Debt Restructuring: Alternatives and Implications: On Business Education
Debt Restructuring: Alternatives and Implications: On Business Education
Debt Restructuring: Alternatives and Implications: On Business Education
Many companies across the world
currently experience financial trouble
during the past few years because of
recent global economic setbacks. Cash-
strapped companies struggle to meet
debt obligations and covenants at a time
when lenders who are also facing the
same economic problems look for ways
to protect their own financial interests.
Before being forced into bankruptcy, a
financially distressed company and its
lenders can employ debt restructuring
schemes that sufficiently reduce the
debtors cash crunch so it can improve
operations and avoid bankruptcy. A
classic example of this is the case of a
big steel company in the USA which has
been struggling with its earning
performance since 2003. The company
proceeded with a restructuring of its debt
and became optimistic they will emerge
financially stronger because of a vastly
reduced debt (see Box 1).
Financially troubled companies
may resort to debt restructuring as an
avenue to financial recovery. FASB
(Financial Accounting Statements Board)
Statement No. 15 states that a troubled
debt restructuring occurs when the
creditor, for reasons related to the
*Ms. Gina Manaligod is a faculty of the Accountancy Deparment, De La Salle University - Manila
Jan - Feb 2005 1 Notes on Business Education
debtors financial difficulties grants a
concession to the debtor that it would Box 1.
otherwise not consider. The standard A big steel company
goes on to say that the creditor s
in Ohio, USA has been
objective, whatever the form of
struggling with its earnings
concession that may be granted, is to
make the best out of a difficult situation. performance because sales
The creditor expects to obtain more cash volumes are down to
or other value from the debtor to increase depressed levels and
the probability of receipt, by granting the resulting price pressures.
concession than by not granting it During 2004, this steel
(Pariser 1989). company reported a fiscal
FASB Statement No. 15 further second quarter net loss of
states that among the factors to consider $13.4 million compared with an $11.8 million loss in the same period last
when assessing whether debtors are year. For the first six months of fiscal year 2004, the company posted a $17.5
experiencing financial difficulties include million net loss compared with a P37.4 million loss a year earlier. Instead of
whether the company (1) is in default on
giving up and turning to bankruptcy proceedings, management kept the
its debt; (2) has either filed or will soon
flame of hope burning by pursuing alternative courses of action.
file for bankruptcy; (3) is able to continue
as a going concern; (4) projections Management continued to concern itself on how to make the company a
indicate that cash flows will be viable and financially sound steel supplier.
insufficient to satisfy its contractual debt
obligations; (5) has outstanding The company proceeded with a restructuring of its cost and debt to
securities that have been de-listed; or (6) support operations and meet capital expenditure needs. The restructuring
has limited access to capital due to focused on reducing the aggregate principal amount outstanding in its
deteriorating credit worthiness (Beier and $300 million secured notes and revising the terms governing interest
Prinzivalli 2003). If these financial payments. At the same time, the companys parent company is willing to
difficulties are caused by temporary make additional significant cash infusion necessary for a successful financial
market forces and not by bad restructuring. Management is optimistic that they will emerge from this
management, it may still be cured by
process financially stronger with a vastly reduced debt load (Sacco 2004)
restructuring debt agreements rather
than by forcing liquidation.
A troubled debt restructuring may
be achieved in either of two ways. First, of asset that companies may offer in preferred stock. This arrangement is
the debt may be settled at the time of troubled debt restructuring include cash, referred to as equity swap.
restructuring. In this situation, the receivables, inventory, property, plant The debt may also be continued
creditor may try to actually settle the debt and equipment and intangible assets. but with modified terms. Under this likely
outright at the time of the troubled debt This arrangement is called an asset swap. occurrence, the creditor allows the debt
restructuring. The creditor may agree to Creditors may also accept other to continue but modifies the terms of the
accept an asset with a fair value less than forms of payment such as equity debt agreement to make it easier for the
the carrying amount of the liability as instruments like common stock and debtor to comply. To recoup part of their
final settlement of the debt. The types investment, creditors often consider
partial principal settlements, payment
extensions or holidays, interest rate
adjustments or any combination of the
Creditors may also accept other forms of payment such above concessions. Some lenders may
also accept modifications to non-cash
as equity instruments like common stock and preferred stock. terms such as covenants, waivers,
This arrangement is referred to as equity swap. recourse, provisions or collaterization,
while others may demand representation
to the companys board of directors
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