Process Economics Program Report 182B Aromatic Processes (December 2008)
Process Economics Program Report 182B Aromatic Processes (December 2008)
Process Economics Program Report 182B Aromatic Processes (December 2008)
This report reviews the status of the BTX industry and related production and recovery
technologies as of mid year 2008. It is the latest in a series of earlier PEP reports covering
various aspects of the industry two of which were issued year end 2006. The current report
incorporates and updates information from the earlier reports.
In todays aromatics complex extractive distillation appears to be the preferred method for
recovering benzene or benzene/toluene from mixed C6/C7 aromatic/paraffin mixtures. The GTC
Technology GT-BTX extractive distillation process was evaluated in one of the earlier reports.
The current report includes evaluations of Uhdes Morphylane and Single Column
Morphylane extractive distillation processes.
Another technology focus of this report is BTX recovery from pyrolysis gasoline. Included is
an evaluation of SK Corporations pyrolysis gasoline upgrading process. Two versions of the
process are patented: one uses a C6+ pygas feed (full range) and the other a C7+ pygas feed
(debenzenized). The latter is the subject of the evaluation.
December 2008
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United States and the WORLD PETROCHEMICALS PROGRAM covers major hydrocarbons and
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plant for the United States, Western Europe, Canada, and East Asia, South America and Mexico.
BENZENE................................................................................................................... 3-2
TOLUENE................................................................................................................... 3-30
Description of a Typical Aromatics Complex Fed With BTX Boiling Range Naphtha 4-49
Single Column Morphylane Battery Limits Capital and Production Cost Estimates .. 5-11
Section 100: Pygas Stabilization and Benzene Heart Cut Separation....................... 6-11
3.1 U.S. Average Spot Price for Benzene, Toluene, MTBE and Unleaded
Premium Gasoline ................................................................................................. 3-30
4.16 Lurgi Distapex Process Flow Scheme Pygas Feed .............................................. 4-34
4.22A UOP Sulfolane Extractive Distillation Process Flow Scheme ............................... 4-42
4.22B UOP Sulfolane Extractive Distillation Process Flow Scheme ............................... 4-42
4.23 Conceptual BTX Liquid Extraction System Using Ionic LIquid Solvent................. 4-45
5.3 Block Flow Scheme for Simulating Morphylane Extractive Distillation Process ... 5-10
2.1 World Capacity, Production and Growth Rates of BTX - 2007 ............................. 2-1
2.4 Benzene Recovery from a Hydrotreated Pygas C6 Heart Cut Fraction Via
Morphylane and Single Column Morphylane Process
Production Cost ..................................................................................................... 2-7
2.5 Pygas Upgrading (SK Corporation Process) With and Without Raffinate Reforming
Production Costs ................................................................................................... 2-9
3.1 2007 Worldwide Capacity and Production for BTX Aromatics.............................. 3-3
3.4 Announced Expansions and Speculative Additions for Benzene 2007 ................ 3-27
3.7 Announced Global Expansions and Speculative Additions for Toluene ............... 3-46
4.1 Typical Compositions and Properties of Refinery Stream Naphthas .................... 4-3
4.6 Analysis of a Typical Crude Coke Oven Light Oil ................................................. 4-15
4.7 Liquid Extraction Processes for the Separation of BTX Aromatics from
Hydrocarbon Mixtures ........................................................................................... 4-24
5.4 Benzene Recovery from a Hydrotreated Pygas C6 Heart Cut Fraction Via
Morphylane Extractive Distillation
Major Equipment ................................................................................................... 5-4
5.5 Benzene Recovery from a Hydrotreated Pygas C6 Heart Cut Fraction Via
Morphylane Extractive Distillation
Battery Limits Investment ...................................................................................... 5-5
5.6 Benzene Recovery from a Hydrotreated Pygas C6 Heart Cut Fraction Via
Morphylane Extractive Distillation
Utility Costs............................................................................................................ 5-6
5.7 Benzene Recovery from a Hydrotreated Pygas C6 Heart Cut Fraction Via
Morphylane Extractive Distillation
Production Costs ................................................................................................... 5-7
5.9 Single Column Morphylane Divided Wall Column Design Parameters ................ 5-11
6.6 Benzene Heart Cut Hydrotreat Reactor Design Parameters ................................ 6-12