4 Food Haccp 4 06
4 Food Haccp 4 06
4 Food Haccp 4 06
Anything from above; meat, starch, Æ Combine (ingredients Cold Plate, serve
vegetables, sauce, 41°F have been pasteurized) Heat 150ºF / 41°F
1. Prepare sauce. Get chopped onions, 1a. Hold in bain marie.
O mushrooms, green peppers, minced garlic. D
Sauté in oil. Add crushed tomatoes, juice,
wine, and seasoning. Bring to a simmer.
Ti 40°F To 205°F t 20 min. Ti 205°F To 165°F t 20 min.
2. Get chicken quarters from refrigerator.
O Remove rib bones.
Ti 40°F To 45°F t 10 min.
3. CCP Place quarters, one layer deep in
O shallow roasting pan. Bake (brown) in
convection oven at 350°F to >165ºF, >15
Ti 45°F To >165°F t 30 min.
4. Remove pan(s) of chicken from oven. 4a. CCP Cool liquid from 135 to 41ºF in <6
O Pour off excess liquid. Save for chicken hr.,
stock. D <2 inches deep or <1-gallon container.
(Save for chicken stock).
Ti >165°F To 155°F t 15 min.
Ti ≥135°F To <41°F t < 6 hr.
5. Cover chicken quarters with sauce.
Ti 155°F To 150ºF t <10 min.
6. Bake at 300°F in convection oven until
D = Delay
O chicken reaches a temperature of 175°F.
Ti 150°F To 175°F t 45 min.
I = Inspect
↓ O = Operate
7. Check. Is the temperature 175ºF? No
I If not, continue to cook. S = Store
↓ Yes T = Transport
8. Cover and transfer to 150°F hot holding
T unit.
Ti 175°F To 150°F t 5 min. Ti = Temp. in
Hold/Serve ↓ To = Temp. out
9. Hold. Serve 1/4 chicken and 3 oz. sauce.
D Use within <2 hr. t = Time to do the step
Ti 150°F To 150°F t <120 min.
Leftovers ↓
CCP = Critical Control Point
10. CCP Cool from 135 to <41°F, <6 hr.,
D ≤2 inches deep or <1-gallon container.
Ti 135ºF To <41ºF t <6 hr.
1. Prepare sauce. Get chopped onions, Supplies are obtained from reputable sources; sauce has low pH and is
mushrooms, green peppers, minced garlic. heated sufficiently to destroy vegetative pathogens.
O Sauté in oil. Add crushed tomatoes, juice,
wine and seasoning. Bring to a simmer.
Ti 40ºF To 205ºF t 20 min.
1a. Hold in bain marie. No pathogenic microbial growth in sauce at >130°F.
Ti 205ºF To 165ºF t 20 min.
2. Get chicken quarters from refrigerator. Vegetative pathogens and spores are con-trolled by low temperature.
O Remove rib bones. Inspect to assure that all bones are removed
Ti 40ºF To 45ºF t 10 min.
3. CCP Place quarters, one layer deep, in Cooking temperature >165°F, >15 sec. assures a >7D salmonellae kill.
O shallow roasting pan. Bake (brown) in
convection oven at 350ºF to >165ºF, >15 sec.
Ti 45ºF To >165ºF t 30 m.
4. Remove pan(s) of chicken from oven. Pour Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
O off excess liquid. Save for chicken stock.
Ti >165ºF To 155ºF t 15 m.
4a. CCP Cool liquid from 135 to 41ºF in Cooling chicken stock from 135 to 41ºF, <6 hr., controls spore outgrowth.
D <6 hr., <2 inches deep or <1-gallon
container. (Save for chicken stock.)
Ti ≥135ºF To <41ºF t < 6 hr.
5. Cover chicken quarters with sauce. Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
Ti 155ºF To 150ºF t<10 min.
6. Bake at 300ºF in convection oven until Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
O chicken reaches a temperature of 175ºF.
Ti 150ºF To 175ºF t 45 min.
7. Check. Is the temperature 175ºF? Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
I If not, continue to cook. No
È Yes
8. Cover and transfer to 150°F hot holding unit. Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
Ti 175ºF To 150ºF t 5 min.
È Hold/Serve
9. Hold. Serve 1/4 chicken and 3 oz. sauce. Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
D Use within 2 hr.
Ti 150ºF To 150ºF t <120 min.
È Leftovers
10. CCP Cool from 135 to <41ºF, 6 hr., ≤2 inches Cooling to <41ºF in 6 hours assures safety. The presence of pathogenic
O deep or <1-gallon container. microorganisms from cross-contaminated products is controlled by
Ti 135ºF To 41ºF t <6 hr. GMPs and SSOPs.
B,C,P = biological, chemical, physical hazard Approved (QC) _________________________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________
CCP = Critical Control Point Approved (Process Authority) ______________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________
2. B:
3. B:
4.. B:
5. B:
6. B:
7. B:
8. B:
9. B:
Gp Ing Lot # EP
# # Ingredients and Specifications / Rec Amt Wt % Verif
Management and Prerequisite Procedures (SSOP / GMP) are in place: personal hygiene, environment / facility /
equipment cleaning and maintenance. Supplies are safe from chemical and physical hazard contamination.
Ingredients that could cause adverse allergic or intolerance reactions:
Pre-preparation (Not a CCP. Washing fruits and vegetables for 2-log / blanch for 5-log reduction or center
pasteurization for 5-log Salmonella reduction assures an ALOP.)
1. Get weighed and measured ingredients for recipe. Identify allergens.
2. Thaw, if required.
3. Trim / cut ingredients. Sort and remove physical hazards.
Leftovers (CCP. Cool for <1-log increase of Clostridium perfringens. Cold hold and prevent >3-log
multiplication of Bacillus cereus. Prevent allergen cross-contamination.)
7. CCP. Cool. USDA 120 to 55ºF, 6 hours (14.2 hours to 40ºF); <2 inches deep or 1-gallon pot.
8. If making cold mixed salad, get all ingredients to 55ºF before mixing. Mix and package and finish
cooling to 40ºF.
9. CCP. For allergen control, do not combine / mix leftovers (rework). Clean food contact surfaces before
the next food is prepared.
ºF Characteristic
250 Sterilization: Clostridium botulinum destroyed, 2.4 minutes
212 Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus toxin not destroyed
>170 Too hot – a hazard
165 Reheating, 15 seconds
160 7-log salmonellae, 0.121 minute (7.2 seconds)
150 Consumer-desired hot food; 7D salmonellae, 1.21 minutes (72 seconds)
135 FDA hot holding
130 Food is scientifically safe; 7-log salmonellae 121 minutes
127.5 Clostridium perfringens stops multiplying
122 Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus stop multiplying
115 Most vegetative cells stop multiplying
95-105 Most rapid multiplication
59 Clostridium perfringens begins to multiply
50 Staphylococcus aureus begins to make a toxin;
Clostridium botulinum types A and B begin to multiply and make a toxin
43 Staphylococcus aureus begins to multiply
41 FDA cold holding; hold raw food until spoiled; RTE food, 7 days; some salmonellae
begin to multiply
39.2 Bacillus cereus begins to multiply
38 E. coli and Clostridium botulinum type E begin to multiply
29.3 Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Aeromonas hydrophila begin
to multiply
28.5 Meat and poultry thaw
23 Spoilage bacteria begin to grow
15 Mold and yeast begin to grow
0 Frozen storage
-40 Food stable