Cascaded Light Propagation Volumes For Real-Time Indirect Illumination
Cascaded Light Propagation Volumes For Real-Time Indirect Illumination
Cascaded Light Propagation Volumes For Real-Time Indirect Illumination
Figure 1: Real-time rendering (58fps on a NVIDIA GTX285 at 1280 × 720 resolution) of the “Crytek Sponza” scene (262k triangles, available
at using our method for indirect illumination with 3 cascades of light propagation volumes
(LPVs, with 50, 25 and 12.5 meters grid spacing; the scene extend is about 37 × 15 × 22m3 ). Lights, camera, and geometry can be fully
dynamic. The time required for the computation of the indirect illumination is about 10 milliseconds only. Right: We add participating media
(single-scattering) effects rendering at 34 fps by ray marching through the LPV. The overhead for ray marching is about 18ms.
∗ e-mail: 3, and handles large, fully dynamic scenes through nested lattices
† e-mail: of different resolutions. We focus on plausible approximations for
c 2010. This is the author’s version of the work. It is real-time applications rather than on physically-correct rendering of
posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for indirect illumination. Our method is best suited for low-frequency
redistribution. The definitive version was published in the Proceed- indirect lighting from diffuse surfaces; we discuss the limitations
ings of the 2010 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games. arising from spatial discretization, low-order spherical harmonics, and the propagation scheme.
2 Previous Work faces, and more accurately where geometric detail is present. This
A tremendous amount of research has been conducted in the field of idea has been further improved with smart clustering of the RSM’s
global illumination (GI). We focus on previous work that has been pixels [Nichols et al. 2009]. Note that all aforementioned methods
presented in the context of interactive rendering. For a more compre- compute one-bounce indirect illumination without occlusion only.
hensive overview of non-interactive methods we refer to [Dutré et al. Ritschel et al. [2008] present an efficient method to quickly generate
2006]. We roughly classify the methods for interactive applications hundreds of imperfect shadow maps. These allow the approximation
into five categories. of the indirect illumination from VPLs with sufficient quality. How-
ever, in order to avoid flickering and to provide temporal coherence a
large number of VPLs is required (typically hundreds to thousands),
Classic methods Huge progress has been made in the field of
and obviously this takes a toll on performance and prevents high
ray tracing. Although recent work achieves interactive performance
frame rates in dynamic scenes.
with complex lighting effects [Wang et al. 2009], these methods are
still not applicable to real-time applications with complex scenes.
Lattice-based methods The Discrete Ordinates Method
Recently, variants of radiosity methods tailored for graphics hard-
ware have also been introduced. Dong et al. [2007] achieves in- (DOM) [Chandrasekhar 1950] discretizes the quantities in the
teractive global illumination for small scenes, where visibility was radiative transfer equation (RTE) in space and orientation (DOMs
evaluated directly on the hierarchical link mesh. Explicit visibility are typically used for computing radiative transfer in participating
computations can be replaced by an iterative process using anti- media). These discrete values are used to approximate the different
radiance [Dachsbacher et al. 2007]. Although interactive GI in terms in the RTE: the radiance distribution is stored in a 3D grid,
moderately complex scenes becomes possible, the use of dynamic and light is exchanged between neighboring volume elements,
objects is restricted. Bunnell [2005] coarsely approximates indirect reducing the computation to local interactions only. A variant
illumination and ambient occlusion using a finite element technique of these methods postulates a simple photon transport model
allowing for deforming objects. that describes a diffusion process to compute light transport in
participating media based on the lattice-Boltzmann method [Geist
et al. 2004]. Recently, Fattal [2009] presented an improvement of
Precomputed and low-frequency radiance transfer Many
DOMs to reduce light smearing (due to repeated interpolation) and
techniques for real-time GI precompute the light transport includ-
ray effects (due to discretized directions). Note that although these
ing all visibility information which entails restrictions such as
methods are efficient, and (potentially) highly parallel, they do not
static [Sloan et al. 2002] or semi-static scenes [Iwasaki et al. 2007].
run at interactive frame rates.
Hašan et al. [2007] approximate GI by many point lights and present
a scalable GPU-technique for high-quality images targeting render-
ing times of few seconds. The radiance transfer is often represented 3 Light Propagation Volumes
in spherical harmonics (SH) basis. Recently, the limitations of these
methods have been eased, e.g. Sloan et al. [2007] demonstrate real- Our work is inspired by the discrete ordinate methods and the Lattice-
time indirect illumination for low-frequency incident lighting and Boltzmann lighting technique (as such there is a conceptual similar-
visibility when these are represented with a small number of SH. ity to volume grid radiosity and grid-based fluid advection methods).
Similar to these approaches, we represent the lighting in a scene
Screen-space methods In recent years, GPU-friendly tech- sampled on a lattice. This allows us to model the light transport
niques operating in image space became popular, and are presently using simple, local operations that in turn can be easily parallelized.
widely used. As any standard shadow map, the reflective shadow We base our computation on intensity stored in each cell of this lat-
map (RSM) [Dachsbacher and Stamminger 2005] captures directly tice. Our contributions include a fast initialization of the lattices for
lit surfaces, but stores additional information that is required to com- light propagation that can be computed from scratch for every frame,
pute the indirect illumination from these surfaces such that each a novel propagation scheme that propagates along the main axial
pixel can be seen as a small light source. Rendering indirect illu- directions (opposed to 26 directions in other schemes) while still
mination from the RSM can be implemented via sampling a subset providing good results for low-frequency lighting, and a hierarchical
of the pixel lights. Screen space ambient occlusion [Mittring 2007; approach for handling large scenes.
Bavoil et al. 2008] is part of almost any real-time rendering engine
It is well known that grid based methods suffer from two major
nowadays. Recently, Ritschel et al. [2009b] extended these methods
errors. The so-called ray effect stems from the discretization of the
by accounting for directional lighting and show colored shadows and
directions in which light can travel and causes distracting beams
indirect illumination. Note that these techniques compute light trans-
of light. Repeated averaging during the propagation itself further
port over small distances (in image space) only, and typically require
causes light smearing in space. It is evident that such methods –
post-processing to reduce sampling artifacts. Image Space Photon
which are typically applied in the domain of participating media –
Mapping recasts the initial and final photon bounces of traditional
are not well suited for high-frequency (direct) lighting. For these
photon mapping as image-space operations on the GPU [McGuire
reasons we follow the idea of Ramankutty and Crosbie’s modified
and Luebke 2009], and achieves interactive to real-time frame rates
DOM [1997], and use the grid-based lighting for low-frequency light
for complex scenes. Ritschel et al. [2009a] accellerate final gathering
only, where these errors are tolerable, especially in the real-time
with a parallel micro-rendering technique running on the GPU. They
rendering context of our target applications.
support BRDF importance sampling and report interactive frame
rates for complex scenes. In the following we describe the basic steps of our method. For
this we assume that our scene is embedded into a 3D grid of a fixed
Instant radiosity methods The entire lighting in a scene can be resolution (we remove this limitation by introducing cascaded grids
approximated by a set of virtual point lights (VPLs) [Keller 1997], in Sect. 4). We have two grids, one storing the intensity that is ini-
and techniques based on this instant radiosity idea have gained much tialized from the surfaces causing indirect lighting or low-frequency
attention in recent years. RSMs can be used to create VPLs for one direct lighting; and a second grid that stores a volumetric approxi-
bounce of indirect light, and their contribution can be accumulated mation of the scene geometry and is used for fuzzy blocking as the
in screen space using splatting [Dachsbacher and Stamminger 2006], light travels through the scene. Both grids store a spherical func-
or multi-resolution splatting [Nichols and Wyman 2009]. The latter tion represented as low-frequency SH approximation. We discuss
computes the indirect lighting at a lower resolution for smooth sur- difficulties arising from coarse light propagation volumes in Sect. 7.
Computing the indirect lighting with our technique consists of four Hanrahan 2001], and rotated to the direction np [Sloan 2008]. We
subsequent steps: scale these coefficients by the flux to obtain the SH coefficients for
a VPL.
• Initialization of the light propagation volume (LPV) with the
surfaces causing indirect lighting and low-frequency direct Note that the flux of a VPL already accounts for the area of the
light (area light sources). pixel from which a VPL has been created. Thus there is no further
scaling required, and we can accumulate the intensities, i.e. the
• Sampling of the scene’s surfaces using depth peeling from the
coefficients of the SH approximation, in the grid cells. In fact, we
camera, and multiple reflective shadow maps. This information
use 3 coefficient vectors to represent RGB data; however, for the
is used to create a coarse volumetric representation of blocker
explanation of our method we shown only one component.
• Light propagation starting from the initial LPV and accumu- Every VPL is treated in this way and then “injected” into the LPV.
lating the intermediate results (yielding the final light distribu- After determining the grid cell we simply accumulate the SH coeffi-
tion). cients. Note that this process introduces spatial discretization of the
lighting and inherently assumes that the surfaces causing indirect
• Lighting the scene geometry using the propagated light. In ad- lighting do not occlude each other inside a single cell.
dition to directly applying the LPV for diffuse lighting, we also
present plausible approximations to glossy indirect lighting
Low-frequency direct light The second kind of VPL accounts for
and participating media.
low-frequency direct lighting from area lights, environment maps
and larger groups of point lights, such as those stemming from
3.1 LPV Initialization particle systems. Again, we create a dense sampling, i.e. several
hundreds to thousands of VPLs for these light sources, and inject
We use the light propagation volume (LPV) to compute the low- them into the LPV in exactly the same way as those created from
frequency lighting in a scene only, i.e. mainly the indirect light. The RSMs. VPLs from environment maps are injected into the outer
first step is to transform the surfaces causing that lighting into the di- layer of the LPV cells; other VPLs outside the grid are omitted.
rectional intensity representation and initialize the LPV accordingly.
Strong direct lighting and shadowing from point or directional light The result of the LPV initialization pass is a grid of initial intensity
sources is computed using traditional techniques such as shadow distributions that is used to compute the light propagation in the
mapping. scene. In order to reduce the number of injected VPLs, we also
examined clustering similar to the light cuts method [Walter et al.
The initialization is based on the idea that one can convert the low- 2005]. However, the injection pass proved to be very cheap and
frequency lighting into a set of virtual point lights (VPLs), in the clustering mostly did not amortize in our experiments.
spirit of [Keller 1997]. However, we use a significantly larger num-
ber of VPLs than typical instant radiosity methods, since we do
not compute their contribution individually, but only use them to 3.2 Scene Geometry Injection
initialize the LPV.
In addition to the initial intensity distribution we create a volumetric
representation of the scene’s surfaces. This coarse approximation of
Indirect light We first create VPLs accounting for indirect lighting the geometry is used for blocking the light during propagation and
by rendering a reflective shadow map (RSM) [Dachsbacher and thus for computing indirect shadows.
Stamminger 2005] for every light source. A RSM is an extended
shadow map that can be quickly created in a single render pass on the We aim at fully dynamic scenes without precomputation and conse-
GPU. It captures the directly lit surfaces that cause the first-bounce quently this information has to be created on the fly as well. To this
indirect lighting. Each texel of a RSM can be interpreted as a small end, we re-use the sampling of the scene’s surfaces that is stored in
area light source with a spectral and directional intensity distribution, the depth and normal buffers of the camera view (using a deferred
Ip (ω), determined by the orientation np of the texel and its reflected renderer) and in the RSMs. Note that we typically created RSMs for
flux Φp : numerous light sources and thus have a dense sampling of a large
Ip (ω) = Φp hnp |ωi+ , portion of the scene’s surfaces. If required, we can gather more
information by adding depth-peeling passes for the RSMs or the
where h.|.i+ denotes the dot product with negative values clamped camera view. It is also possible to use a precomputed point sampling
to zero; we omit spectral dependence here for simplicity. The next of the surfaces, similar to [Ritschel et al. 2008], but this implies
step is to transform all VPLs into the SH representation and store additional storage and transformation costs.
their contributions in the LPV cells. We can easily determine the
cell in which the VPL resides. However, if the VPL points away
from that cell’s center, we do not want to add its contribution to this Fuzzy occlusion Each sample represents a small surface element
cell, but rather to the next cell in order to avoid self lighting and (surfel) with a given location, orientation, and size. We model the
shadowing. For this, we virtually move each VPL by half the cell occlusion in spirit of [Sillion 1995], and assume that we can use
spacing in the direction of its normal, before determining the cell. In the accumulated blocking potential of surfels in a grid cell as a
that cell, we only take the orientation of the VPL into consideration, probability for blocking light from a certain direction going through
i.e. we ignore its exact positioning inside that cell. that cell. By this, we can render soft shadows, but surfaes smaller
than the grid size, e.g. foliage, do not produce resolved shadows.
We use SH to represent the directional distribution of intensity. Using
n bands of SH yields n2 coefficients, cl,m , for the basis functions, The amount of blocking by one of these surfels depends on its
yl,m (ω), both indexed by the band l and degree m with −l ≤ m ≤ l. size, and on the cosine of the angle between its normal and the
We can easily derive analytical expressions for the SH coefficients light direction in question. The blocking probability of a single
of a clamped cosine-lobe centered around a given direction vector, surfel with area As , and normal ns in a cell of grid size s is thus
the VPL normal np is this case. A clamped cosine oriented along B(ω) = As s−2 hns |ωi+ . Note that we assume that scene objects
the z-axis can be expressed in zonal harmonics [Ramamoorthi and are closed surfaces and thus use a clamped cosine lobe for the
Face f
ωc nl
I(ω) potential
source cell propagation along source cell destination cell reprojection of the flux cell centers
axial directions into a point light of geometry volume
Figure 2: Left: Each cell of the LPV stores the directional intensity used to compute the light that is propagated from a source cell to its 6 (4 in
2D) neighbors. Center: We compute the flux onto the faces of the destination cell to preserve directional information. Right: We account for
fuzzy occlusion by storing a volumetric representation of the scene in a second grid.
blocking probability. This is also because a low-order SH projection the dot product of the SH-vectors cl,m and vl,m . These “transfer
of an absolute cosine degrades to a near isotropic function. vectors” vl,m can be precomputed once and stored for the propaga-
tion scheme. The problem, however, is that the integral value can
be very inaccurate for low-order SH approximations, and thus we
Injection Similar to the VPL injection we accumulate the SH propose using a different strategy for this case.
projections of the blocking potential into the geometry volume (GV). R Instead of a transfer
vector we compute the solid angle ∆ωf = Ω V (ω)dω of each face
This accumulation process is correct if there is only one surface in the destination cell, and determine the central direction ωc of
intersecting a grid cell as the mutual occlusion of surface samples the visibility cone. The flux reaching the face is then computed as
within a cell cannot be resolved (this is ameliorated by the use of ∆ωf /(4π) · I(ωc ). Effectively this means that we take the intensity
screen-space ambient occlusion; see Sect. 7). The GV has the same in direction ωc as average intensity over the solid angle.
resolution as the LPV, but is shifted by half a cell, such that its cell
centers are located at the corners of the LPV cells to achieve better
interpolation of the blocking potential during light propagation. Reprojection Using this propagation we obtain the incident flux
for each face of a destination cell and then transform it into outgoing
A surface might be sampled in the camera view and one or more intensity for the subsequent propagation again. For this we compute
RSMs, and we need to ensure that its blocking is not accumulated the intensity of a new point light source (with the same emission
multiple times. For this, each buffer is accumulated into a separate characteristics as our VPLs) at the destination cell’s center pointing
GV and after injection the GVs are merged into one using a maxi- towards the face and causing exactly as much flux as the face received
mum operation on the SH-vectors. As an optimization we can also due to the propagation. That is, the flux on the Rface, Φf , is equal
reuse the surface samples from previous frames (for static geome- to the total emitted flux of the point light: Φf = Ω Φl hnl , ωi+ dω,
try), which reduces the cases where surfaces are not captured by the and thus Φl = Φf /π. Similar to the light injection stage, we scale
current view or RSMs. the clamped cosine lobe by Φl and accumulate the SH coefficients,
for the new point light located at the cell’s center, in the destination
3.3 Propagation Scheme cell for the next iteration.
The inherent idea of grid-based methods, such as DOM, is that light The propagation is computed for each source cell and each of its
propagation through the scene is computed using successive local adjacent cell’s faces (shown yellow in Fig. 2). Note that this process
iteration steps. In this regard, our method is no exception, but the conserves energy that is expected from light propagation in vacuum.
propagation scheme itself differs and is detailed in this section. However, the propagation together with the reprojection introduces
spatial and directional discretization. Note that this is common to all
lattice-based methods, and we compare our propagation scheme in
Intensity propagation The input for the first iteration step is the flatland to a reference solution and DOMs in Sect. 5.
initial LPV from the injection stage; subsequent iterations take
the LPV from the previous iteration as input. Each cell stores the
Blocking We also need to integrate the blocking of light due to
intensity as a SH-vector and the light is then propagated to its 6
scene geometry into the propagation step. In the geometry injection
neighbors along the axial directions (Fig. 2, left, shows the 2D case
stage we computed the GV from the surfaces in the scene that stores
with 4 axial directions). In the following, we describe the propaga-
anisotropic occlusion probabilities for exactly this purpose. The GV
tion from one source to one destination cell only; the propagations
is displaced by half the grid size with respect to the LPV. By this, a
along the other directions are computed analogously. Let us de-
cell center of the GV resides on a corner of an LPV cell. Whenever
note the PSH-approximation of the intensity of the source cell as
we propagate from a source to a destination cell, we bi-linearly
I(ω) ≈ c y (ω). Next we compute the flux onto each
l,m l,m l,m interpolate the GV’s SH-coefficients at the center of the face through
of the faces of the adjacent destination cell. For this we define the which we propagate, and evaluate the occlusion for the propagation
visibility function, V (ω), of a face f with respect to the source direction to attenuate the intensity. Note that we do not consider this
cell’s center. V (ω) = 1 if a ray starting at the source cell center in occlusion in the very first propagation step after injection in order to
direction ω intersects the face, otherwise V (ω) = 0. Fig. 2 (center) prevent self-shadowing.
shows V (ω) for the top face of the destination cell. The total flux
reaching the face canRbe computed by integrating over directions
using V (ω) as Φf = Ω I(ω)V (ω)dω. Iterations The result after computing all propagations in the LPV
is accumulated in a separate 3D grid after each iteration: the sum
The faces’ visibility functions can beP projected into SH yielding a of all intermediate results is the final light distribution in the scene.
coefficient vector vl,m with V (ω) ≈ l,m vl,m yl,m (ω). The inte- The number of required iterations depend on the resolution of the
gral over intensity times visibility can then be easily computed using grid. Similar to [Geist et al. 2004] we use two times the longest
Figure 5: Two simple settings in flatland (top row: 1 area light source, bottom row: 2 area lights in L-shape): for comparison we plot the
intensity for each grid cell computed using DOMs with 8 and 4 propagation directions (green, blue), our propagation scheme (red), and
analytically (grey).
We observe that for few SH bands, all three yield comparable results pong render targets) is 323 × (2 × 4) × 3 × (#cascades + 2) =
with expectedly blurred intensity distributions. Our LPV scheme 3.75MB for the LPV and 323 ×(2×4)×#cascades = 0.75MB for
preserves the main intensity directions better than DOM4, e.g. light the GV (for the consoles the memory is halved due to the QUVW8
leaving at grazing angles (highlighted cells in top row), but obviously format). Note that storing spectral reflectivity would triple the GV
is blurry as well. For more SH bands, DOM4 produces very strong memory and bandwidth; in our examples with multiple bounces we
ray effects, whereas LPV produces no such artifacts (highlighted in used monochromatic reflection for further bounces only. Table 1
bottom row). However, DOM8 preserves distribution much better. shows detailed timings.
This leads us to the conclusion that our scheme is well-suited for few
SH bands (2 to 4) and large light sources (larger than 1 cell). In these
cases it yields good approximations, preserves the main direction of
light transport well, and only requires 4 (6 in 3D) neighbor cells for
propagation compared to 8 (26 in 3D) for DOM8.
6 Implementation Details
Our method has been integrated into the CryENGINE
3: a multi-
platform (DirectX 9 and 10 on PC, Sony PS3
and Microsoft Xbox
) real-time rendering engine. Due to the performance require-
ments the implementation uses only 2 SH-bands (4 coefficients) per
color channel for the LPV. The cascade consists of 3 grids, each
stored as three RGBA 16-bit floating point textures of size 323
LPV, 3 cascades each 323 photon mapping (PBRT)
(QUVW8 format, i.e. 8-bit signed integer per component, on con-
soles). The geometry volume is of the same format and resolution
as the LPV (but with only one texture and no spectral data), and the
surfels are created from the depth and normal buffers of the camera
view and RSMs. High-resolution buffers, e.g. the camera view, are
down-sampled prior to the surfel injection.
The RSMs store a depth buffer (32-bit float), and normals and flux
(RGBA 8-bit each) of size 2562 (1282 for consoles). This amounts
to 216 , or 214 , VPLs per primary light source. The VPLs are injected
into the LPV cascade using point rendering. This requires either diff. LPV–photon mapping Imperfect Shadow Maps
vertex texture fetches (used for DirectX 9/10, and Xbox 360), or
rendering to vertex buffer (faster on the PS3). Figure 6: Top left: rendering the Crytek Sponza (untextured for
comparison) with LPVs, 3 cascades each 323 , at 60fps. Top right:
For the light propagation we perform a GPU-friendly gathering ground-truth solution rendered with photon mapping and PBRT
procedure with ping-pong rendering: for every cell (in every cascade) (single-bounce indirect light only, 200000 photons, 1024 final gather
we look up the intensity distributions of the 6 neighbor cells. We then samples, approx. 45 minutes). Bottom left: difference image of the
compute the flux onto the faces, reproject the flux and accumulate LPV rendering and the ground-truth solution; green regions are too
the output in a render target. In most scenes 8 iterations provided bright with LPVs, red regions too dark. Bottom right: rendering
visually pleasing results. Note that this limits the distance of light with Imperfect Shadow Maps [Ritschel et al. 2008] at 15.6fps with
propagation and might produce artifacts in large, sparse scenes (see 256 VPLs.
Fig. 12). The GPU memory required for our method (including ping-
7 Results and Discussion
Total 3.4 / 3.7 / 4.0 3.5 / 3.8 / 4.2 3.4 / 3.8 / 4.2 interpolated camera
blocking r
potential ωc
Table 1: Detailed timings for the Crytek Sponza scene (see teaser) B(ω)
in milliseconds for the individual stages (for one 323 LPV grid and reflecting
8 iterations). The three timings for the propagation step refer to: approximation
no occlusion, fuzzy occlusion, fuzzy occlusion and multiple bounces. source cell destination cell
Note that only the cost of the RSM rendering depends on the scene
complexity. All measurements at 1280x720 resolution (no MSAA), Figure 8: Left: we use the GV to approximate more bounces of
and RSM size of 2562 (=number of injected VPLs) for NVIDIA indirect illumination. Right: we can light glossy surfaces using ray
GTX285 and 1282 for consoles. marching in the LPV.
Figure 11: Left: light bleeding from the right wall through the shelf
due to low spatial discretization in the LPV and GV. Right: the
shadow of the backmost box is missing – it is not captured in the
RSM, and only a fraction is visible in the camera image; thus too
few surfels are injected into the GV when not using depth peeling.
cost in large scenes which would require high resolution grids (the
cost is linear in the number of iterations and grid cells). Lastly,
we have to exercise caution to make sure that geometry causing
indirect light or blocking is sampled by RSMs or the camera view to
inject the respective data into the grids (Fig. 11, right). Please see Figure 12: Top row: the approximation of indirect light using a
the accompanying video for further demonstration of benefits and single LPV (30, 60, 80, and 100 meters grid spacing). Note that the
limitations. cascaded approach is required to capture medium and long distance
light transport with few iterations; short distance light transport
is approximated with screen-space techniques. Bottom row: using
8 Conclusion and Future Work a single LPV (no GV) with 1, 4, 8, and 16 propagation iterations;
too few iterations limit the distance that the light travels. Typically,
We presented an efficient method for the rendering of plausible in- 8 iterations produce visually pleasing results, in particular with
direct lighting in fully dynamic, complex scenes in real-time that cascaded LPVs.
uses volumetric representations of the light and geometry in a scene.
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