SPECPRO Bar Questions
SPECPRO Bar Questions
SPECPRO Bar Questions
SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS of for a long time and under such circumstance that
he may be presumed dead.
Bar Exam Questions 1996-2013
(b) As the RTC judge who granted Ginas petition,
Absentee; Declaration of Absence vs. Declaration of will you give due course to the OSGs notice of
Presumptive Death (2009) appeal?
Frank and Gina were married on June 12, 1987 in
Manila. Barely a year after the wedding, Frank SUGGESTED ANSWER:
exhibited a violent temperament, forcing Gina, for
reasons of personal safety, to live with her parents. A NO. Appeal is not a proper remedy since the decision
year thereafter, Gina found employment as a is immediately final and executor upon notice to the
domestic helper in Singapore, where she worked for parties under Art. 247 of the Family Code (Republic
ten consecutive years. All the time she was abroad, vs Bermudez-Lorino, 449 SCRA 57 [2005]). The OSG
Gina had absolutely no communications with Frank, may assail RTCs grant of the petition only on the
nor did she hear any news about him. While in premise of grave abuse of discretion amounting to
Singapore, Gina met and fell in love with Willie. On lack or excess of jurisdiction. The remedy should be
July 4, 2007, Gina filed a petition with the RTC of by certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.
manila to declare Frank presumptively dead, so that
she could marry Willie. The RTC granted Ginas Cancellation or Correction; Notice (2007)
petition. The office of the Solicitor General (OSG) filed (a) B files a petition for cancellation of the birth
a notice of Appeal with the RTC, stating that it was certificate of her daughter R on the ground of the
appealing the decision of the Court of Appeals on falsified material entries therein made by Bs husband
questions of fact and law. as the informant. The RTC sets the case for hearing
and directs the publication of the order for hearing
(a) Is a petition for declaration of Presumptive Death and directs the publication of the order once a week
a special proceeding? for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
circulation. Summons was service on the Civil
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Registrar but there was no appearance during the
hearing. The RTC granted the petition. R filed a
No. the petition for Declaration of Presumptive Death petition for annulment of judgment before the Court
provided in Art. 41 of the Family Code is not the of Appeals, saying that she was not notified of the
special proceeding governing absentees under Rule petition and hence, the decision was issued in
107 of the Rules of Court whose rules of procedure violation of due process. B opposed saying that the
will not be followed (Republic vs. C.A., 458 SCRA publication of the court order was sufficient
[2005]). compliance with due process. Rule. (5%)
Bar Exam Questions 1996-2013
made because the action is one in rem (Alba v. Court Escheat Proceedings (2002)
of Appeals, 465 SCRA 495 [2005]; Barco v. Court of Suppose the property of D was declared escheated on
Appeals, 420 SCRA 39 [2005]). July 1, 1990 in escheat proceedings brought by the
Solicitor General. Now, X, who claims to be an heir of
Civil Actions vs. Special Proceedings (1998) D, filed an action to recover the escheated property. Is
Distinguish civil actions from special proceedings. the action viable? Why? (2%)
No, the action is not viable. The action to recover
A CIVIL ACTION is one by which a party sues escheated property must be filed within five years
another for the enforcement or protection of a right, from July 1, 1990 or be forever barred. (Rule 91, sec. 4).
or the prevention or redress of a wrong. (See. 3[a],
Rule 1, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure), while a SPECIAL Extra-judicial Settlement of Estate (2005)
PROCEEDING is a remedy by which a party seeks to Nestor died intestate in 2003, leaving no debts. How
establish a status, a right or a particular fact. (Sec. may his estate be settled by his heirs who are of legal
3[C]. Rule 1,1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.) age and have legal capacity? Explain. (2%)
Bar Exam Questions 1996-2013
is specifically given the power to receive evidence personality to institute the petition. 6% Resolve the
and perform any and all acts necessary to resolve petition in the light of the above defenses of A. (6%)
factual issues raised in cases falling within its original
jurisdiction. SUGGESTED ANSWER:
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: (a) The writ of habeas corpus issued by the Family
Court in Angeles City may not be legally enforced in
Yes, because there is no prohibition in the law against Cebu City, because the writ is enforceable only within
a superior court referring a case to a lower court the judicial region to which the Family Court belongs,
having concurrent jurisdiction. The Supreme Court unlike the writ granted by the Supreme Court or
has referred to the CA or the RTC cases falling within Court of Appeals which is enforceable anywhere in
their concurrent jurisdiction. the Philippines. (Sec. 20 of Rule on Custody of Minors
and Writ of Habeas Corpus in Relation to Custody of
Habeas Corpus (1998) Minors. (A.M. No. 03-04-04-SC; see also Sec. 4 of Rule
A was arrested on the strength of a warrant of arrest 102, Rules of Court.)
issued by the RTC in connection with an Information
for Homicide. W, the live-in partner of A filed a (b) B, the father of the deceased husband of A, has the
petition for habeas corpus against A's jailer and police personality to institute the petition for habeas corpus
investigators with the Court of Appeals. of the two minor girls, because the grandparent has
the right of custody as against the mother A who is a
1. Does W have the personality to file the petition for prostitute. (Sectioins 2 and 13, Id.)
habeas corpus? [2%]
2. Is the petition tenable? [3%] Habeas Corpus (2007)
Husband H files a petition for declaration of nullity of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: marriage before the RTC of Pasig City. Wife W files a
petition for habeas corpus before the RTC of Pasay
1. Yes. W, the live-in partner of A, has the personality City, praying for custody over their minor child. H
to file the petition for habeas corpus because it may be files a motion to dismiss the wifes petition on the
filed by "some person in his behalf." (Sec. 3. Rule 102. ground of the pendency of the other case. Rule.
Rules of Court.)
2. No. The petition is not tenable because the warrant SUGGESTED ANSWER:
of arrest was issued by a court which had Jurisdiction
to issue it (Sec. 4, Rule 102 Rules of Court) The motion to dismiss the petition for habeas corpus
should be granted to avoid multiplicity of suits. The
Habeas Corpus (2003) question of who between the spouses should have
Widow A and her two children, both girls, aged 8 and custody of their minor child could also be determined
12 years old, reside in Angeles City, Pampanga. A in the petition for declaration of nullity of their
leaves her two daughters in their house at night marriage which is already pending in the RTC of
because she works in a brothel as a prostitute. Pasig City. In other words, the petition filed in Pasig
Realizing the danger to the morals of these two girls, City, praying for custody of the minor child is
B, the father of the deceased husband of A, files a unnecessary and violates only the cardinal rules of
petition for habeas corpus against A for the custody procedure against multiplicity of suits. Hence, the
of the girls in the Family Court in Angeles City. In latter suit may be abated by a motion to dismiss on
said petition, B alleges that he is entitled to the the ground of litis pendentia (Yu v. Yu, 484 SCRA 485
custody of the two girls because their mother is living [2006]).
a disgraceful life. The court issues the writ of habeas
corpus. When A learns of the petition and the writ, Habeas Corpus; Bail (2008)
she brings her two children to Cebu City. At the After Alma had started serving her sentence for
expense of B the sheriff of the said Family Court goes violation of BP 22, she filed a petition for a writ of
to Cebu City and serves the writ on A. A files her habeas corpus, citing Vaca vs CA where the sentence
comment on the petition raising the following of imprisonment of a party found guilty of violation
defenses: a) The enforcement of the writ of habeas of BP 22 was reduced to a fine equal to double the
corpus in Cebu City is illegal; and b) B has no amount of the check involved. She prayed that her
sentence be similarly modified and that she be
Bar Exam Questions 1996-2013
immediately released from detention. In the committed an offense not punishable by death, he
alternative, she prayed that pending determination on may be admitted to bail in the discretion of the court.
whether the Vaca ruling applies to her, she be accordingly, the trial court allowed Alma to post bail
allowed to post bail pursuant to Rule 102, Sec. 14, and then ordered her release. In your opinion, is the
which provides that if a person is lawfully order of the trial court correct (a) Under Rule 102?
imprisoned or restrained on a charge of having
(2) Suppose Ds administrator did not allege any
SUGGESTED ANSWER: claim against X by way of offset, can Ds
administrator prosecute the claim in an independent
No, Alma, who is already convicted by final proceeding/ why/ (3%)
judgment, cannot be entitled to bail under Sec. 14,
Rule 102. The provision presupposes that she had not SUGGESTED ANSWER:
been convicted as yet. It provides that if she is
lawfully imprisoned or restrained for an offense not (1) No, because since the claim of X was disallowed,
punishable by death, she may be recommitted to there is no amount against which to offset the claim of
imprisonment or admitted to bail in the discretion of Ds administrator.
the court or judge (Sec. 14, Rule 102; Celeste vs. (2) Yes, Ds administrator can prosecute the claim in
People, 31 SCRA 391; Vicente vs. Judge Majaducon, an independent proceeding since the claim of X was
A.M. No. RTJ-02-1698, 23 June 2005; San Pedro vs. disallowed. If X had a valid claim and Ds
Peo, G.R. No. 133297, 15 August 2002). administrator did not allege any claim against X by
way of offset, his
(b) Under the Rules of criminal procedure? failure to do so would bar his claim forever. (Rule 86,
Intestate Proceedings; Debts of the Estate (2002)
Under the Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 114, Sec. A, B and C, the only heirs in Ds intestate
24 clearly prohibits the grant of bail after conviction proceedings, submitted a project of partition to the
by final judgment and after the convict has started to partition, two lots were assigned to C, who
serve sentence. In the present case, Alma had already immediately entered into the possession of the lots.
started serving her sentence. She cannot, therefore, Thereafter, C died and proceedings for the settlement
apply for bail (Peo. vs. Fitzgerald, G.R. No. 149723, 27 of his estate were filed in the RTC-Quezon City. Ds
October 2006). administrator then filed a motion in the probate court
(RTC-Manila), praying that one of the lots assigned to
Habeas Corpus; Jurisdiction; Sandiganbayan (2009 C in the project of partition be turned over to him to
In the exercise of its original jurisdiction, the satisfy debts corresponding to Cs portion. The
Sandiganbayan may grant petitions for the issuance motion was opposed by the administrator of Cs
of a writ of habeas corpus. estate. How should the RTC Manila resolve the
motion of Ds administrator? Explain. (3%)
FALSE. The Sandiganbayan may grant petitions for
Habeas corpus only in aid of its appellate jurisdiction The motion of Ds administrator should be granted.
(R.A. 7975, as amended by R.A 8249), not in the The assignment of the two lots to C was premature
exercise of original jurisdiction. because the debts of the estate had not been fully
paid. [Rule 90, sec. 1; Reyes v. Barreto-Datu, 19 SCRA
Intestate Proceedings (2002) 85
X filed a claim in the intestate proceedings of D. Ds (1967)].
administrator denied liability and filed a counterclaim
against X. Xs claim was disallowed. Judicial Settlement of Estate (2005)
State the rule on venue in judicial settlement of estate
(1) Does the probate court still have jurisdiction to of deceased persons. (2%)
allow the claim of Ds administrator by way of offset?
Bar Exam Questions 1996-2013
Bar Exam Questions 1996-2013
Sergio Punzalan, Filipino, 50 years old, married, and (Sec. 1, Rule 75, Rules of Court).
residing at Ayala Alabang Village, Muntinlupa City,
of mind, executed a last will and testament in English, Can the widow and her children initiate a separate
a language spoken and written by him proficiently. petition for partition of the estate pending the
He disposed of his estate consisting of a parcel of land probate of the last will and testament by the court?
in Makati City and cash deposit at the City Bank in (2%)
the sum of P 300 Million. He bequeathed P 50 Million
each to his 3 sons and P 150 Million to his wife. He SUGGESTED ANSWER:
devised a piece of land worth P100 Million to Susan,
his favorite daughter-inlaw. He named his best No, the widow and her children cannot file a separate
friend, Cancio Vidal, as executor of the will without petition for partition pending the probate of the will.
bond. Is Cancio Vidal, after learning of Sergio's Partition is a mode of settlement of the estate (Sec. 1,
death, obliged to file with the proper court a Rule 75, Rules of Court).
petition of probate of the latter's last will and
testament? (2%) Probate of Will; Mandatory Nature (2002)
What should the court do if, in the course of intestate
SUGGESTED ANSWER: proceedings, a will is found and it is submitted for
probate? Explain. (2%)
Cancio Vidal is obliged to file a petition for probate
and for accepting or refusing the trust within the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
statutory period of 20 days under Sec. 3, Rule 75,
Rules of Court. If a will is found in the course of intestate proceedings
and it is submitted for probate, the intestate
Supposing the original copy of the last will and proceedings will be suspended until the will is
testament was lost, can Cancio compel Susan to probated. Upon the probate of the will, the intestate
produce a copy in her possession to be submitted to proceedings will be terminated. (Rule 82, sec. 1).
the probate court. (2%)
Probate of Will (2010) No.XIV. Czarina died single.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: She left all her properties by will to her friend
Duqueza. In the will, Czarina stated that she did not
Yes, Cancio can compel Susan to produce the copy in recognize Marco as an adopted son because of his
her possession. A person having custody of the will is disrespectful conduct towards her.
bound to deliver the same to the court of competent Duqueza soon instituted an action for probate of
jurisdiction or to the executor, as provided in Sec. 2, Czarinas will. Marco, on the other hand, instituted
Rule 75, Rules of Court. intestate proceedings. Both actions were consolidated
before the RTC of Pasig. On motion of Marco,
Can the probate court appoint the widow as Duquezas petition was ordered dismissed on the
executor of the will? (2%) ground that the will is void for depriving him of his
legitime. Argue for Duqueza. (5%)
Yes, the probate court can appoint the widow as SUGGESTED ANSWER:
executor of the will if the executor does not qualify, as
when he is incompetent, refuses the trust, or fails to The petition for probate of Czarinas will, as filed by
give bond (Sec. 6, Rule 78, Rules of Court). Duquesa should not be dismissed on mere motion of
Marco who instituted intestate proceedings. The law
Can the widow and her children settle favors testacy over intestacy, hence, the probate of the
extrajudicially among themselves the estate of the will cannot be dispensed with. (See Sec. 5, Rule 75)
deceased? (2%) Thus, unless the will which shows the obvious
intent to disinherit Marco is probated, the right of a
SUGGESTED ANSWER: person to dispose of his property may be rendered
No, the widow and her children cannot settle the nugatory (See Seanio vs. Reyes, G.R. Nos. 140371-72,
estate extrajudicially because of the existence of the Nov. 27, 2006). Besides, the authority of the probate
Will. No will shall pass either real or personal estate court is generally limited only to a determination of
unless it is proved and allowed in the proper court
Bar Exam Questions 1996-2013
SUGGESTED ANSWER: been established. The publication of the settlement
The motion should be denied. Makati RTC has no does not constitute constructive notice to the heirs
jurisdiction over XYZ of hongkong. The letters of who had no knowledge or did not take part in it
administration granted to Winston only covers all because the same was notice after the fact of
Pedrillos estate in the Philippines. (Rule 77, Sec. 4) execution. The requirement of publication is
This cannot cover the annuities in Hongkong. At the intended for the protection of creditors and was
outset, Makati RTC should not have taken never intended to deprive heirs of their lawful
cognizance of the petition filed by Winston, because participation in the decedents estate. She can file
the will does not cover any property of Pedrillo the action therefor within four (4) years after the
located here in the Philippines. settlement was registered.
S, the surviving spouse, should have been appointed
administratrix of the estate, in as much as she enjoys
first preference in such appointment under the rules.
(Sec. 6(a) of Rule 78, Rules of Court.)