Introduction To Sketching
Introduction To Sketching
Introduction To Sketching
Introduction to Sketching
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
In troduction to Sk etching
20 Sketching l lw.. lesM111 tntn>ducc~ 2[) -.!,.etching. the ha~-- or mode ling in
~nlu.lWork~ .
' I
.- -.- I I
New part
Ne\\ pnrh can hl' cn.:at~:d 111 mch. mt ll nnetcr nr ~>t h~:r unih. Parts arc
to create .tnd hold the -.ohd modl'l
"'k.:tdw-. ar~: colkctwn ... oi2D geometry that arc to ~:rc;tte solttl
Sketch geometry
I} pes or 2[) gcomclr} sudl a-.. Iincs. Circles .md rectangle~ that make
up the .
Sketch relations
( l.!omctnc rdattonsh tps ~uch a-. hor11ontal and 'crttcal arc .tpphcd to
the -,!-.etch geometry. ll1c rdauon-.. restnet the mm em~:m 11r the cnuuc-..
SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching
1 New part.
Cltck New and cite" the Part _MM tcmplat~: from the Training
Templates tah on the New SolidWorks Document dtalng hn'l.. and
clic" OK.
(- J
lh~: p<trt I'- crcat~:d '' ith the settings of'th~: temp late. One "cy ...cuing 1s
the pan.., un1h \..,the IWillC 11npl1cs, lhi.., part temp late u~cs
m11limctcrs ,1s the Ulllt .... You can create and sa\c any number of
different tcmpbh.:s, all\\ it h dill\:rcnl setltngs.
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
Introduction to Sketching
Saving Files ~a' mg lll!!s \Hilt:)> the lih: inli.,mwtmn 111 RAM to a locauon on u li\ed
di:-.k. <:;olid~orb pro\ 1de-. three opt1on~ for sa\ mg. fifes. I ac::h ha~ a
diiTerenl e!li:ct on tile rcler..:ncc-..
Save Cop) the file 111 RAM to the lhed dl'>K, !ell\ mg the copy 111 RAM open.
lftlm tile 1s hemg n:fi:n.:nced by an) open <:;olidWorks files, then.: arc
no changes to the n:fi:rl!nce
Save As Copy Cop) the file in RAM ltllhc lhed Jt,k under a ne\\ name or file t}pl',
lca,ing the ongmalm RAM open.lfthts file 1s hcmg rcfi!renccd hy .m)
open SoliJWork'> file:.. you \lwuld not update the reli:renccs In tlm ne''
fih: .
2 Filing a part.
Click Save Id anti file the partlmtler the numc Plate. !"he c\ll'nstOn.
.sldprt, i-. added automatically. Click Save .
. ......oo.-. }1
'WM~Wo.~ s
......._ ....
I - P.r
... c - If
"' '------~--~~
SolldWorks 2013 lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching
What are We Ihe first lea tun: or a pan W ill be crcutcu 111 thts ~cctillll. !"hat lllltWI
Going to feature 1::. just the first or man) tcature~ nccucu to complete the pan.
Sketching ~~ the <let ol crcaung a 21) profile cum prised or\\ m: frame . I )ptcal g.eomctr) t) pes .tn: Iincs, an:s. ctn:les and clltpses.
~!..etching ts dynamtl", "tth fccdhacJ.. fwm the cursor to maJ..c tl easier.
Default Planes "Jo create a sf.-ctch, you must choose a plane on '' htch to sJ...ctd t. lhc
.;ystcm pnn u..lcs three mitiul planes hy dduult. J'hcy arc Front Plane.
Top Plane. ;.md Right Plane.
Introducing: \\ hen crcaung. a ne" sJ...etd1. Insert Sketch opens the sJ..ctdter on the
Insert Sketc h current!) sch.:cted plane nr planar l~cc \till also use Insert Sketch to
cdtt an e\isung. ...ketch.
You must sdcct a phmc nr a pl:mar lltcc of the model alicr d tcf.-mg
Insert, Sketch. I he ~o.ursor ~ :' appears indicating that ) ou should
~elec t a thee or plane.
Where to Find lt ( ommand~ lanager Sketch > Sketch ~
Menu: Insert, Sketch
~honl"ut Menu Rtght-cltcJ.. a plane or planar lace and eltcf.- Sketch
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
Introduction to
SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 2
Introduction to Slcetchmg
Sketch Entities ~ohtiWorl-.s nfli:rs a ndt 'am:t) or ,1-.~tdt tools for cn.:atmg pro tile
gcnmcll') . In tlus ks..,on. on I) one of the most ha~tc -.ha pc~" tll he u..,cd.
Sketch Geometry The l(liiO\\ mg ~:hart ltsts ..,omc or the sketch en lilies that arc available:
Sk(tc h E nlit)
I Button Ceometr) f: \ample
l. tnc
- ~-
Pcnmctcr Ctrclc
C~nterpOIOt ~'Hl'
Tangent \r~:
- --
J Pomt \re )
Ellip-..c rg
- --
Parttul I 11 ipse
[Q] ~-
-- -
~ ~
-- !--~ - --- ' - - - - -
<.itraight Slot ),.
<:;traight ~lot ~
.> Putnt Arc ~lot
~ c _:'0
<.. cntcrpomt t\rl
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
lntroductron to Sketchmg
- I
Corner lh:l:tangk
- - -------
D -
(_ l:ntt:r Rectangle
I' ... I
-- - --- - -
~Point ( orncr
Rcctungh: 1::::;
~ Pomt (enter
- - - -
Para lldogmm ,a
~ I I
-- - - -+
- - - ---4- - - ---
Basic Sketching lhc hest way to begin sl\ctching. i~ hy the mo:-1 timdamental
-.lmpc. thl' Line
The Mechanics of lo ~k.:tch geometry. thtre arc twu tcchntljlll!s that can be used
Clic k-Cl ick
l'osnmn the cur~ur "here you \\':1111 the I me to start. (lid, (prcs~
and rdea~e) th\.' Iell mou-.e hutton. Mm L' the cur-.or to "IKrc you
\\,lJll the ltne (O Clld. t\ pre\ le\\ tlfthC c;ketch entity\\ Ill t'olltm tiK'
cur"nr liken rubber hand Clll:k the lctl mouse huuon a -.cconu
lime. Addtllonnl clICks CII!LllC <I -.encs or conm.:ctcu I me:.
PosllH\11 the cursor" here you ''ant the Ime to start Prcs" and hold
the Jell mouse hullun Drag the cursor to \\lu.:re ynu \\ant the ... kctl'h
cnltly to end. A pn!\ ic" of the sketch entity will l\1llm' the cursor
ltkc a ruhh.:r hand. Rclo.:asc the ldt mouse button.
SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching
Introducing: I h~: Line lonl create~ -,inglc lim: ~cgmcnh 111 J skdl'h. lluritontal and
Insert Line \Crllcal hn~: ... can h~: cr~:~lled \\hlk "kctching hy \\Jtchmg li.1r the
lccdhack symhob on the cur-.;or.
5 Sketch a line.
Click line ' .ltld sketch a huntunlalltm: from
the ortgm. I he .. - ,. symbol arpear" at the
cursor. md1cating that u Horizontal rdation 1s automatically added to
the Ime The number mdicatcs the length of" the l1nc.l'ltek agamw end
the Jin~:.
Important! Do not be too concaned \\llh makmg.thc line the e\.act length.
l.lol1dWork ... soilware IS d1mcns1on dm en - the d1mensmns control the
s11e olthc gcomctr). not the other ''a) around Make the sketch
appro\llllatd) the nght s11c and share and then use d1mcns1ons tu
make tl L'\.acl.
6 Line at angle.
Starting at the end of the fiN ltne.
-;ketch a Imeal an angle.
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
Introduction to Sketching
Inference Lines In additmn to the - " and .. I S) mbol.,. dashed ml'erence lines'' ill
(Automatic abn appear to help )llU .. lint' up.. \\ ith exi.,llng geometry l hesc lines
Relations) meludc e\ 1\llng lme 'cc tor.... nom ~a 1.... hon/ontals. 'erucals. tangent'
and ccnter~.
Nott' that some lines capture
gel111lctric relatwns. \\hi le others Q
simply act a ... a gUJde or reference\\ hen
skctclung 1\ dlf1'cr~.nce Ill the color or ~ . , ,,
the inference hncs ''ill d1-.tinguish
them . In the p1cture at the right. the
!me" laheh:d ../\ .. an: olh e-grcen . .tnu 11'
the sketch line snaps to them. a tangent
or pcrpenu1cular rclauon ... hlp ''ill he
I he hnc labcleu .. B.. 1s blue lt only pnn 1de-. a rcl'cn:nc~.:. 111 thi ... ca~c
H:nlcal. lll the other endpolnl. I r the sketch hnc is cnued at tlm. pomt.
no 'crllcal rclatmn "Ill be captured.
7 Inference lines.
<.. reatc a line mo\ mg 111 u d1rcc11on pcrpcn-
dlcubr tn the pre\ IOU!> Ime. I h1s cau~cs
inl'crem:e line'tt\l be uisplaycd \\hllc
sketching. 1\ Perpendicular relation is 11
crcutcd hct\\een thl\ Ime anu the LJ-.t one
I"hi~ cursor'> mhl1l 1ndicatc:-. that you arc
caplllring a perpend1cuhtr relatwn. Note
that the lm~.: cur~nr 1s nnt sho\\ n !'or clarity.
8 Perpendicular.
\ nothcr p~.: r pcndlcular line 1" created lh11n
the l;tst endpo1nt. \gain. a perrendieular
relatHlll 1s autonwllcall} ~:aptun:d .
SolidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 2
lntrod ucUon to Sketching
9 Reference.
Cn.:atc a horunntallinc lhun the i<hl a
cndpomt. Some inkrcnccs arc stncll} fur
reference and do not create rclallnm. lllC) ~- 1
.m.: d1spla}cd in blue. llm rdi:rcncc 1s
us~:d Ll' ,1lignthc cndptunl \Crtically \\ilh
the nngin.
lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
Introduction to Sketching
Turning Off Tools Turn otlthc actiH:: tool using. on, oftht:~c ll:t:hnillllcs:
Menu Bar: Select
lnmmandMnnug.t:r ( Itd.. the a~:ti\ c tool to toggle the llltll oiT
Keyboard Shortcut: Esc
Status of a Sketch <..ketches can be 111 one of li\ t: dt:linltiOn -.tatcs at an~ ttmt: lht: st<llus
or a sketch Jcpemh on gcomctnc rdat1on-. bct\\ccn g.comt:tr) and the
d1mcn-.101b that dcline it. lhc three most common states arc.
Under Defined l hc -.kt:tch 1s im1dcquatcl)' ddined. but the skt:tch can still he used to
~ ()Sketch l create li::aturc::.. lhis 1s good because many times 111 till' early stages or
the des1gn process. thcrt: 1s11'! sullicient mfnrmatwn tu fully delinc tht:
-.ketch. Wht:n more mlimnatton h~:comcs <1\allahlc. IlK r~nwmmg
delin111nn can he addcu at a lata t1mc. l ndcr dt:lined sl-t:tch geometry
1-. blue (h) default)
Fully Defined The ... ketch has complete inlimnation. Fully ul'lined gCl111ll..'lry IS black
~ 51-.etchl (b)uelault ). J\s a general rule. \\hen a part IS rekascd In
manuhtclunng. the skt:ll:ht:-. \\llhin ll should ht: f"ully de lined.
Over Defined I he '\ketch has duplicate d1mens1ons or conllictmg relations and it
~ ~ (+)Sketch! should not he used unul repaired. I \tr~mcnus dimcnsllllb and rllatmn ...
-,lwuld be dclctt:d. (her de lined gt:ometry 1s n, 1 (h) dl.'l ~llllt)
Note !he l\\ n other stales arc No Solution Found ami Invalid Solution
Found. I hey both 111d1catc that thcr~ arc crn1r~ that llUI'-L he rcpa1reu.
I ur more ml(lmlallon 1111 rcp<llr'>....c~ lnson8: Fditillg ' R,,win .
SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 2
lnlroducllon 10 Skelchlng
Rules That Dilll:rcnt type~ of sketch~:-.'' ill yield ddli.'rent results. <:;evcral di llcrcnl
Govern I) pes nrc -.umman;cd in the table helm\. lt '"important to note that
Sketches ...omc nr
the techmquc-. shm\ n in the table hchm arc ath anted
Lcchnu.Jues that arc CO\ ered either later in tlm cnur~e. or 111 other
ad1anced course~ .
(. orncrs arc not ncatl) Use the Contour Select Tool. I or nwn:
dosed. Thn should he. tnf'ormattnn, Sk( hh ( 'onrotll'' on
page 321
l - -
Although tlus -;kcll.:h \\Ill \\lltk. lt
rcpn::scnts poor technique ami sllpj>)
\\or~ 1. ,,.. , . '" ~ , 1. ,,
Lesson 2 SolldWorks 2013
lntroducrton ro Sketchmg
Tip You can al ..o Redo l" a lhange. \\llllh rc\C.:rts it ba~-:1\ tnth.: :-talc
prior to undo. 1ll.: slwrtcut lilr r.:do j, Ctrl+Y
Design Intent l'he dcs1gn iment. Is d1.,cu"cd l'arher. gm nns hu\\ the pan j., buih and
l11m 11 ''Ill change In thi., \!\ample. the '>1-.etch .,hape mu:-.l be.: allm,.:d
111 chang.: 111 thL''l' "a) s:
SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 2
Introd uction to Sketchmg
What Controls Dcs1gn lnll!lll in a sl-.ctch 1s captured and cunLnlllcd by a comhmat1on ol'
Design Intent? t\\ o Lhmgs
Sketch relations
Create gcnmctnc rclaunnsh1p.., such as parulld . col lmcar.
perpendicular. or coincident het\\ ecn ... !..etch ckmcnls.
DimcnsiOih <lrl: used Ill uclim: lhl' SI/C and location the ~!..etch
geomdr) l mcar. rad1al. dwmcter and angular dm1ens1ons can he
Ill full~ uelinc a -.J..ctdlt/1/c/ capture the desired design llllCnl fl!l]liii'CS
Angle' aluc.
Right-anglc comcr.... or
pcrpcnd 1cular l1nt.:s.
Sketch Sketch Relations arc: u~ed to l(m:c a beha' wr on '' sketch cleml'nt
Relations thereby capturmg tks1gn Intent. ~omc an.: uutomnt1c. others can he
adt.h:d as n~.:cucd. In th1s C"\amplc. we" ill look at lhl' rdatlons 1>11 one
of the lines and C\ammc hm\ the} ullcd the design mtcnt of the skcH:h.
Automatic Sketch Automatic relations arl' added a:. gcomctl) I'> sketched. We""'' thi-. as
Relations \\C sketched the outline 111 the pre\ 1nus steps. ~ketch feedback tell-. you
''hen automatiC rclatllln-. arc hcmg created .
Added Sketch I or those relations Lhill cannot he added autnmatlci.llly. toob C"\1\t to
Relations ~.:rcatcrdat1on-.. on selected gl' \llllCtl") .
Introducing : Display Display Relations shm\s and optionally enables ~ou to remo'c
Relations geomctm: reht11onsh1ps hct\\een sketch elcmcnh.
Tip lhc rdat10ns arc VIsible because View, Sketch Relations i!> turnl'd on.
I rIll., turned oil doublc-clu.:kmg the georlll.:lr~ \\Ill shO\\ the relations
and open the Pmpert}Mani.l).!er.
So lidWorks 201 3 Lesson 2
Introduction ro Sl<etchfng
Examples of I hcrc urc many typ~s of Sketch Re lations. Wh1ch ones arc \'alid
Sketch Relations dcp~.:n(h, nn the eombtnallon or geometry that you ~elect. Selections can
h~.: th~ cnt it)' itsd f. cndpomt'> or J comhmation Dl.!pending on the
sdcctmn. ,1 hm1ted -.ctol'opWm>. 1s madc a\all<thk I'hc folhmmg
l.hart ... ho\\ !> -.omc c\amph:.., of -.k~tch rdatum~. llm, .., not n completc
IJ..,t of all gcometnc rdatlllns '\dditlllnal c\ampl~s "ill he mtrmluc~d
throughout th1s cour-.c.
Coincide nt bct\\~cn
a Ime and an
cndpomt~. I
.1 /1 .
Paralle l bctwl.!l.!n
I /:
m o or mor~ hn~~
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 201 3
Introduction to Sketch ing
Relalion Before Art er
Perpendicular ,
hcmccn twn ltnc::..
-- -- -
Collinear bct\\ccn
"<' . .
1 or m on. lt ncs.
-I ,
Hodzontal '""'""
tn one or more l111cs.
Horizontal hct\\ccn
/( d
lwn or mun.
CIHJptlll1l~ .
~ -
Vertical applicu to
<lllC or more l111c-..
SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 2
lntroducllon to Sketching
Equal bcl\\ccn t\\o
or more h ne'
Equal hcl\n:cn t \\ o 1
Midpoint hct\\ccn a ,
I me anti an cnllp\llnt
I /}
Introducing: Add Add Relations 1-. Ill create ..1 gcnmctnc r..:lauon~hip !"Uch a~
Relations pamllcl or collm..:ar hcll\~o:cn -,ketch clcmcnt'i.
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
Introduction to Sketching
18 Add a relation.
llold dm'n Ctrl und click the t\\o lmc:-.. fhe ., -...
Pmpcrt}Managcr :.h<m'- only tho:.c relation:. that arc -....,_
v~tlid lite geometry selected. Lntl
. \
l'lil:k Perpendicular, ami clu:k OK or click in a
blank urea nf tht: graphics "ind<m.
So lidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching
Dimensions 1>1mt.:ns1ons arc another" <t)' w de line g...:om..:lrj <lrld capture dt.:'>lgn
llllt.:lll Ill the ~ohd\\11rb system. n1c adnmtage llf Uslllg a dimellSI\lll IS
that ll 1s used to bnth d1splay the current ,aluc and change 11.
Introducing: rhc Smart Dimension tool Ul:termines the pmpt.:r type or Ullllensron
Smart Dimensions based on the g.comt.:ll") chosen. fli'C'I'ieu ill.~ the d1mcns1ll11 hc!i1rt.:
~:rcat1ng 11 I or e\amplc. 11'you p1d. an arc tlu.: system wdl create a
rad1al uunens1on. If you p1d. a cirde. )otl \\Ill get a u1amcter
dunen-.1o11. \\htk sdecung 1\\0 parallel lmcs "111 create a lmcar het\\ ccn them In cao.,cs ''here the Smart Dimension tool
ISil 'tlflllh: sman enough. you ha\ c the ''Pll\111 or sdectmg e11upomts
:md 1110\ 111g the dl111e11Silll1 tO UlllCrCilt 111e<l'tUrement f10Siti011S
Lesson 2 SolldWorks 2013
Introduction to Sketchtng
Sketching with On An opt inn 10 ~ketch am! create UllllO.:Jh!llns at the 'iam.: tunc 1s on scn.:cn
Screen Numeric num.:ric mpu1. ll rcqlllr.::-. thc~o.: '>leps:
I . C'lu:k Tools. Options. System Options. Sketch, Enable on
screen numeric input on entity creation.
2 Add dimensions on tlw Property 1\ lamtgcr of the selected sketch
J. Rght-cllck thc graph1cs area anJ d1ck Sketch Numeric Input <:> .
4. Uso.: the sketch tool nnd I) pc 111 '.tlues a-. they l11ghlight
Tip Atthi~ earl) swgc. 11 1~ lnLIU\ 1-.ablc In U'>e tlw. nptinn hecauso.: 11 can
lnadH:rto.:ntly cro.:ate <Ill \l\ cn.klin~:d sketch (see Stall/\ o/a Sketch un
page 36).
Note The dnncn~lon name can b~ changed in the upper section 111" the uialog
SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching
Units in the Modify Un1t~ dllkrent from th.: part unlls can he
Tool selected rortho: lllpUl. 'When l}plllg the\ alue.
select the Units > menu <llld select mput unns.
Lesson 2 SolidWork s 201 3
lntroducrlon to Sketching
Angular 1\ngular dnm:n:-ton.., can h.: crl'ated ustng the same dtmcn~ion tool used
Dimensions w create lmear. diaml'ter and radtal dm1en'inn~. Sdl't:tctlh..:r two Ime..,
thatarl' bnth non-enllmear and non-parallel, or ..,l'lcct thr..:e non-
cnlltncar endpotnh.
Depending on '' hcre you place the angular dimenston. you ~:an get thl'
mteri11r or e\ll'rwr angll.'. thc acuh: angk. or the ohlt4ue angle Plls-.tbk
n 1.. 4 2' I
I -
23 Angular dimension.
Usmg the dimcnston llHII. create
the angular dunen ... wn ..,)Hl\\ n
and !.et the \aluc tu 125.
lhc sJ..ctch ,.., litll) dclincd.
- - 50
SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 2
lntroductton to Sketching
Extrude Once thl' -.1-l.'tch '' cnmpkted. it can he C\trudcd to create the lirst
l~mure . Therl.' an.! man) opuons fi.)r e\trudmg u s!--:tch mcludmg the
st.tr1 and end wndtuon'>. drall and depth of c\truston. \\ htch ''Il l be
d1scu~scu in more detatl in later lessons. 'lypictllly. c\truswns tal-c
place 111 a direction nnrmal to the .,kdch plane. 111 th1s C:J'>L the Front
24 Extrude.
Cl1ck Extruded Boss/Base
On the Features
('nmmandl\1an;tgcr tah. the
options llll'lllhcr methods or
crcatmg 1'-:aturcs arc l1sh:u
along'' nh Extrude and
Revolve. 1 he> arc UtlLl\~llltthlc
because this s"dch does not
m..:ct the ..:ondnions m:..:cssary so _
li1r crcatmg these t) pc-. of
kature-,, I or c\,lmplc. a
Sweep lcaturc I'C4llll'\.'s both pmlilc aml path '"etches. Sim:c there ts
onl) one sk-:h:h at tlm. t1me, the Sweep opt1nn I!'> una\'atlahlc.
!he 'IC\\ automat1call) changes to Trimetric a nu a pn.:\ IC\\ of the
katurc 1s -.ho\\ n al the default depth.
grad1ents allow.. you tu ..,nap to
I hem. so _
l esson 2 SolidWo rks 2013
Introduction to Sketchmg
Up To\tt'o
Up To Su<feu
OH ut frOM Swff(
U pTa\'lfto
0,.1 o Sutfau
Off'-tlfi!Df'n s..llf4Kt
Up Tollod,
26 Completed feature.
lhc cnmpktcu kalure j, thc tiN ~olid.
llf fea ture or the part. lhe skctch IS
ah..,orbcd uno the Extrude! tcature
Note Click the + prcccdmg the feature name to e~pand , lli Boss-Extrudd.
the feature and sho" the ... ketch. 8 1li Boss-Extrudtl
~ Sltetchl
27 Save and c lose.
( ltek Save 1.1 thcn cite!- File, Close w cfo..,e the pan
SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketchmg
Dra\\ the ... 1-.ctch 111 .1ppro\lmatcl) the nght sc.lh: to prc\ cnt errors
or gcomctr:y m erl,tp "h..:n you -..tan addmg duncn-..inn ....
Add or edit dime11'>ion., on I he close'>! smallc-.t gcnmetry IJr,t. then
'' nrk your "il) 1\1 the \llltcr larg..:r gcnmctry to preH:nt geometry
Use relation'>, ..:quatiom., und global' unables 111 rcduec the numhcr
Of" mdepcnd0:11t UlllH!nsmll-.. needed
lake ad\ant.g.e ofsyn11nctry. U:-.c th..: Mi rror or Dynamic Mirror
sk.:tch tool to muTor skclch dcmenls and add symmctncal
lk fle\lhlc. lt may be ncce-.sary to change the order m \\lm:h
you 're addmg Ull111.!11~1\ll1"> or rclatlmh. Drag the ">kt:tch geometry
clo loth.: reqUired location befor~ adding dmH.:n;,iono.,.
I 1\ l.!rror~ as they occur. Use Sketc hXpert and Check Sketch for
Feature" h1ch can qlllcl-.1) help) \lll 1denlil). prohlem"> and curr..:ct
them .
I Thanks to Joe Mede1ros Javelin Technologies.
Exercise 1 SolldWorks 2013
Sketch an d Extrude 1
3 Extrude.
I \truJc the sJ..etdl 50mm 111
dt:pth .
SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 2
Sketch and Extrude 2
3 Extrude.
I \trmk the sketch 50 mm 111
Exercise 3 SolidWorks 2013
Sketch and Extrudo 3
3 Extrude.
I \trude lho: .. kctdl 25mm m t.lepth .
SolidWorks 201 3 Exercise 4
Sketch and EKtrudo 4
l 'nih. millimeters
1 New part.
t re<IIL' a n..:'' part ustng the Part MM t..:mplat..:
2 Sketc h. -- IS 1-
t r..:ah~ tlm....!..etch on th..: Front Plane
u-.tng ltncs .IUlOITia\11.: r\.!lauon~ anJ
UII11Cn ... luns
3 Extrude.
l \truc.IL the sJ..ctch 100mm m depth.
Exercise 5 SolidWorks 2013
Sketch and Extrude 5
3 Extrude.
l '\tntdc the sketc.:h 25mm 111
SolidWorks 201 3 Exercise 6
Sketch and Extrude 6
Exercise 6: ( r~a t ~
thl'- part using the ml(mnauon dllO
Sketch and Jlln~ns1on.., pnn 10eo. 'il-.etch ,md e\ t rud~
Extrude 6 proli le.., to cr~atc the part.
l h1" lah reinlhn.::e, the li.11lowing skilb:
lmrm/lf(ing \c11 Pun on page 27.
\'kelching, on page 29.
ln/irenn<'\ (;lulnllltlfic Rdulitms)
on page 3~.
Dimemion\ on page 45.
l:'wruclt on page -N.
Units millimeters
1 New part.
(. reatc a ne\\ purl u;.mg the Part_MM template.
2 Automatic relations.
Create th is si--etch on the Front Plane u ~ mg lmes anu automatic
rd.lll\lllS. <;ho\\ the Perpendicular and Vertical rclauons
J\00 dii11CI1~1011S Ill fully udine
the ..,J..etch. 25
4 Extrude.
l \truue the -.!-.etch 12mm
5 Save and close the part.