Wang 1987
Wang 1987
Wang 1987
Bi -Huei Wang
Harza Engineering Company
150 South Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606
ABSTRACT. Designs of most major dams and spillways are based on proba-
ble maximum floods (PMF). When properly estimated, PMFs provide the
basis for confident sizing of spillway. There are, however, many fac-
tors which affect the estimation of a PMF. In analyzing each of these
factors, certain assumptions have to be made and subjective judgements
exercised. Depending on these assumptions and judgements, reSUlting PMF
estimates may be quite different. This paper provides a brief summary
of current practices in PMF estimation and application, and offers some
guidelines for such practices. It also includes a comparison and dis-
cussion of PMF and risk-based analysis for spillway design.
v. P. Singh fed.), Application of Frequency and Risk in Water Resources, 23-33.
1987 by D. Reidel Publishing Company.
24 B. H. WANG
PMP was once known as maximum possible precipitation (MPP). The main
reason for the change from MPP to PMP was that MPP carried a stronger
implication of a physical upper limit of precipitation than does PMP.
PMP is preferred because of uncertainties surrounding any estimate of
maximum precipitation.
In a publication by the World Meteorological Organization (1973),
PMP is defined conceptually as "the theoretically greatest depth of
precipitation for a given duration that is phYSically possible over a
particular drainage basin at a particular time of year". Operationally,
however, it is the estimated precipitation for a given duration, drain-
age area, and time of year for which th~re is virtually no risk of being
exceeded, assuming that there is no long-term climatic trend.
The magnitude and intensity of a PMP varies with duration. The duration
of the PMP that causes the most critical flood at a damsite is the cri-
tical duration. In general, the critical duration is short for a small
basin and long for a large basin. The flood regulating capacity of
reservoirs located at or upstream of a project site also affects the
length of critical duration.
To determine the critical duration, inflow hydrographs resulting
from PMP of various durations should be derived and routed through the
proposed reservoir. The duration of the PMP that causes the maximum
flood surcharge and outflow is the critical duration. In practice,
however, to avoid the need for estimating PMPs of various durations, the
critical duration is often estimated based on the size of the drainage
area and the flood storage capacity of all reservoirs located at and
upstream from the proposed site.
For a small drainage area and a small reservoir storage capacity, a
short duration of six hours or less may be critical. On the other hand,
for a large drainage area and a large reservoir capacity, a long dura-
tion of three days or more may be critical.
The general guideline for determining the critical duration is that
it should be at least equivalent to the time of concentration of the
For the purpose of estimating the PMP for a specific basin, rain storms
can be classified as "general-storms" or "local-storms". A general-
storm normally lasts more than 6 hours. It is associated with a major
synoptic weather system and generally produces precipitation over an
area in excess of 500 mi 2 (1,300 km2 ). A "local-storm" seldom lasts
more than 6 hours. It is commonly referred to as a thunder storm and
produces precipitation over an area of less than 500 mi 2 (1,300 km 2 ).
The magnitude and time distribution of general- and local-storm
PMPs are generally quite different. For a project basin with a critical
duration of 6 hours or less, local-storm PMP generally would produce the
PMF. For a critical duration of more than 24 hours, a general-storm
normally would be more critical. For a critical duration of 6 to 24
hours, both types of storms would need to be analyzed to determine
whether the local- or general-storm PMP would be more critical.
For most of the United States, generalized PMPs have been estimated and
published by the National Weather Service (previously the Weather
Bureau) in collaboration with other agencies such as the Army Corps of
Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and
the Soil Conservation Service. These publications are contained in a
series of Hydrometeorological Reports, or Technical Papers, available
from the Government Printing Office or the National Weather Service.
Using generalized PMP available in these publications, PMPs of
various durations can be estimated for a storm area of any size and at
any location. Based on these estimates, a synthetic PMP isohyetal map
can be constructed and superimposed on the basin maps of the same scale.
A step-by-step procedure for applying the generalized PMP estimates
generally is included in the publication containing the estimates.
2.5. Snowmelt
3.1.1. Retention losses. Not all of the PMP runs off during the flood
period. Some is intercepted by foliage before it reaches the ground,
some is retained in surface depressions, some is lost due to evapotrans-
piration, and some infiltrates into the ground. These losses are gener-
ally grouped into a single term called retention losses.
Estimation of retention losses generally is accomplished by one of
two methods; the infiltration approach and the runoff curve method.
The infiltration approach follows the concept of representing the re-
tention losses with a fixed amount of initial retention followed by a
continuous retention at a constant rate. The initial retention may
range from a few tenths of an inch (a few millimeters) during wet sea-
sons to over 4 inches (100 millimeters) during dry seasons, depending
primarily on the soil and vegetative cover of the basin. However, major
storms generally occur in wet season during which the soil is wet or
28 B. H. WANG
3.1.4. Base flow. Base flow is that portion of streamflow derived from
groundwiterstOrage. Its contribution to the PMF peak discharge and
pumped back to the upper reservoir during the off-peak hours. For such
a project, special attention is required in applying the PMF estimate.
This is because the PMF can arrive at any time in the pumping-generating
cycle, and depending on when in the cycle the PMF arrives, the lower, or
the upper, reservoir surface can rise rapidly and over-top the dam. In
such cases, a flood operation plan has to be formulated to interrupt the
normal operation cycle when the incoming flood exceeds a certain magni-
There are two basic approaches for determining design flooda for maj or
dams and spillways. One approach is to use the PMF and the other
approach is to use a flood of selected recurrence interval based on a
risk analysis.
The first approach is based on the philosophy that dam failures
should be prevented at any cost if such failures would cause loss of
human lives. This approach does not directly consider optimum alloca-
tion of national resources but it offers the basis on which the engi-
neering profession has the most confidence for sizing spillways. It
appears to meet a stsndsrd of reasonable care as demonstrated by the
performance of dams over the past several decades (U.S. National
Research Council, 1985). It also minimizes dam owner's liability on
damages due to failure of their dams. This is becoming increasingly
important in view of recent court cases which indicate a trend of victim
compensation for damage caused by dam failures.
The second approach is based on the theory that society cannot
afford the cost of preventing all dams from failure and that the assign-
ment of an infinite value to human life is wasteful and contrary to
common practices on expenditures for safety in other phases of human
society. This approach allows the incorporation of risk analysis in
selecting the design floods and, thus, avoid overdesign of dams and
spillways. The difficulty of a credible risk analysis, however, is
tremendous. This is because most major dams and spillways would have to
be designed for a flood having a recurrence interval of several thousand
years or more. Any estimstion of such a flood is subject to great
uncertainty. The estimation of cost of risks also requires the determi-
nation of a flood damage function. Accurate determination of such a
relationship between damage and flood magnitude is often difficult,
especially considering the general reluctance in assigning monetary
value to human life. Furthermore, a risk analysis considered valid
today may be nullified in a short period of 10 or 20 years by changes in
downstream development and other factors included in the risk analysis.
In a recent publication by the U.S. National Research Council
(1985), an inventory of current practices on dam safety against extreme
floods is given. This inventory shows considerable diversity in
approach by various federal, state, and local government agencies and
privately owned companies. However, there is a fair concenSUB on the
spillway requirements for large, high hazard dams. This concensus is to
design a new large, high hazard dam for the PMF. No similar concensus
32 B.H. WANG
exists for existing dams of high hazard potential or new and existing
dams of intermediate and low hazard potentials. For such dams, floods
ranging from a PMF to a much smaller flood based on a risk or probabil-
ity analysis are used for design purposes depending on the individual
situation of the dam.
In any case, the utilization of PMFs for design of new major dams
will likely continue. It is also likely that employment of a risk-based
analysis in the process of selecting or evaluating the design flood will
increase. Results of the risk-based analysis, however, will likely be
used as supplementary information in the design of new large high hazard
dams although they may be used as the sole or primary basis in the
design of new, smaller, intermediate and low hazard dams. Risk-based
analysis is also likely to find increased application in the selection
of alternative measures for upgrading spillway capacities of existing
dams of intermediate- and high- hazard potentials.
(a) Books.
Riedel, J.T., Wang, B.H. and Diebel, J.L. 1982. 'Site Specific
Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimates, Upper South Platte
River Basin Colorado', in: A.I. Johnson and R.A. Clark
(Editors), Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Hydrometeorology, American Water Resources Association,
Bethesda, Md. pp. 517-522.