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Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing

(Elective Subject)

Course Code: 10B1WEC734 Semester: 7 Semester, B.Tech(ECE)
Credits: 3 Contact Hours: L-3,T-0,P-0

Major Learning Objectives are:

describe and explain basic principles of digital image processing;

design and implement algorithms that perform basic image processing (e.g., noise
removal and image enhancement);
design and implement algorithms for advanced image analysis (e.g., image compression,
image segmentation);
Assess the performance of image processing algorithms and systems.


Students who complete this course will be able to:

Analyze general terminology of digital image processing.

Examine various types of images, intensity transformations and spatial filtering.
Develop Fourier transform for image processing in frequency domain.
Evaluate the methodologies for image segmentation, restoration etc.
Implement image process and analysis algorithms.
Apply image processing algorithms in practical applications.


T-1 15 Internal Assessment Breakup

T-2 25 Assignment 5
T-3 35
Internal 25 Class Response 10
Attendance 5
Total 100
Quiz 5

Total 25

Module Title of the Topics in the module Reference No.

No. module of
1 Digital image Fundamental steps in DIP, Gonzalez
fundamentals Components of digital image and Woods
processing system, elements of
visual perception, Structure of Chapter -1
the human eye, Image formation Pg 1 - 29
in the eye, Brightness adaptation
and discrimination, light, Image 7
sensing and acquisition, Image Chapter -2
formation model, definition and Pg 34 - 70
some properties of two
dimensional system, Discrete 2D Chapter -4
convolution, 2D discrete Fourier Pg 149 - 166
transform and its properties,
optical and modulation transfer
function, Spectral density
function. Sampling and
quantization of images, Two
dimensional sampling theory,
representation of digital image,
Spatial and gray level resolution,
Zooming and shrinking, some
basic relationships between
2 Image Gray level transformations, Gonzalez
Enhancement Piecewise linear transformation, and Woods
in spatial Histogram processing,
domain enhancement using Arithmetic/ Chapter -3
logic operations, Basics of spatial Pg 76 - 130 7
filtering, Smoothing and
sharpening spatial filters, Use of
first order and second order
derivative in enhancement.
3 Image Two dimensional Fourier Gonzalez
Enhancement transform, properties of and Woods 7
in frequency frequency domain,
domain correspondence between filtering Chapter -4
in spatial and frequency domain, Pg 148 - 193
Smoothing and Sharpening
frequency domain filters,
Homomorphic filtering
4 Image Model of image degradation/ Gonzalez
Restoration Restoration process, Noise and Woods
models, Noise reduction in
spatial domain and frequency Chapter -5
domain, Inverse filtering, Wiener Pg 221 - 261 7

5 Image Fundamentals of Image Gonzalez

compression compression, Types of and Woods
redundancy. Image compression
model, concepts of information Chapter -8
theory, Fundamental coding Pg 411 - 456 7
theorems, Estimation of entropy,
Variable length coding, Huffman
coding, Near optimal variable
length coding, Arithmetic
coding, LWZ coding, Bit plane
coding , constant area coding,
run length coding, Lossless
predictive coding, image
compression standards (JPEG,
6 Image Detection of discontinuities Gonzalez
Segmentation (point, line edge), Edge linking and Woods
and boundary detection,
Thresholding, Basic global Chapter-10
thresholding, Adaptive Pg 568 - 615 6
thresholding, Region based
segmentation, region growing,
splitting and merging.
Text Book:
R.C.Gonzalas and R.E.Woods, Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall, 3rd Ed.

Reference Books:

1. A.K.Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall.

2. S.Sridhar, Digital Image Processing, Oxford University Press.

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