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Spouses Abad V. Fil-Homes Realty

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FIL-HOMES REALTY respondents prior to the City's possession of the lots, contrary to Section
FACTS: Respondents, co-owners of the two lots, filed a complaint for 19 of the LGC.
unlawful detainer against petitioners. Respondents alleged that Even if the lots are eventually transferred to the City, it is non sequitur for
petitioners, through tolerance, had occupied the subject lots since 1980 petitioners to claim that they are automatically entitled to be
but ignored their repeated demands to vacate them. On the other hand, beneficiaries thereof. For certain requirements must be met and complied
petitioners countered that there is no possession by tolerance for they with before they can be considered to be beneficiaries.
have been in adverse, continuous and uninterrupted possession of the
lots for more than 30 years; and that respondent's predecessor-in- DBP v. BAUTISTA
interest, Pilipinas Development Corporation, had no title to the lots. FACTS: Bautista applied to the government for the sale in her favor a
During the pendency of the case or on June 30, 2004, the City of parcel of land. After proper investigation, a sales patent was issued in
Paraaque filed expropriation proceedings covering the lots before the favor. Therafter, a certificate of title was issued in her name.
Regional Trial Court of Paraaque with the intention of establishing a Later on, Bautista applied for a loan with the Rehabilitation Finance
socialized housing project therein for distribution to the occupants Corporation (RFC), predecessor in interest of the plaintiff-appellee
including petitioners. A writ of possession was consequently issued and a Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), offering as security the
Certificate of Turn-over given to the City. parcel of land. RFC approved the loan. However, Bautista failed to pay the
The MeTC rendered judgment in the unlawful detainer case against amortization on the loan so that the RFC took steps to foreclose the
petitioners and they were ordered to vacate and surrender the mortgage extrajudicially. RFC acquired the property as the highest
possession of the lots to respondents. bidder. Upon failure of Bautista to redeem the property within the one (1)
On appeal, the RTC reversed the decision of the MeTC on the ground that year period as provided by law, plaintiff-appellant RFC consolidated its
there was no tolerance, thus the unlawful detainer will not prosper. The ownership thereon. Consequently, the certificate of title in the name of
RTC went on to rule that the issuance of a writ of possession in favor of Bautista was cancelled and a new one was issued in the name of RFC. On
the City bars the continuation of the unlawful detainer proceedings, and or about this time, however, an action (Civil Case No. 870) was filed by
since the judgment had already been rendered in the expropriation Rufino Ramos and Juan Ramos in the Court of First Instance of Nueva
proceedings which effectively turned over the lots to the City, the MeTC Ecija against the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the
has no jurisdiction to "disregard the . . . final judgment and writ of RFC (as successor in interest of Bautista) claiming ownership of the land
possession" due to non-payment of just compensation. in question. A decision thereon was rendered on June 27, 1955 (Exhs. G,
On appeal to the CA, the appellate court, noting that petitioners did not G-1, and G-3) whereby the aforementioned certificates of title were
present evidence to rebut respondents' allegation of possession by declared null and void.
tolerance, and considering petitioners' admission that they commenced Thus, DBP filed a complaint against Bautista for the recovery of a sum of
occupation of the property without the permission of the previous owner money representing the unpaid mortgage indebtedness.
Pilipinas Development Corporation as indicium of tolerance by ISSUE: Whether the complaint should prosper.
respondents' predecessor-in-interest, ruled in favor of respondents. RULING: No. The fundamental due process requirement having been
ISSUE: disregarded, appellee Bautista could not in any wise be made to suffer,
RULING: whether directly or indirectly, from the effects of such decision. After
In the exercise of the power of eminent domain, the State expropriates appellant bank had acquired her title by such extrajudicial foreclosure
private property for public use upon payment of just compensation. A sale and thus, through its own act, seen to it that her obligation had been
socialized housing project falls within the ambit of public use as it is in satisfied, it could not thereafter, seek to revive the same on the allegation
furtherance of the constitutional provisions on social justice. that the title in question was subsequently annulled, considering that she
As a general rule, ejectment proceedings, due to its summary nature, are was not made a party on the occasion of such nullification.
not suspended or their resolution held in abeyance despite the pendency Reinforcement to the above conclusion comes from a codal provision.
of a civil action regarding ownership. According to the Civil Code: "The vendor shall not be obliged to make
Section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 538 enlightens, however: good the proper warranty, unless he is summoned in the suit for eviction
Section 1. When the Government seeks to acquire, through purchase or at the instance of the vendee." While not directly in point, the principle on
expropriation proceedings, lands belonging to any estate or which the above requirement is based sustains the decision of the lower
chaplaincy (cappellania), any action for ejectment against the tenants court. In effect, appellant bank would hold appellee Bautista liable for the
occupying said lands shall be automatically suspended, for such time as warranty on her title, its annulment having the same effect as that of an
may be required by the expropriation proceedings or the necessary eviction. In such a case, it is wisely provided by the Civil Code that
negotiations for the purchase of the lands, in which latter case, the period appellee Bautista, as vendor, should have been summoned and given the
of suspension shall not exceed one year. opportunity to defend herself. In view of her being denied her day in
To avail himself of the benefits of the suspension, the tenants shall pay to court, it would follow, if the intent of the above codal provision were to be
the landowner the current rents as they become due or deposit the respected, that she is not "obliged to make good the proper warranty."
same with the court where the action for ejectment has been instituted. In the suit before the lower court, the Director of Lands and the National
Petitioners did not comply with any of the acts mentioned in the law to Treasurer of the Philippines were likewise made defendants by appellant
avail of the benefits of the suspension. bank because of its belief that if no right existed as against appellee
Expropriation of lands consists of two stages: Bautista, recovery could be had from the Assurance Fund. Such a belief
The first is concerned with the determination of the authority of the finds no support in the applicable law, which allows recovery only upon a
plaintiff to exercise the power of eminent domain and the propriety of its showing that there be no negligence on the part of the party sustaining
exercise in the context of the facts involved in the suit. any loss or damage or being deprived of any land or interest therein by
The second phase of the eminent domain action is concerned with the the operation of the Land Registration Act This certainly is not the case
determination by the court of "the just compensation for the property here, plaintiff-appellant being solely responsible for the plight in which it
sought to be taken." now finds itself. Accordingly, the Director of Lands and the National
It is only upon the completion of these two stages that expropriation is Treasurer of the Philippines are likewise exempt from any liability.
said to have been completed. The process is not complete until payment
of just compensation. Accordingly, the issuance of the writ of possession TORRES v. CA
in this case does not write finisto the expropriation proceedings. To FACTS: Mariano Torres owned a parcel of land and the building erected
effectuate the transfer of ownership, it is necessary for the NPC to pay the thereon. As far as the records show, Torres was and still is in possession
property owners the final just compensation. of the realties, holding safely to his owner's duplicate certificate of title,
In the present case, the mere issuance of a writ of possession in the and, at least until 1971, paying the real estate taxes due thereon, and
expropriation proceedings did not transfer ownership of the lots in favor collecting rentals from his tenants occupying the building.
of the City. Such issuance was only the first stage in expropriation. There Sometime in 1966, Francisco Fernandez, Torres' brother-in-law, filed a
is even no evidence that judicial deposit had been made in favor of petition with the Court of First Instance of Manila, docketed as LRC GLRO
Cad. Rec. No. 133, where he, misrepresenting to be the attorney-in-fact of and not on foreclosure sale, and hence, the purchaser thereof was bound
Torres and falsely alleging that the owners' duplicate copy of TCT No. by his notice of adverse claim and lis pendens annotated at the back of
53628 was lost, succeeded in obtaining a court order for the issuance of Fernandez' TCT. Moreover, even if We grant Mota the status of an
another copy of the certificate. innocent mortgagee, the doctrine relied upon by the appellate court that a
Once in possession thereof, Fernandez forged a simulated deed of sale of forged instrument may become the root of a valid title, cannot be applied
the realties in his favor. Whereupon TCT No. 53628 in the name of Torres where the owner still holds a valid and existing certificate of title
was cancelled and TCT No. 86018 was issued in Fernandez' name. covering the same interest in a realty. But if the owner holds a valid and
On various dates from December, 1966 to November, 1967 Fernandez existing certificate of title, his would be indefeasible as against the whole
mortgaged the realties to Rosario Mota, wife of Ernesto Cue, and also to world, and not that of the innocent holder's.
Angela Fermin, who later assigned her credit to the spouses Cue. The In view of the foregoing, to hold, for the purpose of enforcing the
mortgages were annotated at the back of TCT No. 86018 and so was the mortgage, that Mota was an innocent mortgagee would be futile because,
deed of assignment. as above shown, no certificate of title covering the subject realties in
Torres, who up to this time still had possession of his owner's duplicate derogation of Torres' certificate of title may validly be issued.
certificate of title and who was still collecting rentals from the occupants Then it becomes evident that the remaining possible remedies of the Cues
of the subject building, upon learning of the fraud committed by are to go against Fernandez or the Assurance Fund, as they in fact had
Fernandez, caused the annotation on the latter's TCT a notice of adverse done in the lower court by filing a cross claim and third party complaint.
claim. The trial court also dismissed the Cues' third party complaint against the
On March 30, 1968, Torres filed Civil Case No. 72494 against Fernandez Treasurer of the Philippines as custodian of the Assurance Fund after
to annul TCT No. 86018 as well as the proceedings in LRC GLRO Cad. Rec. finding them negligent in protecting their interest. The trial court
No. 133. On April 2, 1968, a notice of lis pendens was annotated at the recognized the principle that a person dealing with registered lands need
back of Fernandez' TCT. not go beyond the certificate of title but nevertheless pointed out that
In the meantime, Fernandez failed to pay his various loans which there are circumstances in this case which should have put the Cues on
prompted the Cues to institute an extra judicial foreclosure of the guard and prompted them to investigate the property being mortgaged to
mortgage. The parties entered into an amicable settlement which was them.
approved by the court. Thus, Cues' remedy merely is to go against Francisco Fernandez or rather
Before Fernandez could pay his obligation under the settlement his estate.
agreement, a decision was rendered in Civil Case No. 72494 where it was
declared that the proceedings held in LRC GLRO Cad. Rec. No. 133 was
void and that TCT No. 86018, issued in the name of Fernandez, is without CHAPTER VII
force and effect as TCT No. 53628 in the name of Torres is the true and
legal evidence of ownership of the subject immovables. Fernandez YAP v. REPUBLIC
appealed from this decision to the Court of Appeals where it was FACTS: Consuelo Vda. de dela Cruz applied for free patent over a parcel of
docketed as CA-G.R. No. 46386-R. The Court of Appeals, on April 20, 1979, land. As she could not wait for the approval of her application, she
affirmed the decision of the trial court. executed a Deed of Waiver/Quitclaim in favor of Pagarigan.
But meanwhile, prior to the Court of Appeals' decision mentioned above, Pagarigan filed his own Free Patent Application (FPA) and subsequently,
Fernandez failed to comply with his obligation under the amicable Free Patent No. (XI-I) 5133 was issued to him over said lot. Original
settlement and whereupon the Cues applied for and were granted a writ Certificate of Title (OCT) No. P-11182 was thereby issued in his name.
of execution. The subject realties were then levied upon and sold at public Pagarigan mortgaged the lot to Banco Davao-Davao City Development
auction where Rosario Mota was the highest bidder. Bank (the Bank). For failure to pay his loan, the property was foreclosed,
On August 31, 1971, the redemption period for the subject immovables and was eventually sold to the Bank at public auction. These proceedings
having lapsed without Fernandez nor Torres redeeming the properties, were duly annotated in the title.
Rosario Mota was issued the Sheriff's Deed of Sale. Thereafter, TCT No. However, the land covered by OCT No. P-11182 was allegedly occupied
86018 was cancelled and TCT No. 105953 was issued in her name. by Teodoro Valparaiso and Pedro Malalis (protestants). In 1990, the
On December 7, 1971 Mota, through her lawyer, notified the tenants protestants filed a formal protest with the Bureau of Lands (Bureau).
occupying "M. Torres Building" that she is the new owner thereof and They prayed for the recall of the free patent issued to Pagarigan, and for
henceforth, payment of their rentals should be made to her. the institution of a corresponding action for reversion considering that
On December 17, 1971 Torres filed a complaint, which later gave rise to they have been in adverse, exclusive, and continuous occupation of the
this petition, with the Court of First Instance of Manila, docketed as Civil subject property since 1945, cultivating it, and planting various
Case No. 85753, against Fernandez and his spouse and the Cues to crops, nipa palms and coconut trees on said land. They also caused the
restrain the latter from collecting rentals and for the declaration as void annotation of a notice of lis pendens in OCT No. P-11182.
TCT No. 105953. The Cues in turn filed a cross-claim against Fernandez The protest reached the Office of the Secretary of DENR and the Secretary
spouses and a third party complaint against the National Treasurer as the rendered a Decision against Pagarigan with the following findings: From
custodian of the Assurance Fund. the Investigation Reports submitted by both the Department's Regional
On June 3, 1977, the trial court rendered its decision declaring TCT No. Office involved and this Office as well as from the other pieces of evidence
105953 in the name of Rosario Mota null and void as it upheld the available, both documentary and testimonial, it is obvious that actual
validity of TCT No. 53628 in the name of Torres as the true evidence of fraud and bad faith have been committed by [Pagarigan] in his subject
title to the disputed realties, and at the same time dismissing the Cue's public land application which led to the issuance of the title. The
third party complaint and cross claim. following facts and circumstances are uncontroverted, to wit; that the
The decision was reviewed by the respondent court at the instance of the [protestants] have been in actual occupation of the land in dispute since
Cues which, as aforementioned, reversed the trial court. Hence, this 1945 and have introduced improvements thereon; that [Pagarigan] never
petition. occupied the same nor his predecessor-in-interest, Consuelo dela Cruz,
ISSUE: that [Pagarigan] misrepresented in his application that he was the actual
RULING: There is nothing on the records which shows that Torres occupant and that there were no others who occupied the lot in dispute;
performed any act or omission which could have jeopardized his peaceful that the title was issued sans an actual ground survey; and that
dominion over his realties. The decision under review, however, in [Pagarigan] did not post a copy of his Notice for [FPA] on both the
considering Mota an innocent mortgagee protected under Section 65 of Bulletin Boards of Daliao and Lizardo as required by law.
the Land Registration Law, held that Torres was bound by the mortgage. Meanwhile, on November 5, 1992, without consolidating title over the
Inevitably, it pronounced that the foreclosure sale, where Mota was the land in its name, the Bank sold the subject property to herein petitioner
highest bidder, also bound Torres and concluded that the certificate of Beverly Anne C. Yap (Yap) and Rosanna F. Villamor (Villamor). Upon the
title issued in the name of Mota prevails over that of Torres'. As correctly execution of the deed of sale, OCT No. P-11182 was delivered to them and
pointed out by Torres, however, his properties were sold on execution,
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 366983 was eventually issued in the even before Yap and Villamor purchased the subject property, it was also
name of Yap and Villamor. established that when they did so, the said property was still registered in
On the other hand, in 1997, the Department of Transportation and the name of Pagarigan since the Bank did not consolidate its title
Communication filed a complaint for expropriation of a portion of the thereto. Stated simply, Yap and Villamor purchased the subject property
subject lot before the RTC. Confronted with the issue of who among the not from the registered owner.
claimants shall be entitled to just compensation, the trial court ruled that To prove good faith, a buyer of registered and titled land need only show
Villamor and Yap are the ones entitled to the payment of just that he relied on the face of the title to the property. He need not prove
compensation for the property subject of this case. that he made further inquiry for he is not obliged to explore beyond the
In 2003, 2003, the respondent, through the Office of the Solicitor General four corners of the title. Such degree of proof of good faith, however, is
(OSG), filed the Complaint for Cancellation of Patent, Nullification of Title sufficient only when the following conditions concur: first, the seller is the
and Reversion with the RTC of Davao City. The court rendered a registered owner of the land; second, the latter is in possession thereof;
Decision dismissing the respondent's complaint. The court ruled that and third, at the time of the sale, the buyer was not aware of any claim or
since the subject land has already been sold to third persons, it must be interest of some other person in the property, or of any defect or
shown that the latter were part of the fraud and/or misrepresentation restriction in the title of the seller or in his capacity to convey title to the
committed by the original grantee, or at least were aware of it. However, property.
since the RTC Branch 13 already declared in its decision in Civil Case No. Absent one or two of the foregoing conditions, then the law itself puts the
25,084-97 that Yap and Villamor were purchasers in good faith and for buyer on notice and obliges the latter to exercise a higher degree of
value of the land in question, RTC Branch 16 maintained that, as a court of diligence by scrutinizing the certificate of title and examining all factual
co-equal jurisdiction, it is bound by the said finding under the principle of circumstances in order to determine the seller's title and capacity to
conclusiveness of judgment. Moreover, the fact that it took the transfer any interest in the property. Under such circumstance, it is no
respondent 26 years, from the issuance of the free patent before it longer sufficient for said buyer to merely show that he relied on the face
instituted an action for reversion, militates against its cause. of the title; he must now also show that he exercised reasonable
The respondent elevated its case to the CA. On June 30, 2011, the CA precaution by inquiring beyond the title. Failure to exercise such degree
rendered the assailed Decision reversing that of the trial court. In so of precaution makes him a buyer in bad faith.
ruling, the CA adopted the findings of the DENR as to the commission of Neither estoppel nor laches lies against the respondent in the present case
fraud by Pagarigan in his FPA, and held that neither the Bank nor Yap and In the instant case, it was established that Pagarigan's FPA was secured
Villamor were innocent purchasers for value. on the basis of his fraudulent representations. The respondent cannot be
faulted for having been misled into believing that an applicant is legally
qualified to be granted free patent as to render it estopped from asserting
RATIO: its right to recover its own property. While the action for reversion was
The decision of the CA does not run counter to the rule on conclusiveness of instituted only in 2003, the circumstances leading to the institution of the
judgment. case hardly spells inaction or neglect on the part of the respondent as to
From the decision of the RTC, it shows that the question of whether or not be considered guilty of laches.
Yap and Villamor are innocent purchasers was not an actual issue of fact Forsooth, there was no prolonged inaction on the part of the respondent
in the case before the RTC Branch 13, and which called for said court's in this case. This can be gleaned in the decision of the DENR Secretary.
adjudication. That Yap and Villamor were buyers in good faith is merely Shortly after the protestants filed a formal protest with the Bureau on
an allegation which was not proven in court. The RTC Branch 13 did not October 24, 1990, the Officer-in-Charge, Regional Executive Director
actually make any clear pronouncement on the matter. (RED) of the DENR Region XI, Davao City immediately ordered an
Accordingly, and as similarly advanced by the OSG in its Comment, the investigation on November 15, 1990, and the same commenced on
RTC Branch 13's pronouncement that Yap and Villamor were buyers in November 19, 1990. On February 14, 1994, the RED issued a decision
good faith was, at best, a mere obiter dictum. Contrary to Yap's claim, dismissing the protestants' protest. Undaunted, the protestants elevated
there was nothing final or conclusive with the decision of the RTC Branch their case to the Office of the DENR Secretary. On May 15, 1995, the DENR
13 which the CA should be bound. Secretary set-aside the RED's decision and ordered the institution of
Neither the Bank, nor Yap and Villamor were purchasers in good faith and appropriate action for the cancellation of OCT No. P-11182, and for the
for value. Reversion of subject lot is in order. reversion of the property covered thereby to the government.
The fact that Pagarigan fraudulently secured his free patent was duly The instant action does not undermine the indefeasibility of Torrens title
established by the investigation conducted by the DENR through Senior On this point, the Court's ruling in Republic v. Heirs of Felipe Alejaga, Sr. is
Special Investigator Domingo Mendez. Thus, the DENR ordered for the instructive:
institution of the present action seeking the cancellation of the certificate True, once a patent is registered and the corresponding certificate of title
of title issued in the name of Pagarigan, and for the reversion of the land [is] issued, the land covered by them ceases to be part of the public
covered thereby to the government. domain and becomes private property. Further, the Torrens Title issued
However, as adverted to above, Section 32 of Presidential Decree No. pursuant to the patent becomes indefeasible a year after the issuance of
1529 mandates that for a reversion case to prosper, it is not enough to the latter. However, this indefeasibility of a title does not attach to titles
prove that the original grantee of a patent has obtained the same through secured by fraud and misrepresentation. Well-settled is the doctrine that
fraud; it must also be proven that the subject property has not yet been the registration of a patent under the Torrens System does not by itself
acquired by an innocent purchaser for value, because fraudulent vest title; it merely confirms the registrant's already existing one. Verily,
acquisition cannot affect the titles of the latter. registration under the Torrens System is not a mode of acquiring
As to the bank: It cannot be overemphasized that [the Bank], being in the ownership.
business of extending loans secured by real estate mortgage, is familiar A fraudulently acquired free patent may only be assailed by the government
with rules on land registration. As such, it was, as here, expected to in an action for reversion
exercise more care and prudence than private individuals in its dealings Nonetheless, a free patent that was fraudulently acquired, and the
with registered lands. Accordingly, given inter alia the suspicion- certificate of title issued pursuant to the same, may only be assailed by
provoking presence of occupants other than the owner on the land to be the government in an action for reversion, pursuant to Section 101 of
mortgaged, it behooved them to conduct a more exhaustive investigation the Public Land Act. In other words, the indefeasibility of a title over land
on the history of the mortgagor's title. That appellee Bank accepted in previously public is not a bar to an investigation by the Director of Lands
mortgage the property in question notwithstanding the existence of as to how such title has been acquired, if the purpose of such
structures on the property and which were in actual, visible, and public investigation is to determine whether or not fraud had been committed in
possession of persons other than the mortgagor, constitutes gross securing such title in order that the appropriate action for reversion may
negligence amounting to bad faith. be filed by the Government.
As for Yap and Villamor: It must be emphasized that aside from the fact
that a notice of lis pendens was already annotated on OCT No. P-11182 ALONZO v. CCC
FACTS: Petitioner Francisco M. Alonso (Francisco) was the only son and impossible, because Cebu Country Club was now recognized by the State
sole heir of the late spouses Tomas N. Alonso and Asuncion Medalle. itself as the absolute owner of Lot 727 D-2.
Francisco died during the pendency of this case, and was substituted by ISSUES:
his legal heirs. 1. Whether or not the petitioners were the real parties-in-interest to
In 1992, Francisco discovered documents showing that his father Tomas question the denial by the RTC of the OSG's motion for the issuance of a
N. Alonso had acquired Lot No. 727 of the Banilad Friar Lands Estate from writ of execution; and
the Government in or about the year 1911; that the original vendee of Lot 2. Whether or not R.A. No. 9443 gave the petitioners a legal interest to
No. 727 had assigned his sales certificate to Tomas N. Alonso, who had assail the RTC's orders.
been consequently issued Patent No. 14353; and that on March 27, 1926, RULING:
the Director of Lands had executed a final deed of sale in favor of Tomas I. No. In G.R. No. 130876, the Court found that the petitioners did not
N. Alonso, but the final deed of sale had not been registered with the validly acquire ownership of Lot No. 727-D-2, and declared that Lot
Register of Deeds because of lack of requirements, like the approval of the No. 727 D-2 legally belonged to the Government.
final deed of sale by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Admittedly, neither petitioners nor their predecessor had any title
as required by law. to the land in question. The most that petitioners could claim was
Francisco subsequently found that the certificate of title covering Lot No. that the Director of Lands issued a sales patent in the name of
727-D-2 of the Banilad Friar Lands Estate had been "administratively Tomas N. Alonso. The sales patent, however, and even the
reconstituted from the owner's duplicate" of Transfer Certificate of Title corresponding deed of sale were not registered with the Register of
(TCT) No. RT-1310 in the name of United Service Country Club, Inc., the Deeds and no title was ever issued in the name of the latter. This is
predecessor of respondent Cebu Country Club, Inc. (Cebu Country Club); because there were basic requirements not complied with, the most
and that upon the order of the court that had heard the petition for important of which was that the deed of sale executed by the
reconstitution of the TCT, the name of the registered owner in TCT No. Director of Lands was not approved by the Secretary of Agriculture
RT-1310 had been changed to that of Cebu Country Club; and that the and Natural Resources. Hence, the deed of sale was void. "Approval
TCT stated that the reconstituted title was a transfer from TCT No. 1021. by the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce is indispensable for
It is relevant to mention at this point that the current TCT covering Lot the validity of the sale." Moreover, Cebu Country Club, Inc. was in
727-D-2 in the name of Cebu Country Club is TCT No. 94905, which was possession of the land since 1931, and had been paying the real
entered in the land records of Cebu City on August 8, 1985. estate taxes thereon based on tax declarations in its name with the
With his discoveries, Francisco formally demanded upon Cebu Country title number indicated thereon. Tax receipts and declarations of
Club to restore the ownership and possession of Lot 727-D-2 to him. ownership for taxation purposes are strong evidence of ownership.
However, Cebu Country Club denied Francisco's demand and claim of Only recently, in Jesus P. Liao v. Court of Appeals, the Court has ruled
ownership, and refused to deliver the possession to him. categorically that approval by the Secretary of Agriculture and
Francisco commenced against Cebu Country Club in the RTC in Cebu City Commerce of the sale of friar lands is indispensable for its validity,
an action for the declaration of nullity and non-existence of deed/title, the hence, the absence of such approval made the sale null and void ab-
cancellation of certificates of title, and the recovery of property. initio. Necessarily, there can be no valid titles issued on the basis of
The RTC decided in favor of Cebu Country Club, and this was affirmed by such sale or assignment. Consequently, petitioner Francisco's father
the CA. However, on appeal to the Supreme Court (GR No. 130876), the did not have any registerable title to the land in question. Having
Court dismissed the complaint and counterclaim of the parties in the civil none, he could not transmit anything to his sole heir, petitioner
case. They declared that Lot No. 727 D-2 of the Banilad Friar Lands Estate Francisco Alonso or the latter's heirs.
covered by Original Certificate of Title Nos. 251, 232, and 253 legally Consequently, we rule that neither Tomas N. Alonso nor his son
belongs to the Government of the Philippines. This decision became final Francisco M. Alonso or the latter's heirs are the lawful owners of Lot
and executory. No. 727 in dispute.
In late 2004, the Government, through the OSG, filed in the RTC a motion Otherwise put, they are not the proper parties to assail the
for the issuance of a writ of execution. Cebu Country Club opposed questioned orders of the RTC, because they stand to derive nothing
the motion for the issuance of a writ of execution in due course. from the execution of the judgment against Cebu Country Club.
The Congress ultimately enacted a law to validate the TCTs and In contrast, the Government, being the legal owner of Lot No. 727-D-
reconstituted titles covering the Banilad Friar Lands Estate in Cebu City. 2, is the only party adversely affected by the denial, and is the
This was Republic Act No. 9443, effective on July 27, 2007. proper party entitled to assail the denial. However, its manifest
Thereafter, both Cebu Country Club and the OSG brought the passage desistance from the execution of the decision effectively barred any
of R.A. No. 9443 to the attention of the RTC for its consideration in challenge against the denial, for its non-appeal rendered the denial
resolving the OSG's motion for the issuance of a writ of execution. On final and immutable.
December 28, 2007, therefore, the RTC denied the OSG's motion for the II. No. RA 9443 expressly declares as valid "(a)ll existing Transfer
issuance of a writ of execution through the first appealed order. Certificates of Title and Reconstituted Certificates of Title duly
Upon being directed by the RTC to comment on the petitioners' motion issued by the Register of Deeds of Cebu Province and/or Cebu City
for reconsideration, the OSG manifested in writing that the Government covering any portion of the Banilad Friar Lands Estate," and
was no longer seeking the execution of the decision in G.R. No. 130876, recognizes the registered owners as absolute owners. To benefit
subject to its reservation to contest any other titles within the Banilad from R.A. No. 9443, therefore, a person must hold as a condition
Friar Lands Estate should clear evidence show such titles as having been precedent a duly issued Transfer Certificate of Title or a
obtained through fraud. Reconstituted Certificate of Title.
After the filing of the OSG's comment, the RTC issued the second appealed Although Lot 727-D-2 was earlier declared to be owned by the
order, denying the petitioners' motion for reconsideration, giving the Government in G.R. No. 130876, R.A. No. 9443 later validated Cebu
following reasons: Country Club's registered ownership due to its holding of TCT No.
1. The party who had a direct interest in the execution of the decision and RT-1310 (T-11351) in its own name. As the OSG explained in
the reconsideration of the denial of the motion for execution was the its manifestation in lieu of comment, the enactment of R.A. No.
Government, represented only by the OSG; hence, the petitioners had no 9443 had "mooted the final and executory Decision of the Supreme
legal standing to file themotion for reconsideration, especially that they Court in "Alonso v. Cebu Country Club, Inc.," docketed as G.R. No.
were not authorized by the OSG for that purpose; 130876, which declared the Government as the owner of Lot 727-D-
2. R.A. No. 9443 "confirms and declares as valid" all "existing" TCTs and 2 based on the absence of signature and approval of the then
reconstituted titles; thereby, the State in effect waived and divested itself Secretary of Interior;" and that the decision in G.R. No. 130876 had
of whatever title or ownership over the Banilad Friar Lands Estate in "ceased to have any practical effect" as the result of the enactment
favor of the registered owners thereof, including Lot 727 D-2; and of R.A. No. 9443, and had thereby become "academic."
3. The situation of the parties had materially changed, rendering the On the other hand, the petitioners could not benefit from R.A. No.
enforcement of the final and executory judgment unjust, inequitable, and 9443 because of their non-compliance with the express condition of
holding any Transfer Certificate of Title or Reconstituted Certificate of the free patent; and that the land has never been sold by reason of the
of Title respecting Lot 727-D-2 or any portion thereof. prohibition against alienation under Commonwealth Act No. 141 (Public
The appropriate recourse for the petitioners, if they persist in the Land Law).
belief that the TCT of Cebu Country Club should be nullified, is to The judge ruled in favor of the Egaos, herein petitioners,ordering
compel the OSG through the special civil action for mandamus to respondent Severo Bontilao to immediately deliver to the Egaos the
commence the action to annul on the ground that Cebu Country Club owner's duplicate copy of Original Certificate of Title No. P-3559. The
had obtained its title to Lot 7217-D-2 through fraud. Yet, that judge held that private respondents herein miserably failed to present or
recourse is no longer availing, for the decision in G.R. No. 130876 show any title to Lot No. 662.
explicitly found and declared that the reconstituted title of Cebu On appeal to the CA, the latter reversed the RTC decision. Marfori and
Country Club had not been obtained through fraud. Egao were both held by the Court of Appeals in pari delicto for violating
Petitioners next argue that the reconstituted title of Cebu Country the five (5) year restriction under Sec. 118,Commonwealth Act No. 141 as
Club, Inc. had no lawful source to speak of; it was reconstituted amended by Act No. 496 against encumbrance or alienation of lands
through extrinsic and intrinsic fraud in the absence of a deed of acquired under a free patent or homestead; hence, they cannot, according
conveyance in its favor. In truth, however, reconstitution was based to the appellate court, seek affirmative relief, but respondents on the
on the owner's duplicate of the title, hence, there was no need for other hand were declared innocent purchasers for value who obtained
the covering deed of sale or other modes of conveyance. Cebu the owner's duplicate copy of the OCT (still in the name of the Egaos)
Country Club, Inc. was admittedly in possession of the land since from Marfori who transferred to them (respondents) physical possession
long before the Second World War, or since 1931. In fact, the of the property.
original title (TCT No. 11351) was issued to the United Service ISSUE: Validity of the Deeds of Sale executed between Marfori (as
Country Club, Inc. on November 19, 1931 as a transfer from purchaser) and the petitioners (as sellers).
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 1021. More importantly, Cebu RULING: It is undisputed that Free Patent No. 298112 was issued to
Country Club, Inc. paid the realty taxes on the land even before the petitioner Apolonio Egao over Lot No. 662. Sec. 118 of Commonwealth
war, and tax declarations covering the property showed the number Act No. 141, as amended, prohibits the alienation or encumbrance, within
of the TCT of the land. Cebu Country Club, Inc. produced receipts a period of five (5) years from the date of issuance of the patent, of lands
showing real estate tax payments since 1949. On the other hand, acquired under free patent or homestead. Assuming, arguendo, the
petitioner failed to produce a single receipt of real estate tax authenticity of the Deeds of Sale executed by the Egaos in favor of Marfori
payment ever made by his father since the sales patent was issued over portions of Lot No. 662 (the land in question), dated 7 May 1964, 14
to his father on March 24, 1926. Worse, admittedly petitioner could January and 6 October 1965, it clearly appears that all deeds were
not show any [T]orrens title ever issued to Tomas N. Alonso, executed within the prohibited period of five (5) years.
because, as said, the deed of sale executed on March 27, 1926 by the Petitioners deny the authenticity and due execution of the notarized
Director of Lands was not approved by the Secretary of Agriculture deeds of sale in favor of Marfori, asserting continued ownership over the
and Natural Resources and could not be registered. "Under the law, land by virtue of a Torrens Certificate of Title issued in their name. While
it is the act of registration of the deed of conveyance that serves as the Court is not satisfied with respondents' explanation of their failure to
the operative act to convey the land registered under the Torrens present the notaries public (who were residents of a neighboring
system. The act of registration creates constructive notice to the province) to affirm their participation in the preparation of the Deeds, the
whole world of the fact of such conveyance." On this Court also finds as insufficient the mere denials by petitioners as to due
point, petitioner alleges that Cebu Country Club, Inc. obtained its execution and authenticity of said Deeds of Sale. A notarial document is
title by fraud in connivance with personnel of the Register of Deeds evidence of the facts in clear unequivocal manner therein expressed. It
in 1941 or in 1948, when the title was administratively has in its favor the presumption of regularity. To contradict all these,
reconstituted. Imputations of fraud must be proved by clear and there must be evidence that is clear, convincing and more than merely
convincing evidence. Petitioner failed to adduce evidence of fraud. preponderant. The question of authenticity being one of fact, the Court
In an action for re-conveyance based on fraud, he who charges fraud win not disturb the conclusions of the Court of Appeals on the matter.
must prove such fraud in obtaining a title. "In this jurisdiction, fraud Original Certificate of Title No. P-3559 over the land in dispute was issued
is never presumed." The strongest suspicion cannot sway judgment on 1 March 1966, a few months after the execution by the Egaos of the
or overcome the presumption of regularity. "The sea of suspicion last Deed of Sale in favor of Marfori. The OCT is registered in the name of
has no shore, and the court that embarks upon it is without rudder the Egaos, herein petitioners.
or compass." Worse, the imputation of fraud was so tardily brought, A Torrens title, once registered, cannot be defeated, even by adverse open
some forty-four (44) years or sixty-one (61) years after its supposed and notorious possession. A registered title under the Torrens system
occurrence, that is, from the administrative reconstitution of title on cannot be defeated by prescription. The title, once registered, is notice to
July 26, 1948, or from the issuance of the original title on November the world. All persons must take notice. No one can plead ignorance of the
19, 1931, that verification is rendered extremely difficult, if not registration.
impossible, especially due to the supervening event of the second Contrary to the appellate court's conclusion, respondents are not
world war during which practically all public records were lost or innocent purchasers for value. Where a purchaser neglects to make the
destroyed, or no longer available. necessary inquiries and closes his eyes to facts which should put a
reasonable man on his guard as to the possibility of the existence of a
EGAO v. CA defect in his vendor's title, and relying on the belief that there was no
FACTS: This is a land dispute which culminated in the filing by private defect in the title of the vendor, purchases the property without making
respondents Severo Dignos and Severo Bontilao of a verified complaint any further investigation, he cannot claim that he is a purchaser in good
for Quieting of Title and/or Recovery of Possession and Ownership faith for value.
against petitioners Apolonio and Beatriz Egao. Furthermore, a private individual may not bring an action for reversion
Private respondents' complaint alleged that they are the legitimate or any action which would have the effect of cancelling a free patent and
owners and possessors of two (2) parcels of land per deed of absolute the corresponding certificate of title issued on the basis thereof, with the
sale. result that the land covered thereby will again form part of the public
Allegedly, upon purchase of Lot No. 662 from Roberto Marfori, domain, as only the Solicitor General or the officer acting in his stead may
improvements were introduced and taxes paid by private respondents. do so.
Sometime in June 1983, herein petitioners allegedly occupied illegally The rule of pari delicto non oritur actio (where two persons are equally at
portions of the land. fault neither party may be entitled to relief under the law), admits of
Petitioners' answer to the complaint asserted that Apolonio Egao is the exceptions and does not apply to an inexistent contract, such as, a sale
registered owner of the parcel of land known as Lot No. 662; that he void ab initio under the Public Land Act, when its enforcement or
(Apolonio Egao) and his family have been in actual, physical, adverse, application runs counter to the public policy of preserving the grantee's
open and continuous possession thereof even before the issuance to him right to the land under the homestead law.
Sec. 51, par. 2 of the Property Registration Decree (PD 1529), formerly
Sec. 50 of the Land Registration Act (Act No. 496) expressly provides that
the registration of the Deed is the operative act that binds or affects the
land insofar as third persons are concerned. The law requires a higher
degree of prudence from one who buys from a person who is not the
registered owner, when the land object of the transaction is registered
land. While one who buys from the registered owner need not look
behind the certificate of title, one who buys from another who is not the
registered owner is expected to examine not only the certificate of title
but all factual circumstances necessary for him to determine if there are
any flaws in the title of the transferor, or in his capacity to transfer the
land. Failing to exercise caution of any kind whatsoever is tantamount to
bad faith.
Deeds of sale of patented lands, perfected within the prohibited five (5)
year period are null and void (Sec. 124, Public Land Act). No title passed
from the Egaos to Marfori which could be validly transferred to herein
respondents Bontilao and Dignos.
While the government has not taken steps to assert its title, by reversion,
to a homestead sold in violation of the Public Land Act, the vendor or his
heirs is better entitled to the possession of the land, the vendee being in
no better situation than any intruder.
Accordingly, respondents who are not innocent purchasers for value have
no standing to question petitioners' right to the land and to file an action
for quieting of title.

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