The Influence of Bond Stress Distribution On Ground Anchor Fixed Length Design. Field Trial Results and Proposal For Design Methodology
The Influence of Bond Stress Distribution On Ground Anchor Fixed Length Design. Field Trial Results and Proposal For Design Methodology
The Influence of Bond Stress Distribution On Ground Anchor Fixed Length Design. Field Trial Results and Proposal For Design Methodology
trial results and proposal for design methodology
L'influence de la rpartition des contraintes sur les tirants d'ancrage de longueur fixe. Rsultats de
planche d'essais et proposition de mthodologie de conception
Vukoti G.
Kellerterra, S.L.
Gonzlez Galindo J., Soriano A.
Universidad Politcnica de Madrid
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a brief analysis and comparison of different recommendations for a ground anchor fixed length
design and a load transfer capacity at grout-ground interface, comparing it with the full scale test results recently carried out in Spain.
Simple methodology for ground anchor routine design is proposed, incorporating efficiency factor as a conceptual control of anchor
capacity, and fixed length criteria to determine range of application of conventional anchors, with single fixed length unit, or Single
Bore Multiple Anchors (SBMA). Ground anchors discussed in this paper are cement pressure grouted, formed by pre-stressed strand
tendons that are installed in soil or rock.
RSUM: Cet article prsente une brve analyse et la comparaison des diffrentes recommandations pour la conception de tirant
dancrage de longueur fixe et la capacit de transfert de charge linterface coulis-sol, en le comparant avec les rsultats dessais
chelle relle obtenus en Espagne au cours des dernires annes. Une mthodologie simple pour la conception de tirant d'ancrage est
propose; elle intgre le facteur d'efficacit comme un contrle conceptuel de la capacit de lancrage et les critres de longueur fixe
pour dterminer le champ d'application des tirant dancrage conventionnels, dunique longueur fixe, ou dancrages multiples en un
unique forage (SBMA pour ses sigles en anglais). Les tirants d'ancrage dcrits dans ce document sont injects pression au moyen
dun coulis de ciment et sont forms par un faisceau de cbles dacier prcontraints qui sont installs dans le sol ou la roche.
KEYWORDS: anchor, fixed length, bond stress, efficiency factor.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013
The same mechanism of a non-linear load and bond One of the most extensive attempts to model construction
distribution was confirmed by laboratory full-scale test technique, characteristics and behaviour of anchors have been
accomplished by Weerasinghe (1993). It is also important to accomplished by Mecsi (1995), based on analysis of results
mention investigation done by Coates and Yu (1970), which from numerous installed and monitored anchors.
studied stress distribution around a cylindrical anchorage in Analytical solution and simple graphical method based on
triaxial stress field using finite element methods. The results the theory of expanded cylindrical cavity provide the possibility
emphasize the non-uniform bond stress distribution for the ratio to define the approximate pull-out capacity. The Analysis of
of the elastic modulus of the anchor material (EA) and the rock load distribution for the known anchor geometry and rigidity
(ER) less than 10 (EA/ER<10) , which is very common for wide permits determination of the specific pull-out resistance of a 1
range of rocks and soils in which anchors are usually m anchor length (tult) and the length of the fully mobilised bond
constructed. stress (Lb). Considering that only reduced percentage of
maximum bond stress can be mobilised over the remaining
2.3 Efficiency factor fixed anchor length (Lfix Lb), the ultimate anchor capacity can
be expressed by the following expression:
There have been a number of attempts to quantify the non- 1
uniform load distribution and to introduce effects of progressive Tult ult L 0 thk(L fix L 0 )
k (7)
debonding into Formula 1. Casanovas (1989) recommended
design based on definition of apparent fixed length (Lve) over ult
which the ultimate bond stress can be mobilized: k
Esteel Asteel ult
1 (8)
L fix log( 0.1 ) where: k = rigidity index, Esteel = steel deformation modulus,
L ve ( ) L0 (2) Asteel = steel tendon area, ult = (2)
elongation of the shear strength
L0 length (Lfix L0).
where: Lve = apparent fixed length over which ult (kN/m2)
operates, L0 = reference length of 1 m, 0 = reference value of 1 Based on data from Ostermayer and Scheele (1997), Woods
kN/m2. and Barkhordari (1997) proposed efficiency factor for its
incorporation in the expression for ultimate capacity of low-
To understand better efficiency factor concept it is possible pressured anchors in sand (Formula 10), recommended in BS
to analyze Figure 1 and to compare area A, that corresponds to 8081 (1989), which is a function both of fixed anchor length
the final and maximum load stage, with the total area below ult. and friction angle:
Area. A L fix (9)
f eff f eff exp(0.05 tan )
Area.below. ult L0
Then, ultimate anchor capacity can be expressed as follows: where: L0 = reference length of 1 m.
Tult d L fix fix f eff
(4) Tult f eff L fix ntan( ) (10)
Research based on over 60 full scale tests performed on
different anchor fixed lengths, installed in wide range of soil
(clays, silty clays, sandy clays, boulder clay and glacial till), 2.4 Single Bore Multiple Anchors - SBMA
permitted development of the concept of the efficiency factor This system involves the installation of a multiple unit anchors
(Barley 1995 and 1997, Barley and Windsor 2000). Figure 2 into a single borehole, with enough short unit lengths to reduce
presents the distribution of the values of the efficiency factor or even to avoid the progressive debonding. Each unit is formed
(feff) against anchor fixed length, and the best fit curve can be by individual tendon and is loaded with the corresponding unit
expressed by following expression: stressing jack, mobilizing its own capacity independently of
0 , 57
L fix other unit anchors.
f eff 1,6 Application of this system permits the unlimited theoretical
L0 (5) total fixed length, while conventional anchors formed by only
It is important to emphasize that Barleys efficiency factor is one unit do not provide beneficial effects in load capacity for
quite consistent with Ostermayer (1974) diagrammatic fixed length superior to 10 m as is stated by numerous authors
presentation of the ultimate medium skin friction against fixed and design guidelines or codes.
length for similar soil characteristics and anchor construction
process, as it can be seen in Figure 2.
Technical Committee 207 / Comit technique 207
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013
3.4 Summary
An extensive series of field anchor tests performed in different
soils showed that:
- there is no direct proportionality between fixed anchor
length and its ultimate load capacity;
- obtained values of the average ultimate bond stresses
in cohesive soils fit well with Ostermayers (1974)
diagrammatic presentation of skin friction against fixed
length, while results obtained in gravelly sands fit well
with Ostermayers and Scheele (1978) presentation of
ultimate load capacity vs. anchor length;
- ranges of obtained efficiency factors are consistent
with tendency of values proposed by Barley (1995);
- efficiency factor can be considered as a conceptual
control of anchor ultimate capacity;
- fixed anchor lengths longer than 10 m do not Figure 6. Flow chart for design of fixed anchor length.
contribute significant beneficial effects on capacity.
- SBMA anchors permits construction of high anchor
capacities that approach more than two times that of 5 REFERENCES
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