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Lesson Plan - 201 Portfolio Project

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Miss Emilys 3rd Grade Lesson Plan


Ecosystem in a Third Grade [Groups of five]

Yellow table: Lion

Red table: Chimpanzee
Green table: King Cobra
Blue table: Blue Whale
Purple table: Polar Bear


SUBJECT Life science Organisms and Their Environment

STANDARD L5C Students understand that there is a variety of ecosystems on
Earth and organisms interact within their ecosystem.
OBJECTIVES (3)4.3 Investigate and describe the interactions of organisms with each
other and their ecosystem [L5C2]
Assigned groups are each given an Questions for research; Shoe box (5)
animal to research in their science Where does this Construction paper
books, library books, chrome books, animal live? What does
etc., and create a list of 5 facts, each Clay
it eat? Is it a mammal?
student is responsible for one fact. A reptile? Sand, rock, shells,
Facts should include habitat, food Is there anything leaves, etc.
source, other animals or plants it special this animal does Glue, tape
interacts with, classification of the to survive? Are there
animal, behaviors, etc. String
any questions you have
After the list is approved, students about this animal? Pipe cleaners
can begin construction their Scissors
ecosystem in a box. They may bring
Id like for students to Small animal
props from home to contribute, but
construct their own figurines
each box must include all the facts
from their list, to show how living animals out of clay for
things are classified and co-exist. their boxes, in addition
to the animal provided,
After completing eco boxes, each if there is time.
group must present their boxes to
the rest of the class and explain what
makes their animal unique. Students Maybe tape the list
will each talk about the fact that they somewhere on the box
researched. for students to follow.


5 facts researched, list completed List of facts is relative

and presented in ecosystem box information to the project
Group participation: Everyone Eco box clearly shows animal,
contributes to the project with food source, a behavior, and
research, construction of the box, the habitat
and relative ideas for the

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