HTL1 Student Notebook 2nded
HTL1 Student Notebook 2nded
HTL1 Student Notebook 2nded
Healing Touch
Level 1 Student Notebook
Healing Touch International Healing Touch Certificate Program
Healing Touch Student notebook prepared by Lucrezia Mangione, BA, CMT, CHTP/I
Certified Healing Touch International Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor
2 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
3 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Healing Touch Level One provides 18 clock hours of instruction for people interested in professional
and personal development. It affords an opportunity to explore energy medicine concepts and
techniques and develop these concepts and skills related to biofield therapy otherwise known as
energy-based therapy.
Target Audience:
The Healing Touch International Healing Touch Certificate Program is a continuing education
program through the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), National Certification Board
for Massage and Bodywork Therapists (NCBTMB) and California Board of Registered Nursing for
individuals interested in learning more about biofield therapy, otherwise known as energy therapy,
and who wish to explore the magnificence of their human body, continue their commitment to
personal growth and enhance their professional work.
People from all professions and walks of life attend. Health care professionals, body-oriented
therapists, psychotherapists, registered nurses or other licensed health care professionals and
individuals attend who desire an in-depth understanding of healing work that uses energy-based
concepts. They improve their own health, explore new ways to feel better and learn health tools to
enhance their work, practice or family care.
Certification as a Healing Touch Practitioner is an appropriate goal for those who wish to establish a
Healing Touch practice or to incorporate Healing Touch as a major focus within an existing
professional practice.
4 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
The Healing Touch International Healing Touch Certificate Program
The Healing Touch Certificate Program is a multi-level course of study in energy-based therapy that
moves from beginning to advanced practitioner and is complementary to heath care. The program
incorporates a variety of energy-based modalities that are sequenced in Levels 1 through 5, allowing
participants to progress from beginner to practitioner. Students receive a certificate of completion at
each level. Upon completion of levels 1-5 and additional requirements, students are eligible to apply
for certification through Healing Touch International, Inc. Level 6 prepares the individual to become
an instructor.
Each level in the Healing Touch Program includes both didactic and experiential learning in which
participants practice and share experiences using energy-based healing techniques. In addition the
program encourages the developing practitioner to enhance skills and knowledge through
recommended readings and practice sessions. There is also a strong commitment to personal growth
and knowledge of holistic health principles.
This course is an approved course of study of the Healing Touch International (HTI) Healing
Touch Certificate Program. The HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program is an endorsed program
of the American Holistic Nurses Association, the National Certification Board for Therapeutic
Massage and Bodywork and the California Board of Registered Nursing. Based upon total
content, 18 continuing contact hours is given for this HTI Healing Touch level one course.
Healing Touch International, Inc. is the non-profit professional membership and educational
organization for Healing Touch. It was established in March 1996 to receive the AHNA Healing
Touch Certificate Program and the process for Healing Touch Certification of Practitioners
(CHTP) and Instructors (CHTI) from the American Holistic Nurses Association.
5 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Healing Touch Level One Course Objectives:
Level 1 Objectives
The participant will:
1. Describe the human energy system relationship to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
2. Discuss energy principles basic to Healing Touch.
3. Assess the energy field and energy centers.
4. Identify a basic Healing Touch sequence.
5. Demonstrate specific intervention techniques used in Healing Touch.
6. Discuss applications of Healing Touch in personal and professional practice.
7. Discuss expected ethical conduct and standards of practice within Healing Touch.
6 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program: Healing Touch Level 1
6:00 pm 6:15 pm Introductions/check in
6:15 pm 6:30 pm Orientation to weekend
6:30 pm 7:45 pm HT/historical perspectives/philosophy (Hover-Kramer Ch. 1 & 2)
7:45 pm 8:00 pm Break
8:00 pm 8:30 pm Research (Hover-Kramer Ch. 3 & 4: HTI Research Survey)
8:30 pm 9:00 pm Hands on Experience/energy awareness
9:00 am 9:15 am Group sharing/energetic check in
9:15 am 10:15 am Basic Healing Touch Sequence (HTI Handout)
10:15am 10:30 am Break
10:30am 12:00 pm Basic Healing Touch Sequence continued
12:00pm 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm 3:00 pm Assess Energy field & centers (Hover-Kramer Ch. 6,7,8)
3:00 pm 3:15 pm Break
3:15 pm 4:15 pm Magnetic Clearing 2:1 (Hover-Kramer Pg.130)
4:15 pm 5:30 pm Chakra Connection 2:1 (Joy Pg. 269-275)
5:30 pm 6:00 pm Review and Discussion
9:00 am 9: 10 am Group sharing/energetic check in
9:10 am 9:30 am Self chakra connection 1:1 (Joy Pg. 269-275)
9:30 am 10:30 am Pain management techniques: Laser, Ultrasound, Pain Drain, Pain
Ridge, Wound Seal (Hover-Kramer Pg.135-137, 143, 149) Headache
techniques (Hover-Kramer Pg. 158-159)
10:30 am 10:45 am Break
10:45 am 11:15 am Mind Clearing (Hover-Kramer Pg. 137-143)
11:15 am 12:15pm Development of healer/Self Care (Hover-Kramer Ch. 17-18)
12:15 pm 1:15 pm Lunch
1:15 pm 3:15 pm Heart to Heart Meditation (Joy Pg. 238-239) w/ Chakra Spread
(Hover-Kramer Pg. 131-133)
3:15 pm 3:30 pm Break
3:30 pm 4:20 pm Legal & ethical considerations (HTI Code of Ethics/Standards of
Practice/Scope of Practice)
4:20 pm 4:50 pm Scudder technique (optional)
4:50 pm 5:00 pm Evaluation
7 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
What is Healing Touch?
Healing Touch (HT) is a biofield therapy that is an energy-based approach to health and healing. HT
complements conventional health care and is used in collaboration with other approaches to health
and healing.
HT uses touch to influence the human energy system, specifically the energy field that surrounds the
body and the energy centers that control the energy flow from the energy field to the physical body.
These non-invasive techniques utilize the hands to clear, energize, and balance the human and
environmental energy fields, thus affecting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and
The Healing Touch Practitioner fosters a heart-centered, caring relationship in which the practitioner
and client come together energetically to facilitate the clients health and healing.
A conscious, intentional process of directing energy through the hands of the practitioner to the
patient to facilitate the healing process.
The goal of healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance in the energy system which places the
client in a position to self heal.
HT compliments traditional approaches to health and healing. Referrals to physicians and other
licensed health workers are expected.
8 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Healing Touch Description
Healing Touch is a biofield therapy that is an energy-based approach to health and healing. It uses
touch to influence the human energy system, specifically the energy field that surrounds the body,
and the energy centers that control the energy flow from the energy field to the physical body.
These non-invasive techniques utilize the hands to clear, energize, and balance the human and
environmental energy fields thus affecting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and
healing. It is based on a heart-centered caring relationship in which the practitioner and client come
together energetically to facilitate the clients health and healing. The goal in Healing Touch is to
restore harmony and balance in the energy system placing the client in a position to self-heal.
Healing Touch complements conventional health care and is used in collaboration with other
approaches to health and healing.
Program Description
Healing Touch is a nursing continuing education multi-level program in energy-based therapy that
moves from beginning to advanced practitioner and is complementary to health care. The program
incorporates a variety of energy-based modalities that are sequenced in Levels 1 (1), 2 (Ixia), 3 (IIB),
4, (IIIA), 5 (IIIB), with Level 6 (IV) being the instructor level. Parenthesis indicates previous titles
of the courses before this revision.
Each level in the Healing Touch Program includes both didactic and experiential learning in which
participants practice and share experiences using energy[based healing techniques. In addition the
program encourages the developing practitioner to enhance skills and knowledge through
recommended readings and practice sessions. There is also a strong commitment to personal growth
and knowledge of holistic health principles.
At the completion of each official level from the Healing Touch program that is taught by a Certified
Healing Touch Instructor, a certificate of attendance is given. All participants who successful
complete the core curriculum through Level 5 will receive a Certificate of Completion issued by the
Healing Touch Program Director. This recognizes the work completed in the program and the use of
the designated title, Healing Touch Practitioner, HTP. The HTP is then eligible to apply for
9 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Target Audience
The Healing Touch program is for registered nurses, health care professionals, body-oriented
therapists, psychotherapists or other licensed health care professionals and individuals who desire an
in-depth understanding of healing work that uses energy-based concepts. Certification as a Healing
Touch Practitioner is an appropriate goal for those who wish to establish a Healing Touch practice or
incorporate Healing Touch as a major focus within and existing professional practice.
Certification is intended for the professional practitioner. It is anticipated that individuals come to
this level with preparation and work experiences which have contributed to her/his awareness of
concepts on confidentiality, responsibility for licensure and documentation for hands on
treatments, medical ethics, interpersonal relationships, community involvement and awareness of
limitation as well as scope of practice.
Certification as a practitioner is available to those who meet eligibility requirements and have
successfully completed Levels 1 through 5 taught by a HTI Certified Healing Touch Instructor
including the additional work required.
Level 1 Objectives
The participant will:
8. Describe the human energy system relationship to physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual health.
9. Discuss energy principles basic to Healing Touch.
10. Assess the energy field and energy centers.
11. Identify a basic Healing Touch sequence.
12. Demonstrate specific intervention techniques used in Healing Touch.
13. Discuss applications of Healing Touch in personal and professional practice.
14. Discuss expected ethical conduct and standards of practice within Healing Touch.
Level 1 Course Content
11. Energy system concepts related to health
12. Basics of the energy system energy field and energy centers
13. Location and function of the chakras
14. Assessment of the energy field and energy centers
15. Meditation for centering and maintaining energetic flow
16. Principles and practice of Healing Touch
17. Selected intervention techniques: Basic Healing Touch Sequence, Magnetic Passes,
Magnetic Clearing, Chakra Connection (1 on 1, 2 on 1, self), Headache Techniques
(tension, migraine, sinus), Ultra Sound, Laser, Pain Drain, Chakra Spread, Scudder
(Optional), Mind Clearing (Optional)
18. Principles of self-healing
19. Personal development as a healer
20. Legal and professional aspects of touch therapies
10 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Level 2 Description
Level 2 is for students who have completed Level 1 and wish to increase breadth and depth in the
study of Healing Touch. (15-20 continuing education contact hours.) The second level of study in
Healing Touch includes an intake interview, back techniques and a one-hour healing sequence.
Emphasis in the experiential learning is on developing healing sequences for specific client needs.
Level 2 Objectives
The participant will:
1. Share the experience of practicing Level 1 (I) techniques.
2. Develop interviewing and additional assessment skills.
3. Demonstrate a one-hour healing sequence for specific client problems.
4. Document clinical work.
5. Practice back and neck techniques.
6. Describe specific techniques in addressing client health challenges.
7. Describe application of HTIs Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics within a Healing
Touch session.
Level 3 Description
Level 3 is for students who desire more in-depth skills in Healing Touch, and have successfully
completed Level 1 (I) and Level 2 (IIA). This course includes: development of Higher Sense
Perception (HSP), sequencing of healing techniques, working with guidance, self-healing and self-
development, (15-20 continuing education contact hours).
Level 3 Objectives
The participant will:
1. Discuss advanced development of the healer.
2. Experience healing from three roles: practitioner, client and observer/coach.
3. Practice hara alignment, expansion of the core star
4. Demonstrate a full healing sequence using chelation, spinal cleansing, healing 5th, 6th, and
7th levels of the subtle body.
5. Practice healing techniques of Etheric Template Clearing an lymphatic Drain.
6. Recognize the implications for ethical conduct and adherence to HTIs Standards of
Practice within a healing Touch session
11 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Level 3 Content
Advanced development of the healer
Need for self care in becoming a healer
Healing philosophies of Barbara Brennan and other healers
Practice hara alignment meditation and sharing experience
Full healing sequence including: chelation of the first four levels of the field, spinal
cleansing, healing 5th, 6th, and 7th levels of the subtle body
Techniques, Etheric Template Clearing and Lymphatic Drain
Roles of practitioner, client observer/coach
Advanced healing of the human energy system.
Development of Higher Sense perception
Connecting with guidance
Level 4 Description
This course prepares the student to become a Healing Touch Practitioner and establish practice
setting. Practice concerns are explored including establishing a private practice, incorporating
Healing Touch into a current practice setting either working alone or with others. The following
topics are addressed: business concepts, client/practitioner relationships, networking with other
practitioners, identifying energy patterns in clients and scope of practice. Professional development
as a healer is explored including addressing professional ethics, standards of practice and role as a
Level 4 Objectives
The participant will:
1. Describe the development of a Healing Touch Practitioner
2. Demonstrate a 5-step sequence to include intake, three healing sessions and discharge
3. Identify issues related to development of a Healing Touch practice.
4. Discuss the case study process based on the sequence demonstrated during the workshop.
5. Discuss the principles of apprenticeship/mentorship and professional practice.
6. Discuss the purpose of a professional profile notebook.
7. Apply HTIs Standards of practice and Code of Ethics within ones Healing Touch
12 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Level 4 Content
Developing a professional healing practice
Sequencing of five private client sessions, intake, three treatment sessions, with mutual goals,
evaluation and discharge planning with full documentation
Learning the case study process
Defining a Scope of practice
Healer practice guidelines
Selecting a mentor
Forming a mentorship contract with goals
Role of mentorship/apprenticeship
Journaling as a tool for self-enhancement
Developing a reading program
Full body connection
Etheric vitality meditation
Initiation of a practicum (Documentation of 100 client sessions)
Level 5 Description
Level 5 focuses on the completion of projects begun in Healing Touch Level 4 (IIIA). The
following will be addressed: the mentorship experience, community and networking activities,
establishment of practice, development of expertise in a Healing Touch practice, self development as
a healer.
Level 5 Objectives
The participant will:
1. Describe the professional development of a healing practice.
2. Present a professional profile notebook and resume.
3. Discuss practice issues in your role as a Healing Touch practitioner.
4. Discuss practice issues in your role as a Healing Touch practitioner.
5. Present a comprehensive Healing Touch case study for peer review and critique.
6. Present documentation of client sessions.
7. Review the apprenticeship/mentorship process.
8. Report receiving other healing modalities through 10 documented experiences from other
9. Discuss Healing Touch research and implications for practice.
10. Describe Certification as a healing Touch Practitioner
11. Demonstration application of HTIs Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics within
ones Healing Touch practice.
13 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Level 5 Course Content
Issues forum including establishing a HT practice and financial concerns
Development as a healer
Healing Touch case study presentation
Professional profile notebook presentation
Documentation of 100 client sessions
Documentation of 10 healing sessions received from other complementary healing
Report of apprenticeship/mentorship process
Presentation of resume
Discussion of required reading
Community & networking activities and study groups
Group healing exchanges
Healing Touch research
Standards of practice
Code of Ethics
Process and procedures in Certification as a Healing Touch Practitioner
Approved 1996
Revised & Approved, 10/02, 10/06
Healing Touch International, Inc.
14 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Research and Healthcare
Research on Healing Touch has been conducted for over 10 years. Using rigorous scientific gold
standards for research, there are now almost 100 Healing Touch studies that have been completed or
are currently underway. These findings are published in the Healing Touch International, Inc
Research Survey. This survey is:
Updated bi-annually
Provides input from individual researchers, students and faculty
Offers a summary and/or abstracts of studies
The categories that have been studied include cancer, cardiovascular disease, death and dying, HIV
disease, pain, pediatrics, postoperative recovery, stress, and much more.
The Healing Touch International Research Director is Diane Wind Wardell, RN, PhD, CHTP/I.
Through Dr. Diane Wardell, Healing Touch has a partnership with the University of Texas Health
Science Center. A researcher as well as a dedicated Healing Touch instructor and practitioner,
Diane has been featured in a University of Texas publication and in USA Today sharing the benefits
of Healing Touch.
At the HTI website you can find the following information in
Dr. Diane Wardell is available for consultation with individuals or organizations that are planning to
conduct Healing Touch research. She can be reached at or by phone at
15 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Specific benefits of Healing Touch:
Healing Touch may be used with people of all ages and in all stages of health and healing. Animal
and plants are also receptive to HT.
Healing Touch is
Uses touch to influence the energy system affecting physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
health and healing
The goal of Healing Touch is to restore wholeness through harmony and balance in the
energy system, which places the client in a position to self-heal.
16 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Historical and Cultural Perspectives in Healing
The word heal comes from the Anglo-Saxon word haelan. Haelan comes from the word hal.
Hal means whole. Haelan means to make whole.
In the definition above heal is a word used to apply to more than just the physical aspect of healing.
It is encompasses the emotional, mental and spiritual health, too. It is used for the person as a
This whole or wholeness is the basis of the concept of holism. Holism is the view that the organic
integrative whole is greater than the sum of its parts. When applied to health, holistic health
becomes the full connection to the entirety of our being, the whole of our body and our place on this
living-breathing earth. Our body, our emotions, our mind and our spirit are in balance. We are
In our culture, healing is often thought of as curing. While curing and healing are synonyms to each
other, the root word of cure is care. And from this the definition of cure is as followsii:
Unfortunately, cure has also become, culturally, a word imbued with the cessation of all symptoms
and a return to original health. While that is sometimes the case it isnt always the end result.
In Healing Touch our intention is for the restoration of balance and harmony within the energy
system. Healing Touch works with the meridians, energy centers and energy fields of our human
energy system. This human energy system of ours affects all levels of health: physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual. In other words, it works with the whole of the person. Working holistically,
the energy system returns to harmony and balance and that places the client in a position to self heal.
17 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Healing perspectives
In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours,
healing was accomplished by moving energy. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1960)
The Hungarian physiologist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1937.
He is credited with discovering vitamin C.
Everything is energy. We live in a sea of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be
changed from one form to another. This is the first law of thermodynamics. Energy is the ability to
bring about change and/or to do work. Energy is always in motion, moving and flowing. Where
energy is restrained and obstructed, discomfort and dis-ease occurs.
Healing Touch stands in the footprints of many who have come before. This work is not new age
but very old age. HT is rooted in a history of observation and exploration by many different people,
naturalists and scientists throughout time.
Egypt and Chaldea rock carvingsiii Petro glyphs: priests, shamans, holy people
Egypt, India, Tibet, China & Oral traditions, Myths, Stories
American Indiansv Shaman, Medicine person, Healer, Paco
50,0000 B,C.E. Egyptiansvi From Tehuty, or the Greek name Hermes,
wrote of Egyptian priesthood. They kept an
oral tradition. Each chakra associated with
different elements and its viewpoint i.e. life
is fire, water etc.
1. Fire 2. Water, 3. Air, 4. Earth, 5. Ether
6. Radium 7. Magnetum vii
15,000 B.C.E. American Indiansviii 1. Snake 2. Fish 3. Bird or Fowl 4.
Mammal 5th Man 6th Man steps into
collective/spiritual (meaning all spirits living
and dead) 7th Kachina the living symbol of
Universal Spirit
9,000 B.C.E. Persian prophet Zarathustra ix In the Vendidad describes aura, chakra, man
as whole.
15,000 B.C.E. Pyreneesx Cave wall drawings of hands on healing
5,000 years old Written history of information begins
1,500 B.C.E. Ebers Papyrusxii Medical papyri of ancient Egypt. Describes
hand methods for medical usage and more
800-400 B.C.E. Upanishads Ancient Sanskrit texts, Hindu scriptures
1000-300 Bible references in both old and new Sources of Intercession to Healingxiii
B.C.E. testaments God (No Intercession)
50-95 A.D. Jesus
18 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Peter and John
Categories of Treatments Usedxiv
During Intercession
Application of Substance
Prayer Alone
Verbal Instruction
500 to 300 Greece: Asklepian Temple Healing temples where Greeks used
B.C.E. therapeutic touch, cleansing, purification,
diet and more
69-96 A.D. Roman Emperor Vespasian Roman historian Tacitus states Emperor did
hands on healing
117-138 A.D. Roman Emperor Hadrian Historical references to his gift of healing.
995- 1000 A.D. King Olaf The King was a reluctant healer as written in
the The Heimskringla, A History of the
Norse Kings By Snorri Sturluson, Samuel
Laing, Rasmus Bjrn Anderson
1873-1906 Teresa Urrea Mexico
1877-1968 Pio of Pietrelcina Italy
19 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Twentieth-Century Observers of the Human Energy Field by Barbara Brennanxvi
Date Person Observed Properties Found
1911 Walter Kilner Aura Used colored screens and filters to see 3
Human Atmosphere layers of the aura; correlated auric
configuration to disease
1940 George De La Emanations Developed radionics instruments to detect
Warr radiation from living tissues; used it for
diagnosis and healing from a distance
1930-50 Wilhelm Reich Orgone Develop a mode of psychotherapy utilizing
the orgone energy in the human body;
studied energy in nature and built
instruments to detect and accumulate orgone
1930-60 Harold Burr and Life field (LF) LF directs organization of an organism;
F.S.C. Northrup developed idea of circadian rhythms
1950s L.J. Ravitz Thought field (TF) TF interfered with LF to produce
psychosomatic symptoms
1970-89 Robert Becker Electromagnetic Measured direct current control systems on
field the human body; correlated results with
health and disease; developed methods to
enhance bone growth with electrical current
1970-80s John Pierrakos, HEF [human energy Correlated clinical energy field observations
Richard Dobrin, field] with emotional response; low-light-level
and Barbara darkroom measurements correlated to hamn
Brennan presence
1970s David Frost, HEF Laser bending with HEF
Barbara Brennan
and Karen Gestla
1970-90 Hiroshi ChI Electrically measured the acupuncture
Motoyama meridians; used for treatment and diagnosis
of disease
1970-90 Victor Inyushin Bioplasma HEF has a bioplasma composed of free ions;
fifth state of matter; balance of positive and
negative ions = health
1970-90 Valerie Hunt Biofield Electronically measured the frequency and
location of the biofield on human subjects;
correlated results with aura results
1960-90 Andria Puharich Life-enhancing field Measured life-enhancing alternating
magnetic fields (8 Hz) from healers hands;
found that higher or lower frequencies are
detrimental to life.
1980-90 Robert Beck Schumann waves Correlated healers magnetic pulses with
pulsations of the earths magnetic field, the
Schumann waves
1980-90 John Zimmerman Brain waves Showed that healers brains go into right/left
synchronization in alpha, as do patients
20 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Science, quantum physics and Healing Touch
Looking through the lens of quantum physics, the Western worldview of energy continues to change.
The days of seeing the world as a solid object are over. Sensing the smallest particles of energy and
the electromagnetic nature of life is here.
Beginning in the 19th century with James Clerk Maxwells discovery of magnetic properties to Max
Plancks (the founder of quantum physics) observations, the world we actually live in is not solid but
spacious and composed of atoms, electrical particles and more. When Albert Einstein put forth his
Theory of Relativity, quantum physics took another leap forward. Our nature of reality became a
reality that is inseparable from the whole. Space, time and the very structure of universe are a whole
and inseparable from its parts. Today, Quantum theory continues to evolve and grow different
branches such as quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, quantum gravity, and quantum optics.
Healing Touch falls, scientifically, into quantum field theory. This is the branch of quantum physics
that is concerned with the theory of electromagnetic fields. The energy of our human body is
electro-magnetic in nature. This is a scientific fact. We are pure energy and our human energy
system is in dynamic energetic interplay. Through using the techniques in Healing Touch, we are
working with these electro-magnetic fields we naturally, organically restore balance and harmony to
the energy system and consequently help the body to self-heal.
21 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
The History of Healing Touch
The Healing Touch Certificate Program was developed by Janet Mentgen, RN, BSN (1938-2005)
during her nursing career. Over the last 25 years of her life she was committed to studying,
practicing, and teaching energy therapies. Healing Touch developed from her study and experience
with other healers and her own practice and teaching through courses she offered in nursing
continuing education in a Denver community college in the 1980s. Her healing practice helped her
understand and implement the energy techniques and provided the basis for the self-care emphasis
within the curriculum.
In 1988, Janet was honored as the holistic nurse of the year by the American Holistic Nurses
Association (AHNA) for her outstanding work in teaching touch therapies and for its impact on
individuals and community. AHNAs efforts to bring energy therapies within their organizational
framework created an opportunity for Janet and others to offer Healing Touch in Memphis,
Tennessee, and in Gainesville, Florida as a pilot project in 1989. Due to its success, Healing Touch
became a certificate program of the AHNA in 1990 with 25 programs offered across the USA in that
first year. Colorado Center for Healing Touch, Janet's for-profit business, was established as a
provider of Healing Touch classes.
AHNA began offering certification for Healing Touch practitioners and instructors in 1993. In 1996
due to its tremendous growth and diversity of the practitioners, Healing Touch International, Inc., a
non-profit educational organization, was formed to administer the certification program while also
providing community and continuing education, and promoting Healing Touch research and health
care integration. AHNA continued to support Healing Touch by providing endorsement for the
Healing Touch Certificate Program.
Healing Touch International, as the professional membership organization, has as its mission to
spread healing and light worldwide through the heart-centered practice and teaching of Healing
Touch. There are over 2000 members of HTI with over 200 certified instructors and nearly 2000
Certified Healing Touch Practitioners.
In July 1997 Healing Touch International Foundation, Inc. was also established to receive and
distribute funds to assist, encourage and advance the philosophy, objectives, and techniques of
Healing Touch therapy and other energy based healing therapies.
Healing Touch continues to expand worldwide and is now currently taught throughout the United
States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany,
Romania, India, South Africa, Trinidad, Italy, and South America. Over 50,000 individuals have
taken Healing Touch classes. Classes are offered through independent instructors and businesses,
universities, and health care facilities. New areas are continually opening and requests are being
received from the international community to continue to offer programs. Healing Touch is in
harmony with people from all walks of life.
22 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Healing Touch historical overview:
1994 Energy Field Disturbance nursing diagnosis approved by North American Nursing
23 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Prerequisites for using Healing Touch
There are prerequisites before using Healing Touch. The primary requirement is connecting with
that place of compassion for others and standing in this integrity. The inherent respect of the unity
of all life, its wholeness and accepting others as who they are is expected.
Being in fairly good health
Willing to discipline oneself
Letting go of expectation and outcome
Being open in mind and heart
Being motivated to help others. Strong desire to alleviate suffering
Having the intention for the highest good to assist and help
Healer Preparation
The healer must prepare his/herself in order to facilitate a healing experience. The steps of healer
preparation are centering, attuning and grounding. Healer preparation places a healer in the highest
condition to assist another with their healing journey.
Centering is holding a mindful place within of being present, connected within and open. The goal
of centering is to let go of the ego in order to connect more consciously and deeply with the inner
self and engaging with a Higher power. Centering causes the healer to be fully present and open to
another and their process.
The ability to center is practiced even outside of healing work. A daily meditative practice is a way
to enhance and deepen the centering ability.
This ability to center is essential for a healer. Centering is focus and concentration. It is the ability
to hold intention and focus through the mind, heart and hands throughout the entire process.
Centering is learned and strengthened through practice. A skilled healing practitioner can pause for
a moment and be centered immediately.
Centering processxvii:
Stand behind or alongside the client.
Breathe deeply.
Gently close your eyes and go inside
Notice your breathing. It should be even and relaxed.
With each exhale, release tension, worry and thoughts.
With each inhale, take in calming energy, replenishing the self.
Take deep and cleansing breaths.
Continue the pattern until you are fully present and focused.
Feel grounded in this moment
24 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Attuning brings into agreement and harmony the healers centered energy system with the clients
energy system. The healer attunes first to a Higher power and sets the intention for the session.
Once done, the healer attunes with the client.
Intention is the key ingredient in attuning. Intention is the intent to be a calm, focused
conduit for the universal life force energy and to direct it to the energy system of the healee.
Intention is not an emotion or a personal desire but a much deeper force that mobilizes and
focuses our whole being, our mind, body, heart and spirit, to carry out a specific purpose.
Attuning with the client is initiated through either physical touch or, if the client does not
wish to be touched, a few inches off the body. Through attuning the healer and client enter
into the healing relationship.
Intention process:
Feeling centered and attune with compassion and Higher power
Go deeper within
State silently I set the intention for the highest and greatest good for this session. Feel free
to modify this according to what feels right.
Feel grounded in the moment.
Attuning process:
Ask the client for permission to do Healing Touch.
Ask the client for permission to touch.
Place hands lightly on the shoulders or a few inches off the body.
Hold position until healer notices a harmonizing.
Grounding assists both the healer and client to be in the present moment and feel connected to the
earth. Grounding occurs:
for the healer after the healer has set intention
for the healer and client at the completion of the Healing Touch session.
There are many ways to ground. Begin with touching and holding the feet, and then have the client
participate that brings them back into the present moment. Suggestions are have client feel their feet
meet the ground and sense solidity, call the clients name, have client notice the sounds of the room,
stretch their fingers, toes and bodies.
Grounding process:
Healer touches and holds feet of client.
Healer mentally and energetically releases the both healer and clients energy fields.
25 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Healing Touch Level 1 Techniques
Healing Touch techniques are also called Healing Touch interventions
4. Chakra Connection 1:1, Self sequence (Joy Pg. 269-275, HT Student Notebook, p.))
26 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Basic Healing Touch Sequence
The basic Healing Touch sequence is a process used in the Healing Touch
program to influence the human energy field. The basic Healing Touch
sequence comes from Janet Mentgens experience of over 20 years of working
with the human energy system and study of Alice Baileys work and other
Promote relaxation
Relieve pain
Promote restoration of the body
Decrease anxiety, tension and stress
Accelerate wound healing
Promote a sense of well-being
General Information:
The basic Healing Touch sequence is used to clear, energize and balance the
energy field, affecting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and
This is a beginning sequence in the Healing Touch program that can be sued
as a basic treatment for all ages and all conditions.
The basic Healing Touch sequence can be done on a local area related to a
symptom / finding or on the whole body.
A localized session can be five to ten minutes where a basic Healing Touch
session is usually twenty minutes or longer.
27 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
1. Intake
2. Healer Preparation
In order to facilitate a healing experience, the healer must prepare. The healer starts
with centering and attuning, which places the healer in the highest condition to assist
another with their healing journey.
Centering Definition
Centering is being fully present, connected within, focused and open to guidance.
The goal in centering is for the practitioner to clear the ego in order to connect more
deeply with the inner self, connect to a Higher Power, be fully present and be open to
another. An on-going meditation practice enhances and deepens centering.
An experienced healer only needs to pause a moment and centering becomes almost
Centering process
28 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Definition and Process
It is important to attune to your client and set the intention for the healing for the
clients highest good. Attuning to the client is a process of entering relationship with
a client is a process of entering relationship with a client through physical touch.
This can be done by placing the hands on the shoulders.
Goal The goal is to assess the energy field and identify differences and flow.
Use Hand Scan is used to determine the condition of the energy field prior, during
and after any energy interventions.
Procedure Starting at the head scan for differences using the palms of the hands.
The hands are close to the body, moving continuously and slowly through the field.
After scanning the head, neck and shoulders, move to the side and continue scanning
down the front of the body, arms, legs and back.
Scan the edge of the entire field by stepping away six to eight feet until outside the
person energy field and slowly move forward until you find the edge of the field.
Notice any differences: in the shape of the field, absence in any area, fullness, surges
and depressions. Identify areas that may be described as leaks, tears, bracing,
blocking, withdrawing, shielding, compacting, density, warmth, pain, coolness or
icing. Label these areas with words and draw them on a human figure.
29 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
4. Healing Touch Intervention
Magnetic Passes
Magnetic passes clear congestion or density from the field.
1. Hands in motion
Both hands are placed one to six inches above the skin or clothing in the energy field.
The hands are held open with the palms facing the body, brushing down or down and
away, with one hand followed by another. The hands move from head to toe down
and away from the body using either short of long connecting strokes in a graceful
sweeping motion. Move the hands completely off the body far enough for pain and
congestion to drop away.
Moving the hands away from the body may be exaggerated as needed especially if the
energy or pain feels stuck. It may be done over a specific part of the field or over the
entire body from above the site of injury to pain to well below it.
2. Hands still
Rest the hands on the body in the area of concern. The hands may be in front and
back, next to each other or around a joint. Hold in place for a period of time to
initiate flow or absorb or release energy. Keep the hands in place until a change is
noted, such as fullness or warmth indicating the energy has shifted, resulting in
balance or energy flow.
30 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Scudder Technique
The Scudder Technique is a light touch energy technique that is gentle and calming to give and
receive. It alters the stagnant energy that accumulates, thereby promoting energy flow and
This technique was taught to Sharon Scandrett-Hibdon by the Reverend John Scudder from Illinois.
The purpose of the Scudder Technique is to promote relaxation and alter energy flow throughout the
whole body.
It is used to smooth energy lines and remove stagnant energy from areas that tend to accumulate, i.e.,
the joints, palms, suprasternal notch, hips, feet and shoulders. It is excellent to use for joint
problems, such as arthritis, for broken bones, after concentrated work periods where one is in the
same position for extended periods of time and while traveling, and for general stress release.
The client sits in a chair with shoes and socks removed. The healer stands behind the chair. Using
light touch, follow the procedure outlined. Repeat each step three times.
1. Use both hands and brush the clients brow.
2. Instruct the client to close eyes and lightly brush across the eyes.
3. Going from the top of the head, brush down, around the ears and give a light tug on the
ear lobes.
4. Starting at the chin, brush the jaw and up behind the ear.
5. Move to the clients left side. Support the clients arm. Brush from the shoulder to the
inside of the elbow.
6. Brush from the elbow to the palm of the hand.
7. Massage the palm and fingers
8. Grasp each finger with your fingers and lightly pull down the fingers removing
excessive energy.
9. Remove energy from the suprasternal notch.
10. Lightly brush down the sternum to waist and over to the left side where you are working
11. Brush from the hip joint to the back of the knee.
12. Brush from the knee to the inner arch of the foot.
13. Massage the foot and toes.
14. Grasp each toe with the fingers and lightly tug to remove excess energy.
15. Move to the right side and repeat steps 5-14
16. Move to the back. Using the side of the hand, lightly break up energy on the shoulders
by tapping, and brush off.
17. Ask the client to bend forward. Lightly brush the back beginning at the coccyx and on
either side of the spine, continue to the neck, then brush across the shoulders.
31 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
The Human Energy System
The Energy Tracts (Meridians)
The energy tracts or meridians are well-defined circuits of energies that run through our body like
rivers. These circuits are called meridians. All meridians make up a network of highways and they
are all interconnected. They are the most physically accessible aspect of our energy system.
There are12 main circuits of energy - 6 Yin or earths force & 6 Yang or heavens force. Usually
referred as pairs. These are main channels where essential storage of Ki exists. These are the
classical 12.
Each layer is nested into each other like nesting glasses. Each layer vibrates as sound moving up the
sound scale in higher frequencies.
Healing Touch Level One works with the first four layers.
32 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
The Energy centers (Chakras)
The auric system (chakra system) is the repository of every thought and feeling ever experienced by
a human being in his or her life and living. There is a specific and immediate correspondence
between thought and feeling and the auric system.
There have been and continue to be many books written about the chakra system. Below is a basic
overview of the seven (7) chakras defined through location, physical area of influence, basic
psychological function and color frequency.
33 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
The Chakra Connection
The Chakra Connection technique was developed by Dr. W. Brugh Joy and can be found in his book
Joy's Way: A Map for the Transformational Journey on pages 269-275.
The Chakra Connection is a full body technique that opens, balances, and connects all major chakras
and a few minor chakras so that the flow of subtle energy is unencumbered and enhanced.
The Chakra Connection was created by Dr. Brugh Joy to balance, open and connect the energy
centers and support enhanced energy flow in the human body.
The Chakra Connection can be used as a stand-alone technique or in combination with other
techniques. It is one of the foundational techniques of Healing Touch.
The main technique is the Chakra Connection done with one healer on one person. Because of it's
effectiveness, two variations of Chakra Connection have arisen since the original technique.
34 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Chakra Connection, One on One sequence
By W. Brugh Joy, M.D., from his book Joy's Way: A Map for the Transformational Journey, pages
269-275. Published 1979, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Penguin Putnam, Inc. New York, NY.
Stand on the right side of the person.
When the flow feels free and unencumbered, the next connection can be made.
When making the root-to-crown connection, the energy flow should feel unobstructed between the
operator's right and left hands.
Excerpted from Joy's Way: A Map for the Transformational Journey, p. 269-270 by Dr.
Brugh Joy. Copyright W. Brugh Joy, 1979. All Rights Reserved.
35 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Chakra Connection, Two on One sequence:
Chakra Connection by Dr. Brugh Joy
Two on One sequence paraphrased by Lucrezia Mangione
Note: There are slight differences in the Chakra Connection, Two on One sequence from the Chakra
Connection, One on One sequence:
No connection is made between the high heart and spleen minor chakras.
No connection is made between the crown chakra and transpersonal point.
The Chakra Connection stops at the crown chakra.
The last step of this two on one variation of the Chakra Connection is "a gentle sweep". The
pace of this sweep is gentle and quick about 5-10 seconds. Keep in mind the movement is
centered, smooth and fluid. It is done in synchrony together with your partner.
Note: The self-chakra connection is typically done in a sitting position though it can be done
standing or lying down. It is identical to the Chakra connection, One on One with the exception, of
course, of doing it on and for you for self-love, self-care and well-being.
Self sequence:
1. Hold foot and knee by placing one hand over or on foot, other hand over or on knee.
2. Hold knee and hip by moving lower hand to knee and upper hand to hip.
3. Go to your other leg and repeat steps 1 and 2: Hold foot and knee by placing one hand over
or on foot, other hand over or on knee.
4. Hold knee and hip by moving lower hand to knee and upper hand to hip.
5. Hold both your hips.
6. Hold root and sacral chakras by moving one hand to root and other hand to sacral
7. Connect sacral and solar plexus chakras by moving lower hand from root to your sacral and
move upper hand from sacral to solar plexus.
8. Connect solar plexus chakra and spleen minor chakra by keeping your hand upon solar
plexus and moving other hand from sacral to spleen minor chakra. This minor chakra is
located directly over the spleen organ.
9. Connect solar plexus and heart chakras by moving hand on the solar plexus up to the heart
chakra and slide your other hand from the spleen minor chakra over to the solar plexus.
10. Connect heart and high heart chakras by moving hand on the heart chakra up 2-3 inches to
the high heart chakra and slide your other hand from the solar plexus chakra to the heart.
11. Your arms are next. Using both hands hold each wrist.
12. Then, using both hands, hold each elbow.
13. Then, using both hands, hold each shoulder (like hugging yourself).
14. Connect high heart minor chakra and throat chakra by moving and placing hand on the high
heart minor chakra and the throat chakra.
15. Connect throat and brow chakras by moving hand on the throat up to the brow chakra and
slide other hand from the high heart minor chakra up to the throat chakra.
16. Connect brow and crown chakras by moving hand on the brow up to the crown chakra and
slide other hand from the throat chakra up to brow chakra.
17. Connect crown and transpersonal point by moving and flipping hand on the crown palm up
and raising hand 6-18 inches above crown chakra to connect to transpersonal point and move
other hand from the brow chakra up to the crown chakra.
18. Drop arms gently into lap and rest in the energy flowing more freely within your system.
37 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
The Chakra Connection hand positions
Excerpted from Joy's Way: A Map for the Transformational Journey, p. 269-270 by Dr. Brugh Joy.
Copyright W. Brugh Joy, 1979. All Rights Reserved.
38 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
The next steps: Applying what youve learned and Self-Care
1. Practice daily self care: balance your energy system with Chakra Connection, Self sequence,
p. 37. See pages 40-41 for further suggestions.
3. Get together with fellow students: gather with your fellow students and do an exchange
39 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Self Care
156 Ways to Feel Better by Lucrezia Mangione
40 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Inspire a smile Compliment a friend
Scribble Smile
Compliment a stranger Pick a flower
Touch some grass with your hands and really feel it Feel the rain dropping on your face
Feel the sun on your skin Groom yourself
Open a book at random Close your eyes
Take a nap Tell a joke
Take the time to look at a flower Stare at a tree
Make a funny face or two Turn your cell phone off
Do nothing Walk backwards
Turn your computer off Whistle
Jump up and down Do jumping jacks
Hop around Do some deep knee bends
Do push-ups Say your name backwards
Make a list of 5 things that make you feel good Light a candle, watch the flame
Write with your non-dominant hand Send love to a country in need
Send love to a friend in need Send love to a family member in need
Send love to the earth Offer your hand in help
Send love to an animal friend in need Shout Yay! Yippee!
Touch your skin and notice Ask for help
Yawn Take one day at a time
What do you see when you close your eyes? Do one thing at a time
Laugh at yourself Apologize for a mistake
Look out the window and gaze See the bigger picture
Forgive Make love
Trust yourself Start a gratitude or appreciation journal
Write a poem Make coffee break a meditation break
Make coffee break and exercise break Count your blessings and make a list!
Make coffe break a yoga break Play with your pet
Cry Reduce your caffeine intake
Get a good nights sleep Forgive yourself
Reduce your sugar intake Smell a flower
Forgive others Learn to say no
Take a different route to work Rub your belly
Listen to the birds & wildlife Shout Jai-Ho!
Move to that place of stillness and peace where you are one with all that is
Throw away your to do list. Dont worry, you can always start a new one.
Whats one skill or talent you know you have? Ponder that.
Futz around your house for a bit, an hour or two
Delete all the emails in your inbox without reading them
Think of your favorite color and imagine yourself as that color- immersed
Express and vocalize sounds even if its nonsensical
Inhale, puff out your cheeks, hold your breath and exhale
41 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Healing Touch International, Inc.
Healing Touch International, Inc. is a non-profit certification, education, and membership
organization that serves Healing Touch providers, instructors, and the general public. The
organization, established in 1996, certifies Healing Touch Practitioners and Instructors, coordinates
Healing Touch research, assists integration of Healing Touch into healthcare settings, and promotes
the work of Healing Touch around the world.
The organization was established in 1996 by Healing Touch founder Janet Mentgen, a nurse who
wanted to bring greater healing and well-being to her patients. Healing Touch is endorsed by the
American Holistic Nurses Association and is taught in universities, medical and nursing schools and
other settings internationally.
Spread Healing, Light and Love, restoring wholeness on Earth.
Our mission is to spread healing and light worldwide through the heart-centered practice and
teaching of Healing Touch. It is fulfilled by this non-profit membership and educational organization
Administers the Certification process for Healing Touch Practitioners and Instructors
Sets international standards of practice and international code of ethics for practitioners and
Supports Healing Touch Practitioners and Instructors as they develop, practice and serve
communities worldwide
Promotes and provides resources in health care integration and research in Healing Touch
Provides opportunities for promotion of and education about Healing Touch.
Approved: 1996, Revised: 12/2006, HTI Board of Directors (c)1996 Healing Touch International, Inc. All Rights Reserved
To reach this vision, the following beliefs serve as the foundation of this organization:
HTI is:
International certification
International standards of practice and code of ethics
Continuing education
Healing Touch research
Healing Care Integration Assistance
International certification after completing intense multi-level study and application process.
Over 75,000 participants in 11 years
As an international organization, we value the role of providing certification for Healing Touch
Practitioners and Instructors around the world. Certification is an extremely important process of
quality assurance for those practicing Healing Touch and to the public who desire assurance of the
competency of the persons practicing and teaching Healing Touch.
42 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Certification sets Standards of Practice and then provides a measure to discern whether or not a
practitioner meets that standard. The Standards of Practice include a predefined level of skills and
knowledge, which embodies the principles and theoretical constructs of the Healing Touch Program.
As health care delivery continues to evolve, we believe that complementary healing modalities will
be included as viable, cost-effective medicine. To meet this belief, Healing Touch International, Inc.
is committed to research and documentation of the impact of Healing Touch on the client
specifically, the practitioner, and the health care system generally.
With the evolution of managed care in the health care field, the modalities selected for insurance
reimbursement will come under close scrutiny. The Healing Touch Program has established itself in
the health care community as a highly ethical, credible program.
This program has been proven to train highly skilled practitioners who have committed to a rigorous
course of study to complete the practitioner level of education. Those who complete certification
have "gone the extra mile" to measure up to an International Standard of Credentialing and Code of
Credentialing is an essential and accepted part of managed care participation now and in the future.
The role of Healing Touch International, Inc. is to be recognized as the official body to ensure to the
public that this level of practice and instruction is achieved.
Healing Touch International, Inc. is the professional non-profit organization for Healing Touch. We
set standards for practice, administer certification, coordinate research & health care integration, &
provide educational opportunities.
HTI Certification of Healing Touch Practitioners (CHTPs) and Instructors (CHTIs) is widely recognized in energy therapy training and among our
professional colleagues. This certification has been continuously in place and unchanged for the past 15 years, first through AHNA and then
through HTI.
The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), a professional nursing organization, has provided endorsement of the HTI Healing Touch
Certificate Program since 1997. Having met predetermined criteria for endorsement, this recognition by AHNA provides recognition, value and
credibility to HTIs Certificate Program in Healing Touch.
Research on Healing Touch brings credibility to Healing Touch while expanding our knowledge base about this work. HTI's Research Director
provides consultation for those conducting research on Healing Touch, and HTI publishes a summary of research on our website, along with
booklet that provides more detailed information on formal Healing Touch studies and their outcomes.
Integrating HT into healthcare systems is an ongoing priority for HTI. HTIs Health Care Consultant provides holistic consultations for HT
practitioners, health care professionals and administrators wishing to introduce HT into the health care system. HTI also publishes a Health Care
Integration booklet that summarizes models of integration and adjunct information necessary for this implementation.
International Development: HTI supports the development of Healing Touch around the world by encouraging and promoting service programs
and projects, through scholarship of international conference attendees, and providing an international development committee forum for dialogue.
Instructor and Practitioner Development: Ongoing education is available for HTI Instructors and Practitioners through the annual conference,
HTI newsletter, and HTI website. Instructors also benefit from updates and education provided at the annual instructor meeting.
Annual HTI Conference: Healing Touch providers from around the world gather to connect with one another, to learn, and to be inspired.
Conference presenters are leaders in energy therapies, medicine, consciousness, and other fields, and bring deep wisdom and the latest
information on trends and developments that relate to Healing Touch.
Promotional materials: HTI develops and makes available materials to promote your business including a practitioner brochure, press releases,
a Power Point presentation, bumper stickers, and HT day materials.
Community Outreach: HTI has exhibit displays at national conferences, and advocates for Healing Touch worldwide, while maintaining the
website, a resource for information on Healing Touch and the professional window to the world.
43 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Scope of Practice Statement
This Scope of Practice statement defines four levels of Healing Touch Practice
II. Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice: has completed Level 4 and is participating in a minimum
one-year mentorship process with a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner.
III. Healing Touch Practitioner: has completed the 120 contact hour preparation coursework within
Levels 1through 5 and has received a Certificate of Completion issued by the Healing Touch
Program Director.
IV. Certified Healing Touch Practitioner: is a Healing Touch Practitioner who, in addition to
completing the program, met the certification criteria and was approved by the Healing Touch
International Inc. Certification Board.
Each level includes both didactic and experiential learning in which participants use specific healing
interventions. The program of study is carefully sequenced in five levels of instruction: Levels 1,2,
3, 4, and 5. Certificates of attendance with approved continuing education credits are issued at the
completion of
The Healing Touch student undergoes a rigorous and comprehensive program that includes 120
hours of standardized curriculum with Certified Healing Touch Instructors. After completion of
Level 4, the student begins a minimum one-year mentorship with a Certified Healing Touch
Practitioner and documents a minimum of 100 Healing Touch sessions. The Healing Touch program
places emphasis on self-care and development of the student. In addition, the student participates in
an extensive reading program as well as a wide variety of complementary therapies.
44 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Healing Touch Certification Process:
Prior to 1996, certification was provided by the American Holistic Nurses' Association. Healing
Touch International Inc.'s Certification Board has provided certification since 1996.
Approved: 1/18/2000
Updated: 11/25/2005
45 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Code of Ethics/ Standards of Practice
for Healing Touch
Healing Touch International, Inc.
Spreading Healing Light
Practitioner Purpose: The following Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice guide the energetic and
holistic practice of Healing Touch.
Definition: Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners use their hands to enhance
and balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of their clients.
Goal: The goal in Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance in the energy system,
facilitating the clients self healing process.
Healing Touch is offered only for the benefit of the client, with intention for his or her highest good.
The Healing Touch practitioner acts with the commitment to Do No Harm.
47 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Vision and Mission Statement
Spread Healing, Light and Love, restoring wholeness on Earth.
Our mission is to spread healing and light worldwide through the heart-centered practice and
teaching of Healing Touch. It is fulfilled by this non-profit membership and educational
organization which:
Administers the Certification process for Healing Touch practitioners and instructors
Sets international standards of practice and international code of ethics for practitioners and
Supports Healing Touch practitioners and instructors as they develop, practice and serve
communities worldwide
Promotes and provides resources in health care integration and research in Healing Touch
Approved: 1996
Revised: 12/2006
HTI Board of Directors
1996 Healing Touch International, Inc. All Rights Reserved
48 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Membership Application
Includes reduced fees on classes, conference, professional marketing materials, free website listing
for CHTPs including your photo, free website listing for CHTIs including your photo and classes,
free newsletter subscription and email updates, and reduced fees on research and health care booklets.
I am a Certified HT Practitioner and would like to be listed on the HTI website at no additional cost.
The contact information I would like posted is provided below, including my signature.
I already have a listing on the website, but need the following corrections made to it.
Note: Listing may include name, credentials, business name, and how/where to contact you and a
photo, which can be sent to us via post office or e-mail at (Photos cannot be returned.)
Includes all the above benefits AND an electronic link to your website. Your website address
$155.00 ($90 USD for members of Affiliated Country Organization)
Includes all the above benefits AND a full-page business ad on the website, with a second link to
your own website at no additional charge. Your website address (submit ad in jpg, txt, tif, or gif
format please)
I would like to contribute $ ___________ to the Scholarship fund to help bring an International HTI
Member to the annual conference.
49 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
The Rewards of Membership
Membership Benefits
HTI Certification of Healing Touch Practitioners (CHTPs) and Instructors (CHTIs) is widely
recognized in energy therapy training and among our professional colleagues. This certification has
been continuously in place and unchanged for the past 15 years, first through AHNA and then
through HTI.
The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), a professional nursing organization, has
provided endorsement of the HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program since 1997. Having met
predetermined criteria for endorsement, this recognition by AHNA provides recognition, value and
credibility to HTIs Certificate Program in Healing Touch.
Research on Healing Touch brings credibility to Healing Touch while expanding our knowledge base
about this work. HTI's Research Director provides consultation for those conducting research on
Healing Touch, and HTI publishes a summary of research on our website, along with booklet that
provides more detailed information on formal Healing Touch studies and their outcomes.
Integrating HT into healthcare systems is an ongoing priority for HTI. HTIs Health Care
Consultant provides holistic consultations for HT practitioners, health care professionals and
administrators wishing to introduce HT into the health care system. HTI also publishes a Health Care
Integration booklet that summarizes models of integration and adjunct information necessary for this
International Development: HTI supports the development of Healing Touch around the world by
encouraging and promoting service programs and projects, through scholarship of international
conference attendees, and providing an international development committee forum for dialogue.
Instructor and Practitioner Development: Ongoing education is available for HTI Instructors and
Practitioners through the annual conference, HTI newsletter, and HTI website. Instructors also
benefit from updates and education provided at the annual instructor meeting.
Annual HTI Conference: Healing Touch providers from around the world gather to connect with
one another, to learn, and to be inspired. Conference presenters are leaders in energy therapies,
medicine, consciousness, and other fields, and bring deep wisdom and the latest information on trends
and developments that relate to Healing Touch.
Promotional materials: HTI develops and makes available materials to promote your business
including a practitioner brochure, press releases, a Power Point presentation, bumper stickers, and HT
day materials.
Community Outreach: HTI has exhibit displays at national conferences, and advocates for Healing
Touch worldwide, while maintaining the website, a resource for
information on Healing Touch and the professional window to the world.
50 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Healing Touch International, Inc.
Healing Touch International, Inc.
445 Union Blvd, Ste 105, Lakewood, CO 80228
Phone: 303-989-7982 Fax: 303-980-868
Staff Email:
Lisa Anselme: Executive Director/Health Care Integration Coordinator
The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine
The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) is an international
non-profit interdisciplinary organization dedicated to exploring and applying subtle energies as they relate to the
experience of consciousness, healing, and human potential. Founded in 1989
51 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Book List for Healing Touch Students from Healing Touch International
Healing Touch Certificate Program Course Work
Hands of Light (Brennan)
Healing Touch: A Guidebook for Practitioners, 2"d Edition (Hover-Kramer)
Joys Way (Joy)
White Shadow (Wardell)
Anatomy Coloring Book (Elson)
Energy Medicine/Holism
Anatomy of Spirit (Myss)
Creation of Health (Myss)
Creative Energies (Hover-Kramer)
Eastern Body Western Mind (Judith)
Energetic Approaches to Emotional Healing (Hover-kramer)
Energy Anatomy (cassette) (Myss)
Energy Medicine: A Scientific Basis (Oshmari)
Esoteric Healing (Bailey) Holistic Nursing (Dossey)
Holistic Nursing Curriculum (Dossey)
Light Emerging (Brennan) Pendulum Power (Nielsen/Polansky)
Spiritual Alchemy: How to Transform Your Life (Page)
The Heart's Code (Pearsall)
The Power of the Mind to Heal (Borysenko)
Vibrational Medicine (Gerber)
Wheels of Life (Judith)
Wheels of Light (Bruyere)
Why People Don't Heal (cassette) (Myss)
Additional Books for Continuing Study:
Caring Science as Sacred Science (Watson)
Energetic Approaches to Emotional Healing (Hover-Kramer, Shames)
Hands of Life: Use Your Bodies Own Energy Medicine (Motz)
Invisible Helper's (Leadbeater)
The Energetics of Healing (video) (Myss)
Quantum Physics
Body Electric (Becker)
Dancing WuLi Masters (Zukav)
Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance (Oschman)
The Field (McTaggart)
The Intention Experiment (McTaggart)
Molecules of Emotion (Pert)
Quantum Healing (Chopra)
Quantum Reality (Herbert)
The Holographic Universe (Talbot)
The New Physics of Healing (Chopra)
Spiritual Development
Called into Healing (Smith)
Fire in the Heart (Markides)
Healing From the Heart (R. Graham) Healing Words (Dossey)
Homage to the Sun (Markides)
New Dimensions in Healing ( Saraycarian)
Sacred Mirrors (Grey)
Seat of the Soul (Zukav)
Spiritual Madness (cassette) (Myss)
"The Chakra's (Leadbeater)
The Chakra's and the Human Energy Field (Karagulla, Kunz)
The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life (Williamson)
The Magas Strovolos (Markides)
The Healing Light (Sanford)
Uncommon Touch .(Harpur)
"'Walking a Sacred Path (Artress)
Wherever You Go There You Are (Kabat-Zinn)
52 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Additional Books for Continuing Study:
Care of the Soul (Moore)
Love and Survival (D. Omish)
Miracles Mindfulness (Hahn)
Serving Humanity (Bailey)
The Gifts of Spirit (Sanford)
The Healing Power of Prayer (Meehan)
Personal/Professional Development
A Return to Love: Reflections of Principles of a "Course in Miracles" (Williamson)
Bodymind Workbook (Shapiro)
Born to Serve: The Evolution of the Soul Though Service (Trout)
Business Mastery (Sohnen-Moe)
Creating Affluence (Chopra)
Creative Imagery in Nursing (Shames)
Heal Your Body (Hay)
Healers on Healing (Carlson)
Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling (Dyer)
Mentoring (Hang)
Nurse as Healer (Keegan)
Right Rhythmic Living (Etheridge)
The Extraordinary Power of Ordinary Things (Dossey)
The Heart Speaks (Guarneri)
The Medicine Woman's Guide to Being in Business for Yourself (Bridges)
The Power of Intention (Dyer)
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)
Wishcraft (Sher)
You Can Heal Your Life (Hay)
Additional Books for Continuing Study:
Excuse Me: Your Life is Waiting: Astonishing Power of Feelings (Grabhorn)
Nanda Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classifications
(North American Nursing Diagnosis Association)
Principle Centered Leadership (Covey)
Spiritual Economics (Butterworth)
The Path of Love (Chopra)
Your Sixth Sense: Unlocking the Power of Your Intuition (Naperstek)
Caring Science as Sacred Science (Watson)
Energetic Approaches to Emotional Healing (Hover-Kramer, Shames)
Hands of Life: Use Your Bodies Own Energy Medicine (Motz)
Invisible Helpers (Leadbetter)
The Energetics of Healing (video Myss)
Artist's Way
Journal to the Self (Adams)
Journal to the Soul (Offner)
Life's Companion Journal (Baldwin)
Nurses Meditative Journal
The Creative Journal (Capacchione) Journaling Continued
The Power. of Your Other Hand (Capacchione)
The Well Being Journal (Capacchione)
Visual Joumaling (Ganim/Fox)
Writing Down the Bones (Goldberg)
Creating a Professional, Safe, and Enduring Practice (Benjamin)
Creating Right Relationships: A Practical Guide to Ethics in Energy Therapies (Hover-Kramer)
Energy Therapies (Hover-Kramer)
Ethics for a New Millenium (Dalai Lama)
The Ethics of Touch: The Hands-on Practitioner's Guide to The Ethics of Caring (Taylor)
53 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Updates to Healing Touch: A Guidebook For Practitioners, 2nd Ed.
Changes have been made to a few terms used to describe techniques in the Healing Touch International (HTI)
Healing Touch certificate program. The required book, Healing Touch: A Guidebook For Practitioners, 2nd
Edition by Dorothea Hover-Kramer published by Delmar Thomson Learning, does not reflect these changes yet.
Below is a list of these changes. All new terms have replaced old terms throughout this book.
BHTS is: Intake, Preparation, Pre-treatment Energetic Assessment, Interventions, Post-treatment Energetic
Assessment, Ground and Release, Evaluation and Feedback.
Note: Refer to Basic Healing Touch Sequence handout for full description of technique.
Page 243: Colorado Center for Healing Touch (CCHT)
Change: CCHT is no longer affiliated with the
AHNA endorsed HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program.
Page 250:
Old term: Etheric Unruffle, 130
New term: Etheric Template Clearing, 130
Page 252:
Old term: Magnetic Unruffle, 130-131, 151, 157, 227
New term: Magnetic Clearing, 130-131, 151, 157, 227
54 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Healing Touch Session Documentation for students
Client ________________________________ Date____/_____/_____Session # ______
Session Length ______Last Treatment ____/_____/_____
Physical 0 5 10
Emotional 0 5 10
Mental 0 5 10
Spiritual 0 5 10
2. Practitioner Preparation
Physical 0 5 10
Emotional 0 5 10
Mental 0 5 10
Spiritual 0 5 10
55 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
56 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
57 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009
Websters New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition, copyright 1983. p. 836.
Ibid, p. 446.
Therapeutic Touch, Dolores Kreiger, p. 15
Ibid, p.15
Wheels of Light: A Study of the Chakras, Vol., Rosalyn Bruyere, Bon Productions, California
Wheels of Light, Rosalyn Bruyere
Kreiger, p.15
Ibid, p. 15
A listing of biblical references to healing that may be useful as bibliotherapy to the empowerment
of rehabilitation clients Journal of Rehabilitation, July-Sept, 1993 by E. Keith Byrd, P. Diane
Byrd, p. 4.
Ibid, p.4.
Light Emerging, Barbara Brennan, p. 16
Ibid., p. 17
Centering process is from the Basic Healing Touch Sequence
58 Unless otherwise stated Lucrezia Mangione. All Rights Reserved Worldwide and Universally 2008-2009