Teamwork Conservation Questions
Teamwork Conservation Questions
Teamwork Conservation Questions
team player
team building / team building exercises / team building activities
team breaking
morale / high morale / low morale
Conversation Questions
1. Tell your group about a really good team you were a part of. What skills did the members of the team have? What
things did the members of the team avoid?
2. Tell your group about a really bad team you were a part of? Why was it a bad team? What were the negative
aspects of the team (criticism, negativity, blame, etc)?
3. Have you ever worked as part of a team that had low morale? Tell your group about it. How did low morale affect
the teams performance?
4. Have you ever worked as part of a team that had high morale? Tell your group about it. How did high morale
affect the teams performance?
6. Where do people learn leadership? How important is it to have a good leader on a team? What happens if you
dont have proper leadership on a team?
7. Have you ever been part of a team building exercise? What did you do? Do you think it helped your organization?
Why or why not? In general, do you believe that team building activities help increase teamwork and cooperation
among a group? Do you think they are a waste of time? Explain.
8. What types of jobs require a high degree of teamwork? What types of jobs require a low degree of teamwork?
Think about the job you have now. Tell your group about how teamwork is important at your current position. Do
you have a job that requires a lot of teamwork?
9. Describe the corporate culture that you are a part of now. How does your company encourage/build teamwork?