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Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography on Effects of Child Abuse

Alejandro Solis

University of Texas at El Paso


Bortnik, S. (2016, October 01). Retrieved October 20, 2017, from



In this TED Talk, Sebastian Bortnik presents the dangerous effects of grooming and the

sexual predation of children by adults over the internet which can lead to child abuse.

Bortnik is a security expert and talks about the risk factors children face online. During

his presentation he provides examples of the sexual predation of children and how they

were sexually abused, embarrassed, and murdered. This TED Talk given by Sebastian

Bortnik is beneficial because it provides a different aspect of child abuse than what we

are used to witnessing. It will also become beneficial to the community problem report

because Bortniks presentation outlines the conversation about digital child abuse that

parents need to begin having with their children as a line of prevention.

Briere, J., & Elliott, D. (1994). Immediate and Long-Term Impacts of Child Sexual Abuse. The

Future of Children, 4(2), 54-69. doi:10.2307/1602523

This journal article written by John N. Briere and Diana M. Elliot describe through

research that psychological and interpersonal problems are more seen in those individuals

that have been sexually abused than in those individuals that have not had these

experiences. John N. Briere is an associate professor of psychiatry and Diana M. Elliot is

an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry. This article summarizes the potential impacts

of sexual child abuse such as PTSD, cognitive distortions, emotional stress, self-esteem,

etc., and the possible harmful addictions a child may acquire due to child sexual abuse.

This journal article will be useful in writing the next paper because it clearly outlines the

potential impacts, problems, and symptoms of child sexual abuse.


Briggs, E. C., Thompson, R., Ostrowski, S., & Lekwauwa, R. (2011). Psychological, health,

behavioral, and economic impact of child maltreatment. In J. W. White, M. P. Koss, A.

E. Kazdin, J.W. White, M. P. Koss, A. E. Kazdin (Eds.), Violence against women and

children, Vol 1: Mapping the terrain (pp.77-97). Washington, DC, US: American

Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/12307-004

In this book, E.C. Briggs and R. Lekwauwa, professors at Duke University School of

Medicine; R. Thompson, a Senior Research Consultant at the Juvenile Protective

Association; and R. Lekwauwa, a professor in the psychology department of Western

Kentucky University, explain the outcomes, effects, variations, and the possible steps to

catch and prevent child abuse. They present the risk factors of this violence and the

negative consequences of a persons health, behavioral, psychological and economical

state. Through research, they also document and connect the similar effects that abuse,

sexual, and domestic violence, inflicts on a child. This book will be beneficial in writing

the community problem report because it clearly lays out the mental, emotional, and even

economical effects of child abuse.

Brown, F. (2016, May 21). Retrieved October 20, 201, from


In this Ted Talk, Fire Brown describes her struggles of dealing with child abuse as an

adult. Brown is an adult survivor of child abuse and is the founder of ASCA- Atlanta

which is a support group for adult survivors of childhood abuse. Due to her childhood

abuse she suffers from PTSD, traumatic impact, and flashbacks and dreams of being

sexually abused as a child. However, she goes on to explain that with the help of support

groups and therapy, she was able to accept her experiences and begin her recovery. This

Ted Talk presented by Fire Brown will help when writing the upcoming community

problem report paper. It will be beneficial because she gives a personal testimony of the

effects child abuse had on her life and presents her journey to recovery with the help of

outside resources.

Cicchetti, D., Howe, M., Rogosch, F., & Toth, S. (2010). The Effects of Maltreatment and

Neuroendocrine Regulation on Memory Performance. Child Development, 81(5), 1504-

1519. Retrieved from http://0-www.jstor.org.lib.utep.edu/stable/40800688

This journal article written by D. Cicchetti, a professor at the University of Minnesota;

M. Howe, a professor at Lancaster University; and F. Rogosch and S. Toth, who are both

professors at the University of Rochester, explains the examination of memory processes,

cortisol, and dissociation in maltreated children. This journal article comes to the

conclusion the children who experience neglect physically, emotionally, and have low

cortisol level had heightened false recognition memory; whereas those children who had

not experienced maltreatment would not defensively distort or dissociate their memories.

This paper explains that maltreated children are at risk of PTSD, and memory

dissociation, which can affect their memory performance. This journal article will be

beneficial to the upcoming community problem report because it provides different

mental effects caused by child abuse.

Empowering survivor stories on the road to recovery. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2017, from


The Blue Knot Foundation was formally known as the ASCA which helps adult survivors

of childhood abuse recover from their experiences. Their website includes personal

testimonies of adults who were abused as children, explains their experiences, and

describes how the abuse they experienced has turned them into the person they are today.

The Blue Knot Foundations website along with the personal testimonies will help my

community problem report become more credible. It will help my paper by providing real

life examples of people that have been abused during their childhood along with their

road to recovery.

Soronen R. (2014, April 17). Opinion: We abandon thousands of foster case children a year.

Retrieved October 20, 2017, from https://www.cnn.com/2014/04/16/opinion/soronen-


This newsworthy article published by CNN describes the long term effects of child abuse.

Due to early child abuse, hundreds of thousands of children enter the foster care system

and as they are aged out, they are forced in a world without preparation. CNN presents

the statistics of people that become homeless, become pregnant, receive help from the

government, suffer from PSTD, and how many receive an education after the age of

eighteen. CNN describes the long-term effects of how child abuse can lead to the

separation of the child from the parents, thus entering the foster care system, and the

effects of being aged out of foster care. This Newsworthy article will be beneficial in the

upcoming paper by building credibility due to CNN being a vetted News source. They

present statistics and examples of how adults are facing their future due to early child


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