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PSC Girder Design For Continuity

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Designing for Continuity

Precast Prestressed Bridge Girders Made

Continuous For Live Load Offer Many Benefits:
• Lower Costs
• Improved Durability
• Longer Spans
• Improved Seismic Performance
• Improved Structural Integrity
• Improved Ride Quality

Sequence of Construction for Precast,

Prestressed Girders Made Continuous

Precast, Prestressed Girders

Erected as Simple Spans

Deck reinforcement for negative moment

Extended girder reinforcement

for positive moment
Diaphragm Cast with Composite Deck,
Making Bridge Continuous
Analysis of Precast, Prestressed
Concrete Girders Made Continuous

Non-composite structure – simple span analysis for:

• Effect of Prestress
• Girder self-weight
• Deck and other
non-composite loads

Composite structure – continuous span analysis for:

• Superimposed dead loads
• Future wearing surface
• Live load
• Time-dependent effects
– Shrinkage
– Creep
– Temperature

Recommendation for Design

Design Method
• Non-composite dead loads (girder, deck and diaphragm)
act on simple span structure
• Live load and superimposed dead loads act on continuous
composite structure
• Neglect time-dependent effects in structural analysis
• Provide positive moment reinforcement at interior supports
to develop a design strength 1.2Mcr , based on diaphragm
• Provide mild reinforcement in deck at interior supports to
resist live load moments
Embedment Considerations for
Positive Moment Reinforcement



Section for
Computing Area
of Reinforcement

Use Properties
of Deck Concrete
October 9, 1992


Prepared by Basile G. Rabbat and Alex Aswad for PCI Committee on Bridges

NCHRP Report 322 titled “Design of Precast Prestressed Bridge Girders Made Continuous” was
published in 1989. Since then, findings and recommendations of this document have been discussed
at length at each of the PCI Bridge Committee meetings held twice yearly. One of the two annual
meetings is held jointly with the AASHTO Technical Committee on Prestressed Concrete (T-10).
Based on this dialog, the report findings, and the long-standing excellent experience of Tennessee
and many other states with this type of construction, recommendations for consideration of AASHTO
T-10 are presented below.


Report 322 indicates that the U.S. practice for design and construction of this type of bridges has
varied over the full gamut. In spite of all the differences in design and construction procedures, these
bridges have performed well according to the survey results given in Report 322. This important
observation confirms that concrete structures behave the way they are detailed.

The good performance, irrespective of design procedure and construction details, is probably due to
the nature of the beast. Concrete behaves the way it is reinforced. For example, consider multi-span
beams that are cast monolithically and have only bottom reinforcement from end to end. As long as
the structure is uncracked, it will behave elastically and as if continuous. Under dead load and some
live load, the magnitude of negative moments will eventually exceed the cracking negative moment
capacity at the supports. At this point, concrete will crack over the supports. Subsequently, the struc-
ture will behave as if it were made up of simply supported beams.

Redistribution of moments due to creep and shrinkage occurs in indeterminate, reinforced concrete
structures. This phenomenon has been observed in the laboratory and in the field. Consider
segmental concrete bridges built using the balanced cantilever method of construction. During
construction, the superstructure behaves as double cantilevers. After the concrete closure (where
adjacent cantilevers meet) is completed, redistribution of stresses occurs due to creep and shrinkage.
With time, the moments in the superstructure approach those of a monolithic continuous beam.

Section 8.4 of the ACI Building Code is titled “Redistribution of negative moments in continuous non-
prestressed flexural members.” Section 18.10.4 of the Prestressed Concrete chapter concerns
“Redistribution of negative moments in continuous prestressed flexural members.” Thus, the ACI Code
recognizes that redistribution of moments will occur in a concrete structure, whether reinforced or
prestressed. In Draft 3 of the LRFD Bridge Specifications, Article addresses “MOMENT
REDISTRIBUTION” for reinforced, prestressed and partially prestressed concrete members.
Given that nature takes care of redistribution of moments in concrete structures, is there a need to
perform complex computations to determine the restraint moments due to creep and shrinkage in
precast prestressed concrete members made continuous? First, we do not have a good handle on the
creep and shrinkage properties of concrete in each part of the country, or even within a given state.
Second, and more importantly, Report 322 has shown that the restraint moments are a function of age
of the precast girders when continuity is established. At the design stage, the designer has little
control over the precast girders' age at which the continuity connection will be established. Third,
analysis usually assumes that the structure behaves within the linear elastic range. It is well known
that bridge decks crack, with resulting changes in stiffness of members and redistribution of moments.
On page 1 of Report 322, under Summary, the authors state “Results indicate that the positive
moment connection in the diaphragms does not provide any structural advantage and is not required.”
This conclusion is based on extensive analytical work that is verified against experimental data. In
spite of this conclusion, it is prudent to provide a positive moment connection if for nothing else than
structural integrity. This is within the intent and spirit of AASHTO Article 1.1.2, titled “Structural

The state of Tennessee has the longest and most extensive experience with construction of precast
prestressed girders made continuous for live load. Tennessee's practice is to design these structures
as simple spans for dead load of girders, deck and diaphragms, and as continuous spans for live load
and superimposed dead loads. Further, at continuity supports, a positive moment connection is
provided as a standard detail. The designer ignores restraining moments due to creep and shrinkage.


The attached table summarizes analysis of the standard positive moment connection details used in
Tennessee and elsewhere. Assumptions made for this analysis are given at the top of the table. From
left to right, the following information is included in the table columns:
1. Precast girder cross sections analyzed.
2. Reinforcement for the positive moment connection (standard details.)
3. Composite section modulus for bottom fibers for a cross-section consisting of the precast girder (fc
= 6000 psi) and portion of the deck 8 ft wide, with fc = 4000 psi. The section of girder and deck is
located immediately outside the diaphragm. The composite transformed section is based on the
properties of the deck/diaphragm concrete (the weaker of the two.)
4. Cracking moment. It is equal to the product of composite section modulus for the bottom fibers and
the modulus of rupture (7.5 f c' ) of the diaphragm concrete (the lower at the girder/diaphragm
5. Nominal flexural strength (positive moment) for a section immediately next to the diaphragm. The
cross-section consists of the deck and the girder including the positive moment connection rein-
forcement. The nominal flexural strength in all cases is higher than the cracking moment based on
an unreinforced section.
6. The last column lists the ratio of nominal to the cracking moments. The lowest ratios are 1.20 for
the AASHTO Type IV, and 1.19 for the AASHTO BIII-48. The highest ratio is for the PCI bulb-tee.
Because the BT72 is as deep as the AASHTO Type VI, probably the same positive moment
connection detail was used (8 #6 bars.) As the bulb-tee is an optimized section, a positive moment
connection detail corresponding to Type VI yields a higher nominal strength, and thus a higher ratio
of nominal to cracking moments.

All girders listed in the attached table have performed well when built with the corresponding positive
moment connection. An evaluation of the ratios listed in Column 6 of the table indicates that a value of
1.2 x cracking moment is adequate. Incidentally, this amount of reinforcement corresponds to the
minimum specified in Article 8.17.1 of the AASHTO Bridge Specs.

Based on the results of extensive analyses reported in NCHRP Report 322, the performance of
bridges in all states where precast girders are built continuous over piers, and lengthy discussions
held during the PCI Committee on Bridges meetings during the last three years, the following is
recommended for design of precast prestressed girders made continuous for live load:
1. Consider the dead load of the precast girder, deck and diaphragm concrete acting on a simple
2. Analyze the structure as continuous for live load and superimposed dead loads. Account for
moments due to differential settlement if need be. Check serviceability and strength for all
computed moments.
3. At continuity supports provide a positive moment connection, through reinforcing or prestressing
steel, to develop a design strength equal to or greater than 1.2 times the positive cracking moment.


Note, the above cross section is taken at the interface of girder and diaphragm. For design purposes,
the whole cross section is assumed to consist of diaphragm/deck concrete, i.e. the weakest of girder
and diaphragm concrete.
Positive Moment Connection for Bridges Made of
Precast Girders Made Continuous

Assumptions: f'c = 6000 psi for bare precast girder

f'c =4000 psi for cast-in-place diaphragm and deck
Effective Deck Width = 8’-0"

f r = 7.5 
f c'

Composite Nominal
Positive Section Cracking Flexural
Precast Moment Modulus Moment Strength Ratio
Girder Connection Sbc, (in.3) Mcr,(ft-kips) Mn,(ft-kips) Mn/Mcr

AASHTO II (4) #6 6,121 242 368 1.52

AASHTO III (6) #6 10,520 416 661 1.59

AASHTO IV (6) #6 16,490 652 780 1.2

AASHTO VI (8) #6 26,731 1,057 1,350 1.28

PCI BT-54 (6) #6 13,378 529 773 1.46

PCI BT-72 (8) #6 19,969 789 1,341 1.7

BI-48 (6) #6 7,888 311 432 1.39

BIII-48 (6) #6 12,514 495 591 1.19


1. Design for Girder and Deck DL based on:

Simple Span, Non-composite Properties
2. Design for Superimposed DL + LL + Impact based on:
Continuous Span, Composite Properties
3. Design Reinforcement for Positive Moment Connection (bottom of girder over pier) for:
1.20 Mcr

If you have any questions, please contact sbhide@portcement.org

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