Magic Hill Rules
Magic Hill Rules
Magic Hill Rules
~ .
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action chips
A magical family game for 2-5 players ages 8+
Author: Rudiger Dom
Illustration: Graham Howells (SGA Illustration & Design Agency) : .
Design: Graham Howells, Ravensburger
Ravensburger Gamese No. 26 239 7
Shuffle the cards well. Each player receives three hidden cards.
PREPARATION The rest of the cards form the face-down, pick-up pile.
Before the first game:
Care must be taken when releasing the pre-punched partS from
the perforated board. RULES OF THE GAME
Playing cards and ~:-;-:.:iga goblin Conditions for a level change are:
. One is not allowed to change levels from the corner squares
Through playing his cards, tt'e ~~. IC'"secas .',ich goblin, and of each level.
the distance it may be movec . The neighbouring square on the next higher level may not
be occupied by a goblin.
. The number of the first card p!aj~ c;etermineswhich
goblin should be moveG Illustration
. The number of the secooG ~ ?OSSiblythe third card, Annie plays the cards 'T, "4" and "2". Rrst she moves her "thirdgoblin"
determine the number c! ~ :'GI this goblinmay forwardfoursquares and reaches one of Ben's
advance. goblins, at the end of her move. Thenshe changes
levels and moves another step in the directionof
Youcan also playa joker,:~ =- ...:,;'"'g
a number card. herchoice.
Several jokers may be pia. eG - 7'C ~ ,.
. magic stone.. ~~:- 2 e'" the magicstone and places If a player's goblin lands on top of another goblin, who is
it in front 0: - --:sc- ~t awayhe is entitledto one standing on an action chip, one ignores the "action".
extracard;... "'./5 -:.:.
Caution:A~'Z ~ .:s-e:Cf aJ10wedto have more than
two magIc stC':2s ~ -.s ~ession. Ifa player,who
. Goblin,who is already sitting on top of another goblin
(a goblin pair). In this case the arriving goblin pushes the
alreadyc s'" : -a:; {.S:O':les,stops his goblinon yet upper goblin of the goblin pair one square further in the
another a,; ~::;::-~ -: is obligedto take it and to return direction of play. If this goblin then lands on an action chip,
it to tl1e~ - ,5-a';'.c SW'leis discardedforthe restof or a magic stone, then this action must be carried out
the game. immediately. If the goblin lands on yet another goblin
Players, -0 ~ ~ ortwomagicstones,canhave pair, then here too, the upper most goblin gets pushed
oneor t t}e."::2G?r~ j',eirhand,buttheymay onto the next square, in the direction of play, etc.
never I1Se~ =a:: ~ of them in one turn.
. Action dUps. "'"c :' 2,;'er =:'fT1Sit over, carries out the action
and wa:J :-_Z '- :aG' a;~';""concealed.However,if it is a
Annie plays the cards "3" and "2" and moves her "goblin no. three", onto a
goblin pair. In so doing, she shifts Ben's "goblin" onto the next square.
crysta.:2. ~ ~ "2 e- - 2,l'es it from the game. (Compare Ben lands on one of the action chips and carries out the action straight
"Sign~...f:' a::,C'"c.-~-. away. Annie may now playa third card.
Cards used during a turn are discarded. Players pick up cards -- Raven .
from the face-down pack to replace the ones they have used.
Players may only have three cards in their hand, plus one
or two extra cards if they posses magic stone(s). Therefore,
a player may never hold more than five cards.
Once all of the cards have been used from the pick-up pile, the
Theplayerwhoturnsovera raven,
choosesanother player,who then
has to give up a magic stone. This
magic stone is then removed fror.-o
the game.The victimhas to
used cards should be shuffled and placed face down to be used immediately put a card of his
again. choice onto the throw-away pile, now that "e
has lost his right to hold a further card. Following this, ~
raven is taken out of the game. If a player is singled out, b.:i
Exchanging cards doesn't yet have any magic stones, then the raven remains J "';
in front of him until the player receives a magic stone. ~er ;;-~
If a player doesn't want to, or cannot use any of his cards, then happens, he gives up both the raven and the magic stone.
he may change them. The player puts as many of his own cards, (without picking up an additional card of course).
as he wishes, on top of the used-card pile and takes the same
number of new cards from the face-down pile. In so doing, his Secret passageway
turn is over and the next player continues. A goblin reaches the neighbouring
free square on the next level higher
up, through the secret passagewa'J"
Significance of the action chips If a goblin is already occupying tt'.s
square, then the secret passage Q'.
Normally after the action chips have been carried out, they get is blocked. In this case, the gob:~
turned over again. Exception: The "crystal ball" and the "raven" either carries on, (in this round or the next;
chips get removed from the game as soon as they have been withoutchanginglevels,or he waitsuntilthe square~ ~
played and obeyed. becomes vacant. He then, immediately, advances onto this
vacant square, on the next level higher up.
Crystal ball
The player has to turn over three
~ Trap
. ~,.~;; ~'lL~" <~ Yo.urgoblinwilldescendfrom a
concealed action chips using the 'f!'~~ higher level to a lower level via tt'c
crystal ball. Following this, the ; i\ neighbouring square when you fa. --
crystal ball is removed from the. !itJ'..\ a trap. Ifthe square on the lower 2' ::.
game. These three action chips ""J is occupied, you are lucky and
remain upturned until a goblin avoid the drop. However if the sc.z-
lands on them and carnes out the becomes free before you have a chance tc "'"': ...
action, or until a "storm" is upturned. (See your goblin will immediately fall down to the lower C!c:
below) After that, they must be turned face-down again If a goblin falls through a trap while on the lowest level, t'a- -
must return immediately to a village of his choice. His ttr ~'-
Storm here.
The storm causes all the upturned
action chips to be turned face-down Shocking ghost
again. Added to this, the player, If one of yourgoblinsmeets a st-~ -;
whose turn it is, must rotate the ghost, he must immediatelyret.-- -=
Magic mountain 90, in either a a village of his choice and his t..- -
clockwise, or an anti-clockwise over.
direction. The villages stay in
position. They must not be turned.
Flying card
The player who turns over a flyirrg
. card, takes a card from the pick-up
pile straight away and is allowed The first player, whose goblin reaches the summit of the
to play an additional card mountain, wins the game and receives the tower as a ~ ,:::
in his round. This card can be of his victory.
the one he just lifted, or from his You don't need to re.acr the mountain's summit with e1.2C.
hand. right number.
If the player doesn't want to take advantage of
playing an additional card, he simply replaces as many cards
as he is allowed to hold.