Zumba Questionaire
Zumba Questionaire
Zumba Questionaire
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this General Education class?
Zumba taught me that with hard work and persistence, I can improve my health and well
being. This class made working out a lot of fun. In fact, it didn't feel like workingout at all. It
was a fantastic way to get in a great workout and to work on my overall health. We also had
to track our food through the semester which helped me acheiive my goals.
3. What is your intention to continue to practice what you have learned in your life and why?
I plan to continue tracking what I eat on a daily basis. This will also allow me to hold myself
accountable for my food choices and keep my diet in check. I also want to continue taking
Zumba classes. To do so I have sighned up for a membership at my local rec center. They
offer many different classes I can take advantage of. The combination of diet and exercise will
help me reach my health goals!