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Glossary - Elementary Music

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Elementary Music Glossary Compiled by Jeri Crosby

Accent: ( > ) Emphasis placed on a note. (Natural accents occur in meter, with strongest pulses on beat one.)
Beat: The steady, underlying pulse in the music.
Body Percussion: Rhythmic sounds made on and with the body, such as clapping, stomping, patting, clicking, etc.
Canon: (round) A melody harmonically layered upon itself by dividing performers and starting at different times.
Chord: A set of three (triad) or four notes which are harmonically related, constructed of thirds (skips in a scale, e.g.
C-E-G, G-B-D-F). Notes of a chord may be played simultaneously or in succession of one another (arpeggio).
Descant: A countermelody sung or played in a higher pitch range than the main melody (performed simultaneously).
Dynamics: The various levels of volume in music, which may be consistent or change gradually or suddenly.
forte (f ) : loud
piano ( p ) : soft
crescendo ( ) : gradually get louder
decrescendo ( ) : gradually get softer
mezzo ( m ) : (met-so) medium. Not used alone; modifies forte or piano ( mp , mf )
-issimo : very (added as a suffix to piano or forte). Examples: fortissimo ( ff ) , pianissimo ( pp ).

Fermata: ( ) Hold the note until satisfied (or until the conductor signals).
Flat: ( ) A flat lowers a pitch one half-step.
Form: Structure or organization of the music (motifs, phrases, sections, movements, AB, ABA, rondo, etc.)
Theme and Variations (A AAA): A form in which the same section (theme) is presented several
times with a different variation of it each time.
AB (verse/refrain): A two-part, or binary, form with contrasting sections.
Solo/Chorus (call/response): A form consisting of the alternation between a solo and a responding
chorus or individual.
ABA (ternary): A three-part form with a contrasting middle section.
Rondo (ABACA): A form that keeps bringing back the "A" section after each new section.
Coda: A special ending.
Introduction: A "preface" to the music.
Found Sounds: Using everyday objects to make music, for example, cans, bottles, desks, pencils, hardware, etc.

G-Clef: Signifies the treble clef or notes of the upper half of the piano, indicates the G-line in the treble staff.

Harmony: two or more pitches sounding at the same time.

Head Voice: Refers to singing notes that resonate in the head (higher range).
Interval: The distance between two pitches. These distances are referred to as half-steps (closest neighbor in
chromatic scale), whole-steps (two half-steps, also called a second), or a number (such as third, fourth, fifth)
based on the distance between the lower note (counts as one) and upper note within the scale.
Iconic Notation: The use of non-traditional symbols to represent elements of music such as pitch, rhythm, form.
Key Signature: Zero, one, or more sharps/flat symbols placed next to the clef to indicate which notes are to be
raised/lowered a half step. Enables one to locate do and/or la in the music. (Last sharp = ti; last flat = fa.)
Leger Line: An extra piece of staff line used to indicate pitches that go above or below the regular five-line staff.

Measure: A group of beats (determined by meter) set apart with bar lines: 4$ qqqQ\ qsqw\
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 --- 4 ---
Melody: A sequence of single pitches that move up or down, or repeat.
Melodic Contour: The shape of a melody as its phrases rise and/or fall in pitch; inspires movement and mapping.
Meter: A regular, recurring pattern of strong and weak beats, usually in twos, threes, or fours. (See time signature.)
Natural Voice: An unforced voice, free from strain or distortion.
Note Values: Quarter notes ( q ) are the basic unit of time in most elementary music. Half notes ( h ) receive twice
the time value. Whole notes ( w ) receive four times the time value. Two eighth notes (iq ) equal the time of
one quarter note, and four sixteenth notes ( jjjq ) equal the time of one quarter note. Corresponding rests
symbolize silences: quarter rest ( ), half rest ( ), whole rest ( ), eighth rest ( ).

Ostinato: A short repeating pattern of rhythm and/or melody.

Partner Song: A melody which can be sung simultaneously with another because of similar harmonic structure.
Pentatonic Scale: The most common pentatonic scale includes do, re, mi, so, and la, which may be extended to
higher or lower octaves. Fa and ti are omitted. C pentatonic scale: C D E G A c; F pentatonic: F G A C D f.

Pitch: Generally refers to high or low; specifically refers to a note (letter name or frequency).
Rhythm: A pattern of short and long sounds and silences. The rhythm is usually superimposed over an implied
steady beat. Rhythm is the end result of starting with a beat, establishing a tempo for the beat, putting a
pattern of accents on the beats (organizing them into a meter); then, working with those elements as a base,
composing/ improvising a rhythmic pattern that rides on top of the beat, tempo, and meter. Lyrics generally
influence and match the rhythm of a song.
Rhythm Instruments: Simple classroom instruments that are played by striking: drums, rhythm sticks, maracas,
claves, triangles, cymbals, castanets, tambourines, tone bells, xylophones (Orff instruments), cow bells,
jingle bells, etc.

Sharp: ( #) A sharp raises a pitch one half-step.

Singing Game: A song that has a game to be played while singing it; e.g., Ring Around the Rosy,
London Bridge, Patty Cake.
Solfege: The system that names pitches: do re mi fa so la ti.
The hand signs for these symbols are: y u i o p [ ]
Staff: The five lines and four spaces used to diagram music.
Style: A type of music distinguished by its characteristic use of rhythm, timbre, melody, lyrics, texture,
harmony, form, dynamics, and tempo; e.g., jazz, blues, gospel, classical, country, rock, popular. (Genre)
Syncopation: The occurrence of an accent on a normally unaccented beat (or part of the beat).
Examples: qw q\ a q a a r \
Tempo: The speed of the beat in music. (Tempi: The plural of tempo.)
Allegro: A lively pace.
Andante: A walking pace.
Moderato: A medium pace.
Largo: A slow pace.
Accelerando: A gradual speeding up of the established tempo.
Ritardando: (rit.) A gradual slowing down of the established tempo.
Texture: The layers of sound in music, and the type of layer each one is (melodic, harmonic, percussive, etc.).
Unison (monophonic): One layer of sound (a single melodic line).
Melody with accompaniment (homophonic): A predominant melody with some type of
accompaniment. The accompaniment can be an ostinato, chords, harmony, descant, etc.
Competing Melodies (polyphonic): Melodies of equal importance occurring simultaneously.
Common examples are rounds, canons, and partner songs.
Timbre: (tam-br) The unique qualities of a sound, often referred to as the tone color or quality. The timbre
of a voice or instrument can be rough, nasal, squeaky, bright, sweet, etc. The timbre of a trumpet, for
example, is uniquely different from the timbre of a flute or a violin.
Time Signature: ( 2$ 3$ 4$) A fraction-looking symbol at the start of a piece of music which indicates its meter
the number of beats and type of note values in each measure. The top number indicates how many beats
per measure; the bottom number is an abbreviation for the type of note to receive one beat (4 stands for or
quarter note).

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