Verizon Balanced Scorcard
Verizon Balanced Scorcard
Verizon Balanced Scorcard
The onus now shifted on the Human Resources department to be able to justify their contributions
to the company. A lot of spending had taken place on hiring and training, however no measure was
available as of now to be able to measure the performance of HR. Hence, the company needed a
quantifiable metric to measure HRs performance. In light of this need, GTE decided to take up the
Balanced Scorecard approach which is explained in the next section.
Talent Expanding the employee pool and ensuring the correct mix
Leadership Mentoring high potential employees to become future leaders
Customer Service and Environment supporting employee engagement, analysis of
Support companies products & services
Organizational integration Better sharing of information inside organization
HR Capability Better talent management
Going further, a Planning, Measurement and Analysis (PMA) group was formed to help take these
strategic thrust towards a realistic model. After a lot of research, surveys and deliberations, the
scorecard went live in 1999. It initially consisted of 118 measures. These were organized into four
Strategic Perspective:
It looked at the HR departments role in bringing in the right kind of talent, inculcating a culture of
leadership, identifying future leaders, creating a conducive environment for intra organizations
Customer Perspective:
Focused on the ability of HR to project the organization as a great place to work and thereby
attracting the top talent by bringing in the necessary support systems.
Operations Perspective:
Dealt with mainly the support systems and the efficiency of those processes as an overall indicator
of the performance of the HR department.
Financial Perspective:
Focused on firstly controlling the employee churn rate by offering attractive packages and further on
generating the necessary return on these human assets.
The questions/area of concerns mentioned in the respective perspectives were used to set the
various metrics as discussed initially.
Further, to be able to quantify these measure the indexing approach was used. Also, to be able to
normalize the performance over various different measures, the indexing was even more important.
Based on the previous periods data (and industry benchmark in one quarter cases), targets were set.
Index was then defined in reference to the target. Achieving the target exactly put the index at 100%
and bettering the target increased the index in the corresponding ratio.
The weights assigned to each measure was the same initially, with a view to alter the weight to
reflect the changing priorities of the company.
To effectively communicate the periodic results of the new system, a software called Pv Views was
used. A lot of data points were made available and results were depicted in a visually appealing way.
Color coding (red being under performing, yellow being par and green exceeding expectations) was
used as a signalling mechanism. Furthermore, data was available in a hierarchal fashion, which
allowed the upper management to drill down in depth if needed.
No weightage as per complexity Various different parameters are different in terms of difficulty
level to achieve; Hence they need to be assigned different
Customer Perspective Surveys These parameters were measured basis surveys conducted on
1/12th population across divisions, which could reflect
inconsistency across different periods
Further these statements in some case were too generic to be
able to capture a detailed parameter correctly
1. Review Process
2. Financial Payoffs
3. Link to Compensation
Customer Service
EEL Internal Quality
and Satisfaction
However, these factors do not include the Employee Relative Growth parameter, which will directly
affect the employees performance. Neither a similar measure is included in other linkages. These
parameters become even more critical with companys focus on reducing the separation rate with
the implementation of the GTE framework. Some of the inclusions could be