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Remarks :
The Factory Overheads actually incurred are Rs. 2100. This amount to be apportioned on the basis
of labour hours. So the rate to be considered as Rs.2.1per unit =(2100/1000) and not Rs.2 per unit. If
we consider the above mentioned point the calculations for Job Sheets & for the work in progress
will change accordingly
Work in progress is to be calculated for the incomplete jobs hence job no. A 66 and A 55 should
only be included in the calculations of work in progress

Job Cost Sheets for the month of March 2012

Cost Items

Direct Material issued

Direct labour spent
Prime Cost
Factory Overheads @ Rs.2.1 per hour
Add: Opening WIP (Material + Labour + Overheads)
Factory Cost
Add: Selling & Distribution Overheads (Note 1)
Cost of Sales
Profit (Note 1)
Billing price for the job

Note 1
S & D and profit are given in indirect way.
Assume Selling price as
Less: S & D @ 15%
Less: Profit @ 10%
Balance has to be the Factory Cost
S & D price will be 15/75 of Factory Costs
Profit will be 10/75 of Factory Cost

Computation of Work in Process for March 2012

Opening balance as on 1st March
Material issued during the month of March
Direct Labour
Factory Overheads on 1000 hours @ Rs.2.1
Factory Cost
Less: Factory Cost of completed jobs
Closing work in process as on 28th March 2012
Job A 77 Job A 99
Rs. Rs.

280 120
450 600
730 720
420 840
1270 430
2420 1990
484 398
2904 2388
322.6667 265.3333
3226.667 2653.333

100 100
15 15
10 10
75 75
484 398
322.6667 265.3333

Job 99 Job 77 Job 66 Job 55 Total

430 1270 Nil Nil 1700

120 280 225 300 925
600 450 675 225 1950
840 420 630 210 2100
1990 2420 1530 735 6675
1990 2420 4410
0 0 1530 735 2265
Quotation for a Printing Job
Items Rs. Rs.
Direct material required: 30000
Paper 10 x 1800 18000
Ink & other printing material 5000
Binding material & consumables 3000
Primary packing material 4000
Direct labour spent 23200
Artist (12,000/25 x 6) x 80 6400
Copy writer (10,000 / (25 x 6)) x 75 5000
Client Servicing (9,000 / (25 x 6)) x 30 1800
Photographers charges 10000
Prime Cost 53200
Factory Overheads applied @ 40% on Direct Cost 21280
Production Cost 74480
S & D overheads applied @ 25% on Production Cost 18620
Total Cost 93100
Profit (20% on price i.e. 25% on cost) 23275
Price to be quoted 116375
Items Rs. Rs.
Direct Materials 291200
Opening stock 140000
Add: Purchases 320000
Add: Freight 16000
Less: Returns -4800
Less: Closing Stock -180000
Direct Labour 160000 168000
Add: Accrued 8000
Prime Cost 459200
Factory Overheads: 178550
Indirect labour 18000
Accrued indirect labour 1200
Factory supervision 10000
Repairs & upkeep 14000
Heat, Light & power 52000
Rates & taxes 4200
Misc. Factory expenses 18700
Depreciation on plant & machinery 46050
Depreciation on buildings 6400
Add: Opening WIP 200000
Less: Closing WIP -192000
Factory Cost 637750
Administration Overheads -16130
Heat Light & power 6500
Rates & taxes 2100
Depreciation on buildings 800
Depreciation on office appliances 870
Office salaries 8600
Add: Opening FG stock 80000
Less: Closing FG Stock -115000
Cost of Production of saleable units 621620
Selling & Distribution overheads 92400
Heat & light 6500
Depreciation on buildings 800
Sales commission 33600
Sales travelling 11000
Sales promotion 22500
Distribution department expenses 18000
Cost of Sales 714020

Condensed P & L Account for the year ended 31-12-2012

Sales Income 768000

Less: Returns -14000
Net Sales 754000
Cost of Sales as above 714020
Less - Interest on borrowings (2,000 + 2,000) 4000
EBT 35980
Cost Sheet for the period
Particulars 50% capacity utilization 100% capacity utilization
35000 50000
Cost Per unit 1st Jan to 31st July, 2012 1st Aug to 31st Dec, 2012

Raw Materials 20 700000 1000000

Direct Labour 12 420000 600000
Direct Expenses 2 70000 100000
Variable overheads 16 560000 800000
Fixed Overheads 175000 125000
Semi-Variable Overheads
0.5 7500 52500
0.25 10000
0.25 12500 62500
Total Costs 1977500 2687500
Sales 2415000 3050000
SP per unit 69 61
Cost Per unit 56.5 53.75
Profit 437500 362500
Profit Per Unit 12.5 7.25
Total Profit 800000
For the year ended 31st March, 2007
Particulars Amount [Rs.] Amount [Rs.]
Direct Costs: - Direct Materials 1800000
Direct Labor 1500000
Prime Cost [Direct Materials + Direct Labor] 3300000
Factory OH 900000
Factory/Works Cost [Prime Cost + Factory 4200000
Administrative Overheads 840000
Cost of Production [Factory Cost + Administrative 5040000
Selling and Distribution Overheads 1050000
Cost of Sales [Cost of Production + Selling 6090000
and Distribution Overheads ]
Profi t [As Given ] 1218000
Sales [Cost of Sales + Profi t ] 7308000

% of Factory Overheads to Direct Wages 0.6

% of Administrative Overheads to Works Cost 0.2
% of Selling and Distribution Overheads to Works Cost 0.25
% of Profit to Cost of Sales 0.2

Statement showing Price Quotation for a Job

Particulars Amount [Rs.] Amount [Rs.]
Direct Costs: - Direct Materials 2400000
Direct Labor 1500000
Prime Cost [Direct Materials + Direct Labor] 3900000
Factory Overheads 60% of Direct Labor 900000
Factory/Works Cost [Prime Cost + Factory 4800000
Administrative Overheads 20% of Works Cost 960000
Cost of Production [Works Cost + Administrative Overheads] 5760000
Selling and Distribution Overheads 28.75% of Works Cost 1380000
Cost of Sales [Cost of Production + Selling and Distribution 7140000
Profit 1428000
Sales [Cost of Sales + Profit ] 8568000
Consolidated Work-in-Progress Account
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount [Rs.] Particulars Amount [Rs.]
Factory cost 108000
Raw materials consumed 32000
Wages 40000
Chargeable expenses 4000
Factory overheads 32000
[80% of wages]
Administrative overheads 27000
[25% of Rs.1,08, 000]
Total 135000

Note: In the above account, selling and distribution overheads are not charged

Consolidated Completed Job Account

Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount [Rs.] Particulars Amount [Rs.]
Factory cost 277000 Customers Account 410000
Raw Materials: Rs.88, 000 87000
Less: Returns 1, 000
Wages 100000
Chargeable expenses 10000
Factory overheads 80000
[80% of wages]
Administration overheads [25% of 69250
Rs.2, 77, 000]
Cost of production 346250
Selling and distribution expenses 34625
Net profi t transferred to Profi t and 29125
Loss A/c
Total 410000 Total 410000

Cost of Sales Account

Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount [Rs.] Particulars Amount [Rs.]
Factory cost 277000 Balance c/d 380875
Raw Materials: Rs.88, 000 87000
Less: Returns 1, 000
Wages 100000
Chargeable expenses 10000
Factory overheads 80000
[80% of wages]
Administration overheads [25% of 69250
Rs.2, 77, 000]
Cost of production 346250
Selling and distribution expenses 34625
Cost Of Sales 380875 380875
Max Possible Production ( units ) 6,000
SP per unit 125
Sales value 750,000

RM per unit 10
RM cost per unit 10
RM required ( Kgs ) 60,000
RM cost ( Rs.) 600,000
Labour Hours per unit 15
Labour Hours 90,000
Labour Cost ( Rs.) say Rs.1 per hour 90,000
Contribution 60,000

Contribution per unit 10

Contribution per kg of RM 1
Contribution per labour hour 0.6666666667

Leaving A behind

Required for B 24000
Required for C 45000
Available for A

Labour Hours
Required for B 100000
Required for C 60000
Available for A

How Much of A can be produced

RM 3100
Labour 1600

Hence , we can produce 1600 units of A and leave behind 15000 kgs of RM unstilised

Now let us assume that 15000 hours of OT is done .

Hence extra production = 1000
Total production of A 2600
Contribution from A 10000
Less - OT charges 30000
Net Gain -20000
Hence recommended Product mix is as follows
Product Units
A 1600
B 4000
C 3000
B C Total
4,000 3,000
100 200
400,000 600,000 1,750,000

6 15
10 10
24,000 45,000 129,000
240,000 450,000 1,290,000

25 20
100,000 60,000 250,000
100,000 60,000 250,000
60,000 90,000
15 30 C B A
2.5 2BCA
0.6 1.5 C A B




1 P/V ratio 0.2

2 BEP 150000

3 Units Per Unit Rs. Ratio

Sales 200000
less -VC
Contribution Margin 40000 0.2
Less - FC 30000
Net Income 10000

4 Sales Required 350000

Units Per Unit Rs. Ratio
Sales 350000
less -VC 0
Contribution Margin 70000 0.2
Less - FC 30000
Net Income 40000

5 MOS in year 2 = Actual Sales - BEP sales

Rs. Rs.
Sales 2250000
Prime Cost and VC 787500
Fixed OH Cost 362500 1150000
Selling Cost 470000
Commission to agents 450000
Sales Office Exp ( FC ) 20000
Admin Cost ( FC ) 300000
Profits 330000

A Saving Existing Commission 450000

Saving in Proposed Increased commission 45000
Total Savings in commissions 495000
Additional Costs ( excl car allowance ) 452500
Commission @ 5% 112500
Sale Managers Salary 75000
Salesmen expenses incl travelling exp 20000
Additional Sales office cost 50000
Interest and depreciation on sales dept cars 35000
Salesmen Salary 160000
Net Savings before Car Allowance 42500

max avg Km p.a that salesman could travel if the com 10625

B Rs. Ratio
Step 1 Sales 2250000
Prime Cost and VC 787500
Commission @ 5% of sales 112500
Contribution 1350000 0.6

Step 2 Original 682500

Fixed OH Cost 362500
Sales Office Exp ( FC ) 20000
Admin Cost ( FC ) 300000

Additional 340000
Sale Managers Salary 75000
Salesmen expenses incl travelling exp 20000
Additional Sales office cost 50000
Interest and depreciation on sales dept cars 35000
Salesmen Salary 160000
Total Fixed Cost to be Covered 1022500
Car Allowance @ Re.1 per km 56000
Profit 330000
Contribution Required 1408500

Sales Required 2347500

C Sales Growth 0.16

Profit Growth 0.1
Current Required
Rs. Ratio Rs.
Sales 2250000 2610000
Prime Cost and VC 787500 0.35 913500
Contribution before commission 1462500 0.65 1696500
Total Fixed Cost to be Covered 1022500
Car Allowance @ Re.1 per km 64000
Margin Available 610000
Profit 330000 363000
Margin Available for commission 247000
Max commission on sales 0.094636
The current requirement of componet P unit per month . 60000
The cost to manufacture this will be :
Rs. Rs.
Variable costs :
Material @ 12 720000
Labour @ 3 180000
Power @ 2 120000
Interest on working capital 3750 1023750
Fixed costs
Depreciation (Rs. 300000/12) 25000
Interest on fixed capital 37500
Other overheads 300000 362500
Total 1386250

Cost per unit = Rs. 23.10417

At the level of requirement of 60,000 units per month, purchase at Rs. 21 per unit is better . It will result
in monthly saving of 126250

When the monthly requirement increases to 1,50,000 units ( full capacity of the main factory )
the cost structure will be : -
Cost per unit
Variable Rs. 10,,23,750 = 17.0625

Fixed cost 362500

60000 = 2.4166

At this level it is better to manufacture the component in the factory .

we can calculate the indifference point thus :-
Let x rpresent the numberof unit at the indifference (break even point ) .

Then 21 x =17.0625x +3,62,500

3.9375 x = 362500
x = 92063
92,000 approximately
only when the requirement components exceeds 92000 per month would it be worthwhile setting up
the manufacturing facilies .
r . It will result

Statement of comparative cost

Avg Monthly run 2000

cost per month : - Company'sHired Executive

own car car car
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Petrol 0.65 1300 1300 1300
Oil 0.08 160 160
Tyre 0.07 140 140
Repairs 0.1 200
Tax & insurance 560 46.66667
Wages & bouns 720
Depreciation 666.6667
Hire charges 800
Maintenace Allowance 500
Interest on loan 375
Total cost 3233.333 2400 2175
Cost pet Km 1.616667 1.2 1.0875

* Interest will reduce with repayment of instalments .

Particulars Total Amount P1 P2
Direct material 7542 2600 1980
Direct wages 9000 2000 3000
Production overhead 9000

Particulars Output during % of normal Value of scrap

the week loss to input per unit
P1 950 0.05 2
P2 840 0.1 4
P3 750 0.15 5

Dr. Process I Account

Particulars Units Rate Per Amount
Unit Rs. Rs.
Units Introduced 1000 3 3000
Direct material 2600
Direct wages 2000
Production overheads 2000
Total 1000 9600

Dr. Process II Account

Particulars Units Rate Per Amount
Unit Rs. Rs.
Transferred from P1 950 10 9500
Direct material 1980
Direct wages 3000
Production overheads 3000
Total 950 17480

Abnormal loss is computed in the following manner.

1 Units introduced Normal loss = 950 95 = 855 units = normal production

2 Actual production = 840 units, therefore abnormal loss = 15 units
3 Valuation of abnormal loss = Cost Scrap/Normal production
4 Therefore Rs. 17,480 Rs. 380/855 units = Rs. 20 per unit. (approx)

Dr. Process III Account

Particulars Units Rate Per Amount
Unit Rs. Rs.
Transferred from P2 840 20 16800
Direct material 2962
Direct wages 4000
Production overheads 4000
Abnormal Gain 36 38 1368
Total 876 29130

Abnormal gain is computed as shown below.

Units introduced normal loss = normal production = 840 126 = 714 units
Actual production is 750 units
Abnormal gain is 750 units 714 units = 36 units
Valuation of abnormal gain = Cost Scrap/Normal production
Rs. 27,132 Rs. 630/714 units = Rs. 38 (approx)

Dr. Abnormal Loss Account

Particulars Units Rate Per Amount
Unit Rs. Rs.
Process II Account 15 20 300

Total 15 300

Dr. Abnormal Gain Account

Particulars Units Rate Per Amount
Unit Rs. Rs.
Process III Account 36 5 180
( Scrap )
Transferred to 1188
costing P&L A/C
Total 36 1368

Particulars Units Rate Per Amount
Unit Rs. Rs.
Normal Loss 50 2 100
Transferred to 950 10 9500

Total 1000 9600

Particulars Units Rate Per Amount
Unit Rs. Rs.
Normal Loss 95 4 380
Abnormal Loss 15 20 300
Transferred to 840 20 16800
Total 950 17480

Particulars Units Rate Per Amount
Unit Rs. Rs.
Normal Loss 126 5 630

Transferred to 750 38 28500

Total 876 29130

l Loss Account Cr.

Particulars Units Rate Per Amount
Unit Rs. Rs.
Debtor 15 4 60
( Sale of Scrap ) 240
Transferred to
costing P&L A/C
Total 300

l Gain Account Cr.

Particulars Units Rate Per Amount
Unit Rs. Rs.
Process III Account 36 38 1368

Total 1368
Suppose the output in Process I is 100 kg

Statement of Production in Different Processes Based on Input of 100 kg in Process I

ParticularsP1 P2 P3 P4
Input 100 75 60 48
Loss % 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.166667
Loss In Kg 25 15 12 8.000002
Output in 75 60 48 40

If output in process IV is 40 kg, input in process I = 100 kg

If output in process IV is 40,000kg, input in process I 1000000

Cost of raw material required = 1,00,000 kg X Rs. 5 = 5000000

Effect: The input is 2.5 times of the fi nal output. Therefore, for variation of every rupee in the cost of
raw material the final effect will be Rs. 2.50
pee in the cost of
Particulars P1 P2
10, 000 units introduced at a co 20000
Materials consumed Rs 24000 12000
Direct labor Rs. 28000 16000
Manufacturing expenses Rs 8000 8566
Normal wastages on input 0.05 0.1
Scrap value of normal wastage R 40 50
Output [units] 9400 8500

Dr Process A Account
Particulars Units Amount Rs. Particulars
Units introduced 10000 20000 Normal Wastage
Material 24000 Abnormal wastage
Direct labor 28000 Transfer to Process B A/C
Manufacturing exp 8000
Total 10000 80000 Total

Normal wastage is 5% of the input, therefore the units of normal loss is 500, the scrap value of the
same is Rs. 40 for 100 units which comes to Rs. 200.
Abnormal wastage is computed as follows.
Normal output is input normal wastage = 10,000 500 = 9,500 units
Actual output is given as 9,400 units, therefore abnormal wastage is normal output actual output
= 9,500 9,400 = 100 units, the amount is computed by using the following formula. Cost scrap/
normal output = Rs. 80,000 Rs. 200 / 9,500 = Rs. 8.40

Dr Process B Account
Particulars Units Amount Rs. Particulars
Transfer from Process A 9400 78960 Normal Wastage
Material 12000 Finished Stock A/C
Direct labor 16000
Manufacturing exp 8566
Abnormal Effectives A/c 40 544
Total 9400 116070 Total

Normal wastage is 10% of the input i.e. 940 units; the scrap value of the same is Rs.50 for 100 units
is credited to the Process B Account.
Abnormal effectives are computed as under
Normal output = Input Normal wastage, = 9400 940 = 8460 units
Actual output = 8500 units, so abnormal effectives are 8500 8460 = 40 units
The amount is computed as, Cost Scrap / Normal output, i.e.
Rs.78, 960 + 12, 000 + 16, 000 + 8, 566 470 /8460 units = Rs.13.60unit
Amount = 40 x Rs. 13.60 = Rs. 544

Dr Abnormal Wastage Account

Particulars Units Amount Rs. Particulars
Process A A/C 100 840 Cash / Debtrors A/C
Sale of Scrap
Costing Profi t & Loss
Total 100 840 Total

Dr Abnormal Effectiveness Account

Particulars Units Amount Rs. Particulars
Normal Wastage A/C 40 20 Process B A/C

Costing Profi t & Loss 524

Total 40 544 Total
Units Amount Rs.
500 200
100 840
9400 78960

10000 80000

scrap value of the

put actual output

ula. Cost scrap/

Units Amount Rs.
940 470
8500 115600

9400 116070

Rs.50 for 100 units

Units Amount Rs.
100 40

100 840

Units Amount Rs.
40 544

40 544
Solution: The following table is prepared for computation of the variances
Material Standard Quantity Kg Standard Rate Rs. Standard Cost Rs. Actual Quantity Kg
A 300 10 3000 35000
B 400 5 2000 42000
C 500 6 3000 53000
Total 1200 21 8000 130000

1 Material Cost Variance: Standard Cost [for actual production] Actual Cost
Rs.8, 00, 000 Rs.9, 38, 000 = Rs.1, 38, 000 [A]
Note: Standard cost of materials for actual production: For 1 ton of production, the standard cost is
Rs.8, 000, so for 100 tons, the standard cost is Rs.8, 00, 000

2 Material Price Variance: Actual Quantity [STD Price Actual Price]

Material A = 35, 000 [Rs.10 Rs.9] = Rs.35, 000 [F]
Material B = 42, 000 [Rs.5 Rs.6] = Rs.42, 000 [A]
Material C = 53, 000 [Rs.6 Rs.7] = Rs.53, 000 [A]
Total Material Price Variance = Rs.60, 000 [A]

3 Material Quantity Variance = Standard Price [STD Quantity Actual Quantity]

Material A = Rs.10 [30, 000 35, 000] = Rs.50, 000 [A]
Material B = Rs.5 [40, 000 42, 000] = Rs.10, 000 [A]
Material C = Rs.6 [50, 000 53, 000] = Rs.18, 000 [A]
Total Material Quantity Variance = Rs.78, 000 [A]

4 Material Mix Variance = Std Cost of Std Mix Std Cost of Actual Mix
Rs.8, 66, 667 Rs.8, 78, 000 = Rs.11, 333
Note: Standard Cost of Standard Mix is computed as under
If Actual mix would have been in the standard proportion, the quantities of material A, B and C
would have been,
A: 300/1200 _x0002_ 1, 30, 000 = 32, 500 X Rs.10 = Rs.3, 25, 000
B: 400/1200 _x0002_ 1, 30, 000 = 43, 333.33 X Rs.5 = Rs.2, 16, 667
C: 500/1200 _x0002_ 1, 30, 000 = 54, 166.67 X Rs.6 = Rs.3, 25, 000
Total standard cost of standard mix = Rs.8, 66, 667
Standard cost of actual mix has been computed by multiplying the actual quantity by the standard
Actual Rate Rs. Actual Amount Rs.
9 315000
6 252000
7 371000
Solution: The following table is prepared for computation of variances in this example.

Material Standard Standard RStandard CActual QuaActual RateActual Amount Rs.

A 60 20 1200 105 20 2100
B 40 10 400 95 9 855
Total 100 1600 200 29 2955
Normal los 20 35(A.L)
Standard o 80 1600 165 Actual output 2955

1 Material Cost Variance: Standard Cost for Actual Production Actual Cost
Rs.3, 300 Rs.2955 = Rs.345 [F]
Note: Standard cost for actual production is computed as shown below:
For 80 kg, the standard cost is Rs.1, 600, so for actual production of 165 kg, the standard cost is 165/80 X
1600 = Rs.3, 300

2 Material Price Variance: Actual Quantity [Standard Price Actual Price]

Material A = 105 [Rs.20 Rs.20] = Nil
Material B = 95 [Rs.10 Rs.9] = Rs.95 [F]
Total Material Price Variance = Rs.95 [F]

3 Material Quantity Variance: Standard Price [Std. Quantity Actual Quantity]

Material A = Rs.20 [124 105] = Rs.380 [F]
Material B = Rs.10 [83 95] = Rs.120 [A]
Total Material Quantity Variance = Rs.260 [F]
Note: Standard quantity for actual production is computed as shown below
Material A = 165/80 X 60 = 123.75 or 124
Material B = 165/80 X 40 = 82.5 or 83

4 Material Mix Variance: Standard Cost of Standard Mix Std. Cost of Actual Mix
Rs.3, 200 Rs.3, 050 = Rs.150 [F]
Note: Standard cost of standard mix is computed as under,
Material A: 60% of 200 [Actual Input] = 120 X Rs.20 = Rs.2400
Material B: 40% of 200 [Actual Input] = 80 X Rs.10 = Rs.800
Total Cost = Rs.3200
Standard cost of actual mix is computed by multiplying the actual quantity by the standard price

5 Material Yield Variance: Standard Yield Rate [Actual Yield Standard Yield]
1600/80 [165 160] = Rs.20 [165 160] = Rs.100 [F]
Note: Standard yield is in relation to the actual input of 200 kg and hence the standard yield is 200 less 20%
normal loss i.e.40 kg and the standard yield is 160 kg.
dard cost is 165/80 X

andard price

ard yield is 200 less 20%

Solution: The following table is prepared for computation of various relevant labour variances.

Standard Actual Hours Actual Rate Rs.

Standard output 25 units per hour for 42 hrs X 10 workers
100 employees 420 6.2
Hence standard man hours per unit = 42 hrs X 30 workers
100 workers/25 units per hr = 4 1260 6
42 hrs X 60 workers
2520 5.7
Actual output = 1040 units 4200
Standard hrs for 1040 units = 1040 X 4=416Idle Time
5% of 4200 = 210 hrs
Standard cost for actual output = Actual Hrs Worked
4160 hrs X Rs.6 per hr = Rs.24, 960 4200 210 = 3990

1 Labour Cost Variance: Standard Cost for Actual Production Actual Cost
Rs.24, 960 * Rs.24, 528 ** = Rs.432 [F]

2 Labour Rate Variance: Actual Hours [Standard Rate Actual Rate]

420 [Rs.6 Rs.6.20] = Rs.84 [A]
1260 [Rs.6 Rs.6] = Nil
2520 [Rs.6 Rs.5.70] = Rs.756 [F]
Total Labour Rate Variance = Rs.672 [F]

3 Labour Effi ciency Variance: Standard Rate [Standard Time Actual Time Worked]
Rs.6 [4160 # 3990] = Rs.1020 [F]

4 Labour Idle Time Variance: Abnormal Idle Time X Standard Rate

210 hrs X Rs.6 = Rs.1260 [A]

KEY * As shown in the table

_x0002_ ** As shown in the table
_x0002_ # Standard time for actual output = 4160 hrs as shown in the table.
Amount Rs.



Illustration Number 7]
From the following information extracted from the books of a manufacturing company, calculate Fixed
and Variable Overhead Variances.

ParticularsBudgeted Actual
Production 22000 24000
Fixed Over 44000 49000
Variable O 33000 39000
Number of 25 26
Number of 25000 27000

A Fixed Overhead Variances:

1 Fixed Overhead Cost Variance: Standard Fixed Overheads for Actual Production Actual Fixed
Overheads = Rs.48, 000 Rs.49, 000 = Rs.1, 000 [A]
Note: Standard fixed overheads for actual production = Actual Production 24, 000 X standard
rate Rs.2 [Rs.44, 000 budgeted fi xed overheads / 22, 000 budgeted production = Rs.2]

2 Fixed Overhead Expenditure Variance: Budgeted Fixed Overheads Actual Fixed Overheads =
Rs.44, 000 Rs.49, 000 = Rs.5, 000 [A]

3 Fixed Overhead Volume Variance: Standard Rate [Budgeted Quantity Actual Quantity] =
Rs.2 [22, 000 24, 000] = Rs.4, 000 [F]
The variance is favourable as the actual quantity produced is more than the budgeted quantity.
Reconciliation I = Cost Variance = Expenditure Variance + Volume Variance
Rs.1, 000 [A] = Rs.5, 000 [A] + Rs.4, 000 [F]

4 Fixed Overhead Efficiency Variance: Standard Rate [Standard Quantity Actual Quantity] = Rs.2
[23, 760 24, 000] = Rs.480 [F]
Note: Standard quantity of production is in reference to actual number of hours. If 22, 000 units
are produced in 25, 000 hrs [standard hours], in actual 27, 000 hours, 23, 760 units should have
been produced. When number of days and number of hours, both are given, the standard quantity
is always to be computed in relation to the actual hours. However, if only number of days is
given, the standard quantity will have to be computed in relation to number of days.

5 Fixed Overhead Capacity Variance: Standard Rate [Standard Quantity Budgeted Quantity] =
Rs.2 [23, 760 22, 000] = Rs.3, 520 [F]
Reconciliation II = Volume Variance = Effi ciency Variance + Capacity Variance
Ra.4, 000 [F] = Rs.480 [F] + 3, 520 [F]

6 Fixed Overhead Revised Capacity Variance = Standard Rate [Standard Quantity Revised
Budgeted Quantity] = Rs.2 [23, 760 22, 880] = Rs.2 X 880 = Rs.1760 [F]
Note: Standard quantity is computed as shown in the Effi ciency Variance. Revised Budget
Quantity is computed as: in 25 days, the production is 22, 000 so in 26 days the revised quantity
is 22, 880 units.
7 Fixed Overhead Calendar Variance: Standard Rate [Revised Budgeted Quantity Budgeted
Quantity] = Rs.2 [22, 880 22, 000] = Rs.2 X 880 = Rs.1, 760 [F]
Reconciliation III = Capacity Variance = Revised Capacity Variance + Calendar Variance =
Rs.3, 520 [F] = Rs.1760 [F] + Rs.1760 [F]

B Variable Overheads Variance:

1 Cost Variance: Standard Variable Overheads for Actual Production Actual Variable Overheads:
Rs.36, 000 Rs.39, 000 = Rs.3, 000 [A]
Note: Standard Variable Overheads for Actual Production = Standard Rate Per Unit X Actual
Production Units = Rs.1.5 [Budgeted variable overheads Rs.33, 000 /Budgeted production units
22, 000 = Rs.1.5] X 24, 000 units = Rs.36, 000

2 Expenditure Variance: Standard Variable Overheads for Standard Production Actual Variable
Overheads: Rs.1.5 X 23, 760 Rs.39, 000 = Rs.3360 [A]

3 Effi ciency Variance: Standard Rate [Standard Quantity Actual Quantity]

Rs.1.5 [23, 760 24, 000] = Rs.360 [F]
any, calculate Fixed

ed quantity.

ntity] = Rs.2

22, 000 units

should have
ndard quantity

sed quantity
Cost Pool Budgeted Cost Driver Budgeted Volume
Overheads (Rs.)
Material procurement 580000 No. of orders 1100
Material handling 250000 No. of movements 680
Set-up 415000 No. of set ups 520
Maintenance 970000 Maintenance hours 8400
Quality control 176000 No. of inspection 900
Machinery 720000 No. of machine hours 24000

1 Cost driver data The rate will be determined by dividing the amount by relevan factors. The
calculations are shown below
Particulars Cost Driver Rate of cost drivers
Material procurement 1100 527.27
Material handling 680 367.65
Set-up 520 798.08
Maintenance 8400 115.48
Quality control 900 195.56
Machinery 24000 30

2 Calculation of a Batch of 2,600 components of AX - 15

Particulars Details Amount in Rupees

DM 130000
DL 245000
Prime Cost = DM+DL 375000
Add : Overheads 179433
Material Procurement 26 13709
Material handling 18 6618
Set-up cost 25 19952
Maintenance 690 79679
Quality control 28 5476
Machine 1800 54000
Total 554433

Note :- From the above calculations, it is clear that by using Activity Based Costing, there can be
substantial accuracy in the overhead absorption. The overheads are charged on the basis of cost
drivers and not on the basis of absorption rate
eted Volume

evan factors. The

osting, there can be

d on the basis of cost
Particulars PX PY
DM 200 100
DL - @ Rs.10 per hou 60 80
Total 260 180
Labour Hours 6 8

Total manufacturing overheads 1750000

Total direct labor hours 100000

Firstly, we will calculate the Product Cost based on Direct Labor Hour Rate.

Notes -
1 Direct Labor Hour Rate :- Total manufacturing overheads / Total direct labor hours
2 Absorption of manufacturing overheads :-
Particulars Product X Product Y
Mfg OH 105 140

Overheads based on Activity Based Costing :-

A. Identification of Activities and Rate for each Activity :- ( Say )

Particulars Total Overheads Details of Activity

Total PX PY
Machine Set up 450000 10000 6000 4000
Quality inspection 300000 15000 10000 5000
Production order 180000 600 200 400
Machine hours work 625000 50000 12000 38000
Material receipts 195000 1500 300 1200
Total overheads 1750000

B. Allocation of overheads to Products on the basis of Activity Rates :-

Particulars Frequency of Rate per Product X

activity activity Frequency Rs
Machine Set up 10000 45 6000 270000
Quality inspection 15000 20 10000 200000
Production order 600 300 200 60000
Machine hours work 50000 12.5 12000 150000
Material receipts 1500 130 300 39000
Total overheads 719000
Units produced 5000
Overhead cost per unit 143.8
Computation of Total Cost under Traditional Cost Accounting and Activity Based Costing

Particulars Product X Product Y Product X Product Y
DM 200 100 200 100
DL 60 80 60 80
Mfg.OH 143.8 41.24 105 140
Total Mfg .Cost 403.8 221.24 365 320

From the above comparative analysis it is clear that, under Traditional Costing, Product X is charged
with Rs. 105 per unit as manufacturing overheads while in case of Product Y, the share of overhead
cost is Rs. 140. Under Activity Based Costing the amount is Rs. 143.80 and Rs. 41.24 per unit. Thus due
to Activity Based Costing, the distortion in cost is avoided.
ct labor hours

Rate per Activity [Rs.]


Product Y
Frequency of Activity Rs
4000 180000
5000 100000
400 120000
38000 475000
1200 156000
tivity Based Costing

al Costing, Product X is charged

oduct Y, the share of overhead
0 and Rs. 41.24 per unit. Thus due

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