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Transistor Amplifier Design FINAL

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Transistor Amplifier Design

R.Y. Abubo 1, R.J. Datingaling 2, L. Macalindong 3, R.K. Patron4

Batangas State University Main Campus II
Electrical Engineering Department
reizelyna.abubo@yahoo.com1, renierjude05@gmail.com2, okkz01125@gmail.com3,

May 23, 2017

This paper helps to guide the readers on how to design are widely used in almost all electronic equipment.
a transistor amplifier with the specifications satisfied Applications of amplifier are of wide range, they are
and its results shown. The group proposed a two stage mainly used in communications, controllers, audio and
BJT amplifier with 4.45 peak to peak input signal in video instruments.
addition with a supply voltage of 12V. An output
signal 4V peak to peak to attain, with a frequency
Transistors are a key component to many
range of 30 Hz to 20kHz. Operating with a 1k ohm as
amplifying circuits. It is a semiconductor device used
its load resistance and 10A maximum input current, to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical
the overall gain of the circuit is 536.1181. power. It is composed of semiconductor material
usually with at least three terminals for connection to
an external circuit. An electrical signal can be
amplified by using a device which allows a small
current or voltage to control the flow of a much larger
To design a transistor amplifier that operates with the current from a dc power source. Because controlled
following specifications: (output) power can be higher than the controlling
(input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. This
1. Must have a gain of 400 as minimum and 800 property is called gain. It can produce a stronger output
as maximum signal, a voltage or current, which is proportional to a
2. Must have a minimum supply voltage of 12V weaker input signal; that is, it can act as an amplifier.
3. Must have a frequency range of 300Hz 20kHz Transistors amplifiers are commonly used in
applications like RF (radio frequency), audio, OFC
4. Must have a load resistance of 1k
(optic fibre communication) and the like.
5. Must have a maximum input current of 10 A
6. Must have an output swing of 4 Vpk-pk The Bipolar Transistor basic construction
7. To create an amplifier with the lowest output consists of two PN-junctions producing three
power possible. connecting terminals with each terminal bring given a
name to identify it from the other two. These three
terminals are known and labeled as Emitter, Base and
II. INTRODUCTION Collector. These transistors are current regulating
devices that control the amount of current flowing
them in proportion to the amount of biasing voltage
An amplifier, electronic amplifier or (informally) amp applied to their base terminal-acting like a current-
is an electronic device that can increase the power of a controlled switch.
signal (a time-varying voltage or current). It uses
electric power from a power supply to increase the They are useful in amplifier because the
amplitude of a signal. currents at the emitter and collector are controllable by
a relatively small base current. In an n-p-n transistor
operating in the active region, the emitter-base
Amplification is a process of increasing the
junction is forward biased and electrons are injected
signal strength by increasing the amplitude of a given
into the base region. Most electrons will diffuse into
signal without changing its characteristics. It is the reverse-biased base collector junction and be swept
fundamental to modern electronics, and amplifiers
into the collector; perhaps one-hundredth of the
1 pc. 65k
electrons will recombine in the base, which is
dominant mechanism in the base current. 1 pc. 25
1 pc. 50
The proposed circuit presents a typical two
stage bipolar junction transistor circuit. Upon 1 pc. 250
conceptualizing the design, we considered the 2 pcs. 500
application of different concepts, the correct 1 pc. 0.1u
calculation of various parameters and conducted
researches to come up with a design that is readily Capacitors 4 pcs. 100u
available in the market and the specifications for the 1 pc. 450p
amplifier were satisfied. It is essential that before one
proposes an amplifier, he/she must be familiar with the Wires - -
basics and key concepts. This includes the type of Breadboard 1 pc. -
transistor to be used, the transistor configuration, the
analyzation of the configuration and the circuit, and
the relationship and effects of the parameters of the Designing our transistor amplifier undergone
amplifier. extensive researches and brainstorming before we
come up with the final circuit design. With the aid of
The common-emitter, voltage divider
amplifier has excellent input and output characteristics our peers from the Electronics and Communication
in terms of current and power. It is designed so that a Engineering Department, we presented various circuit
small change in voltage (Vout) changes the small designs and simulated to find out if there are some
current through the base of the transistor; the changes and adjustments in the values of components
transistors current amplification combined with the and calculations to satisfy the required specifications
properties of the circuit means that the small swings in given. More than anything else, designing a transistor
Vin produce large changes in Vout. The group also amplifier needs group effort, perseverance and
decided to put an electronic filter to the proposed cooperation to be able to attain a common goal. It is to
circuit. These filters perform signal processing come up with a final circuit design that operates with
functions, specifically to remove unwanted frequency the given specifications. Indeed, achieving all of these
components from the signal, to specifications requires critical analyzation and correct
enhance unwanted ones, or both.


In the construction of our transistor amplifier, the
following components and materials were used:
Using the application Multisim and the book
Table 1.1 Practical Electronics by Paul Scherz which we used as
List of Materials and Components Used a reference material, we came up with the following
circuit designs.
Material / Quantity
Component Rating
A. Our first design is composed of a two BJT
Transistors 2 pc. 2N3904 transistor circuit that were capacitively coupled. It
has a good sinusoidal wave but it clipped. The
1 pc. 1.5k frequency range which is ...... is doesnt satisfy the
1 pc. 2k specification needed. We decided to research and
Resistors 1 pc. 3k read additional references that may help us to
create a new circuit design.
1 pc. 10k
5 pcs. 20k
B. Our second circuit is our final design. This
transistor amplifier project is designed using
common electronic components. It is composed
of a two stage BJT with a low pass and high pass
filters. To be able to attain the gain required, the
group decide to choose a transistor that gives a
larger gain unlike any others like general purpose
transistor, 2N3904. It is more convenient to use it
because it only requires fewer stages to achieve
the desired voltage gain.

Fig. 1 Final Circuit Design

Two stage of BJT is used to amplify the

previous signal on the first stage. The output of the
first stage which is connected to an active high pass
filter is capacitively coupled to the input of the second
stage. We put electronic filters that perform signal
processing functions, specifically to remove unwanted
frequency components from the signal. The bypass
filter helps to give a frequency that is lower than the
cut off frequency which doesnt affect the other
parameters.. The active high pass filters attenuates
below a cut-off frequency allowing higher frequencies
to pass though the filter

Capacitors are used as coupling device Fig 2. AC Sweep

because it prevents the dc bias of one stage from
affecting that of the other but allows the ac signal to The frequency is satisfied. The frequency for
pass without attenuation. The load resistance low cut-off is 17.7879 kHz and for high cut off is
connected to the output through the coupling resistor 328.1928 Hz as shown.
creates a load on the second stage of the circuit. The
bypass capacitors are also used to increase the gain of
the amplifier.

The transistor can be easily biased, if we

make sure to use the correct values of resistors and set
the transistors in its active region. The two stages are
voltage divider configuration to help stabilize the
circuit. In addition, this reduces the effects of varying
Beta (), by fixing a voltage at a certain value.

The transistor was also designed to amplify

from its quiescent point. All computations has been
made and it was tested in actual and using the
application Multisim to observe some simulation
and to check if it bias correctly.
Fig. 5 Maximum Input Current

Using a function generator and an

oscilloscope, the output waveform is displayed ass a
sinusoidal wave which shows that the circuit design

Fig 3. Transient Analysis

The gain of an amplifier is a measure of the

Amplification of an amplifier, or how much it
increases the amplitude of a signal. The gain of the
amplifier is 536.1181.

Fig 6 . Breadboard Circuit

Fig 4. Voltage Output Swing

Fig 7. Output Waveforn
Fig 8. Actual Testing

Gain 536.1181
Vsupply 12 V
Load Resistance 1k
Frequency Range 328.1928 Hz - 17.7879
Minimum Output 4.45 VP P
Maximum Input 1.78A
Circuit Power 3.66mW

Data Sheet for 2N3904 Transistor

220 (500)
10 10

Resistor Values 1 = 77.6471

A. First Stage Therefore, the nearest value is 80k.

Set: = 220
= 3 171
2 =
= 12 103
17 (80)
= 100 =
= 0.7
2 = 13.20

2 The value is adjusted to 20k .

= =
2(3103 ) + 3

= 3 3
100 =
+ 3
Set = 1 for temperature stability 3

3 = 21.3333

The value is adjusted to 50k .
= The bypass capacitor is set to 100F for
(3103 )
filtering signals lower than 300Hz. Active high pass
filter (1st order) is used to filter signals higher than
= 333.333
20kHz. The value of capacitor is 45pF is used and the
resistor is 1.5k.
Therefore, the nearest value is 500 .
B. Second Stage

2 1.7 Set: = 350

1 12 1.7 = 6
= 12
+ = 80
( + )

171 2
2 =
171 2(6103 )
103 1 2 = 2
171 1 + 2
+ 2

The value is adjusted to 25 .
6 The bypass capacitor is also set to 100F for
= 166.666 the same reason as the first stage. The corresponding
pages shows the computation for the DC Operating
The value is adjusted to 250 . points of the amplifier.

= +
= 1 + 0.7 DC Operating Points
= 1.7
A. First Stage

12 1.7

2 =

1 2 (1 )
= 103
1 + 2 171 +
103 1

= 350(250)

Fig 7. First Stage

1 = 61.76
Since our configuration is Voltage Divider,
The value is adjusted to 65k .

= = 2.4 V
1 + 2
171 1 2
2 =
= = 16k
1 + 2

17 (65) 2.4 0.7

= = = 16 +(200+1)(500)
103 +(+1)
= .
2 = 10.73

Therefore, the nearest value is 10k. = = 220(13.4387 )

= .

+ 3
= ( + 1) = (220+1)(13.4387 )
2 = .
80 =
+ 3 = = (2.97)(500)
= .
3 = 20.667
() =
() = Fig 8. Second Stage

AC Analysis Following the same process as the first stage, we


= = .
1 + 2
1 2
= = .
1 + 2

= =
+ ( + 1)

= .
Fig 7.1. First Stage Two Port Model

re =
26mV 26mV
= 2.97mA = 8.7542 = = 220(9.3345 )
= .
(1 + 1)re= (220+1) (8.7542) = 1.9347k () =

Zi = RTH // (1 + 1)re = 1.726 k = ( + 1) = (220 + 1)9.3345

= .
Zo = 3k

= = 3.2764(500)
C R 3k (220) = .
AVNL1= (+1)r =
e (220+1) (8.7542)

AVNL1= -341.1417 26

Second Stage = .
(+1) = (350 + 1)7.9355 = .

AC Analysis
Avs= ( )Av
2 +

Fig 8.1. Second Stage-Re Model Avs = 626.4190

= PAC 100

( )( )
= 100
VCC (1 +2 )

(5.41 V)(5.41 mA)

= 100

= 4.88 %

Fig 8.2 Second Stage Two Port Model PAC = Circuit Power
(5.41 V)(5.41 mA)
Zi = RTH // ( + 1)re
= .
= .
= .
Frequency Response
C 500(350)
AVNL2= (+1)r = (350+1)(7.9355)

= .

RTH1 // (1 + 1)re1 = 1.726k

RTH2 // (2 + 1) re2 = 2.1079k

Av1 = -AVNL1 ( )

Av1 =99.6539
Av2 = 8.1069 Fig 9. Re Model (Low Frequency)

1 1
Av = Av1 * Av2 fLi=2( = 2(500+16k)(0.5nF)
+1 )(1 )

= (99.6539)(8.1069) fLi= 19.291 kHz

Av = 807.8845
fLo=2( +
= 2(3k+8.7)(100F)
)(2 )

fLo= 0.14 Hz We can conclude that the choice of components,

namely the transistors, resistors and capacitor plays a
big role in creating a transistor amplifier. It takes a lot
of research and planning to come up with a design that
is suited for the required specifications.

We also learn that adjusting the values of the

capacitor is great way to remove the unwanted
distortion in the output. Thats why we decided to put
a low pass filter which limits the cut off frequency
range. The active high pass filters attenuates below a
cut-off frequency allowing higher frequencies to pass
though the filter. Multistage or two stage circuit also
helps to increase the open loop gain of the amplifier.

Above all these things, we were able to assess

ourselves on how to handle things with perseverance,
cooperation and teamwork. These will help us to
overcome any problems that may occur. We should
not be afraid to share our suggestions and insights
because this is also a way to improve camaraderie
Fig 9.2 Re Model (Low Frequency) among its members. Every group project has its own
ups and downs but we believe that if learn to work as
one, we can be successful in everything that we do.
A. First Stage
( // 1 // 2 ) (1.5k // 3k)
REQ = (13.4387) The group highly recommends that designing an
amplifier takes a lot of time and effort so one must
1484.85k learn to plan its every detail to come up with a design
REQ= 220(13.4387)
that suits the specifications needed. We can also
consult other people who are knowleadgeable in that
REQ= 6.75 field to seek help especially when we are consume a
lot of time in doing certain adjustments and/or changes
in the circuit just to attain the desired amplifier. We
also recommend that one must know which
Re = (RE + R3) //REQ
components like resistors and capacitors are readily
Re = 550//6.75 available in the market. It is a great factor to consider
because every component affects the characteristics of
Re = 6.67 an amplifier.

fLe = 2( )
[1] Electronics Tutorial
1 Available:http://www.electronics-
fLe= tutorials.ws/amplifier/amp_1.html
2( 6.67)(100F)

fLe= 238.61 Hz [2] Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, BJT and
JFET Frequency Response, Electronic Devices and
Circuit Theory, Seventh Edition, pp. 493-538.
[3]Thomas L. Floyd, BJT Amplifiers, Electronic
Devices, 9th Edition, New Jersey

[4] Scherz, Paul, Transistors, Practice Electronics

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