corporation, operations and services
2) Underground station
Effective clear height in effective platform length of public area of ground station: 3000mm
Clear height between ground level and rail top surface in public area: 380mm
Distance from line center to platform edge in effective Platform area: 1420mm
3) Elevated station
Height between floor and wind canopy in public area of platform: 3000mm
4) Stairs
Except for meeting the normal carrying capacity, the stair width of the underground and elevated stations shall also
guarantee that the passengers in the trains, on the platforms as well as working personnel evacuate to the safe region
within 6min under the emergencies.
5) As for the barrier free design of the station, the lift shall be temporarily adopted to solve the access problems of the
Substation building
2) The bearing capacity of foundation soil of the substation is not less than 100kpa.
3) A physical fence shall be built around the substation and temporarily 2.5m high.
The floors of production buildings are not more than 7 and total height is not more than 24m.
A circular access is built around the building to meet fire fighting requirements. All roads are hardening concrete payment
in the base, the main passage is 7m wide, the secondary passage is 4m wide and turn radius is 9m.
18 concrete hoistway lifts and 4 escalators are set for East-West Line and North-South Line.
Train speed Line type Section Embankment (m) Cutting (m) Remark
Section 2
Service conditions
1) Environmental conditions
Temperature: 0C - +31.8C
Trains can travel in the tunnel, on the ground and elevated lines.
2) Route parameters
Gauge: 1,435mm
Minimum radius of plane curve: main line 50m, yard track 30m
Maximum gradient: 50
3) Power supply
Height from floor surface to rail top: low-floor area: 365 mm, high-floor area: 900 mm
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Management contract for railway operations and maintenance (O&M), for Ethiopian railways
corporation, operations and services
Wheel diameter:
Carrying capacity
Seat(AW1) 64 0 64
Rated capacity(AW2)
64 190 254
(standing capacity: 6 persons/m2)
Overcrowding capacity(AW3)
64 286 350
(standing capacity: 8 persons/m2)
1) Train weight
Train Weight
AW0 43 0 43
Rated capacity(AW2)
43 21 64
(standing capacity: 8
Operation parameters
1)In case of 1/2 traction power loss and empty load, the train can keep running to the depot from the location where the
fault occurs.
2)An empty train can rescue a fault train stopping at a 50 gradient to the depot.
1) Body
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corporation, operations and services
The body shall be welded by high-strength stainless steel. The service lift of the body shall be at least 30 years.
2) Door
Four doors shall be installed on each side. Electric double sliding plug doors shall be employed and the motor voltage of
opening shall be DC24V.
3) Bogie
Each train shall be provided with three bogies, with one power bogie at the front and rear respectively and one non-power
bogie in the middle. The secondary suspension system shall be employed for the bogies. Power bogies shall be
conventional bolster B0 axle type, and the non-power bogie shall be independent wheel type.
The frame shall be of lightweight design, pressed and welded by low-alloy high-strength structural steel plate, and the
welding shall be in accordance with EN 15085. The frame shall be subject to whole annealing and shot peening treatment
after assembly welding, and then be processed integrally. Necessary measurement and inspection must be performed
after the frame is welded and processed, including magnetic particle inspection and ultrasonic testing.
Train control shall adopt bus control, and the system shall have redundancy. Power components of VVVF converter shall
adopt the high-power electric and electronic device IGBT.
5) Braking system
The breaking method shall adopt a combination control of regenerative brake, resistive brake, air brake and magnetic
track brake.
7) Ventilation
Ventilation equipment shall be provided on the train top and apply to operating conditions of Ethiopia LRT system to
achieve ventilation and maintain air circulation and supply of fresh air in the train, so as to provide comfort for
The system shall be computer controlled, adopt advanced and mature control technology, and shall have self-diagnostic
function as well as comprehensive monitoring and system protection functions.
Vehicle communication and passenger information system is mainly to provide voice communication and broadcasting
services and provide passengers with high-quality video, audio and text information. The vehicle communication and
passenger information system mainly consists of the following parts (but not limited to):
Interior fluorescent lighting arrangement shall be extended along the entire ceiling of passenger compartments.
Section 3
Train type
Initial stage: 3 cars in one unit, one unit in a train, 286 passengers per train(standing capacity: 6 persons/m2)
Short term and long term: two units in a train, 572 passengers per train(standing capacity: 6 persons/m2)
Design year
Initial stage Short term Long term
Design year
Initial stage Short term Long term
morning rush-hour
(10,000 persons-times/h)
Units in service 19 20 59
Total 21 22 65
Design year
Initial stage Short term Long term
Design year
Initial stage Short term Long term
Units in service 18 18 56
Standbyand maintenance cars 2 2 6
(per train)
Total 20 20 62
Operation hours
According to local peoples daily travelling activities and bus operation hours, it is suggested that E-W Line and N-S Line
shall run from 6:00 to 22:00, totally 16 hours per day. Line and equipment maintenance shall be done at rest hours.
Design year
Initial stage Short term Long term
6 : 00~7 : 00 8 8 10
7 : 00~8 : 00 10 11 15
8 : 00~9 : 00 10 11 15
9 : 00~10 : 00 8 9 12
10 : 00~11 : 00 8 9 12
11 : 00~12 : 00 8 9 12
12 : 00~13 : 00 8 9 12
13 : 00~14 : 00 8 9 12
14 : 00~15 : 00 8 9 12
15 : 00~16 : 00 8 9 12
16 : 00~17 : 00 8 9 12
17 : 00~18 : 00 10 11 15
18 : 00~19 : 00 10 11 15
19 : 00~20 : 00 8 9 10
20 : 00~21 : 00 8 8 10
21 : 00~22 : 00 8 8 10
Design Year
Initial stage Long term
Design Year
Initial stage Long term
Common-track section 20 30
Peak hourly volume(Pairs/h)
Other sections 10 15
Common-track section 3 2
Minimum operating interval(Min)
Other sections 6 4
Design Year
Initial stage Long-term stage
Common-track section 20 30
Peak hourly volume(Pairs/h)
Other sections 10 15
Common-track section 3 2
Minimum operating interval(Min)
Other sections 6 4
Train formation
The vehicle is made up of three modules which are Mc + Tp + MC. A diaxon powered bogie shall be installed below the
body of Mc module, and a independent wheel diaxon unpowered bogie shall be installed below the body of Tp module.
The train shall be double-hinged six-axle vehicle, with 70% low floor, and can travel in both directions.
System functions:
The computer interlocking system devices are adopted in the depot. The person on duty in the depot sets the
train/shunting route in the depot control room. The depot computer interlocking system is equipped with complete
interlocking and route protection functions, including the following main functions:
1) route setting;
2) route locking;
3) route release;
4) route cancellation;
7) signal control;
8) switch control;
According to the plan of the Project, the common-track of E-W Line and N-S Line is arranged in the control center of the
depot of N-S Line, to realize the monitoring for train running, power supply system operation and station conditions.
The national standard of the Peoples Republic of China Technical Specifications for Urban Rail Transit (GB 50490-
Design scope
Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (AA-LRT) Project E-W & N-S Line (I) Project includes E-W & N-S Lines, and its fare
collection systems design scope is as below:
8 onboard card readers(distributed at 4 entrances respectively)are provided to each train to ensure that
the passengers holding the media-ticket can swipe their cards easily.
4 coin machines(1 at each entrance)are provided to each train for the passengers that do not hold the
2) Ticketing system
It is set in the control center mainly for processing the ticketing data of the media-tickets. The untouched IC card is used
as the media-ticket.
Consists of the ticket card initial coder, ticket card counter and functional workstation. This system is for the initialization
and value assignment as well as future recharging services of ticket cards.
Consists of data processing server, storage device, network equipment and functional workstation. The system is for the
system management, statistics of ticket card data, data management, safety management, etc.
Consists of the functional workstation and network equipment. The system is for the statistics and management of
financial data.
Section 4
Signaling System
Addis Ababa LRT Phase (I) Project includes E-W line and N-S line; design scope of the signal system is as follows:
1) 13 turnout control areas for the main line, including 8 for E-W line and 5 for N-S line;
2) 22 crossing protection areas for the main line, including 11 for E-W line and 11 for N-S line;
5) Onboard signal devices for 41 trains, including 21 trains for E-W line and 20 trains for N-S line;
System composition:
The turnout area control system of main line is composed of a track-side control box, axle counter, beacon, signal, and
switching devices and so on, as shown below:
1) CB (track-side control box): composed of wireless communication module, network communication module, control
module, power supply module and relays;
2) A1-A6 (axle counter): used to detect the vacancy and occupation information of tracks;
3) T1, T2 (beacon): used to detect the train approaching information and application of turnout control right of train.
Crossing signal system shall be provided with detection functions to sense the train approach of and departure from the
System composition
The crossing signal control system consists of a track-side control box, beacons and a protection signal.
System functions:
Onboard signal system is one of the important subsystems of tram signal system, undertaking important tasks such as
route setting, and train-ground communication and so on. The main functions are as follows:
4) Manual operation of onboard signal devices by drivers, sending the launching and cancellation commands of crossing
protection signal;
Communication System
2)Refer to <Access Network Technical Specification-Broadband Access Network Based on Ethernet Technology> (YD/T
Combined with aforesaid functional requirements, subsystems such as transmission, telephone, wireless communication,
video surveillance, broadcasting, passenger information, information network, communication power and grounding, etc.
are set in the Project's communication system.
Transmission system
System composition:
Take system functions demand into consideration, for E-W line and N-S line of the Project, station level optical transmit
node device (5 common-track stations share one transmit node device, which are distributed from Station NS20 to
Station NS16 in N-S line and from EW20 to EW16 in E-W line) shall be set up in each substation and depot while center
level optical transmit node device shall be set up in control center. Optical transmit system will be built up by sectional
optical fiber link point-to-point to provide each station, substation and depot with E1, audio, RS485/422 and other service
interfaces. The system composition is shown as below:
Management VF
Telephone system
System composition:
Proposal II: Telephone network provided by telecom operator is to switch in all telephones of light rail system (which is
regarded as a group user) by virtual switch of public switched telephone network (PSTN).
By comparison of aforesaid two proposals, for Proposal I, the advantage is the relatively independent light rail telephone
system, which has better performance in internal calling, reliability, maintainability and expandability with low operation
maintenance cost once established while disadvantage is the high construction cost in primary stage; for Proposal II, the
advantage is light rail is free of construction cost and maintenance cost of telephone system equipment, however, the
system usage is restricted by telecom operator as well as with poor system reliability, maintainability and expandability,
which shall pay bill to telecom operator regularly according to activated business and call volume, i.e. high operation cost.
By comparison, on the basis of service condition in system life cycle, Proposal I can save approximate 20% investment
than Proposal II, meanwhile, take construction condition of China urban rail transit telephone system into consideration, it
is proposed to adopt Proposal I--Independent telephone system for light rail.
In consideration of the Project's control center(which is built in N-S line depot), there are large quantity of concentrated
depots and telephone users while small quantity of substation telephone users. One set SPC exchange is placed in
control center while SPC exchange remote module is placed in E-W line depot. It is provisionally planned to connect SPC
exchange of control center with SPC exchange remote module of E-W line by four E1 digital relays, two E1 digital relays
will be reserved in SPC exchange of control center(type and quantity of connector will be determined after discussion with
telecom operator)to interconnect with local telephone bureau, which is near the telecom operator, so as to communicate
with PSTN. The switch-in interface is located at outside connection side of light rail OCC digital distribution frame. Switch-
in cost is not included in the Project. The system composition is shown as below:
* 8#
SPC OF M unicipal PR
Telephone 2*E1 P
Authority Accounting Terminal
Exchange capacity
Provisionally the capacity of SPC exchange of control center is designed as per 1000L/480DT while that of SPC
exchange remote module of E-W line depot as per 500L/180DT. The final exchange capacity will be adjusted in the next
stage based on the final staffing for the Project.
System composition:
On the basis of functional demand and operation management requirement, the Project's wireless communication
system is a simulated special conventional wireless communication system, which forms network by combining wire with
wireless network.
Wireless communication center device in control center is connected with station wireless device by E1 digital access.
The system composition is shown as below:
E1 E1
3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com
System composition:
The Project's video surveillance system consists of front end video camera, control center's video matrix, control
keyboard, monitor screen, video storage device, monitor terminal and corresponding transmission lines. Spheric camera
is general used as front end video camera, which is placed at each station and important level crossing of the route.
Images will be transmitted to control center's video matrix by video optical transmitter & receiver and sectional optical
fiber cable, then video image will be selectively displayed on monitor screen and monitor terminal by video matrix. Video
monitor screen consists of eight 19 inch color monitor and one 50 inch LCD. Capacity of video storage device is
configured as 7 days.
Broadcasting system
System composition:
Depot broadcasting system consists of on-duty broadcast console, control devices, information source, power amplifier,
running shed loudspeaker network and cables, etc. Loudspeaker allocated in depot running shed is horn type with
provisionally capacity is 15W. Train broadcasting system is in the charge of train discipline, which will be purchased
assorted with the rolling stock.
System composition:
The Project's passenger information system consists of center level subsystem, station level subsystem and information
transmission channel.
Center level subsystem consists of center server, exchange and network management, etc.; station level subsystem
consists of LED display screen, display controller, information connector, etc.; information transmission channel from
station to control center is provided by transmission system. Provisionally consider dimension of station LED display
screen as 300mm * 800mm, which will be properly adjusted according to station structure type in the next stage. Main
train operation information displayed on the system's LED display screen includes trains time table and running & arrival
information of trains, etc..
System composition:
As per requirements of operation management, the Project's operation management staff are densely centralized in
control center and depot, therefore, the information network system shall organize network by concentrating on control
center and depot.
Take the Project's scale into consideration, information network system shall be configured on the basis of core layer and
distributed access layer. Set up core layer nodes in control center and computer room of E-W line depot, as well as set
distributed layer nodes in control center and each building and storey of depot. Core routing switch shall be allocated in
core layer nodes while access switch shall be allocated in distributed access layer nodes so as to provide user with
10/100Mb/s Ethernet access.
Each switch in distributed access layer in E-W line will be connected to core routing switch of E-W line depot by GE
optical fiber link while each switch in distributed access layer in N-S line depot will be connected to OCC core routing
switch by GE optical fiber link. Two core routing switches are interconnected by GE optical fiber link. OCC core routing
switch reserves conditions for accessing Internet. Access cost is excluded in the Project.
1) Communication power
System composition:
UPS power device is allocated in control center, depot and main substation, capacity of which is provisionally considered
as 20kVA in control center, 10kVA in depot and 3kVA in station main substation. Capacity will be adjusted according to
system and equipment allocation in the next stage, backup power supply duration of each UPS is 2h.
2) Grounding
System composition:
For the Project, combined grounding system is adopted in control center and depot with grounding resistance 1.
Combined grounding system is unified installed by power supply discipline. Local grounding is adopted in station and
substation with grounding resistance 4. Install ground wire device separately in sectional communication with
grounding resistance 4.
Communication line
The Project's communication line mainly consists of sectional cable as well as regional optical fiber cable in depot &
control center, etc..
In consideration of system requirement, it is proposed to adopt ITU-T G.652 optical fiber cable as sectional optical fiber
cable, lay one cable upwards and downwards accordingly.
Section 5
The external power supply mode shall be of distributed power supply with the supply voltage class being 15kV.
In any operating mode, the voltage drop of various nodes of 15kV supply network shall not be larger than 5% of rated
The traction feeding mode shall be of DC750V overhead contact system and line feed track return current mode. The
allowable fluctuation range for the voltage of traction feeding system shall be DC500V- 900V.
The load characteristic of the traction rectifier unit of the traction substation shall be in accordance with the provisions of
VI class in IEC 60146, namely:
In the initial operation, each substation shall be equipped with a 15/0.4kV distribution transformer.
The TN-S system shall be adopted for low-voltage distribution, and the distribution voltage shall be of 220/380V.
The LRT Project shall adopt the distribution power supply mode with supply voltage class of 15kV.
The traction feeding mode of the LRT Project shall be of DC750V overhead contact system and line feed track circulating
(1) Plan and vertical sections, station list, setup of depot, etc.
The 70% low floor train with body width of 2650mm shall be adopted, one unit shall be operated at initial stage; and two
connected units shall be operated for the long-term.
The distribution scheme and capacity of traction substation determined through calculation of traction feeding according
to route data, train operation organization scheme, train type selection and marshalling are shown in the table below.
(Incl. common
EW9 500 2500
track section)
Depot of East-West
800 2800
(Excl. common
Depot of North-South
800 2800
3.Traction step-down combined substation and traction step-down combined substation within depot
4.Step-down substation
Meteorological conditions
OCS suspension and installation type of rainsheds in the stations and yards, bridges, tunnels and overhead
protective measures
SCADA system of the Project consists of operation control center (OCC) scheduling end equipment, integrated
automation system and data transmission channel in the controlled substation (combined substation, combined
substation within the depot, traction substation and stepdown substation within the section), and power supply repeating
terminal provided in the power supply workshops.
1.Combined substations, combined substations within the depot, traction substation relay protection and automatic
equipment within the section shall be mutually coordinated to be applicable to different operation modes, and comply with
reliability, selectivity, sensitivity and quick-action requirements.
1) 15kV incoming lines shall be provided with overcurrent protections and zero-sequence current protections.
2) The traction rectifier unit is provided with current quick-breaking protections, overcurrent protections, zero-sequence
current protections, overload protections, rectifier transformer internal protections (temperature protections), and rectifier
internal protections (diode protections and overvoltage protections).
3) DC750V incoming line switches shall be provided with heavy current trip protections and reverse current protections.
4) DC750V feeder lines shall be provided with heavy current trip protections, fast-tripping current protections, overcurrent
protections, current increment protections, transfer intertrip protections and undervoltage protections.
5) DC750V feeder circuit breakers shall be provided with automatic circuit reclosing equipment/functions with fault
property judgment function.
6) Automatic transfer equipment is provided in double-loop incoming lines of the substation AC power supply system.
7) Automatic transfer equipment is provided in double-loop incoming lines of the substation DC power supply system.
2.Stepdown substation
Relay protection and automatic equipment in the stepdown substation shall be mutually coordinated to be applicable to
different operation modes, and comply with reliability, selectivity, sensitivity and quick-action requirements.
1) 15kV incoming and outgoing lines shall be provided with overcurrent protections and zero-sequence current
2) The 15kV distribution transformer is provided with current quick-breaking protections, overcurrent protections, zero-
sequence current protections, overload protections, distribution transformer internal protections (transformer temperature
3) Automatic transfer equipment is provided in double-loop incoming lines of the substation AC power supply system.
4) Automatic transfer equipment is provided in double-loop incoming lines of the substation DC power supply system.
2) A lightning arrester shall be provided between the DC750V positive and negative busbars, between the negative
busbar and the ground as well as between the positive busbar and the ground of all traction substation facilities
respectively for the purpose of overvoltage protection.
3) Buildings and roofs of all traction substation facilities shall be provided with lightning belts, with grids formed on the
5) The grounding busbars of strong and weak current systems shall be connected to main grounding net in the
6) No ground wire of the electric support shall be used as ground wire of other equipment.
7) For the sake of personal safety, a rail potential limiting device shall be equipped in each traction substation of the main
line; electrified lines in the depot shall be provided with a proper number of rail potential limiting devices in place
depending on specific circumstances.
8) The grounding resistance of the combined substation, combined substation within the depot and traction substation
within the section shall be designed to be smaller than or equal to 0.5; the grounding resistance of the stepdown
substation shall be designed to be smaller than or equal to 1. Meantime, the calculated value of grounding resistance
shall be checked by the contact potential and step potential calculated.
To protect personal safety, each station shall be provided with a rail potential limiting device. The location
and number of rail potential limiting devices to be provided shall be depending on practical situations in the
To reduce the return system impedance and ensure the unimpeded traction return access, the following
may be adopted:
1)Rails in the main line shall be welded into seamless rails as much as possible, the resistance of the rail joint shall be
smaller than that of 5m long complete rail. Two 150mm2 insulated cables with copper conductor must be further welded
between adjacent rails connected by fishbolts.
2)The traction return system consists of running rails, negative return cables, up and down current equalization cables as
well as one-way conducting equipment, etc.
3)Negative return cables shall be of DC copper cables with a section of 150mm 2, which are led to the return cable
changeover box after welded with the running rail, and then led to negative busbar of the traction substation by a DC
copper cable with a section of 400mm2.
4)Current equalization cables shall be provided between up and down rails at two ends of all stations in the main line, but
no such cables shall be equipped at one end with negative return cables. If possible, a current equalization cable shall be
provided every about 500m between up and down rails within sections. The current equalization cable shall be of a DC
soft copper cable with a section of 150mm2.
5)Depending on specific circumstances, the depot shall be provided with current equalization cables, which shall be one
DC soft copper cable with a section of 150mm2.
Maximize the rail leak resistance to the ballast bed and minimize the leakage current.
1)Rails shall be laid in an insulation method: insulating measures shall be taken between the track and the concrete
sleeper, between the fastening bolt, track spike and the concrete sleeper as well as between the fastener and the
concrete sleeper, to maximize the track insulation to the ballast bed and minimize the leakage current of rails. The leak
resistance between the rail and the ballast bed shall be not less than 15km.
Structure rebars in the monolithic concrete bed, tunnel and viaduct shall be subject to reliably electrical
connection to form a stray current collection network, the section of which is not less than 2000mm. Civil
engineering locations and electrical access conditions to provide the electric drainage cabinet shall be
further reserved in the traction substation.
No electrical connection is allowed between the reinforcement of the monolithic concrete bed and the
major structure rebar of stations and tunnels. Insulating supports shall be provided between the girder and
pier of the viaduct to achieve electrical isolation.
Depending on practical situations, the depot shall be provided with rail insulation gaps, and one-way
conducting devices as required.
Measures shall be taken to all kinds of pipelines and equipment in terms of material and other aspects, to
minimize their corrosion by stray current and outward leakage therefrom.
Testing terminals and reference electrodes shall be provided in each underground and viaduct station and
sections nearby two ends thereof and the monolithic track beds, to monitor the potential difference
between the structure rebar and concrete media by the decentralized monitoring method.
A power supply workshop shall be provided in the integrated maintenance center of the N-S depot.
The power supply workshop shall be provided in the integrated maintenance center of the N-S depot, responsible for
combined substation, traction substation, stepdown substation, OCS operation and management, maintenance and
repair, emergency response, etc. in the jurisdiction of E-W Line and N-S Line.
The equipment configuration shall be manufactured by Chinese enterprises in accordance with China National Standard
or standards formulated by Ministry of Railways.
The power supply workshop shall be provided with primary and secondary program-controlled test vehicles, test
equipment, emergency machines and tools, lighting equipment, etc.
System structure:
The low-voltage distribution system of the Project consists of a power lighting substation system, a station power, lighting
distribution system and a grounding safety system, etc.
1.The power lighting distribution system shall be designed as per short-term maximum load, taking a certain allowance
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corporation, operations and services
into account.
2.The power lighting distribution system shall be designed safely and reliably, with convenient operation and certain
2)DC 220V used for inverter power supply of the emergency lighting system;
3)AC 36V used for safety lighting (24V for damp sites).
4.In normal operation, allowable values of deviation (in percent of rated voltage) at electric equipment terminal should
comply with the following requirements:
In normal condition, allowable values of deviation of power supply voltage at the electric equipment terminal: 5%;
Under special circumstances, allowable values of deviation of power supply voltage at the electric equipment terminal:
When large motors start, LV bus voltage of power lighting substation should be not less than 90% of rated voltage.
5.The power lighting substation shall be subject to low-voltage centralized compensation, and the compensated power
factor shall be over 0.9.
6.Emergency lighting power supply in the underground station shall last for at least 1h.
Section 6
E W Line
Design year
Initial stage Short term Long term
Passenger flow
Design year
Initial stage Short term Long term
Passenger flow
hour10,000 persons-km/h
rush-hour10,000 persons-
6.54 12.95 19.25
N S Line
Design year
Initial stage Short term Long term
Passenger flow
hour (persons/h)
Design year
Initial stage Short term Long term
Passenger flow
hour (persons/h)