Bone Tumor
Bone Tumor
Bone Tumor
Lytic lesion
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Adopted from Green span and other literature
Parosteal OS
Periosteal Osteblastoma
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Medullary osteoma OSTEOID OSTEOMA most important clinal syptoms is pain severe at night
Cortical but is dramatically relieved by analgetik; 10 30 of age; M=F 2:1; sites of
osteoma There is sclerosis nidus predilection are the long bones, particularly the femur and tibia; characteristic of
surrounded by a halo lesion there is a nidus of osteoid tissue, which may be purely radioluscent or
of radioluscent osteoid have a sclerotic centre. The nidus has limited growth potential and usually
measures less than 1 cm in diameter; The lesion can be classified as cortical,
medullary (cancellous), or subperiosteal; subclassified as an exracapsular or
Osteoid osteoma (cortical)
There is intense reactive sclerosis 1. Stress fracture (radioluscent line perpendicular to or angle to cortex)
surrounding the nidus 2. Cortical bone abscess (radioluscent usually elongated focus with a
linear, serpentine tract)
3. Intracortical OS (radioluscent focus surrounded by zone of sclerosis;
cortex thickened or bulged)
Osteoid osteoma (medullary)
1. Brodie abscess (lesion close to growth plate, serpentine tract)
2. Bone island ( brush borders )
3. Osteoblastoma (lesion larger than 2 cm, reactive sclerosis not striking,
prominent periosteal reaction)
Subperiosteal osteoma TREATMENT : En bloc resection
BoneIsland Osteoblastoma
Brush border
The lesion is larger and there is a more
pronounced periosteal reaction in the
medial and lateral humerus cortices. The
extent of reactive bone surrounding the
radioluscent nidus is less than that usually
seen in osteoid osteoma
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Osteoid osteoma ( osteoid osteoma has a radioluscent nidus <1,5 cm,
occasionally with a sclerotic center )
Bone abscess ( bone abscess usually marked by serpentine track or it is
seen to cross the growth plate,,, THIS PHENOMENA ALMOST NEVER
Aneurysmal bone cyst ( similar appearance to osteoblastoma, there is Osteoblastoma: Radioluscent focus in the
blow out, expansive lesion BUT with central opacities ) scapula surrounded by a sclerotic area,
Enchondroma ( enchondroma will usually display a calcified matrix accompanied by shaggy periosteal reaction
at the axillary border
assuming the form of dots, rings, and arcs. And enchondroma unless
there has been a pathologic fracture, )
Osteosarcoma ( OS has permeative or moth-eaten bone destruction;
wide zone transtiton; tumor bone in form of cloud-like opacities;
aggressive periosteal reaction; soft tissue mass ) A serpentine tract
extebds from an
abscess cavity toward
the growth late
An aggressive osteomadestruction
of the entire fourth metacarpal with
massive bone formation, particularly in
distal portion. Although very similar in
apperance to OS, the lesion still appears to
be contained by a shell of periosteal new
bone formation
Classic features of Ollier disease are exhibited in extensive involvement of multiple bones. In
Pelvic shows crescent shaped and ring-like calcifications in tongues of cartilage extending from
the iliac crests and proximal femora. In legs shows growth stunting and deformities of the tibia
and fibula
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Juxtacortical (parosteal)
osteosarcoma : typically
at the posterior aspect of
the distal femur
Juxtacortical (parosteal)
osteoma : atypical ivory-
like mass is seen attached
to the cortex
Soft-tissue osteosarcoma : is
an uncommon malignant tumor
of mesenchymal origin,
Malignant transformation of osteochondroma : enlargement of the accounting 4% of all OS, mean
age about 54 years; As a slowly
lesion, marked thickening of the cartilaginous cap of the lesion, growing mass, may or may not
dispersion of calcification into the cartilaginous cap, development of be accompanied by pain.
a soft tissue mass, increased isotop uptake by the lesion after Radiographically : Soft tissue
mass with scattered amorphous
skeletal maturity calcification and ossifications
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- Fibrous cortical defect
- Aneurysmal bone cyst
- Chondromyxoid fibroma
- Fibrous dysplacia
- Low-grade Osteosarcoma ( shows cortical destruction with or without soft tissue mass, findings
which are not present in fibrous dysplacia )
- Non ossifying fibroma
- Simple bone cyst
- Enchondromatosis
NOF (fibrous
cortical defect
encroaches on the
medullary cavity),
Fibrous cortical eccentrically Fibrous dysplacia shows an
affecting located in the expansive, ground glass density,
medial cortex of bone and has a dyaphiseal lesion. The cortex is
the femur sclerotic border thinned but not disrupted
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Miscellaneus lesions
- Giant cell tumour (GCT)
- Chondroblastoma, (are seen as well defined lucent lesions, with
either smooth or lobulated margins and a thin sclerotic rim,
arising eccentrically in the epiphysis of long tubular bone such
as the femur, humerus, or tibia or apophysis such as greater an expansile, lucency in metaphysis. No
trochanter, greater tuberosity, calcaneus or talus. Internal fracture although the posterior cortex
calcifications can be seen in 40-60% of cases. A joint effusion is appears deficient. The lesion does not
seen in one-third of patients. They range in size from 1-10 cm, transgress the growth plate
with most being 3-4 cm at diagnosis)
- Fibrous dysplasia,( ground-glass matrix, may be completely
lucent (cystic) or sclerotic, well circumscribed lesions, no
periosteal reaction, rind sign)
- Osteosarcoma (especially telangiectatic osteosarcoma)
TREATMENT : Curetage, followed grafting
- Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC): younger age group, but may co-exist
GCT; purely osteolytic lesion in the with GCT; fluid-fluid levels
distal end of femur, eccentric location, - Non-ossifying fibroma: usually younger age group
the absence of reactive sclerosis, and - Brown tumour: in the setting of hyperparathyroidism
the extension of the lesion into the - Enchondroma: only really a consideration in lesions of small bones
articular end of the bone
of the hand and foot
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Central Chondrosarcoma; Plain radiographs of the right tibia showed destruction of the
destructive lesion in the anterior cortex of the distal tibia, extending to the articular
medullary portion of the surface, and associated with a chondroid-type calcified
bone are annular and softtissue mass that protruded anteriorly. Periosteal new bone
comma-shaped calcification was observed along the anterior tibial cortex. PERIOSTEAL
MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA a group of neoplasms that are composed of lymphoid or histiocytic cells of
different subtypes in various stages of maturation. Once called reticulum cell sarcoma, non-Hodgkin
lymphoma, lymphosarcoma, or osteolymphoma, bone lymphoma is now known as large cell or histiocytic
lymphoma. Primary bone lymphoma is a rare tumor that accounts for less than 5% of all primary bone tumors;
45-75 of age, M > F; common predilection in diaphysis of the long bones, as well as the ribs and flat bones such
as the scapula and pelvis; Clinically, with local symptoms, such as pain and swelling, or with systemic
symptoms, such as fever and weight loss; Radiographically produces a permeative or moth-eaten pattern of
bone destruction or is a purely osteolytic lesion with or more commonly without a periosteal reaction, The
affected bone can also present with an ivory appearance, as is often the case in lesions of the vertebrae or flat
bones. Because lymphoma usually does not evoke significant periosteal new bone formation, this is an
important feature in differentiating it from Ewing sarcoma
Ewing sarcoma: (particularly in younger patient, there is periosteal new bone formation and
usually with soft tissue mass)
Paget disease (if the articular end of bone is involved and thee is a mixed sclerotic and
osteolytic pattern)
Lymphoma at the proximal femur; Lymphoma at the right knee was diagnosed with
there is destructive lesion of tje Paget disease; show a destructive lesion of the
diaphysis to the growth plate, with proximal tibia extending into the articular end of
lamellated type of periosteal the bone. The mixed sclerotic and osteolytic
reaction character of this lesion may resemble the coarse
trabecular pattern of Paget disease; however
there is a lack of cortical thickening. There is a
pathologic fracture, but only minimal periosteal
respon is evident. Biopsy is HISTOCYTIC
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MYELOMA also known as multiple myeloma or plasma cell myeloma, is a tumor originating in the bone
marrow and is the most common primary malignant bone tumor; 50 of age, M > F; The axial skeleton (skull,
spine, ribs, and pelvis) are the most commonly affected sites, but no bone is exempt from involvement;;
Radiographically Multiple myeloma may present in a variety of radiographic patterns, Particularly in the spine,
it may be seen only as diffuse osteoporosis with no clearly identifiable lesion; multiple compression fractures of
the vertebral bodies may also be evident. More commonly, it exhibits multiple lytic lesions scattered throughout
the skeleton. In the skull, characteristic punched-out areas of bone destruction, usually of uniform size, are
noted, whereas the ribs may contain lace-like areas of bone destruction and small osteolytic lesions, sometimes
accompanied by adjacent soft-tissue masses. Areas of medullary bone destruction are noted in the flat and long
bones, and if these appear about the cortex, they are accompanied by scalloping of the inner cortical margin.
Ordinarily, there is no evidence of sclerosis and no periosteal reaction.
An interesting variant of sclerosing myeloma is the so-called POEMS syndrome. It consists of polyneuropathy (P),
organomegaly (O), particularly of the liver and the spleen, endocrine disturbances (E) such as amenorrhea and
gynecomastia, monoclonal gammopathy (M), and skin changes (S) such as hyperpigmentation and hirsutism
Metastatic carcinoma: (in the early stages of myeloma, the pedicle (which does not contain as much
red marrow as the vertebral body) is not involved, whereas even in an early stage of metastatic cancer
the pedicle and vertebral body are both affected. In the late stages of multiple myeloma, however, both
the pedicle and vertebral body may be destroyed)
SCELETAL METASTASE are the most frequent malignant bone tumors and consequently should always
be considered in the differential diagnosis of malignant lesions, particularly in older patients; Most metastatic
lesions involve the axial skeletonthe skull, spine, and pelvisas well as the proximal segments of the long
bones; These lesions result from the hematogenous spread of a malignancy, the usual mechanism by
which a primary neoplasm erodes regional blood vessels, seeding malignant cells to the capillary beds
of the lung and liver; Radiographically Metastasis to bone can be solitary or multiple and can be further
divided into purely lytic, purely blastic, and mixed lesions; A few characteristic features of metastatic lesions
may be helpful in making the distinction: (a) metastatic lesions usually present without or with only a small
adjacent soft-tissue mass and (b) they usually lack a periosteal reaction unless they have broken through the
cortex. The primary tumors that give rise to purely osteolytic metastases are usually those of the kidney, lung,
breast, thyroid, and gastrointestinal tract. For purely osteoblastic metastases are generally those of the prostate
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Kesimpulan : Menyokong gambaran primary malignant bone tumor distal os femur kiri (most likely Osteosarcoma)
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Kesimpulan : Menyokong gambaran malignant soft tissue mass regio cruris kanan
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Kesimpulan :
Menyokong gambaran malignant bone tumor pada 1/3 lateral os clavicula kanan most likely Ewing Sarcoma, DD/
Malignant lymphoma
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Kesimpulan :
Dari foto ini lebih mengarah ke primary bone tumor di os fibula distal dengan DD/ :
1. Berdasarkan usia dan lokasi lesi : Ewing Sarcoma
2. Berdasarkan balloning dan luscency lesi : Fibrous displacia
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Kesimpulan :
Menyokong gambaran primary malignant bone tumor (most likely Osteosarcoma) yang meluas ke intraarticular, os
patella kanan dan condylus medial et lateral os femur kanan
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Foto Thorax PA :
- Cor : besar dan bentuk normal
- Pulmo : tak tampak infiltrat / nodul
- Sinus phrenicocostalis kanan kiri tajam
- Tampak multiple bone eksostosis, dengan korteks dan medulla yang contiguous dengan tulang host, base
tak tampak jelas pada scapula kanan yang tampak mendesak costae 3-8 posterior dan di sisi posterior os
scapula kanan
- Tampak multiple bone eksostosis , dengan korteks dan medulla yang contiguous dengan tulang host di
costa 3-5 kanan anterior yang tak tampak jelas basednya
Kesimpulan :
Osteochondromatosis scapula kanan dan costa 3-5 kanan
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Kesimpulan :
Osteochondromatosis pedunculated type distal os femur kiri
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Kesimpulan :
Menyokong gambaran aggressive primary bone tumor most likely Osteosarcoma
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Kesimpulan :
Adanya uniform unched out lytic lesion multiple dan diffuse pada os calvaria, corpus VL 1-5, ramus superior et
inferior os pubis kanan kiri, 1/3 tengah hingga distal os femur kiri, 1/3 tengah hingga distal os humerus kiri dan 1/3
distal os radius kiri menyokong gambaran multiple myeloma
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Adopted from Green span and other literature