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4 Food Haccp 4 06

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GENERAL calibration has been verified with a direct observation. If any of

Operations shall comply with government regulations that the verifier's results are unacceptable, a Corrective Action
include adequate (HACCP) hazard control and quality assurance Report will be completed (see MANAGEMENT / HACCP TEAM
for receiving, inspecting, transporting, segregating, preparing, section).
manufacturing, packaging, labeling and storing food.
Records review. A records review will be completed on every
Quality assurance operations shall be employed to ensure that batch of product unless a direct observation is performed. When
food is suitable for human consumption and that food packaging performing a records review of any HACCP documentation, the
materials are safe and suitable. verifier will make sure that the records are written in ink,
complete, accurate, performed at proper intervals or times, and
Recipes or production logs will be used by designated employees
that any required corrective action or additional documentation
to document product production and ingredients used.
has been completed. The verifier will initial or sign the
Production procedures shall not contribute contamination from document upon completion of the review and indicate that the
any source. method of verification was a records review. The verifier must
also indicate the results of the review as being either acceptable
Chemical, microbial, or extraneous material testing procedures or unacceptable (pass / fail). If the results are not acceptable, a
shall be used where necessary to identify sanitation failures or Corrective Action Report will be completed (see
possible food contamination.
Cooked food shall be considered to be potentially hazardous Direct observation. A direct observation will be performed a
unless it has a pH less than 4.6 (to control the growth of minimum of once per day per HACCP plan. When performing a
Clostridium botulinum), an aw less than 0.92 (to control growth
direct observation, the verifier will observe the monitor taking
of Bacillus cereus), or is commercially sterilized and in a sealed, and recording the results of the CCP or calibration being
approved container. Food that is not heat pasteurized, such as documented. The verifier will make sure that the proper
salad dressings with raw egg yolk shall have a pH of less than 4.2
procedures are used to take the temperatures of other readings
to control and inactivate Salmonella spp. and aw equal to or less and that the monitor properly records all required times,
than 0.85 (to control growth of Staphylococcus aureus). temperatures, or other readings. The verifier will initial or sign
All food that may have become contaminated or is suspect shall the document upon completion of the direct observation and
be placed on hold and segregated. It shall then be evaluated by indicate the results of the review as being either acceptable or un
the HACCP team and a disposition made. This disposition will acceptable (pass / fail). If the results are not acceptable, a
be dependent upon the evaluation. Corrective Action Report will be completed (see
Determination if a production step is a CCP
1. Could contamination with a hazard occur in excess of
critical limit / acceptable level? (If yes, do 2.) MENU ITEM HAZARD AND CONTROL GROUPS
2. Will a subsequent step eliminate / reduce the hazard to an Some food supplies / ingredients are made safe by the suppliers,
acceptable level? (If no, do 3.) (If yes, go to next step.) while others are made safe by the cook. Encl. 1a shows various
3. This step is required to reduce / prevent / eliminate the categories of supplier-made-safe and cook-made safe ingredients.
hazard to an acceptable level. Encl. 1b is a blank form to be used to list supplier-made-safe and
cook-made safe ingredients used by this facility.
Quality control operations. The manufacturer, distributor, and
holder of food shall at all times utilize quality control operations A copy of the menu is included in this policies manual. Menu
that reduce natural or unavoidable defects to the lowest level item processes will be grouped by the following five USDA-
currently feasible. We will have written specifications for established categories.
ingredients and components that identify criteria essential for the I. Not heat treated, not shelf stable
manufacturing process and product safety. II. Not heat treated, with inhibitors to make shelf stable.
Methods of verification. This facility uses the three methods of III. Fully cooked, not shelf stable
verification as required by 9 CFR 417.4. The following is an IV. Fully cooked, with inhibitors to make shelf stable
explanation of each procedure, frequency, and results of these V. Commercially sterile, shelf stable
verification methods.
Encl. 2 shows food flows for these five microbiological hazard
Calibration. Calibration of instruments such as thermometers control groups.
used for the documentation of CCP temperature is performed on
a weekly basis. Thermometers are calibrated against the
___________ thermometer. The ___________ thermometers are Purchase ingredients for which suppliers can identify the hazards
sent out and certified annually. The certificate of calibration is that they have prevented, eliminated, or reduced to a safe level or
kept on file. The calibration of the thermometers is also verified can tell us the level of hazard that we must prevent, eliminate, or
with a records review of the weekly document. In addition, the reduce to a safe level.
Equipment / Instrument Calibration and Verification Log
CONTROL section) will indicate that, and at least one instrument
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CHEMICAL ADDITIVES Serving raw foods. All raw food has some degree of pathogenic
Sulfites and sulfates shall not be used in any food preparation, microorganism and chemical contamination. There is always a
unless present as an ingredient in a commercial item. question as to the safety of raw food. The best prevention
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) can cause illness in some people strategy is to buy from a safe source. A safe source can best be
if used in excess. It shall be used at 0.5% or less on a weight defined as one where personnel are knowledgeable about the
basis. [For example, no more than 1/8 teaspoon (1.7 g) of MSG hazards of the product and know the process used to assure the
shall be used per 12-ounce portion (340 g) of food.] safety of the food they sell. They can tell you what they have
done to assist you in removing dirt and bacteria from the raw
Nitrates and nitrites, if used in sausage manufacture, shall be
used at a concentration of less than 200 ppm.
There shall be HACCP recipe procedures for the use of any food Hard foreign objects. Be very careful to keep hard and foreign
chemical in a recipe where there is any question of safety. objects out of food. Keep can openers dull. Wrap spice and herb
seeds in cheesecloth bags so they can be removed. Watch for
bones. Remove all packaging material. Do not use staples or
ALLERGIES AND ADVERSE FOOD REACTIONS twist-ties. Always sort through dry beans, lentils, etc. to remove
Customer food allergies can be life threatening. When a rocks.
customer asks about specific ingredients in a menu item, the
cook / food preparer must be able to provide accurate Ingredient control. Observe all ingredients as they are used in
information. There must not be any "secret ingredients" in a food preparation and reject any that are off-color, have strange
recipe. The following is a list of major allergen groups. odors, appear to have bubbles when they should not, show
evidence of insects or rodents, or in any other manner appear to
Cow's milk
be below standard. If you have any doubt, throw it out. Before
disposing of the food, record it on the waste control sheet and
show it to your supervisor. Never use taste or smell to judge
safety. Very hazardous food can smell and taste fine. Do not
add fresh food to old food.
Wheat Allergenic ingredient control. The final step before any
Tree nuts product is produced is to verify that the ingredients being used
are exactly the ingredients that are specified; that the equipment
food contact surfaces are clean; and there will be no ingredient
cross-contamination from the last item produced.
Encl. 3 is an example of a HACCP flow chart for chicken Separate raw and cooked food preparation equipment. Keep
cacciatore. Encl. 4 shows a flow with a full HACCP plan. Encl. raw and cooked food separate. Use separate cutting boards and
5 is an example HACCP plan for the chicken cacciatore. A knives for working with raw and cooked foods. Equipment with
HACCP plan will be developed for each HACCP production raw food contamination must not contact cooked food without
group using the form, Food HACCP Plans, Encl. 6. Encl. 7 is first being cleaned and sanitized. Never store a raw product
an example of a HACCP'd recipe for chicken cacciatore. above a cooked product.
HACCP plans and HACCP'd recipes, product specification
sheets, validation studies, and technical reports for this facility FOOD PREPARATION HAZARD AND CONTROL RULES
will be kept in this section of the manual. Pasteurization and quality temperatures. The following times
and temperatures will be used for pasteurization to destroy
Salmonella 100,000 to 1 (5D) for all foods except roast beef,
which is 3,160,000 to 1 (6.5D).
The critical process control temperatures for developing a
HACCP process are shown in Encl. 8. We will strive to always
meet these critical limits. Temperature ºF Time, 5D Time, 6.5D (roast beef)
165 1.5 seconds instant
160 5.2 seconds >157ºF, instant
RULES 150 52 seconds 67 seconds
Food thawing. Thaw in the refrigerator. Thawing can also be 145 2.7 minutes 3.5 minutes
done in the microwave followed by immediate cooking or in 140 11.2 minutes 11.2 minutes
cold, flowing water. Alternatively, food / meat can be cooked 135 27 minutes 35 minutes
directly from the frozen. If thawing, make sure the center gets
130 112 minutes 112 minutes
thawed by testing with your thermometer for a temperature of
above 32ºF before beginning the cooking process.
Food washing. All raw fruits and vegetables must be double
washed before preparation. Take off the wrapper leaves and put
the vegetables in the first wash sink with a lot of cold water.
Agitate for 1 minute to loosen dirt. Remove from the first sink
and put in the second sink with clean water and scrub / agitate
again. Drain dry.
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Cooking temperatures Hot combination dishes. When cooked or precooked
ingredients are combined and reheated, they must reach a center
Cook to this temperature of 165ºF in less than 2 hours.
Food Item Temperature Cold combination dishes. These foods are always a potential
or Hotter hazard. Wash, cook, cool, and prepare all ingredients separately
Poultry 165ºF, 15 sec. and start with them at a temperature such as 41ºF, so that, when
Ground/punctured meat, combined, the temperature is less than 50ºF. Adding the
fish, pooled eggs 155ºF, 15 sec. flavoring and spices in the sauce or dressing before mixing
Solid cuts of meat, fish, ingredients will help provide uniform flavor distribution. You
eggs to order 145ºF, 15 sec. can prepare large batches if the temperature is always below
Roast Beef 130ºF, 112 min. 50ºF, which controls the toxin production by Staphylococcus
aureus. When preparing these items, always wash hands before
Use a thermometer to check internal cooking temperatures. starting and use sanitized utensils and containers.
Microwave cooking. Cover and cook food to ≥165ºF (stir or
rotate the food during the cooking process), then let the food FOOD TRANSPORT, HOLDING, AND SERVING
stand with cover on for 2 minutes. HAZARD AND CONTROL RULES
Food tasting. Use a fresh, sanitized utensil each time food is Hot holding. To keep food at 135ºF or hotter, preheat
tasted so that contaminants from the mouth will not get into the equipment to 135ºF or hotter before adding food.
food. Food serving temperatures. All foods served to customers
Roasts and thick foods. Once cooked, these food items will be shall be above 135°F (57.2°C) [150°F (65.6°C) for quality] or
kept at >130ºF. below 41°F (5°C) when they leave the service area. Improperly
cooked, warmed, or held food, or food that shows signs of
Sauté and thin foods. A thin-stem, tip-sensitive, calibrated, deterioration, is rejected.
digital thermometer will be used to assure that center
temperatures meet pasteurization standards. Serving, packaging, transporting. Keep hot food covered as
much as possible to maintain surface temperatures and prevent
Sauces, soups, and beverages. Hollandaise and other egg and surface dehydration. Hot food must be above 135ºF or, if
heavy cream sauces do not tolerate continuous 150ºF holding. between 135 and 41ºF, served within 4 hours. If food is open on
Make hollandaise, béarnaise, and mayonnaise sauces with 1 a steam table, buffet, or service line, the surface temperatures
tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice per egg yolk, and they will will be below 130ºF unless the pan is covered. Check on
have a pH of less than 4.1 and be safe. individual portions every 20 minutes, and casseroles at least
Fruits, vegetables, legumes, and cereals. Many fruits are high- every hour. Open, hot food should be discarded if not used
acid foods (pH <4.6) and are not a food safety problem unless within 4 hours.
mixed with meat, fish, or poultry items. Cereals and raw Reheating for hot holding
vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions, cabbage, mushrooms, etc.) 1. Heat food to 165ºF or hotter in 2 hours or less.
are contaminated with spores and before cooking and must be 2. Use a thermometer to check the temperature.
kept cold (less than 41ºF) or packaged to allow air exchange.
After cooking, all vegetables, such as green beans, baked or Beverage dispensing equipment. Make sure all beverage
boiled potatoes, and cereals, such as rice, will have activated dispensing equipment is cleaned regularly, according to
spores and must be maintained above 135ºF or cooled to below manufacturer's instructions.
41ºF within 6 hours. Milk product dispensers. Thoroughly clean milk and milk
Bread, batters, and pastry. Bread and pastry dough are not as product dispensers, such as soft-serve machines (especially the
hazardous as other foods, because normally they are moderately gaskets and O-rings.) Always sanitize them before they are put
dry. Care must be taken if a very moist product is produced. into use each day, and replace gaskets when damaged.
Icing and protein (milk and egg) fillings can be hazardous. Salad bar. Ice in non-refrigerated salad bars shall be filled to
These fillings must be cooled to 41ºF in 6 hours before using in the level of food in the containers. Ice is not needed in
items such as éclairs or custard pies. When a hazardous topping, mechanically refrigerated salad bars. Cold food items must be
such as an egg white meringue, is baked or browned, the center cold (41ºF or less) before being placed in the salad bar, because
temperature of the meringue and temperature at the interface of salad bar units are not designed to cool food. Cold food items
the pie and meringue must reach 165ºF to kill Salmonella. The will slowly warm to about 55°F in the top layers in most salad
pie and meringue must be safely cooled to 41ºF. Cooked bars. Therefore, leftover salad bar product shall never be added
mixtures should be placed in cakes, shells, crusts, or other baked to fresh product beyond the safe time-temperature allowed.
goods while still hot, above 165ºF, then the topping added, and Some leftover salad bar items (e.g., carrot sticks, chopped
the item baked or cooked. This controls contamination on the onions, celery sticks) may be used in a recipe (stews or soups) in
surface of the product. the kitchen.
Batters (such as pancake batter) held at room temperature shall Dispensing tableware and flatware. Tableware and flatware
be discarded after 4 hours of use. (both multiple use and single service) shall be dispensed in a
sanitary manner so that surfaces that come into contact with food
or the mouth are protected from contamination. Handles of

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flatware shall be presented to the user. No unnecessary Quick cooling methods
tableware is left on the table with the customer. All tableware 1. Use shallow pans (for soups, sauces, gravies, etc.): This
left with the customer is washed before it is reused. method can also be used for small-to-medium-sized pieces
of meat.
Sanitary straw dispensers are used for dispensing straws, or
a. Put a 2-inch layer of food in a shallow, metal pan.
wrapped straws shall be used. Sanitary, disposable cup
b. Do not cover.
dispensers are used for customer service.
c. Put the pan in the cooler where cold air can blow
Self-service food, dishes, and utensils. The customer must not across it.
be allowed to return to a salad bar or buffet line for refill with d. Cover, label and date the food after it has cooled.
used dishes. Take the dirty dishes and utensils, and give the 2. Ice bath
customer fresh tableware and a clean plate for additional food. a. Put the food container into an ice bath.
They can return with a used cup or glass for more of a beverage. b. Stir the food every 30 minutes—more often if
Food exposed to the customer. Serve customers only the 3. Add ice instead of water (to soups, stews, etc.)
amount of jelly, butter, bread, cream, etc. that they are likely to a. Add only half the water before cooking.
consume. All unpackaged food left with the customer must be
b. After cooking, add the other half as ice.
thrown out. Packaged food such as crackers and jelly can be 4. Use chilling wands or paddles (for large containers)
reserved. No unnecessary open food is left on the table with the a. Place the clean, frozen wand in the food and stir.
b. Use another rapid-cooling method to finish, such as
Table condiments. Condiment containers shall be clean and the shallow pan method described above.
uncontaminated, not open or abused, and shall be discarded Storage time. Food spoilage microorganisms can grow and
replaced if they appear to be below standard. Individually
continue to reduce the quality of cooked, cooled, ready-to-eat
portioned condiments may be provided for table service or food while it is refrigerated. All stored food must be dated and
counter service. Condiment bins shall be kept clean. rotated. The longer it is held, the lower the quality and customer
Commercially packed condiment containers shall not be refilled.
Ingredients in partially filled condiment containers may be sent
to the kitchen for use in cooking. The values in the HITM Maximum Holding Times at Specified
Temperatures chart are based on anticipated contamination of
Ice. Use tongs or a plastic or metal scoop to fill glasses with ice
food and indicate the estimated time necessary for a 10-
so that there is never a chance of a chip of glass getting mixed in generation multiplication (1:1,024) of pathogenic bacteria in
the ice. Keep all glass (such as coffee pots) and other breakable food.
ceramic tableware away from the ice bins or machine. Never
reuse ice that has been in contact with food packages or used for HITM Maximum Holding Times at Specified Temperatures
displays. If you think that any glass or other contaminating
material has gotten into the ice, throw it out. Maximum Holding Time
ºF 10 multiplications of pathogens
Food removed from temperature control. Ready-to-eat 125 31.0 hr.
cooked food that has remained between 42 and 139ºF for 4 hours 120 5.6 hr.
must be discarded according to FDA Food Code 110 4.7 hr.
recommendations. 60 1.2 da.
Returned food. If a customer returns food or if it is taken from 55 1.7 da.
the department by a customer and left somewhere else in the 50 2.4 da.
store, it is never to be reused. Throw it out. 45 4.0 da.
41 6.5 da.
Leftovers. Progressive food preparation shall be used to 40 7.5 da.
minimize leftovers whenever possible. Leftover food is never 35 19.3 da.
mixed with fresh food. Cooked, pasteurized leftovers that have a 30 123.8 da.
pH of less than 4.6 or aw of less than 0.92 (for spore control) are <30 Safe chilled food holding
not hazardous foods. 28.5 Meat, poultry, fish thaw
Cooling food 23 Spoilage bacteria begin to
Cooling hot foods multiply
1. Cooked / prepared food shall be cooled from 135°F to less 14 Yeasts and molds begin to
than 41°F in 6 hours or less (from 135°F to 70°F within 2 multiply
hours followed by cooling to 41°F or below within a total
cooling time of 6 hours - FDA Food Code). These values have been derived by comparing actual bacterial
2. Use a thermometer to check this. growth with FDA Food Code holding guidelines for ready-to-eat
food that allows 7 days if the food temperature is at 41°F (5°C)
or less, 4 days at 45°F, and 4 hours, for example when food is at

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Storage containers. Single-use items such as plastic bread bags, .
seamed metal cans, ketchup bottles, crimped aluminum pie tins,
and glass jars shall not be reused after original contents have
been removed. Food (particularly high-acid food) shall never be
stored, prepared, and cooked or processed in containers that
contain toxic materials such as galvanized metal, chipped
enamelware, lead and lead glazes, or copper.
Cold holding
Temperature. Keep food at 41ºF or cooler at all times.
1. Foods prepared in the establishment: These foods can be
served for up to 7 days after preparation if they are date
labeled (see below) and stored below 41ºF.
2. Foods purchased in ready-to-eat form (e.g., sliced sandwich
meat and hot dogs): These foods can be served for up to 7
days after opening if they are date labeled (see below) and
stored below 41ºF.
Date labeling. Label a food with its preparation date if it is going
to be held longer than 24 hours.
1. This stops the 7-day clock, but does not set it back to zero.
2. Before freezing a food, label it with the number of days it
was held after cooking or opening.
3. After thawing, the food can be served for the rest of the
original 7 days.
4. If the food was not date labeled before it was frozen, serve
it within 24 hours after thawing or throw it away.
Waste products. Waste products are not stored in any storage


Be especially careful to provide the cleanest possible food with
the lowest bacterial counts for carry-out, catering, and banquet
service. Note food temperatures at the beginning of, and when
possible, throughout, service. Have a plan for the disposition of
the leftovers.
Depending on the food, tell the customer to keep the food above
135ºF or below 41ºF or to eat it within 4 hours. If they cannot
eat it promptly, it must be refrigerated less than 2 inches thick
within 2 hours.


We will maintain traceability of all ingredients in a product so
that if a customer asks us about an ingredient, we can provide an
accurate answer, or if an ingredient is identified for a recall, we
can find and return the ingredient.

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Food HACCP Encl. 1a


Supplier Makes Safe
Raised safe, no treatment Raw oysters, raw beef, raw fish
Raw, not shelf stable Sprouts, berries, nuts, mushroom, fresh herbs, spices, parsley
Receive, store Æ Chop Garnish, combine
41°F Sort Serve
Supplier made safe Meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, juice; Washed fruits and vegetables, dairy, eggs, cheese
Not shelf stable
Receive, store Æ Cut / chop / slice Æ Wash Plate / combine, 41°F
0°F-thaw, 41°F Heat 150°F Serve, 150°F
Supplier made safe Condiments, cake, pie, bread, dry cereal
Shelf stable (pH <4.6 / 4.2,
aw <0.92, additive)
Receive, store Plate / combine
70°F Serve, 70°F
Cook Makes Safe
Raw, wash makes safe Celery, cabbage, lettuce, fruit

Receive, store Æ CCP Double wash (2-log Salmonella Plate / combine

41°F reduction), chemical dip? Dry. Serve, 41°F?
Thick food >2"; oven (low / Roasts, casseroles, smoked meats
high humidity); smoked
Raw meat, fish, Æ CCP Cook / pasteurize Æ Slice, cut Plate, serve
poultry, 41°F >150°F, >1 minute (5-log Salmonella reduction) CCP Cool 150ºF / 41°F
Thin food, <2 inches; grill, Raw meat, fish, poultry, rice, lentils, vegetables
griddle, fry, pH >4.6 Batters (pancakes, waffles), eggs
Raw ingredients, CCP Cook to >150°F, 1 min. Plate, serve
41°F Batter / bread (5-log Salmonella reduction) CCP Cool 150ºF / 41°F
Sauces, soups, pH <4.6 / Salad dressings, marinades, acid beverages, fruit soup
4.2; acid makes safe (Use a container made of acid-safe materials)
Ingredients Æ CCP Mix, pH <4.2, 70°F Plate / combine
Hold 2 days for Salmonella kill or use pasteurized eggs Serve 70°F
Sauces, soups, pH >4.6; Soups (hot / cold), sauces (hot / cold), gravy, glaze, aspics, candy
kettle, pot, boil
Meat, fish, poultry, Æ CCP Cook to >150°F Plate, serve
41°F (5-log Salmonella reduction) CCP Cool 150ºF / 41°F
Bakery (bake, fry) Bread (fermented, flat), cake, pastry

Ingredients Æ Combine / mix ingredients;

70°F and 41°F, 70°F, ferment Æ CCP Cook / Slice, Plate, serve
pH, aw pasteurize, dry cut Cool 150ºF / 41°F
Cold / hot combination Salads, casseroles, sandwiches (hot or cold)

Anything from above; meat, starch, Æ Combine (ingredients Cold Plate, serve
vegetables, sauce, 41°F have been pasteurized) Heat 150ºF / 41°F

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Food HACCP Encl. 1b


Supplier Makes Safe

Cook Makes Safe

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Food HACCP Encl. 2


I. Not heat treated, not shelf stable

CCP Raw, grown CCP Hold, serve / Æ Serve or store
safe, refrigerated package for CCP Refrigerate /
Raw ingredients, Æ Pre-prep Æ Cut, grind, mix Æ vegetative and spore freeze for spore
refrigerated and CCP Wash fruits and control control
frozen vegetables
Meat, fish, shellfish, oysters Lettuce, cabbage Raw fish
Mushrooms Vegetables for salad Soft cheese
Berries Fruit for salad

II. Not heat treated, with inhibitors to make shelf stable

CCP Shelf stable Serve or store
and not shelf stable, CCP Mix, inject, add Shelf stable because
refrigerated (eggs, inhibitors to get pH of pH <4.1 or aw
milk) <4.1, aw <0.92 <j0.92 or combination
Flour Honey butter Cheese
Nuts Spices, herbs
Salt, sugar Oil, lard
Cake icing Vinegar, food acids
Salad dressing

III. Fully cooked, not shelf stable

Raw ingredients, Æ Pre-prep Æ CCP Cook for 5D Æ CCP Hold, serve / Æ Serve or store
refrigerated and Salmonella kill; package for spore CCP Refrigerate /
frozen if low-temp. dry cook, control freeze for spore
<250ºF, then steam control
for 1st hr.; spores
Roast beef, ham, poultry RTE meals
Vegetables, fruit Soup

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IV. Fully cooked, with inhibitors to make shelf stable
Raw ingredients, Æ Wash fruits and Æ CCP Blanch / Æ Hold, serve / Æ Serve or store
refrigerated and vegetables pasteurize / smoke package Shelf stable
frozen CCP Wash; mix, 5D Salmonella kill
inject, add inhibitors
(acid, aw )
Salad dressings, ketchup Jam, jelly Country ham
Soy, fermented sauces Syrup Salted fish
Sauerkraut, pickles, kimchee Peanut butter
Sushi rice Bread, pretzels
Pickled meat, dairy, eggs, vegetables Salt
Pepperoni, salami, ham Spices, herbs
Salted fish, meat
Beer, wine, soda pop

V. Commercially sterile, shelf stable

Raw ingredients, Æ Pre-prep-mix Æ CCP Sterilize, low- Serve or store
refrigerated and Hermetically package acid pH, 9D Shelf stable
frozen proteolytic
Clostridium botulinum
Spaghetti products
Tuna, meat, poultry

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Food HACCP Encl. 3


1. Prepare sauce. Get chopped onions, 1a. Hold in bain marie.
O mushrooms, green peppers, minced garlic. D
Sauté in oil. Add crushed tomatoes, juice,
wine, and seasoning. Bring to a simmer.
Ti 40°F To 205°F t 20 min. Ti 205°F To 165°F t 20 min.

2. Get chicken quarters from refrigerator.
O Remove rib bones.
Ti 40°F To 45°F t 10 min.

3. CCP Place quarters, one layer deep in
O shallow roasting pan. Bake (brown) in
convection oven at 350°F to >165ºF, >15
Ti 45°F To >165°F t 30 min.

4. Remove pan(s) of chicken from oven. 4a. CCP Cool liquid from 135 to 41ºF in <6
O Pour off excess liquid. Save for chicken hr.,
stock. D <2 inches deep or <1-gallon container.
(Save for chicken stock).
Ti >165°F To 155°F t 15 min.
Ti ≥135°F To <41°F t < 6 hr.

5. Cover chicken quarters with sauce.
Ti 155°F To 150ºF t <10 min.

6. Bake at 300°F in convection oven until
D = Delay
O chicken reaches a temperature of 175°F.
Ti 150°F To 175°F t 45 min.
I = Inspect
↓ O = Operate
7. Check. Is the temperature 175ºF? No
I If not, continue to cook. S = Store
↓ Yes T = Transport
8. Cover and transfer to 150°F hot holding
T unit.
Ti 175°F To 150°F t 5 min. Ti = Temp. in
Hold/Serve ↓ To = Temp. out
9. Hold. Serve 1/4 chicken and 3 oz. sauce.
D Use within <2 hr. t = Time to do the step
Ti 150°F To 150°F t <120 min.
Leftovers ↓
CCP = Critical Control Point
10. CCP Cool from 135 to <41°F, <6 hr.,
D ≤2 inches deep or <1-gallon container.
Ti 135ºF To <41ºF t <6 hr.

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Food HACCP Encl. 4


Product Specification: A fully cooked product of chicken and sauce.

Assumptions: Prerequisite programs are in place, effective and control ingredients, supplies, environment, personal hygiene, and equipment.

Hazard and Control Analysis: a. hazard identification, expected

level / size, tolerable limit; b. control effectiveness; c. monitoring
Process Step, Procedure, and Control procedure / frequency and person, data recording; d. verification-
who, when, how

1. Prepare sauce. Get chopped onions, Supplies are obtained from reputable sources; sauce has low pH and is
mushrooms, green peppers, minced garlic. heated sufficiently to destroy vegetative pathogens.
O Sauté in oil. Add crushed tomatoes, juice,
wine and seasoning. Bring to a simmer.
Ti 40ºF To 205ºF t 20 min.
1a. Hold in bain marie. No pathogenic microbial growth in sauce at >130°F.
Ti 205ºF To 165ºF t 20 min.

2. Get chicken quarters from refrigerator. Vegetative pathogens and spores are con-trolled by low temperature.
O Remove rib bones. Inspect to assure that all bones are removed
Ti 40ºF To 45ºF t 10 min.
3. CCP Place quarters, one layer deep, in Cooking temperature >165°F, >15 sec. assures a >7D salmonellae kill.
O shallow roasting pan. Bake (brown) in
convection oven at 350ºF to >165ºF, >15 sec.
Ti 45ºF To >165ºF t 30 m.
4. Remove pan(s) of chicken from oven. Pour Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
O off excess liquid. Save for chicken stock.
Ti >165ºF To 155ºF t 15 m.
4a. CCP Cool liquid from 135 to 41ºF in Cooling chicken stock from 135 to 41ºF, <6 hr., controls spore outgrowth.
D <6 hr., <2 inches deep or <1-gallon
container. (Save for chicken stock.)
Ti ≥135ºF To <41ºF t < 6 hr.

5. Cover chicken quarters with sauce. Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
Ti 155ºF To 150ºF t<10 min.
6. Bake at 300ºF in convection oven until Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
O chicken reaches a temperature of 175ºF.
Ti 150ºF To 175ºF t 45 min.
7. Check. Is the temperature 175ºF? Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
I If not, continue to cook. No
È Yes
8. Cover and transfer to 150°F hot holding unit. Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
Ti 175ºF To 150ºF t 5 min.
È Hold/Serve
9. Hold. Serve 1/4 chicken and 3 oz. sauce. Temperature >130°F controls spores and kills vegetative cells.
D Use within 2 hr.
Ti 150ºF To 150ºF t <120 min.
È Leftovers
10. CCP Cool from 135 to <41ºF, 6 hr., ≤2 inches Cooling to <41ºF in 6 hours assures safety. The presence of pathogenic
O deep or <1-gallon container. microorganisms from cross-contaminated products is controlled by
Ti 135ºF To 41ºF t <6 hr. GMPs and SSOPs.

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Food HACCP Encl. 5
Process Steps and Controls: B, C, P, Potential Control Monitoring & Record; (What, How, Corrective Action & Record Verification & Record
GMPs and prerequisites are in place (Ti=temp. Hazards and Risk Analysis Critical Limit (CL) for each Frequency, Who) (Procedures and Frequency)
in; To=Temp. out; Hazard Control
t=Time to do the step)
1. Prepare sauce. Get chopped B: Not significant. Supplies are obtained from
O onions, mushrooms, green peppers, C: None. reputable sources; sauce has
minced garlic. Sauté in oil. Add crushed P: None. low pH and is heated sufficiently
tomatoes, juice, wine and seasoning. Bring to destroy vegetative
to a simmer. pathogens.
Ti 40°F To 205°F t 20 min.
1a. Hold sauce in bain marie. B: Not significant. No pathogenic microbial growth
D C: None. in sauce at >130°F.
Ti 205°F To 165°F t 20 min. P: None.
2. Get chicken quarters from B: Not significant. Vegetative pathogens and
O refrigerator. Remove rib bones. C: None spores are con-trolled by low
P: Not significant. temperature. Inspect to assure
Ti 40°F To 45°F t 10 min. that all bones are removed
3. CCP Place quarters, one layer deep in B: Vegetative pathogens and spores Cooking temperature >165°F, Assigned worker takes lowest If temperature is not >165°F, continue Supervisor initials the production log
O shallow roasting pan. Bake (brown) in C: None >15 sec. assures a >7D temperature of center of food in each to cook. each shift.
convection oven at 350°F, >165ºF, >15 P: None salmonellae kill. lot and records on production sheet for
sec. each lot.
Ti 45°F To>165°F t 30 min.
4. Remove pan(s) of chicken from oven. B: Not significant. Temperature >130°F controls
O Pour off excess liquid. Save for chicken C: None. spores and kills vegetative cells.
stock. P: None.
Ti >165°F To 155°F t 15 min.
4a. CCP Cool liquid from 135 to 41ºF, B: Pathogenic spores Cooling chicken stock from 135 Use clean, sanitized container and If refrigeration goes off, move stock to Supervisor initials the production log
D <6 hr., <2 inches deep or <1-gallon C: None to 41ºF, <6 hr., controls spore refrigerator that is validated for safe a functioning refrigeration unit. If each shift.
container. (Save for chicken stock). P: None outgrowth. cooling cooling is not within FDA
Ti ≥135°F To 41°F t<6 hr. recommendations, throw it out.
5. Cover chicken quarters with B: Not significant Temperature >130°F controls
O sauce. C: None. spores and kills vegetative cells.
Ti >155°F To 150°F t<10 min. P: None.
6. Bake at 300°F in convection oven until B: Not significant. Temperature >130°F controls
O chicken reaches a temperature of 175°F. C: None. spores and kills vegetative cells.
Ti >150°F To 175°F t<45 min. P: None.
7. Check. Is the temperature B: Not significant. Temperature >130°F controls
I 175ºF? If not, continue to cook. C: None. spores and kills vegetative cells.
P: None.
8. Cover and transfer to 150°F hot holding B: Not significant. Temperature >130°F controls
T unit. C: None. spores and kills vegetative cells.
Ti 175°F To 150°F t 5 min. P: None.
9. Hold. Serve 1/4 chicken and 3 oz. sauce. B: Not significant. Temperature >130°F controls
D Use within <2 hr. C: None. spores and kills vegetative cells.
Ti 150°F To 150°F t <120 min. P: None.
10. CCP Cool from 135 to <41ºF, <6 hr., B: Pathogenic spores. Cooling to <41ºF in 6 hours Assigned worker makes sure the food If refrigerator goes off, transfer to a The production schedule will be
D ≤2 inches deep or <1-gallon container. C: None assures safety. The presence is at the proper depth to cool to <41ºF functioning refrigeration unit. initialed by a supervisor once a shift,
P: None of pathogenic microorganisms in 6 hours. This is recorded on If containers are the wrong size, get prior to transfer to refrigerator. The
from cross-contaminated production sheet for each lot. the correct size. supervisor will initial that the CCP has
products is controlled by GMPs been met.
Ti 135ºF To <41ºF t <6 hr. and SSOPs.

B,C,P = biological, chemical, physical hazard Approved (QC) _________________________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________
CCP = Critical Control Point Approved (Process Authority) ______________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________

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Food HACCP Encl. 6


Process Steps and Controls: Control Verification & Record
GMP's and prerequisites are in B, C, P, Potential Control Limit (CL) for Monitoring & Record; (What, How, Corrective Action & (Procedures and
place Hazards and Risk Analysis each Hazard Control Frequency, Who) Record Frequency)
1. B:

2. B:

3. B:

4.. B:

5. B:

6. B:

7. B:

8. B:

9. B:

B, C, P = Biological, Chemical, and Physical Approved (QC) __________________________________________________________ Date __________________________

CCP = Critical Control Point Approved (Process Authority) _______________________________________________ Date __________________________
Approved Plant Manager ___________________________________________________ Date ___________________________

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Food HACCP Encl. 7


Product: Portion size (vol./wt.): Preparation time:

Written by: Date: Number of portions: Prepared by:
SA/QA by: Date: Final yield (AS): Supervisor:

Gp Ing Lot # EP
# # Ingredients and Specifications / Rec Amt Wt % Verif

Management and Prerequisite Procedures (SSOP / GMP) are in place: personal hygiene, environment / facility /
equipment cleaning and maintenance. Supplies are safe from chemical and physical hazard contamination.

Format for writing a recipe step

Process Start food ctr. Thickest food Container size Cover Temp. on/ End food ctr. Process step
step # temp., ºF dimension (in.) HxWxL (in.) Yes/No around food temp., ºF time, hr./min.
#. Take (food) at ___ºF, (inches) thick, in a ___-inch pan, (un)covered (Y/N), and put in the (equipment) at ___ºF
for (process time) until the center temperature is ___ºF.

Ingredients that could cause adverse allergic or intolerance reactions:

Pre-preparation (Not a CCP. Washing fruits and vegetables for 2-log / blanch for 5-log reduction or center
pasteurization for 5-log Salmonella reduction assures an ALOP.)
1. Get weighed and measured ingredients for recipe. Identify allergens.
2. Thaw, if required.
3. Trim / cut ingredients. Sort and remove physical hazards.

Preparation (CCP. 5-log reduction of Salmonella.)

4. CCP. Fruits and vegetables wash 2-log reduction or surface blanch / center pasteurize for 5-log
Salmonella reduction assures an ALOP. Monitor.
5. CCP. Combine. Add preservatives. Pasteurize, 5-log reduction of Salmonella. Cook 150ºF, 1 minute.
Monitor – did the food get to correct time and temperature?

Hold / Serve (<1-log increase of Clostridium perfringens.)

6. CCP. Hot hold, transport, serve or package, >125ºF. Monitor.

Leftovers (CCP. Cool for <1-log increase of Clostridium perfringens. Cold hold and prevent >3-log
multiplication of Bacillus cereus. Prevent allergen cross-contamination.)
7. CCP. Cool. USDA 120 to 55ºF, 6 hours (14.2 hours to 40ºF); <2 inches deep or 1-gallon pot.
8. If making cold mixed salad, get all ingredients to 55ºF before mixing. Mix and package and finish
cooling to 40ºF.
9. CCP. For allergen control, do not combine / mix leftovers (rework). Clean food contact surfaces before
the next food is prepared.

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Food HACCP Encl. 8


ºF Characteristic
250 Sterilization: Clostridium botulinum destroyed, 2.4 minutes
212 Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus toxin not destroyed
>170 Too hot – a hazard
165 Reheating, 15 seconds
160 7-log salmonellae, 0.121 minute (7.2 seconds)
150 Consumer-desired hot food; 7D salmonellae, 1.21 minutes (72 seconds)
135 FDA hot holding
130 Food is scientifically safe; 7-log salmonellae 121 minutes
127.5 Clostridium perfringens stops multiplying
122 Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus stop multiplying
115 Most vegetative cells stop multiplying
95-105 Most rapid multiplication
59 Clostridium perfringens begins to multiply
50 Staphylococcus aureus begins to make a toxin;
Clostridium botulinum types A and B begin to multiply and make a toxin
43 Staphylococcus aureus begins to multiply
41 FDA cold holding; hold raw food until spoiled; RTE food, 7 days; some salmonellae
begin to multiply
39.2 Bacillus cereus begins to multiply
38 E. coli and Clostridium botulinum type E begin to multiply
29.3 Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Aeromonas hydrophila begin
to multiply
28.5 Meat and poultry thaw
23 Spoilage bacteria begin to grow
15 Mold and yeast begin to grow
0 Frozen storage
-40 Food stable

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