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353 Lesson Plan

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Grade Levels: 6th-8th

Primary Musical Concepts:


Behavioral Objectives:

1. Students will be able to define texture

2. Students will be able to perform a variety of textures on ukuleles, Orff instruments, and other
auxiliary percussion


1. 0:00-0:05

Dylan walks in with lots of layers on, starts peeling them off.

Talk about other things that have layers. (Meghan), Mr. Keiser has a lot of layers on. What
other things have layers?

Music also has layers, we are going to create our own music with layers.

2. 0:05-0:15

Were going to demonstrate some ways music can have different layers. As we play, think
about what different layers you hear. Were going to ask you about it later.

Create an example on Orff instruments/auxiliary percussion

o Play a little melody first. Ask about what they heard

o Play melody all together, maybe twinkle, twinkle little star

o Play example melody

Pass out orff instruments and auxiliary percussion

o Have students come up with their own melodies/rhythm with quarter notes, quarter
rest, and eighth notes.

o Dont play while someone else is talking. Place mallets or instruments on the ground
while someone else is talking/playing.

3. 0:15-0:20

Now we are going to listen to a song that uses layers.

Discuss Perception Chart (Sierra passes out PC while this happens, Dylan gets the recording
ready, 3:08)

Have students fill out perception chart while they listen,

o call out numbers while they do this (Sierra) Everyone walks around, maybe sing.
Everyone needs a PC

4. 0:20-0:30

Go over answers to PC

o Follow up questions with discussion, make sure it points to texture or layers (Everyone,
Alternate questions)

Layers in a song = texture

Texture is a way to describe how music is layered

Thick texture/thin texture

Texture with multiple layers, texture with one layer. Point out a few examples from song.

5. 0:30-0:50

Have students form groups.

Have them come up with their own textures using quarter notes, quarter rests, and eighth

Have groups share with the rest of the class

Help out if they are struggling to come up with something.

National Standards in use:

Singin Playin Movin Improvisin Composin Reading Listenin Evaluatin Understandin

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