Fluids - Lecture 11 Notes: Introduction To Compressible Flows
Fluids - Lecture 11 Notes: Introduction To Compressible Flows
Fluids - Lecture 11 Notes: Introduction To Compressible Flows
volume volume
constant decreases
p V p V
Lagrangian control volume
control volume
Incompressible Compressible
Many of the relations developed for incompressible (i.e. low speed) flows must be revisited
and modified. For example, the Bernoulli equation is no longer valid,
1 2
p+ V 6= constant
since = constant was assumed in its derivation. However, concepts such as stagnation
pressure po are still usable, but their definitions and relevant equations will be different from
the low speed versions.
Some flow solution techniques used in incompressible flow problems will no longer be appli-
cable to compressible flows. In particular, the technique of superposition will no longer be
generally applicable, although it will still apply in some restricted situations.
Perfect gas
A perfect gas is one whose individual molecules interact only via direct collisions, with no
other intermolecular forces present. For such a perfect gas, the properties p, , and the
temperature T are related by the following equation of state
p = RT
where R is the specific gas constant. For air, R = 287J/kg-K . It is convenient at this point
to define the specific volume as the limiting volume per unit mass,
V 1
lim =
V0 m
which is merely the reciprocal of the density. In general, the nomenclature specific X is
synonymous with X per unit mass. The equation of state can now be written as
p = RT
Thermodynamics Concepts
Internal Energy and Enthalpy
The law of conservation of energy involves the concept of internal energy, which is the sum
of the energies of all the molecules of a system. In fluid mechanics we employ the specific
internal energy, denoted by e, which is defined for each point in the flowfield. A related
quantity is the specific enthalpy, denoted by h, and related to the other variables by
h = e + p
e = cv T
h = cp T
where cv and cp are specific heats at constant volume and constant pressure, respectively.
h e = p = (cp cv )T
and comparing to the equation of state, we see that
cp cv = R
Defining the ratio of specific heats, cp /cv , we can with a bit of algebra write
cv = R
cp = R
so that cv and cp can be replaced with the equivalent variables and R. For air, it is handy
to remember that
= 1.4 = 2.5 = 3.5 (air)
1 1
Over the short time interval dt, the CV undergoes a process where it receives work w and
heat q from its surroundings, both per unit mass. This process results in changes in the
state of the CV, described by the increments de, dh, dp . . . The first law of thermodynamics
for the process is
q + w = de (1)
This states that whatever energy is added to the system, whether by heat or by work, it
must appear as an increase in the internal energy of the system.
The first law only makes a statement about de. We can deduce the changes in the other
state variables, such as dh, dp, . . . if we assume special types of processes.
2. Reversible process, no dissipation occurs, implying that work must be only via volu-
metric compression, or dw = p d. This rules out work done by friction forces.
e + de T2
e p d 2
Isentropic flow process
from state 1 to state 2
Isentropic relations
Aerodynamic flows are effectively inviscid outside of boundary layers. This implies they have
negligible heat conduction and friction forces, and hence are isentropic. Therefore, along the
pathline followed by the CV in the figure above, the isentropic version of the first law applies.
p d = de (2)
This relation can be integrated after a few substitutions. First we note that
1 d
d = d =
and with the perfect gas relation
de = cv dT = R dT
the isentropic first law (2) becomes
d 1
p 2
= R dT
d 1 R
= dT
1 p
d 1 dT
1 T
The final form can now be integrated from any state 1 to any state 2 along the pathline.
ln = ln T + const.
= const. T 1/(1)
2 T2
= (3)
1 T1