Relationship at Work
Relationship at Work
Relationship at Work
at work
Supporting you
to be your best
This life guide will help you
build positive relationships at
work, identify different types of
relationships and suggest ways of
managing challenging conversations.
Do you recognise any of these situations?
The head no longer speaks to me directly unless to reprimand
Quotes taken from the Education Support Partnership Health and Wellbeing Survey, 2011
Types of relationship Im different,
Staff in education have to deal with a number of hes difficult,
theyre impossible
different types of relationships with all types of
people. The difficulty is in knowing how to manage
the different needs, expectations and requirements
of each of these. Think about all the relationships that We cannot get on with everyone we meet. All of us
you currently have within your workplace. Try writing have character traits that will cause difficulty for
some of these relationships down: others. We need to understand those differences
uu Mentor in order to cope with them. We also need to
uu Colleague
understand how conflict can arise in dealing with a
difficult person. Different personality types react in
uu Classroom teacher
characteristic ways in conflict situations. Recognising
uu Friend
these dynamics is the first step to coping with the
uu Union rep situation, and you can begin by recognising the role
Look at your list. Ask yourself how these relationships that you yourself play.
are different. Think about how you communicate with
your colleagues when you are in each of these roles.
What skills are required for each of them? Where
are your strengths? What relationships are more
challenging than other? Do you struggle to
communicate in certain roles?
Difficult relationships
Conflict or discomfort among colleagues can result
from a number of behaviours, including:
uu Unbalancedteamwork where one member of the
team does not pull his or her weight
uu Lack of support from a mentor
uu Disagreements over approaches to particular pupils,
curriculum or staffing issues
uu Competitiveness over areas of responsibility or
or any number of problems that occur when people
just dont get on
The common factor is conflict: a direct disagreement
between participants. Disagreements consist of
both the objective point at issue and the subjective
emotional involvement invested by the participants.
Both elements must be addressed for an effective
resolution. Resolving the emotional side requires you
to understand the situation from the other persons
point of view. This can be particularly hard when your
personalities are very different.
Improving your own response to conflict
Learn to recognise and control your defence There will obviously be situations in which you do not
mechanism. Identify your triggers. Consider what have time to diagnose a personality type, but there
always makes you angry. Do certain words instantly are some useful tips you can use:
provoke a reaction? Are you irritable before your uu watchthe person to see if there are repeat
coffee? Are their certain times of day you are better occurrences of the behaviour. If it happens more
than other? than twice, it is unlikely to be an accident
Next identify how you usually react. Do you tend to uu thinkabout stress, not only for the person involved
shout back? Do you withdraw? Can you be passive but also yourself. Stress clouds the judgement and
aggressive? Are you too nice? alters your perspective
Consider taking the following positive steps: uu trytalking on a personal level to the individual. It
uu Learn to listen might not resolve the difficulty in itself, but it will
uu Try to be open and receptive certainly help in your assessment of your mutual
uu Ensurethat you understand what is being said to
you calmly ask someone to clarify if you do not Sometimes an external facilitator or mediation service
can assist when two or more people would like their
uu Be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses
relationships to be better. This can often prevent
uu Activelytake steps to work on your weaknesses, problems from escalating and keeps the control of the
particularly those that affect your work life and outcome with the parties concerned.
If you feel that your own behaviour is not the only
factor in the conflict, perhaps the source of your
difficulty is ineffective communication.
Being able to identify different types of people can
help you to assess and frame your responses so that
someone is more likely to understand. You can then
alter your behaviour accordingly to get results.
The key to any relationship is communication. Write them down under the heading:
Poor communication is often the cause of many Aids to communication
relationship problems. Many teachers are adept at Next think about the people you struggle to
communicating effectively with pupils and students, communicate with. Again, reflect on the skills,
but can be less successful when talking with other attitudes and values they employ that make
adults. Before you can begin to work on your communication so difficult. Write them down next to
communication skills, you first need to understand your previous column, under the heading:
what helps you and what prevents you from Barriers to communication
communicating effectively.
Hopefully, once complete, this will give you a clearer
Think about the people you enjoy communicating understanding of what you need to be able to
with: your friends, family and colleagues. Try and communicate well. You can then focus on techniques
identify skills, attitudes and values that make to break down the barriers to communication.
communication easy.
Listening is one of the most powerful ways to Listening is a key part of the communication process
break down barriers. Our five senses are constantly and is significant in that it requires us to use both our
monitoring our environment and our emotional hearing and sight senses.
and behavioural responses will be informed by that The human mind can generally process information
analysis. Much of this is automatic and we pay little at a faster rate than it can formulate a spoken
attention to them in the course of our daily lives. response. The result is that the mind tends to wander.
It is important to note that although our senses may Active listening is a process of consciously focusing
be in passive mode, they are also monitoring the for a specific purpose and requires full attention,
environment, undertaking constant risk assessment comprehension, and then testing the integrity of the
and can at any time react, thanks to our inbuilt alarm message. I am clarifying the other persons spoken
response, or fight or flight triggers. thoughts, as well as taking in the other persons non-
Listening and hearing are two linked but distinct verbal message.
experiences. Hearing is, for most people, a largely
automatic, unconscious process by which our
Poor listeners
neurological mechanisms translate sound waves into Poor listeners have a number of characteristics in
recognisable patterns. Listening is the self-conscious common. They are likely to:
process of sifting out that which we wish to pay uu interrupt or finish the other persons sentences
attention to and understanding what is being said. uu think about what they are going to say next
Listening skills allow one to learn, make informed uu hurry the other person
decisions, and establish meaningful relationships
uu daydream
with others. Developing an understanding
uu argue with the other person
requires a number of activities such as processing,
comprehending, analysing and drawing conclusions. uu give unsolicited advice
Listening operates at different levels depending on uu tend not to respond or to jump conclusions
the circumstances:
Good listeners
uu Cosmetic listening Im hearing the words. It looks
In contrast, good listeners will respond by:
like Im listening, but Im not
uu encouraging the other person
uu Conversational listening - Im engaged in the
conversation, more focused on me than on you, uu asking
questions when they dont understand
listening, talking, thinking, talking something
uu Active listening - Im more focused on you than on uu looking at things from the other person perspective
me (some internal dialogue may still be happening). uu restating
the important points to show that they
Listener is mentally registering and recording understand
facts, confirms they are listening using appropriate uu maintaining emotional control
sounds, gestures or expressions, using clarifying
uu staying mentally present - being patient
questions, repeating information back and offering
uu helping people to draw their own conclusions
uu offering all the same level of courtesy and respect
uu Deep listening - Im focused on what youre saying,
recording facts, paying attention (minimum internal
dialogue is taking place)
uu Non-verbal listening how the person says
something may be as important what they say.
Non-verbal listening is paying attention to body
language, facial expressions, gestures, or emphasis
on words. Non-verbal cues can make up 55% of all
communication (according to research conducted
by UCLA)
Active listening
Active listening begins with:
Understanding what the person wants. This enables
the listener to respond appropriately. Most people
like to be heard. To communicate more effectively
use active listening strategies, such as rephrasing,
paraphrasing or repeating what the speaker has
just said. This can limit misunderstandings and
assumptions and makes it clear that you are listening
and that you consider it important.
Clarifying the message. To clarify, ask questions like,
Who? What? Where? When? How? and
Why? These are open-ended questions designed to
elicit more than just a simple Yes or No response.
Confirming understanding. This can be used at any
point during the conversation. Its especially useful
before concluding a conversation. For example,
Before we wrap up the meeting, let me just recap the
pertinent points.
Appropriate challenging/difficult conversations
Appropriate challenging involves placing demands People often avoid challenging conversations because
on people because, generally speaking, they are they are afraid of conflict. But it may be appropriate
receiving information they dont necessarily want. when the person is:
Its not surprising that we often withhold bad news uu reluctant to accept their responsibility for certain
even when it is in the other persons interest to hear it. events
Challenging people respectfully is both difficult uu clinging
to old dysfunctional attitudes or ways of
and demanding. It frequently involves unsolicited behaving
information/feedback about aspects of behaviour
uu being evasive
which the person may be unaware. Generally, this
uu reluctant to consider an alternative view point or
invariably produces discomfort.
One can never be sure how the other person will
uu failing
to understand the consequences of their
react. The uncomfortable news involved in any kind
of challenge can arouse discomfort in the challenger,
no matter how he/she thinks the receiver will react. uu failing to meet agreed deadlines
Anxiety is a normal part of the process, but if you fall uu behaving in a way that contradicts what they say
victim to this you will be less effective than you might
otherwise be.
Effective challenging
Challenging has to steer a course between too uu Advise
what further help and support is available, if
aggressive and too submissive. Effective challenging appropriate
involves being assertive and raising awareness of uu Change focus from what? to how?, from then
what is happening, supported by facts. and there to here and now, and from I cant to
To do this: I choose not to
uu Aska direct, open question about what you sense uu Affirm
all the positive qualities the other person
the person is avoiding, e.g. When, How, Why, What, possesses
Where? uu Askfor their feedback and thoughts after you have
uu Feed
back to the person about how their attitude or stated your case. Effective challenging is a two-way
behaviour impacts on others street.
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Education Support Partnership
40A Drayton Park
London N5 1EW
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