Easy Antennas For The SWL
Easy Antennas For The SWL
Easy Antennas For The SWL
Introduction 1
Section 1: Wire Antennas
1. The Basic Random Wire (or Longwire) 3
2. The Beverage Antenna 4
3. The Windom Antenna 5
4. The Half-Wave Dipole Antenna 6
5. The G5RV Antenna 7
6. An Eco-friendly Vertical Antenna 8
7. The Perimeter Loop 9
8. The Tilted Terminated Folded Dipole 10
Section 2: Loaded Antennas
9. A Window Mount Diamond Antenna 13
10. A Loaded Sloper Antenna 14
11. A Loaded Inverted Vee Antenna 15
12. A Compact Loaded Delta Loop 16
Section 3: Helpful Advice
Stuff You Can Use 18
Be Sure and Be Safe 23
Conclusion and About the Author 25
This booklet is designed for those who are relying on a receiver's whip antenna or
the simple and short wire antennas that are included with most of today's
portable receivers. While today's receiver technology certainly gets the most out
of simple antennas it cannot deliver much in the way of fainter signals. To
paraphrase the title of an old Radio Netherlands booklet, you need to "Give your
antenna some air!" and erect a proper outdoor antenna that can deliver signals to
your receiver that, until now, you have had little hope of hearing.
And you don't have to be a rocket scientist to design an antenna that will snag
much more DX than you a currently hearing. You just have to be ready to
experiment with your own situation and find a design that works best for you.
And it doesn't have to be a daunting task to figure out desired antenna length
and resonant frequency. The formulas for the various types of antenna are really
quite simple and are, in fact, all related.
There is something here for every shortwave listener who wants to get more out
of their receiver whether you live on a farm in the country or a small lot in the
city. By reading this booklet and trying out some of the designs, all of which I
have tried over my several decades in the hobby, I am quite confident that you
will soon be hearing great DX thanks to your new outdoor antenna.
Section One:
Wire Antennas
1. The Basic Random Wire (or Longwire)
Most of us started in this great hobby with the basic random wire. Other names
that have been used are longwire and inverted L. It is the easiest antenna to
erect and is the basis for all other designs.
Magnetic Longwire
Tree or Balun (see text) with
tall post end insulator
End insulator
At least 10 metres
of copper wire Coax to RCVR
This antenna is the simplest you can use and should be mounted as high as
possible to get it away from all sources of noise and interference. While the
inverted L, as it was once known, had a single wire lead-in, with today's EMI and
RFI, it is important to have a shielded input from the antenna to the receiver
using coax cable and a Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB)*. This is an
omnidirectional antenna design when kept to less than a hundred feet. In lengths
beyond that it can become somewhat directional.
*Magnetic longwire baluns (MLB) are found in the section Stuff You Can Use.
2. The Beverage Antenna
A variation of the random wire is the Beverage antenna. This antenna is very long
- several wavelengths in fact. As such, it requires a fair bit of real estate to work
effectively. A Beverage cut for the 60 meter band would be a minimum of 120
metres or 393 feet in length. It does not need to be mounted very high and in
some circumstances can be laid directly on the ground especially over rocky
terrain. It is bidirectional when connected like a random wire or becomes a
narrow beam antenna when the far end (away from the receiver) is grounded
with a wirewound resistor of at least 500. The more wavelengths the Beverage
is cut for greatly narrows the beam but increases received signal strength. In
areas of significant EMI or RFI a Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB)* will be required
to match the antenna to the coax lead-in.
*Magnetic longwire baluns (MLB) are found in the section Stuff You Can Use.
3. The Windom Antenna
This antenna is basically a random wire but with the lead-in mounted away from
the end closest to the receiver some 36% of the overall length of the wire. So,
using the example shown in Fig 3 of a ten metre wire, the lead-in would be 3.6
metres from the end insulator closest to the house. While the original design
called for a single wire lead-in, with today's EMI and RFI it is important to have a
shielded input from the antenna to the receiver using coax cable and a Magnetic
Longwire Balun (MLB)*. This is an omnidirectional antenna design that is
supposed to have more signal gain than a random wire.
*Magnetic longwire baluns (MLB) are foundin the section Stuff You Can Use.
4. The Half-Wave Dipole
The half-wave dipole has been an antenna of choice for many hams and SWLs for
many decades. It is the basic unit you see in directional antenna arrays like Yagi
Beams. In its simplest form it is a wire between two supports that is separated in
the middle by a balun where the coax to the receiver connects. The formula for
figuring out a dipole is L=468/f where L is the overall length of the antenna (both
halves combined) in feet and f is the resonant frequency in MHz.
Tree or other
end support End insulators
4:1 balun
Coax to RCVR
The dipole is bidirectional 90 and 180 degrees from its horizontal axis or the best
signals come in broadside to how it is run. Using the example of a 10 metre space
to run the antenna in the backyard, this half-wave dipole would resonate at
roughly 14 MHz which is pretty well mid-way in the HF spectrum.
Variations include running one or more shorter elements in combination with the
main element that only meet at the balun. This is called a multi-band dipole.
5. The G5RV Dipole
This is a variation on the basic half-wave dipole that was designed by a long-dead
British amateur radio operator with the call sign of G5RV. The two horizontal
elements are 51 feet in length and attach to 450 ladder line. It is best to make
a plastic form with four holes in it where they all attach - one each for both sides
of the antenna and ladder line. The ladder line is attached to a 1:1 balun just
above ground level and then coax is run to the receiver. Solder all connections.
Tree or other
end support End insulators
Line House
The G5RV tends to resonate around 14 MHz which is pretty well mid-way in the
HF spectrum and makes it a good general antenna.
Variations of this antenna have seen it cut in half to two horizontal elements
totalling 51 feet (G5RV Junior) and mounting it as an inverted vee antenna.
6. An Eco-friendly Vertical Antenna
Vertical antennas can be the easiest to erect. Just take a hunk of wire and
support it in a tree and hook it to your receiver. What can be easier than that?
Well, how about an easy vertical that uses household garbage as its form? Mailing
tubes or even the tubes that Christmas wrapping paper is rolled on often find
their way to the local landfill site. Turn that garbage into a form for a vertical
antenna. It's simple and it works.
Take a cardboard tube and punch a couple of holes near the top and bottom. Take
the cheapest wire (even scrap) that you can find and use the holes at one end of
the tube to tie it off. Wind the wire around the outside of the tube and tie it off at
the bottom. Bare each of the ends and repeat the process for each cardboard
tube that you have. Wrap the tubes in electrical tape and apply silicon as a
waterproofing and wrap again. Solder the tubes together. Solder a Magnetic
Longwire Balun (MLB)* to the wire at the bottom and attach a coax cable
between the MLB and your receiver and then mount the antenna as high as
Wire helically
wound on
cardboard tube
Magnetic Longwire
Balun (see text)
*Magnetic longwire baluns (MLB) are found in the section Stuff You Can Use.
7. A Perimeter Loop
A Perimeter Loop (also called a Sky Wire) is a loop antenna that is horizontal to
the ground. The idea is to run the antenna as high as possible around the
perimeter of a house lot or just the backyard. It is supported by posts or ropes
from trees. As with all loop antennas the formula for figuring out overall length is
L=1005/f where L is the length of all sides of the loop combined in feet and f is
the resonant frequency in MHz. It is an omnidirectional design but is said to have
fairly good gain properties over other designs including half-wave dipoles.
Because it does not take up a lot of room in the backyard the rest of the family
will not find it offensive as it does not detract from their outdoor activities.
4:1 Balun
Poles or trees for support
8. The Tilted Terminated Folded Dipole
390 Resistor
Basically this is a gigantic rectangular loop that is separated in two spots - at the
4:1 balun and directly opposite of it at the 390 resistor. The two sides are kept
apart by spacers - usually narrow wood dowels with holes drilled in each end to
allow the wire to feed through.
390 Resistor
4:1 Balun
Keep referring to the exploded view shown in Fig 10. The first formula to fiqure
out is D=9.8/f where D is the distance between the two horizontal legs in feet and
f is the frequency in MHz. The next formula, which is related, is L=164,000/f
where L is the distance in feet between the 390 resistor (or the 4:1 balun) to
the end of the leg plus one half of the value of D and f is the frequency in KHz.
Like the previous loaded sloper, we will use the example of roughly 10 metres as
the space to erect this antenna. We will try for an antenna that resonates at 10
MHz. 9.8/10 = 0.98 so the value of D is 1 foot. Every spacer will be one foot in
length. 164,000/10,000 = 16.4. One half of D is 0.5 so the distance between the
390 resistor (or the 4:1 balun) and the end of each leg will be 15.9 feet. Round
it off at 16 and you get a total of 66 feet of wire in this antenna or two halves of
33 feet.
Reread from Fig 10 on down over and over until you understand that you are
going to be taking some time, preferably indoors, to assemble this antenna. Think
about connecting the coax before you take it outside. Then, with rope at each
end, hoist it up and secure it as shown in Fig 9.
There is a lot of brain work required to plan for this antenna along with a fair bit
of construction but it is well worth it. If you are in an area of a lot of noise you
will find that this antenna does not pick up nearly as much of it as other designs.
And because this is being used as a receiving antenna, rather than one for
transmitting where a mismatch can be the difference between a faint QSO or no
QSO, you don't have to be as precise in your measurements.
Section Two:
Loaded Antennas
9. A Window Mount Diamond Antenna
This antenna is for apartment dwellers who cannot have an external antenna. It
uses load coils in a diamond shape and is hung from either a drapery track or a
suction mount clip on the window itself. It does not replace an outdoor antenna
but will outperform the whip antenna on your receiver.
4:1 Balun
Coax to RCVR
A four foot wood dowel keeps the diamond shape intact along with the hanging
assembly at the top and the balun at the bottom. A hole is drilled through each
end of the dowel and a rope is fed to act as a support for the four Magic Metal
Springs* which are soldered together except at the bottom where they are
soldered to the 4:1 balun. Run coax from the balun to your receiver.
* Magic Metal Springs are mentioned in the section Stuff You Can Use.
10. A Loaded Sloper
Sloper antennas have been popular and are still being marketed as ready-made
units and in kit form. The basic premise has one end of the antenna mounted up
in the air such as the peak of a roof of a house or near the gutter and the bottom
of the antenna is mounted on a fence or even staked to the ground. They usually
have some load coils inserted that lower the resonant frequency.
Coax to RCVR
The example I will use has space for a ten meter piece of wire to run from the top
of the house to the fence in the yard. Start by ensuring a Magnetic Longwire
Balun (MLB)* is attached to the end insulator at the top of the house. Cut the
wire into four pieces with lengths of one, two, three, and four meters. Solder one
end of the one meter piece to the MLB and the other to one of the loading coils.
Solder a two meter piece between this coil and another. Solder the three and four
meter pieces in a like fashion and terminate the four meter piece to the end
insulator at the fence. Run your coax from the MLB to your receiver.
Depending on how high the top end gets to be this can also be built as a windom
antenna with the MLB mounted 36% down from the top end taking into account
the electrical length of any load coils.
*Magnetic longwire baluns (MLB) are found in the section Stuff You Can Use
11. A Loaded Inverted Vee Dipole
An inverted vee dipole is used in circumstances where there just isn't enough real
estate for a full-length dipole. As the name suggests, the antenna forms an
upside down letter V. It needs to have one central support (a pole, tree, or a rope
between poles or trees) to affix the apex of the V. The ends of each leg are staked
to the ground. Because it is not a horizontal dipole it is also a bit more
omnidirectional. The formula for figuring out the overall length is L=498/f where L
is the length of each leg combined and f is the resonant frequency in MHz. By
inserting load coils in the middle of each leg we can further lower the resonant
4:1 Balun attached to pole, tree, or sky hook
Coax to RCVR
As depicted in Fig. 13 a loading coil is inserted in each of the wire legs. The coils
can be home built or adapted from various slinky toys. The top of each leg is
attached to a 4:1 balun and the bottom to stakes driven into the ground. Solder
all connections and attached a coax cable between the balun and your receiver.
A delta loop is a bidirectional loop antenna that takes the form of a triangle rather
than a square or a circle. As with all loop antennas the formula for figuring out
overall length is L=1005/f where L is the length of all sides of the loop combined
and f is the resonant frequency in MHz. The delta loop can be erected with its
apex attached to a central support (a pole, tree, or a rope between trees) or it
can be inverted so that the apex is at ground level. By inserting load coils in the
middle of each leg we can lower the resonant frequency even more and allow the
delta loop to be of a manageable size where it can be easily rotated making it a
beam antenna.
Load Coil
Load Coil (see text)
(see text)
1:1 Balun
Coax to RCVR
Load Coil
(see text)
All legs and the load coils are soldered together except the apex where the two
legs are soldered to a length of 450 ladder line which, in turn, is soldered to a
1:1 Balun where a coax cable connects it to the receiver. A wood frame or plastic
pipe can be used as a mount for this antenna and it can be made as small as 12
feet tall with a 12 foot long base making it easily steerable and it will become
something of a stealth antenna that your neighbours will not find offensive.
With such a 12X12 antenna I successfully logged AFN from Diego Garcia on 4319
KHz with only 3 KW of power.
Section Three:
Helpful Advice
Stuff You Can Use
DXers have used a variety of methods to feed antenna wire through tree branches
from bows and arrows to fly fishing rods but I prefer a truly Canadian method.
From Photo 3 you might think this is Hockey Night in Canada but it's not. The
lowly Canadian invention, the hockey puck, is one of the best tools for raising
antennas up high in trees. Hockey pucks are hard rubber discs of 3 inches (7.5
cm) in diameter and an inch (2.5 cm) thick. They weigh between 4 and 5 ounces
(60 g) and are quite durable. Drill a hole through them and feed a rope or lanyard
through the hole and you have the perfect counterweight for sending your
antenna skywards. Add as many as required for the job at hand.
A Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB) is used for balancing the high-Z resistance of a
simple wire antenna to a coaxial cable that feeds the signal from the antenna to
the receiver input. While older receivers allowed for a single wire input and
worked quite well with them, with the amount of electromagnetic (EMI) and radio
frequency (RFI) interference in our lives today, it is imperative that we shield the
signal lead-in to our radio shacks so that unwanted signals are rejected or at least
mitigated. Otherwise a perfectly good antenna becomes useless.
The basic circuit is shown in Fig 15 while Photo 3 shows a completed coil - three
or more of which are inserted into the circuit to perform the function of balancing
the input with a 9:1 match.
Fig 15: shows the basic circuit Photo 3: shows a coil form on a toroidal core.
The coils can be easily made by winding fine wire like litz on a toroidal core but
they can also be found on EBay as ready made units. The next step is to mount
the coil assemblies inside a weather proof enclosure with an alligator clip that is
soldered to the antenna wire and an SO-239 jack for connecting the coax to the
Other Baluns
Dipoles antennas are not truly balanced. They require some kind of a balun to
properly match them to the coax cable to the receiver. While they are readily
available from ham radio dealers it is possible to build them using the same basic
construction properties and the same types of coils as the magnetic longwire
balun. An example of the circuit for a 1:1 balun is shown below. Adding more
coils will adjust the balancing ratio. You will also need an extra alligator clip so
that both sides of the antenna are connected. Ensure all connections are
Load Coils
Load coils have long been used for a variety of functions. Telephone companies
used to deploy them to increase the range of voice services on rural and long
distance cables. Hams and DXers use them to insert an electrically-greater length
of wire in a physically small space. Thus, by using them, the resonant frequency
of antennas can be lowered allowing for a better antenna system in a small area.
They are easy enough to build. Even something flimsy like toilet paper rolls can
be put to use as a coil form but wooden dowels and pieces of PVC pipe make
great ones. Drill holes in either end to feed hook up wire through and simply wrap
it around the dowel or pipe starting at one end and ending at the other leaving
some slack on each end for connecting to your antenna wire or another load coil.
Just make sure each one is the same length and contains the same amount of
wire otherwise you may end up with a bit of a mismatch.
I am a big fan of using slinky-like toys for load coils. The original Slinky toy
contains about 20 metres of metal in its coils. To ensure that they don't short out
the toy is extended to about 8 feet in length so it does take up a fair bit of space.
They seem to give an electrical length of 13 metres.
A smaller variation is the Magic Metal Spring sold at dollar stores. In Canada it is
imported by Handee Products of Montreal. It is only about an inch and a quarter
in diameter but contains 9.75 metres of metal. It only has to be extended about
24 inches so that the individual coils don't short out. So, four of these can sit in
the same space as a single extended Slinky toy. In practice these coils give an
electrical distance of between 5 and 6 metres.
It was these Magic Metal Spring toys that I used in the loaded inverted vee dipole
that is described on page 10. Three of them were inserted inside of each PVC
conduit (as shown in Photo 1) and soldered together.
As well as the items that make up erecting an antenna, such as wire, tape,
silicone, baluns, end insulators, and the like, there are a number of tools that are
essential to the success of the operation. A good selection are shown in Photo 5.
Certain tools are no-brainers: such as various pliers, knives, scissors, and wire
strippers. Some that don't immediately come to mind can make the task of
erecting an antenna less stressful such as: a Butane torch that can be used as a
soldering iron outdoors; a Volt-Ohm Meter for checking continuity. Some VOM
meters will also measure capacitance, inductance, and frequency with audible
voice readouts.
Another handy tool is an antenna analyzer for having some way of checking SWR
and resonant frequency. While stand-alone units that do all of this with digital
readouts are quite pricey the MFJ-207 is an analogue unit that can be found on
EBay for a reasonable price. It has an RF output so, with just a few inches of wire
and a separate frequency counter (also available for a reasonable price on EBay),
you can check SWR and have a digital readout of the resonant frequency of the
antenna under construction.
Be Sure and Be Safe
I retired from Bell Canada in 2010 after 32 years of service. There was not a
single day go by that safety was not drilled into us. Bell's attitude was that no job
was to be done or activity undertaken if it could not be done safely. And so must
you practice safety first when installing and maintaining antennas. Here are some
steps you can take to ensure that you are still healthy enough to enjoy listening
to shortwave radio.
1. Always ensure that the antenna can be erected safely. If you need help - get it!
Don't rely on rickety ladders and the like.
2. Use the proper tools. If you need a knife, don't subsitute a screwdriver. If you
don't have the proper tool, buy it. You can always use them elsewhere. See Photo
5 on page 15 for a view of a selection of the proper tools you should have.
3. Ensure that no antennas can ever come into contact with overhead hydro
wires. If necessary, move your shack to the opposite side of the house to
facilitate this.
4. If you are going to be digging or drilling into the ground or driving stakes call
your local telephone, gas, and hydro utilities so that they can advise you if there
are any buried utilities where you wish to work. While this is common sense and
the law in some jurisdictions many do not heed this warning. Doing this ahead of
time helps to avoid service disruptions and can save your life if you were planning
on digging where buried hydro or gas lines are located.
5. Ensure that a proper lightning arrestor is inserted where the coax enters the
house and that it provides a proper path to ground that is independent of your RF
and household hydro grounds. Always disconnect your equipment from your
antennas before an electrical storm and if you are going to be away from your
shack. Static build up and near misses can be almost as dangerous to your
equipment as a direct strike.
7. And when all else fails follow the old farming saying "Make hay while the sun
shines." Do spend part of each spring and summer repairing broken antennas or
replacing damaged ones with new ones.
Photo 7: The author's home after 25 cm snowfall
In areas with harsh winter climates, like where I live, working on antennas in
snow and sleet and bone-chilling temperatures is something to be avoided. For
that reason, I always try to have at least three antennas available before the
winter DX season sets in. If one fails due to repeated bashing by the elements, I
still have two to fall back on and I don't have to go out into the elements to effect
repairs. If you simply must go out in the elements to fix a broken antenna
exercise extreme caution and dress for elements. If your hands are getting too
cold to do intricate work then get back indoors and warm up.
Designing and building your own antennas can be a rewarding part of the hobby.
It can also raise your standing in the DX community as you can then be of
assistance to those who, for various reasons, cannot errect their own antennas.
The point of this booklet is just to get you weaned off of whip antennas and those
cheap pieces of wire that come with a lot of receivers and get you started in
erecting a good outdoor antenna. If you want to get more involved in this aspect
of the hobby there is a plethora of well written books on the topic from sources
like the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and CQ Communications. The two I
rely on the most, however, are both by the late Joe Carr. "Receiving Antenna
Handbook" and "Loop Antenna Handbook" are both still in print and available
from Universal Radio.
Mark Coady has been in the hobby for over 40 years and has been an active
member of the Ontario DX Association for over 30 of those years. He has written
numerous articles for the ODXA over that span and has edited its monthly, now
weekly, shortwave loggings column for well over a decade. Antenna design has
become a passionate sideline of the hobby for him and he loves to impart his
advice and experiences to others. Retired after a long career with Bell Canada,
Mark lives just outside of Peterborough, Ontario with his wife, Susan, and four
cats and, of course, his beloved shortwave radio receivers.