Lesson Plan Form
Lesson Plan Form
Lesson Plan Form
Revised 08/05/14
RF.1.2.c Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in
spoken single-syllable words.
DOK/Cognitive Rigor Level: DOK Level 2- Can you explain the different sounds between the letters
b, d, p, and q?
Language Demands (What demands in terms of language does this lesson require of students,
particularly English Learners?):
- Language demands are the knowledge of the sounding out words and knowing the difference
between the sounds of the letter b, d, p, and q
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence):
Introduction to letter and sound recognition
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity):
Anticipatory Set: activate student prior knowledge
Teacher will demonstrate sight words on flash cards.
Teacher will introduce words that begin with b, d, p, and q.
Teacher will introduce Alphabet Fluency game as conclusion
Student friendly objective: By the end of our lesson you should understand, identify, and demonstrate
their understanding of the difference between the letters b, d, p, q, and sight words by working in pairs
in the alphabet fluency game.
Step #1: Teacher will show flashcards of words that start with letters b, d, p, and q
a. Teacher will sound out the words and say the words
a. Students will repeat after teacher by sounding out the words and saying the words
b. Student response: Shuffle the flashcards with the words on them and quiz the students for
Step #3: Teacher will tell students the rules of the Alphabet Fluency game
a. Students will be split into pairs- Students have the same learning level, so specific order of pairing
b. Each pair will have a dry erase board, marker, and set of flashcards with sight words and words that
begin with b, d, p, and q
c. One player from each team will show the alphabet letter, make the sound of the word or say the
word- word is either a sight word or words that begin with letter b, d, p, and q.
d. The player to say or sound out the word correctly gets the point.
e. Once a winner has been determined, pairs in a team quiz each other.
f. Students will get one attempt to get the answer right each round.
g. If students have trouble with any sight word or words that begin with the letters b, d, p, and q they
must keep the flashcard to get further understanding.
b. Student response: to check for understanding, teacher will play the game with a student, so the
students can get a visual on the how to play.
C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): Guided practice (students working with
teacher support on proving behavior or activity)
Each student quizzes each other while teacher observes to make sure they understand the game and
rules of the game
Teacher will make one round of the game just sight words and the second-round words that begin
with b. d. p, and q, and the third round will be a mixture of both.
D. MATERIALS & RESOURCES: What do you need for the lesson? Make a list.
1. Dry erase boards
2. Markers
3. Flashcards
Summative: (at the end of the lesson) (Closure, exit slip, ticket out the door, quiz, test)