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The Funeral Services Sampler Page

Sample Words of Welcome and Introduction

#1 Carry In: Music Sailor

Gather company loved ones friends give thanks what meant be involved in life with G. R.
died at home following battle with cancer.
Were here today as testimony to the value of Gs companionship in whatever capacity that
was companionship within the personal domain of home and family and all the affections
that develop there companionship in workplace and neighbourhood wherever he put his
hand or the work of his hands 69 years exchange giving receiving building the
substance of respect.
Consolations to family: mention whatever names are good to mention
Reading: If we cared for him less
The time we spend here in this chapel is all about being human and expressing the unsettling
mix of emotions and responses tears are human, smiles are human, hugs and warmth are
human, laughs and agreement in things shared in common all part of who we are and at
the heart of our meditation and words, the humanness of G we gather celebrate that
what made him tick his individuality, character, habits, quirks out of the gifts abilities
ambiguities within him we reached out his hand and his heart and contributed .. and he has
left something in you what you take of that and do with it is up to you but this brief time
together, reminds us how good it is to be in relationship, to have love and friendship, and to
see so much evidence in how G. lived his life, that the opportunity to live and create, is a
fabulous gift.
Following service here: back to house give address

#2 Reading John Donne

We gather for one lifes rich moments where we signal the end of a life and try and express
what that means give thanks life D. H. to honour her memory with this dedicated
moment of warmth and affection shes lived long life and in the course of her years she
has been a companion in journey many others 89 years of exchange some of it in a
relationship of great depth wife to W. and mother her two sons, names others have
entered her affections daughters-in-law, grandchildren, Her life may not have reached to
the headlines, but by that wonderful mystery of belonging that God has placed within us, D.
Nana, Mum reached to your hearts.

We know something of the diminishing John Donne talked about when we lose one whos
impact and effect on us has been a significant and today in this place warmth simple
quietness, we let our own hearts go where they have go our minds think whatever they will
think and with a generous spirit, honour her memory. Out of the gifts abilities, ambiguities
strengths she possessed, she sought live a good and purposeful life.
Readings about mothers
Reading from Psalm 139
Early Prayer

#3. Reading: Not How did they die

Ad lib opening introduction of self

Gather as company loved ones and friends because of the reality that S. has died
Might all seem a bit unreal and certainly has been incredibly hard for many of you
Pain has cut deep that happens when were close to people
Many you very close S. in the family bonds in the workplace in friendship and
youve poured a lot her way
We gather to perform what is a difficult task, but not beyond us
To mourn and to celebrate uneasy mix
Being able to fully and unashamedly admit and administer the personal senses of loss and
grief is an essential part of this service in that regard tears have to be allowed flow and
hearts that are broken need to be allowed to be broken in this place of safety
Just as essential is the ability to be free as human beings in acknowledging the great value of
Ss place among you in that regard, smiles are important also, and even if a laugh should
want to come as some comment is made or anecdote told, that shouldnt be quenched S
has been in your world for different lengths of time and from different angles and you
valued that and you know her memory is worth a generous spirit her personality her
character her individuality the gifts strengths and ambiguities she brought to life what
she added all cause for celebration and thats what you have made this gathering for

To do well at both to express loss freely and fully to express friendship freely and fully ..
thats why weve come hope some of you speak.

Woman in her 30s so full of health and work and friendship We know that her death
wasnt an accident within her heart something overwhelmed her she was obviously
carrying a burden that cut very deep and very heavy and for which she could see no
resolution she knew friends would give all they could and some of you have and you
know how she would have valued that but in the end she made a decision not a good
one very tragic in fact that for S being off the planet was better than being on it many of
us know what that feels like and for that reason, ( because probably more of us than we
would want to let on carry something pretty weighty) great many of you would have no
feelings other than a huge sense of compassion and love as humans we go looking for
answers, we ask questions to which there are no simple answers. It seems to be in our nature
to chastise ourselves that we should have seen signs, we should have done this or should not
have done that the important things is that all of us continue to reach out to people with
love and genuineness

Can I just say that no matter how burdens of heart soul and mind might diminish or frighten
us, there is always a way through and S. didnt quite hang on long enough to prove that. She
died having put on paper her closing thoughts for those closest to her.
We gather to make this important personal and collective statement of the love esteem and
admiration in which S. B. was held a vivacious bubbly infectious character that attracted
people to her

#4. Gather company loved ones friends give thanks life effort contribution of S. M.
S. was 86 had big stroke last Wednesday and from that point family knew that things
drawing to inevitable conclusion This service is about giving thanks in whatever way is
your way Thanks for all S. has meant in influence, his presence, in friendship in service
to King and country thanks for what he gave in the home in the workplace and wherever
else his hand, voice, heart and influence reached.

This service also about celebrating what Ss life amounted to and counted for his
personality, his individuality, his manhood with generous spirit flying his flag.
Today is also about the heart of the living Ss family consolations and goodwill to
Hymn: The Lords My Shepherd
Reading: To Everything there is a season

Sample Eulogies
#1 Ballater in Scotland in 1908 is long way from Wellsford NZ 2000
But there on little farm south inland from Aberdeen , she born youngest 4 children all have
died now and all attained good age
Trained nurse at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary very proud be trainee that establishment
had give up her work there when her mum suffered stroke and M. had to come home
Margaret then built and ran tearooms still there few changes but operating as tea
rooms still c32 yrs age when married farmer A. and from then on she became a farmers
wife two sons born in Banchory In early 1950s family looked at their prospects
small farm ... limited production no chance getting bigger one made decision bring
family NZ where heard best dairy farming in world and make something more for themselves
and particularly the boys big move for woman in mid 40s but as woman who always
very positive, made good adjustment
even though her Scottish heart still longed for the Highlands, M. did get back Scotland several
times and admitted that coming NZ was good for family.

Made new life around Kaiwaka,eventually retiring to Wellsford where J. 1976

Three big interests shine through as expression Ms individuality: Golf, gardening and bowls
Loved garden growing flowers always nicking cuttings her golf bag usually came
back with cuttings tucked away presumably from local Golf Course but who knows?
Did very well at Bowls both indoor and outdoor M first woman win Provincial Open Singles
in outdoor bowls Always had piano in house which now passed on B and K I believe
good at playing piano and reputedly could sing well when younger.
Back in Scotland she had played some bridge but that not so readily available in Kaiwaka in
those days

M. raised two successful sons took no nonsense from them or from anyone lot people
felt told off you knew exactly where you stood with her didnt hesitate correct you if she
thought you wrong a no holds barred forthright woman understand some grandchildren
liked wind her up and then predictably copped it when she twigged always twinkle in eye
loved having friends in for cup tea visitors virtually forced in for cuppa loved being in
place company and company friends

In Rural Scotland and in rural New Zealand in the club rooms in the home of family in
larger gatherings and in one on one M. has outworked her being a good-natured and
likeable lady good long and fruitful life we commend her soul to Gods keeping and bid
her rest in peace.

#2 I guess for most us life and purpose is made up of similar collection building
blocks childhood, youth, work, where we live, family life and how we do that, interests and
friends and for many men of Vs generation, war service War service something he
didnt talk a lot about perhaps had quieter and less threatening time of it than many others
sometimes we just have to go with the flow of what life delivers when V was 4 he
dropped by father advised not play any contact sport found noisy environments
uncomfortable also bit colour-blind 1942 entered service in Fire and Rescue crew for
airforce served overseas for 13 months 1944-1945 in Pacific

V born just out Melbourne Australia, came NZ as infant when mum and dad moved here and
after little time Auckland, moved Masterton.
Vionel first born, 3 brothers J. and B. F. and two sisters T. and B.

Growing years spent Masteron family ran furniture/carpet/furnishing shop there A grade
student good IQ after finishing schooling worked in shop with dad before going into
armed forces when around 18.

On his return from war went back home Masterton and took job with Post Office as telephone
operator and spent pretty much all working life in public service . They also years of
raising family L. and J. married 1947 and had nearly 30 years together before parting

His work brought family eventually to Auckland after brief spell in Te Puke as stepping-stone
and from 1959 until 1976 the F. family lived within earshot of the crows at Eden Park at #XX
Cricket Avenue.

One of Ls jobs which got him into a TV documentary, was as a mail sorter on Railways
Auckland Taihape sorting mail when the PO did it that way L also worked in the mail
room and on switchboard for P.O., Railways, and hospitals at Greenlane and Auckland. Lot
shift work throughout those working years Also able help number his children get jobs
different places. In years leading up to retirement L worked as storeman at

In retirement he delivered pamphlets and circulars, enjoying the exercise and making a bob or
two out of the dogs need for a walk.
V. remarried 1977 W.T. and they shared some years together in Maioro St before her death.
For last 7 years L had little unit Fowlds Ave Mt Albert.

Kids got to know V. as walking encyclopaedia any problems with homework, phone call
Poppa and hed likely have answer won some general knowledge competitions read lot
novels and knowledge books tackled lots crosswords good with hands attempt
own home renovations, made wooden toys when kids small, made own ginger beer, bottled
fruit, into hydroponics, developed his own photos 10-12 trips Oz took some kids
sometimes genuine interest in the garden grew fine vege garden, very proud his
rhododendrons went to Rhodo festival New Plymouth.

In earlier days family holidays in old Bradford everyone singing as they travelled V.
musical man adding his pleasant bass voice to others and down there on beach with kids
pulling tuatuas In latter days Mah Jong and bridge at the Senior Cits Club.
Invite Other Tributes
The hand of Time recorded
Throughout the years each phase of life, each address, something remember V has left
now left a family who deemed him be a fantastic father good provider looked after
family wonderful dad couldnt wish for a better one firm and strict with them didnt
hit them all got know taste Sunlight Soap if swore in house a man who has put so much
into them and seen them rise. V was chap who put others ahead of himself liked peace
and quiet very discreet in lots ways he good if asked for advice But now, he has filled
niche finished his task life has had purpose and success, and today we gather to make
statement together, that it was good to have V among us and beyond that, in quiet place
own minds, thoughts and feelings that are yours valuing what it mean to have V share life
with you.

Sample Snippets of Readings

I'd like to think when life is done,

That I had filled a needed post;
That here and there I'd paid my fare
With more than idle talk and boast;
That I had taken gifts
Authorship unknown to me

Don't think of him/her as gone away

His/her journey's just begun;
life holds so many facets -
this earth is only one.
Just think of him/her as resting
Authorship unknown to me

Death is nothing at all;

I have only slipped away into the next room.
I am I, and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other,
that we are still
Canon Henry Scott Holland

Let me die, working

Still tackling plans unfinished, tasks undone!
Clean to its end, swift may my race be won.
No laggard steps, no faltering, no shirking:
Let me die, working!
Let me die, thinking .
S. Hall Young
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
"Life is but an empty dream!"
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!

And the grave is not its goal;
"Dust thou art, to dust returnest,"
Was not spoken of the soul.
Then other stanzas
Henry W Longfellow

W.H. Auden
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone;
prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone;
silence the pianos and with muffled drum

Lord,make me an instrument of your peace

Where there is hatred, let me sow love:
Where there is injury, pardon

Not how did they die

but how did they live
And not what did they gain
but what did they give
These are the units to measure their worth
A person as a person regardless of birth
Not what was their station
Authorship unknown to me

That person is a success - who has lived well, laughed often and loved much
who has gained the respect of intelligent adults and the love of children;
who has filled his/her niche
Adapted from A G Stanley

I would like the memory of me

to be a happy one
I would like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done
I would like to leave an echo that springs softly down the ways
Of happy times, of laughing times,
of bright and sunny days
I would like the tears of those who cry to dry before the sun
Of happy memories that I leave
when life is done.
Authorship unknown to me

Siegfried Sassoon

Everyone suddenly burst out singing:

And I was filled with such delight
As prisoned birds must find in freedom

Under the wide and starry sky,

Dig the grave and let me lie:
Glad did I live and gladly die
R.L. Stevenson
Seafarer's 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my Pilot;
Therefore I shall not drift.
He lighteth me across the dark waters

I am standing on a sea shore;

a ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze
and starts for the blue ocean.
She is an object of beauty and strength,
and I stand and watch her until
And just at the moment when someone
at my side says "There! she's gone",
there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready
to take up the glad shout,
"There she comes!"
And that is dying.

From The Prophet

Kahlil Gibran
You would know the secret of death
But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life.
For life and death are one,
even as the river and the sea are one.
In the depth of your hopes and desires

The hand of Time recorded my being,

and I am a living page in the book of the universe.
The Day of My Birth

From the bed of my birth to the place where I died

And a thousand shoulders on the way
I added my touch ... it might not have been much ..
Bruce McGrail

If I should go before the rest of you

Break not a flower, nor inscribe a stone;
Nor when I'm gone speak in a Sunday voice,
But be the usual selves that I have known.
Weep if you must, parting is hell.
But life goes on so sing as well.
Joyce Grenfell.

Remember me when I am gone away,

Gone far away into the silent land:
When you can no more hold me by the hand
Than that you should remember
and be sad.
Christina Rossetti (1830 - 1894)

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence

If you cared for her/him less

If she/he had been less worth caring for,
the road would be less heavy going.
Joy has to be paid for
and sorrow is the price of love.
If we never allowed ourselves to care for anyone
then there would be no such thing as sorrow. J M Barrie

How hard it is to find a capable wife! She is worth far more than jewels.
Her husband puts his confidence in her, and he will never be poor

I shall never forget my mother, for it was she who planted and nurtured the first seeds of
Good within me. She opened my heart to the impressions of nature; she awakened my
understanding and extended my horizon, and her precepts exerted an everlasting influence
upon the course of my life." Immanuel Kant

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Then other stanzas
Dylan Thomas

Authorship unknown to me
It is time to go.
I can smell it, Breathe it, Touch it
Time to step out
Of the world I shaped and watched become.


Marcus Aurelius
What a small portion of infinite and immeasurable time is allotted to each of us. It is so
quickly swallowed up by eternity. How small is the clod of earth on which you crawl about.
Remember all these things and consider nothing great but this: do what Nature bids you, and
suffer what Life brings.

To begin with, every page is blank,

until a word, a smudge, a paragraph
is set down upon it
Rod McKuen

Deep peace of the running wave to you

Deep peace of the flowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep peace of the shining stars to you
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you.
Fiona McLeod

May the road rise up to meet you,

may the wind be always at your back,
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
and the rain fall soft upon your fields,
and until we meet again
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Irish Blessing.

May He support us all the day long (in this troublous life) until the shades lengthen, and the
evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is
done! Then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the
last. Cardinal Newman

The Lord bless you and keep you

The Lord make His face shine upon
and be gracious to you.
The Lord lift up his countenance on you, and give you peace.

To everything there is a season

A time for every purpose under heaven
A time to be born, and a time to die
A time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted
Ecclesiastes Ch 3 verses 1-8

Show me O Lord, my life's end

and the number of my days;
let me know how fleeting is my life.
You have made my days a mere handbreadth,
the span of my years is as nothing before you.
Each one's life is but a breath.
Psalm 39 verses 4-5

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures: He
leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of
righteousness for His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are
with me; Your rod and your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the
presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness
and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Do not be worried or upset, Jesus told them. Believe in God and believe also in me. There
are many rooms in my Father's house, and I am going to prepare a place for you. I would not
tell you this if it were not so. And after I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and
take you to myself, so that you will be where I am. John 14:1-3

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live.
And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. John 11:25-26

Sleep that no pain shall wake,

Night that no morn shall break,
Till joy shall overtake
Her perfect peace.
Christina G. Rossetti

When we die we leave behind

us all that we have and take with us all that we are.

Depending on how a man lives,

he may die old at 40 or young at 80.

There are worse things

than death for some people -
take life for instance!

Since three quarters of the earth's surface is water and one third land, it is perfectly clear the
good Lord intended that man should spend three times as much time fishing as he does

All mankind is of one Author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not
torn out of the book, but translated into a better language No man is an island, entire of
itself and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
John Donne, from 'MEDITATION XVII'
I want to be thoroughly used up when I die,
For the harder I work, the more I live
George Bernard Shaw

If I had my life over again,

I'd try to make more mistakes next time.
I would relax, I would loosen up
I would be sillier than I have been this trip
unknown author, probably in their eighties

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is a beauty, admire it.
Life is a bliss, taste it
Mother Teresa

No-one knows the true worth of a man but his family.

The dreary man drowsing, jaw-dropped in the commuter train
Pam Brown b.1928

We do not care how many wrinkles he may have or how his rheumatism makes him limp or
how the grey colours his hair, he is still the same great man and the object of our love and
adoration. Leroy Brownlow

Always a father, always a friend

Wonderful someone on whom we depend
Sometimes a comforter, quietening fears
Authorship unknown to me

The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another;
and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make

Alive, awake ... we anguish for the dead ... we wail and weep.
But it is for ourselves that tears and tearing at the heart is done.
We do not grieve because the earth reclaims its own.
We weep because we're suddenly deprived of good companions...
Rod McKuen

If you cared for her/him less ... If she/he had been less worth caring for,
the road would be less heavy going.
Joy has to be paid for and sorrow is the price of love.
If we never allowed ourselves to care for anyone
then there would be no such thing as sorrow.
J M Barrie

Sample Christian Prayers

#1. God our Father, at whatever level of trust in you each of us has, we pause,
we pause ... just to think ... to consider life .... the one we each live and know about ... and
the idea of some further journey which we know much less about.
This is a sacred moment for us because life is sacred. You have given to each of us, a place
to belong, and ........ has belonged in the lives and affections not only of ourselves, but also of
others through the years. We are thankful for this. We are thankful for how he/she gave. We
are thankful for how he/she allowed us the blessing of giving. We are thankful for his/her
heart, his/her spirit, his/her service, his/her strength, his/her humour. We are thankful for the
ways in which he/she inspired, for how he/she challenged. We are thankful for every good
thing we saw in .........., and for the friendship and anchoring we drew from being part of
his/her world. His/Her journey has run its course. We still have opportunity to finish ours.
May we learn ... from ........ from others... and from You, just how we can do that with success.
We let him/her go, thankful to have been part of his/her exchange. And as we determine to
hold his/her memory dear now that light has lifted from his/her pathway, so also, we look for
your light to continue upon ours. Comfort us in our loss and sorrow we pray. Help us to get a
better handle on all life has been designed to offer us. This is our meditation, and our
request, In Jesus Name AMEN.

#2 God our Father, this hurts, we'll be honest about that, and although this is new territory for
us, You understand. At whatever level of trust in you each of us has, whether it's solid
uncertain or non-existent, and with all our uncertainties about how you and we might connect,
we pause . Then small text as above

#3 God our Father, we know that death is the destiny of everyone, and we, the living
take this to heart. Here, today, we are reminded of the sanctity of life, and the sacred air
which the ending of a life seems to hold. We are also aware of our humanity as we see how
deeply we feel ... the friendship, the celebration, the relief, the grief, the loss, the sorrow, the
pride, the thanks, humility, the love .. Our hearts are touched as we contemplate the reality of
being parted in this life from ......... Help us as we come to grips with this and as we release
him/her to his/her eternal rest while we continue our own pilgrimage. You allowed us to enjoy
's love interest companionship and friendship, and we thank you. We are grateful for all
we have been able to share with ........... Now, with unashamed sorrow, yet with sincere
thanks, we release ........from our lives, confident in your mercy, justice and eternal love,
looking for your comfort, O God of all comfort. This we ask in Jesus' Name, AMEN

#4 Secular Meditation "It is good to belong with others to be a friend, and to have a friend.
It is enriching. We didn't always need to be in each others' lives ... we didn't always need to
talk deeply, but we could if we wanted to or needed to. Im pleased I was able to be part
of .........'s journey. Yes Im thankful for that, and I trust he/she found benefit or happiness in
the part I played, however small or infrequent. I am thankful for what we shared together. If I
was able to give something good, that is a blessing, and for what .. gave to me I say
thankyou. Rest in Peace."

#5 God our Father, in this time of quietness, of sober reflection and of loss, we look for your
comfort. We cannot understand all of your ways we cannot understand all of life. But we
do know the love and friendship we valued when ...... was with us. It is in our hearts to give
thanks, to celebrate and to recognise .......s life. May we be reminded of the true values of
living for this life, and find comfort in your unfailing love.

Sample words of Committal.

These are the words that normally end the service

Sample #1
As we accept life, so must we also accept death as one of the unchanging laws of human
It is with grateful hearts that we remember all the good things we were able to share
with .. It was good that we could share in his life and receive from his soul.
With his journey now ended, we commend his soul to the love and grace of God,
and we commit his body to the elements earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
., you have walked among us flesh, blood, mind, heart, and spirit. You
have brought strength you have brought light we value everything you have been, and
everything you have sought to be.
For our part, we remember that we pass this way but once, to leave in the lives of
others, a worthy legacy, and a fond affection.
Rest in Peace.
Sample #2
......................, the blessings, the difficulties, the joys, the challenges, the creating, the work,
the love, the giving, the receiving - all have run their course. Your work is finished and your
reward awaits you.
Her/his spirit has moved on and we have not the insight to know all that that state
actually involves. But her/his body which for all these years housed her/his soul has finished
it's purpose, and we therefore, with loving and reverent dignity commit her/his body to the
elements - earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
.............................., you have finished your course and left your mark. Your
workmanship continues in the generations which follow you, and a living memorial is left in
the hearts of those who you have touched. Nothing more can be asked other than that we let
you go.
If we can profit from her/his example ... if we can learn from her/his mistakes ... if,
through looking at ......................'s own pilgrimage we can find our own pathway with more
steadiness and purpose, we will do well, and her/his investment on earth can continue. If we
can learn to live a little more generously, and learn to enjoy our own journey a little more
because of her/his example, then her/his work does not fully die.
Above all, perhaps we can allow her/his death to challenge us to also, seek to leave
for others, good memories and an excellent legacy.

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