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9 Gauss Elimination

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The document discusses various analytical and numerical methods for solving systems of linear equations, including graphical methods, Cramer's rule, Gaussian elimination, and techniques for tridiagonal systems.

For systems with 2-3 equations, graphical methods can be used by plotting the equations on a Cartesian plane (2D) or as planes in 3D space. Cramer's rule provides an analytical solution by taking ratios of determinants. Gaussian elimination is an extension of Cramer's rule.

For larger systems, Gaussian elimination and techniques for tridiagonal systems are discussed. Gaussian elimination involves row operations to transform the matrix into triangular form. Tridiagonal systems exploit the sparse structure for faster computation.

Gauss Elimination

ES 204
Numerical Methods in Engineering
How to solve small number of
equations (n3) by graphical method?

Doable for 2 linear equations by plotting them on

Cartesian coordinates with one axis to x1 and the other to x2

For 3 equations, each equation is a plane in 3D

coordinate system
Point where 3 planes intersect is the solution

Beyond 3 equations, graphical methods break down;

little practical value
How to indicate singular and ill-
conditioned systems graphically?

2 equations are coincident hard to identify exact

2 equations as parallel lines
infinite number of solutions intersection point
no solution; singular
singular ill-conditioned
sensitive to roundoff error
How to solve small number of
equations (n3) by Cramers rule?
Assume we have [A]{x} = {b}
Each unknown is a fraction of 2 determinants with denominator D and numerator obtained
from D by replacing the column of coefficients by constants b1, b2, . . . , bn


Determinant of 2x2:
b11 a12 a13 a11 b12 a13 a11 a12 b13
b21 a22 a23 a21 b22 a23 a21 a22 b23
b a32 a33 a b32 a33 a a32 b33
Cramers rule for 3x3 A matrix: x1 31 x2 31 x3 31
a11 a12 a13 b11 a12 a13 b11 a12 a13
a21 a22 a23 b21 a22 a23 b21 a22 a23
a31 a32 a33 b31 a32 a33 b31 a32 a33
Example: Cramers rule
Use Cramers rule to solve
How to use Octaves det function?

For more than three equations, Cramers rule becomes impractical

Number of equations increases, determinants are time consuming to evaluate by hand/PC

Singular systems have D = 0

Ill-conditioned systems have D near 0 or very small
How to solve small number of equations
(n3) by elimination of unknowns?
Noncomputer solution technique; combines equations ; popular method

Eliminate x1

Follow directly from Cramers rule

Method extremely tedious to be

implemented manually
What is Naive Gauss Elimination?
Multiply by a21/a11

Subtract to eliminate x1

Solve a general set of n equations

Modified 2nd equation
Repeat to eliminate x1 from 2nd to n equations (e.g. how to eliminate x1 in 3rd equation?)
All equations from 2nd to n will be modified due to elimination of x1

pivot equation; a11 is the pivot element

1st step: eliminate x1 from 2nd to n equation (done!)

2nd step: eliminate x2 from 3rd to n equation

Now we use modified 2nd equation as pivot

equation, and a22 as pivot element
New set after x1 elimination
What is Naive Gauss Elimination?
Multiply by a32/a22, then subtract to:

Eliminates x2 in 3rd equation

Eliminate x2 from 3rd to n equation using 2nd
equation as pivot
New set after x1 elimination

Continue using the remaining pivot equations

Final step is to use the (n 1)th equation to
eliminate the xn1 term from the nth equation

New set after x2 elimination

Prime symbol indicates number
of modification
FORWARD ELIMINATION Phase (upper triangular matrix)
What is Naive Gauss Elimination?

Your set of equations after forward

elimination phase

Value of x from 1 to n-1 in terms of

coefficients and constants
Example: Naive Gauss Elimination
3x1 0.1x2 0.2 x3 7.85

3x1 0.1x2 0.2 x3 7.85
Solve x by Gauss elimination

7.00333x2 0.293333x3 19.5617
7 .00333

New set after eliminating x1

in 2nd and 3rd equations

New set after eliminating x2 in 3rd equation

(upper triangular form)
Example: Naive Gauss Elimination
b a12 j x j

b21 a123 x3
j 3
x2 1

a 22 a122
b a10j x j


b10 a120 x2 a130 x3

j 2
x1 0

a 11 a110

exact solution

Verification of numerical solution

by substitution to original set
How to implement Naive Gauss
elimination in Octave?
coefficient matrix A and right-hand-side vector b
are combined as augmented matrix

forward elimination - 2 nested loops

outer loop moves down the matrix from one pivot row to the next

inner loop moves below the pivot row to each of the

subsequent rows where elimination is to take place
What is pivoting?
naive during elimination and back substitution phases, it is
possible that a division by zero can occur
pivot element is close to zero
if magnitude of pivot element is small compared to other
elements, round-off errors can be introduced

partial pivoting before normalization, determine the coefficient with the largest absolute
value in the column below the pivot element
Rows can then be switched so that the largest element is the pivot element

complete pivoting - If columns as well as rows are searched for the largest element and then
Example: Partial Pivoting
Use Gauss elimination to solve

Exact solution is x1 = 1/3 and x2 = 2/3

Multiplying first equation by 1/(0.0003)

Eliminate x1 from the second equation

Substitute back into the first equation

Result is very sensitive to the number of

significant figures carried in the computation
Example: Partial Pivoting
If the equations are solved in reverse order

Forward elimination and substitution:

Results less sensitive to the number of

significant figures due to partial pivoting
How to implement Gauss elimination
with pivoting in Octave?
Same code with GaussNaive
except with the addition of the
pivoting code

determine the largest available

coefficient in the column below the pivot
element using the max function

y is the largest element in the

vector x, and i is the index
corresponding to that element
How to evaluate determinant with
Gauss elimination?
Assume you are done with forward elimination on a 3x3 system

In general for a triangular form matrix:

After forward elimination:

With pivoting:

p represents the number of times that rows are pivoted

Determinant has value in assessing system condition (ill-conditioned; singular)

Example: Solution of a Tridiagonal
Solve the following tridiagonal system:

Transform the matrix to upper triangular form

Multiply first equation by factor e2/f1 and
subtract result from second equation
Creates a zero in place of e2 ;transforms other
coefficients to new values

g2 is unmodified because the element above it in

the first row is zero

Perform a similar calculation for the

third and fourth rows:
Example: Solution of a Tridiagonal

upper triangular form

Back substitution to generate the final solution

How to implement solution of
tridiagonal system in Octave?

algorithm does not include partial pivoting

Final notes:
Computational effort for Gauss elimination is
proportional to n3
Tridiagonal systems proportional to n

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