Lesson Plans Wee
Lesson Plans Wee
Lesson Plans Wee
Letter T
Lesson Plan
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Circle time:
Identifying letter T.
Recognizing the sound of the new letter.
Enrich the vocabulary through learning new words for letter T.
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the goal?)
For this lesson, I will use a schedule include the children names and two section which called achieved section and need to improve section. During the activities, I will
observe the children when they will do the activities and write the things that they achieve it and the skills that need to improve. Also, I can ask them open-ended question to
identify their understanding of the letter and the sound of the letter. The observing will help me in recognizing the learning outcomes that the children achieved it and what the
one that I should focus on it in the next class and achieve it. Moreover, I will keep the children work in their files to keep it as evidence of their skills development.
Children will feel 2 mins Greets the children. Sit cross-legged with hands in None.
welcomed and be focused their laps.
Say Good morning
Children answer Good morning
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
To identify new letter 4 mins Use the tiger puppet to introduce Listen to the tiger puppet. Tiger puppet
which is T. the new letter. Interact with the tiger puppet by and card for the
Recognize the sound and Teach the children the sound of making the sound and the action. new words and
Puppets activity the action of letter T. letter T with the action. the action of
letter T.
Writing small and capital 2 mins Use the whiteboard to teach the Observe the teacher when she Whiteboard
letter T. children how to write letter T in writes the T and t. and marker.
small and capital format. Write letter T in two formats on
Writing T and t Ask the children to write the letter the air and on the ground by using
in the air and ground. their fingers.
The Arabic teacher will take two group to do the Arabic activities.
I will take the other two groups to do with them the English activities.
Cars craft activity Develop Describe the activity for the The children will choose the Cars + worksheet include the letter T
motor skills. children. car that they like it. + Paints.
Identify the Apply the activity in front of They will use the color that
shape of them as an example. they like to do their activity
letter T in with it.
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Review for letter T Recognize their 3 mins Ask the children about the new Make the sound of letter T None.
understanding of the sound. and the action.
new letter. Ask for the new words for letter T. Mention the words for
Ask them about how to write letter letter T.
T. Write Letter T.
Transition to Manage the children. 2 mins Praise the children how did will by Clap their hands for the A sticker for any child who
Playground giving them sticker. good students. has done especially well.
Using the bell to manage the stand still and quietly then
children in lines. they will move to the
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Circle time:
Activities time:
Match the name of the part with the part of the body on a doll.
Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound
Identify the name of four parts (head, shoulder, knees and toes).
Recognizing the written name of the parts.
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the goal?)
Because the short time of the lesson, I will apply a group assessment through giving the children one activity which is matches the name of the parts with the parts of the
dolls body. Through this activity, I will help the children to achieve the learning outcomes and assess them at the same time. I will observe them and I will take a picture of
them will there are working to keep it as evidence that the children achieve the learning outcomes through engaging them with matching activity.
Children will feel 2 mins Greets the children. Sit cross-legged with hands in None.
welcomed and be focused. their laps.
Say Good morning Children answer Good morning
Ask them how are you? Children answer the teacher fine
Remember the previous 2 mins Draw the children the picture of a Identify the shape of the girl and Marker and
knowledge of who I am. boy and a girl on the white board. the boy. whiteboard.
Review Ask them about if they are boy or Tell the teacher a full sentence
girl. which is ( I am a girl or I am a boy)
Ask them about their body. Discuss what they can see in their
body (maybe they will say the
colour of their skin or identify one
of their body parts.
Identify the name of four 4 mins Turn on a song for the parts of the Listen to the song for the first Video of the
parts (head, shoulder, body: time. song.
knees and toes). https://www.youtube.com/watc
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Parts of the Recognizing the written Retell the children about the name Then listen to the teacher when
body song name of the parts. of the parts. she mentions the name of each
Ask them to repeat the name of part.
each part after me. Repeat the name of each part
after the teacher.
Sing with the song one time and
point on their body when they say
the name of the part in the song.
The Arabic teacher will take two group to do the Arabic activities.
I will take the other two groups to do with them the English activities.
Matching activity Identify the name of Describe the activity for the The children will share the cards. Cards include the name
four parts (head, children. They will use the doll to point on the of the four parts (head,
shoulder, knees and Give the children the instruction correct part with the correct card. shoulder, knees and
toes). of how to share the cards and After finishing, each child will point to toes) + doll to match the
Recognizing the work in group. each part of the doll and say the name cards with the part on
written name of the of it. the dolls body.
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Review for the lesson Identify the name 3 mins Ask the children to sing the song Mention the name of each part None.
of four parts and point to their parts when and point on it by singing the
(head, shoulder, they mention the name. parts song.
knees and toes).
Transition for riding the Manage the children. 2 mins Praise the children how did will Clap their hands for the good Colours for the skin to
bus by draw a smiley face on their students. draw a smiley face on
hand. Stand still and quietly then they their hand.
Using the bell to manage the will move to the bus area.
children in lines.
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Plant a Seed
Lesson Plan
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Circle time:
Activities time:
Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound
Identify the important element to let the seed grow such as water, sand and sunlight.
Recognizing the importance of the planting.
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the goal?)
It is a short lesson. So, I will apply one activity which is planted a seed and during the activity, I will ask the children about the steps of planning any seed and what will
happen if we didnt provide the elements for the see (such as, lack of water). I will use the yellow note to write one action for each child then I can keep it in their
achievement file as evidence of achieving the learning outcomes of the lesson and developing their skills.
Children will feel 2 mins Greets the children. Sit cross-legged with hands in None.
welcomed and be focused. their laps.
Say Good morning Children answer Good morning
Ask them how are you? Children answer the teacher fine
Remember the previous 2 mins Draw the children the picture of Tell the teacher about the thing Marker and
knowledge of what grows what grows in the garden. that grows in the garden. whiteboard.
in the garden.
Identify the important 4 mins Use the resources to show the Listen to the teacher and watch Sand, bowel and
element to let the seed children the steps of how to plant a how we can plant a seed. water and seeds.
grow such as water, sand seed. Interact with the teacher by
Explain how to and sunlight. answering the open-ended
plant a seed Recognizing the questions.
importance of the
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
The Arabic teacher will take two group to do the Arabic activities.
I will take the other two groups to do with them the English activities.
Plant a seed activity Develop motor skills. Describe the activity for the The children will choose the bowel that Seeds + Water + Sand +
Identify the children. they like it. bowels.
important element Give the children the instruction Point on each resource and say the
to let the seed grow of how to plant. name of it.
such as water, sand They will use the sand first then they
and sunlight. will but the seed in the sand.
Recognizing the Give the seed some water in the end.
important of the Put the bowl in the play yard to let the
planting. seed face the sunlight.
Review for the lesson Recognize their 3 mins Ask the children about the Mention the important of None.
understanding of the important of the planting. planting.
important of the Ask them about the element that Mention the element that helps in
planting. success the planting. growing the seed.
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Transition for library Manage the children. 2 mins Praise the children how did will Clap their hands for the good A sticker for any child
by giving them sticker. students. who has done
Using the bell to manage the Stand still and quietly then they especially well.
children in lines. will move to the library.
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Circle time:
Surprise box.
Poster for part of the plant.
Activities time:
Paint activity.
Craft activity.
Backup activities:
Matching activity.
Puzzle activity.
Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the goal?)
I will assess the children individually through let each child identify the parts of the plant with pointing on the part and say the name of it. I will use a schedule include the
names of the children and the names of the plants parts. Then I will make a star under the name of the part that the children identify it and I will make an X under the name
of the part that the child didnt identify it. Thus, I will be able to recognize the goals that achieved and the goals that I need to work on it in the next lesson to make sure all
the children susses in gaining the correct knowledge and develop the skills. That will happen during the activities time. For example, when they finish the craft activity of
creating a flower then they will tell me about the name of the part and point on it.
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
Children will feel 2 mins Greets the children. Sit cross-legged with hands in None.
welcomed and be focused. their laps.
Say Good morning Children answer Good morning
Ask them how are you? Children answer the teacher fine
Remember the previous 2 mins Draw the children the picture of Tell the teacher about the thing Marker and
knowledge of what grows what grows in the garden. that grows in the garden. whiteboard.
in the garden.
Identify the parts of the 4 mins Use real plant to introduce the part Listen to the tiger puppet. Surprise box and
plant. of the plant. Interact with the teacher by guess real plant.
the names of the parts.
Surprise box
Recognize the names of 2 mins Use the poster to show the children Observe the teacher when she Poster for the
each part in the plant. the parts of the plant with their describes the parts of the plant. part of the plant
name. Repeat the names of the parts
Poster for part Ask the children to repeat the after the teacher.
names of the parts.
of the plant
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
The Arabic teacher will take two group to do the Arabic activities.
I will take the other two groups to do with them the English activities.
craft activity Develop Describe the activity for the The children will choose the White paper + Glue + Leaves + Wood
motor skills. children. car that they like it. stick + Cup to make the flower + Brown
Identify the Give the children the instruction of They will use the colour that crayon + Paints.
parts of the how to use the glue. they like to make the flower
plant. Ask them about with it.
Use the glue to stick the
leaves and the wood stick.
Use the brown crayon to make
the roots.
Point on each part and say the
name of it.
Paint activity Develop the Describe the activity for the The children will use their Pints + White paper.
motor skills. children. hand to create the flowers by
Identify the Apply the activity in front of them using the paint.
parts of the as an example. Then they will use their fingers
plant. to great the other parts of the
Matching activity. Improve Describe the activity for the It is a backup activity. When Paper includes the plant + Envelope
motor skills. children. any child will finish quickly include small paper of the parts name.
Recognize then he or she will do this
the names activity.
of the parts The children will match the
names with the parts.
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484
of the
Puzzle activities Improve Describe the activity for the It is a backup activity. When Puzzle of the plant that includes the
cognitive children. any child will finish quickly plants picture and the parts name.
skills. then he or she will do this
Identify the activity.
parts of the They will solve the puzzle to
plant. get the plant with the name of
each part.
Review for Part of the Recognize their 3 mins Ask the children about the names Mention the names of each part in None.
Plant understanding of the of each part in the plant. the plant.
parts of the plant.
Transition to Manage the children. 2 mins Praise the children how did will Clap their hands for the good A sticker for any
Playground by giving them sticker. students. child who has done
Using the bell to manage the stand still and quietly then they especially well.
children in lines. will move to the playground
Alya Ahmad Yasser H00283484