Calculating CO2 Sequestration by Trees
Calculating CO2 Sequestration by Trees
Calculating CO2 Sequestration by Trees
We at Trees for the Future estimate that our agroforestry trees, planted in tropical
climates, will sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide at an average of 50 pounds of carbon
dioxide per tree per year.
The rate of carbon sequestration depends on the growth characteristics of the tree species,
the conditions for growth where the tree is planted, and the density of the tree's wood. It
is greatest in the younger stages of tree growth, between 20 to 50 years.1 Further
complicating the issue is the fact that far less research has been done on tropical tree
species as compared to temperate tree species.
Nevertheless, we can roughly estimate the amount of CO2 sequestered in a given tree,
and if we divide by the tree’s age, get a yearly sequestration rate.
We got this process from two educational websites who had conceived it as a learning
activity for their students. 2 This is the process:
Based on tree species in the Southeast United States, the algorithm to calculate the weight
of a tree is: 3
Depending on the species, the coefficient (e.g. 0.25) could change, and the variables D2
and H could be raised to exponents just above or below 1. However, these two equations
could be seen as an “average” of all the species’ equations.
The root system weighs about 20% as much as the above-ground weight of the tree.
Therefore, to determine the total green weight of the tree, multiply the above-ground
weight of the tree by 120%.
Determine the dry weight of the tree
Therefore, to determine the dry weight of the tree, multiply the weight of the tree by
The average carbon content is generally 50% of the tree’s total volume.5 Therefore, to
determine the weight of carbon in the tree, multiply the dry weight of the tree by 50%.
Therefore, to determine the weight of carbon dioxide sequestered in the tree, multiply the
weight of carbon in the tree by 3.6663.6
Divide the weight of carbon dioxide sequestered in the tree by the age of the tree. Et
Estimated growth rates and sizes of agroforestry trees were taken from the World
Agroforestry Centre’s “Agroforestree Database”7:
Let’s see how much a Calliandra calothyrsus might sequester in a year. A 10-year-old
Calliandra would probably grow about 15 feet tall with a trunk about 8 inches in
diameter. Therefore:
Or consider a 10-year-old Grevillia robusta, 45 feet tall with a trunk 6 inches in diameter.
Using the same calculations as above, the amount of CO2 sequestered would be 64.6 lbs.
per year.
Or a newly-planted Acacia angustissima, 2.5 years old, 15 feet tall with a trunk 3 inches
in diameter: 21.5 lbs. of CO2 sequestered per year.
Or an Albizzia lebbek, 15 years old, 30 feet tall, with a 12 inch trunk: 68.9 lbs. of CO2
sequestered per year.
Other methods
Another way to estimate the amount of CO2 sequestered by a tree in a year is to estimate
the amount sequestered in a hectare per year, and divide that amount by the number of
trees per hectare. Scanning around on the Internet, it seems that the number of trees per
hectare (in agroforestry and/or industrial plantations) ranges from under 500 to over
According to Myers and Goreau, tropical tree plantations of pine and eucalyptus can
sequester an average of 10 tons of carbon per hectare per year. 8 Therefore, the
plantation can sequester an average of 20,000 lbs * 3.6663 = 73,326 lbs CO2/ha/year, or,
taking an average of 1,000 trees per hectare, 73.326 lbs CO2/tree/year.
This research and methodology is based on research papers, university publications, and
other information freely available on the Internet. As we stated before, it is difficult to
calculate the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered per tree per year due to the
complexity of the variables involved, as well as the lack of research on tropical tree
species. If you have any information that could further refine or enhance our
calculations, please let us know at Thanks and happy tree planting!
The National Computational Science Leadership Program and
The Shodor Education Foundation
“Total-Tree Weight, Stem Weight, and Volume Tables for Hardwood Species in the Southeast,”
Alexander Clark III, Joseph R. Saucier, and W. Henry McNab, Research Division, Georgia Forestry
Commission, January 1986.
“Heating With Wood: Producing, Harvesting and Processing Firewood,” Scott DeWald, Scott Josiah, and
Becky Erdkamp, University of Nebraska – Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, March 2005.
“Carbon Storage and Accumulation in United States Forest Ecosystems, General Technical Report W0-
59,” Richard A. Birdsey, United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Northeastern Forest
Experiment Station, Radnor, PA, August 1992.
“Tropical Forests and the Greenhouse Effect: A Management Response,” Norman Myers and Thomas J.
Goreau, Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, University of the West Indies, Discovery Bay, Jamaica, 1991.