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Manual Del Coreview

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COREVIEW Version 3

Drill Logging software

VDC International Pty Ltd
April, 2000

Web Site:


VDC International Pty Ltd Northing: 5180.400 Hole: DD101

Drilled By: Azimuth: 90.00
Diamond Core Log Easting: 7650.650 Project: DEMOD
Start Date: 21/01/98 Dip: -45.00 Elevation: 686.830 Property: ML 63/106

Depth: 175.00 Logged By: CA

Completion Date: 23/01/98 Comment: Adjacent to the Gondor shaft
Precollar: 20.00 Date: 21/01/98


Marker Conglomerate
Rock Rock Comments HoleId RQD From To Rec RQD RQDPer RQDPer From To Sample Auppm
Exhalative chert



An Exotic Andesite
DD101 68.50 71.60 3.10 1.52 49 ... Barrier Sandstone

. DD101 71.60 74.60 3.00 1.77 59 """

DD101 74.60 77.10 2.50 2.37 95 """
80 DD101 77.10 80.80 3.40 1.59 43 """ Host Andesite

HA Altered Andesitic Tuff

DD101 80.80 83.80 3.00 1.20 40 """
DD101 83.80 86.80 3.00 2.04 68
Doleritic Andesite
Barren chert

A very interesting
rock which can not """
DD101 91.30 94.30 3.00 1.20 40 "" Basal Sandstone

00000because it occurs in
many forms, some DD101 0 95.30 98.50 3.20 1.06 33 Exotic Andesite
0000 are very, very DD101 0 98.50 99.60 1.10 0.70 64
15 Altered Andesitic Tuff
0000 Marker Conglomerate 61

"0"0"0"0Exhalative 00
105.10 105.65 A5502 Doleritic Andesite
" 105.65 106.50 A5503

000 A very interesting rock

Ch """" chert
"" 79
which can not be used as a

110 """"" DD101 "" 107.60 110.60 3.00 2.37

107.00 107.62 A5505
00 because it occurs in many
107.62 108.12 A5506

.. 57
108.12 108.65 A5507
""" forms, some of are very,

..... Barrier Sandstone ."".".

110.60 113.60 3.00 1.71 109.38 A5508 very interesting
DD101 Marker Conglomerate
.... ..
113.60 116.60 3.00 1.92 64 Exhalative chert

..... DD101 ... Barrier Sandstone

.. ...
A very interesting rock which
can be used as a marker
! DD101 122.60 125.60 3.00 1.23 41 because it occurs in only one
form, at this stratigraphic level.

DD101 128.00 130.10 2.10 0.84 40

DD101 130.10 133.10 3.00 1.98 66 """"""
A very interesting Barren chert
rock which can be
used as a marker
DD101 133.10 135.90 2.80 1.54 55 """"""
because it occurs in """"" Sulphidic Chert
DD101 135.90 139.00 3.10 2.39 77
YA stratigraphic level. DD101 139.00 141.80 2.80 1.26 45 """

VDC International is a member of the Visidata group of companies, ACN 065 198 496
Head Office: 5/78 Mill Point Rd, South Perth, WA 6151
Postal Address: PO Box 1046, South Perth WA 6951
Ph: 08 9367 5033 Fax: 08 9367 5823
Email: coreview@visidata.com.au

Table of Contents
Welcome to Coreview! .............................................................................................................................................
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................
Installing................................................................................................................................................................................. .
Starting the
Licensing .................................................................................................................................................................................
Transferring your license
Hardware Requirements
Memory and storage
Coreview Program Files
How to Get Instant, Online Help
What is a
Definitions: ..........................................................................................................................................................................
Blank Logsheets
What is a Coreview Template?
Do I Need Logsheets as Well as Tables?
Overview of Logsheet Design .............................................................................................................................................9
Designing Your Data Structure
Codes or Comments?
Single or Multiple Tables?
Storing multiple samples per record
Fixed Depth Intervals
Host Tables Versus Secondary Tables?
How to Start Logging
1: Introduction to the Tutorials ............................................................................................................................ 11
Tutorial: Simple soil geochemistry log.................................................................................................................................11
Using Dictionaries
Logsheets and Tables.........................................................................................................................................................11
Header and Body of the log their significance................................................................................................................12
Printing ..............................................................................................................................................................................1
Designing a new or additional logsheet
Printing Blank logsheets for field use................................................................................................................................12
Adding or deleting columns in a Logsheet
Entering New Data
Setting up auto-fill rules for a column
Introducing the cheatsheet
Setting up a column Dictionary, and Validation rules
Creating code lists from imported data
Tutorial: Diamond drilling
Adding a new logsheet
Adding a new column to the Logsheet ..............................................................................................................................15
Host Table
Entering New Data
Saving your Work File as a Template for future use
Validating your data
Search and Replace............................................................................................................................................................17
Tagging improving your productivity.............................................................................................................................17
Writing selected records to a new file find and tag, cut-copy-paste ...............................................................................17
Shortcut keys
Filling Out Your Logsheet.....................................................................................................................................................19
Editor Features:
The different types of logsheet
Single Hole headers:
Multiple Hole headers:
Creating a Scaled Graphic Logsheet......................................................................................................................................20
Configuring scaled
Stratigraphic column
How to Build Dictionaries
Overlay Column.
Interdex Point Symbols
Interdex Symbol font:
Fractions Tables.
Tabular Display on a logsheet:
Interactive multiple line graphs:
Concatenated Text Reports....................................................................................................................................................25
Picture columns and Picture tables
Naming & Managing Your Work Files
Maintaining the Integrity of your
Summary of Main Screen Menu Items
File Menu
Edit Menu
View Menu
Design Menu
Data Menu
Tag Menu
On screen tagging of records
Cheatsheet Menu
Options Menu
Window Menu
DESIGN MODE MENUS:....................................................................................................................................................32
File: .................................................................................................................................................................................. .3
Edit: .................................................................................................................................................................................. .3
Column Styles:
View : ............................................................................................................................................................................... .3
Test Integrity:
Help .................................................................................................................................................................................. .3
Definitions .............................................................................................................................................................................3
Exporting Data as files to make Cross Sections in Interdex
2: The Coreview CookBook a collection of recipes .......................................................................................
Using Keyboard
Using an existing Coreview Demonstration Work File
Modify a Coreview Template
Modifying a Table
Modifying the
Using the Coreview wizard to design a template
Importing external data, creating Tables and Logsheet
Importing existing data and adding it to an existing table
Importing external data, designing a new log sheet
Table Settings
Creating the logsheet
3: Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................................................................................
What do I do if nothing displays on my logsheet, but I know there is data in the tables? .................................................41
What do I do if my data displays incorrectly on the logsheet? ..........................................................................................41
How do I specify field settings such as data type, validation rules,and formatting?
Why save templates?
How can I re-use an old Template or Workfile?
How can I convert a text logsheet to a scaled logsheet?
How can I edit a hole name in a workfile? ........................................................................................................................42
How can I create or import a dictionary for a field?
How can I import an existing file or database as a table?
How can I export data for transfer to another program?
How can I import existing data from another source?
How can I Print logsheets at a specific scale? ...................................................................................................................42
How can I Print using ADOBE Acrobat?
Product Support.................................................................................................................................................................44
Welcome to Coreview!
Congratulations on your purchase! We hope you enjoy using Coreview as much as we enjoyed designing and seeing
it come to life. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for improvements you
will find our email and web site contact details at the end of this manual.

Coreview is a versatile tool, with a number of quite different uses. This is a brief summary of the main uses to which
the program can be put:

1. Design dynamic logsheets for:

On-screen data entry

Printing with or without data. Output can be any size
Export logsheets as Windows metafiles to embed into reports

2. Extract drillhole data from existing text files or databases for validation, printing, reporting and logsheet

3. Use up to 60 tables and any number of logsheets for a project. Each table may have unrelated sample intervals
or positions. Each logsheet may display data from several tables.

4. Each field in each table can have a dictionary created for dynamic validation of data as it is entered.

5. On screen, logsheets are active documents, allowing data entry directly to linked fields in the tables. Data position
on a text logsheet is dynamically adjusted relative to the intervals in a host table, allowing easy comparison of
data between tables.

6. Tables may be exported as text files for import into documents and reports.

7. Construct code lists from old databases by importing data and using the unique code extraction facility to generate

8. Use Wash Tables for coal sample logging, or metallurgical test data on bulk samples where multiple results are
produced from a single interval sample.

9. Use Picture tables and Picture columns on logsheets to keep track of and to display core photographs, or any
rectangular portion of images in a variety of a digital formats.

To install Coreview, place the disc in your drive. If a floppy disc use the Start: Run menu item on your
Windows taskbar. At the prompt, type A: Setup and press the OK button. If a CD, follow the menu
instructions on the autoinstall program. If you have downloaded Coreview from the web site, use Windows
Explorer to navigate to the directory where you stored the file, double click the file, and unzip it. Double click
the unzipped file to start the installation process. Accept the prompts to install the program, together with
demonstration files and Templates.

Starting the Program

When setup has finished, there will be a Coreview icons on the Windows program task bar and desktop. Click Start:
Programs: Coreview and the program will start. You now have 20 free run times. After that, you will need to
register the program and pay the license fee for it to work.
Coreview uses copy protection technology. When first installed, Coreview will operate in Demonstration Mode. You
have twenty run times. When these run-times are used, subsequent runs will take you to the Coreview
license registration screen.

Register the software by sending us the PC Code displayed on the registration screen using the fax or
email addresses at the end of this guide. Your software is activated by keying in the code that is returned to you.

Transferring your license

Coreview is licensed to a single PC. This license can be transferred from one PC to another by un-installing and
re- installing using the Transfer License option on the File Menu.

Install Coreview on the new computer using the Setup.exe installation program.
Insert a blank floppy disc in the old computer floppy drive.
Start Coreview, and go to menu item File: License: Transfer License and follow the detailed
instructions. Network versions are available on request at additional cost.

Hardware Requirements
Coreview Version 3 runs on any computer using 32 bit Windows Windows 95 and later. A security system driver is
required when using Windows NT and Windows2000 this is available from our website.

Memory and storage requirements

The minimum memory requirement is about 16Mb of RAM.
Allow sufficient hard drive storage for drilling data, which can build to considerable size. Store your information
- including files created by Coreview, on a project by project basis, with separate folders for each project.
Hard disks slow down as files become fragmented - a file in numerous fragments takes longer to read. It is a
good idea to defrag your computer at least weekly.

If you have Windows 95 or 98, use Start: Programs: Accessories: System Tools: Disc Defragmenter
Coreview Program Files
If you have any problems running Coreview, check that the following files are present in the Coreview home

directory: COREVIEW.EXEThe program itself.

COREVIEW.HLP The help file.

License Files created by Coreview in the home directory which must not be moved or deleted include:


Special version users will require a user authorization file:


Upon running Setup, Coreview will install a number of DLL and other files in the Windows System

directory: Coreview will create an initialization file in your Windows program directory:


Various template (*.CVT) and log (*.CVW) files are provided. These are placed in the Demo and Template
sub- directories of the Coreview home directory.

The tutorial is placed in your Coreview directory as a Word 6 document, and can be printed as

How to Get Instant, Online Help

The F1 Key is a short cut to the Help Menu and gives you access to context sensitive help throughout the package.
You can print hard copy of help screens by selecting the Print option.

The Coreview Help Tips utility provides tips as you move the mouse over icons on the Coreview screens. This
feature can be enabled or disabled by checking the Help Tips item in the Options Menu.

A summary of all Submenu Items is provided in section 1. A listing of the shortcut Keys with brief descriptions of
their function is provided in section 2.
What is a Logsheet?
Traditional drill logging sheets are two dimensional. That is, they are a flat piece of paper with observations
and numbers written on them. There is no way of making them computer useable, save for re-typing all of the
numbers and observations into computer files.

Coreview Logsheets are three dimensional. You see a Logsheet on the screen, but every piece of data that
is entered must have a digital home an electronic folder into which that piece of data is stored. Think of Coreview
as a filing cabinet. The drawer in the cabinet is known as a Coreview Work File. Within it are folders for storing
data, called Coreview Tables. These Tables are named, for example, Collars, Surveys, Assays,
Lithology, and

There are two views of data within Coreview. You can look at the Logsheet, or the electronic folders which
contain every specific bit of information about the drillhole the Tables. You can enter information into either the
Logsheet or the Table, but it all ends up in the Tables.

Logsheet = User defined view of some of the data from some of the Tables
Table = Spreadsheet style view of data, with columns, rows and named column headers
Template = Logsheets + Tables + Dictionaries + Validation Rules
Work File = Template + data in the Tables

Blank Logsheets
Use Coreview to print off a supply of blank logsheets for handwritten logging, or in case of electrical or
hardware failure.

Logging is usually carried out as drilling progresses, and work is often time critical. It is essential to back-up your
data as completely and as often as practicable. Use several, independent means of backup, such as:

Copy files to another folder on your hard disk

Copy files to a floppy disc
Print out hard copies
Send Email attachments to other sites

Coreview automatically saves your work as you log. If your computer loses power in the middle of logging you
will never lose more than a few minutes worth of data. You may specify the tim between backups from the
Configuration menu item.

What is a Coreview Template?

A Coreview Template is a file containing the layouts and definitions of all logsheets, tables, code dictionaries and
validation rules for an application:

Template = Logsheets + Tables + Dictionaries + Rules

Do I Need Logsheets as Well as Tables?

You do not need a log sheet to enter and work with data it is essential to first establish at least one table structure,
into which data will be entered. Remember a logsheet is only a view of data contained within one or more
tables, and data entered to the logsheet will end up in a table thus you cannot have a logsheet without a table to
hold the data.
Corporate data storage requirements often specify tables containing fields not required for a particular project. The
logsheet lets you use appropriate fields from some of the tables, making your data entry more efficient. It helps quick
visualisation of the relationships between data in different tables and construction of printed reports.

Overview of Logsheet Design

There are two ways to record data in Coreview. You can log directly into spreadsheet views of the data, or
combine these with logsheet entry.

Before you begin logging, you may want to construct one or more logsheets. Coreview is supplied with a number of
templates containing industry specific logsheets (*.CVT), which you can use as a starting point for making your own.

Access the list of templates by selecting the File: Import Logsheet menu item in Logsheet design mode.

Designing Your Data Structure

We have provided a number of pre-defined table structures in Coreview, so that you can set up an application easily,
based on standard industry requirements. To access these, use the Design menu, and select Generate
Standard Tables. Tick the tables you need, and edit their details as required before use.

Geological modeling systems may require only a few fields to store the parameters needed to construct
digital models. Complete geological drill hole logs typically contain a much greater richness of information,
including extensive comments.

Coreview convention is that fields in a table or log have Key fields listed first, followed by the Parametized fields, with
a Comments field on the end. This is so that you recognize a familiar structure.

Key Fields are those which enable the location of a record to be uniquely identified within the data base. For
HoleId, From & To.

Parametized Fields are coded and numeric fields which contain measured, quantified or classified data. RockType,
Texture, Dip are examples.

Comments Fields are free format. One is recommended for each table.

Codes or Comments?
There is a balance between the amount of data which you parametize and place in coded fields and the amount which
you leave as long hand comments. Well defined classification systems enable data to be compared more rigorously
than comments, but a law of diminishing returns applies if you try to parametize too many features of your samples.
If there are too many parameters, you will find too few records populated with data to be useful. Your database
will contain wasted space and unused fields. Consistency of logs will suffer - exactly the opposite of what you were
trying to achieve by parametizing in the first place!

Single or Multiple Tables?

Tables are generally sub-divided into separate tables on the basis of whether or not they share the same
depth intervals or not.

It may be best to place lithological and mineralization parameters in separate tables, especially if the mineralisation is
not stratabound.

Authorship of data is another reason to sub-divide tables. If two people are responsible for entering data into a table,
it should be split in two. For example, a geologist may enter data to a lithological table, and hand the core bench to
a technician to record RQD measurements. In this case it is best to define two tables and assign authorship at
the outset.

Specific data supplied by other people for incorporation in your log can include Sampling Details, Assay
Results, Downhole Surveys, Collar Surveys, Geophysical Logs and Administrative Data.
Storing multiple samples per record
A special type of Table can be used in Coreview, called a Wash Table. This stores multiple observations for a single
sample. For example, in coal logging, a single sample is often taken of a coal seam and subjected to multiple float /
sink tests. The results can be saved in a wash table, referenced by a common sample ID. This sample ID is used to
link the multiple results to the lithology table in which a sample ID field stores the sample number with the relevant
interval data. In the same way, metallurgical tests on ore intersections can be presented on a log sheet.

Fixed Depth Intervals

A choice to be made when setting up your table structure is whether or not to set a fixed depth interval. Chip samples
from RAB and RC are typically logged on set intervals of, for example, 1 or 2 m. Core sample intervals are logged
on changes of strata. You should consider what the data will be used for and how it will be modeled.

Depth intervals can be automatically added by setting appropriate autofill rules in the field setup dialog screen.

Where there is a lot of information to be recorded, it may make sense to maintain separate tables for
lithology, mineralization, and alteration, even if you choose to log them on a set interval. Tables that include all
down hole parameters can become cumbersome to view and manage.

Host Tables Versus Secondary Tables?

It may be useful to duplicate a table and use the pair to record primary and secondary information. For example, you
might create a Lithology Host Table and Lithology Notes Table, with identical field structure. The Host Table
will consist of broad, primary lithological units with contiguous depths, whilst the Notes Table contains smaller
secondary features of interest.

How to Start Logging

There are three ways to start logging:
Use the start-up options, or access these from the Help menu and select Demonstration Applications
Use the Design menu, and select Generate Standard Tables
Use the Design menu and select Add Tables From

If you select the first option, you will be guided through the process of selecting a demonstration application,
containing tables and logsheet, and then using this to enter your data after dumping the demo data. The second and
third options allow you to start from scratch by using blank standard tables, or importing existing data to establish the
1: Introduction to the Tutorials
We advise that you work systematically through these tutorials. You will learn about different features as we build on
concepts and functionality.

Tutorial: Simple soil geochemistry log

The opening screen has a form on it called Demonstration Applications. This form can also be called from the Help
menu item. From this screen you can select a logging style, or design your own from scratch, using the Wizard. In
this tutorial, we will use the General Logsheet option, so click the General Logsheet button now. This
example contains a single Table and Logsheet, so it is easy to work with. Once you are familiar with the basic
concepts, we will look at an example of a Diamond Core Application, which contains several Tables and a Logsheet.

Look carefully at the screen that appears. Pictures show how the information is stored and displayed. At the top is a
Table like a spreadsheet. Below it is a Logsheet, displaying data in both a Header and Body panel so you
can see that information can be displayed from several folders in our filing cabinet. In the header panel (top part
of the Log Sheet) you can see information about the collar of the hole (or soil sample) when drilled, where, who by
and so on.

In the Body panel, you can see Groups of columns with lithology information, depth from and to. Each column
is referred to as a Field. Move your mouse over the pictures and read the information that appears in the box at
lower right.

Using Dictionaries
The third picture is another new concept a Dictionary. These can be attached to, and are specific to each Field,
and act as validation lists. Dictionaries contain Classes - text codes, numeric ranges or alphanumeric identifiers
you can use the same classes in different dictionaries.

Note that the information box on the right now says that the project contains Tables, Logsheets, and Dictionaries.
This is the contents of your Work File the drawer in your filing cabinet that holds all of the information about the

The examples contain a lot of detail, so we could include as many possible scenarios as you might commonly need.
From here, you can add or delete as much information as you want. But first, lets have a look at the Logsheet,
and see what is there, and how it works.

Click the Continue button at the bottom of the panel.

Now you see Coreview, with a display of the Table, which looks like a spreadsheet, and a Logsheet on

Logsheets and Tables

Take a look at the Logsheet. It is a view of some of the information in some of the Tables. The Tables must contain
all of the data in the Logsheet. Remember Tables are the electronic folders that store every piece of
information about your project so that it can be used by computers. Logsheets are views of some of the information
that allow you to understand differing relationships which exist within the data and do not necessarily have to show
all of the data at any one time.

That Logsheet you are looking at has a lot of information on it. Every piece of information must have a permanent
digital home in the Tables underneath it. In order to tell the logsheet where to get information, or store
information entered directly to the log, we divide the logsheet into hot areas. Each of these hot area is linked
to the Tables underneath.
Header and Body of the log their significance
This introduces another Coreview concept. The Header and the Body of the logsheet have Entry Boxes and
Groups and Columns respectively. Any information entered to the logsheet must be entered to an Entry Box in
the header, or a Field (column) in the body. For the program to know where to put the information you enter, you
must Link the Entry Box or Column to an underlying Table. (This is discussed shortly).

Click within the logsheet, in one of the Columns under the Group heading Sample Information. Notice the
yellow highlight. This shows all the Columns within the Group. Any information entered in this Group will go into
the Soil Results Table. Now click on the Kunlun Soil Results tab at the bottom of the screen. The table is shown on
the main screen. Arrange the Logsheet and Table so that you can see both at the same time shuffle them on the
screen a little by clicking and dragging the header bars. You can also do this by selecting Window: Tile
Horizontally from the main menu. Make sure that you have first clicked both the Logsheet Tab, and the Soil
Results Tab at the bottom of the screen to activate them.

Click on a row on the Logsheet. Notice when you do this that the appropriate row is highlighted in the Table. The
program tracks where you are in the data. Notice that the Table has lots of Fields. Some have information in them,
and some do not. Weve put in lots of Fields for you, which you can add to, modify or delete as you want. Remember
this is just an example.

Click on the on the edge of a Field name box in one of the Tables. The mouse will change shape to a double arrow.
Drag the Field width to make it wider so you can see all the information in the field. Now have a look at the
you will see that not all of the Fields from the table are displayed on the Log. Tables can contain much
more information. You can make another Logsheet which displays a different aspect of the data if you like. See
below designing logsheets. Each Column or Entry Box on the Log is said to be Linked to the relevant Field in its

Lets print the logsheet. Click File: Print and have a look at how the logsheet appears in print. Notice that you
can batch print any number of logsheets by selecting the Batch Print option.

Designing a new or additional logsheet

Click the Design icon on the toolbar its the one at the top left, with the little triangle. Alternatively, use the Design
menu, and click the logsheet option. Now you will see a new screen, with the bare Logsheet. If you want to
see what it looks like with data in it, click the View menu, and select Show test data.

Printing Blank logsheets for field use

If you want to print out blank Logsheets with lines on them so that your geologists can use paper logsheets in the
field, select the Edit menu, and Horizontal Lines for Logsheet option. Tick the Define Line Spacing option and
8 into the mm box. This will put lines every 8mm down the page. When you click the OK button, youll see the
lines on the sheet. This can now be printed use the Print command on the File menu. When your geologist
returns from the field with completed logs, it is easy for anyone to bring up the log in Coreview, and copy the
information from the logs onto the screen. This helps create valid data and reduce data entry errors.

Adding or deleting columns in a Logsheet

Perhaps you are missing some information. Lets assume that we want to display the Calcium assay data on
the logsheet as well. We have to go into Design Mode for this. Click the Design icon.

Lets add a Column to the Logsheet. Well link it to the Soil results Table.

Click menu item Edit: Add Column. You can also select the appropriate button on the toolbar to do the same thing.
This brings up a message that tells you to drag and drop the floating column onto the correct group. Click OK, and
move the new column on the logsheet next to the Fe% column. When you release the mouse, a message asks you
to connect the column to a field in the Table. Select the Ca% field. You will see the new Ca% field at the right of the
sheet. This is how we Link the information boxes or columns to Fields in the Tables.

All you have to do now is click and drag on the vertical lines down the Logsheet shuffle the existing columns so
there is room for the new one.
Now go to the File menu and select Exit to data entry and editing. This will return you to the Main Screen, and
show the Logsheet, with the Ca% assay data. You may also have lines all down the Logsheet. If you want to change
these to the way they were to start, go back to Design: Logsheet, and select the Edit: Horizontal Lines for Log
Sheet: and select Every row of text.

Entering New Data

Now lets add some data. Click at the bottom of the logsheet, on the last record - and press the F2 key. A new record
will be added, ready for you to fill out. The program automatically adds the next sample number, and waits for you
to enter information in the appropriate Column. Lets look at how that sample number was incremented.

Setting up auto-fill rules for a column

Right mouse click on the SampleId field. A screen pops up, called Setting up a data field in Table Go to the right
hand side of the form, where it says Cell Contents and click the Autofill button. There are 4 options in this
screen, called Autofill rules for adding new cells with pull-down lists. On the left hand side is a list of the ways you
can add new records, and on the right, drop down lists which can each be set with the rule you want to
implement when adding a cell with one of the four methods. The first item, called Add New Record, is set
to Previous Cell + Increment. The increment is set to 1 at the bottom of the form. This means that every time you
press the F2 key to add a new record, the SampleId field is set to take the value in the previous cell, and add the
increment of 1 to it. You can set up every field in the log sheet or table to work in the same way.

Introducing the cheatsheet

The most important concept of the Coreview editor is the Cheatsheet. There are a number of ways to bring it up
on the screen:

Click the Cheatsheet icon on the toolbar

Select Toggle Focus from the Cheatsheet Menu
Press the F4 key

Click in a Field for example the Soil Type Field. Now click the Cheatsheet icon on the toolbar its the one at the
right hand end of the toolbar. A pick list of codes will appear. Click on a code and watch it appear in the Logsheet.
Now click on the > arrow on the Cheatsheet, to move to the next Field, (Soil Colour) and select an appropriate
Try entering something thats not in the list. Type it into the box on the Cheatsheet, or into the column on
Logsheet and press Enter. A message will tell you its not allowed and ask you what you want to do with it.
The reason you get this message is that validation has been enabled for this field in the logsheet. In the next
section we deal with how to set validation rules and edit dictionaries.

As you move around the logsheet, the Cheatsheet will track your location in the data and show you a list of codes or
a keypad for quick entry. Select codes by clicking on them, typing them into the Cheatsheet or an appropriate Cell
or Entry Box in the logsheet or table.

If you are using the keyboard alone, use the F4 key to toggle focus to the Cheatsheet. The and arrows will
allow you to select an item from the Cheatsheet. Pressing the Enter key then transfers this code to the appropriate
An alternative way to select from the Cheatsheet is to use the key combination Ctrl + and Ctrl +

Setting up a column Dictionary, and Validation rules

Weve dealt with automatic depth increments, but where did the Dictionary come from? Right mouse click on the Soil
Type Field header, and all will be revealed. This screen sets up the rules for validation, incrementation,
and Dictionaries.

Click on the button at the bottom of the screen, labelled Edit (under the Dictionary label) You will see the list of codes
that have been set up for this field. You can edit them and change the detailed descriptions for them. If you click the
Edit Classes button at the bottom of this screen, you will pop into another screen that allows you to look at all
the classes in the Project Tick all the boxes under Class Types to the left of the screen, and you will see a
list of names next to them these are Accessory Minerals, Easting Range, Northing Range, Soil Colour, Soil Type.
Move the mouse over them to view the contents of the class. You can apply these to the field you are
looking at by highlighting a class and clicking the arrow to put it into the dictionary for the field. Each field can
have a dictionary, which may contain more than one class. In the geochem example, there is just one class for
each descriptive field. Classes can have codes, numeric ranges, or IDs (alphanumerics). The Dictionary editor
allows you to look at a list of ALL the classes in the log sheet, and pick appropriate ones to attach to a field, or set up
new ones. The validation rules in the form which gives you access to the dictionary (the one you see when you
right mouse click on a field) allow you to tell the program what to do if you enter something in a field that is not in the
dictionary. The program can be set to validate that field, or just ignore all validation rules and let you enter anything
you like.

Creating code lists from imported data

If you import data from an external source, you can make lists of codes by selecting a field, and clicking the Design
menu item, and Extract unique codes from field. This will compile a list of all the unique codes in the field, and
count each occurrence. In this way, you can look through the list of codes, and pick out all those with only
one or two occurrences they may be wrong, incorrectly entered, or transposed, and can be changed to
something more suitable.

Thats it a brief introduction to a soil sampling Application. You can use the whole setup Tables, Logsheet, and
Dictionaries, to create your own Project, or drawer in your filing cabinet: To dump the demo data, and use this setup,
or Template, select the Data menu item, and Start New Work File. This will dump all the demo data, and save the
table and logsheet structure as a new project file ready for you to enter data.

Tutorial: Diamond drilling

From the opening screen, select the Diamond Core example from Demonstration Applications. This form can
also be called from the Help menu item. This example contains a number of Tables, so it is more involved than
the soil sampling example.

Note that the information box on the right now says that the project contains Tables, Logsheets, and Dictionaries.
This is the contents of your Work File the drawer in your filing cabinet that holds all of the information about the

Click the Continue button at the bottom of the panel.

You will now see a display of the Tables and a Logsheet on top.

Click within the logsheet, in one of the Fields under the heading Alteration. Notice the yellow highlight. This shows
all the Fields within the Alteration Group. Any information entered within this Group will go into the Alteration
Table. Click on the header bar of the Table called Alteration. It comes to the front.

Arrange the Logsheet and Alteration Table so that you can see both at the same time you may have to click
the minimise button at the top right hand corner of the log sheet (centre of the three icons) to show all the
tables, or alternatively, use the Window menu item, and select Cascade. Shuffle them on the screen a little by
clicking and dragging the header bars. Click on a row within the Alteration Field on the Logsheet. Notice when
you do this that the appropriate row is highlighted in the Alteration Table. The program tracks where you are in the
data. Try doing this with the Lithology Table now.

Select the Lithology Table by clicking its tab at the bottom of the screen. Arrange the Table and Logsheet so you can
see both, and click on the Logsheet at the beginning of the hole where it says Depth 0. You will see the
highlight jump to the first record in the Lithology Table. Notice that the Table has lots of Fields. Some have
information in
them, and some not. Weve put in lots of Fields for you, which you can add to or delete as you want. Remember this
is just an example.

Click on the Lithology Table on the edge of a Field name box. The mouse will change shape to a double arrow.
Drag the Field width to make it wider. Now have a look at the Logsheet notice that not all of the Fields are
displayed on the Log, because the Tables can contain much more information.

Adding a new logsheet

You can make another Logsheet which displays a different aspect of the data if you like. This is done in the Design
screen, by selecting menu item File: Add Logsheet, or Import Logsheet. See the next section for more details.

Step through the tabs at the bottom of the screen and look at what the other Tables contain. Each time you display
a Table, select the Logsheet to see what information is displayed on the Log from that Table. The Field or Entry Box
on the Log is said to be Linked to the relevant Field in its Table.

Adding a new column to the Logsheet

Lets assume that we want to display the downhole survey data on the logsheet as well. We have to go into Design
Mode for this.

Click the Design icon on the toolbar its the one at the top left, with the little triangle. Alternatively, use the Design
menu, and click the logsheet option. Now you will see a new screen, with the bare Logsheet. If you want to
see what it looks like with data in it, click the View menu, and select Show test data

We will add another Group of Fields to the Logsheet, called Survey and link them to the folder in the filing
cabinet that contains the downhole surveys this is the Table called Downhole Survey.

Click menu item Edit: Add Group. You can also click the Add Group button from the toolbar to the left it is
the third from the bottom. This brings up a wizard which guides you through the process. Type Survey in the box
and click the Next button. Watch the picture change on the left it shows what you are adding to the Logsheet.
Select the name of the Table that contains the survey information Downhole Survey. Click on it, and click the Next
Now lets add some Fields. Click Depth and click the > button at the top of the list. Notice how the picture on the
left changes to show the name of the Field. Now do the same for Azimuth and Dip. Click the OK button, and
to the Design screen. You will see the Survey group at the right of the sheet. Click and drag on the vertical
lines down the Logsheet shuffle the Fields to make room for the new Group.

We will check that the Fields are linked to the correct Field in the Table. Click with the right mouse on the
Azimuth at the top of the Azimuth Field we just added. The box that appears will allow you to modify any of
the settings that relate to this Field. Click the Data Link button. This pops up a box showing that the Field is
linked to the Table called Downhole Survey and the Field called Azimuth so everything is OK. This is how we
Link the information boxes or Fields to Fields in the Tables underneath.

Go to the File menu and select Close. This will return you to the Main Screen, and display the Logsheet, with blank
Fields for the survey data. (There is survey data for hole 101, but not for the others) You may also have lines
all down the Logsheet. If you want to change these to the way they were to start, go back to Design: Logsheet,
and select the Edit: Horizontal Lines for Log Sheet: and select Every interval of the Host Table.

Host Table
This introduces another concept. The Host Table is the one which contains the most continuous information.
Generally, the Lithology Table contains continuous intervals from top to bottom of the hole you log the rock type all
the way down, but may only assay certain intervals, and take structural measurements infrequently.
Coreview convention is to use Lithology as the Host Table. This allows the Logsheet to show groups of recordings
which relate to a particular strata that is logged, and shuffle the depth intervals so they line up according to depth.

You will probably have hole number 102 showing. Go to the View menu, and select Change Current Hole Now pick
hole number 101 from the list. When you return to the main screen, you will see the survey data for that
hole displayed in the new Fields you added.

Entering New Data

To create new records within your log, click on the appropriate icon, Edit menu item or shortcut keys (Usually F2).
Coreview automatically calculates and inserts key data into each new record using your custom setup (Create custom
setups by right clicking the appropriate column, and clicking the autofill button, in the cell contents option).

Another way to add records is from the clipboard. You can tag individual records and perform the usual Cut, Copy,
Paste and Delete operations to manipulate records within a table.

Now lets add some data. Click at the bottom of the logsheet, on the last record of the Lithology Group - and press
the F2 key. A new record will be added, ready for you to fill out. The program will automatically add the From and
To intervals, (the auto-increment rules have been set for you) and sits ready for you to enter information in
the appropriate Field. Click the cheatsheet icon at the right hand end of the menu bar, and select from the list of
codes available for that column. Clicking the right and left arrows on the cheatsheet allow you to quickly move to
the next field and select from its dictionary without having to use the keyboard at all. You should find that once
you have established dictionaries, data entry is accomplished using the F2 key for a new record, and mouse clicks
on the cheatsheet, with occasional entries of comments using the keyboard.

Saving your Work File as a Template for future use

You can save the modified results in your project directory as a new Coreview work file if you have added Log
data. Click the Data: Start New Work File menu option. Screen prompts will ask if you want to save the demo
work file with a new name as a project file. After prompting to delete the fictitious data, the File: Save dialog box
appears. Enter a name for the work file, after which the program will prompt for the first new drillhole name.

Alternatively, when the program opens, click the Wizard option to design your own project from scratch. To bring
up the Wizard screen at any time, select the Help menu item Demonstration Applications. Have a look through
the CookBook that is in the Help files (search for Cookbook), or read section 2 of this manual.

Validating your data

Have a look at the other menu options you will find powerful validation options under the Data: Validation Report
menu. This menu runs all validation routines on the entire workfile and produces a text report of errors and
probable errors in the data. Each cell in each table is checked as follows:
Is Validation enabled for this field?
Is the format correct?
Are emply cells valid?
If a dictionary has been set for the field, is the data valid?
Each table is checked as follows:
Are there duplicate records based on the key fields eg HoleID and Depth?
Are any depth data in a hole inverted, out of order, or overlapping?
Are records in the host table contiguous?
Cross Table checks:
For Downhole tables, does each hole also appear in the Collar/ Header table?
For Downhole tables, is all depth data less than the hole depth in the Collar/ Header table?
Search and Replace
Under the Edit menu are search and replace functions. Use the shortcut keys you will find them a lot quicker to use
when you are in the heat of the battle, and having to enter data quickly in the field.

Tagging improving your productivity

Tagging allows you to select records and cut, copy and paste them to a new location. It also allows search
and replace functionality. Alternatively, you may wish to simply inspect all records containing a certain rock
type or mineralogy. The following example demonstrates the tagging functionality.

Writing selected records to a new file find and tag, cut-copy-paste

It is possible to tag records which have the same code or value in a particular field for example Chert, in
a lithology field, and copy these to a new file. The steps to do this are as follows:

Open the Table which contains the records to be copied (eg, by clicking on the appropriate tab at the bottom of the
From the top menu bar, choose Design: Duplicate current Table

Give the new Table an appropriate name and caption. (Note: It is the caption which Coreview displays as the
file identifier)
In the original Table, click on the field in which you wish to look for a particular code, and use Edit: Find and Tag
to tag the required records. Then click on Edit: Copy (or use the toolbar icons). Note that the drop-down list will show
all the codes in the dictionary for the selected field.

Use the task bar at the bottom of the screen to view the new Table (Note that this is a new, but empty Table with the
same structure as the original table). Click in the top left cell and on the top menu bar, select Edit: Paste (Ctrl-V).
The tagged records will now appear in your new Table.
Shortcut keys

Function Keys Control Key Combinations MOVE

F1 Help! Ctrl+A Tag all records Ctrl+Up Arrow Move up one record. Moves up one hole on logsheet header
F2 Add new record Ctrl+B Erase cells to bottom of field Ctrl+Down Arrow Move down one record. Moves down one hole on logsheet
Shift+F2 Add duplicate record Ctrl+C Copy Alt+ Right Arrow Move to next table right on Logsheet
Shift+Ctrl+F2 Add Initial record. First record, new hole. Ctrl+D Redo Alt+Left Arrow Move to next table left on Logsheet
F3 Find Next Ctrl+E Erase cells to the right in the current Alt+ Up Arrow Move to header from logging panel
Shift + F3 Find Previous Ctrl+F Find text Alt+ Down Arrow Move to logging panel from header
Ctrl+F3 Find and Tag Ctrl+H Hide selected columns
Ctrl F Find next Ctrl+L Check current logsheet Home Go to first character in a cell line
Ctrl R Replace Ctrl+M Add or insert multiple records End Go to last character in a cell line
F4 Toggle focus to and from the Ctrl+N New work file PgUp Go to Previous page
F6 Check current cell Ctrl+O Open work file PgDn Go to Next Page
Shift + F6 Check current record Ctrl+P Print Ctrl+Home Go to Page 1
Ctrl Q Check column Ctrl+Q Check current field Tab Advance one column right
Ctrl T Check Table Ctrl+R Replace Shift+Tab Go back one column
Ctrl L Check logsheet Ctrl+S Save work file Enter Submit, validate, move to next column
Ctrl W Check entire work file Ctrl+T Check Table Ctrl+ Tab Cycle between documents
F7 Increment current cell * Ctrl+U Show all columns
Shift + F7 Increment cells to end of record * Ctrl+V Paste SELECT
Ctrl+F7 Increment cells to end of field* Ctrl+W Check entire work file Shift+ Right Arrow Select character to the right
F8 Duplicate cell from above Ctrl+X Cut Shift+ Left Arrow Select character to the left
Shift + F8 Duplicate cell to end of record Ctrl+Y Delete Current Record Shift+Home Select to start of text
Ctrl+F8 Duplicate cell to end of field Ctrl+Z Undo Shift+End Select to end of text
*From the cell above into blanks only. No data is overwritten
F9 Tag current record
Shift + F9 Tag all records below
Ctrl+F9 Tag all records above
Shift+Ctrl+F9 Invert Tags
Ctrl+A Tag all
F11 UnTag record
Shift +F11 UnTag all records below
Ctrl+F11 UnTag all records above
F12 Zoom In
Shift + F12 Zoom Out

- 18 -
Filling Out Your Logsheet
The logsheet that you have on screen is your new custom logsheet. We will assume that this is a drill
hole logsheet, and you are ready to start logging. First we should have another look at the editing features:

Editor Features:

Design a logsheet

Add a new record to the


Replicate previous record

Start new drillhole

Delete a record

Show Cheatsheet

Logsheet page

Status bar

Sheet Tabs

The different types of logsheet

Logsheets can come in two flavours single hole logsheets (for example, diamond drilling), or multiple
hole logsheets (for example, a project with multiple shallow rotary air blast holes).
Thus, the header will have totally different information requirements, depending on whether it is for a single
or multiple hole logsheet. These are as follows:

Single Hole headers:

Contain information from a collar file. This will have the following essential fields: Hole name, Easting, Northing,
Elevation, Total Depth, and a variety of optional information such as nominal azimuth and dip, driller, drill date etc.

Note: Downhole survey information should be recorded separately in a survey Table, as azimuth and
dip readings at point locations down the hole.

- 19 -
Multiple Hole headers:
Contain project information, such as Tenement, Drill type, Driller, Date, Logger etc. There are no essential fields.

Once the header is filled out you are ready to start logging your down hole samples.

Click on the Add Next Record icon (or press F2 on the keyboard) to create a new blank record. Coreview will
place you on the first field that it thinks you need to enter (if the autofill rules are set for any fields, these
will automatically fill, and the highlight will take you to the first blank field). Click the Add Next Record icon
again when you have finished that sample and are ready to start the next. If you have missed filling out any
mandatory columns, Coreview will prompt you as you attempt to leave the record. Right click on that column or
entry box to change the validation rules for data entry.

If your logsheet includes data from more than one down hole data table, you will need to click on the appropriate
column of the logsheet to establish this other table as the current one. Clicking on the Add Next Record icon will
then selectively add records to this table.

Creating a Scaled Graphic Logsheet

A graphic log is a normal logsheet with the addition of a scale bar to one side of the log.

Scaled logsheets can display data as line graphs, bar graphs, and hatch patterns. Graphs may be rescaled, filled
with solid colours or hatch patterns related to any field, may be displayed with log scales, and may be clipped top
and bottom. Hatch patterns may be specified for any code dictionary and used as the basis for hatch fill of
a stratigraphic column or graph.

When you have created an appropriate logsheet, click the design icon on the main menu bar, or select
the Design: Logsheet menu item, and go to the design screen. To add a vertical scale bar, select the scale
icon (5 down from the top of the bar) or select Edit: Add scale/convert to scaled log on the menu bar. Scale
is set by entering an appropriate figure for data units per cm, or data units per page of the logsheet.

Configuring scaled displays

Stratigraphic column
Select the stratigraphic column option when you have set up appropriate hatch patterns. These are selected from
the Interdex Hatch Pattern editor screen by right clicking on the stratigraphic column in the main data
entry screen, click the Edit Dictionary button, and the following screen appears:

Clicking the Pattern column will bring up the

Hatch Patterns screen shown below.

The editor allows you to pick a pattern, adjust its density and angle, and build colours of your choice:

- 20 -
How to Build Dictionaries
Coreview supports multiple classes for the validation of numeric and coded data. Each field in a table can be
linked to a single Dictionary. A dictionary is a collection of one or more classes which may contain code lists,
numeric or ID ranges.

There are a number of ways that you can build your Code Lists. The standard logging templates supplied with
Coreview include their own dictionaries as a starting point. You can add to the code lists as you enter data.
If you key a new code into a column, Coreview will warn you that the new code is not valid. In response to
this message you may click on the Add to List button. This will insert your new code into the relevant code list
and place you within the code list editor ready to type in the code descriptor. Clicking the Ok button returns
you to logging. Access the Code Editor at any other time with a right mouse click on the Cheatsheet, or
selecting the
Design: Dictionary menu item.

In addition to updating your Code Lists as you work, Coreview will automatically populate them with codes should
you import your data from Interdex. Code lists can be extracted from fields at any time by using the
Design menu, or right mouse clicking the field, and select the create dictionary button. On the menu of the
screen that appears, you can Extract list of unique codes this will make a list of all the unique codes found in
the field you have selected.

Use this to extract

lists of codes, ranges
or ids from the
selected field

Select class
type to pick

Code lists in
the selected
class types

Select classes required

for this field and
put them in here
on -

Overlay Column.
A overlay column on a logsheet is the display of text or symbols representing point data, such as water
table, fossil occurences, veins and fractures, on top of other data, for example geological hatch
patterns in a stratigraphic column. Any suitable windows font such as the Interdex Symbol font, or the text
itself, may be used to represent codes or text contained in a field linked to the overlay column. Text displays
must be the same font size as the underlying column, but may be a different colour.

Interdex Point Symbols

Any available font may be chosen for a overlay column, and the majority may be sized, coloured and rotated at
any angle. For special purpose symbols, choose the Interdex Symbol font.

To display the available Symbols, right click on the right

hand column of the dictionary editor for the field which is
linked to the overlay column.

To display the dictionary editor, select the table and the

field in main data entry mode, and then right click on the
cheatsheet list of codes. You may also use the
menu item Edit: Dictionary

A dialog appears in which you can select an appropriate

font, select a symbol from a list of displayed
symbols, and adjust size, colour, and rotation.

Continue until you have associated appropriate symbols with the codes in the overlay field, and then return to the
logsheet display.

The selected symbols will be displayed on the logsheet, centered at their actual locations.

Interdex Symbol font:

! " # $ % & ' ( ) *

! " # $ % & ' ( ) *
+ , - . / 0 1 2 3 4
+ , - . / 0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = >
5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = >
? @ A B C D E F G H
? @ A B C D E F G H
Symbols are shown with the corresponding keyboard equivalent below them.

- 22 -
Fractions Tables.
A fractions table is a special table type which contains multiple analyses of different mesh size fractions or density
fractions for individual samples. Typical examples are coal wash data and metallurgical testwork. The resultant
table of data typically has several records of data corresponding to one original sample number.

In Coreview, such data can be displayed on a logsheet and as interactive multiple line graphs. To be displayed,
the fractions table must be linked via the SampleID information to the appropriate field in a downhole table which
also contains the sample locations. Use the <Design --Table Settings> menu item to specify the correct Table,
Table type and SampleID fields.
Once the settings are correct, the data will display correctly in tabular form on a scaled logsheet.

- 23 -
Tabular Display on a logsheet:

- 24 -
Date commenced 12 Jan 1998

Project Geologist Peter Ward GONDOR MINERALS York Farm

Core diameter NQ/TNW Perth District

Project Name Warwick 58 Edward Street, Perth 5019
PO Box 6379, South Perth7, Australia
Sampled by M Gunn DF259 Location

Coal Analysis by Inspectorate

Drilled by Quest Drilling 29 LO System
Remarks Exploration
Hole Number DF259 3400 X Coordinate
Logged by Peter Ward
7690 Y Coordinate

Section of Coal Seam Mineralogy Wash Table

Wash data displayed
as a table, within a

To Primary Litho Grain Size Comments Minerals Colour Sample Raw Density Yield (%) H2O % CV Mj/kg Ash % v.m. % f.c. % S % P %

2 U

single sampling
Coarse sandsone with occasional

pebbly bands. Frequent lepidendron mi white

IIIII IIII stem fragments

interval of the host
III table.

IIIII 15.7 6

CS001 1.4 21.4 2.8 29.94 7 36.8 53.4 0.7 0.3

CS001 1.45 29.9 2.8 29.74 7.7 35.1 53.5 0.68 0.3

CS001 1.5 53.9 2.7 29.5 8.4 34.7 54.2 0.67 0.4
15.8 - Coal, BRIGHT, blocky calcite, py CS001 1.55 60.7 2.7 29.12 9.6 32.8 54.9 0.67 0.4 7
pyrite and siderite CS001 1.6 75.3 2.7 28.81 10.7 31 55.8 0.68 0.4
CS001 1.65 85.4 2.7 28.23 11.8 29.8 55.6 0.68 0.4
15.8 8
CS001 1.7 88.4 2.7 27.96 12.4 29.6 55.2 0.74 0.4

15.89 - COAL LUSTROUS, flat fracture
calcite with laminae COAL BRIGHT
py white


15.91 - COAL MIXED lustrous and 10

bright blocky calcite, pyrite and siderite


16.1 12

Coal, BRIGHT, blocky calcite, pyrite
and siderite
16 C

)))) )
Calcareous mudstone with abundant brown
))) C
pyritic nodules.

Fine grained sandstone with thin
16.91 mudstone bands. Occasional pyritic

nodules within concretionary masses F
in the mudstones. 18 S

To display in graphic form, right click on the column which contains the SampleID information in the
logsheet display of the Fractions table, or switch to the Fractions table, highlight a sample interval and use the
menu item
View: Fractions Graph.

Interactive multiple line graphs:

This example shows a graphical display of typical coal wash data for a range of float densities. Smooth
curves are calculated from the data by a bicubic spline method.
Yield (%) H2O % CV Mj/kg Ash % v.m. %
110.0 2.45 10.7
23.0 Results r CV M=
32.5 10.6
100.0 fo 30.0
2.4 22.0
32.0 10.5
Raw = 1.58
21.0 Density = 73.4
90.0 2.35 31.5 Yield (%)
20.0 = 2.22
H2O % = 13.62
31.0 19.0 Ash %
80.0 10.2 = 9.39
18.0 v.m. % = 0.0
30.5 10.1
70.0 17.0
2.25 30.0 10.0
16.0 9.9
60.0 29.5
2.2 15.0 9.8
29.0 14.0 9.7
2.15 28.5 13.0 9.6

40.0 12.0 9.5

11.0 9.4
30.0 10.0 9.3
9.0 9.2
2.0 26.5 8.0 9.1

26.0 7.0 9.0

1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Raw Density

The horizontal line shows a selected Calorific Value. The corresponding values for the other fields are computer
generated from the graphs. These calculated data may optionally be written back into the data table for display in
tabular form on the logsheet.

On the setup dialog screen you need to select the key fields, in this case the raw density field for the X axis, the
Calorific value for the Y axis, and the Yield% field so that cumulative values may be calculated and

Turn fields and rows on / off by a mouse click on the words on / off in the appropriate cell.

Click the Show Cumulative button to display cumulative values. Values are calculated by the formulae:

- 25 -

where Variable is the data field, eg Calorific Value (CV), Volatile matter (v.m%), Fixed Carbon (C%),
Sulphide (S%).

Display the graphs by clicking the Draw Graph button. The Save Metafile button creates a windows metafile of
the multiple graph display.

Concatenated Text Reports

You can generate a geoscientific Text Report for one or more fields by specifying and joining together text
or numeric replacements for the codes and values that have been logged. The result is displayed on an
appropriate column of a scaled logsheet.
VDC International Pty Ltd

Hole Name : DD101

A wizard style dialog lets you design a text report formula which
Northing: 5180.400 will join phrases together with suffixes and prefixes. The phrases
Example Text report from a lithology table
Easting: 7650.650
are text or numeric translations, stored in dictionaries, for
the contents of individual fields. The text report is dynamic.
For example, changing codes in the table or changing the




Rock 1

Cg mlv
Qual1 Rock 2

HA clv
Qual 2

R2 % Col #1 Col #2

Lithological Description
From 0.00m. To 5.00m.
Conglomerate with medium lapilli
formula will change the text. Callouts are added automatically
and the display text is shuffled to fit in the available space.
volcaniclastic 8-32mm, and 25 percent
mlv GSP mlv brown Highly altered rock
5.00 10.00 Ch 25 Brn Oli From 5m. To 10m. Brown Chert with
medium lapilli volcaniclastic 8-32mm,
0 vp Vn vp
and 25 percent olive Glassy silica-pyrite
From 10m. To 20.00m. Siltstone,
There is no change to the underlying data.
This style is only available for scaled logsheets, and, as
10.00 20.00 Ss sandstone, greywacke with variolitic
xv pillow lava Veining

with other columns on a logsheet, can only use data from the
table to which it is linked.

0 20.00 From 20m. To 50.00m. Chert

The display is constructed by Coreview using a FORMULA

50.00 Ch
with lapilli volcaniclastic 2-64mm

mlv which the designer of the logsheet composes.

50.00 60.00 Wk
From 50m. To 60.00m. Wacke
Each text report cell in the logsheet will display the result
with crystal volcaniclastic
of applying the formula to the values in the record for that

60.00 70.00 Ss
From 60m. To 70m.
Siltstone, sandstone,
depth interval.
6 greywacke

70.00 79.23 An
From 70m. To 79.23m. Andesite

From 79.23m. To 91.00m. Highly
altered rock with lava
79.23 91.00 HA From 91m. To 94.05m. Dolerite
with lapilli volcaniclastic 2-64mm
From 94.05m. To 95.00m. Brown
8 Sh mlv Massive chalcopyrite with medium
0 91.00 94.05 Do
lapilli volcaniclastic 8-32mmgrey Shale
HA clv From 95.00m. To 104.00m.
94.05 95.00 MCPy Brn Gry
Conglomerate with medium lapilli
95.00 104.00 Cg 25 Brn volcaniclastic 8-32mm, and 25 percent
brown Highly altered rock

Formulae express, in a way that a computer can use, the general idea of : "Get the value from this field, translate
it into text, make a phrase by adding a prefix and a suffix, then get the text from this field, make a phrase out of it,
and then add it onto the end of the first phrase, then get the text from this field, make a phrase, etc., etc."

The value from a field, before it takes its place in the phrase, can be interpreted and translated into text. If the
value is the required text then no change is needed. However, if the value is a code, then the required text may
be interpreted as being any one of the three attributes of that code, as displayed in the code list editor. These are
Formal Description
Report Text
Measured Value
The code list editor may be invoked by a right click on the cheatsheet, or from the menu item < Design --
Prefixes and suffixes are words and punctuation, which are selected from lists.
Typical examples of prefixes are : Rare , and , with .
Typical examples of suffixes are : percent , m., ish.
It is up to the designer of the logsheet to make appropriate lists. These lists are stored in the work file.

Coreview has no concept of correct sentence construction or syntax. The designer of the logsheet may use any
language which is read from left to right.
In the dialog screen where formulae are composed, there are two displays of the formula. The first is the formula
as it is being composed.
A typical example of a formula is :
Litholgy.From(0) - Litholgy.To(0)m. Litholgy.Rock1(1). .

The second display is the result of applying this formula to the current record in the data, e.g.

95 - 105m. Massive chalcopyrite.. .

Although it is not necessary for the logsheet designer to understand the structure of the formula, it is possible to
edit it directly to make minor changes, such as adding spaces, commas and periods. You may also
delete phrases and cut and paste to rearrange the phrase order.

The formula is made up of parts, each of which contains a reference to a field in the data table.

Each part is enclosed by the character pair , and will produce a phrase.

Within each part, the reference to the field is by table name and field name, preceded by the symbol . After each
field reference there is a number within parentheses. This number identifies how the field value is to be
interpreted. If the result of this interpretation is nothing then this part is not used for this record, even though there
are prefixes and suffixes within the part.

Prefixes and suffixes appear in the formula as they will appear on the logsheet.

Joins between parts and between prefixes, field values and suffixes are indicated by the symbol .

Picture columns and Picture tables

Add any rectangular areas from digital pictures to logsheets with accurate scaling and optional stretching
In Logsheet Design mode, right click on any column and select the column style <Pictures> to set a
display column.
From the Design menu select
< Generate standard tables> and the option <Create a Picture Table>

Enter appropriate information into the picture table directly.

This table contains the disk location of the picture file and the display parameters for any number of rectangular
cropped areas from the picture onto a logsheet.

You will need to specify the following for each record in the table:

Drill hole name

Down hole start and end of the picture area
Down hole display start and end for the cropped picture on a logsheet.
Picture Path disk picture file.
Cropping box : The Left, Top, Width and Height pixel values of the rectangle.
Display On/Off
Maintain aspect ratio Yes/No

Typical data from a picture table is shown below

HoleId From To DispFrom DispTo Path CLeft CTop CWidth CHeight ON/OFF Aspect
J1801 9.9 10.9 9.9 10.9 C:\Coreview32\peter_k\robe_3.jpg 935 83 52 726 True
J1801 10.9 11.9 10.9 11.9 C:\Coreview32\peter_k\robe_3.jpg 890 72 51 756 True
J1801 11.9 12.5 11.9 12.5 C:\Coreview32\peter_k\robe_3.jpg 846 62 48 678 True
J1801 12.5 13.5 12.5 13.5 C:\Coreview32\peter_k\robe_3.jpg 792 52 43 789 True
J1801 13.5 14.45 13.5 14.45 C:\Coreview32\peter_k\robe_3.jpg 741 51 48 803 True

The table display has special editing features:

Click twice on an entry in the Path field to

browse and select a new path.
Click twice on an entry in any of the CLeft,
CTop, CWidth, CHeight fields to reselect the
cropping rectangle from the original picture.

Scroll the picture with the arrows at the top left of

the Picture cropping dialog

Define a cropping rectangle by Rubber band

drag with the mouse left button, or click with
the right mouse button on diagonal corners.

You can also type the actual values into the entry

Click an entry in the ON/OFF and Aspect fields to change true/false.

The cropping rectangle which has
been selected from the picture
is stretched to fit the space defined
on the logsheet.

If the Display From and To values

are different to the actual From and
To values, callout lines are
automatically added.

Maintain aspect ratio does not

stretch the cropped picture. It merely
rescales the picture to best fit into the
space defined by the from and to
values and the scale of the logsheet.
The default is the stretch the picture
to fit the column width as shown
in the illustration. You may add
white space either side of the picture
in the column by adjusting
the Gap left/right of
pictures from the
<General Logsheet Settings
Column Appearance> menu item in
design mode.

Program Security is provided by the commercial security software program called Cryptkey which is distributed
as part of Coreview. A special PC Key, different from the standard PC key, must be obtained from
VDC International to enable the security features
The standard version of Coreview has NO application security and can not read Coreview Work files produced by
a secure version

Application Security.
Controlled by someone in the purchasing organisation identified as the Drilling Project Manager.
VDC in Perth supplies this one person with a special Crypkey PC Key identifying this person's computer as the
Drilling Project Manager. The Drilling Project Manager has a security code of 7.

Security codes of 7 and above can assign their own logon code and can assign security levels 0 to 5 to people
identified by a 3 to 4 letter logon codes (generally their initials). A default securitylevel can be assigned so that
specific logon codes for every potential user of the program are not required.

The list of logon codes and security levels is encrypted in the file COREVIEW.DRV which must be supplied by the
Drilling Project Manager to every Coreview site requiring someone to have a security level greater than

Security Levels.
Level 0 = Access Denied
Level 1 = Browse Only - Can not change anything.
Level 2 = Novice User - Can add to or edit the data.
Level 3 = Expert Logger - Can add to or edit the dictionaries.
Level 5 = Local Manager - Can add to or edit the logsheets.

Secure Versions of Coreview can read any Standard version workfile.

When a professional version of Coreview starts, the user must provide a 3 to 4 letter code to sets the security
level of the user. If appropriate, the user can create a workfile, add some data and design a logsheet.

When a workfile generated by a professional version of Coreview is imported into a professional version of
Coreview, the security levels encrypted in the workfile supercede that set by the logon code.

Thus, since the only person who can set security level is the Drilling Project Manager the levels that he/she set,
apply to all users of the workfile. It is also true that the Drilling Project Manager can create several versions of
the same workfile, containing the same data, but having a different set of logon codes and security levels.
Naming & Managing Your Work Files
A Project Folder can contain any number of Coreview Work Files. As these proliferate you will need to work
out how to store them. Consider naming both Project Folders and Work Files. Depending on the number of
projects, people sharing the computer, and logging templates, you can name folders by project, logger, date or
template name. Your Work Files may be named according to the drill holes they contain, the month in which
they were logged or the name of the logger. Whichever you choose, take care to avoid the possibility of file
name conflicts within the folders you create.

Coreview Template Files are stored independently of the Work Files and generally within the same directory.
We suggest that template names indicate the specific purpose of the template. Eg: SoilLog, RockLog,
CoalCore, CoalChip, etc.

Maintaining the Integrity of your Logs

Coreview reproduces the appearance and function of your existing logsheets, and supports your own preferred
logging techniques.

Here are some general rules of thumb which are worth sharing:

Claim Authorship of Your Data

Record your name or initials and the date that you did the logging. Do this by creating two fields, for
Logged by and Date Logged in your Collar Table which enable your data to be identified in future.
Log Only Observations

Only log data from samples that you have sighted. If sample recovery is poor, note this and resist the temptation
to make an educated guess as to what the strata may have been. Always include a No Sample option in your
rock code and other relevant dictionaries.
Confine Interpretative Data to Comments Fields

Wherever possible record objective, empirical observations as parametized data in coded fields. These stand
the test of time better than subjective interpretations which may become outmoded.

Remember, facts cant change but interpretations can!

Passing Ownership of Log Data

Work Files have a habit of becoming databases. As the logging season proceeds, sizable personal databases
can build up.

Establish procedures to ensure that data is regularly checked, backed up, signed off and passed to the project
data managers!

Summary of Main Screen Menu Items

File Menu
New: Create a new template or work file by selecting from a variety of methods.
Open: Select a work file name using the Select work file dialog. This file will be loaded into memory ready for
additions and alteration, with the logsheet view on the main entry screen.
Close: Close your work.
Save: Save your work to the current work file or template.
Save As: Type in a work file or template name (up to eight characters long) in the Coreview dialog.
Export Template: Export the template to a new file.
Export Metafile: Export the current page of the logsheet to a Windows metafile.
Import Data: Imports ASCII comma, Tab or Interdex files, and allows ODBC database connection.
Export Data: The Exporting data dialog lets you select one of five options.
Comma Delimited: ASCII files with commas between the fields.
Tab Delimited: ASCII files with Tabs between the fields.
Interdex Format: ASCII files in Interdex format.
Fixed space Format: ASCII files in fixed space format.
Dbase Table: a file that can be directly imported into many relational data bases.
Printer Setup: Adjust printer settings.
Print: Select an option: This page, All Pages, This Drillhole, All Drillholes.
Batch Print: Displays editable list of holes in work file to allow multiple logsheet printing.
COREVIEW Licence: This item has three sub menus:-
Register Coreview:
The dialog shows a PC code which is derived from your computer. To register Coreview, supply this unique code
to VDC International, along with payment. You will be provided with a corresponding key code which will
unlock the program.
Transfer Licence: Your registered copy of Coreview may be transferred to another computer. Simply follow
the instructions on the Transfer Core View Licence dialog. Only one copy of Coreview may be operated at
one time under this licence arrangement.
Manage users: Allows a manager to set user authority levels.
Exit: This item closes the program.

Edit Menu
Undo: Undo your last editing action
Redo: Redo your last editing action
Cut: Copy highlighted information, place on the Windows clipboard, and delete from the original source.
Copy: Copy highlighted information and place on the Windows clipboard.
Paste: Paste information from the Windows clipboard to the cursor position on the spreadsheet or logsheet..
Delete: Delete the highlighted information.
Find: Enter text to find in the dialog and click OK. The first occurrence of this text will be highlighted.
Find Next: The next occurrence of this text will be highlighted.
Find Previous: The previous occurrence of this text will be highlighted.
Find and Tag: All records with an occurrence of this text in the current field will be highlighted and tagged.
Replace: Enter text to replace in the dialog and click OK. All matching text will be replaced according to the
settings on the dialog.
Add new Record: Adds a new record below the current record filled with blanks, apart from Auto-fill cells.
Add duplicate Record: Next record, filled with same data as previous record.
Start new hole: The added record will be the first member of a new series (typically the first interval for a
new drill hole)
Add or insert multiple Records: Adds multiple new records below the current record, or inserts
multiple records above the current record.
Delete Record: Delete a highlighted record.
Cell: The submenus allow you to calculate data or duplicate data from the cell above into the cell.
Cells Right: The submenus allow you to erase data to the end of the record, or calculate data or duplicate data
from the cells above into blank cells.
Cells Below: The submenus allow you to erase data to the end of the field, or calculate data or duplicate data
from the cell above into all blank cells below.

View Menu
Change current hole: Select another drillhole to display on the logsheet from a list of drillholes.
Set Start Depth: For use only with scaled logsheets. Allows the user to configure the depth interval displayed by
a logsheet.
Show all Tables: View tables as spreadsheets. Use the standard Windows multiple document interface
to rearrange, select, minimize and maximize spreadsheet tables. The initial arrangement of tables is cascaded,
use the Window menu items to rearrange these
Show all Logsheets: View all logsheets. You can use the standard Windows multiple document interface to
rearrange, select, minimize and maximize logsheets. The initial arrangement of tables is cascaded, use
the Window menu items to rearrange these
Hide all Tables: Hide all spreadsheets. To recall, click on the appropriate Display Tab at the bottom of
the screen
Hide all Logsheets: Hide all logsheets. To recall, click on the appropriate Display Tab at the bottom of
the screen
Hide selected columns: Hide columns which have been highlighted on a table.
UnHide columns: Display all columns
Zoom In: Display a magnified view of portion of the Logsheet.
Zoom Out: Display a larger area of the Logsheet.

Design Menu
Template Settings: Edit the name and Caption for the Template.
Table Settings: Edit general table settings.
Duplicate Current Table: Copy the existing table with a new name.
Generate Standard Tables: Generate one or more new standard Tables. The choices are; Project,
Collar, Survey, Assay, Lithology, Alteration, Point Data. Once created these can be easily modified to suit
individual needs.
Add Tables from:
Coreview Workfile:
Datcol files
Comma/TAB File: Load ASCII text file data.
Interdex Files: Select and read in one or more Interdex files.
Micromine file.
ODBC database source.
Friction Cone probe data.
Delete Current Table: Delete a table selected from the list of tables.
Extract Unique Codes from Field: Extracts all unique codes from a code field into a new dictionary as a class
list and displays the list for editing. When run on a numeric field, creates a list of all unique values in the field.
Extract a Numeric Range from Field: Extracts the numeric range from a numeric field into a new
dictionary class and displays for editing.
Extract an ID Range from Field: Extracts the ID ranges from an ID field into a new dictionary class and displays
for editing.
Field Settings: Modify any of the field settings from the field settings dialog.
Add new Field: Creates a new field with default settings identical to the current field. The field settings dialog is
shown so that individual settings can be specified before the new field is created.
Delete Current Field: Delete the current field. To delete a field, set the focus to a cell in the field by a mouse
click or keystroke, then use this menu item.
Logsheet: Switches to Design mode and displays the current Logsheets for editing.
Dictionary: Displays the dictionary editor with the selected class lists for the current field. To edit codes for
a code field, set the focus to a cell in the field by a mouse click or keystroke, then use this menu item.

Data Menu
Validate: Validate has six submenus:
Cell: Validate the contents of the current cell. Record:
Validate the contents of the current record. Column:
Validate the contents of the current column (field). Table:
Validate the contents of the current table.
Logsheet: Validate the contents of the current logsheet.
Work File: Validate the entire work file.
Sort Ascending: Sort the table in ascending order on the Hole ID field and the From field.
Sort Descending: Sort the table in descending order on the Hole ID field and the From field.
Start New Work File: Copy the template of the currently displayed work file, including logsheets,
code dictionaries and blank data tables, to a new work file name, and display ready for data entry.
Import into current table: Import data from a variety of sources into an existing table. You may replace
the existing data or append the new data to the existing data. If the source and target table structures do not
match, you may assign matching fields. The table structure, all dictionaries and all links remain unchanged.

Tag Menu
Tagged records may be Cut, Copied, Pasted and Deleted
Tag Record: The current record is selected and highlighted.
Tag all Records: All records are selected and highlighted.
Tag all Below: All records below the current record are selected and highlighted.
Tag all Above: All records above the current record are selected and highlighted.
UnTag Record: The current record is cleared.
UnTag all Records: All records are cleared.
UnTag all Below: All records below the current record are cleared.
UnTag all Above: All records above the current record are cleared.
Invert Tags: Select the inverse of what is currently selected and highlighted.

On screen tagging of records

Left mouse drag across the boundary of a cell or record on a spreadsheet display or logsheet display.
For a logsheet, which contains data from more than one table, records from the table where dragging started will
be tagged. Starting a new drag procedure cancels all previous tags in other tables. In addition, there are
areas, one to the left and one to the right of the logsheet border where the mouse cursor changes to
a rectangular icon, and records in the current table are tagged by individual mouse clicks or by dragging.
For spreadsheet views, this active area is on the extreme left of the table, and the mouse cursor changes to a
check mark.

Cheatsheet Menu
Hide: Hide the Cheatsheet. Click the cheatsheet icon to show it again.
Always on top: A toggle item to allow you to keep the Cheatsheet visible at all times.
Toggle Focus: Switch focus from the logsheet to the cheatsheet.
Show at startup: Show the Cheatsheet at startup of Coreview.
Place at left: Rearrange the position of the Cheatsheet to be at the left of the logsheet.
Place at right: Rearrange the position of the Cheatsheet to be at the right of the logsheet.
Place over: Rearrange the position of the Cheatsheet to be over the logsheet.
Codes and Descriptions: displays the codes and a short description of each code on the list
Show codes only: displays only the codes.
Show Descriptions only: displays only the descriptions.

Options Menu
Help Tips: Toggle the display of help tips on and off.
Logging Toolbar: Toggle display of the logging Toolbar. This gives access to commonly used menu items by
clicking on icons.
Status Bar: Toggle the display of status information in a panel at the bottom of the screen.
Display Tabs: Toggle the display of tabs showing the names of the individual spreadsheet tables and
the logsheet. A mouse click on a tab will display that spreadsheet or logsheet.
Display Tab Rows: Rearrange the display of Tabs if there is insufficient space for a single line display,
Show Desktop: Change the arrangement of the forms and hide the Backdrop picture so that the
Windows desktop is showing.
Desktop Picture: Select a bitmap image (extension.bmp) to use as the backdrop.
Adjust the colours of the current record and cell
Specify metric or imperial from the options
Adjust the backup time interval

Window Menu
Maximize: Maximize the current form to fit the window
Cascade: Arrange spreadsheet tables downwards to the right
Tile Horizontally: Arrange horizontally if there are only two tables otherwise tile the tables to fit.
Tile Vertically: Arrange vertically if there are only two tables otherwise tile the tables to fit.
Arrange on Resize: Toggle the auto arrange feature. This causes automatic re-arrangement of all
child windows whenever the main window is resized.

A selection list of available forms appears at the bottom of this menu. Click on one of these to make this
the current form.


Contents: Index to the Help file

Using Coreview: Introductory topic to Coreview
Overview: Introductory topic to Coreview.
Using Help: Help on how to use Help
Demonstration Applications: A selection dialog appears with six alternatives. There are demonstration
applications for Diamond core, Drill chip, Shallow holes and Scaled Logsheet. Selecting <General
Logsheet> creates a single table and selecting <Wizard> offers a series of dialog screens with options to create
a variety of templates.
About: About Coreview.


Save: Save the current logsheet into the current work file or template file.
Save As: Save the current logsheet into a copy of the existing template.
Add Logsheet: A dialog lets you copy the existing logsheet or start from scratch.
Import Logsheet: A file selection dialog lets you recall blank logsheets from existing work files or template files.
Such files have a .CVW or .CVT extension.
Delete LogSheet: Delete the currently displayed Logsheet.
Printer Setup: Set up printer.
Print Blank Logsheet: Print the currently displayed Logsheet without the demonstration data.
Authority List: Set up user authorities.
Exit to Data Entry and Editing: Return to the data entry mode - Logsheet view.

General Logsheet Settings:
A dialog screen appears where you can edit the Name and Caption of the Logsheet, set the host table, set
the appearance of any new columns to be added to the Logsheet, and change the logsheet type between single
hole display and multiple hole display.
Host Table: Sets the Host table to be used
Page Layout: Dialog screens appear where you can edit the position, size and appearance of the main
logsheet panels - Header, Footer, Data panel, and Side panel.
Borders: Sets border styles for Header, Log and Side panels.
Horizontal Lines for Logsheet: Options are No line, Every Row of text, Every interval of host table,
User defined.
Add Scale/ convert to Scaled log: Specify scale, in data units per cm, or units per page of the log.
Add Title Line in Header:
Add Entry Box for Header:
Add Group: Add one or more columns of data
Add Column: Add a single data column

If you choose the Set as Overlay Column option on the dialog when placing a new column, you will be
prompted for a link to a field in a downhole point table. Code data in this field will be used to position
symbols as selected by you in the dictionary for this field. The overlay field will be placed on top of the
field at the mouse cursor.
Any windows font may be used. Size, colour and rotation may be specified for many fonts. The supplied
Interdex Point Symbols has a variety of suitable symbols.

Column Styles:
A right click on a column in design mode displays a dialog screen with numerous choices. The
style options are:

Simple Text or Symbol. Text may be displayed with or without the bounds of the sample interval.

Stratigraphic Column: This applies to any column with a linked code field. Display data as
hatch patterns based on the hatch patterns which have been assigned in the dictionary.
To edit a dictionary. There are four ways to access the dictionary editor. Switch to the main data entry
display screen, highlight the appropriate field from a logsheet or table, and either use the menu item <
Design -- Dictionary> or right click. Alternatively right click on the cheatsheet dictionary list. The editor
also appears when you choose to enter a new code when entering data.
A right click on the rightmost column called Pattern will display the Hatch pattern selection dialog.

Concatenated Text Report:

You can generate a lithological text report from one or more fields by specifying and joining together text
or numeric replacements for the codes and values that have been logged. The result is displayed on an
appropriate column of a scaled logsheet.

Graph/ Profile: Numeric data may be displayed as Bars or Profiles with or without fill.
Fill may be solid or based on hatch patterns taken from any code field/dictionary. If you choose the Fill
Stye Other from the drop down list, you will be prompted for the table and field with the
appropriate dictionary.
Graphs may be rescaled in data units per centimeter horizontally on the display, or set to autoscale to
the column width, and log scales may be used.
The base level for the graph and clipping for the base and top are optional. If clipping is not specified,
graphs may overlap adjacent column displays.
Pictures: Any rectangular area from digital pictures may be displayed on a logsheet. The
display requires the appropriate information in a Picture Table

Delete Object: Delete Box, Column or Group

Data links: Check links with data tables

These menu items correspond to buttons on the edit toolbar. Editing features are described in the
Logsheets topic

Detailed Logsheet Settings:

This menu item displays a summary of editable attributes for all columns on the LogSheet. Interactive settings
such as column width, can not be edited from this table but should be edited interactively on the screen or from a
dialog which is invoked by a right mouse click on the relevant object.

View :
Next Logsheet: Cycles through the logsheets in the current work file.
Previous Logsheet:
Snap Grid: Turns reference grid display on or off
Show Test Data: Displays test data to aid in design
Show toolbar: Toggles design toolbar display
Zoom In:
Zoom out:

Test Integrity:
This menu item tests the Integrity of the logsheet and displays a list of any problems. This list may be printed.


Calculated field
The result of a formula calculation from any number of numeric fields may be written to another field. To activate,
set a field to Calculated on the Field attributes dialog, and set up a formula from the Formula button.
Always tracks your location in the data or logsheet, and presents you with a pick list of codes, or keypad for quick
entry. Select codes by clicking, or typing them into the Cheatsheet or the appropriate Cell or Entry Box within
your logsheet or table. Configure the Cheatsheet to show only codes, or codes and short descriptions.
Natural groupings of codes you may wish to differentiate. Rock codes for example, might be classified
Igneous, Sedimentary or Metamorphic Classes within your RockType Dictionary.
Brief code name with associated descriptor stored as a member of a Code List. Codes must be unique within a
Code Lists
Displayed within the Cheatsheets. Designed to allow you to enter codes from a list with a mouse click or key
stroke. For each field in each table you may set up lists of acceptable codes. Code Lists are stored
in Dictionaries. A Dictionary may be shared by one or more fields and may contain one or more Classes of
codes. Code Lists may be set up before starting logging, when designing the log sheet, or dynamically as you
enter data. Any new code typed into a cell may be added to the existing list, or the program may be configured
so that only existing codes may be entered.
Concatenated Text Report:
A lithological text report may be generated from one or more fields by a special formula defined by the user. The
result is displayed on an appropriate column of a scaled logsheet. The text report may use the actual code, the
formal description, the report text, or a numeric replacement specified for each code as specified in the dictionary,
plus user defined prefixes and suffixes.
Collar Table
Contains descriptive information about the drill hole. It will have the following fields:- Hole name, X location(East),
Y location(North), Elevation, Total Depth, nominal Azimuth, nominal dip, plus fields for other relevant information.
Each row in the table represents one drill hole.
Any information you have recorded.
Data Table
Contains information you have entered which describes aspects of rock chips or core. Normally contains the Hole
name, rock type intervals (measured down the hole from the collar), and various codes and short
descriptions representing different rock types, minerals, textures, alteration, and structures. It may also
contain Sample intervals, sample numbers, assay information or other parameters.
A collection of Code Lists attached to a field.
A column in a table.
Footer Panel
Appears on the bottom of a logsheet and may have entry boxes and descriptive labels. This panel is often used
for a legend, using entry boxes set as legend boxes to display hatch patterns or symbols.
On a Coreview log sheet, all fields from a table are grouped together under a group heading. A Log sheet may
have any number of groups, from any number of tables, subject to space restrictions on the log sheet.
Header Section
At the top of the log sheet - contains a number of entry boxes which may be linked to fields in the collar table.
Data entered to these is automatically updated in the Collar Table.
Host Table
If groups from more than one table are shown on a log sheet, one table must be nominated as the Host Table.
This means that the logging intervals of the host table are used as the primary intervals and blanks are inserted
as necessary to move the intervals of the second table to their down hole position in relation to the intervals of the
host table.
The diamond drilling example work file shows two groups from a Lithology table and one from an Assay table.
The Lithology Table is the Host Table. Some lithological logging intervals contain several assay intervals.
Logging and Sampling Intervals are recorded in Coreview as depth down hole measurements from the start of
the drillhole.
The From field records the start of the interval
The To field records the end of the interval
Point Data Locations such as structural measurements, are recorded in an At field.
Sample Intervals are often different to other Logging Intervals:
For example, you can have fifty sample intervals for one rock type, several structural readings within one sample
interval, and alteration intervals may overprint several rock types. However, for RAB, RC, air core and
auger drilling, it is common to have similar logging and sample intervals, perhaps every meter down hole.
Legend Boxes
A check box on the Add entry box dialog converts an entry box to display a hatch pattern or symbol for use as
a legend. Legends may be added anywhere on the logsheet.
Log File
Data is stored in a Log File within the current folder on your hard disk. A Log File contains the Template plus all
Log Sheet
A special data entry form identical in appearance to a printed log sheet, but having all the data entry capabilities
of tables. A log sheet normally contains groups of fields linked to one or more underlying tables, and a header
containing data entry boxes for descriptive information about the drillhole and project.
The contents of a folder.
Represents one logging interval. Each row in the table will be a record, although in logsheet or spreadsheet
view, comments may be word wrapped.
Spreadsheet View
A representation of underlying tables. Data is arranged in rows and columns with field name captions at the top
of each column. Data is entered to each cell of the spreadsheet, using either the keyboard, or clicking a code list.
Survey Table
Down hole Survey point data. Has fields for:- Hole name, Depth down hole, Azimuth, Dip. There is normally
more than one survey for each hole.
Rows and columns of data, like a single spreadsheet.
A file containing layouts and definitions of all logsheets, tables, code dictionaries and validation rules for
an application:

Template = Logsheets + Tables + Dictionaries + Rules

Essential tables are Collar and Data, but there can be additional tables including one for downhole surveys.
You can have data organized in as many as 60 tables in Coreview.
Problem: Logsheet hard copy is truncated.
Probable Cause: Logsheet page is too large.
Solution: Change panel sizes within the File Menu, Page Set-Up

Problem: Logsheet hard copy orientation is wrong.

Probable Cause: Printer is set to the wrong default orientation.
Solution: Go to the Settings Control Panel in Windows; Select your printer; Select the Printer Properties
Item and change the Paper Orientation check box as displayed within the section headed Paper.

Problem: Cant exit Coreview registration screen

Probable Cause: Your demo license has expired
Solution: Contact VDC International to reactivate your

Exporting Data as files to make Cross Sections in Interdex

Use the File menu item Export Data. Click on the Assays Table, and you will notice a list of fields in the Table
are displayed below. Click on the fields you want to export to the new file, and use the > key to make a list in the
Target Fields box. Click the Export type option you want to use, and enter a name for the file. Then click
Export button to finish. Now you will have a validated, error-free data file which is ready for use by
another program. If you are using the INTERDEX cross-sectional and geochemistry software, Coreview will
export the file with an Interdex format so it can be read interactively.
2: The Coreview CookBook a collection of recipes
This is a collection of How-Tos ways to achieve a given result in a few simple steps. Use these in conjunction
with the Tutorial to gain an overview of the program first.

Getting Started
Before you can start logging data, you must have a Template (Each Template consists of a number of
Logsheets, Tables, Dictionaries (lists of codes) and rules), into which the data will go.

To create a Template which suits your needs, you can:

1. Use the Template from a demonstration Coreview Work File and:

Modify the Logsheet

Modify the fields in the Tables
Modify the Dictionaries
Modify the validation Rules

If you have added Log data, save the Template and data as your new Work File (.cvw) in your project

2. Modify a demonstration Coreview Template from the Template directory

3. Use the Coreview Wizard to design a Template

4. Import external data to create Table structures, and then design a Logsheet

5. Import external data and use an existing Coreview template logsheet to display it

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Coreview is best used with keyboard shortcuts (For example, to add a new record to a Logsheet, press the F2
key) You should print off the Keyboard Shortcuts before starting.

Do this by going to the help menu, select the Contents menu item, and under the Coreview Reference heading
you will see a topic called Keyboard Shortcuts to menu items. Click this, and select the File menu item, Print
Topic this will print the shortcuts for you.

Using an existing Coreview Demonstration Work File

Coreview is supplied with four demonstration Work Files. They are installed in the Demo directory
Coreview, with the file extension .cvw, and names indicated in brackets below.

Diamond Drilling (DDH101x.)

Reverse Circulation Drilling (RC2194x.)
Reverse Air Blast Drilling (RAB101x.)
General (DEMOGCHM.)
Scaled log sheet with graphics (demscale.cvw)

The Templates from which these demonstration Work Files were made are supplied in the Coreview installation,
and stored in the Templates subdirectory. They are Democore, Demochip, Demogchm, and Demosimp,
and have the extension -. cvt.

Each Template consists of a number of Logsheets, Tables, Dictionaries (lists of codes) and rules.

There are three ways to open the demonstration Work Files:

Select the appropriate button from the opening screen of Coreview if it is visible. It will be called
Demonstration Applications.
From the File menu, select Open, navigate to the Demo directory under Coreview, and select the
appropriate file.
From the Help menu, select Demonstration Applications and click the appropriate button.

The demonstration data will still be visible. To dump the demonstration data, and save all the structures for you
to enter your own data:

Select the Data menu, and Start New Work File

Enter an appropriate name for your file (This will become your logging Template)
Enter the name of your first drill hole
Start logging all the details of your hole you are away and running

When you have finished work, click File: Close. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Modify a Coreview Template

Templates are the complete structure of your tables, logsheets and all dictionaries and validation rules they just
dont have any data in them. As soon as there is data, they become Work Files.

You may start off using a Coreview demonstration Work File described above, but want to modify it by removing
some of the columns or groups on the Logsheet, or perhaps by adding more detail to the Tables and showing this
on the Logsheet. Detailed instructions are to be found in the help files, by pressing the F1 key or selecting
the Help menu. These steps will point you in the right direction

Select an appropriate starting Template from the Demonstration set in the Template directory
Decide whether to modify a Table or the Logsheet

Modifying a Table
Delete a column:
Right mouse click on the column, and click the Delete Field button

Adding a column:
Right mouse click on a similar column to the one you want to add and click the Duplicate Field button. Name the
new field and check the validation rules and Dictionaries that are set for it.

Modifying the Logsheet

Important note: You must create all Tables to be added to the Logsheet before going into design mode. If the
Table doesnt exist, you cant add Groups or Columns that are intended to be connected to a Table at a
later date.

Click the Design icon (at the left of the toolbar) or select the Design menu item Logsheet.

To delete existing columns/ entry boxes:

Select Edit: Delete Object and click on the column or toolbar button

To add another column:

Select Edit: Add Column, and connect the column to a group, or toolbar button

To add a new group from a Table not presently displayed on the Logsheet:
Select the Edit: Add Group command, or appropriate button on the toolbar

To add entry boxes in the header:

Select Edit: Add entry box in header, or toolbar button

Save the Log Template as a .cvt file, or use File: Exit to Data Entry and Editing, and return to the main
screen. Your Logsheet and any data in it will be saved as the current Work File.

Using the Coreview wizard to design a template

Select the Demonstration Applications option from the Help menu or on startup of the program, and select the
Wizard. There are a number of options presented:
Use an existing Work File as the Template for a new one
Use an existing Template
Use the Wizard to build a new Template
Use existing data file structures to create a Template

The first option has a similar function to Use an Existing Coreview Template described above. You select a
Work File without data, and start entering data.

The second option allows you to select a Template stored in the Template directory which you have previously
created or that came with Coreview. It is essentially the same as selecting a Work File and copying it.

Building a new Template with the wizard gives you the choice of creating:

Tables for drilling

Tables and a Logsheet for drilling
A surface Soil Sampling Logsheet

After selecting one of the drilling options, you must decide whether you wish to create:

Single Hole Logsheet

Multiple Hole Logsheet

Select an option, follow the prompts, and the Template will be created. If you anticipate needing
downhole surveys, dont put the optional azimuth and dip fields in the Collar Table, finish the Wizard, and
then create another Table with Survey data it will need fields with Hole Name, At, Azimuth, and Dip. When
created, the program will prompt you for the name of the first hole, and you are away and running.

Importing external data, creating Tables and Logsheet

You may want to use existing data to create a series of Tables and make Logsheets from the data. You can use
the Wizard for this, or work from the main screen and do it without help. Using the wizard (Help:
Demonstration Applications: Wizard: Use data files to create a Template) pops up a form which asks the source
of the data files. Select whether you wish to bring in data from:

Coreview Workfiles
Comma/ TAB Files
Interdex Files
Micromine File
ODBC Database
A seperate list appears from the EFCP ( Electric Friction Cone Penetrometer) button

Select the option you wish to use. If using the database option, you will be taken to the ODBC routine
for importing data from databases. You should have previously set up any relevant queries using your
database software.

When you select Tab, Comma or ODBC options, you can:

Select the entire file

Select a range of records in the file
Select specified drillholes

Importing existing data and adding it to an existing table

Use the menu item Design: Add Table to import a file or a table from a database as a new Coreview table.
Use the menu item Data: Import into Current Table to replace the data in the current table, or to append new
data to the current table.

A wizard allows you to import data from a variety of formats including Comma or Tab delimited text or any ODBC
compliant database. If the source and target table structures do not match, a wizard allows you to
assign matching fields. The table structure, all dictionaries and links remain unchanged if data is replaced or

Follow the prompts to import your data, and create a Logsheet. It is important to understand these
import options. If your data files are very large, you will probably only be interested in a small range of
drillholes. This option allows you to select them. Importing large assay and collar files will make life very slow
and cumbersome.
Importing external data, designing a new log sheet
The steps for this are exactly the same as above, with the exception that when you finish importing the data
and have the Tables showing on the Coreview main screen, you go to the design screen and select an
appropriate Template log sheet or design a new one.

You will need to link EACH Entry Box, or Group and Column on the Logsheet to an appropriate column in the

Remember, if you cant see anything on the Logsheet when you return to the main screen, check the following
Have you selected a hole to display Go to View: Change current hole and select from the list of holes.

Have you set a Host Table in other words, which Table contains the depth intervals which are
most continuous down the hole. This is usually your lithology Table, not the Assays. This is done in
Design mode, by selecting Edit: Host Table.
Have you linked the fields in the Tables to the Logsheet entry boxes and columns correctly.

Table Settings
This dialog will appear automatically when you import a new table. It is also available from the menu item
Design: Table Settings, or by a right click on a table name tab at the bottom of the screen.
For tables to display correctly on a logsheet you must specify all table settings correctly, for example the table
type and key fields such as HoleID.

Creating the logsheet

The program will prompt you through the creation process. You must remember to link all the fields which you
want to display to either entry boxes in the header, or Groups and Fields in the main body of the log.

You must set a Host Table in other words, which Table contains the depth intervals which are most continuous
down the hole. This is usually your lithology Table, not the Assays. This is done in Design mode, by
selecting Edit: Host Table.
3: Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if nothing displays on my logsheet, but I know there is data in the tables?
Logsheets display selected data from one or more tables. Each column must be linked to a field in a table. The
general Logsheet settings must specify a host table and the type of logsheet, and the Table settings for
each table represented on the Logsheet must be correct. Single hole logsheets display one hole at a time.

To check Logsheet Settings and data links, switch to Design mode by clicking the Design button on
the toolbar, or from the menu item Design: Logsheet
To specify General Logsheet Settings use the menu item Data: General Logsheet Settings.
To test Data Links, run the Template Integrity Report from the menu. This will run a series of tests
produce a list of any problems. Print the report and correct any problems. For example to re-set data links for
a column, right click on the column, click the Data Links button and choose a Table and Field.
For a single hole logsheet, reselect the hole to view from the menu item View: Change current hole. Click
the Refresh button on the dialog which appears to refresh the list of drillholes, highlight a hole name and click
To check Table Settings, display each table in turn by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the screen in data
entry mode, then select the menu item Design: Table Settings Ensure that the Table type option, and key
fields such as HoleID, Depth From and Depth To are correctly specified.

What do I do if my data displays incorrectly on the logsheet?

Run the Data Validation Report from the menu item Data: Validation: Data Validation Report
This runs a series of tests and produces a list of problems in the format Table/ Record/ Field: Problem. Print this
report and edit all errors. The report will be most effective if you have validation turned on for all fields and have
taken the time to set up dictionaries for all important data.

How do I specify field settings such as data type, validation rules,and formatting?
Right click on the field column on a table or logsheet and specify the settings on the field settings dialog.

Why save templates?

Templates save all details of your design including all Logsheets, Table structures and Dictionaries, but contain
no data. They are ideal as the basis for new projects, and are best archived in a special directory. They
can easily be modified to suit specific needs for collecting data into a work file.

How can I re-use an old Template or Workfile?

The menu item File: New gives you the option to select a Template or existing workfile as the basis for a new
workfile. A preview screen lets you review the logsheets and details of templates before selection.
In Design mode, you may use the menu item File: Import Logsheet to import existing Logsheets from
any Template. However you will then need to re-set all links since your tables are almost certainly different
to the originals.

How can I convert a text logsheet to a scaled logsheet?

Switch to design mode and add a downhole scale using the button on the floating toolbar or from the menu item
Edit: Add scale/Convert to Scaled Log. Then right click on appropriate columns to change the style of
the graphics. For example convert a display of numbers to bar plots, or a display of codes to a stratigraphic
hatched column.
How can I edit a hole name in a workfile?
You have to be very careful because of the entire workfile is based on the Hole Name key field.
1. Display the Collar table, click on the record you want to change, then click the Add Duplicate Record button
on the toolbar, or select the corresponding menu item from the data menu. You will be prompted for a new
hole name and all other data will be duplicated to a new record.
2. Delete the old record.
3. Check to see how many other tables need editing, and check to see that each HoleID field has the same ID
4. Use the menu item Find: Replace to edit all of these tables. Switch to a downhole data table, click on the
original hole name Select the menu item Find: Replace Specify the change, and the Option All matching
fields, all Tables Click OK

All corresponding hole names will be replaced in all HoleID fields of all tables if the Dictionaries match. If
no dictionaries have been set, you will need to search and replace for each table.

How can I create or import a dictionary for a field?

Right click on the appropriate column in data entry mode and select the Dictionary: Edit button Alternatively,
right click on the cheatsheet.

1. To import a text file as a dictionary use the menu item File: Import Codes Any text file with two or more
columns separated by commas or tabs is suitable. This will create a new class list which you can edit in the
dictionary editor.
2. To create a dictionary from data already in a field use the appropriate menu item under File Extract This
routine extracts all unique codes or creates numeric / alphanumeric ranges. The new class lists can edited in
the dictionary editor.

Alternatively, import a table from another workfile which has the appropriate dictionary attached. All classes in the
dictionary will also be imported. Then delete the unwanted table and select the classes for your dictionary in the
normal way.

How can I import an existing file or database as a table?

Use the menu item Design: Add Table A wizard allows you to import data from a variety of formats
Comma or Tab delimited text or any ODBC compliant database.

How can I export data for transfer to another program?

Use the menu item File: Export Data to export a single table or all tables in the workfile in a variety of
formats such a to a disc file. Logsheets may be exported in the Windows Metafile graphics format using the
menu item File: Export Metafile

How can I import existing data from another source?

Use the menu item Design: Add Table to import a file or a table from a database as a new Coreview table.
Use the menu item Data: Import into Current Table to replace the data in the current table, or to append new
data to the current table.

A wizard allows you to import data from a variety of formats including Comma or Tab delimited text or any ODBC
compliant database. If the source and target table structures do not match, a wizard allows you to
assign matching fields. The table structure, all dictionaries and links remain unchanged if data is replaced or

How can I Print logsheets at a specific scale?

The default in Coreview is to rescale the logsheet for each different printer because the actual printing area varies
from printer to printer by as much as 10 percent. A logsheet set up for a particular printer will otherwise be partly
clipped if printed on another printer. A logsheet set up for a nominal paper size such as "A4" will thus print at a
slightly different actual scale on different printers. This is suitable is you want to print a fixed number of metres per
page or actual scale is not critical.
To over-ride the default autoscaling and print at a specified scale on a particular printer/plotter, use the "Fit to
Printer" option.
From the Windows start menu Printers option, set your printer/plotter as the current printer.
Open your workfile and go to Design - Logsheet
Menu item <Edit -Page Layout> click the <Fit to Printer> button
( This will adjust your logsheet to fit the available printing area on the currently selected printer. You may need to
adjust the position of some labels and entry boxes if the printing area is significantly smaller.)
Right click on the down hole scale bar on your logsheet and re-set your scale.
Exit to data entry
Save the workfile.
Repeat this procedure if you need to print at an exact scale on a different printer.

How can I Print using ADOBE Acrobat?

Adobe acrobat files are a very convenient way to publish logsheets electronically because of their relatively high
quality for size, and the availability of free Acrobat readers on the Internet.
Two print options are available, PDF Writer aimed at fairly simple documents and Distiller which is
higher quality. Distiller creates an interim Postscript file before conversion to PDF. Both options appear as
printers on the Windows printer dialog when the program is installed, and may be selected in the same way
as any other printer.

One inconvenience however is that the Adobe Acrobat 4 printer driver for Distiller requires a temporary
folder "without any spaces in the path" to work with a 16 bit program such as Coreview version 2. The
corresponding PDF Writer works as expected and is not sensitive to path names.
PDF Writer.
Significant problems with hatch patterns. It is incapable of clipping "True Type" hatch patterns correctly,
particularly if the pattern is rotated. It has poor quality on images also, so it is not recommended.
Clips hatch patterns correctly and prints at a general higher quality.
Distiller writes a temporary postscript file then converts that to a PDF file. However if sent more than
one document, it overwrites its temporary postscript file as each new document is written instead of writing
several temporary files.
Coreview versions up to February 2000 write each page as a separate document, so print single pages if using
Distiller. For convenience, subsequent versions of Coreview treat each print job as one document . It is possible
to generate very large print files when printing directly, which may cause space problems on some computers.
PDF files are normally significantly compressed so are unlikely to create space problems.
PDF Writer.
A major improvement on Ver 3. No problems with clipping. Better quality, and recommended
Coreview 32 bit: Writes a PDF file with no problems
Coreview 16 bit: If you use the default temporary folder as set by the installation of Adobe 4, Distiller does not
work. This folder has spaces in the path name, and the Adobe Distiller "printer" can not find the folder.
To fix this problem --
Make a temporary folder with a simple path eg c:\Adobe_temp ( no spaces)
Right click on the Acrobat Distiller icon in the Windows printers dialog and select the Other option, PDF Port, then
the <Add Port> button. Choose this new folder then press OK
From the Windows Start menu select Acrobat Distiller, menu item <Settings> and change/ add this new Folder to
the "Watched Folder"
Print a logsheet

There is online help every step of the way. Wherever you are in the program, just press the F1 key and the Help
screen will appear. If all else fails, email us, or see if there is help on our website. If you are a registered user,
you can always download the latest version of the software to update your program.
Product Support
VDC International Pty Ltd

PO Box 1046
South Perth
Western Australia 6951

Tel: (+61) 8 9367 5033

Fax: (+61) 8 9367 5823

General Enquiries:

Web Site: www.visidata.com.au

Mail: Coreview@visidata.com.au

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